Algeria Analysis of Food Agriculture and

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Algeria: Analysis of Food, Agriculture and

Water research and innovation priorities,
needs and capacities.


Septembre 2013
Project funded by the European Commission under the 7th
European Framework Programme – Activities for International
Cooperation of the Capacities Programme.
Table des matières
ACRONYMES ET SIGLES............................................................................................................ 3

INITIALS AND ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................... 7

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 10

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 18

I. Research and innovation in the agriculture, food and water in Algeria:

The logical framework.............................................................................................................. 19

1.1 Algeria: Constraining natural conditions........................................................ 20

1.1.1 Geomorphology and climate. ........................................................................ 20

1.1.2 The soil resources. ............................................................................................. 21

1.1.3 Water resources ................................................................................................... 21

1.2 Renewal of Agricultural Economics: A Policy of Algerian food

security......................................................................................................................................... 25

1.3 The Rural Renewal: A policy for the preservation and consolidation
of social cohesion ................................................................................................................... 25

1.4 The new requirements for agricultural research in Algeria. ................ 26

II. Strategic Research directions to be implemented in decade 2013-

2023.................................................................................................................................................... 27

2.1 Program related to Agriculture-Food, Forests, natural and rural

areas. ............................................................................................................................................. 27

2.1.1 Research in the field of agrifood industry .............................................. 27

2.1.2 Breeding and Selection.................................................................................... 28

2.1.3 Agriculture and sustainable development. ............................................ 30

2.1.4 Production and Animal Health...................................................................... 30

2.1.5 Biotic agents of plant species...................................................................... 32

2.1.6 Physical environments, climate and agriculture................................ 33

2.1.7 Agricultural and agrifood economics, rural sociology. ................... 38

2.2 Biotechnology program ............................................................................................ 42

2.2.1 Prospects for application of biotechnology in agriculture............ 42

2.2.2 Agricultural biotechnologies orientation in agricultural

research. .................................................................................................................................. 43

2.2.3 Conclusion. ............................................................................................................. 44

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
III. Innovation and technological development activities (2013-2023).......... 45

3.1 Innovations related to the mastery of physical environment, climate

and agriculture. ........................................................................................................................ 46

3.2 Knowledge and Genetic Improvement of biological resources. ............ 46

3.3 Food and food industry ................................................................................................. 47

3.4-Crop Protection................................................................................................................. 47

3.5- Animal Health and Production ................................................................................ 47

3.6- Agricultural and agrifood economics .................................................................. 47

IV- Capacities of implementation of the agricultural research programs

in Algeria.......................................................................................................................................... 48

4.1 Experimental stations and infrastructure (INRAA) ....................................... 48

4.2 Human Resources. .......................................................................................................... 49

4.3 The Scientific and Technological Cooperation ............................................... 50

4.3.1 National Cooperation. ........................................................................................... 50

4.3.2 International Cooperation................................................................................... 50

V. European Food, Agriculture and Water research priorities ...................... 51

5.1. EU 2020 Food and Agriculture research future priorities for

developing countries ............................................................................................................. 51

5.2. EU Water research future approach in developing countries ................ 52

CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 53

ACIM: Agence pour la Coopération Internationale en Méditerranée
AGBH: Agence de bassins hydrographique.
AIEA : Agence Internationale de l’énergie atomique
ANBT : Agence national des barrages et transferts.
ANDI: Agence nationale de développement des investissements.
ANDMPE: Agence nationale de développement des PME.
ANDRU : Agence nationale pour le développement de la recherche universitaire
ANGEM: Agence nationale de gestion du microcrédit.
ANPT : Agence Nationale de Promotion et de Développement des Parcs Technologiques
ANRH : Agence nationale des ressources hydriques
ANSEJ: Agence nationale de soutien à l’emploi des jeunes.
ANVREDET: Agence nationale pour la valorisation de la recherche et du développement
AOC : Appellation d’origine contrôlée
AOP : Appellation d’origine protégée
APC : Assemblée populaire communale.
APFA : Accession à la Propriété Foncière Agricole.
APW : Assemblée Populaire de Wilaya
ASAL : Agence spatiale Algérienne
ASI : Algerian Start‐up Initiative
BADR : Banque pour l’Agriculture et le Développement Rural
BNEDER : Bureau national des études pour le développement rural.
CACI : Chambre nationale du commerce et de l’industrie
CACQUE : Centre Algérien du contrôle de la qualité
CAN: Chambre nationale d’agriculture
CAR : Cellule d’Animation Rurale Communale
CAW: Chambre d’agriculture de wilaya
CCLS: Coopérative des céréales et légumes secs.
CCRAFAT : Comité de Coordination de la Recherche Agronomique, de la Formation et de
l’Assistance Technique
CDARS : Commissariat au développement des régions sahariennes
CDER : Centre de développement des énergies renouvelables
CEGRO : Société de Gestion des Participations de l'Etat Céréales
CENEAP : Centre national des études pour la planification
CEVITAL : Groupe industriel agroalimentaire privé (Huiles, corps gras, sucre, eaux
CGEA : Confédération Générale des Entreprises Algériennes.
CIM: Conseil interministériel.
CIZ: Circuit des informations zootechniques
CNA : Chambre Nationale d’Agriculture
CNAC: Caisse nationale du chômage.
CNAM : Chambre national de l’artisanat et des métiers
CNCC: Centre national de certification et de contrôle des semences.
CNDRB : Centre national de développement des ressources biologiques
CNIAAG: Centre national de l’insémination artificielle et de l’amélioration génétique.
CNMA : Caisse nationale de la mutualité agricole.
CNPME : Conseil national de la PME.
CNRC : Centre national des registres de commerce
CRBT : Centre national de recherche en biotechnologie
CREAD : Centre de recherche en économie appliquée pour le développement
CRSTRA : Centre de recherche scientifique et technique sur les régions arides
CV : Conservation des forêts.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
DAJR : Direction des affaires juridiques et de la réglementation.
DFRV : Direction de la formation, de la recherche et de la vulgarisation
DGF : Direction générale des forêts
DGRSDT : Direction générale de la recherche scientifique et du développement
DOFPP : Organisation foncière et de la protection du patrimoine.
DPIEE : Direction de la Programmation, des Investissements et des Études Économiques
DPVCT : Direction de la protection des végétaux et du contrôle technique
DRDPA: Direction de la régulation et du développement de la production agricole.
DSA : Direction des Services Agricoles
DSASI : Direction des statistiques agricoles et des systèmes d’information.
DSV: Direction des services vétérinaires.
DZASA : Direction des zones arides et semi arides
EAC : Exploitation Agricole Collective
EAGR : Entreprise Algérienne de Génie Rural.
EAI : Exploitation Agricole Individuelle
ENSA: Ecole nationale supérieure d’agronomie
ENSH : Ecole nationale supérieure d’hydraulique
ENSV : Ecole nationale supérieure vétérinaire
EPA : Etablissement public à caractère administratif
EPE : Entreprise publique économique
EPIC : Etablissement public à caractère industriel et commercial.
EPST : Etablissement public à caractère scientifique et technologique
FCE : Forum des Chefs d’Entreprises
FDRMVTC : Fonds de développement rural pour la mise en valeur des terres par la
FGCA : Fonds de garantie contre les calamités agricoles
FLDDPS : Fonds de lutte contre la désertification et de développement du pastoralisme et de
la steppe.
FNDIA: Fonds national pour le développement des investissements agricoles.
FNR: Fonds national de la recherche.
FNRPA: Fonds national de régulation de la production agricole.
FPZPP : Fonds de protection zoo et phytosanitaire
FRIGOMedit : Entreprise publique spécialisée dans le froid.
FSAEPA : Fonds spécial d’appui aux éleveurs et petits exploitants agricoles
GIC: Groupement d’intérêt commun.
GIPLAIT : Groupe industriel laitier
GSPG : Groupe Semences, Plants et Géniteurs (SGDA).
HCDS : Haut-commissariat au développement de la steppe
IANOR: Institut Algérien de normalisation.
IGP : Indication géographique protégée
INAPI : Institut National Algérien de la propriété Industrielle.
INATAA : Institut national des technologies agroalimentaires
INCT : Institut national de cartographie
INMV : Institut national de la médecine vétérinaire
INPV: Institut national de la protection des végétaux.
INRAA: Institut national de la recherche agronomique d’Algérie.
INRF : Institut national de la recherche forestière
INSID : Institut national du sol, de l’irrigation et du drainage
INVA : Institut national de la vulgarisation agricole
ITAFV: Institut technique de l’arboriculture fruitière et viticole.
ITCMI: Institut technique des cultures maraichères et industrielles.
ITDAS : Institut technique de l’agriculture saharienne
ITELV: Institut technique des élevages.
ITGC : Institut technique des grandes cultures.

LRZA : Laboratoire de recherche sur les zones arides
MADR: Ministère de l’agriculture et du développement rural.
MATE : Ministère de l’aménagement du territoire et de l’environnement
MDDR : Ministre Délégué au Développement Rural
MED : Moyens d’Existence Durable
MESRS : Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique.
MICL : Ministère de l’intérieur et des collectivités locales
MICO : Ministère du commerce
MIPMEPI: Ministère de l'industrie, de la petite et moyenne Entreprise et de la Promotion de
MPRH : Ministère de la pêche et des ressources halieutique
MRE : Ministère des ressources en eau
NEPAD : Nouveau partenariat pour le développement de l’Afrique
OAIC: Office Algérien Interprofessionnel des céréales.
ONA : Office national de l’assainissement
ONAB : Office national des aliments du bétail.
ONCV : Office National de Commercialisation des produits Viti–Vinicoles
ONID : office national de l’irrigation et du drainage
ONIL : Offices interprofessionnel du lait
ONILEV : Office national interprofessionnel des fruits et légumes et viandes
ONML : Office national de la météorologie
ONS : Office National des Statistiques
ONTA : Office National des Terres Agricoles
PAI : Pôle Agro-alimentaire Intégré
PIBA : Produit intérieur brut agricole
PME: Petites et moyennes entreprises.
PMH : Petite et moyenne hydraulique.
PNDA : Plan National de Développement Agricole
PNDAR : Plan National de Développement Agricole et Rural
PNR : Programme national de recherche
PPDRI : Projet de Proximité de Développement Rural Intégré
PRAR : Politique de Renouveau Agricole et Rural
PRCHAT : Programme de Renforcement des Capacités Humaines et d’Assistance
PREARR : Politique de renouveau de l’économie agricole et du renouveau rural.
REAGE : Réseau des Algériens Diplômés des Grandes Ecoles
RGA : Recensement Général de l’Agriculture
SAO : Société Algérienne de l’Oléiculture.
SAT : Superficie Agricole Total
SAU : Superficie Agricole Utile
SDRD : Stratégie de Développement Rural Durable
SEVFPA : Société d’Exploitation et Valorisation des Fermes et Périmètres Agricoles
SPVAT : Société de Valorisation des Produits Agricoles du Terroir
SGDA : Société de Gestion des Participations « Développement Agricole ».
SGP PRODA : Société de Gestion des Participations « Productions Animales ».
SGP: Société de gestion des participations.
SIAR : Système d’Information Agricole et Rurale
SIAR : Système d’Information Agricole et Rurale
SIM : Société industrielle des Minoterie (Groupe industriel privé).
SNADDR : Système National d’Aide à la Décision pour le Développement Rural
SNAT : Schéma National d’Aménagement du Territoire
SOFAPRO: Société des Facteurs de Production Agricole (Publique)
STEP : Station de traitement et d’épuration des eaux
SUDACO : Sud Dattes Compagnie
SVPAT : Société de Valorisation des Produits Agricoles du Terroir.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
SYRPALAC : Système de Régulation des Produits Agricoles de Large Consommation
UDES : Unité de développement de l’énergie solaire.
UE : Union Européenne.
UMA : Union du Maghreb Arabe
UMMTO : Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi Ouzou
USTHB : Université des sciences et des technologies Houari Boumediene.
USTO: Université des sciences et technologies d’Oran.


AIEA: International Atomic Energy Agency

ANBT: National Agency of dams and transfers.
ANDI: National Agency for Investment and Development.
ANDMPE: National Agency for SME development.
ANDRU: National Agency for the development of university research
ANGEM: National Agency for microcredit.
ANRH: National Agency of Water Resources
ANSEJ: National Agency to support youth employment.
ANVREDET: National Agency of the promotion of research and technological development.
AOC: Controlled Origin Appellation
AOP: Protected Origin Appellation
APC: Communal People's Assembly.
APFA: Home Buyers Agricultural Land.
APW: People's Wilaya Assembly
ASAL: Algerian Space Agency
ASI: Algerian Start-up Initiative
ACIM: Agency for International Cooperation in the Mediterranean
BADR: Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
BNEDER: National Bureau of Studies for Rural Development.
CACI: National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
CACQUE: Algerian Centre of Quality Control
CNN: National Chamber of Agriculture
CAR: Cell Animation Municipal Rural
CAW: Chamber of Agriculture of wilaya
CCLS: dry legumes and cereals cooperative cereals and pulses.
CCRAFAT: Coordinating Committee for Agricultural Research, Training and Technical
CDARS: Agricultural Development commissionership of Sahara Region.
CDER: Center for Renewable Energy Development
CENEAP: National Center for the Study and planification
CEVITAL: industrial private Group food (oils, fats, sugar, mineral water etc. ...)
CGEA: General Confederation of Algerian Companies.
CIM: Interministerial Council.
CIZ: Zootechnical information system
CNA: National Chamber of Agriculture
CNAC: National Fund of unemployment.
CNAM: National Chamber of Crafts and Trades
CNCC: National Center of certification and control (Seeds and plants).
CNDRB: National Center for development of biological resources
CNIAAG: National Center for artificial insemination and genetic improvement.
CNMA: National Fund of Agricultural Mutual.
CNPME: National Council of SMEs.
CNRC: National center of enterprises registration
CRBT: National Center for Biotechnology Research
CREAD: Research Center of Applied Economic for Development
CRSTRA: Scientific and Research Center of Dry Areas
CV: Forest Conservation (DGF).
DAJR: Directorate of Legal Affairs and regulations (MADR).
DFRV: Directorate of Training, Research and Extension (MADR)
DGF: General Directorate of Forest (MADR)
DGRSDT: General Directorate of scientific research and technological development
DOFPP: Directorate of Organization of land and patrimony protection (MADR).

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
DPIEE: Directorate of Planning, Investment and Economic Studies (MADR)
DPVCT: Directorate of Plant Protection and Technical Control (MADR)
DRDPA: Direction of regulation and development of agricultural production (MADR).
DSA: Directorate of Agricultural Services
DSASI: Directorate of Agricultural Statistics and Information Systems (MADR).
DSV: Directorate of Veterinary Services (MADR).
DZASA: Directorate of arid and semi-arid regions (MADR)
EAC: Collective-Farm
EAGR: Algerian Company of Rural Engineering.
EAI: Individual Farm
ENSA: High National School of Agronomy.
ENSH: National School of Hydraulic
ENSV: Veterinary High National School.
EPA: Administrative public institution
EPE: Economic Public Enterprise
EPIC: Industrial and commercial public company.
EPST: Public company specialized in science and technology
FCE: Business Leaders Forum
FDRMVTC: Rural Development Fund for the development of the land concession
FGCA: Guarantee Fund against agricultural disasters
FLDDPS: Fund dedicated to fight against desertification and development of pastoralism and
FNDIA: National Fund for the development of agricultural investment.
FNR: National Research Fund.
FNRPA: National Fund for regulating of agricultural production.
FPZPP: Funds of phytosanitary Protection
FRIGOMedit: Public Company specialized in the cold.
FSAEPA: Special Fund to support farmers and smallholders
GIC: Grouping of common interest.
GIPLAIT: Dairy Industry Group (Public)
GSPG: Group dedicated to Seeds and Plants
HCDS: High Commission for the development of steppe
IANOR: Algerian Institute of Standardization.
IGP: Protected Geographical Indication
INATAA: National Institute of food technology
INCT: National Institute of Cartography
INMV: National Institute of Veterinary Medicine
INPV: National Institute of Plant Protection.
INRAA: National Institute of Agronomic Research of Algeria.
INRF: National Institute of Forestry Research
INSID: National Institute of soil, irrigation and drainage
INVA: National Institute of Agricultural Extension
ITAFV: Technical Institute of fruit and viticulture.
ITCMI: Technical Institute of vegetable and industrial crops.
ITDAS: Technical Institute of Saharan agriculture
ITELV: Livestock Technical Institute.
ITGC: Technical Institute of crops (Cereals).
LRZA: Research Laboratory of Arid areas
MADR: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
MATE: Ministry of Territory Planning and environment
MDDR: Deputy Minister for Rural Development
MED: Sustainable Livelihoods
MESRS: Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
MICL: Ministry of Interior and Local collectivity
MICO: Ministry of Commerce

MIPMEPI: Ministry of Industry, SMEs and Investment Promotion.
MPRH: Ministry of Fisheries and halieutic resources
MRE: Ministry of Water Resources
NATP: National Agency for the Promotion and Development of Technology Parks
NEPAD: New Partnership for Africa's Development
OAIC: Algerian Inter professional Office of cereals.
ONA: National office of Sanitation
ONAB: National office for feeding livestock.
ONCV: National Office of Products Marketing in Viticulture
ONID: National Office of Irrigation and Drainage
ONIL: National Inter professional office of milk
ONILEV: National Inter professional office of fruits, vegetables and meat
ONM: National Office of Meteorology
ONS: National Office of Statistics
ONTA: National Office of Agricultural Lands
PAI: Agricultural Cluster
PIBA: agricultural gross domestic product
SME: Small and medium-sized enterprises.
PMH: Small and medium hydraulic.
PNDA: National Plan for Agricultural Development
PNDAR: National Plan for Agriculture and Rural Development
NARP: National Research Program
PPDRI: Projects of proximity of integrated rural development
PRCHAT: Program Human Capacity Building and Technical Assistance
REAGE: Network Algerians Great School Graduates
RGA: General Census of Agriculture
SAT: Total Agricultural Area
SAU: Useful Agricultural Area
SDRD: Sustainable Rural Development Strategy
SEVFPA: Society of Exploitation and Valuation of Farms and Agricultural Perimeters
SPVAT: Company Valuation of Agricultural Products of the Soil
SGDA: Management Company Holdings "Agricultural Development".
SGP PRODA: Management Company Holdings "Animal Production".
SGP: Management Company Holdings.
SIAR: Agricultural and rural Information system
SIM: Industrial Milling Company (private industrial group).
SNADDR: National System of Decision Support for Rural Development
SNAT: National Scheme of territory Planning.
SOFAPRO: Society of Agricultural Production Factors (Public)
STEP: Treatment plant and sewage
SUDACO: Southeast Dates Company
SYRPALAC: Regulation System of Large Agricultural Products Consumption
EU: European Union.
UDES: Unity development of solar energy.
AMU: Arab Maghreb Union
UMMTO: University “Mouloud Maammeri” Tizi-Ouzou
USTHB: University of Science and Technology “Houari Boumediene”.
USTO: University of Science and Technology of Oran.
WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
Executive Summary

This report dedicated to “ Analysis of Algerian’s food, agriculture and water research and
innovation priorities, needs and capacities” (Deliverable 2.1) intends to bring answers to the
questions related to the analysis of research needs and opportunities in the fields of agriculture,
food and water in Algeria. The answers will cover the following items:
- Analysis of Algerian territories and their related economic needs particularly in the fields
of agriculture, food and water for agriculture;
- Analysis of agriculture, water and food research and innovation needs priorities in one
hand and the existing implementing capacities in the other hand which are a prerequisite for
the implementation of FAWIRA project.

The expected output would be the state of art in research and treatment technologies in
agriculture, water and food (Deliverable 2.1), from where, would be possible the identification
of sectors and technologies that requires improvement to match socio-economic needs of
Algeria. Moreover, through this work, it is expected the establishment of a database (D 2.2)
that would provide knowledge to be share among project partners within FAWIRA working
groups. The objective is interpolation of produced data with European Union databases
dedicated to research opportunities in agriculture, water and food. By using this mean, it would
be possible to intensify the international contacts and develop networking activities between
INRAA, and European networks.

The use of this database will moreover, constitute, an opportunity for the partners of
FAWIRA project to carry out the validation and the identification of research relevancy in
Algeria as well as the competent organization (Including SMEs.) in the fields of agriculture,
water and alimentation, as would be important to characterize the competitiveness in this field
and involved actors.

I. Methodology applied
This work is the result of collaborative work with INRAA’s scientists and officials involved
in the ”Department of Planning Programs and International Cooperation” of INRAA
(DSPPRE).This analysis is dedicated to the analysis of needs and priorities for research and
innovation capacities in the field of Agriculture, Water and alimentation in Algeria.
The framework defined by national agricultural and rural policies and research activities
undertook by INRAA research divisions will act as the first inspiration in the identification of
priorities in term of research themes and innovations needs for the next decade (2013-2023).

The preparation of this report has gone through several stages involving analysis of:
- Research programs and activity reports related to INRAA and Algerian institutions
involved in research-development and innovation.
- Policies and strategies implemented by the Government in the areas of agriculture and
rural development, water resources, environment and territory management, agrifood industry,
scientific research and technological development.
- Institutional framework within which agricultural research and innovation activities are

Besides, human resources and other Implementing capacities dedicated to research and
innovation in Algeria have been reviewed as well as national and international cooperation

Finally, these results were crossed with priorities and framework developed by the
countries of the European Research Area and in accordance with strategic guidance to
Horizon 2020.

II. Main outcomes

2.1 Logical framework.

Algerian agriculture operates in unfavorable natural context to the intensification of

agricultural production. Agricultural and rural policies implemented since the beginning of 2000
try to provide answers to the challenges of securing the food supply of the population in this
context. For its part the scientific research should provide adequate responses to eliminate or
circumvent these natural constraints to generate a sufficiently strong growth in production to
meet the increased demand due to population growth.

 “Renewal of Agricultural Economics”: A Policy to ensure food security in

In order to improve food security, the policy known as the "Renewal of Agricultural
Economics", launched in 2008, assigns to agriculture mission to feed the population through
increased production, lower food prices while reducing the country's vulnerability against
foreign markets instability. This new perspective implies the implementation of a new
governance of agriculture and rural areas.

This new agricultural policy focuses on the intensification and modernization of strategic
sectors such as cereals, forages and legumes, potato and tomato, olives, date palm, milk, red
meat and poultry. Three other major programs are implemented by this politic such as "Water
conservation program», «Seeds and plants program" and «Integrated Agricultural Poles
Program" (Clusters).

The establishment of food stockpiles and promotion of regulatory mechanisms are,

moreover, the instruments for promoting sustainable agriculture and development of rural

 The Rural Renewal: A policy for the preservation and consolidation of social
The rural world is also the subject of government permanent attention, particularly when
it is question to address disparities between regions and rural areas and meet the expectations
of rural populations. Rural Renewal policy is resulting in a novel down-to- up approach to rural
development involving local people through local projects. The priority is going to areas where
production conditions are the most difficult for farmers (Mountains, steppes, Sahara).

Rural renewal policy takes into account the socio-economic needs in terms of
employment, income and population stabilization while integrating the guidelines of National
Scheme of Territory Planning (SNAT 2025). Furthermore, this policy is aiming to the
rehabilitation and development of natural resources (management of bio-resources,
watersheds, fight against desertification, land development, protection of natural areas), the
diversification of economic activities in rural areas, rehabilitation and modernization of villages
and finally the protection and enhancement of the rural patrimony.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
2.2 New Challenges for agricultural research in Algeria.

According to above-mentioned framework, Agricultural Research and Innovation are

challenged to provide reliable and durable answers to the current and future operators’ needs
of agriculture sector. Concerns of the agricultural research must, more than ever, be focused
on farmers-producers problems.

The nature of the solutions to be identified is simple. In favorable agro-climatic areas,

simply they entail increases yields. To do this, in terms of production process, it will eliminate
the limiting factors by taking as a starting point the hierarchy dictated by economic analysis. It
will, in short, creation and experimentation / adaptation of varieties to spread with their
"technological packages" support (irrigation, fertilization, pest control, tillage), improved
farming practices (feeding, breeding, animal health).

In areas where agro-climatic conditions are more constraining (mountains areas, steppe
, Sahara), it will identify technological and organizational innovations likely to launch the
development of territorialized chains, to ensure rational exploitation and sustainable use of all
natural resources, to diversify the local economies, to support the integration of rural
populations in the dynamics of global agricultural development.

These requirements lead to seek development and implementation of new production

systems and processing resources to meet the expressed needs while contributing to the
sustainable development of agriculture.

In other words, the research to be developed in Algeria, especially at INRAA, is research

that delivers finalized outputs. This requirement has led INRAA to revise its research priorities
in such direction they meet the requirements of the new strategic framework. This direction-
validated by the MESRS- take into account the results of the conference on Agricultural
Research, held in February 2008, which formed the basis for the medium and long term
research programs in Algeria.

2.3 The strategic research directions to be implemented in decade 2013-2023.

2.3.1 Research in the field of agrifood industry

Research activities and innovation are now the determinant of the competitiveness of
food and agricultural industries. Research should, on the one hand, support the requirements
of development and diversification of agricultural production and, on the other hand, ensure
their effective integration in the food industry.
The research effort will focus on priority products like cereals, legumes, Solanaceae
(tomatoes, potatoes), milk and its derivatives, as well as white and red meats. Research in the
field of food industries should, furthermore, promote agricultural chains generating high added
value (date palm, olive oil and other local products) and support the process of valorization of
agricultural and agrifood by-products.

2.3.2 Breeding and Selection.

 Evaluation and knowledge of genetic diversity.
Regarding the potential genetic diversity in Algeria and anthropogenic multifaceted
pressures that are threatening biodiversity, research efforts should focus on the conservation,
characterization and management of plant genetic resources in a context of sustainable
conservation and genetic improvement of resources in relation to users’ local knowledge.

 Creation and / or expansion of the genetic variability for crop
Research whose development is planned for the next decade are directed towards the
application of intra-and inter-specific crosses, the use of mutagenesis and protoplast fusion for
the creation of new genotypes adapted to different agro-ecological contexts of Algeria. The
target species are the date palm, wheat, barley, legumes, olives, potatoes and vegetables
(mainly tomatoes).

 Strategy of adaptation of plants to various stresses.

Research implemented are designed to provide scientific data for the understanding of
the physiological, biochemical, morphological and phenological adaptation to biotic and abiotic
stresses including species of date palm, wheat, barley, legumes, olive, potato and vegetables
(mainly tomatoes).

 Research and mastery of effective selection methods.

Research implemented in this area aims to provide the determination and use of
selection and "screening" techniques (Selection methods assisted by SAM makers,
“haplodiploïdisation”, in vitro selection... etc.) for tolerance to various stresses. The target
species are, in first priority, date palm, wheat, barley, legumes, and, in second priority, olives,
potato and vegetable crops (mainly tomato).

 Selection of new varieties of plants by the participatory approach

Application of a participatory method of selection (participatory approach in genetic
improvement of wheat, barley, legumes and date palm).

 Improved animal genetics and animal breeding.

Regarding the significant delays accumulated in this area and threats to the existence
of certain animal populations, in particular those referred to as "flocks with small population",
an effort should be made in this regard over the coming decade. The prospect of breeding
animals should be placed in the context of management practices in relation to the other
components of the production system and the products that result.

2.3.3 Agriculture and sustainable development.

Research on agriculture and sustainable development revolve around issues
associated to knowledge and improvement of production systems, the preservation of genetic
resources and local Know How as well as "Agricultural techniques".
Therefore, a sustained effort should be developed to ensure adequate coverage of this
domain of research including extensive knowledge of production systems in major agro
ecosystems (Mountains, steppes Saharan agriculture, arid and semi-arid areas) and
stimulation of research activities related to the issues of agricultural techniques (Development
of organic farming, and improved cropping techniques... etc.).

2.3.4 Production and Animal Health

In the economic context of Algeria, livestock is challenged to increase productivity and
production of strategic animal products (milk, meat) to ensure coverage of nutritional needs of
the population in animal proteins. Representing more than 50% of the PIBA, livestock
production plays a decisive role in favorable ecological areas as well as in sensitive areas
(Mountainous and arid ecosystems). In the latter case, scientific research must propose ways
of valorization of local populations to accompany the strategies of economic activities
diversification while generating incomes and preserving natural resources

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
Therefore, research challenges in animal production are in meeting current and future
needs by:
- The production of technical and organizational solutions to improve production levels
and quality of animal products while ensuring the preservation of animal resources. Animal
feed and fodder resource development are, for this purpose, the first priority for the
development of animal production in Algeria.
- The development of sustainable alternatives for the promotion of animal husbandry
systems adapted to fragile ecosystems (Mountains, steppiques and Saharan areas).
- Anticipation, in the context of major economic and global climate uncertainties, of the
major issues that would arise in the coming years pertaining with livestock production.

2.3.5 Biotic agents of plant species

This research field is important given the importance of economic losses caused by
different types of bio-aggressors, estimated at 35% of the volume of production. The
development of research in the field of crop protection appears to be crucial when it tries to
respond to radical changes in bio-aggressions that emanate from mutations caused by climate
warming and the modifications in production systems due to intensification and the opening to
foreign markets.

Agricultural research is challenged to provide effective solutions to contribute in the

reduction of agricultural production losses and promote agriculture less dependent on chemical
“phytoprotection” and respectful of environment and biodiversity.

Research themes centered on the issue of biotic agents of plant species are organized
in three axes that will be consolidated over the next decade. These are related to knowledge
of biotic agents and their development factors, methods of struggle against the bio-aggressors
and knowledge of plant-microbe co-evolution.

2.3.6 Physical environments, climate and agriculture.

Components of the physical environment play a fundamental role in the functioning of
ecosystems and the preservation of their ecological functions which, it must be remembered,
are the basis for meeting the socio-economic needs of population.
The study and mastery of these components is crucial in that they determine the
resilience, sustainability and productivity of agro ecosystems particularly ecosystems often
known for their extreme fragility like the steppe ecosystems, Saharan and mountain areas.
Three main issues polarize the interests of agricultural research in this field; the analysis
of the factors and mechanisms of degradation of physical resources, the issue of water
and agriculture as well as land degradation and desertification.

Water challenge.
From 2015, Algeria is going to experience a situation of water shortage that will certainly
affect all economic sectors and agriculture in the first place.
The great spatiotemporal variability of precipitation represents a permanent stress for
natural ecosystems and rainfed cropping systems. Recent increases in the frequency and
intensity of droughts and temperatures, attributed to climate change, lead to even greater
aridity. Since the 70s, the drought is a structural feature of Algerian climate. The impact of the
drought on water resources has already resulted in the worsening of the deficit in water
resources, a low rate of filling of dams and reduced groundwater reserves.

Increasing aridity will amplify, therefore, the phenomenon of degradation of soils and
ecosystems, causing desertification and vulnerable areas like steppes.

In addition to inadequate water availability, Algeria is confronted to the problem of water

quality. About 600 million M3 of untreated wastewater are discharged annually, affecting soils
and water resources.

This factor is now considered as the most important challenge for water and
environment management authorities in Algeria.

Land degradation and desertification

Soils in Algeria are subject to severe degradation due to erosion, pollution and
salinization. The area of lands that is potentially affected by water erosion is estimated at four
(04) million hectares of which 53% is considered arable land. With regard to soils affected by
salinity, statistics show that more than 50% of irrigated land is affected by this phenomenon.
Concerning desertification, it should be noted that this phenomenon is related to the severity
of the climate which is accentuated by orographic conditions and geo-pedology as well as the
effects of anthropogenic pressure.
Therefore, the issue of physical natural resources arises now in terms of rehabilitation,
rationalization, conservation and sustainable management. Agricultural research should
provide suitable answers to these questions.

2.3.7 Biotechnology applied to agriculture

The research dedicated to agricultural biotechnology are currently limited in Algeria,
and especially in INRAA, to few and partially covered research axis pertaining with the
characterization of genetic resources and genomics of organisms as well as of the creation of
new varieties.
Such research orientation should be strengthened for the coming decade and extended
to domains like animal production, food processing, by-products utilization, additives
production, plant protection and for other species than cereals and legumes (tree culture,
vegetable crops, potatoes, and livestock feed).
There is a need to consolidate the existing human and materiel bases of INRAA’s
biotechnology research station in terms of equipment as well as adequate human resource
and their capacity building.
Furthermore, it is important to coordinate the research activities carried out and optimize
the allocation of financial resources in this area. This is even truer that we are witnessing the
emergence of several specialized research centers in Algeria (BRC of Constantine, INRAA's
Biotechnology lab, USTO... etc.).

2.4 Innovation and technological development activities (2013-2023).

Innovation activities, whether technological, organizational, institutional or
entrepreneurial have not experienced a significant development in Algeria. We can affirm that
such activities are marginal or even non-existent in the agrifood and agriculture fields.
Research activities developed during the last two decades have indeed yielded
"valuable" results in diverse areas. These results more or less finalized, often with undeniable
market potential but not precisely estimated, have not been converted into innovation through
productive processes and markets.
The weak development of innovation refers to that the research and development
institutions operate in a context marked by institutional bulkheading between university
research laboratories and other specialized research centers on one hand, and to the very low
connectivity between the world of research and business on the other hand.
Finally, the weakness in interfaces devoted to exploitation of research results is
explanatory of the low innovation capacity in the field of agricultural research.

Implementation of a favorable policy to development of innovation, particularly in the

areas of agriculture and rural development is imperative in view of the identified needs. An
analysis, far from being exhaustive, of the needs of Algeria in innovation has allowed
establishing seven areas on which potential claims have been identified:
 Innovations related to the mastery of physical environment, climate and agriculture.
 Genetic Improvement of bio-resources.
 Agrifood industry
 Crop Protection

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
 Animal Health and Production
 Agricultural and agrifood economics

2.5 Capacities of implementation of the agricultural research programs in Algeria.

The capacities of implementation of the agronomic research in Algeria distribute
themselves between institutions supervised by four departments of (Agriculture and rural
development, water resources, environment, higher education and the scientific research,
industry) that have centers and institutes of research with which INRAA develops relations of
collaboration. The comments that we can do on this point relate to the lack of coordination
between these institutions and very low involvement of private actors in research

INRAA is the most important research institution dedicated to agriculture research in

Algeria. NRAA currently mobilizing a population of scientists who rises to 207 researchers
spread across stations and research divisions, nearly 60% majority is composed of young

To ensure adequate coverage of research areas INRAA deploys an intensive

cooperation both nationally and internationally. The international project portfolio consists of
22 projects dedicated to the improvement of wheat, building research capacity, renewable
energy, the fight against desertification and rural development in fragile ecosystems
(mountains, plains and areas Sahara), food security, the application of nuclear techniques to
agricultural areas (Pathology and Animal Health, irrigation, crop breeding, bioclimatology),
mobilization of water resources and soil conservation.
International cooperation projects are implemented both in bilateral and multilateral
relations (EU, NEPAD, UMA, World Bank, FAO, IAEA). Moreover, INRAA maintaining close
relationships with international research centers: CGIAAR (ICARDA, IWMI, CIMMYT and CIP).

Agricultural Research in Algeria will meet many challenges largely determined by the
momentum generated by the implementation of economic reforms, themselves conditioned by
two major constraints:
- Climatic change and its consequences such as increasing drought and flood occurrences
and more water scarcity. The last will constitute from now a major determinant in the definition
of all the components of the food security policy of Algeria.
- Globalization of the economy which will induce strong entropy on the markets and a great
instability of the agricultural products prices because of the risks as well political as climatic
but also because of the substitutability of the products.

Among the biggest challenges that will face Algeria to the Horizon 2023, we can mention:
- The necessity to ensure a sustainable management of natural resources and
- The necessity to ensure food security of the nation and citizens.
- The resolution of the throbbing question of employment through the development of a
productive and competitive economy.
- The establishment of the foundations of an effective governance of both the economy
and society.

Implementation of a favorable policy to development of innovation, particularly in the

areas of agriculture and rural development is imperative in view of the identified needs but also
to enhance SMEs and industry competitiveness. An analysis, far from being exhaustive, of the
needs of Algeria in innovation has allowed establishing seven areas on which potential claims
have been identified (Physical environment mastery, genetic improvement, agrifood industry,
crop protection, animal production, Agricultural and agrifood economics).

But innovation activities, both technological, institutional and organizational, as have not
experienced a significant development in Algeria because of institutional cloisenements
between industry and the research community. Thus, the most important challenge for the next
ten years is to build bridges between these two worlds in the triple helix model framework.

The analysis of the strategic directions of research in Algeria and their comparison with
those of European Union, according to the major challenges for the Horizon 20201, has
identified a number of points of convergence. These relate to:
- The research planification based on major challenges (food security, climate change
and water economy).
- Priority research themes (food security, sustainable agriculture, fight against climate
change, efficient use of natural resources; inclusive, innovative and secure societies.
- Integrating SMEs in the process of research and innovation (industrial primacy pillar).
- Willingness to mobilize industry stakeholders and engineering sciences, most directly
concerned and most likely to integrate scientific knowledge in an innovation
- Necessity to develop innovation in a direction favorable to smart, sustainable and
inclusive growth
- A greater role for social sciences in the development of research to address all societal

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
The present report intends to bring answers to the questions related to the analysis of
research needs and opportunities in the fields of agriculture, alimentation and water in
Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria (Work Package 2) within the framework of the
implementation of FAWIRA project. The answers will cover the following items:
-Analysis of Algerian territories and their related economic needs particularly in the fields
of agriculture, food and water for agriculture;
-Inventory of capacities and identification of priorities for research and innovation;
-Establishment of a database with regard to needs and priorities at the local and national
level in the fields of the food and water, technologies of water re-use for agriculture and industry
as well as agro-food technologies.
-Provide assistance needed to economic activities in place particularly with regard to
young innovative entrepreneurs who wish to invest in the fields of the water use and low-quality
water re-use in the sectors of agriculture and industry.

The analysis, of agriculture, water and food research and innovation needs priorities in
one hand and the existing implementing capacities in the other hand, is a prerequisite for the
implementation of FAWIRA project (T2.1). Moreover, the identification of more relevant
research and innovation priority will be certainly beneficial for the socio-economic development
of the Algerian territories.

The expected output would be the state of art in research and treatment
Technologies in agriculture, water and food (D2.1), from where, would be possible the
identification of sectors and technologies that requires improvement to match socio-economic
needs of Algeria. Moreover, it is expected the establishment of a database (D 2.2) that would
provide knowledge to be share among project partners within FAWIRA working groups. The
objective is interpolation of produced data with European Union databases dedicated to
research opportunities in agriculture, water and food. By using this mean, it would be possible
to intensify the international contacts and develop networking activities between INRAA, the
Europeans researchers of UNIPI and CENTA and their networks.
The use of this database will moreover, constitute, an opportunity for the partners of
FAWIRA project to carry out the validation and the identification of research relevancy in
Algeria as well as the competent organization (Including SMEs.) in the fields of agriculture,
water and alimentation, as would be important to characterize the competitiveness in this field
and involved actors.

This first version of the document is the result of collaborative work with scientists and
officials involved in the «Department of Planning Programs and International Cooperation of
INRAA" (DPPRE).This analysis is dedicated to the analysis of needs and priorities for research
and innovation capacities in the field of Agriculture, Water and alimentation in Algeria.
The framework defined by national agricultural and rural policies and research activities
undertook by INRAA’ research divisions will act as the first inspiration in the identification of
priorities in term of research themes and innovations needs for the next decade (2013-2023).
Besides, human resources and other implementing capacities dedicated to agricultural,
food-processing and climate change research in Algeria will be reviewed as well as national
and international research cooperation.

I. Research and innovation in the agriculture, food
and water in Algeria: The logical framework.
Research activities and innovation for the decade 2013-2023, will necessarily be
affected by the socio-economic and political context in which they are anchored. The national
research program dedicated to agriculture, water and alimentation is call to subscribe to the
scope of the Policy of the Agricultural Economics and Rural Renewal implemented since
2008 and presented as the instrument of concretization of the nation’s food security policy 2.

PREARR policy is itself impacted by a dynamic and complex international environment

determined by two major constraints:

- Climatic change and its consequences such as increasing drought and flood occurrences
and more water scarcity. The last will constitute from now a major determinant in the definition
of all the components of the food security policy of Algeria.

- Globalization of the economy which will induce strong entropy on the markets and a great
instability of the agricultural products prices because of the risks as well political as climatic
but also because of the substitutability of the products.

Box 1 - Global warming: A real threat on water resources.

Warming is estimated at 1 ° C in the region during the last

century with a tendency accentuated the past 40 years.
A warming of 1.4 ° to 5.8 ° C is expected by the end of this
century, the greatest increase recorded since 10,000 years.
Simulation models provide climate change in the
Mediterranean region:
- Disruption of rainfall patterns.
- A downward trend in rainfall.
- An increase in evapotranspiration.
- A net increase in the frequency of droughts and floods.

Source: Rachid TAIBI - Summary of general studies on water

resources in Algeria. ANRH, January 2010.

The food crisis which reached its paroxysm in 2007 as well as the global financial crisis
which has occurred in 2008 tends to affect the whole economies on a worldwide scale, if it has
put forward the extent of the vulnerability of Algeria as regards the satisfaction of alimentary
requirements it has explained the political willing displayed by policy makers to secure the
country against new shocks and to ensure provisioning of its domestic markets of food
This willing to fight against food insecurity is translated in PREAR that aims also to
contributing significantly to revitalization and the integrated and durable development of the
rural territories. Because of the close link which exists between the agricultural and the rural,
this policy finally deploys an overall architecture which integrates its two dimensions and
proceeds to a vast centering of the former policies in terms of vision, objectives, institutional
and organizational framework and economic instrumentation.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
The specific goals of this policy are articulated around 3 axes:
 The promotion of a news governance of the agricultural and rural world.
This one implies, in particular, the participation, the leveling of the agricultural
administration, the development of the partnerships and the pooling of resources as well as
the reinforcement of the human capacities.
 The support for an internalized and durable economic growth.
through the rehabilitation of the farms as creative companies of richnesses and
managers of the natural resources (Water, biological capital), the improvement of the
production, the productivity and the quality of the agricultural products, the consolidation of the
agrarian structures, the conservation and the valorization of the natural resources, the
modernization and the integration of the agrifood channels as well as the valorization and the
revitalization of the rural territories.
 Renewal of the public management tools
This occurs through the adaptation of the legal framework in relation to the economic
changes, the development of financial tools and procedures to support effective agricultural
enterprises, the development of mechanisms of regulation of markets and economic
agricultural production.

The agricultural and rural policies are integrated in a difficult climate and agro-ecological
context marked by fragile ecosystems, fragmentation and scarcity of land and chronic water
shortages. These are expected to be exacerbated in the coming years in relation to climate

1.1 Algeria: Constraining natural conditions.

The Algerian agriculture is subject to natural constraints that thwart its development and
limit its productivity. Algeria is characterized by weakness and fragility of its natural resources
(water, soil and biological resources) because of the conditions harsh weather and of their
uneven distribution across the territory. These constraints limit severely the prospects of
intensification of agriculture and strongly differentiate agricultural space (See Figure 1).

1.1.1 Geomorphology and climate.

In terms of geomorphology, Algeria is characterized by three contrasting zones:
- The Northern “Tell” region (4% of the territory), which represents the most favored by
the climate and natural resources but remains the most faced to multiple anthropogenic
pressures (population growth, urban and industrial development, overgrazing ... etc. ).
- The Highlands (9% of the territory) represent an enclosed space between the Sahara
desert and Tell Atlas and formed of high plains under semi-arid climate.
- The Sahara, which represent 87% of the total area of the territory is an area outside
marked by extreme aridity due to the scarcity of rainfall (Less than 100 mm).

The geomorphologic structures determine basins slopes made up of marly geological

formations characterized by impermeable grounds, accentuated reliefs and an absence of
vegetable cover. This explains the importance of the processes of erosion of the grounds,
(Silting of the dams).

Algeria is characterized by a semi-arid to arid climate (Figure 2) where drought and

aridity are constant threat "even in humid regions where the average annual rainfall seems
high"4. The portion of land that receives more than 400 mm of rain is confined to a 150 km
wide strip land in the coastal area5.

Beyond the “Tellian” Atlas dominates, across 300 to 350 km wide, an arid bio climate
(rainfall between 100 and 400 mm). Finally, over 1000 km to the south, there is Sahara
desert where rainfall drops below 100 mm annually6.

1.1.2 The soil resources.

Algeria is a vast area of 2.381.000 km2, but the agricultural area (UAA) is very limited:
nearly 8 million hectares (3.3% of the country area) for 40 million hectares used for agriculture.
Fertile land suitable for farming is limited and decreasing. Indeed, the UAA represented 0.82
ha per capita at the time of independence (1962), it was only 0.26 ha in 2004 and could decline
to 0.18 ha in 20107. Nearly 6% of UAA (450,000 hectares) is irrigated of which more than three-
quarters of irrigation water are allocated to fruit and vegetable crops.

These indicators show that the potential of agricultural land in Algeria is relatively modest
in term of quantity and quality. The soils are shallow and poorly irrigated, worn by
geomorphological steep structures and suffered over the centuries from degradation process
driven by the combined effect of natural and anthropogenic mechanisms resulting in a
substantial loss of their natural fertility limit that affect agricultural production.

Water erosion (rainfall greater than 400 mm) mainly affects the soils of northern Algeria
and threatens nearly 12 million hectares in the mountain areas. Land degradation causes a
significant loss of fertility and affects negatively the agricultural productivity. The human action
is taking more alarming proportions since the early 70's including the coastal parts of the
country which contain the most fertile land in Algeria. Rapid urbanization as anarchic,
extension of the industrial structure and progression of desertification are all factors of
degradation of Algerian Land.

1.1.3 Water resources

Water is in Algeria an increasingly limited, fragile and vulnerable resource. The
availability of natural water resources is currently estimated at around 600 M3/capita/year and
will be around 500 M3/capita/year in 20258. Algeria is, in this sense, below the "poverty
threshold" estimated at 1000 m3/capita /year and slightly above the "threshold shortage" of
500 M3/capita/year9.
In this context, and given the arid climate and recurring droughts, securing agricultural
production involves the development of irrigation, which inevitably involves the implementation
of policies focused on the economy of the water. The elements of such a policy are inserted
into the PREAR.
The program of economy of water is implemented to secure 70% of the food needs of
Algeria, by the passage of 900 000 Ha in 2008 to 1.6 million Ha at horizon 2014, with an
incompressible water requirement of the order of 12 billion M3. Covering these needs suppose
the improving of the productivity of existing water resources, the mobilization of new
conventional and unconventional resources and development/dissemination of water saving
irrigation techniques as a factor of agricultural modernization and improvement of efficiency
agricultural water10.

As regard to water mobilization and supply in Algeria we can rise the following points:

 Concerning Dams11: Algeria has 65 dams in exploitation with mobilized surface water
resources estimated to3, 6 billion M3/year approximately, on a storage capacity of about 5, 8
billion M3.
Dams under construction (14) will enhance the mobilization of water in 2013 to a storage
capacity of 8.8 billion M3 and a total volume of 5, 1 billion M3 regularized per year12.
Theoretical irrigation allocation for 2012 season is amounted to 500 million M3 for the
irrigation of 62 500 Ha13.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
 Small-capacity dams represents a storage capacity of 50 million M3 and an irrigated
surface equivalent to 8 300 hectares14.

 Groundwater exploitation
Available data for 2011 shows that the extraction of groundwater from small works
(boreholes, wells, sources) is estimated at 07 billion M3 intended to irrigate an area of about
950,000 ha15.

 Desalination of seawater
In this area, the strategy of Algeria consists of an ambitious program to install small and
large desalination schemes; overall nominal capacity is increased to 2.3 million M3 per day (0,
8 billion M3 per year).
The purpose of desalination is to identify appropriate measures that could complement
conventional water chronic deficits and allow the development of transfer options and
reallocation of volumes of water released to the agricultural sector.
Currently, the option of desalination of sea water for irrigation is not yet considered as a
supplement for compensating agricultural water demand.

 Use of treated wastewater

Climatic conditions observed during recent decades have highlighted the very
randomness of water intake from dams and groundwater. This sensitized the government
about the need to resort to unconventional resources, the treated wastewater in particular for
irrigation. This option covers strategic interest because of its implications on the level of
pollution of inland and marine waters.
In terms of potential, according to the Ministry of Water Resources, the volume of
wastewater discharged in Algeria is currently estimated at around 750 million M3 and will
exceed 1.5 billion M3 in 202016. To take in charge this potential of treated wastewater, an
ambitious program for achieving treatment facilities is planned17.
The “reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation “ is being given a considerable attention
in the consultations between the Ministries of Agriculture and Water Resources which yielded
on and by the identification of sewage, perimeters to irrigation and the implementation of
regulations and supervision (Box2).

An ambitious pilot program for the use of treated wastewater for irrigation was started at
seven sites for a total area of 12,150 hectares.


This brief review of the natural environment allowed to note that the Algerian agriculture
operates in a restrictive context unfavorable to the intensification of agricultural production.
Agricultural and rural policies implemented since the beginning of 2000 trying to provide
answers to the challenges of securing the food supply of the population. For its part the
scientific research should provide adequate responses to eliminate or circumvent these
constraints to generate a sufficiently strong growth in production to meet the increased demand
due to population growth.

Figure 1 - Agricultural Geography of Algeria

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
Figure 2 – Algeria: An Arid and semi-arid country

Box 2- Legislative Framework for the processing and use of wastewater in Algeria

Water Law N° 05-12 of 04 August 2005

Institution of the concession of use of treated wastewater for agriculture.

Executive Decree No. 07-149 of 20 May 2007.

Regulates the use of treated wastewater for
irrigation by imposing the right of concession based
on a specification that takes into account a set of
technical parameters.

Executive Decree No. 10-23 of 12 January

2010 laying down the technical systems

3 projects of ministerial orders engaging

Ministries of water resources, agriculture and
public health, on the re-use of treated wastewater
for irrigation and setting standards and precautions necessary use have been proposed for
ratification in March 2011 (final version) and came clarify some sections of Executive Decree
No. 07-149 of 20 May 2007 and complete the regulatory framework:
- Project fixing the specifications of treated wastewater used for irrigation
- Project listing the crops that can be irrigated with treated wastewater
- Project listing the laboratories carrying out analyzes of the quality of treated wastewater
used for irrigation.

1.2 Renewal of Agricultural Economics: A Policy of
Algerian food security.
In order to improve food security, the policy known as the "Renewal of Agricultural
Economics", launched in 2008, assigns to agriculture mission to feed the population through
increased production, lower food prices while reducing the country's vulnerability against
foreign markets instability. This new perspective implies the implementation of a new
governance of agriculture and rural areas18.

The new agricultural policy fall in the context of the intensification and modernization of
production on farms and integrating them into an approach that aims to refocus investment
support in the productive sphere around the introduction of value added along the agrifood

This component of the PREAR focuses on the intensification and modernization of

strategic sectors such as cereals, forages and legumes, potato and tomato industry, the olive,
date palm, milk, red meat and poultry. Three other major programs are implemented by the
PREAR such as "Water conservation program"," Seeds19 and plants program" and " Integrated
Agricultural Poles Program" (Clusters).

The establishment of food stockpiles and promotion of regulatory mechanisms are,

moreover, the instruments for promoting sustainable agriculture and development of rural

The requirement of an incentive and safe environment is also supported by the policy
of renewal of the agricultural economy through the introduction of interest-free credit (RFIG),
the credit enhancement for leasing agricultural mechanization, the VAT exemption for inputs,
management of risks associated with lower yields and agricultural disasters, the modernization
of agricultural insurance as well as the strengthening professional and interprofessional
organizations. Furthermore, since 2008 a regulation system oriented towards stabilization and
securing markets of wide consumer products (SYRPALC) and the protection of farmers'
incomes, has been established.

1.3 The Rural Renewal: A policy for the preservation and

consolidation of social cohesion
The rural world is also the subject of government permanent attention, particularly when
it is question to address disparities between regions and rural areas and meet the expectations
of rural populations. Rural Renewal policy is resulting in a novel down-to- up approach to rural
development involving local people through local projects (PPDRI, PPLCD). The priority is
going to areas where production conditions are the most difficult for farmers (Mountains,
steppes, Sahara).
By integrating an approach oriented towards decentralization and empowerment of
rural actors at local level, the rural renewal policy is firmly anchored in the reform and
modernization processes of the State, democratization of society and good governance.
Rural renewal policy takes into account the socio-economic needs in terms of
employment, income and population stabilization while integrating the guidelines of National
Scheme of Territory Planning (SNAT 2025). Furthermore, this policy is aiming to the
rehabilitation and development of natural resources (management of biological resources,
watersheds, fight against desertification, land development, protection of natural areas), the
diversification of economic activities in rural areas, rehabilitation and modernization of villages
and finally the protection and enhancement of the rural patrimony.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
1.4 The new requirements for agricultural research in
According to above-mentioned framework, Agricultural Research and Innovation will be
responsible for helping agriculture to:
- Produce more to address the first concern of Nation’s food security through increased
availability and stabilization or reduction if possible of agricultural goods and food prices. This
concern is accompanied by the specific concern which is the participation of agricultural
development in poverty reduction in rural areas;
- Produce differently , by exceeding the limits of the solutions that have helped very
slow advances in agricultural production over the last four decades and by taking into
consideration the limitations in water and land resources;
- Produce something else that contributes to production of non-food resources, and
greater diversity in the range of crops and livestock, participating in the determination of more
sustainable ways of managing territories.

To this end, objectives drawn by the agricultural and rural renewal policy are
conditioned by the existence of a considerable flow of new techniques and new skills towards
farmers and economic stakeholders.
Therefore, agricultural research in general and INRAA in particular are challenged to
provide reliable answers to the current and future operators’ needs of agriculture sector.
Concerns of the agricultural research must, more than ever, be focused on farmers-producers
It will be question to develop technical and socio-economic solutions and improve the
structure of production tools and management.

The nature of the solutions to be identified is simple. In favorable agro-climatic areas,

simply they entail increases yields. To do this, in terms of production process, it will eliminate
the limiting factors by taking as a starting point the hierarchy dictated by economic analysis. It
will, in short, creation and experimentation / adaptation of varieties to spread with their
"technological packages" support (irrigation, fertilization, pest control, tillage), improved
farming practices (feeding, breeding, animal health).

In areas where agro-climatic conditions are more constraining (mountains areas,

steppe , Sahara), it will identify technological and organizational innovations likely to launch
the development of territorialized chains, to ensure rational exploitation and sustainable use of
all natural resources, to diversify the local economies, to support the integration of rural
populations in the dynamics of global agricultural development.

These requirements lead to seek development and implementation of new production

systems and processing resources to meet the expressed needs while contributing to the
sustainable development of agriculture.

In other words, the research to be developed in Algeria, especially at INRAA, is

research that delivers finalized outputs. This requirement has led INRAA to revise its research
priorities in such direction they meet the requirements of the new strategic framework. This
direction -validated by the MESRS- take into account the results of the conference on
Agricultural Research, held in February 2008, which formed the basis for the medium and long
term research programs.

II. Strategic Research directions to be implemented
in decade 2013-2023.
Research activities which will be implemented in Algeria are articulated on four
programs, dedicated to:
 Agriculture, Alimentation, Forests, natural and rural areas.
 Biotechnology applied to agriculture
 Water resources.
 Agricultural and rural development in weak ecosystems (arid, semi-arid, and
mountainous areas) and fighting against desertification.

2.1 Program related to Agriculture-Food, Forests, natural

and rural areas.
2.1.1 Research in the field of agrifood industry
Research activities and innovation are now the determinant of the competitiveness of
food and agricultural industries. Research should, on the one hand, support the
requirements of development and diversification of agricultural production and, on the other
hand, ensure their effective integration in the food industry.
The research effort will focus on priority products like cereals, legumes, Solanaceae
(tomatoes, potatoes), milk and its derivatives, as well as white and red meats. Research in the
field of food industries should, furthermore, promote agricultural chains generating high added
value (date palm, olive oil and other local products) and support the process of valorization of
agricultural and agrifood by-products. Consequently, the research priorities for the next 10
years will focus on five areas:

Axis 1 – Processing, preservation and conservation technologies.

Mastery of storage and conservation conditions of products related to priority sectors:
Solanaceae (tomato, potato) greenhouse crops, fresh fruit (apples, pears and citrus) and
Axis 2 - Quality and food safety.
For the control of the quality of fresh and processed products (olive oil, cereals, milk,
Axis3: Valorization of agricultural by-products including the use of biotechnology.
These researches are addressed to various byproducts of agriculture and generated by
agrifood industry (Dates downgraded, slaughter plants, grain industry, by-products of oilseeds
industries… etc.).
Axis 4 - Improving the quality of agricultural and agrifood products (Agricultural
On this axis, the research aims to identify and produce natural additives for the needs of
the food industry. The exploration of natural biodiversity will characterize qualitatively and
quantitatively the antioxidant potential of plant species in aromatic, culinary and medicinal
Axis 5 - Development of knowledge and local know-how in the field of conservation and
transformation of agricultural and agrifood products.
These researches focus on the analysis, characterization and documentation of
technological mechanisms of development of traditional products: traditional cheese
("Bouhezza", "Takemmarit" ... etc.), "Couscous», table olives, figs…etc.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
2.1.2 Breeding and Selection. Plant breeding and selection.
The crop improvement is a long process of research and selection. This includes several
activities that aims, from original and diverse genetic resources (Evaluation of plant genetic
resources), at creating new varieties with new genetic traits for pathogen resistance,
adaptation to abiotic stresses (hydric, thermal, salinity) and organoleptic quality. Genetic
improvement and selection requires, too, the development of the most efficient methods for
selecting for obtaining the maximum genetic gain per unit of resource and time. Evaluation and knowledge of genetic diversity.

Regarding the potential genetic diversity in Algeria and anthropogenic multifaceted
pressures that are threatening biodiversity, research efforts should focus on the conservation,
characterization and management of plant genetic resources in a context of sustainable
conservation and genetic improvement of resources in relation to users’ local knowledge.
Beyond the knowledge of the biological material, the research activities dedicated to plant
genetic resources are an opportunity to create favorable basis:
- To the valorization of fragile ecosystems like steppes, mountainous areas, arid and
semi-arid regions, and Saharan spaces.
- To the development of pastoral areas, the forage potential, including grassland and
underlying livestock activities (Sheep, goat, camel).
- To the protection, preservation and improvement of soil fertility.
- To the reduction of the fallow by the introduction of resistant varieties.
- To the creation of productive activities (SMEs) that generate income for rural
populations (breeding, beekeeping).

Research activities in the field of plant genetic resources are structured around the
functional dynamic of the plant genetic resources bank directed towards:
- The exploration, collection and inventory of plant genetic resources.
- The characterization and evaluation of genetic potential.
- Ex-Situ Conservation.

Three categories of species are involved in this field:

 Category 1: Cereals (Wheat, including Saharan wheat, barley, sorghum), grain
legumes (chickpeas), forage legumes20, pasture21 species and tree species (olive, date palm,
fig, citrus).
 Category 2: beans and horse beans, dry peas, dry beans and lentils.
 Category 3-"marginal" species, culinary, aromatic and medicinal plants. Creation and / or expansion of the genetic variability for crop
Research whose development is planned for the next decade are directed towards the
application of intra-and interspecific crosses, the use of mutagenesis and protoplast fusion for
the creation of new genotypes adapted to different agro-ecological contexts of Algeria. The
target species are the date palm, wheat, barley, legumes, olives, potatoes and vegetables
(mainly tomatoes). Strategy of adaptation of plants to various stresses.

Research implemented are designed to provide scientific data for the understanding of
the physiological, biochemical, morphological and phenological adaptation to biotic and abiotic
stresses including species of date palm, wheat, barley, legumes, olive, potato and vegetables
(mainly tomatoes).

INRAA/DSPPRE, 2013 28 Research and mastery of effective selection methods.
Research implemented in this area aims to provide the determination and use of
selection and "screening" techniques (Selection methods assisted by SAM makers,
“haplodiploïdisation”, in vitro selection... etc.) for tolerance to various stresses. The target
species are, in first priority, date palm, wheat, barley, legumes, and, in second priority, olives,
potato and vegetable crops (mainly tomato). Selection of new varieties of plants by the participatory approach

Application of a participatory method of selection (participatory approach in genetic
improvement of wheat, barley, legumes and date palm). Improved animal genetics and animal breeding.

Regarding the significant delays accumulated in this area and threats to the existence
of certain animal populations, in particular those referred to as "flocks with small population",
an effort should be made in this regard over the coming decade. The prospect of breeding
animals should be placed in the context of management practices in relation to the other
components of the production system and the products that result (See domain 5).The planned
research in this area are based on five major themes

Theme 1: Identification and preservation of animal genetic resources.

Research needs in this field are related to the performance characterization/evaluation
of animal populations to establish standards and conservation measures for certain animal
populations like, in order of priority, sheep ("Taadmit", "Tazegzawt" "Hamra", "D’men"), goats
("Mozabite" “Naine de Kabylie”), cattle, camelids ("Tuareg", "Sahrawi","Reguibi") and, to a
lesser extent, small-herds (beekeeping and rabbit local species).

Theme 2: Knowledge and adaptation of genetic potential of animals in different

rearing conditions.
The research priorities concerning the performance characterization of farms. The
target groups are, in order of priority, dairy cattle, sheep, camels, rabbit populations and local

Theme 3: Improving local animal genetic resources.

This research theme is dedicated to the design of programs to improve local animal
genetic resources (Selection pure breeds, breeding testing ... etc.) especially for milk (cattle,
goats and camels) and meat production (sheep and rabbit).

Theme 4: Search for characters of economic interest.

This research thematic is devoted to the identification of genetic characters that have
economic interest (production, reproduction, disease resistance) in animal populations. More
specifically, it is a question of identifying characters and study possible correlations with
phenotypic visible traits. Research should focus, first and foremost, the ruminant’s livestock
(cattle local, sheep, goats, camels).

Theme 5: Improving reproductive performance.

Research included in this thematic aim to the identification of the limits of management
modes of reproduction and the search for ways to improve them by the conception of
appropriate management methods and application of reproductive technologies. These
researches target the dairy bovines and goats as well as sheep flocks under intensive or semi-
intensive rearing systems.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
2.1.3 Agriculture and sustainable development.
Research on agriculture and sustainable development revolve around issues
associated to knowledge and improvement of production systems (Axis 1), the preservation of
genetic resources and local Know How (Axis 2) as well as "Agricultural technics" (Axis 3).
But only axis 2 appears to be subject of intensive research in INRAA. Therefore, a
sustained effort should be developed to ensure adequate coverage of this domain of research
including extensive knowledge of production systems in major agro ecosystems (Mountains,
steppes Saharan agriculture, arid and semi-arid areas) and stimulation of research activities
related to the issues of agricultural techniques (Development of organic farming, and improved
cropping techniques... etc.).

In regard to the preservation of genetic resources and local knowledge (Axis 2), the
work currently implemented deserves to be strengthened, consolidated and extended to the
main agro-ecological zones:
1 - Inventory, assessment, conservation and sustainable use of animal genetic
resources, plant and microorganisms local and introduced (Theme 1). Three categories of
species are concerned:
Category 1: Cereals (Wheat, barley, sorghum), grain legumes (chickpeas), forage
legumes, pasture and tree species (olive, date palm, fig, citrus).
Category 2: beans and horse beans, dry peas, dry beans and lentils.
Category 3 - "Neglected” culinary, aromatic and medicinal species as well as other
rustic trees.
2 - Evaluation of genetic erosion (Theme 2).
This issue is an important interest particularly for farms that have experienced a high
rate of introduction of foreign resources (cattle, goats, and poultry).
3 - Scientific knowledge and development of neglected species (Medicinal, aromatic,
forage,...)/ rustic trees of mountainous, arid and Saharan areas (Theme 3).
4 - Characterization and valorization of local know-how in genetic management
(Theme 5).
5 -Inventory and valuation of local know-how in the management of agro-biodiversity
including plant products in mountainous and arid areas.

2.1.4 Production and Animal Health

In the economic context of Algeria, livestock is challenged to increase productivity and
production of strategic animal products (milk, meat) to ensure coverage of nutritional needs of
the population in animal proteins. Representing more than 50% of the PIBA, livestock
production plays a decisive role in favorable ecological areas as well as in sensitive areas
(Mountainous and arid ecosystems). In the latter case, scientific research must propose ways
of valorization of local populations to accompany the strategies of economic activities
diversification while generating incomes and preserving natural resources

Therefore, research challenges in animal production are in meeting current and future
needs by:
- The production of technical and organizational solutions to improve production levels
and the quality of animal products while ensuring the preservation of animal resources. Animal
feed and fodder resource development are, for this purpose, the first priority for the
development of animal production in Algeria.
- The development of sustainable alternatives for the promotion of animal husbandry
systems adapted to fragile ecosystems (Mountains, steppiques and Saharan areas).
- Anticipation in the context of major economic and global climate uncertainties, of the
major issues that would arise in the coming years pertaining with livestock production.

These challenges are diversified and concern vast fields of research. In effect, the
domain of animal productions, ground of meeting of numerous sciences and agronomical
disciplines, is broad. It concerns different animal species across implicated genetic resources,
several processes of production and synergy with social, economic and environmental context.

Based on these elements and to meet the challenges outlined above, it was identified
research priorities articulated on three major themes related to the valorization of genetic
patrimony (Area 2), livestock systems, food and animal health.

Axis 1: Livestock Systems

Theme 1: Understanding and improving animal husbandry systems.
Identifying constraints and advantages of animal breeding systems in different agro-
ecological zones and ways to improve sustainably their performance (Dairy Cattle, extensive
farming in mountain areas and steppe).
Theme 2: Search about integrated and sustainable systems.
Study opportunities for integration of livestock at the farm or the region level, particularly
for feed (cattle, sheep and goats).
Theme 3: Creating techno-economic references
Preparation of maps of breeding systems, with contextual technical references /
Conception of technical diagnostic supports and proposition of devices dedicated to
implementing technical advice.
Theme 4: Effect of different breeding systems on Environment
Impact of livestock (sheep and goats) on steppe area and the relationship to
Theme 5: Adapting livestock systems to climate change.
Adaptation study of extensive livestock systems (Breeding sheep, goats, camels, small
herds) to climate changes.
Theme 6: Control of reproduction
Identification of constraints related to the control of reproduction (cattle).

Axis 2: Animal alimentation

Theme 1: Optimizing feeding systems for Livestock
Knowledge and diagnostic of livestock feeding systems in connection with herd
management systems (breeding, animal housing and health for cattle and sheep).
Theme 2: Identification and improvement of animal feeding resources
Food inventory and food quality (ruminants and small livestock, poultry in particular).
Theme 3: By-product development for animal feeding

Axis 3: Animal Health

Theme 2: Pathology of livestock
Identifying the causes of diseases, pathogens, prevention and control means (ruminant)
Theme 3: Epidemiology and prophylaxis
Knowledge of risk factors through epidemiological studies.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
2.1.5 Biotic agents of plant species
This research field is important given the importance of economic losses caused by
different types of bio-aggressors, estimated at 35% of the volume of production. The
development of research in the field of crop protection appears to be crucial when it tries to
respond to radical changes in bio-aggressions that emanate from mutations caused by climate
warming and the modifications in production systems due to intensification and the opening to
foreign markets.

Agricultural research is challenged to provide effective solutions to contribute in the

reduction of agricultural production losses and promote agriculture less dependent on chemical
“phytoprotection” and respectful of environment and biodiversity.

Research themes centered on the issue of biotic agents of plant species are organized
in three axes that will be consolidated over the next decade. These are related to knowledge
of biotic agents and their development factors, methods of struggle against the bio-aggressors
and knowledge of plant-microbe coevolution.

Axis 1 - Knowledge of biotic agents and their development factors.

Theme 1: Identification of pathogens and symbiotic agents.

This thematic target date palm ("Bayoud» ...), wheat (Septoria and rust ...), barley
(Helminthosporium ...), chickpea (Fusarium wilt, anthracnose…), alfalfa, potato land and olive

Axis 2 - Fight against crop pests.

Supported research is developed in the context of the control of bio-aggressors that
threaten some of the agricultural potential (cereals and legumes, Solanaceae, fruit trees... etc.)
and, thus, the national food security. The conception of control methods and improving these
issues are at the heart of this research axis. These initiatives need to be reinforced for the next
decade by bringing the perspective of the changes that will be caused by climate change and
the transformation of production systems. New thematic priorities have been targeted and are,
in order of priority:

Theme 1: Integrated fight against locusts.

- Use of synthetic insecticides and biopesticides plants.
- Study of Bio-ecology and spatiotemporal distribution of the desert locust in remission
in natural habitats in southern Algeria.
- Use of entomopathogenic fungi against locusts.

Theme 2: Integrated fight against pests of cereals (Wheat and barley).

Etiology, epidemiology and impact of major diseases in winter cereals.

Theme 3: Integrated protection of palm grove.

The research focuses on the development of integrated struggles against Fusarium,
disease, "brittle leaves" and "Boufaroua" (Oligonychus).

Theme4: Integrated fight against pests of legumes.

Study of the mode of action of antagonistic microorganisms vis-à-vis the chickpea

Theme 5: Integrated protection in protected crops.

Study bio ecology of the "tomato leafminer", Tutta absoluta and using biological control
in potential gardening areas (North and South). The Solanaceae family is particularly targeted
(Potato, tomato…etc.).

Theme 6: Integrated fight against pests of potato.
Study of nematodes Globodera related to the culture of potato.

Theme 7: Integrated protection dedicated to rosacea and citrus fruit orchards.

- Inventory, bio ecology studies and control of destructives on citrus fruit.
- Control of Cydiapomonella on apples and pears using the sterile insect technology.

Theme 8: Characterization and management of pest resistance phenomena to

Study of the toxicity of pesticides on pests and quantification of enzymes involved in
pesticide resistance (tomatoes, citrus fruits, olive).

Theme 9: Seeds and stored products phytosanitary protection.

Inventory of pests and means of struggle against them (Wheat and barley).

Axis3: Knowledge of plant-microbe coevolution.

Theme 1: Study relationship plants - microorganisms.
This research theme aims to analyze the defense mechanisms and interaction of
cultures. The target species are, in order of priority, the date palm ("Bayoud" ... etc..), Wheat
(Septoria and rust ...), barley (Helminthosporium ...), chickpea (Fusarium wilt, anthracnose,
...), the potato and olive.

2.1.6 Physical environments, climate and agriculture.

Components of the physical environment play a fundamental role in the functioning of
ecosystems and the preservation of their ecological functions which, it must be remembered,
are the basis for meeting the socio-economic needs of population.
The study and mastery of these components is crucial in that they determine the
resilience, sustainability and productivity of agro ecosystems particularly ecosystems often
known for their extreme fragility like the steppe ecosystems, Saharan and mountain areas.
Three main issues polarize the interests of agricultural research in this field; the analysis
of the factors and mechanisms of degradation of physical resources, the issue of water and
agriculture as well as land degradation and desertification.

Factors and mechanisms of degradation of natural resources

The fact is established, the physical resources are subject to a process of intense
degradation linked to a multitude of factors like:
- Anthropogenic pressures: population, urban development, industrialization,
transformation of consumption patterns and lifestyles of the people.
- Agricultural practices unsuited to the fragile ecosystems (irrigation, tillage and
mechanization especially in arid and semi-arid, cropping patterns and rotations).
- Wind and water erosion and their corollary, desertification.
- Pollution of groundwater and soils in relation to the discharge of untreated worn water.
To these factors, it should also be added an exacerbating factor which is by climate

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
The issue of water in agriculture
From 2015, Algeria is going to experience a situation of water shortage that will certainly
affect all economic sectors22 and agriculture in the first place.

The great spatiotemporal variability of precipitation represents a permanent stress for

natural ecosystems and rainfed cropping systems. Recent increases in the frequency and
intensity of droughts and temperatures, attributed to climate change, lead to even greater
aridity. Since the 70s, the drought is a structural feature of Algerian climate. The impact of the
drought on water resources has already resulted in the worsening of the deficit in water
resources, a low rate of filling of dams and reduced groundwater reserves.

Increasing aridity will amplify, therefore, the phenomenon of degradation of soils and
ecosystems, causing desertification and vulnerable areas like steppes.

In addition to inadequate water availability, Algeria is confronted to the problem of water

quality. About 600 million m3 of untreated wastewater are discharged annually, affecting soils
and water resources.
This factor is now considered as the most important challenge for water and
environment management authorities in Algeria.

Land degradation and desertification

Soils in Algeria are subject to severe degradation due to erosion, pollution and
salinization. The area of lands that is potentially affected by water erosion is estimated at four
(04) million hectares of which 53% is considered arable land. With regard to soils affected by
salinity, statistics show that more than 50% of irrigated land is affected by this phenomenon.
Concerning desertification, it should be noted that this phenomenon is related to the severity
of the climate which is accentuated by orographic conditions and geo-pedology as well as the
effects of anthropogenic pressure.
Therefore, the issue of physical natural resources arises now in terms of rehabilitation,
rationalization, conservation and sustainable management. Agricultural research should
provide suitable answers to these questions. The field of research dedicated to the physical
environment, is breakdown into 9 key areas:

Axis1- Climate Change.

The risk assessment of climate change and the identification of agricultural areas at
high risk, with the prospect of reasoning new cropping systems adapted to the environmental
conditions, are fundamental requirements of agricultural research in Algeria. Two major
themes are developed for this purpose:

Theme 1 - Impacts of global change on agricultural production systems and forest


Theme 2 - Development of systems and early warning indicators: agro-

meteorological, plant and animal health.

In fact, the only theme dedicated to early-warning systems (Theme 2) seems to be

properly supported at INRAA.

Axis 2 - Agro-climatic and agro-meteorological studies.

Research activities related to this topic are structured on six main thematic (See Box
3). However, INRAA focuses its activities only on frequential analysis of climatic indicators and
agro climatic characterization of agricultural production areas in northern and steppique zones.

Box 3 -Thematic research studies dedicated to agro-climatic

Theme 1 - Frequency analysis of climatic parameters and

their impact on agricultural production: the case of northern
Algeria and the Steppe.

Theme 2 - Agro-climatic parameters modeling.

Theme 3 - The influence of climatic conditions on crops and

the development of appropriate control techniques.

Theme 4 - Agro-climatic characterization of agricultural

production zones: the case of northern Algeria and the

Theme 5 – Implementation of an agro-meteorological

network for research.

Theme 6 - Network phenological observations of species.

Axis 3 – Protected crops (greenhouses).

Cropping system integrating greenhouses has been widely used since the early 80s.
Initiated at Tellian regions, in response to growing market demand, this activity has extended
to other parts of the country, in south notably. Within six thematic researches (Box 4), INRAA
deploys its activity in relation with "greenhouse" agro ecosystem management in different agro-
ecological zones, primarily in the North then Highlands and southern regions.

Box 4 -Thematic Research Axis

Theme 1 - Study of the microclimate of greenhouses and its

impact on crop development.

Theme 2 –“Greenhouses models” performances in different

agro-ecological zones.

Theme 3 - Study of different systems of crop protection

(windbreaks ...).

Theme 4 - Optimization of protected cropping management

(mulching, tunnel, fertilization).

Theme 5 - Energy exchanges and biomass development

modeling in the "greenhouse" agro ecosystem in different
agro-ecological zones.

Theme 6 - Evaluation of environmental effects on the

properties of greenhouse protecting materials.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
Axis 4: Promotion of renewable energy
The research axis dedicated to the valorization of energy is supported through the
thematic 1 devoted to the use of non-fossil energy for heating greenhouses and secondarily
for livestock buildings and for agricultural irrigation (Box 5).

Box 5 – Thematic Research Axis devoted to renewable energy

Theme 1 - Using solar and geothermal energy for heating greenhouses

(1) and livestock buildings and for irrigation (2).

Theme 2 - Development of organic waste (agricultural and domestic)

for the production of biogas.

Theme 3- Using solar energy for drying agricultural products.

Theme 4 - Development of wind energy and photovoltaic to pump

water for irrigation, livestock watering and energy generation.

Axis 5: Rational use of water in agriculture

Research on the issues of rational use of water for irrigation and drainage is an
important priority in Algeria and at INRAA. The research undertook presently relates with
improving chain of efficiencies in irrigated systems, improving rainwater productivity, study and
improvement of irrigation traditional systems, the study of dynamics of groundwater and the
drainage system in relation to irrigation and integrated management of treated wastewater in
agriculture (Box 6).
Crop water requirements (Theme 1), -insufficiently supported- should be given special
attention in the context of a collaborative approach with National Agency for Water Resources
In terms of their impact on the environment, issues related to the valuation of non-
conventional water, wastewater in particular, will be subjected to more intensive research
incorporating both normative and technological aspects.

Box 6 - Thematic Research Axis related to Rational use of water in agriculture

Theme 1 - Study of the water needs of crops.
Theme 2 - Management of irrigation.
Theme 3 - Improvement and adaptation of irrigation techniques to agro-pedo-climatic context.
Theme 4 - Inventory and valuation of local know-how in systems of water management in agriculture.
Theme 5 -Harvesting and valorization of rainwater in agriculture (Benches, "Djoub", "Madjens"…etc.).
Theme 6 - The dynamics of groundwater and the drainage system in relation to irrigation.
Theme 7 - Valuation of non-conventional water in agriculture: Standards for the use of treated
wastewater in Agriculture / Processing Technology / Crop tolerance to salinity.
Theme 8 - Valuation of low-quality water (backish) in agriculture.
Theme 9 - Drainage System.
Theme 10 - Optimizing fertigation systems.
Theme 11 - Impacts of fertilizers and pesticides on surface and groundwater.

Axis 6: Inventory, characterization and monitoring of physical resources

Two topics are identified in this research field:

Theme 1: Establishment of a soils, climate, crops and agricultural practices monitoring
network for diagnosis and support.
Theme 2: Characterization of water resources in different agro-climatic zones.
Evaluation of availability (03) and water quality (03).

Axis 7: Protection and soil management

Characterization of soil degradation mechanisms and identification of cultural and
irrigation practices favorable to soil conservation (Box 7).

Box 7- Thematic priorities related to protection and management of soils.

Theme 1: Inventory and characterization of soils.
Theme 2: Study of degradation soil process: salinization, desertification,
hydric and wind erosion and pollution.
Theme 3: Identification and adaptation of cultural practices for
conservation and sustainable land management
Theme 4: Study of the evolution of soils under irrigation and salinization

Axis 8: Improvement of chemical, biological and physical properties of soils

This axis is devoted to study the physico-chemical, biological, and water soil’s balances
in the perspective of improving their agricultural property by incorporating organic and mineral
fertilization (Box 8).

Box 8- Soil proprieties: Thematic priority research.

Theme 1: Characterization and hydro-physical, chemical and biological
functioning, of cultivated soil.

Theme 2: Management of mineral fertility of soils.

Theme 3: Quality and safety of endogenous and exogenous organic

matter in agriculture: green manure, sewage sludge, urban waste,
poultry manure...etc.

Axis 9: Remote sensing and geographical information system

Thematic oriented to design and adapts monitoring-assessment and decision support
tools for the management of natural resources (soil Zoning, soils agronomical aptitude
determination, canopy mapping, water potential). (Box 9).

Box 9- Thematic priority research dedicated to GIS

Theme 1: Mapping agricultural aptitudes of agro-pedo-climatic areas.

Theme 2: Development of GIS and data analysis methodologies.

Theme 3: Use of remote sensing and GIS for the assessment of water resources for irrigation of soil
and climate.

Theme 4: Soils characterization and zoning.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
2.1.7 Agricultural and agrifood economics, rural sociology.
Within the context of the logical framework determined by the implementation of PREAR
(cf. Supra, Chapter I), research in this field is structured around 4 axes:
Axe 1: Knowledge and improvement of production systems.
Axe 2: Analysis of agricultural policies.
Axe 3: Rural development.
Axe 4: Agrifood industry development.

Axe 1 – Production system diagnosis and improvement

Agricultural policies need a light on the dynamics and differentiation processes of
production systems to define appropriate targets for development. The topics listed on this axis
Theme 1 - Improvement of systems of production in rural zones and search for
participative approaches for a durable agricultural development (Approach according
to the systems of production and ecological agro zones).
The insufficiency of available work justifies the activities to develop on this set of themes
in particular those in connection with the analysis of the structures, the productive orientation,
the level of intensification and performances.

Theme 2 - Development of indicators and referentials for the leveling farms

according to production systems and agro-ecological zones.
The production of technical, economic and financial indicators according to ‘types' of
existing farms constitutes a precondition to the development of essential management
expertise tools for agricultural, as well as for the implementation of the of agricultural
development programs, training and agricultural investments at farm level.

Axe 2: Agricultural policies assessment

The analysis will cover the components pertaining with agricultural policies including
land property regime, economic regulation and incentive, Agricultural water management,
training-research and extension, land planning, agricultural and rural employment, incomes,
regional integration (the Maghreb, UE/Maghreb...) and institutions.
This set of research topics covers a vast investigation field dedicated to the analysis of
the agricultural policies and value-chain development strategy, modeling and aid-tools to
decision-making, analysis of agricultural markets, analysis of globalization impact, impact
study of national land policies and evaluation of agricultural and rural development integrated

In connection with the recent evolutions, the analysis of the agricultural policies will
have to focus on the examination of the new framework and regulatory instruments introduced
by the PREARR: land policies, agricultural credits (“RFIG” and “ETTAHADI" devices), price
formation, agricultural taxation, insurances devices covering economic and natural risks,
reinforcement of mutuality and professional organizations.
More precisely, the analysis of the agricultural policies will have to examine deeply the
functioning and impact of the SYRPALAC, which is a regulatory device for broad-consumption
products in terms of security and stabilization of the markets as well as protection of farmers’
Finally, the analysis of the impact of association agreements with the European Union
and the prospect of Algeria accession to WTO on the agrifood industries will have to be
thoroughly studied.
These analyzes should target all programs dedicated to intensification and
modernization of strategic agrifood chains (see above) as well as programs for seeds and
water saving.

Ultimately, the axis oriented towards agricultural policy analysis is structured around
seven major themes (see Box 10).

Beyond this affirmation, it is interesting to keep in mind that INRAA is involved in the
real agricultural economics through:
- Integration of researchers within inter-professional councils.
- Establishment of the National Observatory of Agriculture (MADR-INRAA/UE
Cooperation Project).
- Participation in the creation of Integrated Agricultural Poles (Clusters) designed
as instruments for valorization and revitalization of territories around a dynamic centered on
innovation and technological development, agricultural research, education and economic

Axe 3: Rural development

Research topics oriented rural development (Box 11) are inserted into the program
“Food and Agriculture" and "Development of arid, semi-arid and Mountainous areas as well as
the fight against desertification". This research focuses on ecosystems and areas that are
fragile and disadvantaged (arid and semi-arid ecosystems, mountains and Sahara) marked by
precarious living conditions of the people who live there.

Research activities related to rural development deploys a "Gender" approach whose

central question is the study of the relationship between gender with the imperatives of
preserving biodiversity, water resources and ecosystems in connection with rural know How .
It will, moreover, to study the level of gender integration in the institutional development
Directed toward the development of steppe and mountainous ecosystems, the rural
gender approach aims, through adapted instruments23, to:
- Constitute an organized-by-sex database.
- Take into account the problems, practical and strategic needs of different categories
of gender in agriculture and rural development;
- Prepare a development strategy based on gender differences;
- Systematize gender integration in policies and programs.

Axe 4: Agrifood industry development

The Agrifood development process reflects a set of activities and processes that aim is
to design new products in response to market needs. Researches dedicated to this axis are
divided into four major themes (see Box 12). With the exception of work oriented towards
valorization of local products (Dates, traditional cheeses, sheep meat, olive oil) research on
these themes remain undeveloped.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
Box 10- Sets of themes of research dedicated to the analysis of the agricultural policies.

Theme 1 - Agricultural policy analysis and strategy development of the agrifood chains.
The theme aims to strengthen the capacity of design, implementation and M & E of agricultural
policies, particularly for strategic sectors: cereals, potatoes, milk and meat, date palm, olive.

Theme 2 - Modeling and Decision Support in Agricultural Economics.

Establishment and Introduction of models designed to decision support at the macro, meso and micro
economic levels. The Modeling of production systems and exploitation of water resources, at regional
and agro-ecosystems scales, is a priority for the ten coming years.

Theme 3 - Analysis of agricultural markets.

This theme aims to develop knowledge about strategic agrifood channels and markets, influential
actors, price formation process and the distribution of value added along the agrifood chains.

Theme 4: Globalization, regulation and durable agricultural development.

The increasing integration of the national agricultural economy in the structures of world economy is
an undeniable reality evidenced by the growth of trade commercial flows in capital and consumer
goods. Economic openness appears particularly with the signing of an association agreement with EU
(AAEU) and the prospect of the accession of Algeria to the WTO. This thematic will analyze the impact
of globalization on the agricultural economy and rural areas. Priority will be given to strategic agrifood
channels/ markets.

Theme 5: Land tenure, analysis and impact on agricultural systems. Status, analysis and monitoring of
the implementation of the new land law24.
The research aims, firstly, to analyze the impact of the recently enacted land law and, secondly, to fill
gaps in knowledge on the subject.

Theme 6: Evaluation of the integrated agricultural and rural development projects.

The PPDRI and PPLCD are the instruments for implementation of rural policy which has resulted in a
device and process that should be studied to assess and improve relationship with the institutional

Theme 7: Conception, development and valorization of integrated information systems including

extension and communication systems.

Box 11- Priority research themes related to rural development

Theme 1: Characterization of rural zones by using new approaches and methodological tools.

This theme focuses on the renewal of the analysis tools of rural areas, called to receive PPDRI and
PPLCD, related to the implementation of tools PREAR

Theme 2: Development of methodological approaches and evaluation for the proximity integrated
rural development projects (PPDRI, PPLCD).

The PPDRI and the PPLCD constitute the instruments of implementation of rural policy which create a
device and processes that have to be studied and improved in relation to existing institutional

Theme 3 - Institutions and actors strategies in rural areas.

This topic is analyzing the articulation of institutional dynamics and strategy of rural actors. Knowledge
of strategies and logic of the actors is a prerequisite for the definition of proper policies.

Box 12- Priority research in agrifood industry development

Theme 1: Knowledge and promotion of local products and traditional know-how (Dates, traditional
cheeses, sheep meat, olive oil).

Theme 2: Quality and standardization in agriculture and agrifood industry.

Theme 3: supply and distribution of agricultural and food systems.

Theme 4: Quality and standardization in the field of training and agricultural research.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
2.2 Biotechnology program
2.2.1 Prospects for application of biotechnology in agriculture
Biotechnologies offer interesting perspectives in terms of overcoming some of the
constraints inherent to agricultural and rural development. Their application in agriculture
helped to provide answers to the needs of genetic improvement of crops against multiple biotic
and abiotic stresses, improved production and animal health, seed and healthy plants
production, the design of bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizers, development of bio-prospecting
besides applications in the fields of environment and biodiversity, biofuel production and
promotion of bioenergy, bio development process and economic exploitation of medicinal and
aromatic plants.
Eight potential areas of biotechnology application in agriculture and rural development
have been identified, namely:
 Improved yields and crop production: This perspective includes the genetic
improvement of crops against biotic and abiotic stresses by the creation of new resistant
varieties and the use of selection methods based on gene transformation and/or markings.
Moreover, this perspective encompasses the performance improvement by genetic research
and the use of untapped yields related blocks of genes (QTL) and engineering of biosynthetic
Finally, this perspective focuses on the identification of genes that can be exploited in
order to increase the rate of nutrients, such as iron, zinc, vitamins, and proteins and on
balanced elimination of anti-nutritional factors specific to leguminous and oil-bearing plants.
 Application of plant tissue multiplication techniques: Widely used for the
production of healthy plants and micro-propagation of plants whose growth is slow or does not
produce seeds. In the context of development programs, these techniques are effective in
improving crops including potato, olive, pistachio and date palms.
 Production of Bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides: The transgenic techniques
can be invested in the production of transgenic bio-fertilizers and Bio-pesticides, used
especially in botany.
 Applications in livestock and animal production: offering a wide scope of
biotechnology involving, in particular, the development of diagnostic devices and recombinant
vaccines, improving the quality and digestibility of food resources (coarse fodder) and the
development of genetic markers in animals breeding programs.
 Bio-prospecting and Molecular Taxonomy: Biotechnologies are used to
support the exploration, documentation and molecular characterization issues relating to
critical economic and ecological biodiversity.
 Application in the fields of environment and biodiversity: Application of
biotechnology research outcomes in the development of techniques for the collection,
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, bio-remediation, waste recycling,
development of bio-sensors and bio-indicators.
 Production of biofuels and bioenergy: whose production is ensured by the
use of bio-engineering-produced biomass for generating raw materials serving in gaseous and
liquid fuels.
 Development of bio-processes and bio-instrumentation.
 Treatment of medicinal and aromatic plants: by the use of genetic
engineering that aims to improve the content of crops in terms of protein, minerals, vitamins
and biomolecules of therapeutic and industrial interest.

What about Algeria?

2.2.2 Agricultural biotechnologies orientation in agricultural
The national research program devoted to agricultural biotechnology has identified
four major areas:
 Characterizing and managing genetic resources.
 Genomic studies of model organisms and varietal improvement.
 Improvement of animal production.
 Improving the quality of agricultural and agrifood products.
 Application of biotechnology and environmental protection.

Axis 1: Characterization and management of genetic resources.

The research activities included in this axis are devoted to study the genetic diversity of
strategic species, through the use of molecular tools, as well as to identify genetic variation in
the genome of these species (see Box 13).
One theme is supported on this axis through the study of the genetic structure by
molecular markers of some strategic crops like date palm, wheat, barley, food legumes, forage
crops and olive (Theme 1). Furthermore, in this prospect, it should be added all the activities
that will be powered by the launch of the INRAA's gene bank (Theme 3).

Box 13- Characterization of genetic resources (Thematic Priority)

Theme 1: Genotyping and characterization of genetic diversity.
Theme 2: Conservation engineering optimization of biological material.
Theme 3: Establishment and management of collections and gene banks.

Axis 2: Genomics of model organisms and varietal improvement.

This axis is the subject of intense activities based on four themes:

Theme1: Study of the molecular mechanisms of plant adaptation to stress.

The work for this purpose consists of the identification of genes and QTL's molecular
markers of resistance to biotic and abiotic stress in the date palm, wheat, barley and Medicago
and truncatula (legume model plant).

Theme2: structural and functional analysis of genomes.

The research focuses on the mastery of various techniques of genomics for the
discovery of new genes (date palm, wheat, barley, Medicago truncatula).

Theme3: Studies of synteny between model plants and crops of agronomic interest.
The aim of the research theme is to ensure the transfer of genomics knowledge gained
on model plants to strategic plants. The model plants are rice grains for cereals and Medicago
truncatula for legumes.

Theme4: Optimization of the in vitro culture techniques and varietal improvement.

Research conducted under this theme aim to master the use of in vitro techniques
(haplodiploidisation, protoplasm fusion, in vitro selection...etc.) for sanitation and / or the mass
propagation of the date palm, potato land and olive trees.

Axis 3: Improvement of animal production.

Theme 1: Selection of genes to enhance productivity and resistance.
Theme 2: Reproduction and improving animal performance.
Theme 3: Optimization of feed processing by livestock.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
Axis 4: Improving the quality of agricultural and agrifood products.
Theme1: Production of food additives.
Theme2: Using and optimizing molecular marker techniques for authentication,
identification and traceability of processed and unprocessed food products.
Theme3: Alternative methods of quality control of products and agro-ecosystems.
Theme4: Bioconversions.

Axis 5: Biotechnology and environment.

Theme1: Estimated risks of GMOs. Development of genetic transformation and GMOs
detection techniques (corn, wheat).
Theme2: Alternative wastewater treatment processes.
Theme3: Biofertilizers and biopesticides.

2.2.3 Conclusion.

The research dedicated to agricultural biotechnology are currently limited in Algeria,

and especially in INRAA, to few and partially covered research axis pertaining with the
characterization of genetic resources and genomics of organisms as well as of the creation of
new varieties.
Such research orientation should be strengthened for the coming decade and extended
to domains like animal production, food processing, by-products utilization, additives
production, plant protection and for other species than cereals and legumes (tree culture,
vegetable crops, potatoes, and livestock feed).
There is a need to consolidate the existing human and materiel bases of INRAA’s
biotechnology research station in terms of equipment as well as adequate human resource
and their capacity building.
Furthermore, it is important to coordinate the research activities carried out and optimize
the allocation of financial resources in this area. This is even truer that we are witnessing the
emergence of several specialized research centers in Algeria (BRC of Constantine, INRAA's
Biotechnology lab, USTO ... etc...).

III. Innovation and technological development
activities (2013-2023).
Innovation activities, whether technological, organizational, institutional or
entrepreneurial have not experienced a significant development in Algeria25. We can affirm
that such activities are marginal or even non-existent, despite the efforts in terms of creation
of institutions dedicated to innovation like the ANVREDET, promulgation of legal instruments
aimed at supporting the creation process of innovative SMEs, business incubators and
technology parks.
Research activities developed during the last two decades have indeed yielded
"valuable" results in diverse areas like obtaining cereal seed varieties, in vitro production of
potato and date palm plants, and production of elite brood-stock sheep as well the health and
clonal selection of varieties of fruit species for the constitution of primary sources. Conclusive
results have been obtained in other areas like technological valorization of agricultural products
and by-products (Dates, barley, mill feed, slaughterhouse by-products) in favor of animal feed,
biological control against the bio-aggressors, the establishment of mechanisms for observing
economic sectors (milk, poultry, potato), the valorization of genetic resources, geographic
information systems and the promotion of instruments to approach the rural areas.
These results more or less finalized, often with undeniable market potential but not
precisely estimated, have not been converted into innovation through productive processes
and markets.

Several factors are responsible for this state of fact:

- Administrative configuration of the majority of research and development institutions
that do not offer the flexibility required to manage the development of innovative
- Budgetary constraints that do not allow, from the results of research, engagement
and driving forward the process of development and diffusion of innovations
(Maintenance costs of collections and conservatories, financing of scientific and
technical expertise of high level, costs of studies and development, funding of SMEs
and start-ups ...etc.).

But the weak development of innovation refers to that the research and development
institutions operate in a context marked by institutional bulkheading between university
research laboratories and other specialized research centers on one hand, and to the very low
connectivity between the world of research and business on the other hand. Furthermore, it
must be added the fact that research in Algeria is implemented according to the classical
framework (experimentation / Thesis / Conferences / Publications), which tends to marginalize
the contribution of SMEs as well as professional organizations and engineering sciences that
are the basis of the development of innovations in the world.
Algeria has favored investment in centers and university research laboratories that
concentrate almost 90% of researchers which in fact are teacher-researchers. So, given the
weak links between the university and business, mentioned above, we can already highlight
the huge delay accumulated in the development of innovation in Algeria26.

Finally, the weakness in interfaces devoted to exploitation of research results is

explanatory of the low innovation capacity in the field of agricultural research.
Certainly, there is in Algeria a National Agency of exploitation of the results of research
and technological development (ANVREDET) but its action is limited to the management of
funding related to market research, the cost of patents and the search for partners. In this
respect, in addition to the need to strengthen the financial base of the ANVREDET, the
development of this interface involves the creation of ‘’incubators’’ dedicated to innovative

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
companies, the promotion and development of science parks or "Clusters" and the creation of
financial institutions specialized in the funding of innovative companies.

Implementation of a favorable policy to development of innovation, particularly in the

areas of agriculture and rural development is imperative in view of the identified needs. An
analysis, far from being exhaustive, of the needs of Algeria in innovation has allowed
establishing seven areas on which potential claims have been identified (See Appendix 1).

3.1 Innovations related to the mastery of physical

environment, climate and agriculture.
In view of the scarcity of natural resources and multifaceted anthropogenic pressures
exerted on them, in relation to the process of economic development, the production of
innovations for the mastery of the physical environment, climate and agriculture is without
doubt one of the major challenges for the next decade and with regard to the importance of
needs and gaps recorded in this sensitive area. From this perspective, innovation should focus
on a number of strategic areas, namely:
- Cartography of the farming aptitudes of the great agro pedoclimatic ensembles of
- Agro climatic characterization of agricultural production zones
- Study of interactions soil-plant-microorganisms.
- Soil conservation and management.
- Development of indicators and early warning systems.
- Adaptation of irrigation techniques and fine knowledge of crop water requirements
according to agro climatic areas of Algeria.
- Development of non-conventional water in agriculture (wastewater and brackish).
- Characterization of water resources in different agro-climatic zones.
- The study of processes of soil degradation (salinization, desertification, erosion and
wind and water pollution).
- The use of remote sensing and GIS for the assessment of water resources for irrigation,
soil and climate.
- Integrated water management.

3.2 Knowledge and Genetic Improvement of biological

The knowledge of available biological resources (Plant, animal, microorganisms) is
imperative in order to exploit the potential they represent and understanding their adaptation
to diverse biotic and abiotic stresses (water deficit, heat stress, soil and water salinity,
resistance to pests and diseases…etc.). Therefore, several areas are concerned by innovation
activities in Algeria:
- Inventory, evaluation, conservation and durable use of the animal and vegetable
genetic resources and of local and introduced micro-organisms.
- Development and improvement of genetic resources.
- Creation and/or enlargement of the genetic variability for the improvement of strategic
species (resistance, productivity, quality).
- Selection of new varieties of plants by the participatory approach.
- Optimization in vitro crop techniques and varietal improvement.
- Adaptation and species behavior to environmental conditions (Agro-technical).
- Knowledge and development of neglected and underutilized species (medicinal and
aromatic plants, forage and condiments).

3.3 Food and food industry
The growth of food industry is an undeniable fact in Algeria. This is accompanied by the
emergence of pressing and important needs expressed by food companies addressed to
research and innovation system. These innovations are based on 4 axis:
- The control of the quality of fresh and processed products.
- The use of by-products of agriculture by agro-industry.
- Promotion of traditional dairy products.
- The use of antioxidants in agribusiness.

3.4-Crop Protection
Needs on innovations are focusing on integrated crop protection. These relate to
orchards rosacea, citrus, greenhouse crops and palm groves. It should also address the needs
in the areas of integrated pest against the bio aggressors of legumes and locusts.

3.5- Animal Health and Production

- Creation of technical and economical references and support for professional
- Mastery of the reproduction of animal populations (Cattle, sheep, goats).
- Optimizing food systems for livestock.
- Valorization of by-products in the animal feed.
- Pathology of livestock.

3.6- Agricultural and agrifood economics

- Improving the functioning of agrifood chains and markets for agricultural products.
- Development of territorialized chains (Clusters)
- Support for the implementation of agricultural policies.
- Knowledge and promotion of local products and traditional skills.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
IV- Capacities of implementation of the agricultural
research programs in Algeria.
The capacities of implementation of the agronomic research in Algeria distribute
themselves between the Ministries of agriculture and rural development, of the water
resources, the environment, and the higher education and the scientific research that have
centers and institutes of research with which INRAA develops relations of collaboration. (See
Appendix 3).

4.1 Experimental stations and infrastructure (INRAA)

The implementation of the abovementioned research program implies the presence of
INRAA in the main representative agro-ecological zones of Algeria.
In addition to already established and functional experimental stations, INRAA has
created and equipped others research facilities called to act as a receptacle for research
divisions (see Table 1).
Moreover, the imperatives of scientific support to PREARR development programs, such
as saharan, mountainous and Algerian high plateaus programs, implies that INRAA , deploys
its research teams into new location/stations (Tamanrasset, Bechar, Ghardaia, Bouira, El
Bayadh / Saida).

Table 1 – INRAA’s experimentation and research Stations

Structures Area (Ha) Observations
Station site, including agricultural biotechnology,
INRAA Head office
0.11 Center of the scientific literature and the Observatory
of Agriculture.
General-purpose station. Headquarter of several
Mehdi Boualem Station research laboratories (Soil, animal production, plant
Algiers 24 breeding and physiology, bioclimatology, food
technology ...).
Location of genetic resources bank.
Sidi Mehdi Station Station dedicated to Saharan agriculture
Sidi Aissa Station Station under construction (Agriculture / livestock in
15 arid zone)
Oued Ghir Station Station dedicated to agriculture wet mountains
Station under construction (Agriculture and livestock
Djelfa Station 24
in arid zone).
Station dedicated to agriculture wet mountains (under
Jijel Station 11
Lamtar Station Station on track rehabilitation oriented agriculture /
Sidi Bel Abbes livestock in semi-arid zone
Doucene Station Station dedicated to Saharan agriculture (under
Biskra construction)
Constantine Station 10 Station under construction (Cereals / Livestock)
Sétif Station 12 Station under construction (Cereals / Livestock)
Tiaret Laboratory 20 Laboratory oriented for production of seed potato
Adrar Station 75 Station dedicated to agriculture Saharan
Station dedicated to research focused on the
El Hmadenas Station problems of salinity / aridity. Receptacle cooperation
Relizane project Algeria / China dedicated to the development
of saline agricultural soils in Algeria

4.2 Human Resources.
The human potential of INRAA, including both researchers and support staff to research,
is configured to meet the challenges imposed by the need to cover the needs of agricultural
research, as formulated above, induced by implementation of agricultural, rural and agrifood
policies in Algeria. In addition to national research programs implemented, INRAA develops
other activities that increase the human resource needs as the institution tries to cover through
recruitment plans. Among these activities there are to be noted:
- Implementation of the main instruments to support agricultural research.
- Conduct and animation of development activities of strategic importance related to

 The implementation of the main instruments to support agricultural research.

- Establishment of the Bank of plant and animal genetic resources.
- Consolidation of technological base of agricultural biotechnology station that will
strengthen research activities in relation to knowledge and improvement of biological material.
- Implementation of the observatory of agriculture and agrifood chains (OFAAL) in
Algeria. This observatory is a twinning project which involve European Union (France, Italy)
and Algeria. The objectives of this project are the knowledge and improving the value chain
(production system, marketing of agricultural raw materials, industrial processing, and
distribution of processed products, international markets and food consumption). The project
will be implemented during the period September 2012-March 2014 and will require the
mobilization of 14 permanent scientists and 16 technicians under the support staff.
- Consolidation of the agro meteorology network whose development is sought in order
to ensure coverage of all agro-ecological zones listed in PREAR.
- Development of a GIS center whose development was supported by the project
"Geographical Information System Integrated Agricultural and Rural Development (SGIIAR)"
in the context of cooperation between Algeria and Italy.

 Conduct and animation of development activities of strategic importance related

Under the accumulated expertise and status of research and development organization,
INRAA is responsible for several issues of strategic importance to MADR, namely:
- The Genetic Resources Program.
- The implementation of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources.
- The establishment of three integrated agrifood poles (Clusters) with the support of the
World Bank27.
- Supporting the development program of date palm in Algeria.
- Support for development programs for arid, Saharan, highlands and mountain areas.
- Labeling of agricultural products within the framework of the promotion of rural areas
(Olive oil, dried figs).
- The development of organic agriculture.

The achievement of these strategic objectives implies the mobilization of potential

researchers and therefore adoption of an exceptional plan of recruitment that will permit the
strengthening of human capacities of INRAA.
INRAA currently mobilizing a population of scientists who rises to 207 researchers
spread across stations and research divisions (see Table 2), nearly 60% majority is composed
of young researchers.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
Table 2 - Structure of the potential of researchers mobilized by INRAA (2012)

Grade researchers Numbers

Directors of research 02
Maitres of research 12
Responsible for research 33
Attaches of research 135
Responsible for studies 25
Total 207

4.3 The Scientific and Technological Cooperation

To ensure adequate coverage of the areas of research INRAA deploys an intensive
cooperation both nationally and internationally.

4.3.1 National Cooperation.

Nationally, INRAA develop a close collaboration with institutes, centers and laboratories
within the Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development, Water Resources, Higher
Education and Research science (see Appendix 3). As such, it should be noted that INRAA is
the national coordination agency of PNRs dedicated to «Agriculture, Food, forests, farmland
and rural areas". INRAA also participates directly to the implementation of 44 projects funded
by the National Research Fund (FNR) for an amount of 66 million dinars (660.000 Euros).
These projects, as well as all the research activities of the INRAA, are embedded within
the institutional matrix (see Appendix 4) involving government institutions, professional
organizations, NGOs and companies.

4.3.2 International Cooperation.

The international project portfolio consists of 22 projects dedicated to the improvement
of wheat, building research capacity, renewable energy, the fight against desertification and
rural development in fragile ecosystems (mountains, plains and areas Sahara), food security,
the application of nuclear techniques to agricultural areas (Pathology and Animal Health,
irrigation, crop breeding, bioclimatology), mobilization of water resources and soil
International cooperation projects are implemented both in bilateral (France, USA, Spain,
Holland, Italia, Morocco, Brazil, Argentina, China, South Korea) and multilateral relations (EU,
NEPAD, UMA, World Bank, FAO, IAEA). Moreover, INRAA maintaining close relationships
with international research centers: CGIAAR (ICARDA, IWMI, CIMMYT and CIP).

The issue of water and its mobilization for agriculture is at the center of international
cooperation projects. It is articulated on several projects during formulation or execution:
- Impact of climate change on water availability for irrigation in the regions and
catchments (INRAA / IWMI).
- Optimization of irrigation (hydroponic, needs assessment in water for crops) INRAA /
- Genetic improvement against water stress of crops (barley, wheat, chickpea, date
palms palm). INRAA / IAEA.
- Evaluation of aquifer systems (INRAA / OSS / ANRH).
- The mobilization of rainwater in the wilaya of Mascara (CERAI / INRAA).
- Action against groundwater pollution (IAEA).
- Wastewater Reuse in the regions for the purposes of agriculture (WB and IWMI).

V. European Food, Agriculture and Water research
5.1. EU 2020 Food and Agriculture research future priorities
for developing countries28

Food and Agricultural research greatly influence the direction and development of
agricultural policies and practices, with important implications for sustainable development and
global food security. As part of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) 2013 reform, the
European Commission has proposed a new 4.5 bn Euro budget for food and agricultural
research which is double the amount of previous research budgets. The Commission issued
its legislative proposal for both the Horizon 2020 and the CAP reform in Oct-Nov 2011. Horizon
2020 developed under the lead of DG Research brings together all EU innovation and research
funding on basic and applied research (FP7, competitiveness and Innovation Framework
Programme CIP, and the European Institute on Innovation).

Food security is one of the major challenges worldwide in the years ahead, with global
food demand forecast to rise by 70% by 2050 (FAO), accompanied by a steep increase in the
demand for feed, fibre, biomass, and biomaterial. However, this challenge is accompanied by
a slowdown in productivity growth – in good part because of a reduction in investment in
agricultural research – and increased pressure on the environment and our natural resources.
The key challenge for agriculture in future is not only to produce more, but also to do this in a
sustainable manner. These challenges will not be resolved without a major push towards
embracing research and innovation – and in particular in bringing researchers, farmers and
other players closer together so that we can accelerate the speed of technological transfer
from science to farming practice, and provide more systematic feedback about practice needs
from farming to science.
One of the Horizon 2020 priorities is ‘Societal challenges’ with a proposed budget of
about 35bn Euro addresses food security, sustainable agriculture, energy, raw materials,
marine and maritime research, bioeconomy, etc. The research programme will be
implemented through different instruments such as public-private-partnerships, public-public-
partnerships (i.e. ERA-NET), joint programming initiatives, coordination with EU member
states, and the European Innovation Partnership (EIP). EIP programme on Agricultural
Productivity and Sustainability which will primarily be implemented through co-funding actions
under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) pillar II on rural development policy. The
programme aims to facilitate communication between practice and sciences and exchanges
among innovation actors on the side of both the CAP and Horizon 2020; with the latter feeding
into the EIP with applied research projects, cross-border and cluster initiatives or innovation
centers. The EIP targets are: productivity and efficiency of the agricultural sector promotion
(reversing the recent trend of diminishing productivity gains by 2020) and sustainability of
agriculture (securing soil functionality at a satisfactory level by 2020).

The resources that the EU invests in agricultural research could impact developing
countries in different ways. First, indirectly but perhaps most importantly, the European food
and agricultural knowledge system, and the agricultural model on which it is based, is being
transferred to many developing countries by way of, inter alia, technical assistance. Second,
there is a direct impact resulting from private sector investments in the development of
agricultural innovations which are not necessarily appropriate for tropical climates and soils or
for the economic and social contexts in which developing country farmers are operating, and
which therefore do not always have positive impacts on poverty reduction or on local food
security and nutrition.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
At the international level, the EU has committed to investing in food agricultural research
that will meet global development challenges. The outcome document of the UNCSD
Conference, Rio+20, calls for strengthening of international cooperation on food and
agricultural research for development, improvement of knowledge systems and knowledge and
technology transfer that empowers farmers; and in this regard acknowledges the important
role of traditional seed supply systems.29
EU plays an important role in promoting agricultural research that delivers on global food
security, particularly in food insecure and developing countries. The obligation to take account
of policy coherence for development will be translated into support for open access, sharing
and use of scientific information and the increased dissemination and use of knowledge and
access to scientific data produced or collected by EU funded research. This is particularly
important for actors in developing countries and for tackling common challenges of global food

Food and Agricultural research capacities of the EU (research projects, personal,

programs) are necessary to improve global food security concerns in particular of developing
countries with tropical and subtropical conditions. Therefore, building capacity in developing
countries’ research institutes through partnerships between research institutions in EU and
developing countries is an extremely relevant action. The EU’s commitment to reduction of
hunger could be translated into research that puts marginalized food production of rural poor
at the center. Agricultural research is based on participatory approaches that put the needs
and knowledge of farmers at the center of decision-making. This research approach can be
used on small scale farms allowing technology transfer to smallholders in developing countries.

EU co-funded research support to smallholder enterprises in agriculture and food

processing operators in developing countries is very important to their food production
capacity-building and long term food security.EU research support to research and
development of specific agro ecological techniques in these countries with a particular
attention to gender issues enable them to avoid an increase in women’s labor burden, or an
increase in child labor exploitation.

5.2. EU Water research future approach in developing


The EU R&D roadmap for water issues for the next 20 years addresses relevant
challenges of the water sector in Europe and in developing countries. Most of these challenges
are environmental and industrial but they also represent market opportunities, and are
therefore considered as most relevant to support influence of the European water sector
industry in the developing countries by the means of financing projects and knowledge transfer
of innovative demonstration cases. The challenges will focus on generic research that will also
encourage RTD activities based on the cooperation with different European Technology
Platforms (ETPs) or Framework Programmes, but also with other pan-European initiatives
addressing water management such as ERANET initiatives, EurAqua, etc

A global approach is needed with regard to water and waste treatment across all
industrial and commercial sectors. The EU research opportunities will be addressed to both
the water sector and wider industry, that will finally enhance the capability of the supply chain
in provision of energy efficient technologies for water and wastewater usage and treatment,
both in EU and abroad, thereby increasing the global competitiveness of European water and
wastewater solution providers. EU R&D and demonstration funding will be better targeted and
consequently investment in new technology, innovation and integration between the water
industry, wider industry and society, adoption of commercial synergies will offer the potential
of additional economical resources.

In the developing countries there is more opportunity for short term solutions not
constrained by existing infrastructure. Therefore, there is great opportunity for European
innovation to be widely adopted in the developing world. This will enhance wealth creation in
Europe and in those countries and create many jobs for both parts in the environmental sector.
This EU approach will reduce the impact of climate change and other drivers reduce the costs
of service provision and provide financial benefits to EU and third countries societies.

Agricultural Research in Algeria will meet many challenges largely determined by the
momentum generated by the implementation of economic reforms, themselves conditioned by
two major constraints:
- Climatic change and its consequences such as increasing drought and flood occurrences
and more water scarcity. The last will constitute from now a major determinant in the definition
of all the components of the food security policy of Algeria.
- Globalization of the economy which will induce strong entropy on the markets and a great
instability of the agricultural products prices because of the risks as well political as climatic
but also because of the substitutability of the products.

Among the biggest challenges that will face Algeria to the Horizon 2023, we can mention:
- The necessity to ensure a sustainable management of natural resources and
- The necessity to ensure food security of the nation and citizens.
- The resolution of the throbbing question of employment through the development of a
productive and competitive economy.
- The establishment of the foundations of an effective governance of both the economy
and society.

 Sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems,

The Algerian agriculture and rural areas evolve in a climatic context, marked by a
structural aridity, which is expected to be exacerbated in relation with the climate change
perspective that will influence significantly agricultural productivity as well as agricultural and
food economy as a whole .
Thus, the issue of water will be a major challenge for Algeria in the future. Moreover, all
searches are now structured around the nagging question of water that Algeria must solve
through intensive research programs related to:
- Knowledge and adaptation of biological material to water stress.
- Improvement and production of new biological materials adapted to arid environments
and fragile ecosystems.
- Knowledge, conservation, sustainable management of water resources and improving
the resilience of agro-ecosystems.
- The use of biotechnology to solve problems or overcome abiotic stresses, including
water stress, which apply to Algeria.
- Application of processing technologies for wastewater use in agriculture which
contribute, also, to the preservation of the quality of fresh water and reduction of pollution the
Mediterranean Sea.

On the other hand, the preservation of biodiversity requires dynamic management of

ecosystems that are, ultimately, providers of environmental services necessary to meet the
socio-economic needs of the population.
Operationally, the preservation of biodiversity requires the implementation of
participatory approaches focused on ecosystems, involving social actors as well as institutions.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
But beyond the significant progress recorded in the implementation of the strategy for
biodiversity conservation in Algeria, the process still suffers from the problem of scientific
knowledge of resources and ecosystems. This is an undeniable priority research for Algeria.

 Ensure food security of the nation, population and households.

Ensure the country's food security is a priority for policy makers in Algeria. Agricultural
and rural policies implemented since 2008 clearly reflect this strategic direction through:
- The structuring of production systems and agrifood channels to meet food demands
and ensure the country's food security.
- The modernization of strategic food chains (cereals, milk, pulses, potatoes, legumes,
olive oil, dates, red and white meat).
- The development and consolidation of the food industry foundations which is called to
play an important role in the regulation of markets, especially in a context marked by a growth
in demand and changes in eating habits.

In the context of economic openness and food crises, agricultural and food policies are
implemented to provide answers to the problems inherent in the volatility of international
markets and favorable conditions for securing and enhancing supplies that affect strongly
consumers, farmers and agrifood companies.
Regulation of agricultural and food markets are, from this point of view, a priority for the
government. Agricultural research must provide the scientific insights required for this purpose.

 The issue of employment and development of a productive economy

The issue of employment is a key concern of for both policy-makers since the early
2000s. Indeed, Algeria will face a very tight labor market characterized by an unemployment
rate of 10 % that affects graduates population much more: While the unemployment rate
among people with no qualifications is estimated at 7.3%, unemployment in the population with
tertiary education reached 21.4% in 2010 (11.1% in men and 33.6% women) 30.

Prospects of consolidating food security through the development of agriculture, the

development of agro-industries and SMEs, the development of environment-related jobs
(Water economy, ecosystem and bio-resources valuation) are, from this point of view, called
to generate a dynamic of job creation and improving the living conditions of populations.

By developing research and innovation oriented towards these topics, the research
sector can contribute in a meaningful way to resolve the issue of employment in Algeria.
Especially, the research effort will focus on priority products like cereals, legumes, Solanaceae
(tomatoes, potatoes), milk and its derivatives, as well as white and red meats. Research in the
field of food industries should, furthermore, promote agricultural chains generating high added
value (date palm, olive oil and other local products) and support the process of valorization of
agricultural and agrifood by-products.
Furthermore, Beyond the knowledge of the biological material, the research activities
dedicated to plant genetic resources are an opportunity to create favorable basis - To the
creation of productive activities (SMEs) that generate income for rural populations (breeding,

 Governance institutions and society

The fact is established, the technical and technological solutions are virtually useless if the
individual and collective behavior are not simultaneously modified31. The development of
research in social sciences will be inescapable for years to come. These should provide
adequate answers to questions related to:

 Diagnosis and improvement of production systems. This research will contribute to
enhance decisions making about the dynamics and differentiation processes of
production systems for better development politics implementation

 The evaluation of agricultural and rural policies. The analysis will cover the components
pertaining with agricultural policies including land property regime, economic regulation
and incentive, Agricultural water management, training-research and extension, land
planning, agricultural and rural employment, incomes, regional integration (the
Maghreb, UE/Maghreb...) and institutions.

 rural development which deploys a "Gender" approach whose central question is the
study of the relationship between gender with the imperatives of preserving
biodiversity, water resources and ecosystems in connection with rural know How . It
will, moreover, to study the level of gender integration in the institutional development

 To institutions and governance. Indeed, by integrating an approach oriented towards

decentralization and empowerment of rural actors at local level, the new agricultural
and rural policies are firmly anchored in the reform and modernization processes of the
State, democratization of society and good governance. Thus, research dedicated to
the analysis of the strategy of rural actors and efficiency of policies implemented should
be intensified.

 Innovation and technological development activities

Implementation of a favorable policy to development of innovation, particularly in the areas
of agriculture and rural development is imperative in view of the identified needs but also
to enhance SMEs and industry competitivity. An analysis, far from being exhaustive, of the
needs of Algeria in innovation has allowed establishing seven areas on which potential
claims have been identified (Physical environment mastery, genetic improvement, agrifood
industry, crop protection, animal production, Agricultural and agrifood economics).

But innovation activities, both technological, institutional or organizational, as have not

experienced a significant development in Algeria because of institutional cloisenements
between industry and the research community. Thus, the most important challenge for the next
ten years is to build bridges between these two worlds in the triple helix model framework.

 Articulation with Priorities and EU research programs (H 2020)

The analysis of the strategic directions of research in Algeria and their comparison with those
of European Union, according to the major challenges for the Horizon 201232, has identified a
number of points of convergence. These relate to:
- The research planification based on major challenges (food security, climate change
and water economy).
- Priority research themes (food security, sustainable agriculture, fight against climate
change, efficient use of natural resources; inclusive, innovative and secure societies.
- Integrating SMEs in the process of research and innovation (industrial primacy pillar).
- Willingness to mobilize industry stakeholders and engineering sciences, most directly
concerned and most likely to integrate scientific knowledge in an innovation
- Necessity to develop innovation in a direction favorable to smart, sustainable and
inclusive growth
- A greater role for social sciences in the development of research to address all societal

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

ANIMA - Innovation, pôles technologiques et attraction de l’investissement. La Méditerranée

intelligente. Notes and Documents No. 9 Novembre 2005. ANIMA et Marseille Innovation, 202

DJEFLAT A. - L'Algérie et les défis de l'économie de la connaissance. Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung,

Alger, Novembre 2008 - 48 P.

FERRAH ALI - Préservation de la biodiversité en rapport avec les exigences

socioéconomiques de la population humaine et l’équilibre des écosystèmes. OADA, 2012.

GAILLARD M. - Grands défis pour Horizon 2020. FutuRIS 2012 - Chapitre 4.

JORADP - Loi d’orientation agricole No. 08-16 dated 3 August 2008.

INRAA- Stratégie et plan d’action à moyen et long termes. INRAA/MADR, August 2010, 93

MARD - Présentation de la stratégie de développement rural durable (SDRD). Main Report,

March 2004.

MARD- La politique de Renouveau agricole et rural: Rapport d’étape analytique 2008/2011 et

perspective à 2014. July 2010.

MARD - Le renouveau agricole et rural en marche. Revue et perspective. May, 2012, 95


MARD - Programme quinquennal 2010-2014. Basic document, MARD, 2010

MARD - Rapport d’audition MADR. Volet hydraulique. Direction des zones arides et semi-
arides. 2012, 27 pages.

MATE - Algérie 2025 : Schéma national d’aménagement du territoire. Equilibre durable et

compétitivité des territoires. Volume 2. February 2007.

MATE - Plan national d’actions pour l’environnement et le développement durable. January,

2002. 39P.

PERENNES, J-J - L'eau et les hommes au Maghreb. Karthala. Paris, 1993.

TAIBI R- Synthèse des études générales sur les ressources en eau en Algérie. ANRH,
January 2010

WORLD BANK - Transforming Arab Economies: Traveling the Knowledge and Innovation
road. World Bank, 2013, 188 P.

INSEAD and WIPO - The Global Innovation Index 2012: Stronger Innovation Linkages for
Global Growth. Soumitra Dutta Editor, France, 2012, 464 P.



FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
Identification of potential in innovations in the field of Agriculture,
agro alimentary and rural development in Algeria / 1
Food and Food industries
Themes Innovations (Needs) Innovations (Priorities) Notice/Partners
Innovation relatively
Biotechnological valorization of the date
controlled. To develop
Valorization of the vegetable rejects: production of organic, amino
testing on an industrial
by-products in agricultural Valorization of mills by-products, date rejects acids / date Syrup, sugar solution, date
scale and the
processing industry By-products Oilseed mills, olive residue and juice, jams, food for cattle, vinegar and
establishment of
by-products of tomato. alcohol.
Biotechnological valorization of the date Partnerships to be
rejects for the industrial production of identified
Valorization of the traditional
Characterization and development of Characterization and development of Several works developed
dairy products
traditional cheeses ("Takkemarit"," traditional cheeses ("Takkemarit ", by INATA and INRAA
Bouhezzab... etc). "Bouhezza"). (Agrifood technology
Use of antioxidants in
agricultural processing Antioxidants identification and extraction
Works in progress. To
industry Valorization of the medicinal plants starting from the aromatic, condiment
and medicinal plants

To resume and supplement

Improvement of the technological quality
Development of products of quality (Oils, former works developed by
of the olive oils ("Chemlal» and
“couscous”... etc.). ITAFV, Tizi-Ouzou
University and INRAA).
Quality of the fresh and
processed products
Setup of an official sign of quality (Dates, Development of a geographical
Existence of a IG for "
sheep, figs, olives). indication for the date «Deglet Nour ", fig
Deglet Nour " of Tolga,
of «Beni Maouche " and olive of Sig.

Project funded by the European Commission under the 7th

European Framework Programme – Activities for International
Cooperation of the Capacities Programme.
Identification of potential in innovations in the field for Agriculture,
the agro alimentary and the rural development in Algeria / 2
Biotic agents of the vegetable species
Themes Innovations (Needs) Innovations (Priorities) Notice/Partners
Development of techniques
To develop: INRAA,
of fight against the Development of the sterile insect
Integrated protection of the orchards of rosacea INPV, ITAFV, university
carpocapse of the apple and Technology (SIT).
pear trees.
To develop: INRAA,
Integrated protection of citrus fruits Techniques of fight Use of vegetable oils INPV, ITAFV, university
Identification and development of To develop: INRAA,
Fight against Tuta absoluta
Integrated Protection in protected cultures powerful auxiliaries and INPV, ITCMI, university
on solanaceous
biopesticides. laboratories
Identification of the
antagonistic micro-organisms Identification and production of the To develop: INRAA,
Integrated fight against the bios attackers of dry
face to the fusariose of antagonistic micro-organisms to the INPV, ITGC, university
chickpea, broad beans and fusariose of chickpea. laboratories
the lens.
Identification of antagonistic INRAA, INPV, ITDAS,
Use of micro-organisms to fight
micro-organisms as solution university laboratories
against Bayoud of the Date palm
of fight against Fusariose
Integrated protection of the palmgroove Inventory of the acarofaune
Identification and production of INRAA, INPV, ITAFV,
and biological fights against
powerful auxiliaries against university laboratories
the " Boufaroua "
Boufaroua (Case of Ladybirds).
To develop. INRAA,
Biological fight against the Identification and production of
INPV, university
gregarious acridiens synthetic insecticides and bio
pesticides plant
Integrated fight against locusts and the Moroccan
Use of entomopathogenic fungi Existing innovation for
Biological fight against the against locusts. Designing a myco- some fungi. INRAA,
gregarious acridiens based insecticide using Beauveria INPV, ITAFV, university
bassiana. laboratories

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Identification of potential in innovations in the field for Agriculture,
the agro alimentary and the rural development in Algeria / 3
Selection and breeding of plants and animals of strategic interest

Themes Innovations (Needs) Innovations (Priorities) Notice/Partners

Creation of devices for performance Implementation of conservatories
Experiment already carried out by
evaluation and conservation (In and for bovines ("Cheurfa") sheep
Identification and safeguarding of the the ITELV. To consolidate.
Ex situ) of threatened animal ("Hamra"), goats ("Makatia") and
animal genetic resources
populations (sheep, goats, local poultry (3 phenotypes of the local
bovines, and camels). population) breeds.

Conception programs and devices for Creation of centers for testing, Work already begun by ITELV
Improvement of the local genetic
genetic improvement (dairy cattle, production and dissemination of CNIAAG in collaboration with
dairy goat and dairy camels, sheep elite ovines genitors (Ouled Djellal, professional associations.
meat). Hamra, Rembi).

Creating a synthetic rabbit strain Actors involved: ITELV, UMMTO,

Designing programs and devices for
Improvement of the local genetic from crosses including females of INRA Toulouse (France) and INRAA
genetic improvement (rabbit).
resources a local population. (Algeria).

Identification of potential in innovations in the field for Agriculture,
the agro alimentary and the rural development in Algeria / 4
Production and animal health
Themes Innovations (Needs) Innovations (Priorities) Notice/Partners
Creation of technical-economic Work to be capitalized in
Support for milk recording Network
references and support to the partnership with ITELV,
Creation of databases oriented techno- in Algeria. Development of
professional organizations INRAA, ITELV, ONIL and
economic systems and sectors / diagnostic databases / Modern Dairy Cattle
professional organizations
expert systems technology for the (CIZ).
orientation of the decision and breeding
advice Applications to semi-intensive ITELV
sheep farms and intensive poultry
Establishment of a research and
development pole dedicated to testing of
Development of a center of testing Partnerships to be built:
bulls: 1 - Structure of animal testing. 2 -
of the bulls. 1 - Structures testage CNIAAG, ITELV, INRAA,
Laboratory of semen analysis. 3 - Bank of
of animals. 2 - Analysis laboratory USTO, University of Blida
semen conservation. 4 - Laboratory of
of semen.
Mastery of reproduction (Cattle, filiations analysis (DNA). 5 - Centre for
sheep, goats) calculating dairy index
Establishment of a laboratory for CNIAAG/University of Blida
Program production and embryo transfer in
the production of sexed embryos
bovine breeding for the dissemination of
(Creating a storage bank of
genetic progress and cost reduction of
embryos and a mobile laboratory
animal handling
embryo transfer
Optimization of the food
Feed formulations optimized incorporating ITELV/INRAA/Universities
systems for livestock Feed formulations optimized for
local raw materials (barley, mill feed, alfalfa) Works
dairy cattle, poultry and rabbit

Identification and characterization of by-
Valorization of the by-products Feed formulations optimized for Work
products / feed formulation
in the animal feeds dairy cattle and poultry rabbit +

Optimization of molecular biology

Pathology of the livestock Development of means of diagnosis, fight
techniques for the diagnosis and CNIAAG, INRAA, ENSV,
and prevention against the diseases
prevention of infectious diseases in INMV, universities
(bovine, ovine, caprine)

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Identification of potential in innovations in the field for Agriculture,
the agro alimentary and the rural development in Algeria / 5
Agriculture and durable development
Themes Innovations (Needs) Innovations (Priorities) Notice/Partners
Conservation and durable use of the Installation of a bank of phytogenetic
genetic resources resources INRAA
Inventory, evaluation, conservation
and durable use of the animal, Inventory, assessment, conservation
vegetable and microbiological genetic and sustainable use of Saharan Development of Saharan wheat
resources. wheat. varietal catalog of Algeria

Development and diversification of Production of certified seed by

the production of seeds and plants vitroculture and hydroponics.
(potato, corn, olive). Establishment of a laboratory for KOIKA INRAA, CNCC,
Production - Diversification of seed ITCMI, SAGRODEV
potatoes: Program of improvement
and creation of new varieties.
Introduction of certain varieties of Introduction of the varieties already
Adaptation and crop management to
alfalfa, tomatoes, chickpeas, tested by INRAA, ITGC and ITCMI.
environmental conditions ITGC, ITCMI, INRAA
sorghum, corn and seasoning
species in the Saharan zones.

Introduction of new forage rye and ITELV, ITGC, INRAA,

triticale in crop rotation and animal Development of the culture of rye. ONAB, private industry
Knowledge and development of feed (Ruminants) feed
neglected and underutilized species Inventory, evaluation, conservation
(medicinal, aromatic feed and and durable use of the species
condiments plants ...) Installation of a bank of the INRAA
neglected and under used (plants
phytogenetic resources
medicinal, aromatic, fodder,

Identification of potential in innovations in the field for Agriculture,
the agro alimentary and the rural development in Algeria / 6
Selection and breeding of plants and animals of strategic interest

Themes Innovations (Needs) Innovations (Priorities) Notice/Partners

Commercialization of new productive varieties of Work implemented within

wheat those are resistant to various diseases, with the framework of
Creation and/or widening of good technological qualities and adapted to various “National Program for
genetic variability for the Creation of new genotypes agro-ecological zones. Production of barley varieties Improvement of wheat”
improvement of the strategic (varieties): Date palm, wheat, adapted to aridity and salinity. Varieties oriented (PNAB:
species (resistance, barley, leguminous plants/ grains and forages. Varieties adapted to fragile agro INRAA/ITGC/ICARDA)
productivity, quality). chickpeas, olives, vegetables ecosystems.
Activities of R-D
Improvement of the commercial value of the
developed by INRAA
varieties of existing dates by the creation of
within the framework of
cultivars mutant resistant to the " Bayoud "
the project
(varieties Tegaza, Takharboucht) and of quality
(Variety Deglet Nour) for the repopulation of the
oases devastated by the disease
. Application of participatory
Selection of plant varieties approach in genetic Protocol development for cereals and date palm. 2 - Several worksinitiated in
through participatory approach. improvement of wheat, Promotion of new varieties of hard and soft wheat to collaboration with
barley, triticale, food legumes propose to the national catalog of species and ICARDA, ITGC, IPGRI
and date palm. varieties.

Conception of selection and

"screening" techniques for
Research and mastery of date palm, wheat, barley,
Development of the Protocol. INRAA
efficient selection methods leguminous plants, potatoes
and olives

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Identification of potential in innovations in the field for Agriculture,
the agro alimentary and the rural development in Algeria / 7-1
Physical environments, climate and agriculture
Themes Innovations (Needs) Innovations (Priorities) Notice/Partners

Mapping agro-pedoclimatic
Adaptation mapping tools and integrated
characteristics and agricultural
Study and mapping of cultivation approaches to decision support INRAA, INSID
aptitudes of potential areas,
aptitudes of large agro
covering the north of Algeria
pedoclimatic sets

Creation of integrated databases on physical

Research and application of new Creation of integrated Collaboration with INRAA,
natural resources
methods of cartography. databases for major agricultural ASAL, INSID, BNEDER;

Rehabilitation of
Inoculum production and other biological
Application to leguminous leguminous for the
technologies standardized
Interactions Soils - Plants - production areas restoration of degraded
Microorganisms soils in arid and semi arid
Protection and management of
Design of a technological package of Project registers within the
the grounds Application for the arid and semi
management of the salted grounds framework of the co-
arid regions.
operation with China

Development of forecasting systems of

harvests, identification of areas at risk, crop Development of afunctional
Work in collaboration with
water diagnosis (Dates of seeding, crop early alarm system for the
water needs, soil reserves, yields) / Models dryness
Development of systems and
biomass for livestock
early warning indicators (agro
meteorology, plant protection and A forecasting model of the
animal health). Consolidation and development
cereal outputs was already
of an early and spatialized
Development of early prediction systems of initiated within the
system of forecast (SIG/BDD) of
harvests framework of the SGIIAR.
harvests (Cultivation of cereals,
Partners: DSA, CAW,

Identification of potential in innovations in the field for Agriculture,
the agro alimentary and the rural development in Algeria / 7-2
Physical environments, climate and agriculture
Themes Innovations (Needs) Innovations (Priorities) Notice/Partners

Mapping agricultural potential of Mapping agricultural potential of northern
characterization of
northern Algeria (01), steppe (02) Algeria (01), Case of cereal. Collaboration with INCT
agricultural production zones
and Sahara (03)

Assessment of water needs of crops (wheat,

vegetable crops) INRAA, ITDAC, ITCMI
Evaluation of crop water needs
Adaptation and improvement
of irrigation to agro-pedo-
Introduction of "Small Scale Irrigation
climatic conditions Techniques developed
Technologies" (water saving irrigation: sprinkler
Introduction of water-saving within the framework of
irrigation and / or localized) and water
irrigation technology cooperation projects
requirements for high added value crops
involving AIEA.
(peppers, tomatoes)
Creation of a cluster dedicated to valorization Strong incidence on the
of wastewater for agriculture (Extra irrigation environment (depollution).
.....). Possible partners: ONID
Valorization of non- Use of treated wastewater in
Agricultural valorization (fertilization) of sewage ONA INRAA, INSID, ANRH,
conventional water in agriculture (3) Technology / water
sludge generated by epuration stations. ITGC, Association of the
agriculture (wastewater and treatment (3) / resistance of crops
Introduction of irrigation technics based on irrigants, DSA, DSP
brackish) to salinity (3).
purified wastewater on large irrigated areas international Partners:
(Oran, Tlemcen, Boumerdes, Tissemsilt, FAWIRA, IMWI (In project),
Constantine). World Bank
Characterization of water Assessment of water availability ONID, ONA, INRAA, INSID,
Water Resource Mapping / wastewater quality
resources in different agro- (03) and wastewater quality (03) ANRH, association of
climatic zones irrigating, DSA, DSP

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Identification of potential in innovations in the field for Agriculture,
the agro alimentary and the rural development in Algeria / 7-3
Physical environments, climate and agriculture.

Themes Innovations (Needs) Innovations (Priorities) Notice/Partners

Study of degradation process of

Development of erosive zone maps Algeria has 13 million
soil: salinization, desertification, Development of erosive zone maps (1).
(1) / Studies on the level of pollution hectares for 102
water and wind erosion and Application to watersheds
of soil and water resources (2) watersheds (water and
Using remote sensing and GIS for Remote sensing technology (1) and Algeria's 13 million
Application of remote sensing technology
the assessment of water resources GIS (2) applied to natural resources hectares for 102
to the assessment of natural resources
for irrigation, soil and climate. and climate change. watersheds (water and
and climate change (Watersheds).
Integrated installation and Mobilization of runoff for irrigation Some existing works
conservatory Community (Sources, "Joubs", "Ceds", Adjustment of models in mountains, arid (CERAI INRAA HCDS,
management water "Majens") and semi arid zones. Universities Mascara,
Conception of greenhouse models
Valorization of renewable energies suitable for different agro-climatic Partners: INRAA,
for the improvement of the climates zones (global conception, Application to greenhouse dedicated to ITCMI, CDER, CNCC,
within the greenhouses improvement of devices using solar vegetable crops. CO-OPERATION
energy, alternative energy, types of INRAA/KOPIA
materials, hydroponics).

Identification of potential in innovations in the field for Agriculture,
the agro alimentary and the rural development in Algeria / 8
Agricultural and agrifood economics
Themes Innovations (Needs) Innovations (Priorities) Notice/Partners
Monitoring, knowledge and improving the
Establishment of
value chain (production system, marketing of
observatory of agrifood Ongoing project: EU Twinning Project /
Improving the functioning of agriculturalproducts, industrial processing,
chains and agricultural INRAA / MADR. Partners: ITGC,
agrifood chains and distribution of processed products,
products markets. ITCMI, INRAA, ITAFV, ITELV, ITDAS,
agricultural products markets. international markets and food consumption).
Applications: Cereals, milk, potatoes, dates,
legumes, olive, poultry.
The option for the creation of PAI
seems committed by the government.
Development of territorialized Projects are reported in the regions of
agrifood chain Set up of integrated Medea-Boughzoul (Agriculture) and
agricultural poles (PAI, Algiers (Biotechnology at the Sidi
Clusters) Abdellah Park). A first draft of creating
a cluster is underway in the east region
of the country (World Bank ATR /
Support to the Structuring and support to the creation of ITELV, ITGC, ONIL / Bretagne
Support to implementation of
professional dairy producer groups in Algeria international/France
the agricultural policies.
Establishment of associations in the context The associations are the support
Support to the
Support to implementation of of genetic improvement and promotion of dissemination of genetic progress
the agricultural policies sheep breeds (Ouled Djellal in Oum El captured by the testing centers of
Bouaghi, Rembi in Tiaret) breeding sheep.
Economic promotion of
Works on the "Deglet Nour" date (GI),
regional products (sign "Geographical Indication Sign" for « Deglet
fig of "Beni Maouche" , sheep breed
of quality: IG, AOC Nour" date, Olive oil and fig.
Knowledge and valorization of "Ouled Djellal".
local products and traditional
Conception of business SMEs specialized in drying figs, extraction of
models oriented aromatic essences and packaging of Some works done by ITGC (IREDEN
valorization of regional medicinal plants. Projects)
products in rural areas.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Identification of potential in innovations in the field for Agriculture,
the agro alimentary and the rural development in Algeria / 9
Biotechnologies applied to agriculture

Themes Innovations (Needs) Innovations (Priorities) Notice/Partners

Multiplication and production Optimization of techniques in vitro Cleansing and mass propagation of date Creation of an industrial unit of
of healthy and performant cultivation and varietal improvement palm, olive and potato / Optimization of production of date palm by Vitro
plant material techniques in vitro cultivation for crop cultivation techniques " (INRAA)

Installation of a station of agricultural Installation of the instrumentation and the Existence of another research center in
Strengthening the research biotechnologies which will come to basic protocols. biotechnology at Constantine (CRBT)
potential in the field of reinforce the activities of research in
biotechnology relation to the knowledge and the
improvement of the biological



Situation in June 2012

Project funded by the European Commission under the 7th

European Framework Programme – Activities for International
Cooperation of the Capacities Programme.

Project Observations
National Research Program(NRP) -40 projects funded by the National Fund
Agriculture, Food, forests, agricultural and for Research and controlled by INRAA
rural areas / Biotechnology /Renewable -04projects funded by FNR but controlled
Energy/Environment and Sustainable by CDER and ANDRU.
National Program for Improvement of wheat International cooperation project. Ongoing
(INRAA/ ITGC /ICARDA). (2005-2014).

Developing Capacity for international FP 7project funded by the European

cooperation in the field of research devoted Commission (ERAWide). Project
to agriculture, water and food (FAWIRA). coordinated by INRAA in partnership with
Italian (UNIPI, REDINN) and Spanish
(CENTA) institutions. Start:January 2012.
EU-MED Cooperation to foster innovation FP 7project funded by the European
and exploitation in the agrifood domain (FP 7/ Commission. Project coordinated by
Program Capacities, CINEA, 609495). GIRAF (Allemagne) in partnership with
Morocco (USMBA), Tunisia, France
(CNRS) and Spain (IRTA, Alicante
Evaluation of the energy crop Jatropha EUfunded project(Program
curcas as a mean to promote renewable and EuropaAid/128320/C/ACT/Multi).
sustainable energy for the Mediterranean International coordinator AUA (Greece);
region (JatroMed). partners CDER (Algeria), MUSCAT
(Egypt); CDRT(Morocco) and
CRAING(Italy).Ongoing project.

Participation of civil society in the definition of Project funded by EuropaAid program.

the implementation of programs against Partners: Associations AREAED /
desertification and sustainable rural MIMOUNA with the involvement of MADR
development in mountain areas. and DGF(2012-2014).
Enhancing food security in Arab Countries Project involving research centers from 6
(ICARDA coordination). countries (Algeria since February 2012,
This project includes 3 packages: 1/ Jordan, Morocco, Sudan, Syria and
Enhancing wheat productivity (Varieties, Tunisia).Financed by the Islamic
irrigation methods. 2/Revitalization of wheat Development Bank, the Kuwait Fund and
research center. 3/ FADES.
Young scientist program.
Responding to the transbondary threat of Funded by the AIEA or the period 2009-
what black stem rust (INT/5/150) 2013.
Enhancing the productivity of high value
crops and income generation with small scale
irrigation technologies (RAF 5058).

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
Project Observations
- Increasing the genetic variability for the Funded by IAAE for the period 2012-
improvement of strategic crops (wheat, barley, 2014.
chickpeas and dates) for enhanced tolerance to
biotic and abiotic stress and the strengthening
of capacities (ALG/5/026).
- strengthening animal health and livestock
production to improve diagnostic and
reproductive capacities in animal breeding and
support expertise for the feasibility of a
biosafety (ALG/5/027)
- Protecting and safeguarding vulnerable areas
against contamination and mapping
vulnerability and risks of ground water pollution
- Preserving arid and semi-arid agro ecosystems
and combating desertification by using
advanced isotopic technics, developing
decision making tools(ALG/5/028).

Integrated and sustainable development of the In cooperation with the University of

upstream zone (watershed) of OuedTouil. Viscosa (Brazil). Scheduled for
completion in2012.
North Western Sahara Aquifer System(SASIII) In collaboration with the National
Agency of Water Resources and
funded by the Sahara and Sahel
Observatory (OSS) for the period
Genetic improvement of nutrionnal quality and NEPAD funding for 2010-2013.
drought and salinity tolerance of North African

Local know-how and traditions in traditional Funded by ICARDA and IDRC/

systems: issues and impacts. Case of livestock Canadafor the period 2012-2014.
production in pastoral areas.

Project Observations
Potato health-managed foe efficiency and durability ARIMNET project in collaboration
(POHMED) with teams from France, Morocco
and Egypt for the period 2012-2014.
Resilient, water‐ and energy‐Efficient Forage and ARIMNET project in cooperation with
feed crops for Mediterranean Agricultural systems teams from Italy,France,
(REFORMA) Morocco,Tunisia and USA for the
period 2012-2014.
Local tree species as a source‐sink of soil ARIMNET project in cooperation with
microbial diversity for improving underexploited teams of Morocco, Tunisia and
native plant production in South Mediterranean France for the period 2012-2014.
countries. TREEMED.

In vitro culture and genomic assisted fast track ARIMNET project in cooperation with
improvement of wheat (TRITIBIOTEC) teams of Morocco, Tunisia and
France for the period 2012-2014.
Project management of saline soils in the perimeter Cooperation project Algeria/ China
of the Habra (Relizane) funded by China Agriculture
International Development Co Ltd for
the period 2012-2014.
Development of exchanges in agricultural Cooperation Algeria /South Korea
technology on the following: (Kopia). 2011-2014.
- Study of the adaptation of fifty (50) Korean
varieties of wheat and barley;
- Improvement of production techniques in
hydroponic greenhouse (vegetable crops);
-Installation of a prototype of an agricultural
production unit powered by solar panels.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Projects Observations
Improvement of potatoes seed production Cooperation Algeria /South Korea
techniques. Creating a Centre of Potato Seed (KOIKA). 2011-2014.
Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the Project funded by the European
environment and enhancement of natural common Union under the ENPI, led by the
heritage Polytechnic University of Catalonia
(Spain), INRA France, Italy and
Morocco (INRAM).

Improvement of sheep production in semi-arid area Project funded by the Spanish

of Algeria Agency of International
Cooperation for Development
(AECID) in association with El
Centro de Investigacion y de
Aragon Technologica (CITA/
Assessment of climate change and water resources Partial financing by IMWI/
on irrigation management at the regional and basin CGIAR(2012-2015)
scales in Algeria.
Support for the creation of integrated agricultural Cooperation project financed by the
clusters in three regions of Algeria. World Bank and MADR(2012-2014)
Strategy of dairy farmers and sustainable Cooperation Algeria /Argentina.
development of the dairy industry in the plain of

Creation of tender wheat varieties resistant to leaf

rust by using selection assisted by molecular

Study of the diversity of fescue vis-à-vis water stress

and salinity

Selection and development of resistant varieties of

forage species to salt stress under the constraint of
water in the region of " Bas Chéllif".




FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)
Food and Food-Processing Industries Areas and Topics.

Specialization Institutions Researchers Legal status

Processing and valorisation of plant Food Technology Division Scientific and Technological Public
products. Valorisation of plant products and (INRAA /MADR) 12 Institution (EPST).
their by-products.
Extraction, analysis and control. Scientific and technical Scientific and Technological Public
Aromatic and medicinal plants research center in Physico- Institution (EPST).
Food-processing industry (fats and Chemical Analysis(CRAPC)
Food-processing technology and nutrition Nutrition, Food and Food- Institute / M. Mentrouri University.
Technology Institute - Constantine
Treatment and sewage treatment Food Technology Research Laboratory (Boumerdes University)
Valorisation of by-food products Laboratory 12
Conception of new equipment
Development of lactic bacteria / Applied Microbiology Laboratory (Oran University)
Manufacturing Technologies of fermented Laboratory (Oran-Sénia)
dairy products / Development of organic food
Processing and valorisation of plant Food Technology & Human Laboratory / National Superior
products. Quality of the water used and Nutrition Laboratory Agronomy School (ENSA/Alger).
waste water in the food industry 18
Valorisation of plant products and their by-

Project funded by the European Commission under the 7th

European Framework Programme – Activities for International
Cooperation of the Capacities Programme.
Plant Breeding Areas and Topics (1)

Specialization Institutions Researchers Legal status

Creation and development of varieties: Field Crops Technical Institute/ - Development Institute
cereal, legumes and feeds ITGC EPA/MADR
Creation and development of varieties: Horticultural and Industrial crops - Development Institute
horticultural cultures (Potato, Technical Institute EPA/MADR
Solanaceae) / ITCMI
Creation and development of varieties: Arboriculture and Viticulture - Development Institute
Arboriculture: Olive, citrus fruits Technical Institute/ITAFV EPA/MADR
Creation and development of varieties: Saharan agronomy development - Development Institute
date palms, horticultural cultures, Technical Institute EPA/MADR
Saharan Rustic Arboriculture / ITDAS
Applied Biotechnologies in date palms. Arid and semi-Arid zones 6 Teams Research Laboratory /USTHB
Research laboratory / LRZA
Plant breeding and selection: wheat, Phytogenetic Resources / Plant 24 EPST/MADR
barley, legumes, date palms, potatoes, Breeding and Biotechnology
feeds. Divisions / INRAA
Control and certification of seeds and National Center for Inspection and - Development Center
seedlings Certification / CNCC EPA/MADR
Plant breeding for drought tolerance Breeding and development of 13 Laboratory /
(wheat) animal and Plant production Ferhat Abbas University. Sétif
laboratory. Nature and Life Sciences faculty.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Plant Breeding Areas and Topics (2)

Specialization Institutions Researchers Legal status

Laboratory of Agricultural production 36 Laboratory / Batna University. Veterinary
Tools and strategies for improving crop improvement and Arid ecosystems and Agronomic Sciences Institute
production protection in arid areas. Site :

Saharan plant species valorisation and Scientific and Technical Research - EPST under the supervision of the
multiplication. Center on the Arid Areas / CRSTRA Higher Education and Research
Scientific Ministry
Research for biochemical and molecular Rhizobia Biotechnology and Plant 37 Laboratory/ Biotechnology Department of
markers related to abiotic stress within Breeding Laboratory. Oran Sénia Sciences Faculty; Oran University
Medicago species and wheat. (LBRAP)
- Tomato tissu culture
- Chromosome polymorphism within
Medicago species
Genetic diversity of Vitis. Plant Production Laboratory / ENSA 14 Laboratory/Superior National School of
Breeding and selection on fruit species Agronomy
(olive tree and citrus fruit), vine and
Use of the Biotechnologies tools for Genetic resources and 16 Laboratory/Superior National School of
potatos’ basic seeds production. biotechnology Agronomy
Date palm genetic characterization. Laboratory
Fabaceae genetic resources.

Plant breeding Areas and Topics: Seeds and seedlings Production /3
Specialization Institutions Researchers and Legal status
laboratories Potential
Pre-basic seed production of potatoes (in vitro Algerian National Agricultural - National Agricultural
laboratory) and cereals (Wheat, barley) Research Institute / INRAA Research Institute of Algeria
Production of cereal varieties in Algeria Field Crops Technical Varietal identification. Technical Development
Implementation of the program for obtaining Institute laboratory Institute /
varieties of durum wheat and bread wheat ITGC Phytosanitary laboratory / EPA/MADR
(PNAB, INRAA/ITGC/ICARDA). (serology, molecular).
Greenhouse indexing.
in vitro laboratory
Wastewater Purification
Screen house
Greenhouse for
Potatoes pre-basic seed production. Horticultural and Industrial - Development Institute
Crops Technical Institute /EPA/MADR
Seeds and seedlings control and certification. National Center for - National Center for Inspection
Inspection and Certification and Certification. EPA/MADR
Arboriculture and Viticulture Varietal identification. Development Institute
Technical Institute laboratory. EPA/MADR
/ITAFV Phytosanitary laboratory
(serology, molecular).
Clonal and healthy selection / conservation for Greenhouse indexing.
arboreal species propagation. in vitro laboratory.
Wastewater Purification
Screen house
Greenhouse for

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Animal Breeding Areas and Topics

Specialization Institutions Researchers Legal status

Animal populations characterization Animal Production Division / 12 Scientific and Technological Public
Animal breeding (sheeps, goats, INRAA Institution
Production of performant biological ITELV - Development Institute
material (sheeps goats, rabbit ). EPA/MADR
Parents' production (sheeps ,cattle and National Center for Artificial - Development center
goats) Insemination and Breeding EPIC/MADR
Artificial insemination and frozen semen / CNIAAG
and embryos production.
Characterization and breeding of local Biotechnology related to Animal 32 Laboratory / Agronomic Sciences and
animal races or populations Reproduction Laboratory (Blida) Veterinary Faculty. SAAD DAHLAB.
University, Blida.
Techniques development for selecting Animal Production Laboratory / 14 Laboratory / Superior National School of
local breed bees(Apis intermissa) to ENSA Agronomy
improve production beehives

Areas and topics related to the application of biotechnology to agricultural development

Specialization Institutions Researchers Legal status

Applied biotechnology to agriculture (Breeding, Agricultural Biotechnology - Scientific and Technological Public
food, soil, animal breeding, seed production ... Station / INRAA Institution (EPST).
Semen production. Artificial insemination and National Center for Artificial - Development Center
embryos production. Insemination and Breeding EPIC/MADR
Animal races or local populations’ characterization Biotechnology related to 32 Laboratory / Agronomic Sciences and
and breeding. Animal Reproduction Veterinary Faculty. SAAD DAHLAB
Laboratory University, Blida.
Applied Biotechnology to agriculture, agro-industry Constantine’s Biotechnology 300 EPST / Constantine University.
and environment. Research Center.
Phytopathogenic bacterial and fungal species. Microorganisms Biology and 15 Laboratory/Oran-Sénia University
Molecular biology and microorganisms genetics in biotechnology laboratory (Oran-Sénia)
raw milk (Oran).
Development of lactic bacteria / Manufacturing Applied microbiology 20 Laboratory/ Oran-Sénia University
Technologies Fermented dairy products / Laboratory (Oran-Sénia)
Development of organic functional food ingredients
- Evaluation and selection of rhizobia populations Rhizobia Biotechnology 37 Laboratory / biotechnology Department
- Inoculum production. andPlant Breeding Sciences Faculty, Oran University.
- Research for biochemical and molecular markers Laboratory Oran(LBRAP))
related to abiotic stress within Medicago species
and wheat.
Use of biotechnology tools for potatoes basic seed Genetic Resources & 16 Laboratory/ Superior National School
Production. Biotechnology Laboratory/ of Agronomy
Characterization of Medicago by using molecular ENSA
Diversity, taxonomy, phylogeny and evolution
Study “Species complex ”and functioning of the
symbiosis Rhizobium-Fabaceae

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Areas and topics related to understanding and improving agricultural production systems

Specialization Institutions Researchers Legal status

Sustainable agriculture and agro- Divisions: Mountains agriculture, 72 Scientific and Technological Public
ecosystem management. Saharan agriculture , Steppe ; Institution
"East"and "West"agro systems ;Soils
Biology and knowledge of arid and semi- Dry and semi dry zones Research - Laboratory/USTHB
arid areas. laboratory (USTHB) :
Research on arid and semi-arid natural Scientific and Technical Research EPST under the supervision of the
resources, monitoring areas, erosion center on the Arid Areas/ CRSTRA Higher Education and Research
processes studies. scientific Ministry
Valorisation and multiplication of Saharan
botanical species.
Steppe regions development Development Steppe Office/ HCDS Steppe Development Public Agency
Assessment and monitoring of Ecology and Environment 27 Laboratory/USTHB:
desertification processes and contribution Laboratory
to ecosystem restoration for sustainable (USTHB)
Physical and Rural environments Geography and Regional Planning 55 Laboratory/USTHB
Rural Areas Dynamics and Management Laboratory
-Evaluation and selection of rhizobia Rhizobia Biotechnology and Plant 37 Laboratory / Biotechnology Department
populations and soil fungi in different Breeding Laboratory(LBRAP) of Sciences Faculty, Oran University
classes of soil salinity.
- Inoculum production (biofertilizer)
/Inoculated plants for revegetation and
improvement of dryand salted soil fertility /
Promote the production of food legumes.
Agricultural production systems, resource Valorisation of Biological Resources 21 Laboratory / Ferhat Abbas University.
management and sustainable development Laboratory (L.V.R.B.N.) Nature and Life Sciences Faculty. Sétif
in semi-arid region.

Areas and topics related to the conservation of genetic resources and local Know how / 1
Specialization Institutions Researchers Legal status
Genetic diversity of plant species of the Arid and Semi-Arid zones - Laboratory / USTHB
Hoggar and Tassili, particularly medicinal Research laboratory / USTHB) :
plants LRZA
Knowledge and development of Saharan Saharan Agriculture Development - Development Institute
genetic resources: Date palms, vegetable Institute/ ITDAS EPA/MADR
crops, Sahara cereals, dromedaries, sheeps,
Knowledge and development of cereals, Field Crops Technical Institute/ - Development Institute
forages and legumes genetic resources. ITGC EPA/MADR
Knowledge and development of Olives, Arboriculture and Viticulture - Development Institute
Citrus, Rosaceae, viticulture, rustic Technical Institute EPA/MADR
arboriculture (Fig trees, pistachio ...etc.)
genetic resources
Seeds and seedlings control and certification National Center for Inspection and - National Center for Inspection and
Certification / (CNCC) Certification / EPA/MADR
Knowledge and development of horticultural Horticultural and Industrial Crops - Development Institute:/ EPA/MADR
genetic resources (potato) Technical Institute/ITCMI
Valorisation and multiplication of Saharan Scientific and Technical Research - EPST under the supervision of the
plant species. center on the Arid Areas / Higher Education and Research
CRSTRA scientific Ministry
Pastoral and steppe genetic resources Development Steppe Office / - EPA/MADR
development HCDS
Animal genetic resources development Livestock Technical Institute - EPE/MADR
(parents ‘production of sheeps, goats, rabbit, Development Institute
bee dromedaries)
Genetic resources development(Frozen National Center for Artificial - Development center
semen): Sheeps, goats Insemination and Breeding EPIC/MADR.
Plant Genetic Resources: exploration, Divisions :Mountains Agriculture, 72 Scientific and Technological Public
evaluation, conservation and valorisation. Steppes, Plant Genetic Resources, Institution
Saharan Agronomy
Genome analysis in evolutionary ecology and Biology and Organisms Physiology - Laboratory/ USTHB
plant biodiversity. Laboratory/ USTHB

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Areas and topics related to the conservation of genetic resources and local Know How 1/2

Specialization Institutions Researchers Legal status

Characterization and breeding of animal races or Biotechnology related to 33 Laboratory / Agronomic Sciences and
populations Animal Reproduction. Veterinary Faculty. SAAD DAHLAB.
Laboratory University , Blida
Preservation of national plant genetic resources, Natural Resources Laboratory / UMMTO
agricultural valorisation and maintenance of genetic Laboratory / (Tizi Ouzou).
Inventory of plant species in arid and semi-arid
areas: case of pistachio.
Improving crop tolerance to drought (Wheat) Breeding and Development 13 Laboratory/ Ferhat Abbas University.
Enhancement of forage species of Plant and Animal Nature and Life Sciences Faculty. Sétif
Production Laboratory
Enhancement of economic interests plants(crops, Valorisation of Biological 21 Laboratory/ Ferhat Abbas University.
aromatic, medicinal, fodder ...). Resources Laboratory Nature and Life Sciences Faculty. Sétif
Biodiversity and species conservation (L.V.R.B.N.)
Date palm genetic characterization Genetic Resources and 16 Laboratory/ ENSA
Fabaceae genetic resources Biotechnology Laboratory
Characterization of forage and pasture species /ENSA

Inventory and development/ conservation of National Center for EPA/Ministry of Environment.

biological resources biological resources CNDRB/MATE
development / CNDRB
Understanding the mechanisms of plant resistance Biology and Organisms Laboratory/Houari Boumedienne
to abiotic stress(temperature, water deficit, salinity, PhysiologyLaboratory / Sciences and Technology University
heavy metals, hydrocarbons...). USTHB (Bab Ezzouar)
Molecular systematics, genome analysis in :
evolutionary ecology and plant biodiversity.

Areas and topics related to Agrotechnics

Specialization Institutions Researchers Legal status

Knowledge and development of Saharan genetic Saharan Agriculture - Development Institute
resources: Date palms, vegetable crops, Sahara cereals, Development Institute / EPA/MADR
dromedaries, sheeps and goats ITDAS
Knowledge and development of cereals, forages and Field Crops Technical - Development Institute
legumes genetic resources. Institute EPA/MADR
Knowledge and development of Olives, Citrus, Rosaceae, Arboriculture and Viticulture - Development Institute
viticulture, rustic arboriculture(Fig trees, pistachio ...etc.) Technical Institute EPA/MADR
genetic resources
Seeds and seedlings control and certification National Center for - National Center for inspection
inspection and certification / and certification
Knowledge and development of horticultural genetic Horticultural and Industrial - Development Institute
resources (potato…) Crops Technical Institute / EPA/MADR
Animal genetic resources development (parents’production Technical Institute of - EPE/MADR
sheeps, goats, rabbits, bee, dromedaries) Livestock Development Institute
Health and veterinary National Veterinary EPE/MADR
Medicine Institute/ INMV Development Institute
Fight against crop pests. Health monitoring. National Plant Protection EPE/MADR
Agricultural pests monitoring and treatment. Institute / INPV Development Institute
Crop protection. Crops irrigation and fertilization. Algerian National Scientific and Technological
Saharan Agronomy and arid & semi-arid areas. Mountains’ Agricultural Research Public Institution
agriculture. Technical itinerary (Cereals, Solanaceae, date Institute / INRAA
palm ... etc.).
Technical itinerary and livestock management (ruminants Livestock Technical Development Institute
and monogastric livestock). Institute/ ITELV EPA/MADR
Fertilization, irrigation and soil amendment. Soil,Irrigation and Drainage Development Institute
Equipment’s definition of irrigation and drainage National Institute / INSID EPA/MADR

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Areas and topics related to production and animal health

Specialization Institutions Potential Legal status

Development and support to livestock chains: sheep, cattle, Livestock Technical Institute/ ITELV - Development Institute
poultry, rabbits, bees EPA/MADR
Optimization of dietary intake and feed
Food, livestock management and reproduction
Development and performance improvement of reproductions National Center for Artificial - EPIC/MADR
(Ruminants) Insemination and Breeding /

Research and development in relation with the Saharan Scientific and Technical Research - EPST/MESRS
breeding (Sheep,dromedary) and feed-fields development center on the Arid Areas, (CRSTRA)
Medicine and animal health National Veterinary Medicine Institute - Development Institute
Saharan development of husbandry: sheep, dromedary, Saharan Agriculture Development - Development Institute
goats and bee-keeping Institute /ITDAS EPA/MADR
Animal sectors (cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, bee-keeping ...). Animal Production Laboratory /ENSA 14 Laboratory / ENSA
Ruminant livestock industry durability in Algeria
Sheep production systems diversity and improvement
strategy nutrition
Feeding. Farming systems. Bee-keeping. Divisions: Animal Production, 84 Scientific and Technological
Extensive livestock of sheep and goats / Small livestock Steppique Agro systems, Mountains Public Institution / EPST
Milks quality agriculture , East and West, Saharan
Livestock in arid and semi-arid areas Agronomy, Food Technology
Control parameters and breeding improvement of livestock Research Laboratory "Animal Health 24 Laboratory/ENSV
productivity. and Production National Veterinary
Medicine School /ENSV
Use of local resources in the feeding of domestic animals for Agricultural Production Improvement 36 Laboratory/ Batna University.
the improvement of animal production and the fight against and Arid Ecosystems Protection Veterinary and Agronomic
some pathologies in arid areas Laboratory / Batna Sciences Institute.

Areas and topics related to the crop protection and the biotic stress

Specialization Institutions Potential Legal status

Fight against locusts, parasites of vegetable crops Crop Protection division 24 EPST/MADR
(Solanaceae) and cereal crops. Bio aggressors of Breeding and Biotechnology
Rosacea and date palm Division/ INRAA
Phytosanitary control. Control of agricultural products, National Plant Protection Institute / - EPA / MADR
plants and seeds. Monitoring and handling of plagues. INPV
Modernization and technical mastery of crop protection
by privileging the nonpolluting solutions.
Phytopathology, crop protection. Research Laboratory on arid and Laboratory/USTHB
Characters control of resistance to diseases of the date semi-arid areas(USTHB)
palm in particular fusariose or “bayoud”.
Acquire the necessary scientific basis for the Phytopathology Molecular 15 Laboratory /ENSA/MESRS
implementation of integrated control for major laboratory./ ENSA
pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes and
parasitical phanerogams) of crops in relation with
environment respect
Fight against locusts Laboratory of Plant Protection in 18 Laboratory /ENSA/MESRS
The decline of Aleppo pine agricultural and natural ecosystems
Relationship insects mammals birds against pests of crops
Crop protection : Conception of bio-pesticides and , Laboratory of improvement and 13 Laboratory / Ferhat Abbas
fungi as tool of fighting against the natural enemies (in development of plant and animal University. Nature and life
particular insects and nematodes) of the plants (crops production. of Science Faculty.
forest) and the stored food products
Seeds and seedlings certification and control. National Center for Inspection and - Certification and control.
Certification (CNCC) Center
Development of means of chemical and biological Applied Microbiology Laboratory 20 Laboratory / Oran
control against cryptogamic (Fusarium and Verticilium). (Oran-Sénia) University http://www.labo-

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Areas and topics related to Agricultural, agrifood and rural economics (Area 7)

Specialization Institutions Potential Legal status

Rural development Division: Agricultural, agrifood 12 EPST/MADR
Agricultural and rural policies / Production Systems and rural economics.
Systems and agrifood chains Algerian National Agricultural
Agro alimentary development Research Institute / INRAA
Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Agricultural economics, food and 15 Laboratory/ENSA/MESRS
Water savings in irrigated systems rural policies& Environment
Evaluation of agricultural, rural and agro-industrial Laboratory / National Superior
policies Agronomy School /ENSA
Studies on Animal products channels (milk and meat)
Financing of agrifood industry companies
Competitiveness studies related to the main agrifood
industry chains: wheat, potato, tomato, citrus, olive oil
and dates in the context of association agreement
between Algeria and UE
Division Agriculture, Territory and 12 EPST/MESRS
Agriculture and Rural Development Economics Environment "/ Applied
Economics Research for
Development Center / CREAD
Governance, local and rural development, regional National Center for Population 50 Studies and Consulting Public
Planning, Companies and Development Studies and Cabinet
Analysis /CENEAP
Agricultural and rural development National office of the studies for Studies Cabinet EPIC/MADR
rural development / BNEDER
Physical environments and rural Studies Laboratory of Geography and 55 Laboratory/USTHB
Rural Areas Dynamics and Management Regional Planning.

Areas and topics related to soil and the fight against desertification / 1
Specialization Institutions Researchers Legal status
Agricultural land classification according to the agronomic Soil,Irrigation and - Development Institute
aptitudes particularly in relation to agro-climatic data Drainage National Institute EPA/MADR
Development of agro-pedological maps and cultural / INSID
Determining the techniques and methods of fertilization,
improvement and preservation of agricultural land.
Inventory and characterization of soils. / Soil degradation Soils Division / INRAA 12 EPST/MADR
processes Study. / Cultivation and sustainable soil
management. / Study of the evolution of soils under irrigation.
/ Characterization and functioning of soils (physic-hydric,
chemical and biological studies )
Mineral soils fertility management
Modeling the phenomenon of soil erosion Environment, Geotechnics 6 LaboratoryLEGYD /USTHB
and Hydraulics Lab.
Physical environment and rural Laboratory of Geography 55 Laboratory /USTHB
dynamics and Rural areas Management and Regional Planning.
Water and Soil Analysis Promotion water and soil Laboratory/. Tlemcen University
University of Tlemcen
Ecosystem mapping. Laboratory for the 36 Laboratory / BatnaUniversity
Characterization of soils and soil fertility in arid areas improvement of Veterinary Sciences and
Evolution of soil quality and land valorisation Agricultural productions Agronomy institute
Using GIS in studies on biotic and abiotic factors in arid areas and protection of the Site : http://lab.univ-
ecosystems in arid
Inoculum production (biofertilizer) / Inoculated plants for Rhizobia Biotechnology 37 Laboratory / Biotechnology
revegetation and improvement of dry and salted soil fertility / and Plant Breeding Department, Sciences Faculty;
Promote the production of food legumes. Laboratory (LBRAP) / Oran University.
Prospection, evaluation and preservation of soil resources Water Resources National EPA scientific vocation and
agency technology. MRE

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Areas and topics related to water resources and agricultural hydraulics /2

Specialization Institutions Potential Legal status

Bioclimatology. Evaluation of crop water requirements. Irrigation. Bioclimatology Division 12 EPST/MADR
Use of treated wastewater. GIS of the natural resources. /INRAA
Conditions of utilization of water for irrigation according to farming Soil, Irrigation and - Technical and Development
systems and different regions of the country. Drainage National Institute Institute
Definition of irrigation and drainage facilities. / INSID EPA / MARD
Water desalination and purification Storage and valorization of 4 Laboratory/USTHB
Renewable Energy
Water resources (hydrogeology, prospection, evaluation, Geo-Environment - Laboratory /USTHB
protection and resource management, environmental impact Laboratory LGE/USTHB
assessment, forecasting and prevention).
Hydro climatology, climate cycles, drought forecasting, isotope
geochemistry, rate evaluation of groundwater recharge.
Quality and water management, hydrology and environment, Applied hydraulic Research 42 Laboratory/ Bejaia University
water resources, environmental engineering and water Laboratory

Water Treatment and purification sewage Food Technology 12 Laboratory/ Boumerdes

Laboratory (Boumerdes) University.

Evaluation and acquisition of various technologies for the Research Laboratory in 24 Laboratory/Biskra University
optimization of water treatment, operation of appurtenant hydraulic groundwater and /MESRS/DGRSDT
structures of dam reservoirs or technical measures (metrology). surface (LARHYSS, Biskra) Site :

Areas and topics related to water resources and agricultural hydraulics / 3

Specialization Institutions Potential Legal status

Development of systems and procedures for elimination of Environment Engineering 24 Laboratory/ Badji Mokhtar
pollutants from aqueous and gaseous effluents. Laboratory /Annaba University – Annaba
Study of the mechanism of degradation of industrial facilities Science Engineer Faculty
by contaminated water. Process Engineering
Development of techniques for treating contaminated water Department
for elimination of corrosive substances vis-à-vis industrial Site : http://lge-univ-
facilities and to improve its quality for human consumption
(recovery and recycling of water).
water and soil analysis Water resources and soil Laboratory/. Tlemcen
Promotion Laboratory University
Industrial wastewater: recycling, recovery, water conservation Chemistry and Environment 6 Laboratory/ Batna University
and environmental protection. Chemistry Laboratory Site : http://lab.univ-
Residual sludge surface treatment.
Water desalination.
Membrane processes.
Drinking water: elimination of organic matter.
Improving water quality Applied Hydraulics Research 5 Laboratory /LRHYA.
Resources preservation and fight against siltation. Laboratory /LRHYA. Batna University
Integration of user service in the decision-making process. Batna University
Development of processes aid in regulation and legislation
Protection of the environment against industrial and urban
Protection in arid and semi-arid areas against sagging

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

Areas and topics related to water resources, agricultural water and renewable energy 4

Specialization Institutions Researchers Legal status

Groundwater and surface Laboratory / Batna University

Hydraulic structures and water treatment water Research Laboratory Site internet :
. University of Batna
Cubic meter water valorization Water control Laboratory / 13 Laboratory/ENSA
Effects of pollution caused by agricultural inputs. ENSA
Low quality waters used in agriculture.
Study, evaluation, operation and management of superficial Water Resources 47 Hydraulics National School/
water resources area. Mobilization and Blida
Implementation of a Geographic Information System (GIS) Valorization Laboratory / / MESRS
related to vulnerability map for decision support in the field of ENSH (Blida). Site
floods, water pollution ... etc.. Web :
Optimizing the functioning of pumping stations and irrigation
Study of the behavior of hydraulic structures against the
dynamic loads.
Desalination of seawater and brackish water.
Marine pollution and sediment transport in coastal systems.
Water resources prospection and evaluation. National Water Resources - Administrative institution
Collection, processing and updating of information on water Agency dedicated to science and
resources. technology. Water Resources
Monitoring water resource Ministry
Preservation, protection and safeguarding resources against
all forms of degradation.
Water treatment (desalination, distillation ...) by solar thermal Renewable Energy 112 EPST/MESRS/DGRSDT
energy and thermodynamics. Development Center /
Solar thermal applications (heating, drying, greenhouse, ...) CDER
Agricultural applications of geothermal energy (heating,
drying, ...)
Water purification and desalination. Storage and Valorization of 17 Laboratory/ USTHB
Solar photo degradation of organic pollutants Renewable Energies
Laboratory / USTHB

Agricultural and food

Agencies and public institutions: ANDPME, ANDI, CNRC, IANOR, CAQUE,


Research institutes and centers: CREAD, CACQUE, BNEDER, CENEAP, INATA.
Professional and interprofessional organizations: CNA, CACI, CNAM, CNPME,
Groups and public companies: EAGR, GSPG, SEVFPA, SVPAT (ONCV,
Groups and private companies. To identify related to topics.
Plant Breeding

Agencies and public institutions: ANDPME, ANDI, IANOR, ANDREVET

Research institutes and centers: CNCC, INRAA, ITGC, ITCMI, ITAFV, CRSTRA
Professional and interprofessional organizations:: CNA
Groups and public companies: GSPG, SEVFPA, SVPAT (ONCV, SUDACO,
Groups and private companies. To identify related to topics.
Ministries: MADR (DRDPA, DOFPP)
Biotechnology to Animal Breeding

Agencies and public institutions: ANDREVET

Research institutes and centers: ITELV, INRAA, CRSTRA
Professional and interprofessional organizations:: CNA
Groups and public companies: GSPG, ONAB, CNIAAG.
Groups and private companies. To identify related to topics.


Agencies and public institutions: ANDPME, ANDI, IANOR, ANSEJ, ANDREVET

Research institutes and centers: CRB Constantine, INRAA

Professional and interprofessional organizations: CNA, CACI, CNPME, ONILEV,
Groups and public companies: CNIAAG.
Groups and private companies. To identify related to topics.
Agencies and public institutions: ANDREVET

Research institutes and centers: CREAD, BNEDER, CENEAP, INRAA, CRSTRA,


Professional and interprofessional organizations: CNA, ONILEV, ONIL

Ministries : MADR (DRDPA, DOFPP), MATE, Ministère de la culture

Local knowledge
Resources and

Agencies and public institutions: ANDREVET, HCDS, CDARS


Research institutes and centers: CNDRB, INRAA, INRF ; CRSTRA

Professional and interprofessional organizations: CNA, ONILEV, ONIL.
Groups and public companies: SVPAT (ONCV, SUDACO, SAO…etc.).
Groups and private companies. To identify related to topics.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)


Ministries: MADR

Agencies and public institutions: /

Research institutes and centers: ITGC, ITCMI, ITAFV, CNCC, INSID, ITDAS
Professional and interprofessional organizations: CNA
Groups and public companies: SVPAT (ONCV, SUDACO, SAO…etc.).
Groups and private companies. To identify related to topics.
Animal Health and

Agencies and public institutions: HCDS, ANDPME, ANDI, CNRC, IANOR,


Research institutes and centers /offices: INRAA, CRSTRA, ITELV, INMV.

Professional and interprofessional organizations: CNA, CACI, CNAM, CNPME,
Groups and public companies: EAGR, GSPG, SEVFPA, SVPAT (ONCV,
Groups and private companies. To identify related to topics.
and biotic stress
Crop protection

Research and development institutes: INPV, INRAA

Ministries: MADR, MIPME-PI, MRE, MICO, MICL, MATE, M. Statistiques et

processing and rural

Agricultural, food-

Agencies and public institutions ANDI, ANDPME, ANSEJ, IANOR, HCDS, ONS.

Research institutes and centers: INRAA, CRSTRA, CREAD, INRF, CENEAP,

Professional organizations: CNA, ONILEV, ONIL, employers' organizations (FCE)
Interprofessional Councils (Milk, Potatoes, Cereals, Aviculture)
Groups and public companies: EAGR, GSPG, SEVFPA, SVPAT (ONCV,
Groups and private companies. To identify related to topics.
against desertification


Agencies and public institutions HCD, ASAL
Soils and fight

Research institutes: INRAA, INRF, INSID, INCT

Groups and private companies. To identify related to topics.



Ministries: MADR (DZASA, DGF), MATE
Arid and Agencies and public institutions: HCDS, CDARS
Semi-Arid Research and development Institutes: ITDAS, CRSTRA, INCT


Agencies and public institutions: ONID, ONA, ANBT, AGBH, ANRH, HCDS,
Water and
Research institutes and centers / Council offices: ITGC, INSID, ITAFV, ITCMI,
Professional organizations: CNA/CAW, ONILEV


Agencies and public institutions ANDPME, ANDI, CNRC, IANOR, ANSEJ,
Innovation and research results valorization


employers' organizations: FCE, CGEA
Centers and research-development institutes: INSID, INRAA, ITGC, INPV, INMV,
Professional and interprofessional organizations: CNA, ONILEV, ONIL, CACI,
Groups and public companies: EAGR, GSPG, SEVFPA, SVPAT (ONCV,
Groups and private companies. To identify related to topics

Business and Innovation

REAGE :Network Algerians Higher Schools Graduates
( Overseas/ Canada.
Algerian Start‐up Initiative. Algeria/USA.
International Agency for Mediterranean Cooperation (ANSEJ,

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

1 M. Gaillard- Grands défis pour Horizon 2020. FutuRIS 2012 - Chapitre 4.
2 MADR – Le renouveau agricole et rural en marche. Revue et perspectives. Mai, 2012, 95 Pages.
3 MADR – Le renouveau agricole et rural en marche. Revue et perspectives. Mai, 2012, 95 Pages.
4 J.J PERENNES - Water and men in the Maghreb. Karthala Edition. Paris,1993.
5 MATE- National Plan of actions for the environment and the durable development. January, 2002. P
6 MATE, 2002-0p.Cit.
7 MATE, 2002-0p.Cit.
8 R.TAIBI, 2010-Op.Cit.
9 R.TAIBI, 2010-Op.Cit
10 MADR- Rapport d’audition MADR. Volet hydraulique. Direction des zones arides et semi-arides.
2012, 27 pages.
11Ministry for water resources (MADR, 2012 – Op.cit.).
12Ministry for water resources (MADR, 2012 – Op.cit.).
13 MADR, 2012
14 MADR, 2012
15 MADR, 2012
16 MADR, 2012
17 MADR, 2012
18 MADR – Le renouveau agricole et rural en marche. Revue et perspective. Mai, 2012, P 7.
19 The section dedicated to the production of seeds and seedlings was incorporated from 2008 in
development strategies. This program aims to ensure greater production of seeds, plants and spawners
certified on one hand, and consequently to ensure basic food security and national sovereignty on the
other hand. This program aims to ensure a higher rate of use of quality seeds and to ensure
diversification of supply at the cooperative and nurseries levels. The sustainability of the system was
ensured by its integration into a network of pilot farms whose rehabilitation has been sanctioned by the
Farm Bill.
See Law 08-16 of 3 August 2008 on agricultural orientation.
20 On the 33 fodder kinds, including approximately 293 species, INRAA operates only on three kinds:
Sulla (Hédysarum), Clover (Trifolium) and alfalfa (Médicago).
21Family composed by Fabacées, Poacées, Cistacées, Astéracées and Chénopodiacées and
22 MATE-Algeria 2025: National plan for regional planning. Durable balance and competitiveness of
the territories. Volumes2. February 2007.

23 The implementation of this program involves the development of appropriate approaches:
participatory, GED (Gender and Development), MED (Sustainable Livelihoods) and BSG (Gender
Responsive Budget) approaches.
24 Law No. 10-03 of 15 August 2010 fixing the terms and conditions of use of agricultural land in the
private domain of the State.
25About this issue please refer to:
Abdelkader Djeflat - L'Algérie et les défis de l'économie de la connaissance. Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung,
Alger, November 2008 - 48 P.
- World Bank - Transforming Arab Economies: Traveling the Knowledge and Innovation road. Full
report. World Bank, 2013, 188 P.
INSEAD and WIPO - The Global Innovation Index 2012: Stronger Innovation Linkages for Global
Growth. Soumitra Dutta Editor, France, 2012, 464 P.
26 Djeflat A.- L’acte d’innovation est un acte qui fédère une multitude d’acteurs. DZ Entreprises. Le
Magazine de l’entreprise Algérienne.

27 Several plans to launch food clusters are implemented in Algeria but with actions and low
inconclusive results:
- Clusters dedicated to industrial tomato (Annaba, Guelma), dates (Ghardaia, Biskra) and beverages
(Ministry of Industry, SMEs and Investment Promotion / GTZ)
- Integrated Agricultural Poles developed (Milk / Setif) which is deployed in the context of the Strategic
Partnership between the MARD and the World Bank,
28APRODEV (Brussels) report on Horizon 2020
29United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, Outcome of the Conference, ‘The
future we want’ 19 July 2012, paragraph 108 – 118 (A/CONF/216/L.1)
30 ONS - Employment and unemployment in the fourth quarter of 2010.
Regarding this issue see in particular: Djeflat A. - Building Knowledge Economies for job creation,
increased competitiveness, and balanced development :Individual country overviews.
Communication at the International Conference organized by the World Bank. Carthage, December 1-
3, 2009.
31 M. Gaillard- Grands défis pour Horizon 2020 . FutuRIS 2012 - Chapitre 4.
32 M. Gaillard, 2012 – Op.Cit.

FAWIRA Project (Grant Agreement N° 295088)

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