a. functional
1. Extrajudicial killings are conducted by the government together with the police authorities
as a strategy to solve the problem against drug cases.
2. Extrajudicial Killings is also a way to for the government to eliminate corruption.
3. Extrajudicial Killings decreases number of crimes.
b. conflict theory
1. Innocent victims were unable to defend themselves in this kind of justice system.
2. Extrajudicial killing follows an illegal process of killing a person.
3. Extrajudicial killings violates the human rights.
c. symbol
what makes an extrajudicial killing an extrajudicial killing?
How does authorities identify people who should be executed?
How does extrajudicial killing became a strategy to end drugs?
II. Divorce
1. Divorce saves a person from unhappy and a toxic marriage.
2. Divorce provides a freedom for those people who are not ready to commit.
3. divorce serves an important function in legally and emotionally freeing people to form a
more satisfying and more stable relationship.
conflict theory
1. Family and friends have difficulty in maintaining relationships.
2. Children from divorced families tend to suffer emotional and behavioral problems.
3. Divorce hinders a student to perform well in school.
1. how does a couple decides to get divorced?
2. what got them to consider separation?
3. how do they manage to be separated from a person who they once loved?
Same-sex marriage
1. same sex marriage allows one to be confident in their own uniqueness.
2. same sex marriage provides freedom to love who they want to love.
3. same sex marriage produces acceptance in a society.
1. same sex couples violates the natural law.
2. same sex marriage can have negative influence on children
3. same sex marriage invalidate the purpose of marriage — to procreate.
how do they express their emotions freely?
what makes same sex marriage a marriage?
How do laws that limit marriage to heterosexuals affect gay and lesbian people?
IV. abortion
Abortion access reduced teen fertility, who had lower levels of access to contraception.
abortion reduce unwanted pregnancy.
abortion is a legal way of ending pregancy.
1. abortion kills an innocent life.
2. abortion do not allow the child to explore the beauty of the world.
3. abortion reduces the population thus, it also reduces economic productivity.
how does a mother decide to abort or not?
how do they manage to take one’s life unintentionally?
how does abortion become illegal?