Tomatoes: Choosing Transplants and Hardening Off
Tomatoes: Choosing Transplants and Hardening Off
Tomatoes: Choosing Transplants and Hardening Off
Tomatoes are easy to grow in Puget Sound, if preferred conditions are met and our climate
considered. The following guidance is based in part on our growing experience at our King
County Master Gardener Demonstration Gardens.
Select short, sturdy plants and avoid those that are tall and leggy. There are two basic types of tomatoes.
Determinate varieties are bush-like with fruit that ripens over a 4 to 6-week period, while indeterminate varieties
are vine-like and continue to grow and produce tomatoes until the end of the season. Dwarf indeterminate
tomatoes are a recent introduction that provide a long season of tomato production on a shorter and stockier
plant. We’ve grown these in our Bellevue Demonstration Garden and found them to require less staking than
traditional indeterminate tomato varieties.
Prior to planting out, gradually condition (harden) the plants to the outside weather conditions over the course
of a week or so. Start with just a few hours in a partially sunny area, bring them in at night, and increase their
time outside each day.
Determinate tomatoes may need only minimal staking. Indeterminate tomato plants can get very large and will
need staking, caging or trellising. Install the stakes or large cages at the time you plant the tomatoes. Tomatoes
need about one inch of water a week. If tomatoes are in the ground, water thoroughly at the base of the plant
twice a week. Tomatoes in containers may need more frequent watering. Never use overhead irrigation, as wet
leaves cause the plant to be susceptible to disease. Plants that are well spaced and staked also reduce the
opportunity for disease to take hold.
CLH 7/17/18
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program * 206-543-0943 * *
Center for Urban Horticulture * Box 354115 * Seattle WA 98195-4115
Extension programs and employment are available to all without discrimination.
Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local Extension office.
Weeding and Pruning
Mulch the tomato bed once the heat of summer arrives to discourage weeds, retain moisture, and reduce
disease. Avoid disturbing the roots if weeding is needed. Prune axillary shoots (suckers) from indeterminate
varieties for a more manageable plant size and larger fruit. Suckers are the leafy shoots that emerge from the
joint between the branches and the main stem of the plant.
Ripening Fruit
Starting in mid-August, blossoms on large-fruited varieties will not mature and ripen before the end of the
season. Remove blossoms and small fruit to encourage ripening of the remaining tomatoes. Reduce or stop
watering about mid- to late-August to stress the plant and encourage ripening.
Common Problems
Late Blight is a fungal disease that usually occurs toward the end of summer when cooler, wetter weather
arrives. The initial symptoms are dark greasy-looking spots on the leaves that then progress to the stems and
fruit. The vines may succumb in a matter of days and infected green fruit rots before it can ripen. Preventive and
corrective action: avoid overhead watering; promote good air circulation by staking and pruning; remove leaves
touching the ground; remove infected plants; rotate crops.
Blossom End Rot (BER) causes a soft, dark lesion on the bottoms of ripening tomato fruit. It is most prevalent in
Roma-type tomatoes, but can occur with many varieties. BER is considered a nutritional disorder due to lack of
calcium uptake, but in a practical sense the cause is usually irregular watering. To avoid problems, have your soil
tested to ensure that it contains appropriate nutrients and pH and keep plants adequately watered. Use a thick
organic mulch around plants to help maintain soil moisture.
Physiological Leaf Roll is a common cosmetic issue seen early in the season, but does not impact fruit production
or the health of the plant. Some varieties are more susceptible than others. Ensure adequate watering, and
avoid over-fertilizing and over-pruning of young plants.
Catfacing is a development disorder that causes fruit to appear puckered, lumpy, or zippered. It is usually limited
to early fruit or fruit developing during cool periods. High levels of nitrogen may increase the problem: Do not
Cracked fruit is most common when significant rainfall follows a period of dry weather. Sudden, rapid growth
during fruit ripening causes the tomato to outgrow its skin. Mulching and regular, even watering can reduce
cracking. Harvesting fruit in advance of forecasted rain is also advisable.
Sunscald causes soft white or yellow spots on fruit exposed to south-facing sun. Some varieties are more
susceptible, simply because they produce less abundant foliage. Avoid pruning of upper leaves from tomato
plants and cover plants or fruit with lightweight shade cloth if needed.
For more information about tomatoes, including helpful photographs, see WSU publication #FS145E, “Growing
Tomatoes in Home Gardens”, available as a free download at You’ll also find many other vegetable
and home gardening publications there. Visit our demonstration gardens during the growing season. You’ll find a
location listing at
Additional Master Gardener Tip Sheets, including “Gardening Websites” and “Gardening Publications” are
available at Also see WSU’s “Gardening in Washington State” at
CLH 7/17/18
WSU Extension Master Gardener Program * 206-543-0943 * *
Center for Urban Horticulture * Box 354115 * Seattle WA 98195-4115
Extension programs and employment are available to all without discrimination.
Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local Extension office.