CH 1
CH 1
CH 1
This book is concerned with plasticity theory of geomaterials (i.e. clay, sand, silt,
rock etc) and its application to geotechnical analysis and design. In a classic book.
Hill (1950) gives the following concise definition for plasticity theory:
"The theory of plasticity is the name given to the mathematical study of stress
and strain in plastically deformed solids. It takes as its starting point certain
experimental observations of the macroscopic behaviour of a plastic solid
in uniform state of combined stress. The task of the theory is two fold: first,
to construct explicit relations between stress and strain agreeing with the ob-
servations as closely and as universally as need be; and second, to develop
mathematical techniques for calculating non-uniform distributions of stress
and strain in bodies permanently distorted in any way. "
This definition is followed in the present book which will focus on developments
of appropriate constitutive theories of stress-strain relations for geomaterials and
various analytical and computational solution techniques that can be used to solve
geotechnical design problems involving plastic deformation.
Since the subject now has a very wide scope and is still undergoing a steady de-
velopment, it will be a difficuU task to write a 'definitive' book that would cover
every aspect of the development. Instead of covering the whole field cursorily, this
book aims to bring together, in one volume, key concepts behind some of the most
useful developments in plasticity theory for geomaterials and to discuss their ap-
plications to geotechnical analysis. The emphasis is on recent achievements, the
inter-relation of key concepts together with their connections to classical metal
plasticity, as well as the research work that I have been involved with over the past
two decades. Despite this selective nature, the book still gives a comprehensive and
unified account of plasticity theory for geomaterials. It is hoped that this publica-
tion will facilitate further development and application of plasticity theory in geo-
technical engineering.
In this section, a very brief review is given on the development of the subject of
plasticity theory of geomaterials. In view of the above discussion, it is instructive
The foundation of classical plasticity theory was laid by the 1950s and 1960s after
several decades of theoretical and experimental research on plastic behaviour of
metals. A review of this early development can be found in Nadai (1950), Hill
(1950), Drucker (1950), Prager (1955) and Naghdi (1960). Key concepts of this
foundation include the assumption of coaxiality of the principal stress and strain
rate tensors by de Saint-Venant (1870), plastic potential theory by von Mises (1928)
and Melan (1938), maximum plastic work principle by Hill (1948), Drucker's sta-
bility postulate (Drucker, 1952, 1958), and kinematic hardening laws by Prager
(1955) and Ziegler (1959).
The early development of plasticity theory of geomaterials has been built upon
this foundation achieved in metal plasticity. Unlike metal plasticity, however, vol-
ume changes during loading play a key role in modelling plastic behaviour of geo-
materials. The work on soil hardening by Drucker et al. (1957) and that on soil
yielding by Roscoe et al. (1958) laid the foundations for critical state theory, a con-
cept that underpins much of the later developments in plasticity theory for geomat-
erials (Schofield and Wroth, 1968; Roscoe and Burland, 1968; Wroth and Houlsby,
1985; Yu, 1998).
More recent developments of metal plasticity include important concepts such
as bounding surface plasticity (Dafalias and Popov, 1975; Krieg, 1975), multi-sur-
face plasticity (Mroz, 1967; Iwan, 1967), and endochronic theory (Valanis, 1971).
All these concepts have been applied with considerable success in modelling geo-
materials over the last two decades. Other notable concepts that have been used to
develop plastic stress-strain relations for geomaterials are double shearing theory
(Spencer, 1964; deJosselinde Jong, I971;Harris, 1995; Yu and Yuan, 2005,2006),
yield vertex theory (Rudnicki and Rice, 1975; Yang and Yu, 2006a,b), thermome-
chanical approach (Houlsby, 1982; Maugin, 1992; Collins and Houlsby, 1997),
mathematical theory of envelopes (Chandler, 1985), and hypoplastic theory
(Green, 1956; Kolymbas, 1991). Apart from stress space-based formulations,
Naghdi and Trapp (1975) and Yoder and Iwan (1981) show that plasticity models
can also be formulated in strain space. Although the strain space approach was used
by a few geotechnical researchers (Zheng et al., 1986; Simpson, 1992; Einav,
2004), its application in geotechnical engineering has so far been very rare.
Most stress-strain relations currently in use are developed based on experimental
observations of the macroscopic behaviour of geomaterials in a uniform state of
combined stress in tiie laboratory (e.g. Jamiolkowski et ah, 1985; Mitchell, 1993).
In recent years, however, there has been an increasing use of micromechanics and
the discrete element method (DEM) (Cundall and Strack, 1979; Thornton, 2000;
McDowell and Bolton, 1998; McDowell and Harireche, 2002; Jiang et al, 2005;
Jiang and Yu, 2006) for validating or providing physical insights for continuum
plasticity theories.
et al., 2000). Finite element analysis is particularly popular because it is very gener-
al and is capable of incorporating any material stress-strain relations. The finite ele-
ment method can easily account for both material and geometric nonlinearities,
which are often present in boundary value problems facing the geotechnical engi-
Mechanics is the science that deals with the interaction between force and motion.
In understanding the difference between continuum (i.e. macroscopic) and discrete
(i.e. microscopic) approaches, the following remarks of Spencer (1980) may prove
"Modem physical theories tell us that on the microscopic scale matter is dis-
continuous; it consists of molecules, atoms and even smaller particles. How-
ever, we usually have to deal with pieces of matter which are very large
compared with these particles; this is true in everyday life, in nearly all engi-
neering applications of mechanics, and in many applications in physics. In
such cases we are not concerned with the motion of individual atoms and
molecules, but only with their behaviour in some average sense. In principle,
if we knew enough about the behaviour of matter on the microscopic scale
it would be possible to calculate the way in which material behaves on the
macroscopic scale by applying appropriate statistical procedures. In prac-
tice, such calculations are extremely difficult; only the simplest systems can
be studied in this way, and even in these simple cases many approximations
have to be made in order to obtain results."
provided useful insights into the behaviour of granular materials at the grain scale
(Rothenburg and Bathurst, 1992; Cundall, 2000; Thornton, 2000; Jiang et al,
2005; Jiang and Yu, 2006). Thornton (2000) was right to point out that such in-
formation obtained from DEM simulations about what happens inside granular ma-
terials could lead to reassessment of the underlying concepts and assumptions em-
bedded in traditional continuum mechanics.
In view of the above discussion, this book is mainly concerned with continuum
theories of plasticity. However, microscopic information derived from analytical
micro-mechanical studies or discrete element modelling will also be used to aid our
development whenever possible.
Much of the theory of plasticity was initially developed for metals for which tensile
stresses are usually considered to be positive. Unfortunately the opposite sign con-
vention is usually adopted in geomechanics because compressive normal stresses
are more common than tensile ones. In general, this book adopts the conventional
geomechanics sign notation. As in the book of Davis and Selvadurai (1996), how-
ever, there are exceptions to this convention particularly in some of the later chap-
ters that deal with elastic-plastic solutions (e.g. Chapters 8, 10, 12 and 13). This
should not cause confusion as we will make it clear at each stage of the text whenev-
er a tension positive notation is employed.
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