Proof of The Riemann Hypothesis: Received: Date / Accepted: Date
Proof of The Riemann Hypothesis: Received: Date / Accepted: Date
Proof of The Riemann Hypothesis: Received: Date / Accepted: Date
Jinzhu Han
arXiv:0706.1929v13 [math.GM] 3 Sep 2019
1 Introduction
J. Han
Room 1611, Wang Kezhen Building, No.52, Haidian District, Beijing 100080, People’s Re-
public of China
Tel.: +86-17701320819
2 Jinzhu Han
Euler first studied this function in 1737 and got his famous identity
X Y −1
n−s = 1 − p−s , (s > 1) (2)
n=1 p
The zeta function has analytic continuation to the whole complex plane, except
a simple pole at s = 1, and satisfies the function equation
π −s/2 Γ (s/2)ζ(s) = π −(1−s)/2 Γ (1 − s/2)ζ(1 − s) (3)
where Γ (s) is Gamma-function; the zeta function has many real zeros at s =
−2, −4, . . . . . . and infinitely many complex zeros (i.e., non-trivial zeros) in the
range 0 < Res < 1 ; the non-trivial zeros of zeta function are symmetrical on
the real axis and the critical line Res = 21 ; the number of non-trivial zeros of
zeta function in the range of 0 < Ims < T is approximately equal to
log( ) − + O(logT ) (4)
2π 2π 2π
In his famous paper, Riemann conjectured that all non-trivial zeros of zeta
function are very likely to lie on the critical line Res = 21 . This proposition is
called Riemann Hypothesis.
Riemann Hypothesis: all non-trivial zeros of the function ζ(s) have real
part equal to 21 .
Gram (1903) used the Euler-Maclaurin summation method to calculate the
first 15 non-trivial zeros of the function. Since then hundreds of millions of
non- trivial zeros of the function have been calculated and found to be lie on
the critical line. Mathematicians have made many important advance in the
study of Riemann Hypothesis in the past [2-15]. However, Riemann Hypoth-
esis has not been proved or disproved up to now. In this paper, we will prove
Riemann Hypothesis by the mean value theorem of integrals.
The mean value theorem for integrals is a fundamental theorems for analytic
Theorem 1. Let the function f (x) be continuous, the function ϕ(x) ≥ 0 and be
integrable in the interval [a, b] , then there be least one point ξ in the interval
(a, b) , which makes the following formula to be true
Z b Z b
f (x)ϕ(x)dx = f (ξ) ϕ(x)dx (5)
a a
Proof of the Riemann Hypothesis 3
and Rb
f (ξ) f (x)ϕ(x)dx
λ= = Rab (14)
g(ξ) g(x)ϕ(x)dx
4 Jinzhu Han
Lemma 2 be proved.
Let ϕ(x) = 1, then it has
f (x)dx f (ξ)
Rb = (15)
g(x)dx g(ξ)
[x] − x + 21
Z ∞
1 1
ζ(s) = s (s+1)
dx + + (17)
1 x s−1 2
where [x] denotes the greatest integer not exceeding x. Since [x] − x + 21 is
bounded, this integral is convergent for Res > 0. Therefore it provides an
analytic continuation of ζ(s) up to Res > 0, and there is a simple pole at
s = 1 with residue 1. For 0 < Res < 1,
s ∞ dx 1
= (18)
2 1 x(s+1) 2
thus, for 0 < Res < 1, we have
Z ∞ Z ∞
[x] − x + 1 1 [x] − x + 1 (1−s) 1
ζ(s) = s (s+1)
dx+ =s 2
x dx+ (19)
1 x s − 1 1 x s − 1
and ∞
[x] − x + 1 ρ 1
ζ(1 − ρ) = (1 − ρ) 2
x dx − = 0 (21)
1 x ρ
Thus, we have
[x] − x + 1 (1−ρ) 1
x dx = (22)
1 x ρ(1 − ρ)
[x] − x + 1 ρ 1
x dx = (23)
1 x2 ρ(1 − ρ)
and ∞ ∞
[x] − x + 1 (1−ρ) [x] − x + 1 ρ 1
x dx = x dx = (24)
1 x2 1 x2 ρ(1 − ρ)
x(1−ρ) = x(1−α) (cos(β log x) − i sin(β log x)) (25)
xρ = xα (cos(β log x) + i sin(β log x)) (26)
therefore, let ρ = α + iβ be anyone non-trivial zero point of ζ(s), then we have
Z ∞
[x] − x + 1 (1−α) 1
x cos(β log x)dx = Re (27)
1 x ρ(1 − ρ)
Z ∞
[x] − x + 1 α 1
x cos(β log x)dx = Re (28)
1 x ρ(1 − ρ)
∞ ∞
[x] − x + 1 (1−α) [x] − x + 1 α
x cos(β log x)dx = x cos(β log x)dx
1 x2 1 x2
therefore, let ρ = α + iβ be anyone non-trivial zero point of ζ(s), then it must
satisfy above equation.
Since function x(1−α) cos(β log x) , xα cos(β log x) be continuous, function [x]−x+1
x2 ≥
0 in the interval [1, ∞), and
Z ∞
[x] − x + 1 α 1
x cos(β log x)dx = Re 6= 0 (30)
1 x ρ(1 − ρ)
according to Lemma 3, there be least one point ξ in thel interval (1, ∞) , which
makes the following formula to be true
R ∞ [x]−x+1 (1−α)
x cos(β log x)dx ξ (1−α) cos(β log ξ)
1 x2
R ∞ [x]−x+1 = α cos(β log ξ)
= ξ (1−2α) (31)
x cos(β log x)dx ξ
1 x
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