What Is Open Theism
What Is Open Theism
What Is Open Theism
Open Theism has been subject to many false characterizations and straw men set
up by Calvinists to discredit it. Although once in a while a Calvinist will do a decent job
of defining it, it is more subject to false accusations and partial explanations than a
thorough description.
In his The Openness of God: A Critical Assessment, Stephen J. Wellum defines
Open Theism by a few main characteristics. The first characteristic is a strong emphasis
on divine love and the relationship between God and humans. The second main
characteristic is an emphasis on libertarian free will. Although this is a fair overview of
the conclusions of Open Theism, Wellum forgets that one cannot define something by the
results. Just as the wind is not defined by tree branches moving, Open Theism should not
be defined by libertarian free will and a God who genuinely loves and interacts with his
creation. Instead Open Theism should be defined by its methodology.
Open Theism is easily defined as an attempt to return to Biblical truths. It is an
attempt to take the Bible literally using common sense and recognizing figures of speech
using defined and consistent methodology. Open Theism looks to the Bible to determine
who God is and holds in suspicion ideas introduced into Christianity via pagan sources.
Open Theism should not be associated with sola scriptura because there are truths
apart from the Bible. The Bible never established the laws of gravity or basic
mathematics. God pre-existed the Bible. Some of God’s characteristics can be deduced
apart from the Bible and Open Theism recognizes this. But if those characteristics
conflict with the Bible then Open Theists also recognize that either the deductions were
wrong or the Bible is in error (rendering Christianity false). The Bible should never be
retranslated to mean something the original authors never intended.
Open Theism is unable to be traced to any Pagan philosophers as Calvinism can
be demonstrably shown to do. Although Calvinists try to root Open Theism in the
freedom mentality of the mid 20th century, they forget that correlation does not equal
causation. Most Open Theists have at some time in their life been hardcore Calvinists, a
stark difference than the hippies of the 60s. Open Theism is really a revival on par with
Luther’s break from the Catholic Church proclaiming the Bible trumps man’s invention.
The Bible should define the true nature of God, and it should be read in a
straightforward manner such as other books are read and understood. It, being God’s
word, should act as a mirror for reality, showing truths that are in existence. Extra-
Biblical definitions should not be placed onto Biblical words or concepts. The Bible, not
man-made philosophy, is the ultimate source for the true God.