Army of The Tennessee - Shiloh

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Army of the Tennessee

At the Battle of Shiloh, TN, April 6 & 7, 1862.

Records of the Union Armies with details on units from: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky,
Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio and Wisconsin

1. "Shiloh: Bloody April" by Wiley Sword
2. “Shiloh: The Battle That Changed The Civil War” by Larry J. Daniel
3. Shiloh Battlefield Map with Org Table
4. Hardin County (Tennessee) Historical Society

This Organizational Table is listed by Division and Brigade, etc. The strength of each unit is listed next to the
unit.  The numbers appear to be rounded off to nearest hundreds. All Infantry units listed are assumed to be
Regiments unless stated otherwise.


Major General Ulysses S. Grant


46,427 men
1st Division (6540)
Major General John A. McClernand

1st Brigade (2339)

Colonel Abraham M. Hare, 11 Iowa (w)
Colonel Marcellus M. Crocker, 13th Iowa
A. 8th Illinois Infantry (476)
Captain James M. Ashmore (w)
Captain William H. Harvey (k)
Captain Robert H. Sturgess
B. 11th Iowa Infantry (750)
Lieutenant Colonel William Hall (w)
C. 13th Iowa Infantry (713)
Colonel Marcellus M Crocker
D. 18th Illinois Infantry (400)
Major Samuel Eaton (w)
Captain Daniel H. Brush (w)
Captain William J. Dillon (k)
Captain Jabez J. Anderson

2nd Brigade (1754)

Colonel C. Carroll Marsh, 20 Illinois
A. 11th Illinois Infantry (239)
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas E. G. Ransom (w)
Major Garrett Nevins (w)
Captain Lloyd D. Waddell
B. 20th Illinois Infantry (526)
Lieutenant Colonel Evan Richards (w)
Captain Orton Frisbie
C. 45th Illinois Infantry (562)
Colonel John E. Smith
D. 48th Illinois Infantry (427)
Colonel Isham N. Haynie (w)
Major Manning Mayfield
3rd Brigade (1787)
Colonel Julius Raith, 43 Illinois (w-mortally)
Lieutenant Colonel Enos P. Wood, 17th Illinois
A. 17th Illinois Infantry (400)
Lieutenant Colonel Enos P. Wood
Major Francis M. Smith
B. 29th Illinois Infantry (387)
Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Ferrell
C. 43rd Illinois Infantry (500)
Lieutenant Colonel Adolph Englemann
D. 49th Illinois Infantry (500)
Lieutenant Colonel Phineas Pease (w)

Unattached (660)
A. 1 Illinois Light Artillery, Battery D (62)
Captain Edward McAllister (w)
(4x24pdr H)
B. 2nd Illinois Light Artillery, Battery D (108)
Captain James P. Timony
C. 2nd Illinois Light Artillery, Battery E (78)
Lieutenant George L. Nispel
(2x6pdr S, 2x12pdr H)
D. 14th Ohio Light Artillery, Burrow’s Battery (108)
Captain Jerome B. Burrows (w)
(4x6pdr WR, 2x12pdr WR)
E. 1st Battalion, 4th Illinois Cavalry (247)
Lieutenant Colonel William McCullough
F. Stewart’s Cavalry Company (IL) (57)
Lieutenant Ezra King
G. Carmichael’s Cavalry Company (IL) (??)
Captain Eagleton Carmichael
2nd Division (8267)
Brigadier General William H. L. Wallace (w-mortally)
Colonel James M. Tuttle, 2nd Iowa

1st Brigade (1804)

Colonel James M. Tuttle
A. 2nd Iowa Infantry (490)
Lieutenant Colonel James Baker
B. 7th Iowa Infantry (383)
Lieutenant Colonel James C. Parrott
C. 12th Iowa Infantry (489)
Colonel Joseph J. Woods (w & c)
Captain Samuel R. Edgington (c)
D. 14th Iowa Infantry (442)
Colonel William T. Shaw (c)

2nd Brigade (2296)

Brigadier General John McArthur (w)
Colonel Thomas Morton, 81st Ohio
A. 9th Illinois Infantry (600)
Colonel August Mersy
B. 12th Illinois Infantry (320)
Lieutenant Colonel Augustus L. Chetlain
Captain James R. Hugunin
C. 81st Ohio Infantry (468)
Colonel Thomas Morton
D. 13th Missouri Infantry (450)
Colonel Crafts J. Wright
E. 14th Missouri Infantry (Birge’s Sharpshooters) (458)
Colonel B. S. Compton
3rd Brigade (3632)
Colonel Thomas W. Sweeny, 52 Illinois (w)
Colonel Silas D. Baldwin, 57th Illinois
A. 7th Illinois Infantry (546)
Major Richard Rowett
B. 8th Iowa Infantry (689)
Colonel James L. Geddes (w & c)
C. 50th Illinois Infantry (530)
Colonel Moses M. Bane (w)
D. 52nd Illinois Infantry (641)
Major Henry Stark
Captain Edwin A. Bowen
E. 57th Illinois Infantry (613)
Colonel Silas D. Baldwin
Captain Gustav A. Busse
F. 58th Illinois Infantry (613)
Colonel William F. Lynch (c)

Cavender’s Artillery Battalion (181)

Major J. S. Cavender
A. 1st Missouri Light Artillery, Battery D (60)
Captain Henry Richardson
(4x20pdr PR)
B. 1st Missouri Light Artillery, Battery H (61)
Captain Frederick Welker
(2x10pdr PR, 2x20pdr PR)
C. 1st Missouri Light Artillery, Battery K (60)
Captain George H. Stone
(4x10pdr PR)

Unattached (354)
A. 1 Illinois Light Artillery, Battery A (110)
Lieutenant Peter P. Wood
(4x6pdr S, 2x12pdr H)
B. 2nd Illinois Cavalry (Companies A & B) (126)
Captain John R. Hotaling (Company A)
Captain Thomas J. Larison (Company B)
C. 2nd U.S. Cavalry (Company C) (50)
D. 4th U.S. Cavalry (Company I) (68)
Lieutenant James Powell
3rd Division (7564)
Major General Lew Wallace

1st Brigade (1998)

Colonel Morgan L. Smith, 8th Missouri
A. 11th Indiana Infantry (631)
Colonel George F. McGinnis
B. 24th Indiana Infantry (694)
Colonel Alvin P. Hovey
C. 8th Missouri Infantry (673)
Lieutenant Colonel James Peckham

2nd Brigade (2236)

Colonel John M. Thayer, 1 Nebraska
A. 1st Nebraska Infantry (549)
Lieutenant Colonel William D. McCord
B. 23rd Indiana Infantry (633)
Colonel William L. Sanderson
C. 58th Ohio Infantry (630)
Colonel Valentine Bausenwein
D. 68th Ohio Infantry (not engaged) (424)
Colonel Samuel H. Steadman

3rd Brigade (2541)

Colonel Charles Whittlesey, 20th Ohio
A. 20th Ohio Infantry (491)
Lieutenant Colonel Manning F. Force
B. 56th Ohio Infantry (701)
Colonel Peter Kinney
C. 76th Ohio Infantry (714)
Colonel Charles R. Woods
D. 78th Ohio Infantry (635)
Colonel Mortimer D. Leggett
Unattached (789)
A. 9 Indiana Light Artillery, Thompson’s Battery (112)
Lieutenant George R. Brown
(4x6pdr S, 2x12pdr H)
B. 1st Missouri Light Artillery, Buel’s Battery (118)
Lieutenant Charles H. Thurber
(4x6pdr S, 2x12pdr H)
C. 3rd Battalion, 5th Ohio Cavalry (not engaged) (283)
Major Charles S. Hayes
D. 3rd Battalion, 11th Illinois Cavalry (not engaged) (276)
Major James F. Johnson
4th Division (6690)
Brigadier General Stephen A. Hurlbut

1st Brigade (2323)

Colonel Nelson G. Williams, 3rd Iowa (w)
Colonel Isaac C. Pugh, 41st Illinois
A. 3rd Iowa Infantry (560)
Major William M. Stone (c)
Lieutenant George W. Crosley
B. 28th Illinois Infantry (558)
Colonel Amory K. Johnson
C. 32nd Illinois Infantry (652)
Colonel John Logan (w)
D. 41st Illinois Infantry (553)
Colonel Isaac C. Pugh
Lieutenant Colonel Ansel Tupper (k)
Major John Warner
Captain John H. Nale

2nd Brigade (2583)

Colonel James C. Veatch, 25th Indiana
A. 14th Illinois Infantry (722)
Colonel Cyrus Hall
B. 15th Illinois Infantry (500)
Lieutenant Colonel Edward F. W. Ellis (k)
Captain Louis D. Kelley
Lieutenant Colonel William Camm, 14th Illinois
C. 25th Indiana Infantry (651)
Lieutenant Colonel William H. Morgan (w)
Major John W. Foster
D. 46th Illinois Infantry (710)
Colonel John A. Davis (w)
Lieutenant Colonel John J. Jones
3rd Brigade (1522)
Brigadier General Jacob G. Lauman
A. 31st Indiana Infantry (594)
Colonel Charles Cruft (w)
Lieutenant Colonel John Osborn
B. 44th Indiana Infantry (478)
Colonel Hugh B. Reed
C. 17th Kentucky Infantry (250)
Colonel John H. McHenry, Jr.
D. 25th Kentucky Infantry (200)
Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin H. Bristow
Major William B. Hall (w)
Captain B. T. Underwood
Colonel John H. McHenry, Jr., 17th Kentucky

Unattached (262)
A. 2 Michigan Light Artillery, Battery B (84)
Lieutenant Cuthbert W. Laing
(2x6pdr S, 4x10pdr PR)
B. 13th Ohio Light Artillery, Mann’s Battery (89)
Captain John B. Myers
(2x6pdr S, 4xJR)
C. 1st Missouri Light Artillery, Battery C (89)
Lieutenant Edward Brotzmann
(2x6pdr S, 2x12pdr H)
D. 1st & 2nd Battalions, 5th Ohio Cavalry (??)
Colonel William H. H. Taylor
5th Division (7904)
Brigadier General William T. Sherman (w)

1st Brigade (1930)

Colonel John A. McDowell, 6th Iowa (d)
A. 6th Iowa Infantry (632)
Captain John Williams (w)
Captain Madison M. Walden
B. 40th Illinois Infantry (597)
Colonel Stephen G. Hicks (w)
Lieutenant Colonel James W. Boothe
C. 46th Ohio Infantry (701)
Colonel Thomas Worthington

2nd Brigade (1310)

Colonel David Stuart, 55th Illinois (w)
Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Malmborg, 55th Illinois (t)
Colonel T. Kilby Smith, 54th Ohio
A. 54th Ohio Infantry (400)
Colonel T. Kilby Smith
Lieutenant Colonel James A. Farden
B. 55th Illinois Infantry (400)
Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Malmborg
C. 71st Ohio Infantry (510)
Colonel Rodney Mason

3rd Brigade (1833)

Colonel Jesse Hildebrand, 77th Ohio
A. 53rd Ohio Infantry (646)
Colonel Jesse J. Appler
Lieutenant Colonel Robert A. Fulton
B. 57th Ohio Infantry (542)
Lieutenant Colonel Americus V. Rice
C. 77th Ohio Infantry (645)
Lieutenant Colonel Wills De Hass
Major Benjamin D. Fearing
4th Brigade (2107)
Colonel Ralph P. Buckland, 72 Ohio
A. 48th Ohio Infantry (606)
Colonel Peter J. Sullivan (w)
Lieutenant Colonel Job R. Parker
B. 70th Ohio Infantry (854)
Colonel Joseph R. Cockerill
C. 72nd Ohio Infantry (647)
Lieutenant Colonel Herman Canfield (k)
Colonel Ralph P. Buckland

Taylor’s Artillery Battalion (330)

Major Ezra Taylor
A. 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Battery B (112)
Captain Samuel E. Barrett
(4x6pdr S, 2x12pdr H)
B. 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Battery E (103)
Captain Allen C. Waterhouse (w)
Lieutenant Abial R. Abbott (w)
Lieutenant John A. Firch
(4x3.5in JR, 2x4.5in JR)
C. 6th Indiana Light Artillery, Morton’s Battery (115)
Captain Frederick Behr (k)
(4x6pdr S, 2x12pdr H)

Unattached (394)
nd rd th
A. 2 & 3 Battalions, 4 Illinois Cavalry (291)
Colonel T. Lyle Dickey
B. Illinois Cavalry Squadron (2 companies) (103)
Captain Christian Thielemann
6th Division (7460)
Brigadier General Benjamin M. Prentiss (c)

1st Brigade (2790)

Colonel Everett Peabody, 25th Missouri (k)
A. 12th Michigan Infantry (832)
Colonel Francis Quinn
B. 16th Wisconsin Infantry (827)
Colonel Benjamin Allen (w)
C. 21st Missouri Infantry (617)
Colonel David Moore (w)
Lieutenant Colonel H. M. Woodyard
D. 25th Missouri Infantry (514)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert T. Van Horn

2nd Brigade (2509)

Colonel Madison Miller, 18 Missouri (c)
A. 16th Iowa Infantry (785)
Colonel Alexander Chambers (w)
Lieutenant Colonel Addison H. Sanders
B. 18th Wisconsin Infantry (735)
Colonel James S. Alban (k)
C. 61st Illinois Infantry (437)
Colonel Jacob Fry
D. 18th Missouri Infantry (552)
Lieutenant Colonel Isaac V. Pratt (c)

Unattached (2161)
A. 15th Iowa Infantry (782)
Colonel Hugh T. Reid (w)
B. 23rd Missouri Infantry (490)
Colonel Jacob T. Tindall (k)
Lieutenant Colonel Quin Morton (c)
C. 1st Minnesota Light Artillery, Munch’s Battery (126)
Captain Emil Munch (w)
Lieutenant William Pfaender
(2x12pdr H, 4xJR)
D. 5th Ohio Light Artillery, Hickenlooper’s Battery (137)
Captain Andrew Hickenlooper
(2x6pdr S, 4xJR)
E. 1st & 2nd Battalions, 11th Illinois Cavalry (626)
Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll
Unattached (2002)
A. 14 Wisconsin Infantry (750)
Colonel David E. Wood
B. 15th Michigan Infantry (750)
Colonel John M. Oliver
C. 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Battery H (83)
Captain Axel Silfversparre
(4x20pdr PR)
D. 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Battery I (83)
Captain Edward Bouton
E. 2nd Illinois Light Artillery, Battery B (112)
Captain Relly Madison
(5x24pdr SG)
F. 2nd Illinois Light Artillery, Battery F (112)
Captain John W. Powell (w)
(6x6pdr S)
G. Ohio Light Artillery, 8th Battery (112)
Captain Louis Markgraf
(6x30pdr PR)
Artillery listings, in green, are in the following format:

(<number guns>x<gun size> gun type)

S = Smoothbore
H = Howitzer
JR = James Rifles
WR = Wiard Rifles
PR = Parrott Rifles
SG = Siege Guns

Leader status listings, in red are used in the following way:

w = Wounded
w-mortally = Mortally wounded
k = Killed
c = Captured
d = Disabled
t = Temporarily commanding

On all of the OOB’s which I have seen dealing with the Army of the Tennessee, the total manpower
is listed as 47,721 men. I come up with a total of 46,427 men. As most unit strengths appear to
either be rounded off or guessed at anyway, this is probably close to the actual number engaged.

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