Fall Protection and Prevention ES-RQ-135
Fall Protection and Prevention ES-RQ-135
Fall Protection and Prevention ES-RQ-135
1 Create and maintain written procedures that meet these requirements or local legal
requirements, whichever are stricter.
Floor Surfaces
2 Provide covers and/or guards to protect personnel from the hazards of open pits, tanks,
vats, trenches, floor holes, fragile surfaces, etc.
3 Maintain floors in a clean and reasonably dry condition, installing drainage as needed.
4 Keep floors free from protrusions or loose surface materials.
Wall Openings
5 Guard every wall opening where there is a drop of more than 1.2 meters (4 feet) or where
risk assessment indicates.
6 Keep guards in position, regardless of a door, when the opening is not in use.
7 Provide a removable toe board or equivalent when there is potential for an object to fall.
Fragile Surfaces
8 Implement fall prevention controls (platforms, guards, railings, screens, covers, etc.) to
prevent any unnecessary travel over or near fragile surfaces, including skylights.
9 Utilize a working at heights permit on or near fragile surfaces as described within this
10 Communicate the presence of fragile surfaces with clear markings or other means.
Fixed Ladders
15 Provide fixed ladders more than 6 meters (20 feet) in height with a cage surrounding the
climbing side of the ladder.
16 Extend fixed ladder cages 2 meters (7 feet) above floor level to a point at least 1 meter (3.5
feet) above the landing surface.
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Property of The Coca-Cola Company
Fall Protection and Prevention
17 Provide a landing for fixed ladders longer than 9 meters (30 feet) at least every 9 meters (30
18 Require fall protection equipment when working from ladders at heights of 6 meters (20 feet)
or more.
19 Restrict access to fixed ladders that access roofs and silos.
20 Either provide entrances for fixed ladders with a swinging gate, or offset the entrances so
that a person cannot walk directly into the opening.
Aerial Lifts
21 Ensure toe boards and standard railings are on all aerial lifting equipment.
22 Implement controls to prevent personnel access under a raised aerial device.
23 Establish controls to prevent the inadvertent movement of the lift during operations.
24 Personnel in the aerial device must
24.1 Wear personal fall protection equipment and be tied off to the aerial device at all times
(using provided anchor points when available).
24.2 Stand firmly on the floor of the work platform. Do not sit, stand or climb on guardrails.
24.3 Follow established docking procedures that provide continuous fall protection if
personnel must exit the device in a raised position.
24.4 Prevent objects from falling from the lift (e.g. tool carrier).
25 Do not move mobile platforms when the work platform is elevated unless the equipment is
designed for that type of operation.
26 Do not operate aerial devices near energized, high-voltage power lines unless the
equipment is designed for that type of operation. Maintain a minimum distance of 3 meters
(10 feet).
27 Do not exceed load limits specified by the manufacturer.
46 Scaffolding must support without failure its own weight and at least four times the maximum
intended load applied or transmitted to it.
47 Post and do not exceed the load rating.
48 Provide railing for all scaffolding work platforms.
49 Integrate and secure ladders to scaffolding used for ascending or descending.
50 Ensure personnel working on scaffolding during assembly or disassembly utilize fall prevention
51 Prohibit personnel on scaffolding during movement of scaffolding.
Anchorage Point
56 Support at least 2270 kgf (5000 lbf) or two times the maximum expected arresting force. A
competent person must verify proof of suitability.
57 Do not use non-structural members (e.g., piping systems, electrical conduits or scaffolding) as
anchorage points unless they have documented capability of supporting the required force.
58 Devices specifically designed as temporary anchorage points, such as beam straps, may be
used if the supporting member meets requirements.
66 Provide fall protection training for the following employees:
Users of fall protection equipment
Individuals affected by fall protection equipment usage
Supervisors of these operations
67 The training should
67.1 Cover applicable sections of the facility’s fall protection procedures.
67.2 Include how to perform required pre-use inspections.
67.3 Document and cover the proper method to wear and use harnesses and other applicable
67.4 Certify that the user is competent in the proper operation of the aerial lift equipment and in
the appropriate use of fall protection controls.
Revision History
Revision Date Summary of Change
08-Jan-2018 Published as a result of the 2017 Technical Governance review
and optimization of the Coca-Cola operational requirements.
Evaluated and reformatted the content against the lean governance
model, focusing on risk-based and fit-for-purpose requirements.
Ensured language is more concise, and eliminated redundancies
against global consensus standards.