A Study of Training Need Analysis Based Training and Development: Effect of Training On Performance by Adopting Development Based Strategy
A Study of Training Need Analysis Based Training and Development: Effect of Training On Performance by Adopting Development Based Strategy
A Study of Training Need Analysis Based Training and Development: Effect of Training On Performance by Adopting Development Based Strategy
ABSTRACT: Training and development enables employees to develop skills and competencies necessary
to enhance bottom-line results for their organization. It is a key ingredient in banking sector for organizational
performance improvement. It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change takes
place in structured format. Training and Development helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of
employees at each level and helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the
employees. This paper analyzes the status of various need analysis based training and development practices in
Punjab National Bank and HDFC bank and explores the proposed link between the training and employees’
productivity by adopting development based theory. The study makes use of statistical techniques such as
percentage, mean, standard deviation, standard error and coefficient of variation in analysing the data for
finding the result. The result shown that the Training in PNB & HDFC is average and there is scope for
improvement in training. The perception of employees regarding the Training and Development somewhat
differs significantly on the basis of gender and designation. Consequently the recommendations support for the
noteworthy of needs assessment of training which will bring a constructive worth in banking sector.
Keywords - Training and Development, Training Need Analysis, PNB, HDFC, Employees Performance
Training and Development is an attempt to improve current or future employee performance by
increasing an employee‟s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee‟s attitude
or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. Since the beginning of the twentieth century and especially after
World War II, training programs have become widespread among organizations, involving more and more
employees and also expanding in content. In India the banking industry becoming more competitive than ever,
private and public sector banks are competing with each other to perform well. The executives of the bank are
now in the position to modify their traditional human resources practice in to innovative human resources
practices in order to meet the challenges from other competitive banks.
This study is build upon the previous training literatures by providing a detailed examination of
training needs assessment and organizational effectiveness based upon development based strategy. The
question of the amount of training needs assessment and the effect of training is answered through evaluation
process. The purpose of training need assessment is to add value to an organization. Hence, evaluation measures
the progress in achieving this goal by purposefully improving training programs and measuring their worth. The
training programs are established by the needs assessment of training. A thorough needs assessment leads to
effective and efficient training, which increases the likelihood that evaluation will demonstrate successful value
added outcomes (Armstrong, 2007). In today‟s complex and fast changing organizational environment,
developing human resources is of paramount importance and training has now become one of the important
segments of Human Resource Development (HRD) process. That is why the efficiency of any organization
depends directly on how well its employees are trained. Training motivates employees to work efficiently and it
is widely accepted as a problem solving tool. The Human Resource Development department has to play a more
proactive role in shaping the employees to fight out the challenges. The banks not only have to make plans and
policies and devise strategies, the actual functionaries have to show willingness, competence and effectiveness
in executing the said policies and strategies. Both training and development are necessary for any organization.
In the opinion of Dr. Leonard(1), Nadler development is concerned with providing learning experience to
employees so that they may be ready to move into a new direction that organizational change may require. So it
is evident that training and development forms an integral part of human resources development process and
should be in unison. In commercial organizations like banks, HRD departments have the advantages of not
being excessively burdened with day–to–day problems of running the banks or ensuring profitability of
individual transactions. They are in positions to take strategic and long term view of the competitive advantage
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of the human resources as well as identify areas of professional weaknesses to rectify well before any damage
takes place in the organization. According to Flippo(1), “Training is the act of increasing knowledge and skill of
an employee for doing a particular job”. Dale S. Beach(2) “Training is the organized procedure by which people
learn knowledge and or skills for a definite purpose”.
Berger (2000) states the expenditure on human resource is imperatively high rising. Given the role of training
as a business strategy it is important that any training effort be targeted and relevant. Thus, the process by which
training needs are identified and addressed becomes a critical issue for organizations. It will introduce basic
needs assessment terminology and discuss potential options for the process.
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Debnath (2003) indicates that productivity of manpower in the banking sector of Bangladesh will
have to be increased by proper training both on the job and off the job. Moreover, Decenzo & Robins (2003)
state “training brings about the changes in ability, awareness, approach and behavior”. Besides, Griffin (2003)
supports training usually in human resources management perspective refers to teaching operational and
technical employees as to how to do the job for which they were hired. Kozlowski & Salas (2003) training needs
assessment is traditionally regarded as a diagnostic process that occurs before training. The purpose of formal
needs assessment is to identify the training targets. In the past, there has been disagreement about the
appropriate terminology to describe this process. Some authors choose to distinguish needs assessment from
needs analysis. Das and Ghosh‟s (2004) sample study conducted “to know the performance of bank CEOs in the
era of corporate governance, tried to identify the adaptability characteristics of CEOs in terms of technology.
The study also states that CEOs of poorly performing banks are likely to face higher turnover than CEOs of well
performing ones.” Glaveli and Rainaye (2004) in their study empirically examined the training policy in two
commercial banks, namely, State Bank of India and Jammu & Kashmir Bank Limited. The focus is on the
various facets of training including Management‟s attitude towards training, training inputs, quality of training
programs and transfer of training to the job. Furthermore, Mathis & Jackson (2004) state „training as a
procedure whereby people obtain capabilities to assist in the accomplishment of organizational objectives‟.
Rohmetra (2004) conclude that an unimpressive HRD climate and a weak IT perspective has been
able to contribute towards each other .A good training and development climate could possibly boost up the
technology environment or a good technology environment could facilitate development of human resources.
Kufidu (2005) in their paper analyzed the changes that took place in the Greek banking industry in the last
years, their impact on the role of employees training and development for strategy implementation and success,
using four case studies to investigate the effect of the environmental changes on these particular banks and the
role of their training and development strategies in adjusting themselves to the changing industry environment.
Ford (2006), training effectiveness is a broad construct that identifies situational or contextual factors impacting
learning, retention and transfer. This focus is critical for uncovering whether a training program was effective or
ineffective due to characteristics of the program or to factors outside the control of the training system. Tyson
(2006) training function for most organizations is not as effective or efficient as it could be. To truly be effective
or successful, training programs must incorporate more of the established best practices. Lincoln, Krishna and
Rao (2008) conducted a study on “HRM Practices in Public Sector and Private Sector Banks” and has suggested
that HR policies of Public Sector Banks should be revised there by making them more competitive in this
challenging era of globalization”. The Man Power Services Commission‟s glossary of training terms defines
„training‟ as a planned process to modify attitude, knowledge, skill, behavior through learning experience, to
achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities‟‟. Karthikeyan, Karthi and Shyamala (2010)
Graf assess the effectiveness of the various facets of training i.e. employee‟s attitude towards training inputs;
quality of training programs; training inputs and application of training inputs to the actual job.
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selling of financial products. Training programs on Personal Effectiveness, Leadership Excellence and Art of
Living are delivered by Guest Lecturers.
It is observed from the above table that 20% of the respondents belong to Top level, 40% of the
respondents belong to Middle level and the remaining 40% of the respondents belongs to Lower level.
Table II: Gender wise distributions of employees
Area PNB HDFC Total
(commercial bank) (private bank)
No. % No. % No. %
Male 60 30 60 30 120 60
Female 40 20 40 20 80 40
Total 100 50 100 50 200 100
It is observed from the above table that 60% of the respondents are male and the remaining
40%are female.
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It is observed from the above table that 17% of the respondents come under age group 20-30, 53.5% comes
under age group 30-40, next 28% comes under age group 40-50 and the remaining 1.5 % are of above 50.
5.4 Hypothesis
5.4.1 Training Program gives positive impact on the growth of the banks.
5.4.2 There is significant difference between the perception of male and female employees.
5.4.3 The difference is significant between the perception of employees at different level..
5.5 Questionnaire
The questions were designed to facilitate the respondents to identify major strengths and weakness of
the Corporations and provide insights. The endeavors were to identify the key training & Development issues,
on which employee‟s perception can be obtained like training need analysis, adoption of development bases
strategy and effect of training on bank‟s performance. The respondents were requested specifically to ignore
their personal prejudices and use their best judgment on a 5 point Likert scale. The purpose of this exercise was
to make the response a true reflection of organization reality rather than an individual opinion.
The 5 point of the scale indicated in the questionnaire are- 1. Strongly disagree, 2. Disagree, 3.Indifferent, 4.
Agree and 5. Strongly agree
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Table V: Value of Mean, S.D, C.V of Male and Female of HDFC bank
S.NO. Content Mean S.D C.V Mea S.D C.V Mean S.D C.V
1 Induction Training 3.87 0.76 19.73 3.84 0.98 25.52 3.77 0.91 24.12
2 Need analysis 4.00 0.72 17.96 3.84 1.05 27.24 3.82 0.94 24.53
based training
3 Effect of training 3.92 0.80 20.31 3.73 1.03 27.63 3.73 0.95 25.36
on performance
4 Development based 3.80 0.79 20.67 3.77 0.91 24.01 3.69 0.88 23.82
5 Total 3.90 0.03 0.90 3.79 0.06 1.67 3.75 0.03 0.81
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Table VI: Value of Mean, S.D, C.V of male and female of both (PNB & HDFC) bank
Table VII: Value of Mean, S.D, C.V of top level, middle level and lower level of PNB bank
Content Mean S.D C.V Mean S.D C.V Mean S.D C.V Mean S.D C.V
1 Induction 3.35 1.14 34.04 3.79 0.92 24.39 3.32 0.74 22.20 3.53 0.94 26.68
2 Need analysis 3.20 1.14 35.53 3.81 0.91 23.80 3.40 0.64 18.70 3.55 0.94 26.58
3 Effect of 3.32 1.05 31.72 3.85 0.88 22.87 3.54 0.63 17.69 3.59 0.91 25.28
training on
4 Development 3.25 0.98 30.12 3.79 0.90 23.77 3.38 0.69 20.33 3.54 0.87 24.58
based theory
5 Total 3.28 0.08 2.33 3.81 0.02 0.47 3.41 0.05 1.50 3.55 0.03 0.98
Table VIII: Value of Mean, S.D, C.V of top level, middle level and lower level of HDFC bank
S.NO Content Mea S.D C.V Mea S.D C.V Mea S.D C.V MEA S.D C.V
. n n n N
1 Induction 3.45 1.04 30.3 3.85 1.01 26.4 4.05 0.77 19.0 3.766 0.90 24.1
Training 8 8 9 6 2 8 2
2 Need 3.47 1.09 31.5 3.81 1.12 29.5 4.04 0.82 20.4 3.816 0.93 24.5
analysis 6 8 5 4 8 9 6 3
3 Effect of 3.38 1.08 31.9 3.79 1.04 27.6 3.87 0.87 22.5 3.734 0.94 25.3
training on 6 7 3 2 4 7 6
4 Developmen 3.246 0.97 30 3.898 0.89 22.8 3.904 0.77 19.8 3.6908 0.87 23.8
t based 4 4 5 5 9 2
5 Total 3.387 0.05 1.60 3.837 0.09 2.55 3.966 0.04 1.21 3.7517 0.03 0.80
4 1 8 8 5 8
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8.1 There is need for a continuous program of training for every individual to work as a member of an
effective team and activate the potential to achieve the corporation‟s goal.
8.2 It would be beneficial to the overall development of employees in the banking sector if both the public
and private banks establish their own training institute where modern training methods such as online
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training, overseas training and digital training program would follow for employees training and give
importance to needs assessment before training programs.
8.3 For effective training output the HR Department should provide the training to the workers with in
their working hours.
8.4 It would be imperative to maintain organized training staffs which are capable of performing all
training functions including needs assessment analysis and evaluation.
8.5 There is still found informal training need assessment procedure in banking sector. It could be most
important to involve most of the training staff in needs assessment and evaluation and also could
consider formal needs assessment procedure.
8.6 Different organisations should always determine the training need that would be most suitable for the
achievement organisational goals.
8.7 The feedback analysis of employees training would be compared with need assessment analysis and its
importance basis. Moreover, the effective cost -benefit analysis from this training program would put
across the organization more accountable. As a result it would convey a long- term positive outcomes
for the improvement of training program.
8.8 Different organisations should provide equal advancement opportunities to male and female
employees, experienced and inexperienced employees and junior and senior employees.
8.9 Organisations should help out female employees to have a balance between their responsibilities on the
job and off the job, so as to bring their performance equal to male employees.
8.10 The authority of both public and private banks should evaluate the training needs assessment in the
banking sector with developed countries on a regular basis.
8.11 The benefits of Training and Development methods have to be utilized for practical purposes rather
than they being used just to reflect it on paper.
Training is necessity in the changing environment, planned and systematic training should be made
compulsory in all private and public banks. It brings changes in behavior, attitude at any age and helps in
increasing the organizational performance. The organization should encourage more facilities during training
and also off the job training, because it is one kind of encouragement to improve the interest towards the
training and development program. By providing training, employers support the skill development of their
employees. If the training is good then the employees will contribute their maximum for the achievement of the
organizational objectives. The result of the present study shown that the training practices in the selected
branches of PNB and HDFC are average and there is lot of scope for improvement. Researcher found that the
training and effectiveness programs have a positive impact on the performance of both male and female
employees but the results shows that it has a greater impact on the performance of male employees group .This
can be due to the reason that mostly female employees bear additional responsibilities towards their families.
The researchers found that most of the banks have their own training institute, management attitude is very
positive for training support and budget, incentives are given for trainees, and overseas training opportunity.
However, there is a lack of needs assessment before training. Corporation should take necessary steps in such a
way that employees should feel training is essential to enhance the productivity and customer satisfaction to
meet the present challenges in India.
The overall opinion about the training conducted by the PNB and HDFC among the employees is very good and
effective, it is very much helpful to improve the individual career and the organization growth too and they are
satisfied with the training process and method of teaching.
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