GRRA Advocacy Strategy
GRRA Advocacy Strategy
GRRA Advocacy Strategy
1. Problem
There is need for the relocation of the Woodlands dumpsite located at Ward 16 under Vungu Rural District
Council, since it poses a health and environmental risk such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and cancer.
Companies and institutions are allegedly dumping their refuse were more than 10,000 residents live. Some
residents fear a Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak since children are using dumped masks and gloves from
the dumpsite. Local authorities do not have the necessary resources to conduct another environment impact
assessment on a location as well as the means to relocate the waste to another location.
2. Overall Aim
3. Specific Objectives
Fencing of the current Woodlands dumpsite
Ban companies and institutions from dumping waste at the dumpsite as well as to undertake service delivery
Relocation of the Woodlands dumpsite to another location
Companies and institutions are guided by the environmental principles as they carry out their activities. That
development should be sustainable, socially acceptable, economically viable and environmentally friendly.
They should prevent or minimise negative impacts of their activities on the environment and further safeguard
people’s environmental rights. Any person or organisation who causes pollution or environmental degradation
should meet the cost of resolving such pollution or environmental degradation and any resultant adverse
health effects. All companies and institutions should meet the cost of preventing, controlling or minimising
further pollution, environmental damage or adverse health effects which their operations and actions have
caused. Therefore our organisations monitors, evaluates and advocates for efficient and effective service
delivery to all people residing in Gweru henceforth seeks to be an effective watch dog and a vehicle for
effective social transformation and good governance in Gweru.
5. Targets
Ministry of Local Government was the key target for this advocacy initiative. Other actors, such as other
government departments who took part in the process Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate, Midlands
Minister of State for Provincial Affairs, District Administrator, Gweru City Council, Vungu Rural District Council
and Environmental Management Agency (EMA)
6. Power Analysis
The Government of Zimbabwe recognised the need to develop and promote conservation and good
environmental practices on a sustainable basis. The Ministry of local government as the ministry responsible
for all local authorities in the country will be engaged to allocate suitable land for the relocation of the dumpsite
as well as push the involved local authorities to act. While other ministries and agencies will assist in finding
the best possible solutions for the Woodlands dumpsite crisis.
7. Allies
GRRA will play a key role in the establishment of a Co-ordination Forum for NGOs and CBOs working in the
environment sector in the Midlands province. Through this Forum, GRRA will access all the NGOs involved in
the Sector. In the context of the environment strategy formulation, this will become a two-way process: GRRA
was able to consult fellow NGOs and ensure their views were heard on the Technical Committee; at the same
time the recognition that GRRA was speaking on behalf of many other NGOs in the sector (their ‘allies’) gave
added weight to their contributions to the Committee. Also bearing in mind that the media will also be a key
ally in spreading the message nationwide.
The Sun
The Times
The Mirror
8. Messages
Lets’ remove the Woodlands dumpsite before people die
Save our environment, Save our people
9. Tools/Actions
12. Risks
The land developer is politically aligned which might hinder the process.
Residents might not want to be part of the process for fear of victimisation.