The Problem and Its Setting
The Problem and Its Setting
The Problem and Its Setting
Chapter 1
Teachers are one of the most influential people in the world. Their
While teachers play a vital role in raising the next generation, the teachers’
characteristics and their strategies hold the prime tools to keep the students
District, exposes in the promotional staff meeting that learners in the district are
poorly motivated, and he urges that teachers should make the learners
Achievement Test.
Similarly, in other schools in the Division of General Santos City, there are
still learners who are not motivated. Students tend to become delinquent and
dropouts, optimum learning will not happen if they will not stick to the strategies
The researcher would like to find out whether the teacher’s characteristics
have a direct link to classroom motivation among the Grade Five learners. This
study will look into the characteristics and the practical classroom strategies of
the Grade Five teachers in GSC South District, Division of General Santos City.
Santos City.
according to:
Theoretical Framework
This study is line up with the research of Walker (2020), who explains that
favorite and most memorable teachers. Those characteristics were: the teacher
Also, the teacher had a positive attitude about being a teacher and about her/his
students, the teacher had high expectation for all students, the teacher was very
creative in how she/he taught the class, the teacher was fair in how she/he
treated students and in grading, the teacher displayed a personal touch with
belonging in the classroom, the teacher was able to admit mistakes when she/he
made an error, the teacher had a sense of humor, the teacher gave respect to
students and did not deliberately embarrass them, the teacher was forgiving, and
did not hold grudges, and the teacher displayed compassion and students felt
that the teacher was genuinely concerned about their problems and could relate
to them.
Kolb’s learning theory (2014) also is the basis of this study. It is built on
the premise that learning is the acquisition of abstract concepts that will apply to
a range of practical scenarios. He said that each stage in the practical learning
supports and led to the next stage. Learning will be achieved if students can
learn by example and learn from them. However, a learner may travel around the
cycle multiple times further to refine their understanding of the topic. Not one
strategy is an essential learning strategy on its own; for example, if the reflective
observation will be skipped, the learner will continue to make the same mistakes.
Thus, it is dominant that the teacher models how things happen in learning.
Conceptual Framework
strategies, and how these two would become the basis for a proposed
intervention program.
Practical Classroom
Teacher’s Strategies
Intervention Program
The study may contribute to the existing literature on finding better means
motivated so that they would become successful. Also, the results of the study
may challenge other relevant researchers to look at other variables not included
them in the formulation of plans and activities that will enhance teacher’s
School Heads. The findings of the study may help them determine the
Teachers. The results of the study may help them understand the plight of
learners who are not motivated to learn and encourage them to revisit and
Students. The study may ultimately help the learners to appreciate their
outcome of studies and may empirically remind them of their role as partners of
practical classroom strategies used by the 28 Grade Five teachers as a basis for
The researcher will conduct the study within the school year 2020-2021.
Gathering of data will focus only on the two instruments used in this
Definition of Terms
Chapter 2
student’s motivation will explore the relationship between these two variables.
Teacher’s Characteristics
Teachers are the most influential factor in today's education process. They
must perform to the best of their abilities in the educational activity. But the gap
all the time, and the evidence has been compelling for years (Fried, 2005;
Greenburg, 2015).
hardworking and motivated, students are more likely to be so. However, teachers
should set goals that are realistic for their learners and assign useful tasks. If
teachers' standards are too high, there are chances students will feel frustrated
that they cannot meet the expectations and thus become less motivated to learn.
Since teachers can affect how students perceive the course; teachers should
show positive behavior towards students (Pintrich & De Groot, 2016; Brigham et
al., 2017).
matter. Teachers that exhibit enthusiasm for the lesson can lead to students to
On the other hand, uninterested and passive teachers will transfer their
energy to their students who will become less motivated to learn. In contrast,
students must be guided by his teacher in aligning his personal and academic
goals. Students who receive this positive influence show stronger self-
confidence, greater personal and academic success than those without these
Teacher behavior has the most powerful and positive impact on student
and feed student interest and excitement in learning the subject matter. Teacher
behavior may also lead students to become more self-determined in their own
that affects student learning (Lupascu, A. & Pânisoară & Panisoara, 2014).
enthusiasm that would affect students' learning and attitudes (Brigham et al.,
relations with their students and effective learning environments that foster
determined in their own learning process. A very good teacher is more likely to
read lecture material outside of the classroom because of teacher behavior which
has the ability to be very influential in the young student’s life (Lupascu, A. &
are more likely to be interested, energetic, curious, and excited about learning
behavior and energy of the teacher (Pintrich & De Groot, 2016). Controlled,
& De Groot, 2016) has shown that nonverbal expressions such as demonstrative
learn (Brigham et al., 2017; Lupascu & Pânisoară & Panisoara , 2014).
and practical strategies suggested by Parson (2015) that teachers could use to
motivate students are: speaking voice, making eye contact with students, using
not prepared, then they may feel stressed out and a teacher could not
accomplish a target if she has not taken the preparation of what she wants to
shall have in depth understanding on how to go about with the lesson. It will also
help the teacher to guide the students on areas that needed growth and
achievement. It will communicate that the lesson is very important that students
proper planning and preparation. The teacher should also be ready for some
activity, purpose, use, and to make herself ready for something that she will be
doing and become ready for something that may surface along the way (Waddell,
optimistic attitude such as the tone and volumes of speech to match the ideas
well as a deeper connection to their teacher. As a tool of the teacher's trade, the
voice must be healthy and sustainable throughout the working day, week, term
and year. Many teachers have difficulties with their voice and have to take time
off work with voice-loss and vocal fatigue. Care of the voice is important for
school and the employer to avoid the inconvenience and expense of the need for
supply teachers resulting from one or more individuals' voice loss (McKeachie,
Teachers should change the pitch of voice, the tone and the volume. Variety is
the spice of life, as they say, and it helps hold the listener’s attention if teachers
have variations in speech from quiet whispers to louder, more excited speech.
front of the class because students take a risk when they talk that’s why teachers
need to deal tactfully with their contributions (Parson, 2015; McKeachie, 2015).
students. It also shows that teachers are confident in what he is doing. Hiding
teachers’ eyes from the students give off a signal of insecurity. Maintaining eye
contact is part of the process showing that the students understand what is being
is always on display and it is natural. People often form lasting opinions of others
from the appearance, posture and the way it moves. These impressions are
strong in minds because body language as being very honest and not something
someone would manipulate. It is easy to lie with words but bias leaks out easily
Sometimes, students can tell if teachers are excited about whatever they are
and motions a teacher can give as he teaches the lesson (Parson, 2015).
telling them through encouragement that they can do it, they can perform the
task given. Teachers must also be liberal in praises and prompts. Teachers use
can signal that the teacher means business. This expression entails that the
teachers want the students to achieve something in her class. The same sign
can also be used to convey two meanings depending on the movement of the
excitement about what it is presenting in the lesson. The teacher should be ready
to express emotions; smile, show happiness when the students achieve the
standard and disappointment when they could not attain. Act as though thought
please teachers. Express the pleasure in the face when students are successful
teaching for the young learners particularly those in Kindergarten to Grade III.
While some students achieve success quickly, others need far more
opportunities for practice. This the reason why this kind of instruction only works
for young learners who can benefit from few plain instructions. Explicit instruction
teachers provide daily reviews of previously learned knowledge and skills so they
assumption we only remember what we think about, and keep thinking about. If
you can still remember your childhood telephone number, it’s probably because
of the number of times you have used and retrieved that information.
between the way teachers use it and the component parts of this approach will
depend on the lesson they teach. This instruction allows teachers to teach the
(Ketchell, 2010).
students develop knowledge, skills, and values from direct experiences outside a
undergraduate research, study abroad, and other creative and professional work
initiative, make decisions, and be accountable for the results. Students are
seek outcomes that are beneficial to themselves and beneficial to all other group
of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each
achieve an academic goal such as highest grade that only one or a few students
can attain if it a task is given individually. In other words, when a task is too
complicated to be given to each of the students given that only a few have skills
referenced basis. While there are limitations on when and where a teacher may
task in any subject area with any curriculum cooperatively can bring out good
results. Chetty & Rockoff (2014) emphasized that cooperative learning consists
of students working together, for one class period to several weeks, to achieve
shared learning goals wherein everyone in the group becomes equally contribute
to their success.
started a long time ago for students. The use of technology to enhance learning
They aim to engender pedagogical change and address fundamental issues that
affect learners. Technology can therefore be seen as both a tool and a catalyst
had a hard time integrating technology into education. This may be because
many educators have yet to explore the relationship between technology and
the education process has great promise for student learning. With technology,
teachers and students. Technology can also prompt pedagogical change and
address issues that affect learning, teaching and social organization. Technology
can therefore be seen as both a tool and a catalyst for change. Students should
introducing technology into the classroom to improve and innovate their teaching
Chapter 3
statistical treatment.
Research Design
(Johnson, 2014).
gathered will use to evaluate the level of teacher’s characteristics when analyzed
terms of explicit teaching, experiential learning, cooperative learning and the use
of technology in teaching.
The subject of the study is the twenty-eight (28) Grade Five teachers of
the four schools in GSC South District, General Santos City, namely South
The researcher will conduct the study during the first semester of the
school year 2020-2021. The researcher will personally administer the research
Table 1
Research Instruments
based these instruments on the related items gathered in the several references
subject for validity testing, and 44 questions for practical classroom strategies, 11
The expert validators will check and validate the researcher’s self-made
questionnaires using content validity ratio to establish the validity of the research
instrument. After which, five (5) original items in each sub-topic will determine as
The researcher will submit the first draft of the research instruments to the
its presentation with the corrections included and integrated. The researcher will
submit the final copies to the panel of experts for approval. The final revision is
The Likert Scale will serve as the basis in evaluating the level of teacher’s
Range of Descriptive
Means Equivalent
1.50 – 2.49 Low Level This indicates that the teacher’s characteristic
among Grade Five teachers is lowly manifested.
Range of Descriptive
Means Equivalent
variables of the research will use in gathering the data on evaluating the level of
The researcher will submit the structured questionnaires to the adviser for
corrections and suggestions. After the revisions, the researcher will send letters
of request to five experts for face validation. The experts will validate the
and remarks will serve as the basis for the improvement of the questionnaires.
will apply to ensure the validity of the content of the instrument (Cohen, R. J.,
Swerdik, M. E., &Sturman, E. D., 2015). Likewise, Gilbert & Prion (2016)
mentioned that the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) is a useful statistical technique
content experts.
many “experts” rate an item “essential” and decided on the following manner.
n e−( N /2 )
( N /2)
The final evaluation to retain the item based on the CVR depends on the
questionnaire will be determined. The test items that are found valid will be
retained, and the production of final copies will follow. The researcher will ask
permission and approval of the expert. Upon approval, the researcher will
instructions. The researcher will give the option to the respondents to write their
names or not to assure the utmost confidentially of the result. One hour will be
given to respondents to answer the questions; then the researcher will retrieve
the questionnaires.
conduct the study in his elementary school (Appendix B). The researcher will
send a letter to the school heads of the participating schools to conduct the study
to all the Grade Five teachers (Appendix C). Next, the researcher will personally
ask permission from the Grade Five Chairmen to distribute the survey
request, the researcher will administer the survey questionnaire to the Grade
Five teachers. The researcher will retrieve the administered questionnaires after
Mean. The researcher will use this to evaluate the level of teacher’s
Santos City.
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