2018 5-4 Care Planning
2018 5-4 Care Planning
2018 5-4 Care Planning
Plan of Care
Subjective Data: What did patient say? Use direct quotes. (abnormal) (Comes from patient and/or significant others)
Cluster significant data by 3 concepts and assign a Nursing Problem to each:
Step 1: Cluster/Cue similar S/Ss, DCs data (minimum is 3 data items)
Step 3: Identify Nursing Problem (that describes the concept and prioritize below)
Step 3: Identify Nursing Problem (that describes the concept and prioritize below)
Step 3: Identify Nursing Problem (that describes the concept and prioritize below)
Clinical Reasoning:
1. List nursing problems from highest priority #1 to lowest priority #3 based on your clustered data, concepts, and
problems identified above:
1. _____________________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________
2. Based on your patient’s current status, what problem concerns you the most at this moment in time and
5. What diagnostic results are relevant and clinically significant? List and give significance.
6. What Vital Sign(s) data are relevant and clinically significant? List and give significance.
8. When evaluating the patient, how will the nurse know the patient is getting better or worse?
9. Did your patient achieve the goal set for them? If not, what revisions in care
2. What can you do to engage yourself with this patient’s experience, and show they are important to you
as a person?