Module3: Sbrs and Economic Census
Module3: Sbrs and Economic Census
Module3: Sbrs and Economic Census
While an SBR and Economic Census have many uses. The most important use
is that one is a Survey Frame. A list of Businesses / Entities - with sizing
variables, industry, institutional factors and contact details.
It also highlights one key point - The main purpose of an SBR or Economic
census is to run Economic Surveys. (though an argument can be made that an
Economic Census is a economic survey in its own right - just overly expensive if
it’s not used as a Survey Frame).
1.4 Practice
If you want to publish quarterly National Accounts you need surveys. Everyone in
the room knows (probably better than me) that trying to calculate a quarterly
estimate based on limited admin data is next to impossible.
And as such a reliable / high quality survey frame is essential. Otherwise you
estimates will not be of sufficient quality and the cost of the survey will be much
1.5 Quality Framework
The coverage of the source data - All establishment, all legal entities, Formal and
How Old is the data?
How accurate are the estimates - peoples best guesses, misleading figures
reported to the tax office or
Quality - similar to accuracy,
1.6 Economic Census
Well all know what an economic census us. But within the frame work it has
excellent coverage, is accurate and convers both the formal and informal sectors.
Not collected for Statistical Purposes - May be collected on a legal entity basis
and not an establishment basis - for example. May have undercover as it won’t
include informal sectors of the economy.
1.9 Problem
Need effective Survey Frame - or at least to understand how the number / activity
of businesses is changing in your country. You have three different data sources
- all with pros / cons.
A SBR is at its core is a Data Integration Tool. A system and a set of rules to
combine data sets (Economic Census, Administrative Data and Survey Data) into
a database to be used for statistical purposes.
The rules are the Economic models, the method you link the data sets together
1.11 System
By that, businesses report when they are born, grow, die - give you accurate data
where they are and use one unique identifier for all government agencies. Oh
and they align with your statistical needs.
While some countries have made progress - notably China in harmonising their
businesses registration processes nationally (with the assistance of their
statistics agencies), many have to use what identifiers they can.
1.13 Options
If done effectively you can merge all three into one data base. Indonesia is
currently working on such a project - matching establishments to administrative
data using business names and location data. A substantial project but one
which will deliver a sample frame with excellent coverage and will also enable the
BPS to use admin data to identify new businesses, death-ed businesses and
growing businesses. It also allows you to fully understand how complete your
data sets are.
Another option is to use the Economic Census as a frame and update it using the
results of yours business surveys. This is cost effective and will have excellent
coverage. However, as each year passes issues will grow as the number of dead,
moved, sold and newly created businesses not related on your survey frames will
degrade the quality and accuracy of your survey frames and estimates.
1.14 What is best for your NSS?
There is no one best option. The ECE guidelines for SBR’s are violated by every
country’s SBR I have seen. This is due to the need to adapt to each countries
needs / resources / data sets and priorities.
You should have a complete plan how you intend to use your economic Census
Data before you even design the form. Every week that passes that data gets
older and you can’t go back and ask more questions - especially questions
regarding linking data sets or registration codes. In other words - the work isn’t
half over once the data has been complied - it’s now time to make use of it!