Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero Partikular Na Ang Wanted: A Chaperon To The Memory of Amalia B. Reyes Published 1947
Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero Partikular Na Ang Wanted: A Chaperon To The Memory of Amalia B. Reyes Published 1947
Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero Partikular Na Ang Wanted: A Chaperon To The Memory of Amalia B. Reyes Published 1947
FRED (her son) PETRA. (Calling). Francisco!
Shaina Santosidad isa siyang fan at reader SERVANT. The one you told me to write:
ng ilang akda ni Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero "Wanted: a Muchacho?"
partikular na ang Wanted: A Chaperon to the
PETRA. (irritated). Yes, Don Francisco!
memory of Amalia B. Reyes published 1947. SERVANT. No, senora. I didn't make it yet.
Upang mapagtagumpayan ang pagsasagawa PETRA. Que estupido! Hala, go out and
make it immediately! (SERVANT goes out.)
nito sasamahan tayo ng ating mga co-DJ, closes door sound effects
ayan mag hi naman kayo sakanila at
FRANCISCO. Wait, where's Nena and so ROBERTING. Father, I couldn't get a taxi.
Nena went to the party last night without a (tantrums)
FRANCISCO. Your mother told you to take a
PETRA. Asleep in her room and yes but it jeepney.
was the first time.
ROBERTING. But I'm visiting my girlfriend!
FRANCISCO. Yes, I know, but imagine a
Filipino girl going to a party without a FRANCISCO. Visiting girls at this time of the
chaperon. day and as I remember you went to the
party last night unchaperoned?
PETRA. After all, she didn't go out with Fred
alone. She went with her best friends. PETRA. Does Roberting need a chaperon?
FRANCISCO. Yes, those two girls, since they FRANCISCO. I'm not talking about
arrived from abroad, our daughter learned Roberting! I'm talking about the girl he took
all the wrong things they learned from out!
those places.
ROBERTING. Yes, Father. I took Lia to the
PETRA. Don’t be unfair with her, she's party alone.
grown up!
FRANCISCO. You young modern people,
FRANCISCO. Chaperon may be Old- when I was courting your mother, her
fashioned, in some other civilized father, mother, her three sisters and two
countries. distant relatives sat in the sala with us?
PETRA. But isn't the Philippines civilized? ROBERTING. But why so many, Father?
Anyhow our women can take care of
themselves. But if the mind is trained, why, FRANCISCO Because in those days we were
the heart will be ruled by the mind. more careful about a woman's reputation.
FRANCISCO. No, Petra, if a person is ROBERTING. But that was those days and in
intellectual, it doesn't make' him moral. other countries -
NARRATOR: Presently SERVANT comes in, PABLO. I can watch the house when you're
followed by PABLO. out, accompany the children, if you have
any parties to attend I can even sing.
(He is a fat, dark fellow. He is all dressed
up-- wears a tie and everything He smokes PETRA. Okay then, I'll pay you eighty pesos.
a cigar.) including board and lodging.
SERVANT. whom do you want to see? PABLO (tuwang tuwa). All right! I'll take the
PABLO. Who's the owner of the house?
Narrator: PETRA enters and arranges the
SERVANT. The senora, of course. chairs. NENA comes in. NENA is about
eighteen, and she's wearing a nice-looking
PABLO. Gago, then tell your senora I want Pair of slacks. She obviously has just risen
to see her! (irritated) from bed for she keeps yawning atrociously.
(insert sound effects)
FRANCISCO. Why are you here? (NENA, wearing a sports dress, comes in;
followed by ROBERTING) insert sound
ROBERTING. I couldn't hire a taxi. No effects na may pumasok
DOLORES (Ominously). My son-and your
PETRA. I told you to take a jeepney. daughter-.
ROBERTING. No.. But she seemed sore at DOLORES. Nothing. che! People saw them
me. In fact she seemed sort at you, too, come and go unchaperoned. You’ll say
Father. nothing happen? Imagine a girl going to a
party alone!
(Several knocks are heard.)
FRANCISCO. (Advancing). She was with your
DOLORES (Fanning herself vigorously). son, wasn't she?
DOLORES. Well! I wouldn't be too sure NENA Che! (walk out na padabog & slams
about absolutely nothing! Besides, I have to door insert sound effects)
very careful-about my beloved son's
upbringing. FRANCISCO. Incidentally, Roberting, I hope
nothing happened with you last night as
FRED. It's your fault Nena! you went out with Lia.
NENA. What do you mean my fault, ROBERTJNG. Yes, but nothing happened-- I
dumbbell! think.
FRED. I'd slap your face if I weren't a (The SERVANT is seen coming in from the
gentleman! corridor/ dahan dahang yapak ng paa insert
sound effects)
ROBERTING. I'll slap you even if Mother
says I'm no gentleman at times! SERVANT. Uhmm, am I still the servant
here, senora? (shy)
DOLORES. (To ROBERTING). Don't you dare
touch my son! Che! PETRA. Yes, I suppose we'll have to bear
with you for a while.
FRANCISCO. Mind your own business! Tell
your son to stop looking dumb! Get out of SERVANT. I won't have to put out the sign
here before I call the police! anymore-"Wanted A Muchacho"?
FRED. The police! Mama, the police! FRANCISCO. No! Make another and put
"Wanted: A Chaperon"!
DOLORES. We're going, che!
PETRA. Wanted a Chaperon?
FRANCISCO. Yes, for our daughter Nena.