Millicent N. Robinson, MSW, MPH
Millicent N. Robinson, MSW, MPH
Millicent N. Robinson, MSW, MPH
Top 5 Strengths (Gallup Strengths Finder): Achiever, Strategic, Learner, Responsibility, Futuristic
Research Interests
Mental & Physical Health Racism-Related Stress John Henryism
Black American Women Adverse Childhood Experiences Chronic Stress
Culturally-Relevant Coping Allostatic Load Critical Race Theory
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Woods-Giscombe, C. L., Robinson, M.N., Carthron, D. & Devane-Johnson, S. & Corbie-Smith, G. (2016).
Superwoman Schema, stigma, spirituality, and (culturally) sensitive providers: Factors influencing mental
health service utilization in African American women. Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions
Diversity: Research, Education, and Policy. 9(1): 1124-1144.
Thomas Tobin, C. S., Robinson, M. N., & Stanifer, K. (2019). Does marriage matter? Racial differences
in allostatic load among women. Preventive Medicine Reports, 15(100948), 1-6.
2016-2017 Kathleen Price Bryan Fund Scholarship, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, School of Social Work. Amount: $7,000
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2015-2016 Dean’s Research Award, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
School of Social Work. Amount: $6,500
Select Presentations
Robinson, Millicent N., & Thomas Tobin, Courtney S. (Accepted). “Health Risk or Resource? The
Relationship Between John Henryism and Physical and Mental Health among Black Americans.”. 17th
International Conference on Social Stress Research.
Robinson, Millicent N. & Thomas Tobin, Courtney S. (November 2019). Bringing Forward John
Henryism as a Culturally-Relevant Form of Coping. Oral presentation at American Public Health
Association’s Annual Meeting & Expo, Philadelphia, PA.
Richmond, Alan, Shore, Nancy, Yang, Maiyia, Batres, Rodolfo, Issacs, Mei-Ling, Pergament, Shannon,
Culhane-Pera, Robinson, Millicent N., Black, Adina, & Castro-Reyes, Paige. (November 2019). Patient
Engagement: Enhancing Culturally Appropriate Research (ECAR). Oral presentation at American Public
Health Association’s Annual Meeting & Expo, Philadelphia, PA.
Robinson, Millicent N., Jackson, Melvin, & Richmond, Alan. (July 2019). “Dismantling Structural
Inequalities through Authentic Partnerships”. Dismantling Structural Inequalities: Infusing the Arts in Our
Robinson, Millicent N., Richmond, Alan, Jackson, Melvin, &. (November 2018). “Dismantling Structural
Inequalities through Authentic Partnerships”. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.
Community Based Health Caucus.
Robinson, Millicent N. & Koenig, Mary. (March 2018). “Designing Equitable Public Health Social Work
Programs”. Classroom to Community Organization.
Robinson, Millicent N. (March 2017). “Superwoman Schema, Stigma, Spirituality, and Culturally
Sensitive Providers: Factors Influencing African American Women's Use of Mental Health Services”. UNC
Inaugural Women of Worth Initiative Conference.
Research Experience
June 2020-Sep. 2020 Graduate Summer Research Program, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health,
Faculty: Dr. Courtney S. Thomas Tobin.
Key Project: Conducted research to examine childhood and adulthood
sociodemographic and psychosocial determinants of John Henryism among Black
Americans. Amount: $6,000
Jan. 2019-Sep. 2019 Graduate Student Research Assistant, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health,
Faculty: Dr. Courtney S. Thomas Tobin.
Key Project: Racial Self-Awareness Framework of Race-Based Stress, Coping,
and Health
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Key Responsibilities: Conducted literature searches, outlined and drafted
manuscripts, read, analyzed, and coded transcripts for a qualitative project
examining racial self-awareness and its implications for Black Americans.
2015-2016 Research Assistant, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social
Work, Behavioral Healthcare Resource Program.
Key Responsibilities: Completed data entry and analysis for Independent Peer
Review, Mental Health First Aid, and Cultural Humility, for reports to the
Division of MH/DD/SAS.
Researched material for production of instructional multimedia for use in
culturally sensitive professional trainings.
Teaching Experience
Jan. 2021-Present Teaching Assistant, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health,
Faculty: Dr. Jennifer Wagman
Course Title: Foundations of Public Health (PH 200B)
Graduate Course, MPH students
Key responsibilities: Serve as TA for Community Health Sciences (CHS) portion
of course. Hold weekly office hours (1 hour), attend preparation meetings with
section faculty, co-manage virtual sessions via Zoom, including: monitoring and
recording attendance, monitoring chat messages, answering student questions,
facilitating breakout rooms, uploading class recordings to the course website,
check course email, and collaboratively develop exam questions, grade
assignments, and exams for approximately 120 students.
Sep. 2020-Dec. 2020 Teaching Assistant, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health,
Faculty: Dr. Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez
Course Title: Foundations of Public Health (PH 200A)
Graduate Course, MPH students
Key responsibilities: Served as TA for Community Health Sciences (CHS) portion
of course. Hold weekly office hours (1 hour), attended preparation meetings with
section faculty, co-managed virtual sessions via Zoom, which included:
monitoring and recording attendance, monitoring chat messages, answering
student questions, facilitating breakout rooms, uploading class recordings to the
course website, checking course email, and collaboratively developing exam
questions, grading assignments, and exams for approximately 120 students.
Sep. 2019-Dec. 2019 Teaching Assistant, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health,
Faculty: Dr. Gilbert C. Gee
Course Title: Foundations of Community Health Sciences (CHS 210)
Graduate Course, MPH students
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Key responsibilities: Led a weekly discussion section for one hour, held
weekly office hours (1 hour), collaboratively developed exam questions, graded
assignments and exams.
Professional Experiences
June 2020-Present Center Coordinator, Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health.
2018-2019 Mentee, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Fielding School of Public
Health Alumni Mentorship Program.
June 2017 Participant, Minority Training Program for Cancer Control Research
2017-2017 Public Health Social Work Practicum Student, UNC Center for Health
Equity Research (RWJF Clinical Scholars Program); UNC Chapel Hill.
2016-2017 Program Assistant for Health Equity, UNC Office of Student Wellness; UNC
Chapel Hill.
2016-2016 Graduate Assistant, UNC Center for Student Success and Academic
Counseling; UNC Chapel Hill.
2015-2016 Social Work Practicum Student, Compass Center for Women and
Families; Chapel Hill, NC.
Consultancy Experience
2018-Present Programs Consultant, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health.
Key Project: Introduction to Structural Racism Intensive (2020)
• Established a working 4-month timeline that delineated necessary tasks for the
transformation of an in-person intensive to a virtual platform.
• Created a task delegation document for the project team, including due dates
and materials.
• Drafted a schedule of events for multi-day virtual intensive.
• Contributed feedback to curriculum development of multi-day intensive.
• Developed participant workbook and 40-page participant resource guide.
• Crafted a 10-question pre-assessment evaluation to be completed by
participants of the intensive.
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o Crafted and organized agenda for two-day intensive
• Co-planned and co-facilitated workshop focused on how arts-based authentic
partnerships can be used to dismantle structural inequalities
2017-2017 Program Development and Proposal Consultant, Centre for Studies in Rural
Development Institute of Social Work & Research (Ahmednagar, India)
Key Project: Adolescent Program for Gender Equity (grant proposal)
Professional Affiliations
Student Affiliate, California Center for Population Research
Student Affiliate, Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health
Member, American Public Health Association
Member, American Sociological Association
Member, Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science
Member, Society for the Analysis of African American Public Health Issues
Member, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health
April 2020 Panelist, Admitted Student’s Day; UCLA Fielding School of Public Health,
Department of Community Health Sciences
March 2019 Panelist, Admitted Student’s Day; UCLA Fielding School of Public Health,
Department of Community Health Sciences
July 2019 Table Leader, 2019 McNair Conference Networking Lunch; UCLA
May 2019 Co-Facilitator, Excel Skills Workshop; UCLA Fielding School of Public
Health, Department of Community Health Sciences.
Jan. 2019-May 2019 Doctoral Student Representative; UCLA Fielding School of Public Health,
Department of Community Health Sciences.
2019-2019 Planning Committee Member, UCLA Minority Health Conference, Center for
the Study of Racism, Social Justice, and Health; UCLA Fielding School of Public
2018-Present Prospective Student Liaison; UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Department
of Community Health Sciences
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2017-2018 Selection Committee, Black Communities: A Conference for Collaboration;
UNC Chapel Hill
2013-2017 College Preparation Coach, UNC Upward Bound; UNC Chapel Hill
2015-2017 Graduate Panelist, UNC McNair Scholar Program; UNC Chapel Hill
Media Appearances
2020 “Pursuing Justice”, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
• Six Fielding School students who are active members of FSPH's Center for the
Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health discuss what motivates their
academic work and how they hope to make a difference.
2015 “The Celebration of Undergraduate Research Best Poster Award” Blog, UNC-
Chapel Hill
5+ years of research experience, CITI certified, Proficiency in SPSS, Stata, Excel, and EpiInfo 7.1,
Experience in program proposal, development, and evaluation, Experience in report development,
Proficiency in administrative support, Intermediate proficiency in Spanish
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