Article For Road Safty
Article For Road Safty
Article For Road Safty
So says the latest issue of ‘India Today’ in its cover story on “Killer Roads of India”. It
provided extremely shocking and scary statistics and also revealed the fact that road
fatalities in India have been rising at an alarming rate of 8 percent a year. The article
is an eye opener for all the right thinking people and especially the policy makers.
A cursory glance at the road accident figures provided by the Traffic Department,
Mumbai from 1952 to 2007 presents some startling facts. The total accidents have
increased by 200 percent and the fatal ones are a whopping 300 percent, 39% of
which belong to the age group of 0-25 years.
Road traffic fatalities, injuries and trauma constitute a serious problem, bringing
adverse effects on the quality of life and longevity of citizens, children and especially
adolescents. This is of significant concern, both in terms of cost to individuals and
the community and the added burden it places on health services.
The situation demands strong preventive measures and collaborative efforts by all
stake-holders from all walks of life.
The subject could be evaluated on the basis of written exams, orals, practical and
project work.
The success of implementation of Road Safety Education programme largely
depends on the whole hearted support and participation by key Government
departments like Education, Police and also parents and teaching community and
society at large.