Emotion Cards
Emotion Cards
Emotion Cards
• There is no such thing as a ‘bad’ emotion - it is • Heads up: Get children to stick an emotion
okay to experience any emotion! card on their forehead without seeing it.
They have to ask questions to try and guess
• Sometimes we feel two or more emotions at the emotion!
the same time. This is when we might have
“mixed feelings”.
Surprised Angry
What I might think: What I might think:
“Ah!” “I feel like I can’t think”
“What’s that?!” “I feel grumpy”
“It’s your fault!”
Guilty Proud
What I might think: What I might think:
“I shouldn’t have done that” “I did that well!”
“It’s my fault” “Great job!”
“I feel bad for doing that”
Embarrassed Frustrated
What I might think: What I might think:
“I want to hide” “This is so annoying!”
“I’m silly” “I’m starting to get angry”
“Everyone is looking at me” “I hate this”