Syntax Made Easy (Roberta D'Alessandro)
Syntax Made Easy (Roberta D'Alessandro)
Syntax Made Easy (Roberta D'Alessandro)
Table of Contents
A word of introduction to these notes....................................................................................................................... 2
1. What is a tree? ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
How you build a tree ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2 What is a phrase?...................................................................................................................................................... 4
The internal structure of a phrase ........................................................................................................... 5
A note on the bar level .................................................................................................................................. 6
3 From phrases to sentences ................................................................................................................................... 7
How to build a sentence ............................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.1 The subject ............................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.2 The position of the verb .................................................................................................................. 10
4 The verb and its arguments .............................................................................................................................. 11
Different kinds of verbs, different positions for subjects. Unaccusatives and
unergatives. .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.1.1 Theta roles ............................................................................................................................................ 12
4.1.2 Unergatives ........................................................................................................................................... 12
What is v? ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
5 What is Merge? ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
6 What are phi-features?........................................................................................................................................ 14
7 Where is syntax? .................................................................................................................................................... 15
The Y-model ................................................................................................................................................... 16
8 NP or DP? .................................................................................................................................................................. 16
9 What is movement? .............................................................................................................................................. 16
10 Structure and c-command............................................................................................................................. 17
C-command .................................................................................................................................................... 18
11 What is the Left Periphery? .......................................................................................................................... 19
12 What are adjuncts?........................................................................................................................................... 19
This is all, folks (at least for now). ........................................................................................................................... 20
References .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
A word of introduction to these notes
I am a generative syntactician. Every time I tell students or colleagues what I do, I get a reaction
that is not neutral. People have very clear ideas about generative grammar: they are either for it
- they like it, they love it - or they are against it with all their hearts. They hate it, they mock it,
they would rather it didn’t exist.
One thing that I have noticed recently is that, in typological papers, linguists very rarely, if ever,
refer to generative literature. The take seems to be that generativists work on English, and
there’s no need to read anything they write as we know the data by now. Nothing could be
further from the truth. In the last fifty years or more, generativists have systematically worked
on the documentation and description of “exotic” languages and local varieties. Comparative
syntax is a very active field of study for generativists, and of course if you want to analyze a
language you must describe it first. Many generativists have learnt to do fieldwork, and they
have described phenomena in obscure languages, but all this work goes unseen among those
who document and describe languages for a living.
The same holds for students: if you ask them to read a syntax paper and they are not studying
syntax at an advanced level they frown because they wouldn’t understand it (they say). In these
last years, I have often taught linguistics courses for non-generativists. Especially at summer
schools, I have often come across very motivated and brilliant students who, at some point,
would tell me: I don’t know anything about generative grammar. I hope I can still follow your
Much to my amusement (and joy), it has also happened to me quite regularly that, at the end of
these courses, I would get the same students telling me ‘Oh! It was easy! I thought it was
extremely complicated, and every time I tried to read something generative I got stuck after two
sentences, because of your “terminology”’.
I have asked myself the reason of so much resistance, many times, and the answer I have come
up with can be summarized like this: Generativists have made very little effort to reach out and
be understood by other subfields; generative syntax has a level of sophistication which makes it
difficult to read “intuitively”, without training.
I think that the times of the unpleasant fights between subfields are over, or at least I hope so.
The problem of sophistication and specialized lexicon still exists though. So I thought: why not
spend the holidays writing something which might be of help for students as well as colleagues
who would like to know more but have no time or patience to take an introductory book and
read from start to finish?
So here we are: this is a little guide, for people who wish to be able to grasp some of the concepts
behind the syntactic trees, and be able to decipher them without too much effort.
These notes (in progress) are for those who would like to know more or less how to read a tree,
what the difference is between v and V, what the difference is between an X’’ and an XP (hint:
there’s no difference!), what the difference between a head and a phrase is, and what these
funny trees with Vs and Ts and Cs are. What do you mean by movement? What are these phi
features then? Where do you attach adjuncts? What are theta-roles?
Notations and concepts have evolved a lot during the 50 years of generative grammar: I’ll try to
tell you what you should pay attention to, when you hear a term.
What you will NOT find here is the discussion on innateness, UG, parameters, Plato’s problem,
evolution, and all the stuff that serves as a “philosophical” background to the system.
You will not become a syntactician by reading these few pages; many things will be
oversimplified, so I beg my fellow syntacticians not to get upset if/when they read these notes.
This is what I usually give to my students who have never had syntax as a 2-minute crash course
in syntax. A guide to reading (and perhaps drawing) trees. Some kind of little light on the dark
path of syntactic theorizing. Because syntax, you know, is a lot of fun!
Here we go!
1. What is a tree?
A tree is a diagram, representing the structure of a clause and the relationship between the
elements in it.
A tree usually contains a VERB PHRASE (VP), a TENSE PHRASE (TP) and a COMPLEMENTIZER
PHRASE (CP). These are PHRASES (that’s what the P stands for!) that represent the components
of a clause.
A VP is the verb phrase (see Section 4, The verb and its arguments), representing the verb and
its arguments; a TP is the Tense phrase, more or less encoding verbal inflection (present tense,
imperfective, etc.); a CP contains information on the clause type: whether it is an interrogative or
a declarative, whether it is a main clause or an embedded clause.
You can imagine a tree as having three “domains”: the verbal domain, the inflectional domain,
the illocutionary domain.
A tree usually represents a sentence. A sentence is also a phrase in its own right!
You then add the information on tense, aspect, mood to the verb. This information is contained
in the TP (TENSE PHRASE). Finally, you add information on the illocutionary force of the
sentence (declarative, interrogative, etc). And you do this in the CP (COMPLEMENTIZER PHRASE).
And you’re done!
(1a) and (1b) represent the same concept:
(1) a. b.
The diagram in (1) suggests that one phrase includes the others: the CP includes the TP and the
VP; the TP includes the VP. That is in fact the case. The CP usually indicates the whole sentence
(or the whole clause), and is composed by the verb and its arguments, the tense-aspectual
specification, and the information about the kind of sentence.
You are basically done! This is all there is in these mysterious tree diagrams! They are nothing
other than an abstract representation of a sentence.
One thing you might wish to know is that tree diagrams (or sentence diagrams) are sometimes
represented with brackets. The tree in (1b) can be also represented as (2):
Please observe that the phrases are indicated right after the left parenthesis, and below. This is a
convention, which will help you understand what you are reading (and drawing).
(1), (2), and (3) are equivalent. Let’s have a look at these phrases then!
2 What is a phrase?
Wait a minute! Before looking into these VP, TP, CP objects, we should have a quick word about
how all phrases are built. A phrase is a set of syntactic elements that are bound together by some
sort of relation. Intuitively, if we look at a sentence like (4), we know which words belong
together and which are a bit more “distant” from each other:
We know (we don’t know why but we do know) that some words in these sentences belong
together more than others. For instance, if we had to read the sentence in bits, we would
probably put the pause after sister and after works.
We know, intuitively, that the “components” of this sentence are:
a, b, and c are called the CONSTITUENTS of a sentence. There are tests to identify them, but for
those you’ll have to grab an intro to syntax book. I just want you to know, roughly, what a
constituent is, when you hear this term.
Are constituents phrases? That’s a less straightforward question than we are prepared to answer
here. For now: these constituents are phrases, yes. Just so you know: not all constituents are
phrases, but all phrases are constituents.
Hey, but what is the CP/TP/VP here? Is John’s sister a CP, works a TP, and very hard a VP? NOT
AT ALL! Just be a little patient, and everything will fall into place. This is what they are:
How do we put them together into something that looks like (1)? Be patient, or if you can’t wait,
move to Section 3 (From phrases to sentences).
Let’s start with John’s sister. I wrote above that that’s a Noun Phrase. Why is that? That’s because
the main element in the phrase is sister, and sister is a noun. How do we know that the main
element is sister and not John? Because, for instance, we know that it’s the sister who works, not
John. Sister agrees with the verb because it is the most important element in the phrase John’s
sister. Or, if you prefer, John’s sister is a kind of sister, not a kind of John. Very hard is a kind of
hard, not a kind of very.
The most important element in a phrase, the main element, is called the HEAD.
The head is what gives the CATEGORY to the phrase, for instance N (noun), V (verb), Adv
(adverb), T (tense), C (complementizer), D (determiner), Q (quantifier), and so on.
We indicate a generic phrase as XP. XP is a phrase, with category X (so, any category).
IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO HAVE A PHRASE WITHOUT A HEAD, so the very first thing you should look
for when you see/draw a tree is heads. Remember: if you are drawing an XP and you forget to
have the X, that’s a mistake.
HINT: When drawing a tree, please start from the head (so, from the bottom!). When drawing a
A phrase also contains other elements. If you remember the diagram in (1), you will remember
that a phrase can contain other phrases. There is a very specific way in which phrases are
organized. Phrases are usually represented like this:
Specifier XP
ZP …
HEAD Complement
One thing you need to bear in mind is that both the COMPLEMENT and the SPECIFIER of a phrase
are phrases themselves. There is ONLY ONE head in a phrase, and that is the element that gives
the category to the phrase. Imagine how confusing it would be if every phrase had to decide
which category it would be, should there be more than one head!
Don’t get confused! Every phrase has a head. Specifiers and complements are phrases
themselves, which means that they also have their own heads. The head of the complement YP
will be Y; the head of the specifier ZP will be Z.
The only element that MUST be present in a phrase is the head; there can very well be phrases
without specifiers and without complements. For instance, the name John is an NP (or a DP, see
Section 8 NP or DP?) that has only a head and neither complement nor specifier.
Why do you build the phrase like that? Why is the specifier there and the complement there?
You will need to trust me on this, or go to an intro to syntax. This is just so you can recognize
What about the NODE (this is what we call the points in the tree where branches meet, or their
ends) which is indicated as … ?
(8) XP
That’s the notation that is often found nowadays (instead of the X’) but please don’t get
confused. The “intermediate” X, the X with a circle around it, is not the head!
On the tree, you will see that sometimes I use the “categorial label” of the head, like T, V, C, and
sometimes the word. Regarding this, there have been a lot of changes during the years. In the
Government & Binding era, started with Chomsky (1981) (the so-called Pisa Lectures), when the
bar level mentioned above was also in use, the representation of, say, V, was something like (9a).
(9b) started getting used when the X’ level was abandoned. (9c) was mainly used in early
Minimalism (Chomsky 1995), when derivations were made directly with morphemes.
Nowadays, we usually work with (9d), i.e. with features as nodes.
a. VP b. VP c. works d. VP
V’ V
V works
If you are reading these notes, you should really not worry about which of the four you should
use. Just pick one and stick to it, and it will be fine.
In Section 1, I told you that a sentence is represented by a VP-TP-CP diagram. Then we looked at
example (4) and we could only find the VP. There was no way we could map sentence (4)
directly into the diagram in (1).
and now remember the question: Is [John’s sister] a CP, [works] a TP, and [very hard] a VP? In
other words, does the tree look like this?
(12) CP
John’s sister TP
works VP
very hard
You should know the answer by now, and the answer is NO (faints).
Why is this tree so very wrong that you could give a syntactician a heart attack if they saw it? For
many reasons.
First, let us draw the tree of a sentence more properly, indicating the heads (in the squares):
(13) CP
i. John’s sister is a C
ii. works is a T
iii. very hard is a V
i. and iii. are so wrong that they couldn’t be more wrong if they tried hard. John’s sister does not
look remotely close to what could be an indicator of illocutionary force, like a complementizer
(that), or some question marker. In the same way, very hard is in no way a verb.
Plus, i. and iii. are phrases. Heads are usually one element, because as we said they give the
category to the entire phrase, and we need to know what this category is.
ii. is a little trickier. Works is a verb, but it is also tensed, so it could be in T (in fact, in many
languages, like all the Romance languages, the finite verb is on the T head). In English, we know
that the finite verb is not in T though (you’ll have to trust me on this for now, or skip to Section
3.1.2 The position of the verb).
We start by identifying the verb. The verb is works, it is in V. The next thing we need to know is
where we put the subject. The subject is always a noun phrase (or a determiner phrase – see
Section 8 DP or NP?), and as such it cannot be a head. The subject is in the specifier of T.
Intuitively, this is because the subject determines verb agreement. Verb agreement is on the T
head, so the subject, in its specifier, is close enough to T to be able to “see” it and determine
This idea of having elements very close to each other, and more precisely one in the specifier of
the other, to have them agree or see each other, is a long standing one, which originated with
Kayne (1989) and is still highly debated. The relation between a head and its specifier is usually
called a SPEC-HEAD relation, and is a very strong one. We will not go into details. As usual, a good
intro book will tell you more.
The verb is in V (or in T, in Romance for instance, see 3.1.2. The position of the verb). The object
of a transitive verb in the complement position of the V. There is no object in this sentence, so
the complement will be null. Nothing more (maybe).
(16) TP
works (V)
Wait a minute! – you will say. You told us that the verb and its arguments are found in the VP!
And now you are telling us that the subject is in spec, T.
Very good! You’re paying attention. You’ll have to wait a bit, until we talk about *movement* to
understand this. A little spoiler: the subject *is* in the VP, but then it MOVES to spec,T. More,
See also Section 4 The verb and its arguments for different kinds of subjects.
If you look at the GLOSSES, which are the word-by-word translations, of sentence (17), you can
observe, like Pollock, that the adverb follows the verb in French. In English, it precedes it. There
were a lot of intermediate steps to get to this final formulation, but the conclusion is that the
verb MOVES across the adverb in French (and in the rest of Romance) while it stays put in V in
English (for more details, have a look at Pollock 1989).
So, here’s what happens. Adverbs are like stones: they don’t move. Other elements move around
them. Often and souvent occupy the same position (how do we know? There is a very thorough
study, by Cinque (1999), showing that adverbs all have the same order and occupy the same
position across languages. Have a look at it. It’s a great book!). Going back to our sentences,
here’s what happens:
embrasse VP T VP
Going back to our original sentence, we now know the position of two of the three constituents.
The subject John’s sister is in Spec, T. The verb is in V. Where is very often? We will turn to that a
bit further on, in Section 12 What is an adjunct? For the moment, suffice it to say that very often
is NOT in the complement position of the verb, as it is not the object of the verb. It is just an
adverbial! Let us now have a brief look at the verb and its arguments.
We started this guide by saying that the VP is the phrase containing the verb and its arguments.
The direct object of a transitive verb is always the complement of the verb, and we find it in
complement, V position. Very straightforward.
We have also seen that the subject is in Spec,T; in fact, the subject starts out in the VP (but see
later, Section 4.2. What is v?), and more precisely in spec, V (or, to be really accurate, in the
specifier of v, little v, about which we will talk later). You need to beware, though, because not all
verbs are equal, and therefore not all subjects are equal.
auxiliary selection, unaccusatives are the intransitive verbs that select the auxiliary BE to form
the present perfect. If you don’t, read on.
Now, unaccusatives, like die, become, grow and sink have their subject in object position. That’s
because the subject is some sort of UNDERGOER, or THEME. It is for sure not an AGENT. If you die,
or grow, that happens to you. You don’t agentively die yourself, or grow yourself (Note that kill is
a different verb, a transitive one, with an agent subject).
4.1.2 Unergatives
There is a third class of verbs, that are also intransitives, but do not belong to the unaccusative
class. In Romance, their auxiliary is HAVE. These are verbs like work, sleep, dream, etc. Their
subject, like that of transitive verbs, is in spec, V. Or, rather, in spec, v. They are called
What is v?
Ok, it’s time to reveal to you that the position where the subject of a transitive verb “appears” for
the first time in a clause in fact spec, v. The notion of SUBJECT is in fact more complex than our
intuition suggests, and has to do both with the position and with the theta-role of the NP. I will
not go into that here. Please pick an intro to syntax to read more on the subject in generative
syntax. The v (little v) head has the VP as its complement. It looks like this:
(21) vP
v VP
The subject of a transitive or of an unergative verb is in the specifier of v. The v head was
originally introduced as a transitivity head, precisely a head in the specifier of which the
EXTERNAL ARGUMENT (which serves as the subject when it is present) would be located. It then
changed its mission several times. Originally it was therefore absent from unaccusatives (that do
not express transitivity).
Nowadays, you can find it in transitive as well as in intransitive verbs. In unaccusative verbs, v is
often considered defective. This is not so important here. You should consider the vP as some
sort of extended V. The phrase that contains the verb and its arguments is the vP.
The idea that the verb phrase contains an extra layer was first proposed by Richard Larson
(1988) for DOUBLE OBJECT CONSTRUCTIONS (I give [a book] [to Mary]). The structure in (21) is
usually called a VP-SHELL, or a LARSONIAN SHELL.
One more thing on the external argument: it is called external because it does not belong into the
VP. There was a long debate in the ‘80s and ‘90s about whether the subject of transitive verbs is
VP-internal or external. The debate is referred to as the VP-internal subject hypothesis. The v
introducing the external argument was proposed by Kratzer (1996). Nowadays, there is
consensus on the fact that the subject of transitive/unergative verbs is external to VP.
If you want to understand the intuition behind this subject-object asymmetry, with the object
being internal to VP and the subject being external to it, and why the object is closer to the verb
than the subject, you can consider some observations made by Marantz (1984). One of them: you
need to know what the object is in order to determine what kind of subject you will have. Take
for instance the verb kick. You can have different objects for it: if your object is ball, the subject
of kick the ball will be an agent. If your object is bucket, the subject of kick the bucket will be an
experiencer. Something similar holds for Italian, with the verb mangiare (‘eat’). If the object is
pizza, then your subject will be a pizza-eating agent. If the object is foglia (‘leaf’) then your
subject will be an experiencer, since mangiare la foglia means something like “wake up and
smell the coffee” (see Section 4.1.1. Theta roles).
To sum up: the subject of transitive/unergative verbs is in spec, v. It then ends up (via
movement) in Spec, T (see Section 9 What is movement?). It is called an external argument. The
subject of unaccusative verbs occupies instead the same position as objects, i.e. the complement
of V. That subject usually moves to Spec,T as well (but sometimes just stays put, or, in technical
terms, remains IN SITU. It depends on the kind of sentence).
Remember: the object of a transitive verb is the complement (see (7)). Occasionally, the subject
can also be in complement position (when the verb is unaccusative, for instance). Nothing else
can. So: no adverbs, no prepositional phrases, no modifiers of any sort. These are called
ADJUNCTS, and have a special position in the tree (see Section 12, What are adjuncts?).
5 What is Merge?
So far, we have been talking about “positions in the tree”, for the sake of simplicity. There was a
time in which generativists thought that a tree like (21), including the X’, was innate, and part of
UG (UNIVERSAL GRAMMAR, which is something we will not discuss here). We know by now that
that’s not true. There is no evidence for such a component, neither from neuro-psychological
experiments, nor from theory-internal considerations. Nowadays we just go the easy way, and
we think that two syntactic objects are put together to build another syntactic object, which is a
set containing them. The “stronger” element gives the label to the set.
Putting two elements together to form a set containing them is called MERGE. If you put together
a head X and a YP, you have a set {X, YP}. The LABEL, or category (see Section 6, What are phi-
features?) is given by the head (remember the very first section). If the head has the category X,
the label will be X.
Every bit of the tree is built through Merge. We first Merge the V with its complement, then we
merge the VP with T, and so on.
a. Merge (V, NP) = {V {V, NP} } b. c. Merge (T, VP) = {T {T, VP}}
Label Label
What this is saying is that we take two objects, V and NP, we put them together through Merge,
and we obtain a complex syntactic object {V {V, NP}}, where the first V is called the LABEL, and it
simply indicates the category of the complex object. In other words, if you put together a verb
and its complement, the phrase you obtain is a VP (label, V). Very simple!
Observe that Merge does not determine the order of the constituents in the set. The order is
determined externally, after syntax.
Imagine you want to have a grammatical rule saying: add -a to all feminine singular nouns in
Italian (with some exceptions). You will have to select a set of all feminine singular nouns.
[Feminine] indicates a class of syntactic objects to which the rule applies.
Features have that task: identify what some syntactic objects have in common, or identify a
CLASS. Features were first proposed by phonologists, to identify classes of sounds that share
something and are therefore subject to the same rule. For instance, the class of [voiced] 1
consonants undergoes final devoicing in many languages, like German or Dutch. The feature
[voiced] identifies then a class of consonants all showing the same phonological behavior.
In syntax, features have the same function. For instance, all finite verbs in Italian will have a
person feature, i.e. they will express person (in their inflection).
Now, features are extremely complex, and not as straightforward as I am making it sound here.
To understand syntax papers, you need to know the following:
linguists consider CASE a φ-feature too. Φ is an abbreviation for formal, so φ-feature means
formal feature. The most widely adopted feature model is the ATTRIBUTE: VALUE model. The
attribute is the dimension that you are considering, like gender, or person. The value is its
specification, like feminine, 2nd.
For instance, a verb like mangi (‘you eat’) in Italian will have the following feature specification:
1 If you know about features, please don’t be concerned with the way this feature is indicated. This is just
for the sake of understanding the argument.
Note that φ-features are in the inflectional part of the verb, not in the root, which is the same
(more or less) for the whole paradigm. Also notice that, in Italian, finite verbs do not express
gender. This means that the attribute gender will be missing from the φ-feature set of Italian
verbal inflection.
There are other ways of representing features. Instead of using gender: feminine we could say
[+feminine], for instance. This is called a BINARY FEATURE SYSTEM. We could also just say that the
word casa (‘house’) is [feminine]. If the word is masculine, the feature [feminine] will not be
present. This is called a PRIVATIVE FEATURE SYSTEM.
We can’t go into more detail here. There is an endless list of readings on features. You can read
the book by Harbour, Adger and Béjar (2008), you can read any introduction to syntax. Features
are really important, as they drive syntactic computation, so you’d better familiarize yourself
with them soon!
7 Where is syntax?
Generative syntax is quite clear about the architecture of language it assumes. We assume that
language is MODULAR, which means that it is made up of separate parts, each of which is
dedicated to a subpart of the grammar. The MODULES of grammar are SYNTAX, or NARROW
and PF (which stands for phonological form) or SM (SENSORY-MOTOR MODULE). The idea is that
elements are introduced into syntax from the lexicon; syntax works with them, and creates a
complex expression, which is legible at the interfaces.
Syntactic items, like roots or features, are selected from the lexicon and put into Narrow Syntax
(NS). Syntax does all it has to do with them (like magic!) and then produces a complex
expression, which needs to be sent to other modules to be worked with. As you can see from the
(bad) picture I made (if you have a lot of imagination), there are two modules that syntax talks
to: LF (for Logical Form, which is the semantics/pragmatics module) and PF (Phonological Form,
which is the morphology/phonology module). You can see that between NS and both PF and LF
there is some sort of “door”, through which the expression produced by syntax needs to pass.
That passage is called the “interface”. You could imagine the interface between modules as being
somewhat like Customs: if you want to pass through the customs with a passport which is not
readable, you will be stopped. The same happens in grammar: if you want to pass from NS to PF
or LF with an expression which is not READABLE AT THE INTERFACE you are going to crash. In
The Y-model
You will have seen the Y model: that’s a neater way to represent (24). The Y-model looks as
The star (which is usually not drawn like this, but serves me to identify that precise point) is
called TRANSFER, or SPELL-OUT (in older but still in use terminology) and represents the
moment at which the complex expression becomes visible at the interface, it is “transferred”
there (the moment the expression walks through Customs).
8 NP or DP?
What’s the difference between NP and DP? They both represent noun phrases, but there are a
couple of differences. The NP was born first, to indicate the noun phrase. DP stands for
Determiner Phrase, and usually indicates a definite NP, an NP with the article, or a proper name.
The two are sometimes used interchangeably, especially at the very beginning of your syntax
course. Syntacticians use NP for bare noun phrases (indefinites, nouns without the article, bare
plurals, etc).
In sum: if you are a starter, you can use NP and DP interchangeably. In older articles, DP is
almost never used. The difference between them is that the DP refers to definite referents while
NP refers to indefinites.
9 What is movement?
We have already seen that the finite verb occupies a different position in Romance than in
English. We said that the verb MOVES. Do syntactic objects move? They do, in the sense that the
position in which they are transferred is sometimes not their original position. Take for instance
the sentence What did John buy? Buy is a transitive verb, and we know that it stays in the vP in
English. The vP is the phrase where the verb and its arguments are first-merged (see Section 4.2,
What is v?). It constitutes some sort of semantic unit. We saw that the subject John ends in Spec,
T. What is the object of the sentence, which means that it is first-merged with V (it is the
complement of V). In this sentence, though, it precedes the subject. In fact, WH- ELEMENTS, i.e. all
those interrogative elements that start with a wh-, like what, who, when, and so on, ARE IN THE
SPECIFIER OF C. Regardless of why they have to be there, they end up in spec, C, which is very far
from their original position (like complement of V, for what did John buy?).
We say that the object has MOVED from its first-merge position, and re-merged in spec, C.
Remerge is also called I-MERGE, which means INTERNAL MERGE, which happens when an object is
taken from the syntactic derivation and remerged to another element. E-MERGE (EXTERNAL
MERGE) happens instead when an object is taken from the lexicon and enters narrow syntax
(remember the picture in (24)).
Movement always takes place upwards, meaning that you can take an element that was already
present in the sentence and merge it with an element higher up in the tree, but not the other way
around. This is called the EXTENSION CONDITION (Chomsky, 1995). Remember that:
(26) a.
ZP … b. WP
XP …
So far we have learnt how to read a tree and what it represents, but why do we need to
represent sentences as trees and not as just strings of words, one after the other? That’s because
we know that phrases are organized HIERARCHICALLY, in sentences. There are several pieces of
evidence for this. For instance, if linear order mattered more than hierarchy, we would expect
the verb to agree with the phrase closest to it. This is not the case:
In (27), the verb fascinates is singular, and agrees with book, not with bees, which is the NP
which is linearly closer to it. If you see the tree of this sentence it will be immediately clear that
book is structurally closer (i.e. less embedded) to the verb than bees. Being more vs less
embedded is relevant for syntactic computation, and not being linearly closer vs further away.
that V
N’ DP v’
V that book V
N’ PP v VP
book about bees V
V’ AdvP
V DP a lot
fascinates me
As you can see, bees is more embedded than book. Book is therefore structurally “closer” to the
verb, and that’s why it agrees with it.
If you have been paying attention, you will have seen that there are some parts of this tree that
look a bit odd. You can see the same node appears twice in two instances (N’, where about bees is
attached, and vP, where very well is attached). This is called an ADJUNCTION structure, and about
bees and very well are ADJUNCTS (see Section 12, What are adjuncts?)
So far we have defined measures and distances just impressionistically. It looks closer, it looks
farther. That’s not really scientific is it? There is in fact a much easier way to measure distance in
the tree, and see what is in a relationship to what. One of the most important configurations in a
tree is called C-COMMAND (for constituent command). C-command has been defined in various
ways. The easiest way to identify the C-COMMAND DOMAIN of a node A, i.e. what A c-commands, is
to look under A’s sister.
(29) C
A B A’s c-command
B is A’s SISTER: they are on the same level and share the same mother (C). B and all that appears
BELOW B is in A’s c-command domain.
11 What is the Left Periphery?
A sentence usually contains more information than just subject, verb and object. In particular,
some phrases can be more prominent than others (they can be FOCUSED, like in (30)), or they
can be TOPICALIZED, as in (31) for Italian, where topicalization is much more common than in
(32) With that knife, I’m not sure you can cut that meat.
These phrases are taken to appear between the CP and the TP, more or less like this:
(33) CP
Top TP
The collection of all phrases that appear between C and T is usually referred to as the LEFT
PERIPHERY of the clause (after Rizzi 1997). Observe that you usually have only one FOCUS
(conventionally indicated in CAPS), but you can have more than one T OPIC in a sentence.
In Section 4, we talked about the verb and its arguments. There are, however, other phrases in a
clause that are no arguments of the verb. Take for example (27) again:
What are about bees and a lot? As for about bees, it is not completely obvious whether it is a
complement of the noun book or not. That nouns can have complements has been shown for
instance by Chomsky (1970): nouns like destruction, rejection, growth, etc. need a complement
(the destruction OF WHAT? The rejection OF WHAT?). For other nouns, like book, the issue is
much more complex. Let us for the moment assume that “ABOUT WHAT” doesn’t need to be
specified about a book. What is about bees in (27) then? Even more straightforwardly, a lot is no
argument of fascinates. The book does not fascinate mr. a lot: if fascinates me.
About bees, a lot, and any phrase providing information that is not strictly required by the verb
or by the noun, is called an ADJUNCT. The question is now where to insert adjuncts in a clause,
given that only arguments can appear in complement position to a verb or in the specifier of T.
To insert adjuncts, we use the following strategy: we iterate (repeat) one node, and create one
more branch, where we attach the adjunct. For example, in the case of a lot, we know that this
ADVERBIAL PHRASE [ADV P] modifies the verb (let’s say the VP); the strategy is to repeat the V’
node (or the VP node), and create a free branch to which we can attach the adverb (see 34). In
the same way, since about bees modifies book, we create an extra layer of the N’ level, to which
we attach the PP.
that V
N’ DP v’
V that book V
N’ PP v VP
book about bees V
V’ AdvP
V DP a lot
fascinates me
Deciding where to attach adjuncts is not always easy. Some linguists prefer to attach adjuncts to
X’ nodes and others to the full XP (I am in the 2nd group, but not for these notes 😊😊). Just follow
your intuition about what the adjunct modifies, do some exercises, and it will be alright!
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