#1: Based On Things Imposed Taxes, Taxes Can Be Divided Into
#1: Based On Things Imposed Taxes, Taxes Can Be Divided Into
#1: Based On Things Imposed Taxes, Taxes Can Be Divided Into
1.1 Functions of the Central banks:
Most central banks in the present-day world perform one of the following functions: (1)
they serve as the government’s banker, (2) they act as the banker of the banking
system, (3) they regulate the monetary system for both domestic and international
policy goals, and (4) they issue the nation’s currency (including: coins and notes)
1.2 What does the central bank do specifically when it functions as the
government’s banker?
As banker to the government, the central bank collects and disburses
government income, manages the issues and redemption of government debts, advise
the government on all matters pertaining to financial activities, and makes loans to the
1.3 What does the central bank do specifically when it functions as the
banker of the banking system?
As banker to the nation’s banks, the central bank holds and transfers bank’s
deposits, supervises their operations, acts as a lender of last resort, and provides
technical and advisory services.
1.4 How does the central bank regulate the monetary system?
They use monetary policy tools to affect the monetary system.
First, thay set a reserve requirement. The reserve requirement is the percentage of the
bank’s deposits that the central bank requires other banks to keep as a reserve.
Second, they use open market operations to buy and sell securities from member banks
(in order to change the amount of cash on hand of them without changing the reserve
Third, they set target on interest rates they charge their member banks
The central bank can lower the reserve requirement, buy more securities from other
banks or reduce the discount rate in order to implement expansionary monetary policy
and encourage economic growth or vice versa.
+ Monetary policy is expansionary when: Reserve requirement is reduced or
Discount rate is reduced or The central bank buys securities from member banks
+ Monetary policy is restrictive when: Reserve requirement is increased or
Discount rate is increased or The central bank sells securities
(6) Sales tax: A consumption tax imposed by a government on the sale of goods
and services. This can take the form of a value-added tax (VAT), a goods and
services tax (GST), a state or provincial sales tax or an excise tax
(7) Customs duty: a tax levied on imports
(8) Excise tax: a tax imposed on some special goods and services
(9) Value added tax (VAT): a consumption tax placed on a product whenever value
is added at each stage of the supply chain, from production to the point of sale.
(NOTE: A value-added tax (VAT) is a consumption tax levied on the price of a
product or service at each stage of production, distribution, or sale to the end
consumer. )
(10) Payroll tax: a tax calculated based on the payrolls (national/ social
insurance), generating trust funds which are used for medical and social security
#2: Based on tax rates: taxes can be classified into: progressive taxes;
regressive taxes and proportional tax
(1) Progressive taxes is the tax rate is higher with higher income and lower with
lower income
(2) Regressive taxes is tax takes lower percentage in higher income, higher
percentage in lower income
(3) Proportional tax (sometimes called flat tax), it means the same tax rate of
income for all people
3. What are different functions of taxation?
- Firstly, the primary function of taxation is fiscal functions/financial functions of tax:
tax raises revenue for the government expenditure, so it supplies finance/fund/money
for the government. Secondly, tax has the regulation function: tax is a tool of fiscal
policy that is used to regulate the economic factors: inflation, economic growth,
employment,...Thirdly, tax also has allocation functions: tax redistributes wealth and
income in society and influences allocation of capital of producers, income of
Not only individuals but also firms use some ways to avoid paying taxes.
First of all, companies can bring forward capital expenditure to use all profits, and
this leads to reducing taxable incomes (profits before tax) so they can lower tax
payments on corporate income tax.
Moreover, multinational companies set up their subsidiaries in tax haven
countries (low-tax-rates countries) in order to enjoy low tax rates.
For example, many companies set up their subsidiaries and factories in tax
haven countries to reduce corporate income tax and because imported spare parts are
imposed on lower tax rates than imported finished products
1. What is accounting? How is accounting defined?
#1: Accounting is the systematic and comprehensive recording of financial
transactions of a business. Accounting also refers to the process of summarizing,
analyzing and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, tax collection
#2: Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, recording,
classifying, summarizing, analyzing, interpreting and communicating the financial
transactions and events
The secondary sources include economic data and company's economic events.
+ Economic data is information about the economy such as GDP, CPI that is
readily available from government and private sources. Government sources
such as statistics provided by the National Statistics Institution, Statistics
departments of Ministries, and national research institutions while private sources
are individuals or institutions who do scientific researches such as course-books,
scientific researches at all levels or thesis.
+ Company's economic events are all events that happen in a company such as
bankruptcy, new product launching that may help explain the company's present
condition and may have a bearing on its future prospects.
main ideas:
+ Advantages of world trade to importing countries:
- consumers have more choice of goods to buy: either imports or domestically
produced goods (home-products)
- consumers can buy goods at lower prices due to more competition.
- the G raises revenue by imposing tariffs on imports
+ Disadvantages of world trade to importing nations:
- declined domestic production => reduced employment for local people
- Local producers face to more competition from foreign producers of the same
goods, they tend to lose their market share.
- ( + Harmful goods are imported if safety control is not good enough.)
6. Why do governments encourage exporting/ exports? In what ways?
Reasons: Q5
There are some ways the government encourages export activities.
+ Provide marketing information through international trade exhibitions or trade
+ Establish trade missions (phái đoàn thương mại).
+ Subsidize exports through investment for infrastructure development,
investment for companies with export activities, and dumping.
(Dumping means selling goods on a foreign market below the cost of
production )
+ Provide tax benefits or incentives (ưu đãi).