Other Percentage Tax
Other Percentage Tax
Other Percentage Tax
--Certificate of registration
--Registered books of accounts
--Registered Receipts/Invoices
• is a business tax
imposed on persons, entities, or
transactions specified under Sections 116 to
127 of the National Internal Revenue Code
of 1997 (also known as Tax Code), as
amended, and as required under special
Who are required to file?
1.) under Sections 116 to 126 of the Tax Code, as amended
-BIR Form 2551Qv2018 - Quarterly Percentage Tax Return
-Within twenty-five (25) days after the end of each taxable quarter
Gross receipts x 3%
A,common carrier by land is engaged in the transport of
passengers, goods and cargoes. A’s gross receipts
amounted to 3,000,000.00, 50% of which came from
transport of passengers. The taxpayer is not VAT-
registered. What business taxes will it pay?
1.)under Sections 116 to 126 of the Tax Code, as
amended ( Quarterly Percentage Tax )
• Persons refer to individuals and non-individuals, which include, but are not
limited to, estates, trusts, partnerships, and corporations.
D. International (foreign airline)air/shipping carriers doing business in the
Philippines on their gross receipts derived from transport of cargo from the
Philippines to another country (Outgoing flights only- from Phil to Abroad,
continuous and uninterrupted (non-stop) flights)
Sale, barter, exchange or Gross selling price or gross 6/10 of 1% or 0.006 within five (5) banking days
other disposition of shares of value in money from the date of collection
stock listed and traded
through the Local Stock
Exchange other than the sale
by a dealer of securities
Initial Public Offering (IPO) – Gross selling price or gross Proportion of disposed shares within 30 days from the date
the issuing corporation shall value in money to total outstanding shares of listing in the LSE
pay the imposed tax after the listing in the local
stock exchange:
Up to 25%------4%
Over 25% but not over 33
Secondary Public Offering – Gross selling price or gross 1/3%--------2% within five (5) banking days
the seller shall pay the value in money Over 33 1/3%---------1% from the date of collection
imposed tax