Lesson 5 - ETHICS Lesson 5 - ETHICS: Ethics (Bicol University) Ethics (Bicol University)
Lesson 5 - ETHICS Lesson 5 - ETHICS: Ethics (Bicol University) Ethics (Bicol University)
Lesson 5 - ETHICS Lesson 5 - ETHICS: Ethics (Bicol University) Ethics (Bicol University)
Lesson 5 - ETHICS
Sincerity/non-deception — a sincere person does not Avoid unclear commitments — Since others will expect
act, say half-truths, or stay silent with the intention of you to live up to what they think you have promised to do,
creating beliefs or leaving impressions that are untrue or be sure that, when you make a promise, the other person
misleading. understands what you are committing to do. Loyalty
Frankness — In relationships involving trust, honesty Loyalty is about promoting and protecting the interests of
may also require us to volunteer information that another certain people, organizations or affiliations. Some
person needs to know. relationships — husband-wife, employer-employee,
citizen-country — create an expectation of loyalty.
Honesty in conduct prohibits stealing, cheating, fraud, and
trickery. Cheating is not only dishonest but takes advantage Prioritizing Loyalties. Because so many individuals and
of those who are not cheating. It’s a violation of trust and groups make loyalty claims on us, it is often impossible to
fairness. honor them all simultaneously. Consequently, we must
rank our loyalty obligations in some rational fashion. In
Not all lies are unethical, even though all lies are dishonest. our personal lives, for example, it’s perfectly reasonable,
Occasionally dishonesty is ethically justifiable, such as and ethical, to look out for the interests of our children,
when the police lie in undercover operations or when one parents and spouses even if we have to subordinate our
lies to criminals or terrorists to save lives. But occasions obligations to other children, neighbors, or co-workers in
for ethically sanctioned lying are rare - eg saving a life. doing so.
The pursuit of excellence has an ethical dimension when The concept of citizenship includes how we ought to
others rely upon our knowledge, ability or willingness to behave as part of a community. The good citizen knows
perform tasks safely and effectively. the laws and obeys them - but they also volunteer and stay
informed on the issues of the day.
Diligence. Responsible people are reliable, careful,
prepared and informed. Citizens do more than their "fair" share to make society
work, now and for future generations. Citizenship can
Perseverance. Responsible people finish what they start, have many expressions, such as conserving resources,
overcoming rather than surrendering to obstacles and recycling, using public transportation and cleaning up litter.