General Instructions For BET
General Instructions For BET
General Instructions For BET
oaf eFIB-l-!-2lllt,,r;4lL
Y lilsr0N
1. For your information and guidance, tniC Office disseminates the enclosed
CoMELEC RESOLUTIONS NOS. 10211 <OZ46 0n General Instrucuons for
the Members of the Electoral Boards aild Barangay Board of Canvassers
(BBOCS) in Connection with the Coriduct of the October 23, 2017
Synchronized Barangay and Sangguniahg Kabataan (SK) Elections, and
Calendar of Activities and Periods of Certain Prohibited Acts in Connection
with the May 14, 2O!8 Synchronized Barbngay and Sangguniang Kabataan
(SK) Elections).
Cc: LegaYRecords
i.$ltblir of tlr. nlritiplirsi
Depsrtment of @lutetion
14 II8 20i8
No. Q!$ ,s. zola
DrsawllrATrolr otr couELEc RESoLrrTtolr troa. 10211 AltD 10246
{General Instructions for the Members of the Electoral Boards and BamngaA Board of
Canvassers (BBOCS) in Coanection q,ith the Conduct of the October 23,2017
Slmchronized Barang'cy a'Id Sanggunia g llatutaan (SK) Elections, and
Calendar of Activities and Periods of Cdtain Prohibited Acts in
Connection with the May 14, 2018 Slrnchronizf'd BamngdA
a,rd Sangguniang Koraraon (SK) Elections)
To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Burcau and Service Directo6
Regional Directors i
1. For the information and guidance oI all enclosed are copies of the
following Commission on Elections (COMELEC) solutions
D.rnd compr*, M.rar@ Av6u., ciry 1600 P *"-r*",o""-rr"" , ru, * uar*roruar-uroc I ,*'
As steted
To be indicated in t}!e Peroetual Index
under the following subjccts:
Ol03 F.b. 2/6, mlA
'(Enclostre to
PepEd Memorandum No. o25 s.201
. 06tobcr ]r 2012
RESOLIITIOr IlO. _10211 .,
, ,1rOtL
Pursua-nt to ttre pos,ers vested in it by t}e Constitution of the Republic of the
Philippines, the BP Blg. 881 (Omnibue Electio:fr Code), Republic Act Nos. 91641,
93402, 106323,107424, 10756s and other electiod laws, the Commission on Elections
(Commission) hercby promulgates the foloElng Gerreral Instructions on the
compoaition arrd appointnent of the members of the Electoral Boards and Barsrgay
Board of Canvessers (BBOCs), including the process of voting counting ald
caanrassing of election results, and other mattera lelative tiereto.
c) A registered voter;
fEtnctosure ro DeoFd Memoraldurn No. 025, s. 20 !81
Gl tor t p fuctonl Bchtds and BBOCi ior the @.ooft 23,
N1f Bataryay
and SK Ekctio/ls
*d & crraunds lot t E Alry,otn,,n€nt ol Quavien g463da.r"s. -In case
there are not enough public school teachers, who are qualfied, willing and available,
qualifred substitutes may be appointed by the Commiseion, through the EO, in either
of ttre following caees:
b) One or more of the public school teachers in the certified list has or
have been disqualified by the EO and there are no other public
school teachers in the locality who are qualified, willing ard available
to be appointed as subtitute/s.
S€c. 10.
ArrEEt oJ ab3,nt ,nember. The member or members of the
Electoral Board present may order t}le st of any member who, in their judpent
has absented with the intention of obsEqcting ttre performance of the duties of t}te
Gt tor the dedorat tsodtds ed BBOC' tot the Mbet 23, 2017 Barangay
and SK EleEdoos
The ElectoEl Board shall act tlEough its Chairperson and shall decide, nrithout
delay and by majority vot€, a-ll questions which may ariee in the performance of tlteir
a) They are registered voters of the barangay where they are assigned;
b) Iheir voting in the polling place where they are not registered
should be noted in the Minutes; add
) Any Electola.l Board member except tlrc Chairperson, r^,ho is not registered
in the barangay where they are asdigned, may vote in the polling place
where they are registeled, provided thlt
a) The voting in their place of aesigndent is light;
b) 'Il:IeA absence shall not be for mor! than thirty (3O) minutes;
e) The fact that they ex€rcised their roting privilege shall be noted in
the Minutes-
S.o. 14. Poutera and, frt tctton o.f tle Elec!'!,ra.l bd"A The Electoral
Board shall have the following powers and functions:
cl tor thc d€/ctorat fuads and BEOC' f{ tha Oclobor 8, m17 qarangay
ard SK Elaclioas
d,. Otler Ben3:tlts, - CLaims for other benelits shall be filed with the
Committee on Claiue and Assesament (CCA) through the EO. The CCA
shal be compo€ed mainly of the Office of the Deputy Executive Dir€ctor
for Operationa, Lew Dcpartmeflt, Pereoanel Department and Finance
Services Department,
The grant of financial assistance cah only be availed of once (1) per
election service, which shall inclUde, special election, plebiscite,
initiative, referendum and I
Preference shall be given to the l/atchers of the citizens' arms and Punong
Barangay/SK Chaiiperson csndidaGs, in case thc space reserved for watchers is not
Citizens' arms already accredited during the i,fay 9, 2o16 National and lacal
Elections; do. not need to apply for accreditation for purposes of October 23, 2OI7
Barangay ana SK Elections. However, they shoUld file a manifestation of intent to
discharge. the .duties of an accredited citizens' arrh to t}Ie Commission En Banc not
later than'October 9, 20 17.
(c) has not been convicted by final judgment of any election ofrense or
of any otler crime;
(d) l,crows how to read and write Filipino, English, or ally of tl1e
prevailing trocal dia.lect; and
(e) is not related witldn the fourth (4ttt) civil degree of consanguinity or
afrnity to the chairperson or ary Electoral Board mernbere in the
pouirg pLace where the watcher seeka appointlent,
Incumbent Barangay Officials including Bamngay Tanods shall not be
appointed as watchere of any candidate or citizens' arms.
a) Stay itr the spac€ reserved for them insiEe the polling place;
the Po[ clcrk and the Thid Member respectively, without touctring
any of these election document8; and
asc. 21. .Forms, ts utd srtppllgs. - The Electoral Board shall be
provided with the following foEBs, docuBents a.rd supptes for use on election day:
GI fir. fhe Ebabra, Eoards and BBOC9 lot the Odober 23, X17 BaraDgay
dN SK El€6,ims
30/31 Temporary Appointnent OatI of 3 pieces
Poll Clerk ber
35 Certificate of Challenge or Protest prcces
and Decision of the Board
39 Oath of voter Chalenged for Illegal 5 pEces
40 Oath of Identi6cation of Challenged 5 preces
Rubber Bend I
Bond 20
Carbon Pa 5 sheets Tbke-rs 2
Plaetic Securlty Seal for the Ballot pieces
el for ttg Ehdoat goards aN BBOCS fot the O&ber B, ml7 Baraway
ard SK Ek{io,ls
The Electoral Board members shall gdt the forms, documents and suppUes
early in tlre morning of election day from Office of the City/Municipal Tleasurer:
exc@t, when authorized to do so earlier by Commiesion, through tlrc Regional
Election Director (RED) in the cas€ of Capital Region (NCR) or ttte Provincial
Election Supervisor (PES) in places outside of NCR.
Approval of any request for early delitrery of election forms, documents and
supplies by the RED (NCR) or PES sha]l be gorremed by the foUowing guidetines:
d) ?hat the peace and order cooditiont in the area, justii, such advance
delivery in order to ensure the secur.ity of the forms, documents and
paraphernelia, and safety of the Electoral Board members.
G! br tlp fudoElt B@t* and BBOCi lot lhe C{lober X, miv Barur/av
a.rd SK E ecoons
'Ihe PES ghall rnake a corresponding report to the RED on approved r€quest /e
for early deliver5r and in tum, the RED ehall tralsmit the consolidated report to tlle
Ofrce of the Deputy Ekecutive Director for Operations (ODEDO). The RED of the NCR
shall directly submit the report to the ODEDO.
The Electoral Board members shall check tlle completeness of the documents
and the quandties of the forms and supplies received and imnnediately call the
atteDtion of the EO or the City/Municipal Tleasurer, as t}Ie case may be, on any
deficiency or shortage thercof.
ltereajter, the Electoral Board members shall sign a Certificate of Receipt (CEF
Form No. 14) in thiee (3) copies, one (1) cow of which shall be retained by the
Electoral Board members, The two (2) otlrer copies slnll be returned to ttte
City/Municipal Trcasurer who, a.fter the electioas, shall immediately transmit one (U
copy thereof to the concemed EO.
The Electora.l Board meEbers shal also r€ceive from the EO the following
documents duly certified, errcept item (e) herecf, by the Election Registration Board
The Poll Clerk shall have custody of thd EDCVLs. Tte Ttrird Member shall
have custody ofone (1) copy of PCVL. The othet copy of the PCVL sha_Il be posted at
the door of the potling ptrace.
Gl fotthe Eoards aid BBocs for the Ocffiot 23, 2017
and SK Hef,lions Y*"'
Soc. 2O. t'lnl.ter ol Vottttg and co/t,itrIlhg of Yob.. - T}r,e Electoral Board
members shall accomplish in two (2) copies, the Minutes of Voting and Counting of
Votes (CE Forln No. 11), entering therein a.ll the data, and acts, or incidents required
to be recorded as they become available or as tJrey occur, Copies of the Minutes shall
be sigFed and sealed in sepaiatc envelopes (CEF Noe- 18 and 18A) for distribution as
(a) The copy intended for the Commission shall be delivered to the EO
who sha.ll have custody over tlle same; arrd
(b)The copy intended for tlxe ballot boE( shall be deposited inside the
ballot bo. compartment for valid ballota.
cAgrlrc oF vorEs
Sec. 24. Data el4tion- - ltre electiorl of Barangay and SK shall
be held t 2?,2O17
a) Whose naraes appear in the rcvL and EDCVL for the BaraJrgay
and/or SK tevels; and
Aao, 27. P,irc€ ol Vodng- - Votcf,s shall c€st their votes in their designated
polling placcs.
SGo. 24, fr?Emlrtaries b ttw oodrtg, - The Electoral Board members shall
meet at the pollilg place arrd perform the following activities:
Gllot ttq FI,fdoElI Boads and BBOC9 Ior tlre Odobet 23, 2017 Eaangay
end SK El@fio,ns
2) Post one (1) copy each of the PCW lor Barangay voters and SK
voters outside the polling place;
(bl Before the start ofvodng, the Electoral Board Chairperson shall:
1.) Open the ballot box, empty both cdmpartmenta and show to the
public that it is empty. ltlen the Electoral Board Chairperson
shall lock its interior cover with one (1) padlock. lhe Poll Clerk
shall retain tlre key to the padlock during the voting; and
2.) Show to the public and to the wa$hers present, t]:e package of
ballots. Enter in the Minutes the dumber of pads and the serial
numbers (SNs) of the ballots in eadh pad, arrd tlre fact that the
package of ballots was shown to tl:e fublic.
(a) The voters shal] vote in the order bf their arrival in the polling
(b) No watcher enters the ptraces reserved for tle voters afld the
Electoral Board, nor mingle and talk the voters;
Gtb. frlg E#{, Boads 6nd EBOC' br lrrP- @er 23, tu17 Bara,Bay
and S( Ebolirrs
(e) 'Itre iaterior cover of t}Ie ballot box shall remain locked until the
votjng is finished and the counting begins, except when it becomes
neqeasary to Erake room for more ballots, t}re Chairperson, may, in
the presence of watchera, open the box, press down the ballote
without removing any of t]:em. After which, the Chairperson shall
again close the interior cover of the bailot box and lock it with the
(a) Bring t}re balot ard/or the ballot secrccy folder outside the polling
pl,ace, except, voting involving hrsons with Disabilities (PurDs),
Senior Citizens (SCs), heavily pregnant women and Detainee
(b) Sped< with anyone while inside the polling place; as herein
(c) Prepare the ballot without using h ballot secrecy folder or exhibit
its contents to arry peraon, except in cases of asgisted voting;
(e) Use carbon paper, parajEn paper br other means of making a copy
of the contents of the ballot, or otlerwise ,arake use of any other
scheme to identily tlle vote, including the use of digital cameras,
ceUular phones or similar gadgetst
Gl tot UB E(,{.,otf,l Boatds and EBOCi fgr e Odober 23, 2017 Baarqay
ard SK E eclfors
8eo. 31, Psrson! altoto€d indila the poll*ng pra*. Only the following
shall be alowed ineide the polling place:
(a) Electoral Boad members;
(b) Watchers who shall stay only in the apace leserved for them;
(e) Voters waiting for thet turn to get thei! ballots; and
sec. 32. .Farisonr aUouted lrt d.d drawrd thc poulag prod. - Unless
speci6cally authorized by the Commission, it i5 unlawful for tlle follorring to enter
any polling place or stay within a radius fiff, (50) meters thereof, except to vote:
(a) Any officer or member of the Armed Forces of tlre Philippines (AFP)
or tie Philippine National Police (PNP), unle$s said PNP personnel is
duly appointed as Electoral Board rrrembers pursuant to Article II,
S€ction 16 hereof;
(b) Any peace oflicer or anmed person belonging to any exkalegal police
agency, special forces, reaction forces, strike forces, Civilian Arrned
Force Geographical Units (CAFGUs)1 Barangay Tanods, or otier
simiLar forces or paramilitary forcbs, including epecial forces,
securiqr guards, special policemeni
(c) All other kinds of almed or unarmed ef,t-a legal police forces; and
Ct lor ttg El€{,oE/t furds aN BBOcs tor tho c{/,E[,ot 23, 2o1l Batangay
ard SK Eeclbrs
When there is actual disturbance or disruption of peace arrd order, the PNP or
AFP ofEcials/personnel may enter the pollirrg place even u/itfiout the written order of
the Electoral Board membere.
In no case shatl the said PNP or AFP olEcia]E/pelsolnel hold aly conversation
{,ittr any voter or di8turb or prcvent or in any manner obstruct tlle ftee acceas of t}re
voters to the polling ptrace.
S€c. 33, Althenttcalion oJ lhe bo,llot. - In every case, the Electoral Board
Chairperson shall, in the presence of the voter and before giving the ballot to tie
voter, authenticate t}e same by a$xins sigDature at the back thet€of' Failurc to
authenticate shall be noted in tlle Minutes and shall conatitute an elcction ofrense,
but will not invalidate the ballot. Further, in no case shall t}te Chairperson pre-sign
at the back of the ballot prior to its actual issuance to the voters.
s.c. 34. order o, wdrrg. - The voters ahall fall in line in the order of tleir
arrival in t1le polling pl,ace and cast tieir votes in the same order. They shall not
crowd around the table of the Electorel Board and sha]l immediatcly depart after
casting their votes.
The Electoral Board members shall give pdority to PWDs, Senior Citizens and
heavily pregrant women.
1) Look for their naEe in the PCVl,s posted near the door of the
polling place, ard determine the precinct nuEber arrd sequence
2) Approach the third Member who shall ask the voter'B name, age,
precinct number and sequence number,
2. If th" votcfs name is found, check the fingemails for ajry indelible
ink stain. If stained, it shall be a conclusive presumption that the
voter has already voted. As such, tld voter shall be directed to
leave tie polling place and ehall be infdrmed of tlle reason thereof-
This fact shall be recorded by the Poll Clerk in the Minutes;
GI for tlB Eiexnotat Ms aN BBOCS fot he Odobet 23, 2017 B€raBay
ard Sr( Ebctbns
Oalv the ChalrDo$oE rhalt isslre the balot qad not tuo..
thaa orc lll ballot rhall be L3ued at oao tiEe ercGpt. l! ca3€3
vher. th. !'oter l. votor.
2. In casc any voter, under the 18-3( years old category, refuses to
accept any of the two (2) ballots ( for SK or for Barargay), the
Chairperson of the Electoral Board shal explain to the voter tlat
he or she strall hold on to the two ard accomplish the ballot
for the election said voter wishes participate. After votiug, the
Electoral Board shall proceed in with Sec. 4 1 for t}le
accompllshed ballot. While for tlle unaccomplished batlot, the
Chairperson of the Electoral Bosd shall distinctly announce the
fact of refusal. With the presence of, the concerned voter, mark as
"abstainedo tlle ballot and deposit the same, in the compartment
for spoiled ballots. The incident add the SN of the ballot shaU be
.ecorded in tlle Minutes-
G! for tlg Etedoal Boads and BBOC' tor the Oclobar 23, 2017 Banngay
ard SK
35. udnnor ol wting. - T'I-re voter shsll, ueing a ballot secreq/ folder,
ill up the balot/s by writing in t]re corresponding sPaces, the names of the
individual caldidates voted for as appearing in the Certified List of Candidates.
(b)A person of tl1e voter's confidence who belongs to t}Ie same household
as t}lat of tlrc voter. For this purpose, the person who usually assists
the PwD, such as personal assistant, caregiver, or a nurse shall be
considered a Bember of the voter'a houshold; ard
No person, eacept the Electoral Board members, may assbt an illiterate, P-\,yD
or SC more than three {3) times.
In all cases, the Poll Clerk shatl first veiitr, from the iltiterate, PwD or sC
whetier the l,atter had authorized t}le assistor to help in filling-up fhe balot/s.
The assistor shall, in the presence of tl-re illiterate, PWD or SC, prepare the
ballot/s using a ballot secrecy folder.
ltre assistor shall be bou4d in wdting and under oath to fill-up the ballot/s
stlictly in accordance qrith the instructions of the voter and not to reveal tlte contents
thereof, by a$xing aignatur€ or1 the appropriate space in tlle Minutes.
A - nuterate
B - Pereon with Disability (PwD)
Sec. 38. Accesalbb polfrrtg plaas. (Afu). - The EO, in coordination with
the school or building oficials, shall see to it that the registered voters are assigned
to poling pl,aces located on the ground floor for eaES. access.
Gt lor tlg Eledilat Boads dhd BBOCS tot the &obt 23, 2O1f MNEay
and SKEtoc/.'bns
For PwDs, Senior Citizens ajrd heavily ptgnant women, t]:ey strall vote in APP,
pursuant to the provisions of Resolution No. 97636.
S€c. 99. Aq,r€sJ la .lor FwIt , g,ca dnd,A Prqturt t{,omen otd
E,bct,,rg,l E&rds f5lr.f'l,llng wrw P|bflqa. - PWDs, senior citizens arrd heavily
pregnant women shall be a.frorded the right to an exprcse or priority lane. There
should be a signage lnside the polling place indicating the location of the express
If the second ballot is again spoiled ori defaced in such a way that it can no
longer be larndrlly used, the ssme shall bc surrendered to the Electoral Board
Chairperson in t}re same mamer as the first Str oiled or defaced ballot. No voter shall
be allowed to change spoiled/defaced ballot dre thall orrce.
ltre spoiled balot sha[, without beinb unfolded and witfrout removing the
detachable coupon, be distinctly mar:ked with t}te word "spoiled', signed by the
Electoral Board Chair!,erson at the back theneof and deposit in the compa.rtrnent for
spoiled ballots of the ballot box.
In all cases the Poll Clerk shall record in the Minutes the SN of the spoiled or
repracemeat ballot.
Soc. 41. .M.r€s oltet wdrtS. After voting, the following prccedures
shall be ob€erved:
(a) After the voter has filled up the ballot/s, fold it in the same manner as
it was received;
(b) The voter shall then proceed to tho Poll Clerk who shall, within the
view of the voter and tlle other {tectorat eoarO members, wit}rout
unfolding t}re ballot/s or seeing itd contents, veriff the SN/s against
the number/s prerriously entercd id the EDCVL to determine whether
it is tie same ba.llot/s given to the voter.
6 rndd.ntinS RllB .nd Rc8lrlltion. of R.public A.t No. 10366, dritlFd "An Acr AurhotirirlE th.! on EterioB to
E8t blbh Preinctr sis:.d to Fbnin8 Phe *lunEb
[o. rtltel yith DiqUriEG ad slnio. citias_'
G, turthe ElEdora, Boalds and BEOCi forlhe Odober23, Nll B aryay
erd SK Ebdiolrs
(i) lf the SN/s of the ballot/s returned by t}le vote! is the same as
t]lat recorded in the EDCW, t}le voter shall affx thumboark in
the coEesponding space in the ballot coupon/s, and retum t}Ie
balot to the PoU Clerk;
(ii) lf the serial numbers (SN/s) does not coincide with the SN/s as
entered in the EDCW, the ba.llot/s shall be considered "spoiled'
alrd shall be so marked and sifned by the Chairperson, and
placed inside the compartment for spoiled ballots. such hct
shal be irdicated in Part C of the Minutes.
(c) Any ballot/s returnd to the Poll Clerk, the detachable coupon/s of
which was not r€mov€d iir tl1e presence of the other Electoral Board
members a.nd the voter, slnll be considered "spoiled', accordingly
marked, signed by the Cbairperson and placed inside the
compartment for spoiled ballots. Such fact shall be noted in Part C of
t}Ie Minutes.
(d) The PoU Cle.k shal t]rcn apply indelibla ink at the base and €xtending
to the cuticle of the right forefinger nall of the voter, or at the base of
any otler fil1gemail if there be no right forefinger.
(e) The Chairperson sha.ll detach the ba.llot coupon/s in the presence of
tie voter alrd deposit t}le folded balot/s in t}te compartsrent of tlrc
ballot box for valid bsllots and thc detached coupon/s in the
compartment for spoiled balots. The voter shall then leave the poUing
(i If tne voter refuses to have the lingernail stained with indelible ink,
the voter shall be inlormed tllat such rdfusal shall render t}le ballot/s
spoiled. I
Al fot frE AE{loral'ECE,Ids ad BAOC' bt tB OcMr 23, /tt aa,a,aay
ard SK Eeciiyls
The Electoral Board shall ensure t.llat the EDCW is poperly accomplished'
Failure to do t}le same shall be a grcund for the filing of an administrative case
against the erring Electoral Board members
s,ac. 42. crto, og,ollrt5f- lllegq'l ao&ta. ' Any voter or watcher may
challenge any person offering to vote for: (a) not being r€gistered; [b) using t]re name
of another; (c) sufrering fipm existing disqualiEcation; or (d) being a double/multiple
registrant. In such case, the Electoral Board shall satisry itsef as to whetler the
ground for the chs-llenge is true by Equiring proof of regisfation, identity or
No voter shall be required to priesent voter's identification card or ally other
valid identiflcation cards, unlesa the identity is doubted or challengcd. However, tlre
failurc or inability to prcsent ajl authentic identification document upon being
challenged shall not preclude the voter from voting if identifed under oath by:
Aoc, &, chauenge fused oa cer?,Ii,t luega'l acts. - Any votq or watcher
may challenge arry voter ofiering to vote on tlre ground that the challenged person
The challenged person shall take an dath before the Electoral Board tiat
he/she has not committed arty of tl:e acts aleged in the challenge. Upon the ta}ing
of such oath, the challenge shall be dismissed Errd the voter shE]l be allowed to vote.
In case the voter refuses to take such oath, th+ challenge shall be sustained and the
voter shall not be allowed to vote. I
&c. 44, Reco/d ol cha,le'nges, dlE and ,.e3o&rtlons. - The Po[ Clerk
shall r€cord in Part E of the Minutee, all challenges and oat}Is taken in connection
t}rerewith and the Electoral Board reaolution i4 each case, Copies of the challenges,
Gt tor l/]E Eldctorattsoads and BE,ocs br the ocffier 23, 2oh Bararqay
and SR Ele(futus
oaths and rcsolutions rh,lt be attached to the copy of the Minutes. Upon the
termination of the voting, the Poll Clerk shall cerd& tllat tlte Minutes contain all
chellenges, oaths and resolutions made.
soc.45. D,qpodfron ol utuls€d ballotr d E e,r,d. of uat,ng hoara - fhg
ClSiqerson shall count while t}le Poll Clerk shal record in Part A of the Minutes the
qusgE$rrl1!.used-bdfot3, if any, and tleir SNr. Ther€aJter, he sellce
of otlter Electoral and watchers, if any unused ballo
lengtiwis€ in hau, without removing the stubs and detachable coupon.
The first half of the torn ballots shall be placed in the uEnvelope for Other Half
of Torn Unused Ballots' which envelope shall be sealed with the paper scal to be
submittrd to the EO for safekeeping, lt shall rcmain sealed uflless the Comoission
orders ot]:ercrise. The second hall of tie torn ballots shall be placed in the "Envelope
for Excess/Half of Tom Unused Ballots' which shall be sealed and then deposited
inside tire compartment of the ballot bcx for spoiled ballots. Such fact shall be
entered in Part C of the Minutes.
scc. 45.
Prt,rttbltion qg@irtsi pr1r, dn touncc,m,/,,t ol frifng,
Beforc the ttrmination of the voting, no Electoral Board members ehall make any
announcement as to whether a certain registerdd voter has a.lready voted, as to how
marly have ajready voted or how many so far have failed to vote or arry other fact
tending to show or showing the state of tlte polls, nor shall make a-ny statement at
any time, except as a witness before a court or body.
*c. 47. Cqr^dng ol soics to b pub$c and wtt rout t^bnultdon- - T'be
Electorsl Board shall publicly count in the poUitrg ptrace; ttre votes cast and ta.[y ttre
They txtay re-arrange the physical set-up bf tlte poling place for counting and
perforrr any other activiry to accomplish an orddrly counting. At a1ltimes, the baltot
box and all election documents and paraphemalia shal be witl1irr close view of the
watchers and the pubuc.
They shal not adjourn or postpone or delay the count until it has been tully
completed unless ordered otherwise by tlre Comoission-
Any violation of thia Section, or its peitinent portion, shall consdtute arr
election orlense ard shall be penalized in accordarce with BP Blg. 881, as amended.
Scc. t18. llrt@tsJ&r o,f cd.rttirtg o:f ootea. - In tJre interest of free, orderly, and
honest elections, the Commisslon tlrrough the EP rnay authori"€ the Electoral Board
C, for tlg f*r'Io,€,l'Boar,s ad SBOcs ,br tte Odo bt 23, 2o1l Barcngav
and SK Electuns
to court t]le votes and accomplish the ERs and other foims in any other place within
a public building in the sa.Be municipality or city on account of imEinent da-nger of
widespread violence, tcrrorism, disorder or similar causes of comparable magnitude;
Provided, That the transfer shall have been recommended in writing by unaaimous
vote of the Electora.l Board and endorsed by majority of watchers present: Provided,
furtler, that the said public building shall not be located witldn the perimeter of or
inside a mitita.ry or police carop, reservation, headquarters, detachment or field olflce
nor within the premises of a piison or detention compound of arty Law enforcement or
inveatigation agency. Any transfer of t]le venue for the counting ofvotes shall be duly
recorded in the Minutes.
S€c. 49, Prrlimlnerist to tttr cott,,tlrtg o.f votG - - 1lrc following activities
shall be undertaken by the Etectoml Board before counting t}Ie ballots cast:
For votes cast in the clustered pr€cinct:
(a) Unlock the padlock, open t}te balot borl arrd take out t].e ballots ftom the
comparbalent for valid ballota;
(b) Segregate the ballots cast lor barangayr elections from those cast for the
SK elections;
cl for tl:E Mqd'Wtd6 aN BBOCi br the W 23, n17 Barangay
ed SK Elecibns
In reading the ballots during the countinl, th€ Chairpereon, the Poll Clerk and
the Third Member shall assume such positiont as to proTide the watchers and the
public as rnay be conveniently accomrnodated in the polling place, an unimpeded
view of the ballot being read by the Chairperson, the ER and the tally board being
simulta-lreously accompliahed by the Poll Cler! and the Third Member respectively,
d fot A1e HealoE/t'Boads and BEOC9 fot he Oclobot 23, ioll BaBDgay
6nd SK Elbcfi/rs
without touching any of ttrese election documents. 'Ihe table shall be cleared of all
unnecessary writing paraphemalia. Any violation of this requirement strall constitute
an election offense punishable under Sections 262 and 264 of BP B1g, 88 I .
Ttre Poll Clerk ard Thftd Member shall r€cord each vote on the ERs and tally
board respectively as the name of the candidate voted for is read. Each vote for a
candidate shall be recorded by a vertical line, except every lifth vote for the same
caldidate, which shall be recorded by a diagonal line crcssing the previous four
vertical lines.
Ttre same procedure strall be followed nith tJ:e succeeding piles of ballots.
After all the ballots have been read, the Electoral Board shatl record ill words
and figures, the total votes obtained by each candidate both in the ERs and irr the
taily board. Ilee counted ballots shall be placed in an envelope provided for tlle
purpose, which shaU be sealed, signed and deposited in the compartment for valid
ballots. The tally board aa acco@plished ard c.rtified by the Electora.l Board shall
not be changed or destroyed, instead, it shall bp deposited in the compartrrent for
va.lid ballots.
No watcher, candidate, or any other persoF inside the polling ptace shall be
alowed to participate in the appreciation of ba[oie, except t}lat any watcher may file
a proteat which shall be recorded in the MinuGs,
The Electoral Board shall observe the follorring rules for the appreciation of
ballots as provided for in Section 211 of BP Bk. 881, bearing in mind t}lat the
objective of t?re election is to obtain the expression of the voters'will:
"(a) Where oniA the fwst nr Le or sfinarle of a catudid.oTe i.s urilten, tle
rnte for arch a.ndid.ate i.s ualiL if tlere i.s no other cdndidde with th.e
same fust name or suma ne for t)e same tfftce;
Gl tot tta EkEb,al'Boa.ds and BBOcs fot tt'e Odobet 23, 2017 Be's,tBay
atd SK Eieclior6
(c) ln cose tte condid.ak is q unman wla ter moiden or narried
surrlctrne or both ond tlcre is otather @ndidate uilh tlrE so,'flr€
surnatle, a ba\ot bearhg ot g such sr*tame shall be aunted in favor
of tlue ctrdid.ate wla i.s an inantnbent;
(q When htn rare uord,s are urifien on tlE same ti,l.e on tle ballot,
(2) or
dl of tohich are the srrrzlorlres of aw (9) or more cdrrdideles, the safi1e
slall not be @utlted for ang of thern ,tnlcss ore is a st',.ame oJ an
irwrnbent u.tho las sennd for d lea.$ one (1) gear, in uhich cd,se it
s@l be cqwted. in fawr of the l.atter;
WlEn h,N (2) or rore uord,s are uritten on different Unes on the batlot,
all of u.thbh are sumcancs of turo (2) or ntte candidates bearing tle
same srmame for an offrce for uhich the lau dutlDrizes ttle election of
mare tlan one atd, there are tlo s&ne rutmber of such sumames
u.rrilten as there are candid,ates utith tlvt surnatna, tl@ wk sl@Jl be
@wted, in f@or of qll the candidd"-s Wdring the stutame;
(e) Wlen on the balbt is utrtttefl a stqtc ubrd, uhich i.s tl@ fiist nane of d
@ndi.datc and uhich i.s d tle same ttne the srnaflLe of his opFtonent,
tle wte shell be counted in fawr oftle latter;
n WBn hao (2) ttords are tarilten on th+balbt, ot@ of uhi/)h i,s thc first
nane of o, wtdidale drd. tl,c oter is the surnarne of hi-s opponerlt, the
wte slDU nat be counted for eitlar onc;
(g) A nane or swnane in/!rrec.tlg utrilten whi.t\ uthen reo4 ho,s a sound.
similar to tlw rwme or swtwme of a dndidste urlen correctlg t ritten
shall be @unted, it fatnr of srtch wtdidnte;
(i) When in a spa@ in tle bdlot tlere appats a rmme of a wndidnte that
is erosed dnd dnother clearlg urilte4 tte wte is vaid for tlD lalter;
A) The erroneaus initial of tllc fust name uhich ammPanie* the @rect
srfinne of a candidde, tle ermneats ittitial of t)@ sumane
awmpanging th.e @ftect first namc of a cnndidnte, or tlle erroneous
middle initial of tle ca.nnidde shall not awal the vote in fator of the
k) fhe fact thd tlBre e,cbts another Wrson ul@ is not a @ndiddle uith
tE frrst ndme or surrurtte of a carldaate slnll tat prerent the
adjudimfion of the wte of the latter;
A) tu ats uthich ontah prefixe-s such as 'S.r", "Mr. ", "Datu', 'Don',
"Gitloo', "Hon-", "cmb'. or sufixes lilce "Hijo', 'Jr.', '*gLurda", are
(m)The use of nickrames and appella.tion4 of affection ann friendship, if
a.wnponied W thB fiist nan,e or sumbme of tle candidote, does not
anrutl such wte, except 1llVn wefe u,sed e.s o. means to identifg
tte voter, in uhich case the uhole ballot is invaiid. PtovidE{ tlet if tle
nirknanne u.sed. i-s uraqnnqrdnied bg the fELrrE or surndne of a
er,.didate and. it is tle one bg uthich h.e ls generollg or popul@rlV kawwn
in the loelttg, tle ndne sholl be courtEd. in favor of the soid condidate
for the sqme olfice with the same nicknane;
(A Ang uote .nnlqbing initiqls onlg or uhidlt is illegible ot whiih does not
snficiefl g identifu the @tdidate for llhom it is biend.ed be
@nsiderd qs a slrag vote but shall not bLdlaab ttle uhole baltot;
(o) If on the ballot is @rrdl! urilten tl@ fw*t name of a andidate but utith
a differcnt surntune, or the sumane of the candi.datz is correctlg
urilten but ruith a dafferent frrst nome, the vote sr6.ll not be counted in
favor of any cottdidate tuuing s,t h fust lrolme orld/ or surnattle, but the
ballot sholt be unsid.ered vdid for otter [otrdidates;
(p) Ang boJlot uritten with crago4 lead. perw , or intt uhotlg or in parl
slall be volid.:
GI br tl:e fuoral'Boalds and BBOC9 tor tho Oclobet 23, 201 ,1 Bara@ay
and S( Erbcdors
(q) Where tllere are tuo (2) or nore candiddes wtd for in an ofie for
uhich tte Lau autltorizes th.e elcction of onlg one, tle uote sl|,,( not be
cd..rted. in Jator of ang of thei\ bn this sl,a,ll nDt afed. the ualidity of
th.e otlEt lI{tes thareiq
(r) If the candiddes voted for a(eed the finnber of tl@se to be electeil, the
bauot is vari4 bn the .etes shaJl be qunteil onlg in fawr of the
condid,atcs utase rwmes uere firstJg ltritten bg the wter within the
spoes prouided for said ofr@ in tle ballot untit tte aut torized
is oovered;
(s) Ang lote in fdwr of a pqson uho ho.s not fleil a ertifimle of
condidacg or in fatnr of a @.nddate for an ofie for uhbh lte did not
present himxlf shall be @nsid.ered a,a a strqg wte, but it sho,0 not
inuaMate tte l,t,hole ballot;
(u) Cirdrs, crosses, or Ufles ptl. on tle spd.@s on which the voter l@s not
wted sha be consdered as sibns to indicate his desi.stdnce from
wtitq ond shall nat iwalid.ote the balloN
(v) Unl€ss it shoud cleaflg appear tlwl tlvg haue been detiberatelg pn bg
the wter to serve qs identificdion marks, commns, dots, tinEs, or
Wphans bettoeen t e first nanc and st-.n anE of a candidate, or in
ot|ler parts of thc bollots, tra@s of tlv letter 'f , "J', and otller
ones, tlD fir$t |ctErs or sVllobles of ntu*.s t hiih the uoter daes not
anthtue, tlte rtse oJ tuo (2) or more kinds of urifing d d unintcntiona)
or arcidcntal€s, stotes, or strlins, sho,lt rl@t invalidste the
{1!)AflA balot which dearlg aplBdrs lo haue been filLed bA hto (2) distin/,.
persons before it uos dEposited ia tle ballot box during tle wting is
totallA tutU dnd uoi$
(4 Ang vote cast in fauor of a candidate wlw has been disqtalified. bA ftial
i,tdqfuent $hdl be a nsidered. o,s sttag orrl shoJl not be @unted. but it
slnll twt invalid.ate tlv bailat
Gi tu the det{orar'8oads ad EBOC6lotthe October 23, 201 tutangay
end SK Elcdio//ls
(z) Tlv q&iaentul tearing or perfomtion of a ballot does not aNwJ it;
(aa) Fafuie to reiaue tllP- d.etqcha,bl,e @upon from a ballot does rwt
anft,Ll su,,h bqllot.'
ssc, 64. Prllrdrution drtil dtsffihttltlon of ela'ct,ott tcarn,l,. -
There shall
be separate ERa for tie Barangay and SK dections. The ERs for t}le Barangay
elections shall be accomplished in four (4) copies while the ERs for the SK election
shall be accompliehed in tiree (3) copies. Eaoh copy of the ER sha]l be signed and
thumbmarked by the Electoral Board and -"th"r", if the latter is available, sealed
witi a paper seal, placed in t}le envelope protided for tfie purpose, which envelope
shal likewise be sealed with a paper seal, ard distributed under prop€r receipt as
The Electoral Board and the watchers available shall accomplish t}re
certification portion of the ERs. There€Jter, the Chairperson shall publicly announce
the votes obtained by each candidate.
G, ,br the Efefirral Boards sttd BBOG, fo| the Odober 23, A17 Banngay
aod SK Eledbns
&o. 54. Cct4fi,co.'r otl wter. L After tlle counting of votea and
announcement of f}le ,lsults of fte election in the prEcinct, and before leaving the
polling ptrace, ttre Electora.l Board sha]l is6ue Certificate of Votes (CEF No. 13) upon
request of t}e candidetes or their watchers. The Certiflcate of votes shall contain the
total number of votes rcceived by each caldidate, written in words srrd frgures, the
precinct number, t}Ie nalrre of the ba.rangay, city or municipality and province, the
total number of voters who voted in the precinct and t]le date of its issuance. The
Certificate of Votes shall be signed and thumbnarked by all Electoral Board
The Electoral Board shell require t}le rcquesting party to ackrcwledge receipt
The refusal of tlle Electoral Board to furnish the Certificate of Votes shall
conatitute aIl election ofrense.
Soo. 56. Ilrerutlona .Ir.d c,/njcalot€ ln t E elEctlan ,tat',ts. - ArLy
correction or alteration made on tlle ERsr by the Electoral Board before the
announcement of the results of the elections in the ptecinct Bhall be duly initia.led by
all tlrc members t}ereof.
After the announcement of t}Ie r€sults of the elections in the precinct, t}le
Electoral Board shall not make arty alteratio! or amendment in ary copy of the ERs,
unless so ordercd by the Commi$ion.
Scc. 56, ,xqposffron ol bq, boxeA ,@98, elccrt on retur,aa onil otler
d@ar.,.e'?,f,s,. - Upon tl1e termination of tlte counting of votes snd t]le announcement
of the rcsults of tlre election in the precinct tid Electora.l Board shall:
(a) Place t}le fouowing documents inside the compartment of the ballot
box for valid ballots:
1. Envelopes containing:
(i) Counted official ballots;
(ii) Excess,/rnarked/spoiled balots and one-half of tl.e torn
unused ofrcial ballots;
(iii) ERs (copy for tlte balot box); and
(iv) Minutes (copy for the balot box).
(b) Close the inner compartments of the ballot box, and Beal them with
one (1) plastic security seal. Irck tlle outer cover of the ba.Uot box
with one (1) padlock and two (2) plastic security seals. The Electoral
Gl fot uE EiJE}r;torl Boads and BBocs fot the October 23, 2017 Barungay
and SK Eledbns
Board ehall wrap the ballot box with packaging tape ard aflix their
signatures. the SNs of plaslic security seals must be recorded in the
Minutes before the same shall be deposited inside the balot box. the
key to the padlock shatl be pl,aced in a separate envelope, which sha.ll
be sealed arrd signed by al1 Electoral Board members. Ttte envelope
with key shall be subslitted to the EO.
(c) Deliver to the Cify/Municipal Treasurer the ballot box locked and
sealed as well as a-ll documents arrd supplies, accompanied by the
watchers present, if aloy. For this purpose, the City/Municipal
Treasurer strall, if necessary, keep his office open all night on tJle day
of election, and provide the necessary facilities for said delivery at t1le
er<pense of the cit5r/municipality;
lncase the ballot box delivered by the Electoral Eoard is not locked
and sealed, the City/Municipal Treasurer shall lock and/or seal the
ballot boj< and shall include such fact and the SN of the pLastic
security seal used in his report to the Commission.
(e) Deliver to ttre Secretary of tie Sangguniang Barangay ttre copy of tlle
PCW for the SK voters (CEF 2-A) and ER (barangay elections) copy
for tl:e SecretarJ, of the Sangguniang Barangay.
On the day a.fter tlle election, the EO or the City/Municipal Tteasurer as the
case may be, sha1l require, any Electoral Board who failed to deliver t}te election
records or paraphemalia mentioned herein, to deliver the same immediately.
Sec, 57. PrEser,atioa o.f thc nst o.f oo8r3. - The EO shall keep the EDCVL
Barangay, EDCVLSK, PCVLBarangay and PCVLSK used in the election in a safe
place untjl such time the Commission gives instruclions on tieir disposition.
election documents r€quired to be placed in thc ballot box were not placed tlerein,
the Electoral Bosrd instead of opening the ballot box in order to ptrace tlerein said
documents or articles, shall deliver the same to the EO. In no instance shall the
ballot box be re-opened to place thercin or take out there Aom any election document
EXCEPT, to retri€ve copies of t}le ERs which will be needed in any canvass, with
prior authority of the Comrnission, through the EO, as Fovided under Resolution No.
9080 promulgated October 24, 2010.
ln case the Electoral Board faits to place the envelope/s containing the counted
ballots inside t}re ballot box, ttre EO shall, with notice to candidates, deposit said
envelope/s in a separate ballot box which shal be properly sealed, padlocked and
stored in a saJe place in his ofrce. Said balot box shall r€main seaied unless
otierwi8e ordered by the Commission.
Sec. 59. .[canar oI ib&aery ui, bat sl,^tltd,l ol elccd,o,u. rcfirrns. - lte
copy of ttre ERs intended for the BBOC, placed inside a sealed envelope shall be
personally delivered by the Electora.l Boad to the BBOC or through the BBOC
Support Sta-fr under prcp€r receipt.
It shall be unlawful for ary person to delay, obstruct, impede, or prevent
through force, violence, coercion, intimidation or by any means which vitiates
con6ent, ttle tmflsmittal of the ERs; or to take away, abscond with, destroy, deface,
mutilate, or substitute the ERs or t}le envelope or tlle ballot box containing the ERs.
It shall also be untari'fuI to violate the righ of the watchers to accompary the
Electoral Board in delivering the ERs to the BBOC/BBOC Support Staff.
Gl fot the Elff,otal tuads and BBOCi bt he Odober 23, 2011 Ba@ngay
ard SK Aact oos
In a barangay with only one (1) Electoral Board, said Electoral Board shall
convert itself as the BBOC.
Electaal Boald
1to5 P 1,000.00
6to12 P 1,500.00
13 to 24 P 2,OOO.OO
rre:h BEOC
25 to 36 P 2,500.00
37 to 48 P 3,OOO.00
49 to 97
with one (1) Sub-Canvassing
98 to 145
with two (2) Sub-Canvassing
146 to 193
with three (3) Sub-Canvassing P 4,000.00 P 2,000.00
194 to 241
with four (4) Sub-Canvassing
242 above
with five (5) Sub-Canvassing
d W nE et6,oE.l tulds aN BBoCs tu 0p OctolF,t 8, m17 Ba@ngay
and SK Elecllons
*c. 6. Vat tqutd- - A majoriry vote of aI1 the members of the BBOC
shall be neceseary to render a decision.
seq. 67. Persons not o.llaud an'flde fLe qfitushg ,oorrr- - It sha11 be
unl,a&{ul for any officer or member of the AFB including the PNP; peace officer;
armed or unarmed person belonging to J any exEa-legal police agency,
special/reaction/strike/home defense force, barlngay s€lf-defense units; barangay
tanod; member of tie sequrity or police organiztstion3 of govemment departments,
commission, councils, bureaus, ofrces, instrumantalities, or government-owned or
conkolled corporaLions or tJ:eir subsidiaries; or any member of a private-owned or
operated security, investigative, protective or intelligence agency performing identical
or similar functions, to enter t}Ie room where the oanvassing of the ERs is being held,
or to stay within a radius offifty (5o) metera from guch room; Provided, however, that
the BBOC may, by majodty vote in writing, brder the detail of PNP or AFP for its protection or that lof t}le election docuEents and
paraphernalia in its possession, or for the maintehance of peace and order, in which
case said PNP or AFP oflicials/personnel, who shall be in proper uniform, shall stay
outside tJre room within a radius of thirty (30) meters near enough to be easily called
by the BBOC at any time.
(b) In canvassing the ERs, the BBOC shall comply n"ith the fotlowing
1) The Member-Secretary ahall rcceive t}le envelopes containing the ERs
intended for the BBOC, and record in the Minutes of Canvass
(Minutes) the condition a.nd SNs of tlre errvelope and paper seal; and
the precinct nuEber(s) comprising the cluster;
2') Beforc opening, the Chairperson shali exhtbit t}le envelope to t}Icse
who are present;
3) Open the envelope and retrieve the ERs and proceed to canvass flrst
all the Barangay ERs in accordance with the following procedures:
(a) Examine the condition of the inn6r paper seal of the ERs;
while the Melrber-SecreGry reccrds in the Miautes the
condition aqd SN of said paper sealf
(b) Break the inner seal, unfold the ERs and exhibit the same;
while the Member-Secretary reccrds in the Minutes the
condition and SN of the ERs;
5) In barangays wift only one (I) clustered precinct, the BBOC shall
immediately accomplish in triplicate the SOVs and COCP and
proclaim the winning candidates.
1) Canvass all ERs for t].e barangay andlSK elections following the same
procedures provided in the preceding faragraphs b (1 to 3) hereof.
d fot nE Aaclotat 88al.,s and EBOCi bt the d.tiler B, mlv Baangay
ead SK E ec{ie,s
Even if the BBOC has not received all of the ERs, it may terminate tlte canvass
artd procliaim the candidaGs elect€d on tlle bads of the available ERs provided thet
the missing ERs will no loDger affect the results of the elections.
The right of a candidate to avail of this prwision shall not be lost or affected by
the fact that an election protest is subsequently fled by any of the candidates.
g,cc, 71. Wen elmt/.ort rc,..nLa qJpl:EJoj) a be Atryetea widt or lalslfled.
- lf the ERs submitted to t}te BBOC appear to be tsmpered s'ith, altered, or falsified
after they have left the hands of the Electora.l Bjard, or are otherwise not aut.hentic,
or werc prepared by persons other than the Ehctora.l Board members or by such
Electoral Board but under duress, force, intfulidation, the BBoC shall use other
copies of the eaid ERs and, if necessa4r, the copy inside the ballot bG, which upon
previous authority given by the Commission, , rlay be retrieved in accordance wit}
Section 220 of BP Blg. 881. If the otlrcr copies of the retums are likewise tampered
with, altercd, falsified, not autlentic, prepared by persons other t}lan the Electoral
Board or by such Electoral Board but under duFess, force, intimidation, tlre BBOC
shall bring tlle matter to the attention of the Cpmmission. The Commission shall
then, after giving notice to all tlrc candidates doncerned and satisrying itseu that
nothing in the ballot box indicates that its identJty and integrity bave been violated,
order the opening of the ballots therein has been duly preserved, it shall order the
Cl for tlp Fffio|rlil B@tds ad BElocs ft be @obr 23, N1l Ber?,/.r,sy
and SK ElecTiona
recount of the votes of the cardidat€s afected and prepare a new return, which shall
then be used by BBOC as basis for the canvass.
s,oc. 72.Irl!{,rep(Ijacia, tn Dl4.c'Iorl Rcarrrrs. - In case it appears to the
BBOC that there €aist discrepa.ncies in the votes of ar}y candidate in words and
figures in tfie same retums, and in either case the dilference a.frects the results of the
elections, the Commission shall, upon motion of the BBOC or any candidate allected
aqd after due notice to all caldidates concemed, proceed surnrnarily to determine
whether the integrity of the ballot box had been preserved.
Once the Commission is satisfied that thc integrity of the ballot box had been
preserv€d, it shall order tfie opcnirS of the balot box to recount the votes csst in fhe
polling place solely for t}Ie purpose of determining the true result of the count of votes
of the candidates concerned.
If upon opening the ballot box as ordered by the Commission, it should appear
that there are signs of repLacement, tampering, or viol,ation of the integrity of the
ballots, the Commission shall not recoult the bdllots but forthwith seal the ba.llot box
and order its safekeeping,
There is manifest error in the tabulation or tallying of the result during the
ca.nvassing when:
2) Two (2) or more copies of the ERs Sr one (1) precinct q,et'e
ct for tt]€ itdclotai B.f,,tds ard 88ocs br the oc{obt 23, 2,17 Ba'angey
a4d sK geclbrs
(b) If the manilest error is discovened before proclanation, t}le BBOC shall
promulgate ar order in writing for the correction of tlle manifest error. They shall
efrect t}re necessa4r' correction in the SOVs/COCP by cros8ing out the eroneous
fgures/eatries to be initialed blr tie membeE of the BBOC and entering t}le correct
figures/entries. The correction of matrifest error. made by tne BBOC shall be
recorded in the Minutes.
Anla caldidate aggrieved by t}le said order may appeal the sarlle to the
Commi$sion within twenty-four (24) hours ftom promulgation. The appeal must
irnplead as respondents, the BBOC concemed and all candidates that rllay be
adversely a$ected.
Once an appeal is made, the BBOC shal not proclaim the winning candidate,
unleas the votes are not a{fected by the appeal.
Upon receipt of the appeal, the Clerk of tre cornndssion shall forthwith issue
su]tlmons together with a copy of the appca-l to the reapondent/s and sha-U
immediately set the appeal for hearing. 'Ihe appeal shall be heard and immediately
decided by the Commission En Banc.
(c) Manifest errors discorrered after proctraluation the same shall be filed by the
board or any agerieved parry with the Commissidn.
After all questions on the ERs shall hdve been resolved, the BBOC sha.U
forthwith proceed with the procl,amation of the utinning candidates, without prejudice
to the right of an aggrievcd party to file an electi4l protest.
Sec. 76. Eleclrons ,tar.ltittg t4 d tla. - In cases where two 12) or more
candidates for Punong Barangay or SK Chairpdrson receiv€d an equal and highest
number of votes, or where two (21 or more candidates for Sangguniang Barargay
Kagawad or SK Kagawad received the sarne number of yotes for the first or last place,
the BBOC, after recordiag this fact ia its Minutes, sha-Il, by resolution, and upon five
(5) days notice to a.ll the candidatea concerne{, hold a special public meeting in
which the BBOC shall proceed to the drawirg bf lots between tl:e cardidates who
have tied and proctraim as elected the candidates who may be favorcd by luck.
'Itre other candidate, who lost in tlle draw for the first ptace, if there are only
two (2) who tied, shall automatically be t}t€ second placer. If, however, more than
two (2) candidates tied for first pl,ace, rplled pi:ces of paper duly marked by the
Gl for tt|€ Eleclori Aoads and BBOCS for tt:E odobor 23, m17 Barangay
erd Sr( Ebcfblrs
number of t}le roled paper drawn by each shall decide their ranking. ltre
same procedure shsll apply if the tie occurs among the second placers and so on.
If the tie is for t}le position of Punong Barangay or SK Chairperson or for the
selEnth place for SangguniaDg Barangay Kagawad or SK Kagawad, the one favored
hry luck and proclaimed as electd shall have the right to assume offrce in tJ:e salare
rnanner as it had been elected by plurality vote. The BBOC shall forthwittr issue a
certificate stating the nasre of the candidate who had been favored by luck and
proclaim on the baaia tlereof.
Subject to rcasonable o.ceptions, the BBOC shall complete tlle canvass within
twenty-four (24) hours &om the time the frrst ER is canvassed.
A copy of the SOVs shall be attadred to ealh copy of the COCP except for the
copy of the wining candidates. In case of a tie, Section 75 herein shall apply.
gac. 77. Dlcd,brttlo,l ol Cerdficate o,l Cd'l;a(l'" o'|d. Prrclqmd,ttotr.
Copie€ of the COCP shall be distributed as follows:
cl fot E &ctu;t Boards aad BBOCS for the Me. %, Nl7 Batargay
€rd SKE€cfio|rs
I'herea.fter, the BBOC shall deliver tie envelope containing the canvassed ERs
to the City/Municipal 'IYeasurer who shall place the same locked in a safe and eecure
place with thc EO keeping the key thereto, together with ttre envelopes containing the
canvassed ERs from other barangays.
corrlrcE![cY ltr alfa
gsc. 79. Prvlblems tha,t mc,! be cncoun4red - rne bUor*,ing problems may
be encountered during the elections, to wit:
(a) I^a.te arrival of official ballots, accourltable election forms and otlier
election paraphernalia;
(b) Shortage, non-avail,ability or missidg pages of accountabl,e and
non-accountable election forms and supplies;
(c) Discreparcies in the serial number of ballots;
1.) Balots beadDg ttte same SN;
2.) The upper and lower SNs arc diEerent;
cl lor frE il€, tuads and aBOCs bt tl.E O&r8, m17 Ba@Ivay
and SK Eleclions
I. I
a.) The EO, City/Municipal TtEasur€rs and the Electoral Boards, shall jointly
agses based on the information from the AdminisEative Sereices
Departsnent (AsD)/Packing and Shipping Comrnittee (PSC), the time of
arrival of the ballots, accountable election forms and otter election
paraphemalia at the concerned polling pLace;
b.) If based on their asseament, the ballots will arrive bcfote trrclvc o' clock in
tlle afternoon of october 23, 2017, voting shall immediately start and
continue up to live o'clock in the aJternoon. If a-fter five o'clock in the
aAemoon, there are still voters present who have not yet cast their votes,
Sec. 26 hercof shall apply;
c.) If the ballots, accountable election forms end other election paraphernalia
will arrive after trrtve o' ctroct ln the altesloon of octobet 23, 2017,
alcctlorr ghatl be react to tho followhg day, October 24, 2017, ot lt lt
Ir not feeBiblo, otr the ncrEt d.ay, Octobor t5, 2017,
Voting, counting and canvassing shall corttinue in the cluster€d prccincts
not affected-
Notwithstanding th€ rcsetting of the eledions in the €-ffected clustered
pr€cinct, the BBOC may pmclaim t1re wilrdng candidates whose election
will not be affected by tlre number of votes to be cast in t}Ie clustered
precinct/s where the elections was reschedrlled. If the number of votes to be
caat in tlre clustered prccinct where elections was rescheduled, \ rill allect
the result of t}Ie elections, the BBOC shall suspend its proceedings and
rjeconvene at slr o'clock lD the €voDLEg of October 24, 2()17 or if not
feasible, orr October 25.2017; and
d.)The EO shall announce and post rroti"" {r, the date of the resetting of
elections in t}le clustercd precinct/s affected. ltot lates tha,n llx o'clock ia
thc evenirg of olcotloa &y, t}te EO shall report to the PES which
clustered precinct/s under his jurisdiction have extended/r€scheduled its
elections due to late arrival of baltrots, accouhta.ble election forms and other
election paraphemalia, the PES shall likewile report tlre same to the RED,
who shall consolidate ard submit (by fax or e-mail) to the ODEDO, the
soonest possible time. The RED of NCR shall beport directly to the ODEDO-
Gl fot ltq Eworal tuatds and BBOC9 for the or/ohet 23, m17 Baangay
and Sr( Ele{rbns
u. SIEORTAGE. TO - V oR maamoPAcEa oF
Gt lot 0B L:bt,ot}t tuatds and BBOCS fot lhe Odobet 23, N\7 Barangay
arrd SK E/edrons
ii. After the countin& sign tfre improvised ERs or Ta]ly Boards and
imprint their thumbmarks;
iii. Distdbute copies of the improvised ERs or Tally Boards in
accordance with Section 59 hereof;
iv. Enter in the Minutes that the ERs or Tally Boards ar€ not available
and that the Electoral Board together wit}t tl:e watchers decided to
use improvised ERs or Tally Boards; ald
v. Place all forms used inside the corresponding envelopes a.Ird
deposit tie same inside the ballot box;
l.) ,,lstlrtg pog@/copte, eLddon ,e'.,'ns. - ln case of
missing page/s/copies of the ERs, the Electoral Board shall
take measures to reFodude/photocopy such missing
page,/s/copies. lt shall take steps to ensure that th€ copy
intended for the BBOC is complete by obtaining the missing
page/s/copies from t]le other copies of the ERs with no missing
pages. All such photocopies shall be certitred by the Electoral
Board aid watchers, if avail,able.
(c) Statement of Votes by Precinct
e EO:
Gl tot tl?e Etectofti tuerdi dnd BBoCs for he offiet 23, 2d17 Bar€,t]E,ay
ard SK E ediors
iv. Enter in the Minutes that the SOVP is not available a.nd that
the BBOC together with watchers decided to use improvised
SOVB and
v. Place all forms used inside the corresponding envelopes alld
deposit the same inside the ballot box;
In the Metro Manila Arca arrd whener.rer possible, all lacking or missing
pages of all accountable forms sha.ll be rcplaced.
cl for tho Effiri tuads a/d aSOCs frr tfi€ Octooor 23, 17 Ea.atgay
dtrt SK Ebdions
(a) Oficfaf bauots b€.rlDg tho rrlel numborr - If the ballots bear the
same SNs tl.e following shall:
The fact that the baltrota have t]:e sa.E1e 8N and its quantity shall be noted irt
the Minut6s. Further, the new SNs shall be recorded the eame.
ln a-I insta.Eces, the Electoral Board metnbers are djrected to issue first the
ballote complete and regular SNs. pxcept those which were marked as
defective ballots, the Electoral Board melnbers shall only issue ballots with the
same SNs to t]le voters, ifthere are no more available ballots r"ith complete and
regular SN in the polling pl,ace concerned.
(b) Upper ard lower 3erlal number! of the ofEctal ballot are dlfferent. - If
the upper arrd lower SNs of the ballot are differont, the following shall:
The Poll Clerk:
1.) Enter in the Minutes the di.fferedt SNs appearing in the ballot,
indica.ting therein whetier it is located in the upper or lower
portion thereof; and
2.) Record opposite the name of the voter in t}re EDCVL
Barangay/EDCVLSK, the two (2) different SNs.
1.) Issue the ballot to t}le voter.
Gl lot tl|6 El€{,o.€f tuatds and BBOC' for the Mober23, N17 aarangay
ed SKElectrorrs
Etthor ths utrpr or lor6r torld DuEbGr of thc omclal bdlot lr mlsdag.
- If either the SN in the upper or lower portion of the ballot is missi4g, the members
of Electoral Boaid shall:
The Chairoerson:
1.) CopI, tlre available SN in the portion of the ballot where it does
not appear and affx signatur€ therein; and
2.) lssue the ba.[ot to the voter.
(dl Eoth the upper aDd lovsr sorhl durabers of thc olflclal bdlot ate
Ef8sfng. - If both the SNs in the upper and low6E portion are missing, t}Ie concerned
Electoral Board members shall:
1.) Record the fact in t]1e Minutes.
The Chairoereon:
2-) Place the same inside t}le envelope inteBded for spoiled baJlots-
1.) Check the SN of the b€.llot pr€ceditg tlle balot witl blurred SN
end fouow the sequence of the SNs;
If t}re SN of t}re ballot is totally urueadable, the Poll Clerk sball record the same
in tie Minutes while the Chairpercon shall mark the ballot as "defective ballot'
and thereafter, place the ballot inside t}le envelope intended for spoiled ballots.
(f)Serlal rumber of the o6clal ballot doe3 not belong to the lcrles. - If the
SN of the ballot doee not betrong to th€ scries, the Elcctoral Board members shall:
1.) Note in the Minutes, the SN of the ballot that does not telong to
t}le seriee; aid
2.) Record the same opposite the name of the voter in the EDCVL
The Chairperson:
In all instances, the Electoral Board members are directed to issue fir'8t t}le
balots with complete and regular SNs. Ercept those which were marked as
defective ballots; the Electora.L Board shall only issue to the votera, ballots with
SNs not belonging to the series, if t]1ere a:c no more in-series ballots available
in the polling place concemed.
A@. Al. Aut to?lly o,f U)s to ddrnlntsbr oat r" - The EOs are authori",ed to
adm.inister oath, for free, on all matters related b the conduct of the Barangay arrd
SK elections.
8Gc.84. Appucabl&q of tB
gl,lcdo,' Coda. - The prcvisions of
the BP Blg. 881 and other pertinent laws slrall, as far as practicable, apply to the
Barangay and SK elections.
Sec.a5. qffecr{ulQt - 'Ihis Resolution shall take efiect on t}te seventh (7th}
day after its publication ila two (2) newspap€ra of genera-l circulation in the
Gl for tl:€ El€fioIEl Baards aN BBOCS tot tl!6 Odober 23, 2017 Earangay
ad SK E 6crb,s
TIAIT s. uu
lp I t :! "
Republic of the Philippines
qofrlsaror or El.Ecuors
CALEITDAR OT ACTIVITIES Ltr, c.R.s., Acting Chairman
PROIIIEITED ACTA lr OI'IA, L.T.F., Commissioner
CO!'ITECTIOII WITETEE Ltx,4.D., Commissioner
rAY L4, 2Ol3 ouArrzo[, M.R.A.v., ComIIIissioner
aYlCEROIlltlED BARiIIICAY ABAB, S.M., Commissioner
KABr,aAAr (8rl rt.tcrlorg
Promulgated Januarv 15, 2018
REaOLImOIl rO. 10246
Pursuant to thc powers vested in it by the Constitution oI the Republic of
the Philippines, tie Omnibus Election Code (8.P. Blg. 881), Republic Acts
646,7166,8189, 8436, 91a9, 9369 and oth6r election lau6, the Commission
on Elections (Commission), nE€OLVBD to prcscribe the following calendar of
activities and periods of prohibited acts in coinection with the May 14, 2018
Synch.onized Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Elections:
February 12, 2O1a
(MON) to February 19, Period to constitute the
2Of S (MON) EeEbers of the
Electoral Board and
Barangay Boards of
Canvasers (BBOC).
Use of ecun ty
Dergonnel ol
bodyguards by
candidates (Sec. 33 R
Coercing, threatening,
intimidating or terrorizing
arty election official or
employee in the
performance of his
election functrons or
duties. IScc. 26r (0,
OECI. (NOTE: Until
pr.ilafiatio of winning
Transfer or detail of
officera and employees
in the civil service
including public school
teachers. (Sec. 261 {hl,
OrganizinS or
maintaining reaction
forces, strike forces or
similar forces. (Sec. 261
(u), oEC).
Suspension of any
elective proyinc ial city,
municipal or barangay
olficer. (Sec 261 (x),
May 4, 2O1a {FRI) to CT.uPAIOII PBRIOD Removing, destroying,
May 12, 2O1a (SAT)
obliterating, defacing,
(Sec. 7, R.A. 6679) tarxrperin8 or preventing
distribution of lawful
election propagande.
(S€c. 83, OEC).
Appointing or using
special policemen,
special/ conlidential
agents or the
like. (Sec. 261 (m), OEC).
(Note: prohibition
includes the day before
election and election
Appointment or hiring
oi new employees,
creation o{ new
position, promotion,
giving of salary
ttcreases, re&uneration
or privileges. (Sec. 261
(g), OEC) as amended by
S€c. 5 of R.A. No.
Destroying, subotituting,
or taking away from the
rossession of those
having legal custody
thereof, or from the place
where t}tey are legally
deposited, any election
form or document or
ballot box which clntains
oflicial ballots or other
documents used in thc
election. lsec. 261 (z)
{r2), oECJ. UoTE: Mas
be committed befote or
eveft ofrer election doV)
Selling, furnishing,
offering, buying, serving
or taking intoxicating
liquor, erc. (scc. 261, (dd),
Opening of booths or
stalts for the sale, etc. of
wares, merchandise or
refreshments within
thirty (3o) meters ,edius
from the polling plece
Holding of fairs,
cockfrghts, boxing, horse
races or similar sports
(S€c. 261 (dd), (3), oEc).
102 46
This Resolution shall take eflect on the seventh (76) day after its publication in
two (2) daily lewspapers of general circulation in the Philippines.
ut ..uELrA V. OUII.ZOI| ] uf