Performance Evaluation of The UASB Sewage Treatment Plant at James Town (Mudor), Accra

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33rd WEDC International Conference, Accra, Ghana, 2008



Performance evaluation of the UASB sewage treatment

plant at James Town (Mudor), Accra

E. Awuah & K. A. Abrokwa, Ghana

The UASB Sewage Treatment Plant at James Town, Accra, is used for domestic sewage treatment to remove
organic material from the wastewater. To achieve higher removal efficiencies, Trickling Filters, Settling
Tanks and other treatment units were used as post treatment. This study analysed the physical, chemical
and biological parameters of the influent (raw sewage) as well as the effluent from the plant. The result
indicated that the total removal efficiencies were 94.4%, 98.1%, 68.8%, 17.4%, 78.3% and 99.97% for
COD, BOD, TS, TKN, PO4-P and Faecal coliform respectively. The overall performance of the plant was
generally satisfactory. The study further revealed that Turbidity, Ammonia-nitrogen and Nitrate-nitrogen
of the effluents exceeded the EPA guidelines however; the total nitrogen and phosphate-phosphorus of the
final effluent could be discharged into the Korle-Lagoon without causing eutrophication or health risk. On
the other hand, the current management practices may cause the plant to work inefficiently..

Over the years there has been a lack of political will in Ghana to implement basic sanitation and this is
reflected in the amount of resources allocated for wastewater management, the main reason being the phe-
nomenal investment in the physical infrastructure of wastewater treatment plants. This coupled with rapid
industrialisation and urbanisation have generated increasing amount of wastewater, resulting in environmental
deterioration and frequent outbreak of water-borne diseases.
Waste from on-site sanitation systems such as Septic Tanks, Ventilated Improved Pit latrines and Bucket
latrines are disposed of in unsightly conditions; thus efficient and cost effective treatment plants are needed
to minimize environmental problems and health risks.
Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor as a unit for sewage treatment, under appropriate
conditions is quite remarkable. In regions with hot climate a very high removal efficiency of the organic
matter (65 to 80%) can be obtained in conventional UASB reactors with short retention time (4 to 6 hours)
(van Haandel and Lettinga, 1994 and Campos, 1999). This study therefore seeks to determine the overall
performance of the UASB Sewage Treatment Plant at James Town, Accra; with specific objective of assessing
the day to day operations and management and to determine the organic, nutrient and pathogenic removal
efficiency of the plant. The study began with a review of previous research works carried out on the plant.
The UASB reactor was monitored by measuring the characteristics of the influent and effluents in terms
of their COD, BOD, Total Solids, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Faecal Coliform, Ammonia-Nitrogen,
Organic- Nitrogen, Nitrate and Phosphate to assess the overall performance of the plant for eight weeks.

Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge-Blanket (UASB) Reactor

Anaerobic treatment using the UASB-system is one of the promising technologies for application (Lettinga
et al., 1993). Effective treatment and some recovery of biogas are achievable with limited maintenance and
sludge disposal; however, post-treatment for effective pathogen removal is still required.
In the UASB process, the waste to be treated is introduced in the bottom of the reactor. The wastewater
flows upward through a sludge blanket composed of biologically formed granules. Treatment occurs as the
wastewater comes in contact with the granules. The gases produced under anaerobic conditions (principally
methane and carbon dioxide) cause internal circulation, which helps in the formation and maintenance of the
biological granules. The free gas and the particles with the attached gas rise to the top of the reactor.
The particles that rise to the surface strike the bottom of the degassing baffles, which causes the attached
Awuah & Abrokwa

gas bubbles to be released. The degassed granules typically drop back to the surface of the sludge blanket.
The free gas and the gas released from the granules are captured in the gas collection domes located in
the top of the reactor. Liquid containing some residual solids and biological granules passes into a settling
chamber, where the residual solids are separated from the liquid. The separated solids fall back through the
baffle system to the top of the sludge blanket. To keep the sludge blanket in suspension, up-flow velocities
in the range of 0.8 to 1.0m/h should used (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). However, due to the short liquid retention
time in the reactor, the removal of pathogens is only partial. Hence a post treatment unit is required, if the
effluent is to be used for irrigation.

Types and Characteristics of Sewage

Faecal sludge
This is the common term used for sludges of variable consistency collected from on-site sanitation systems;
via latrines, septic tanks and aqua privies. The collection and transportation of night-soil, septage and toilet
sludge from their various sources to the treatment or disposal sites is done by vacuum trucks (or cesspit
emptiers). Most often, the contents of the trucks are mixtures of both toilet sludge and seepage; hence it is
difficult to distinguish between the wastes that arrive at the treatment/disposal sites.

Night soil
The term night-soil is mostly used to represent a mixture of human faeces and urine (Mara, 1976; Pradt,
1971; Choi et al., 1997). Cairncross and Feachem (1993) stated that night-soil comprises only faeces and
urine plus small volumes of water if it is used for anal cleansing and pour-flushing. Sometimes night-soil is
also used to represent a mixture of human faeces that has undergone some considerable putrefaction.

Septage is the sludge produced in individual on-site wastewater-disposal systems, principally septic tanks
and cesspools (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). In water dependent on-site Sanitation facilities, the human excreta
are flushed out using water.

Public toilet sludge

This is the term used for sludges collected from unsewered public toilets, which are usually of higher consist-
ency than septage and biochemically less stabilized (Strauss & Montangero, 2001). Doku (1998) referred to
the term ‘toilet sludge’ as night-soil that has undergone little or partial digestion collected from non-water
dependent systems.

The James Town Sewage Treatment Works

The wastewater treatment process at James Town Sewage Treatment Works is an integral part of the Ac-
cra Waste Project. It is designed and built on sustainable principles including optimised process efficiency
for tropical conditions, minimising the consumption of electricity and using appropriate technology. The
plant consist of an Anaerobic Primary Treatment Stage, Sludge Thickeners, Aerobic Fixed Growth Reac-
tors (Trickling Filters), Final Settling Tanks and 24 Sludge Drying Beds. The flows from the metropolitan
sewered area are discharged from an intercepting sewer into a wet well at the Central Accra Pumping Sta-
tion (CAPS). The pumping station is about 50m from the UASB reactor which lies approximately 0.5km
from the beach, adjacent to the Korle Lagoon located between James Town and Korle Gunno. The sewage
is then pumped to the headworks of the UASB Sewage Treatment Plant.The treatment plant is designed
to treat a hydraulic flow of 16,120m3/d – 1000m3/d from Korle-Bu, 500m3/d from State House, 1,200m3/d
from Ministries Beach, 1000m3/d from High Street, 10,380m3/d from Osu-Labone and 2000m3/d from Accra
Brewery. A coarse screen is provided at the inlet of the wet well at CAPS. Two rotating screens (grit chan-
nels) are alternated every two days. The grits are manually removed after the water is drained from it. The
grits and screenings end up in a waste chute which is discharged into a skip for disposal. The influent from
the grit channel is diverted to primary distribution boxes. The primary distribution boxes ensures an evenly
proportion flow to the reactors. Each channel from the primary distribution boxes feed secondary and tertiary
distribution boxes. The tertiary distribution boxes connect directly to the down pipes that convey wastewater
to the bottom of the UASB reactors. The anaerobic process is maintained within a daily temperature of not
more than 29° ± 2. Anaerobic by – products, including methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen
sulphide (H2S) are generated. The gas produced from the reactors is collected into gas collector hoods to
prevent release of biogas into the atmosphere. The effluent from the UASB reactor flows by gravity to the

prevent release of biogas into the atmosphere. The effluent from the UASB reactor flows by gravity to the
Trickling Filters, where further biological treatment takes place the effluent then flows to the Final Settling
Tanks (FST) where fine solids are allowed to settle and further organic reduction is effected using a fine filter
screen before the effluent flows to the final sampling chamber. The settled sludge is pumped back into the
sludge thickeners. Sludge from the sludge thickeners is discharged to the sludge drying beds where liquid
drainage is effected through sand filters and & Abrokwa
a system of under-drains.
Out of the six UASB reactors at the Sewage Treatment Works only three are in use at a time due the low
volume of influent flow.

Gas Collector

Primary Dist. Box Sec. /Ter. Dist. Box UASB reactors Trickling Filt. Final
Screened Tank
Influent from CAPS Slude Thickener
Effluent to Korle
Excess sluge to drying beds

Figure 1. WDEC- Schematic diagram of Waste Water Treatment Plant

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of Waste Water Treatment Plant

Trickling Filters,Analysis of biological
where further Influent treatment
and Effluent takes place the effluent then flows to the Final Settling
Tanks (FST) where
The influents fine solids
and effluents areUASB
of the allowed to settlewere
reactors and analysed
further organic reduction
for; pH, is effected
Dissolved Oxygenusing a fine filter
Chemicalbefore the effluent
Oxygen Demandflows to the Total
(COD), final sampling
Solids (TS),chamber. The settled
Biochemical sludge Demand
Oxygen is pumped back into
(BOD), the
sludge thickeners.
–Nitrogen(NO 3
-N), from the
Ammonia-Nitrogen sludge thickeners
(NH 3
– N), is discharged to the
Phosphate-Phosphorus sludge
(PO 4
- P) beds
and where
Faccal liquid
(FC). is effected through sand filters and a system of under-drains.
Out of the six UASB reactors at the Sewage Treatment Works only three are in use at a time due the low
pH of influent flow.
pH values recorded ranged from 6.26 - 6.99, 7.13 - 10.50, 6.47 - 7.06, 7.36 - 7.74 and 7.29 - 7.66 for the
Qualitative Analysis
composite of raw of Influent
sewage, influent and Effluent
flow, effluent from the UASB reactors, the trickling filters and the final
The influents
settling tanks and effluents of the UASB reactors were analysed for; pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO),Turbidity,
The analysis OxygenshowedDemand
that the(COD), Total
pH of the Solids
influent were(TS), Biochemical
in the alkaline range;Oxygen
this isDemand
because Nirate
Brewery Limited 3
Sodium Hydroxide (NH
to –
fermentors which could(PObe 4
a P) and
major Faccal
source ofColiform
high pH
thus the alkaline range. Also the pH values for the composite of raw sewage was in the acidic range probably
because the hourly samples were stored in a fridge and during that period anaerobic decomposition occurred.
Values for effluent from the UASB reactors maintained pH in almost a neutral range because the reactor
pH valuesas a recorded
buffer system.
ranged Values
from for effluent
6.26 - 6.99,from
7.13the trickling
- 10.50, 6.47filters and7.36
- 7.06, the final
- 7.74settling tanks
and 7.29 werefor
- 7.66 in the
alkaline range which favours bacteria growth which serves as post treatment of the
composite of raw sewage, influent flow, effluent from the UASB reactors, the trickling filters and the final UASB reactors.
settling tanks respectively.
The analysisOxygen showed that the pH of the influent were in the alkaline range; this is probably because Accra
DissolvedLimitedOxygenuses Sodium
values Hydroxide
measured ranged to wash
from the
– 0.75mg/l which could
for the be a major
composite of source of high0.19
raw sewage, pH
thus the alkaline
– 0.80mg/l range. Also
for influent flow,the pH–values
0.30 0.84mg/lfor the
UASB reactors,of raw 4.61
sewage was in thefor
– 5.60mg/l acidic rangefilters
trickling probably
because the hourly
2.54 – 5.66mg/l forsamples
the finalwere stored
settling in a fridge and during that period anaerobic decomposition occurred.
Values for effluent
The analysis fromthat
showed thethe
UASB reactors
influent maintained
and composite ofpH
almosthad a neutral range becauseofthe
low concentrations DOreactor
this is
probably as abecause
buffer system.
the flowValues for effluent
was through from
closed the trickling
sewer lines. The filters and the
effluent from final
UASB tanksreactorwere
alkaline range which
concentrations of DOfavours
because growth whichflows
the effluent servesthrough
as postopen
treatment of the
channels andUASB reactors.
at a point in the treat-
ment process discharges from high to a low level, thus absorbing oxygen from the air. The effluent from the
trickling filter Oxygen
Dissolved also had high values because the wastewater trickles through the bed thus absorbs oxygen
from the air.
Dissolved OxygenThe presence
algae in the final from
ranged settling
0.24tank increasesfor
– 0.75mg/l thethe
levels throughof rawphotosynthesis,
sewage, 0.19
thus the final effluent can be discharged into natural water bodies without
– 0.80mg/l for influent flow, 0.30 – 0.84mg/l for UASB reactors, 4.61 – 5.60mg/l for trickling causing health implications or
filters and
2.54 – 5.66mg/l for the final settling tanks.
The analysis showed that the influent and composite of raw sewage had low concentrations of DO this is
probably because the flow was through closed sewer lines. The effluent from the UASB reactor had high
concentrations of DO probably because the effluent flows through open channels and at a point in the treat-
ment process discharges from high to a low level, thus3 absorbing oxygen from the air. The effluent from the
trickling filter also had high values because the wastewater trickles through the bed thus absorbs oxygen
from the air. The presence of algae in the final settling tank increases the DO levels through photosynthesis,
thus the final effluent can be discharged into natural water bodies without causing health implications or

Awuah & Abrokwa

Turbidity and Total Solids

For the turbidity the values had a wide range from 917 – 2374 FAU and 1012 – 2665 FAU for the composite
of raw sewage and influent respectively; this is because of the suspended solids in the form of organics and
micro organisms in the wastewater. These values were considerably reduced through the various stages
however; it did not meet the EPA Ghana guidelines, 2000.
Total Solids values ranged from 1634 – 2674mg/l at the raw sewage influent to 830 – 1080mg/l at the final
settling tank effluent. Total removal efficiency from the influent to the final effluent was 68.8%. The relatively
lower removal efficiencies across the various treatment stages are attributed to their short retention times.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

The COD values for composite of raw sewage and the influent flow ranges from 1517 – 2857mg/l and
1630 – 6620mg/l respectively. The wide variance shows that the characteristics of the sewage were widely
varied; because UASB reactor is efficient in removing organic material from wastewater, it reduced the
COD concentrations to values ranging from 221 – 457mg/l. The removal efficiency of the UASB reactors
was 86% slightly higher than the 75 to 85% stated by Metcalf and Eddy, 1995. The final settling tank further
reduced the COD concentrations to a range of 110- 175 mg/l thus the total removal efficiency achieved by
the treatment plant was 94.4%.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

The analysis revealed that the mean values of BOD were 1206mg/l, 73mg/l, 42mg/l and 23mg/l for the raw
sewage, UASB reactors, trickling filters and the final settling tanks effluent respectively. The widely varied
values of the raw sewage indicate flow of different characteristics. The low value of the effluent from the
final settling tanks is because the UASB reactor drastically reduced the mean BOD values from 1206mg/l
to 73mg/l. The removal efficiency of the plant was 98.1%.

Ammonia – Nitrogen (NH3 – N) and Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3 – N)

The raw sewage had a mean value of 4.3mg/l but increased to 19.6mg/l in the UASB reactor. The study
revealed that the increase was due to de-nitrification however, the mean value decrease to 2.6mg/l in the
subsequent treatment units. The Nitrate – Nitrogen concentrations in the UASB reactors was expected to
be zero however, from the analysis it had a mean value of 6.0mg/l which is probably because of dilution
prior to the analyses. Nitrification at the subsequent treatment units raised the nitrate concentrations of the
final effluent to a mean of 22.1mg/l. These concentrations although exceed EPA maximum recommended
guideline for discharge of 1.5 mg/l (EPA, Ghana, 2000), the effluent could be used for irrigation purposes
to enrich the soil.

Phosphate – Phosphorus
The average phosphate values measured were 2.31mg/l, 1.03mg/l, 1.47mg/l and 0.50mg/l for the raw sew-
age, UASB reactors effluent, trickling filters effluent and final settling tanks effluent respectively. The final
effluent concentrations meet EPA Ghana, 2000, maximum recommended guidelines of 2mg/l.

Faecal Coliform
Faecal Coliform count ranged from 6.8x105 – 1x106; 1.4x105 – 2.9x105; 9x104 – 1.4x105 and 190 – 245 for
the raw sewage, UASB reactors effluent, trickling filters effluent and final settling tanks effluent respectively.
The low removal efficiency of the UASB was because of the short retention time however, the post treat-
ment of UASB reactor effluent by the other treatment units, especially, the final settling tanks achieved high
removal efficiency. The total removal efficiency recorded was 99.97%.

Management Practices
The UASB reactors are designed to have a liquid retention time of 9 hours. For a good performance and high
removal efficiency of COD and BOD, the sludge retention time (sludge age) should be about 60 days. This
means that 50 – 60% of the sludge formed in the reactors must be taken out every 60 days. The study revealed
that the 40m3 of sludge are dislodged every day from the UASB reactor to the sludge thickeners. Also other
times 20m3 of sludge are taken out in the morning and 20m3 in the evening. This practice does not augur well
for a UASB reactor because the sludge age is the fundamental parameter which enhances the performance of

Awuah & Abrokwa

a UASB reactor for sewage treatment; the longer the sludge age, the greater the number of micro organism
in the reactor degrade organic matter and thus increase BOD and COD removal efficiencies.
However, it cannot be concluded that the practice of discharging sludge daily from the reactors is erroneous
for the reason that efforts made to have access to design documents proved futile. The study also revealed
that there was lack of skilled personnel for example plant engineers, laboratory chemist and plant technicians
to see to the day to day operations of the plant.

• The final effluent from the UABS Sewage Treatment met the EPA Ghana, 2000, maximum discharge
guidelines, except Turbidity, Ammonia-nitrogen and Nitrate-nitrogen which exceeded the guidelines.
Below is a comparison between the final effluent mean values and the EPA Ghana, 2000, maximum
discharge guideline values; below is a comparison between the final effluent mean values and the EPA
Ghana, 2000, maximum discharge guideline values.
• Discharge of the final effluent from the Sewage Treatment Plant into the Korle-Lagoon may not cause
health risks or any major environmental problems;
• The overall performance of the UASB Sewage Treatment Plant was satisfactory. However, the current
management practices might cause the plant to operate inefficiently under full operational capacity.

Table 1. Characteristics of sewage at the different treatment stages and comparison of effluent
with EPA Ghana 2000, guidelines
Parameter final Uasb trickling final final total Epa Ghana
influent reactor filter settling effluent efficiency guidelines,
mean effluent effluent tank mean of the plant 2000
values effluent values (%)
pH 8.96 ± 0.98 6.7 ± 0.19 7.51 ± 0.13 7.4 ± 0.14 7.45 ± 0.14 - 6-9

Dissolved 0.46 ± 0.26 0.58 ± 0.21 5.26 ± 0.32 4.24 ± 1.08 4.24 ± 1.08 - -
Oxygen (mg/l)
Turbidity 1923 ± 646 265 ± 44 207 ± 52 125 ± 50 122 ± 5e0.27 - 75
Total Solids 3206 ± 2571 1011 ± 130 1038 ± 135 966 ± 94 958 ± 93.78 68.8 -
COD (mg/l) 3173 ± 1528 340 ± 74 310 ± 69 145 ± 21 146 ± 20.62 94.4 250

BOD (mg/l) 1206 ± 397 73 ± 16.2 42 ± 11.4 23 ± 5.7 23 ± 5.74 98.1 50

Ammonia- 4.3 ± 1.73 19.6 ± 2.4 7.9 ± 1.4 2.6 ± 0.7 2.6 ± 0.68 39.5 1.5
Nitrate- 29 ± 2.82 6.0 ± 1.6 16.6 ± 2.5 22.1 ± 0.83 22.1 ± 0.83 23.8 0.1
TKN (mg/l) 52.6 ± 4.11 93.1 ± 6.5 60.7 ± 2.25 43.1 ± 1.2 43.1 ± 1.15 17.4 -

Phosphate- 2.31 ± 0.14 1.03 ± 0.17 1.47 ± 0.53 0.5 ± 0.14 0.5 ± 0.14 78.3 2
Faecal 9.2 x 105 ± 2.0 x 105 ± 4.9 1.2 x 105 ± 2.15 x 102± 2.16x102 ± 99.9 10-100
coliform 1.1 x 105 x 104 1.8 x 104 16.31 16.31

Awuah & Abrokwa

Cairncross, S. and Feachem, R. G. (1993) Environmental Health Engineering in the Tropics: An Introduc-
tion Text (2nd Ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK.
Campos, J .R. C., Ed. (1999) Tratamento de esgotos sanitarios por processo anaer disposicao controlada
no solo. Rio de Janeiro, ABES-RJ. pp.464.
Doku, A. I. (1998) Anaerobic Treatment of Night soil and Toilet Sludge: A Literature Review of State-
ofthe-Art, Unpublished.
Environment Protection Agency (2000) Specific Effluent Quality Guidelines for Discharge into Natural
Water Bodies (Maximum Permissible Levels). EPA Guidelines, Ghana.
Lettinga, G., Bogte, J. J., Breuve, A. M. and Van Andel, J. G. (1993) Anaerobic Treatment of Domestic
Wastewater in Small Scale UASB Reactors. Water Science and Technology vol. 27, pp.9.
Metcalf and Eddy Inc. (2003) Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal and Re-use (4th Ed.).
McGraw-Hill: New York.pp.1009
Strauss, M., Larmie, S. A., and Heinss, U. (1997) Treatment of Sludges from on-site Sanitation: Low-cost
options. Water Science and Technology, 35 (6).
Van Haandel, A., and Lettinga, G. (1994) Anaerobic Sewage Treatment: A Practical Guide for Regions
with Hot Climates. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Chichester, U.K pp.226.

performance, UASB, treatment

Contact details
Esi Awuah Asante Abrokwa
Civil Eng. Dept., KNUST
Tel: 233-051-60226/60235
Fax: 233-051-60235
Awuah & Abrokwa


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