Finnish Sauna Book 2015, PDF
Finnish Sauna Book 2015, PDF
Finnish Sauna Book 2015, PDF
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How to take a traditional sauna
Welcome to Saunakeskus
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How to take a
traditional sauna?
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Infrared Sauna - additional Health
Passive Cardiovascular Conditioning Effect
Weight Loss
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Burns up to 900 & more calories in just one 30-minute Infrared Sauna
Therapy session. Here are how many calories a 75 kg person normally burns
up in 30 minutes of exercise:
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1. Increases the extensibility of collagen tissues.
Muscle spasms have long been observed to be reduced through the use of
heat, be they secondary to underlying skeletal, joint or neuro-pathological
This result is possibly produced by the combined effect of heat on both
primary and secondary afferent from spindle cells and from its effects on
Golgi tendon organs. The effects produced by each of these mechanisms
demonstrated their peak effect within the therapeutic temperature range
obtainable with radiant heat
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4. Produces pain relief.
Heat may lead to both increased endorphin production and a shutting down of
the so-called "spinal gate" of Melzack and Wall, each of which can reduce
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Researchers reported over 90% success in a summary of Chinese studies
that assessed the effect of infrared therapy on:
Burns: relieves pain and decreases healing time, with less scarring
High Blood Pressure: safe in 40 ~ 50°C range and regular use helps to
lower it
Low Blood Pressure: sauna trains body to raise it
Brain Damage: accelerated repair in brain contusions
Short-term memory improved
Cancer of the tongue reversed
Toxic Electromagnetic Fields: effects neutralized
Cerebral Hemorrhages: recovery is both sped up and significantly
Auto Accident: related soft tissue injury - daily sessions were used until
best healing was attained; then Infrared systems were used to deal with
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permanent residuals. The pain control effect on the chronic residuals from
such injuries lasted three days before another treatment was necessary.
Arthritis, acute and chronic: was greatly relieved
Gouty Arthritis: relieved
Rheumatoid Arthritis: relieved
Menopause Symptoms: relieved chills, nervousness, depression,
dizziness, head & stomach aches
Weight Loss: first, through sweating and the energy use needed to produce
the sweat and second, through direct excretion of fat
Nervous Tension
Children's Over-tired Muscles
Varicose Veins
Strained Muscles
Stretch Marks
Menstrual Cramps
Upset Stomachs
Leg and Decubitus Ulcers: failed to heal using conventional approaches
Post-Operative Edema: treatment with infrared has been so successful that
hospital stays were reported to have been reduced by 25%
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had only beneficial effects on subjects with stage I-II essential hypertension.
Each subject experienced a rise in core body temperature to a maximum
level of 38.5°C (101.3°F). All of the subjects in one experiment had significant
decrease in arterial, venous and mean blood pressure that lasted for at least
24 hours and was linked, according to the researchers, to a persistent
peripheral dilation effect. An improvement in plasma viscosity was also noted.
Another group of similar hypertension patients was also studied under the
same conditions of infrared-induced hyperthermia, with an eye toward more
carefully evaluating the circulatory system effects induced by this type of
whole-body heating. During each infrared session, there was a significant
decrease of blood pressure, cardiac ejection resistance, and total peripheral
resistance in every subject. There was also a significant increase during each
session of the subjects' heart rates, stroke volumes, cardiac outputs and
ejection fractions. The researchers cite these last three effects as evidences
that the stimulation of the heart during infrared-induced hyperthermia is well
compensated, while the prior list of effects clearly show the microcirculatory
changes that lead to the desired result of a lowering of blood pressure.
Cold hands and feet: A physical therapist found 20~50% improvement was
High Blood Pressure: Example - Case of a diabetic with a systolic
decrease from 180 to 125 and a concurrent 5 kgs weight loss after infrared
Rheumatoid Arthritis: 7 out of 7 cases successfully resolved in one clinical
Radiation Sickness: relieves signs and symptoms
Cancer Pain: relieved pain in later stages of cancer extremely well
Sequelae of Strokes: Example - Hemiparesis relieved over time
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy: reduced
Duodenal Ulcers: eliminated
Pain: which prevented sleep or limited useable sleeping positions were
Compression Fracture Pain: Example - pain gone for 3 days after each
treatment in steoporotic compression fractures
Hemorrhoids: reduced § Cystitis: gone
Cirrhoisis of Liver: reversed
Gastritis: relieved
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Hepatitis: gone
Asthma & Bronchitis: cleared up (like moving to Arizona's dry air)
Chron's Disease: gone
Post Surgical Adhesions: reduced
Leg ulcers: healed when previously static and resistant to other care
Keloids: significantly softened and, in some cases, completely gone
Nettle rash
Clogged pores are unplugged of cosmetics creating a skin texture and tone
of unexcelled quality. Mikkel Aaland's book Sweat (Capra Press, 1978)
quotes a Finnish doctor to the effect that: "The best dressed foreigner can
come into a doctor's office, and when his skin is examined, it is found to be
rough as bark. On the other hand, as a result of the sauna, the skin of
any Finnish worker is supple and healthy"
Poor skin tone is restored to a more youthful level
Scars and pain from burns or wounds are decreased in severity and extent.
Infrared therapy is used routinely in burn units throughout Asia
Lacerations heal quicker and with less pain and scarring
Acne: Three or four infrared treatments may open pores that have not been
functioning in years, forcing out clogging cosmetics and loosening dead
outer skin. The sauna is thus a boon to teenage skin, clearing acne and
Body odor: by improving the function of the skin, the infrared treatments
may eliminate the cause of offensive body odor. It definitely reduces body
odor induced by occupational exposure to odorous chemicals
Eczema and Psoriasis: reported to have responded extremely well to
infrared treatments
Sunburn: according to the 9th edition of Clayton's Electrotherapy, ”infrared
is the only antidote to excessive ultraviolet radiation."
Keloids forms at a reduced rate in those prone to their formation with
infrared treatments and may be softened by use of infrared systems if they
have form,
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Scars on Skin
Scars fully formed, even keloids, may be gradually softened. Burns and
other wounds or incisions may heal with significantly reduced scarring.
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Relieves pain and Stiffness:
The deep heat of the far infrared sauna helps peripheral blood vessels
dilate, bringing relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries. Increased
blood circulation carries off metabolic waste products and delivers oxygen-
rich blood to oxygen-depleted muscle, so they recover faster. Muscles relax
most readily when tissues are warm, for greater flexibility and range of
Removes Toxins:
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Perhaps the most immediate relief this far infrared sauna offers is simple
relaxation, as it melts away the stresses and tensions of urban life. infrared
sauna gives an overall massaging effect, soothing jangled nerves and knotted
The profuse sweating achieved after just a few minutes in far infrared
sauna carries off deeply imbedded impurities and dead skin cells, leaving the
skin glowing and immaculately clean, Increased circulation draws the skin's
own natural nutrients to the surface. It improves tone, elasticity, texture and
fresh color of the skin. Increased blood circulation has also been shown to
relieve acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, lesions and cuts. In addition, open
wounds may heal more quickly, reducing scarring.
In a Far Infrared Sauna, the body gets well conditioned and animated to
have good absorption of calcium.
Detoxification of narcotic drugs and hormone disrupting chemicals
(dioxin PCB, formaldehyde, agricultural chemicals, food additives, etc.)
melted in the body fat and internal organs.
Far Infrared Therapy is effective for treating sprains, muscle spasms and
joint stiffness; relieves aches and pains. Infrared sauna relieves
soreness, swelling and lactic acid from exercise! The muscles and
tendons gets soft, removing or decreasing such in the muscles as amino-
acid, fatigue stuff, harmful old wastes, and bringing relief from congestion
and hyperthermia.
Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) to protect the body from various kind of
stress is induced and can strengthen the muscle.
Far Infrared Therapy strengthens the cardiovascular system with deep
Far Infrared penetration (up to 1.5").
Far Infrared Therapy detoxifies heavy metals, hydrocarbon residues,
alcohol, nicotine, sodium and cholesterol.
Far infrared saunas improve your immune system by sweating at a lower
more comfortable temperature than a conventional hot sauna as it
enhances circulation and oxygenate the tissues. It also opens the nasal
passages and assist the sinuses to drain.
Far Infrared Saunas increase overall health and resistance to disease as
heating of the tissues enhances metabolic processes. Increases the
immune power The leukocyte, macrophage, NK cells and T cells are
activated (the immune power is strengthened over 200 times by
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raising the body core temperature up to 3.5 degrees C). Greater cellular
energy production facilitates healing. Viruses, tumors and toxin-laden cells
are weaker than normal cells as they tolerate heat poorly. Raising the body
temperature causes infections to heal more quickly. Hyperthermia or fever
therapy help combat infections and even cancer. Our bodies develop fever
when ill to enhance metabolism and help kill germs.
Far Infrared Sauna Therapy sharpens senses and relieves stress, leaving you
feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Improvement and harmonization of
autonomic nerves, balance of sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic
nerves. Far Infrared Sauna Therapy improves skin within a few minutes.
Helps scars and burns. Acne, psoriasis and eczema conditions will also
improve. Increased blood circulation and deep cleansing of impurities
improves skin tone and elasticity. Accelerates healing and reduces scars,
even burns!
Far Infrared Sauna Therapy stimulates endorphins of the brain and kills
organisms like bacteria and parasites.
SOD (super oxide diastase) and scavenger is promoted through the entire
Far Infrared Sauna energy penetrates deeply into the body producing a
warming, relaxing and detoxifying effect. Preheating is unnecessary which
saves electricity.
Repeated use of Far-Infrared Saunas slowly restores skin elimination as toxic
chemicals and metals can be removed faster than with any other method. It is
a daily habit that pays many dividends. Steam baths, sweat lodges, vigorous
exercise and hot tubs are more extreme and less effective and the intense
heat is difficult for many to tolerate, especially when ill.
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To get the benefits of both traditional and
infrared sauna its time to install now the
Duetto® infrared heaters to your rock stove
Did you know that now it is possible to do a Combi-sauna with rock stove heating
and infrared heating in the same space? The latest Finnish product development has
come up with Duetto® infrared heaters which have been tested to work very well in
traditional stove sauna rooms. You can use both infrared heat and traditional sauna
heat at the same time or after each other
The Finnish made Duetto infrared heaters are easy to install to an old or new sauna
room where the old stove heater can also be used simultaneously. The infrared heat
treats the body deep inside and helps in detoxification by intensive sweating. Just add
Duetto heaters behind the back of each sauna user and one at both ends of the sauna
bench and one or two behind the feet on the back wall. The temperature and the
heating time is controlled by a Saunakeskus is1 control unit designed for infrared
saunas. The Duetto heaters have a glass surface, which is available in black or gray
color. The backrests are installed on top of the heaters and factory made grids are
available made of alder wood.
The Duetto heaters, backrests and the heater packages you will find at:
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Number of Duetto® infra sauna heaters and usage of them
Infrared rays generated in the Duetto® infrared sauna heaters produce
a good feeling. When the infrared sauna heater is placed close to the
large body muscles, a maximum benefits from the heating power can
be achieved. One heater per person needs about 50 cm width of sauna
bench, as well as one set of heaters on bench sides. The heaters are
placed on the wall behind the back of bather/bathers and on both sides
of the bench as well as to legroom. The legroom heater is installed in
parallel to the bench, about 10 cm from the front edge of the bench,
below the seat. In front of the infrared sauna heaters, the safety grille
is installed in which one can lean on during bathing. Please note the
sauna stove manufacturer's safety and installation instructions when
installing the heaters.
Pleasant bathing temperature in the infrared sauna is 50 - 60 C.
Each sauna bather, however, can find a best bathing temperature
individually. Good sauna bathing time in infrared sauna is 30 minutes.
The maximum allowed continuous bathing time is one hour. In the
infrared sauna, a lot of fluid dissipates from your body. Do not forget
to drink plenty of water!
Number of heaters required: When selecting the number of sauna
heaters, take into account the sauna room dimensions. The necessary
heating power is about 1kW/m3. So calculate minimum 1 Duetto
heater per m3. The glass and tile surfaces increase the power needed
by 1kW/m2. If you can use sauna stove to heat the air, you will only
need 500 W/m3 heater capacity, e.g. 0,5 Duetto heaters per m3.
See video of the sauna use:
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The grid can
cover the whole
of the backwall.
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4 DUETTOS - 2 alternatives
! !
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5 DUETTOS - standard backrests
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For Duetto heaters we have own calculator to get a budget price including
the backrests and control unit. Test it from this link: saunalaskuri_infrapunalammittimet.php
- Is a very good and economic solution when the new panelling is installed to the
- the heat reflects evenly through the panelling which heats up to aout 60 degrees
- By Saunakeskus is1 control unit the heat and heating time is controlled in very easy
The control unit shall be installed to a dry place outside of sauna and shower rooms.
- The back grids shall be made of 2-4 cm wide beams with similar openings to let the
infrared heat to the bodies.
- We offer many sizes of infrared foils to cover the most area of the walls and
You will need about 400 W/m3 to make a well working infrared sauna with foils and
stove heat.
If you use only infrared heat the Wattage should be about 1000 W/m3. If there is a lot
of glass surface add the effect by 1000 W/m2 glass.
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By giving your sauna dimensions to the calculator in the opening page you can get a
budget and a picture of how to install the Saunakeskus heater foils to your stove
Our best offer is the INFRASAUNASET, which includes all the equipment required
for 5-8 m3 saunas. The package includes 7 infrared foils, effect 2,88 W, one quick fix
cable, 2 ceiling cables and a Saunakeskus is1 control unit.
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Add these items to your sauna room to
make it even more enjoyable
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Usva Ledlight+steam source with changing color light
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Correct lighting creates the feeling in the sauna
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RGB-led strip package (5m)
Glass fibre light set for sauna rooms VP15-G229 : The delivery includes:
Projector, glass fibres, lens for above the heater. Fibre lengths: 4 x 1,4 m, 4
x 1,7 m, 4 x 2,0 m, 4 x 2,3 m, 4 x 2,6 m, 2 x 2,9 m, 2 x 3,2 m, 2 x 3,5 m, 2
x 3,8m, 1 x 4,0 m (4 mm for lighting up a water bucket). Do not cut the
glass fibers!.
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To order, click here:
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KIKKA foldable seating package with aluminium
feet 120-160 cm. Material choices: aspen, alder,
thermotreated alder or pine. Ask for an offer. Ideal
for gyms and spas where the daily cleaning is
necessary due to heavy usage.
To order, click
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TUNTU-saunas with deep infrared heat
Here you can find ready sauna concepts made by Tuntu seatings and
infrared heating. You can also use the Duetto infrared heaters behind
the Tuntu seats. No additional backrests are then required.
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Kikka - seatings folds up easily.
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Aurinkokiuas models give soft heat due to big
quantity of stones in every model. They also offer
a possibility to use wood heating and electric
heating by using the one and only stove for both
purposes. Add here infared heat and your sauna is
the most enjoyable place ever.
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Now you can also have a combination stove for heating by
either wood or electricity
Aurinkokiuas DUO 200 is made for 6 - 12 m3
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Duetto®- combisauna
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Duetto 1-p infrared sauna, 4 heaters
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Gym sauna for 3 persons, 5 Duetto heaters
Infrared sauna for gyms, hotels and spas. Space for
3 persons. 5 Duetto heaters, wattage a 900W, total
4,5 kW. Heats up very quickly. Emotec D control
unit for sauna time, temperature and lights. You can
preset 4 sauna times per day by the week clock.
Easy to set up. Delivery in parts. Can be made
wider by 55 cm elements. For bigger saunas please
ask for a quotation.
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Duetto Combi saunas
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Gym sauna for 3, with 5 Duetto heaters
Infrared sauna for gyms, hotels and spas. Space for 3 prsons. 5
Duetto heaters, wattage a 900W, total 4,5 kW. Heats up very
quickly. Emotec D control unit for sauna time, temperature and
lights. You can preset 4 sauna times per day by the weekclock.
Easy to set up. Delivery in parts. Can be made wider by 55 cm
elements. For bigger size saunas, please ask for a quotation.
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Welcome to Saunakeskus!
Saunas help you live longer, study finds
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Saunakeskus webshop to start a sauna-business
of your own:
Dear friend,
In the case you are interested in marketing our
products through your own webshop, we can offer
you an easy solution.
It is possbile to make a webshop for you just by
copying our webshop as part of you www-pages and
you will have a Saunakeskus webshop of your own.
We agree the commissions to you for every sale you
can get for our products. As soon as the order has
been paid for we will remit your share of the sale to
you as a sales commission.
You can promote your webshop by e-mailings, by
Facebook, by Twitter, by blogging, forums and use
all the possible internet marketing tools.
As you are interested, please send me an e-mail to and let is talk business.
Internet is the media for future business and lets us
use it together to make good money online.
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Saunawarm regards, its a great pleasure to serve you
Seppo Metsälä
The Professional Sauna Dealer
Niemenkatu 77
15240 Lahti
Tel + 358 40 312 3221
Skype: saunaseppo
You can load your own Skype from here:
Office in Portugal:
Praceta João da Costa Reis, nº 3, 2º R,
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