Augmentation and IOL
Augmentation and IOL
Augmentation and IOL
DATE : 22-01-2021
At the end of the session the group will be able to:
Define augmentation and induction of labor
Enlist the purposes and induction of labor
Discuss the indications and contraindications of induction of labour
List the dangers of induction of labor
Explain the parameters to assess prior to the induction of labor
List the methods of induction of labor
Explain the medical induction of labor, common clinical condition’s,
merits and demerits.
Describe the surgical induction of labour
Discuss the combined method of induction of labor
Explain the active management of labour
Discuss about the partograph
As the end of pregnancy nears, the cervix normally becomes soft (ripe)
and begins to open (dilate) and thin (efface), preparing for labor and delivery.
When labor does not naturally start on its own and vaginal delivery needs to
happen soon, labor may be started artificially (induced).
Induction of labor (IOL) means initiation of uterine contractions (after the
period of viability) by any method (medical, surgical or combined) for the
purpose of vaginal delivery.
Augmentation of labor is the process of stimulation of uterine
contractions (both in frequency and intensity) that are already present but found
to be inadequate.
6. Other positive factors Maternal height > 5'; Normal BMI, EFW
< 3 kg
1. Medical
2. Surgical
3. Combined
Prostaglandins PGE2, PGE1
1. Prostaglandins:
2. Misoprostol (PGE1):
These days, However used in chronic hydraminos where regulated escape
of liquor amnii facilitates settling down of presenting part.
Antepartum hemorrhage
Severe preeclampsia/eclampsia
Mechanism of onset of labor: May be related with
a) stretching of the cervix
b) separation of the membranes (liberation of prostaglandins)
c) reduction of amniotic fluid volume.
Effectiveness depends on:
1. State of the cervix
2. Station of the presenting part.
Induction delivery interval is shorter when amniotomy is combined with
oxytocin than when either method is used singly.
Advantages of amniotomy:
High success rate
Chance to observe the amniotic fluid for blood or meconium
Access to use foetal scalp electrode or intrauterine pressure catheter or for
foetal scalp blood sampling.
It cannot be employed in an unfavourable cervix (long, firm cervix with
os closed). The cervix should be at least one finger dilated.
Immediate beneficial effects of ARM:
Lowering of the blood pressure in pre-eclampsia-eclampsia.
Relief of maternal distress in hydramnios.
Control of bleeding in APH.
Relief of tension in abruptio placentae and initiation of labour.
These benefits are to be weighed against the risks involved in the indications
for which the method is adopted.
Once the procedure is adopted, there is no scope of retreating from the
decision of delivery.
Chance of umbilical cord prolapse-The risk is low with engaged head or
rupture of membranes with head fixed to the brim.
Amnionitis -Careful selection of cases with favourable preinduction score
will shorten the induction-delivery interval. Meticulous asepsis during the
procedure reduces the risk.
Accidental injury to the placenta, cervix or uterus, foetal parts or vasa
previa. Care taken during rupture of the membranes minimizes the
Liquor amnii embolism (rare).
It is preferably avoided in chronic hydramnios, as there is risk of sudden
massive liquor drainage. Sudden uterine decompression may precipitate early
placental separation (abruption). In such a case-controlled ARM is done.
It is an indoor procedure.
The patient is asked to empty her bladder.
The procedure may be conducted in the labour ward or in the operation
theatre if the risk of cord prolapse is high.
Actual steps:
FHR status is monitored before and after the procedure.
The patient is in lithotomy position.
Full surgical asepsis is to be taken.
Two fingers are introduced into the vagina smeared with antiseptic
ointment. The index finger is passed through the cervical canal beyond
the internal os. The membranes are swept free from the lower segment as
far as reached by the finger.
With one or two fingers still in the cervical canal with the palmar surface
upwards, a long Kocher’s forceps with the blades closed or an amnion
hook is introduced along the palmar aspect of the fingers up to the
The blades are opened to seize the membranes and are torn by twisting
movements. Amni-hook is used to scratch over the membranes. This is
followed by visible escape of amniotic fluid.
If the head is not engaged, an assistant should push the head to fix it to the
brim of the pelvis to prevent cord prolapse. If the head is deeply engaged and
the drainage of liquor is insignificant, gentle pushing of the head up, facilitates
escape of desired amount of amniotic fluid.
After the membranes rupture:
The following are to be assessed:
Colour of the amniotic fluid
Status of the cervix
Station of the head
Detection of cord prolapse if any
FHR pattern is again checked. In high-risk cases scalp electrode for fetal
monitoring is applied.
A sterile vulval pad is placed. Prophylactic antibiotic may be prescribed.
The combined medical and surgical methods are commonly used to
increase the efficacy of induction by reducing the induction-delivery interval.
The oxytocin infusion is started either prior to or following rupture of the
membranes depending mainly upon the state of the cervix and head brim
relation. With the head nonengaged, it is preferable to induce with prostaglandin
gel or to start oxytocin infusion followed by ARM.
Partograph is a composite graphical record of key data (maternal and
fetal) during labor, entered against time on a single sheet of paper. In
cervicograph (Philpott & Caste 1972), the alert line starts at 4 cm (WHO) of
cervical dilatation and ends at 10 cm dilatation (at the rate of 1 cm/hr). The
action line is drawn 4 hours to the right and parallel to the alert line. In a normal
labor, the cervicograph (cervical dilatation) should be either on the alert line or
to the left of it. When it falls on Zone 2 it is abnormal and need to be critically
assessed. When it falls in Zone 3 case should be reassessed by a senior person.
Decision is to be made either for termination of labor (cesarean section) or for
augmentation of labor (amniotomy and or oxytocin).
Components of a partograph
They are:
1. Patient identification
2. Time-recorded at hourly interval. Zero time for spontaneous labor is the
time of admission in the labor ward and for induced labor is the time of
3. Foetal heart rate is recorded at every 30 minutes
4. State of membranes and colour of liquor: to mark ‘I’ for intact
membranes, ‘C’ for clear and ‘M’ for meconium-stained liquor
5. Cervical dilatation and descent of the head
6. Uterine contractions: the squares in the vertical columns are shaded
according to duration and intensity
7. Drugs and fluids
8. Blood pressure (recorded in vertical line) at every 2 hours and pulse at
every 30 minutes;
9. Oxytocin: concentration in the upper box and dose (m IU/min) in the
lower box
10.Urine analysis
11.Temperature record.
Advantages of a partograph:
1. A single sheet of paper can provide details of necessary information at a
2. No need to record labor events repeatedly
3. It can predict deviation from normal progress of labor early. So,
appropriate steps could be taken in time
4. It facilitates handover procedure
5. Introduction of partograph in the management of labor (WHO 1994) has
reduced the incidence of prolonged labor and caesarean section rate.
There is improvement in maternal morbidity, perinatal morbidity and
Induction of labor means initiation of uterine contractions (after fetal
viability) for the purpose of vaginal delivery. Augmentation is the process of
stimulation of uterine contraction that are already present but found to be
inadequate. the Induction of labor should be done when benefits of delivery to
either the mother or the baby out-weigh the risks of pregnancy continuation.
The Indications and contraindications must be carefully judged to avoid the
dangers of induction of labor. the Methods of cervical ripening are many.
Bishop’s preinduction cervical score can predict the success of induction. Score
≥ 6 is favourable. The Methods of induction may be medical, surgical or
combined, depending upon the individual case. Each method has got its merits
and demerits. the Induction of labor with sweeping of the membranes is
effective. Combined use of amniotomy (ARM) and IV oxytocin is more
effective than ARM alone. The Active management of labor needs some criteria
to be fulfilled. It has many advantages. the Partograph is a composite graphical
record of labor events (maternal and fetal) entered against time on a single sheet
of paper. It has many advantages. It can predict deviation from normal progress
of labor early so that early steps could be taken.
By the end of the session , the group has gained in-depth knowledge
regarding augmentation and induction of labor and it is important to know the
methods of induction of labor and the drugs, surgical and combined methods.
D.C dutta (2006) ‘Text book of obstetrics’ (6 th edition) new Delhi, new
central book agency ; page no.598-608.
Annama Jacob (2002) ‘Text book of comprehensive midwifery’ (2nd
edition) new Delhi , jaypee brothers pvt ltd.