Flow Calibration Services at NIST: SI Derived Units
Flow Calibration Services at NIST: SI Derived Units
Flow Calibration Services at NIST: SI Derived Units
The Fluid Flow Group of the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg,
Maryland offers calibration services for flow meters used in gas, water, and liquid hydrocarbon.
Gas flow meters are calibrated using PVTt systems, piston provers, or bell provers for flows
ranging from 0.04 L/min to 78,000 L/min. A critical nozzle based gas flow standard allows
performance testing of flow meters in gas mixtures at temperatures up to 700 K for flows ranging
from 60 L/min to 6,200 L/min. The water flow standard is a static gravimetric system that
handles flows up to 38,000 L/min. A dynamic gravimetric flow standard provides hydrocarbon
liquid flow calibrations between 0.04 L/min and 1,500 L/min. Further details of these calibration
services are documented including the principle of operation and measurement uncertainties.
As the national metrology laboratory for the United States, the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) maintains primary standards of the seven SI base units¶ and of numerous
SI derived unitsç to support equitable commerce and accurate measurements by the scientific
community.1 NIST also serves as a source for the key elements of a reliable calibration,
traceability and proficiency.
Project Leader, Fluid Flow Group. Tel. 301-975-5937, email: john.wright@nist.gov
Group Leader, Fluid Flow Group. Tel. 301-975-6178, email: pedro.espina@nist.gov
The meter, the kilogram, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole, and the candela.
Units formed by combining base units according to the algebraic relations linking the corresponding
acceptable level. In the following pages, the primary flow standards of NIST will be described,
including their methods of operation, flow ranges, uncertainties, and other details relevant to
metrologists seeking flow traceability and proficiency. Since the calibration measurement
capabilities constantly change and improve, the most current information can be found at the
NIST Fluid Flow Group web site, www.nist.gov/fluid_flow, and in the NIST Calibration Services
User’s Guide.1
The Fluid Flow Group maintains piston provers, bell provers, a pressure-volume-temperature-
time (PVTt) facility, and a laboratory for testing the performance of flow meters in heated gas
mixtures. What follows are brief descriptions of these facilities.
One of the oldest and most commonly used techniques for gas flow measurement is the piston
prover. The NIST piston provers (see Figure 1) consist of a precision bore glass tube that
contains a plastic piston slightly smaller in diameter.5 A ring groove in the piston retains mercury
to form a low friction seal between the piston and the tube. A bypass valve is closed to initiate
the collection of gas in the glass cylinder. As the piston rises (by virtue of the small excess
pressure, ≈ 0.5 kPa, in the gas flowing into the tube) it successively starts and stops a timer by
blocking a pair of narrow light beams at the bottom and top limits of the measuring volume. The
volumetric flow can be calculated by dividing the previously determined cylinder volume (i.e.,
between the timer start and stop positions) by the collection time. The temperature and pressure
of the gas entering the piston are measured and used to calculate the density of the collected gas.
The density is used to convert the measured volumetric flow rate into a mass flow rate (often
expressed as a volumetric flow at some reference temperature and pressure conditions).
Piston with
mercury seal
Glass cylinder
Flow Meter under
Bypass valve
“dry well”, which together form an annulus that is nearly filled with low vapor pressure sealing
oil. An open bottom, cylindrical tank with a dome-shaped top (i.e., the bell) is inserted into this
oil filled annulus. Its weight is nearly balanced by counterweights thus allowing it to raise or
lower with just a small differential pressure (< 1 kPa); this enables the collection and
measurement of a known volume of gas. A smaller counterweight is mounted on a cam to
provide a correction for buoyancy effects due to the bell immersion in the sealing oil. Rollers and
guide rods provide lateral stability to the bell as it moves upwards.
Once flow conditions through the flow meter under test are deemed stable, a bypass valve is
closed thereby directing gas into the bell. The volume of gas held within the bell, between the
collection start and stop sensors has been previously determined by careful dimensional
measurements. During a flow calibration, the time required for the bell to travel between the start
and stop sensors is measured. The collection volume of the bell prover is divided by the
collection time to obtain a volumetric flow. The mass flow or the standard volumetric flow is
calculated using the temperature and pressure of the collected gas to determine its density.
stop sensor
start sensor
test section
categories.5 The mass flow uncertainty of the NIST piston provers ranges between 0.16%∗ and
0.19% depending on which piston prover is used, and the uncertainty of the bell provers is
0.17%. Meter types that are commonly calibrated with the piston and bell provers include critical
flow venturis, laminar flow meters, turbine meters, and positive displacement meters. National
Pipe Thread, A/N, and other common fittings are available from 0.6 cm (0.25 in) to 10 cm (4 in).
Numerous comparisons with national metrology institutes and secondary metrology laboratories
have been conducted using the piston and bell provers.3 These include comparisons to the
national metrology institutes of France, Japan, Mexico, and Taiwan, all of which support the
specified uncertainties for the NIST flow standards.
Meter Valve
under Critical flow
venturi Tank
Flow test Valve
Volume Evacuation
All of the uncertainties herein were determined by following the ISO Guide to the Expression of
Uncertainty in Measurement (1995), using a coverage factor k = 2, and hence are 95% level of confidence
values unless otherwise stated.
stable conditions at the test section even though extreme pressure variations occur downstream
of it due to the operation of the diverter valves and pressure changes as the collection tank fills.
The NIST PVTt system is used for calibrations using dry air at flows ranging from 862 L/min to
78,000 L/min. An uncertainty analysis of the NIST PVTt flow standard gives expanded
uncertainties of 0.20%. Uncertainty components include the collection volume, the inventory
volume, the tank pressures and temperatures (both initial and final values), the inventory volume
temperatures and pressures, the collection time, and the gas equation of state. Uncertainties
related to sampling errors are significant in a PVTt system. For instance, the filling and
evacuation process leads to temperature gradients in the tank and gas. These temperature
gradients make it difficult to obtain low uncertainty average temperature measurements. Also,
there are rapid temperature and pressure fluctuations during the measurement of the initial and
final inventory volume conditions. These pressure and temperature fluctuations lead to
uncertainties in the estimation of the mass in the inventory volume.
Figure 4. The NIST PVTt flow standard for flows up to 78,000 liters/min.
Each flow determination obtained using the PVTt facility averages about 1 hour in duration. This
imposes limitations in the workload output of the facility and leads to expensive calibrations. At
times when the application allows for the flow meter to be calibrated at higher uncertainties,
customers may choose to have their devices calibrated against the NIST master sonic nozzles
(i.e., a set of working standards). These nozzles are regularly calibrated against the PVTt facility
and their expanded uncertainties are no larger than 0.3% of reading.
In 1999, an international comparison demonstrated agreement between the NIST PVTt and the
standards of the national laboratories of Japan, England, Korea, and Taiwan. This test made use
of a set of three critical venturis and was piloted by the Ford Motor Company.3, 6 This year, the
NIST participated in a European Union intercomparison using the PVTt facility. This test,
known as EUROMET Project No. 307, made use of a single cylindrical throat critical venturi
and showed agreement between the national metrology laboratories of Canada, France,
Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and England.
Typical flow meter types calibrated in the PVTt facility are critical flow venturis, laminar flow
meters, and ultrasonic flow meters. The PVTt flow standard can accommodate ASA 150 lb,
300 lb, or 600 lb flanges, A/N fittings, National Pipe Threads, or other common fitting types,
between 2.5 cm (1 in) and 20 cm (8 in) in diameter.
flow range of simulated combustion products is 60 L/min to 2000 L/min. In an alternate mode of
operation, the facility can provide humidified air flows from 85 L/min to 6200 L/min. The
facility delivers the flow of the gas mixture with an uncertainty of 1%. Meter types tested in this
facility include ultrasonic flow meters, laminar flow meters, vortex shedding meters, and dilution
type flow meters.
The NIST gravimetric flow standards for water are essentially “bucket and stopwatch” systems
using a weigh scale. A schematic of such a standard is shown in Figure 6. ISO and ASME
standards have been written giving guidance on the construction, operation, and uncertainties of
liquid gravimetric facilities.8, 9 Typically these system are comprised of a steady flow source,
flow control valves, a flow conditioner, a pipeline that holds the meter under test, a flow diverter,
and a collection tank mounted on a weigh scale. During operation, the diverter directs flow either
to the collection tank, or to a supply tank and flow re-circulation system. To operate the system,
the collection tank is drained and an initial tank mass (or tare mass) is measured. Steady state
conditions of flow, temperature, and pressure are established through the meter under test and the
connecting piping (this often takes 10 minutes or more). Flow is very rapidly diverted into the
collection vessel and a collection start time is measured. When the tank fills to some prescribed
mass (collection times of 30 seconds or greater are used), the flow is diverted back to the re-
circulation system and the stop time is measured. After a sufficient delay for settling, the final
tank mass is measured. The change in tank mass (the mass of liquid collected) is divided by the
collection time to obtain the mass flow. The mass flow can be converted to the volumetric flow if
the density is known. A relationship between the liquid temperature and its density is developed
for this purpose.
The method of operation described above constitutes a static gravimetric system since the mass
is measured before and after the collection in a static manner (with flow diverted away from the
tank and while the tank mass is not changing). The static gravimetric technique is conceptually
simple and the results are easily verified and convincing. Components of uncertainty for a static
gravimetric flow standard include: the weigh scale uncertainties (calibration and resolution), the
uncertainty of the buoyancy correction to the mass measurements, the uncertainty of the timer,
the timing uncertainties related to the diverter, uncertainties due to evaporation or splashing out
of the collection tank or gas content of the liquid, the uncertainty due to storage effects in the
inventory volume, the uncertainty of fluid property measurements, and uncertainties related to
the velocity profile at the meter under test. If volumetric flow is the quantity of interest, the
collected liquid temperature measurement and the uncertainty in the density calculations must be
included. The uncertainty of the volumetric flow measurements made in the NIST water flow
facilities is 0.12 %.
The NIST water flow standard was recently compared with equivalent standards at the national
laboratories of England, Japan, Mexico, and the Netherlands. The results of this comparison
support the NIST specification of uncertainty for the water flow standard.
Pumps Meter under Inventory
test volume
Flow conditioner control
valve T
Collection tank
Supply tank
Figure 6. Schematic diagram of a static gravimetric liquid flow standard. Liquid is diverted into
a collection tank mounted on a weigh scale for a measured time period.
Due to weigh scale and time measurement uncertainty issues, four gravimetric flow systems are
used at NIST to cover the flow range from 8 L/min to 38,000 L/min. Pipe sizes between 2.5 cm
(1 in) and 40 cm (16 in) with ASA 150 lb flanges, Victaulic couplings, National Pipe Threads, or
other common fittings can be accommodated. Pressures at the meter under test can be set within
the range of 100 kPa to 1,100 kPa. The water flow standard does not have heat exchangers for
temperature control. Hence temperatures are nominally 296 K, but during continuous operation,
the water temperature rises as high as 310 K due to work from the pumps. Typical meters tested
in this facility are orifice plates, venturi tubes, turbine meters, nozzles, ultrasonic flow meters,
and electromagnetic flow meters. The water flow standard is presently undergoing an upgrade to
improve its level of automation and other operational aspects.
NIST uses a dynamic gravimetric flow standard to deliver calibrations of flow meters for
hydrocarbon liquids. In the flow standard, the start and stop times are acquired when the mass
indicates certain lower and upper values as the tank is being filled, not when the diversion begins
and ends. Referring to the schematic in Figure 7, flow is pumped from a supply tank, through
flow conditioners, the meter under test, flow control valves, and finally into a collection tank.
Initially, the collection tank drain is left open so that flow returns to the supply tank from which
the pump draws liquid. The collection tank is supported by one side of a beam balance and is not
connected to the piping at the tank inlet or drain. To initiate a flow measurement, a certain lower
mass value is placed on the opposite side of the balance from the tank and the drain valve is
closed. When the mass of the tank and collected liquid causes the beam balance to tip, a start
trigger signal generated by an electrical contact on the balance initiates timing. While the tank is
filling, a certain upper mass value is placed on the opposite side of the beam balance. When the
tank and contents attain the upper mass value and tip the weigh scale, a second trigger signal
stops the timing.
start / stop
Collection tank
Known mass
valve Heat exchanger / flow Flow
conditioner control
Figure 7. Schematic diagram of a dynamic gravimetric flow standard for liquid flow which uses
a beam balance.
Uncertainty components related to the beam ratio and the action of the beam on the knife-edge
must be considered in this system. Also at issue in the uncertainty of the dynamic gravimetric
standard are: 1) differences in the impact force of the falling liquid between the start and stop
conditions, 2) extra liquid in the collection due to the rising level relative to the falling column,
3) the effects of waves in the collection tank, and 4) changes in the actuation time of the balance
due to differences in mass between the start and stop conditions.10 An analysis of the NIST
hydrocarbon flow standard gives a volumetric flow uncertainty of 0.12%.
The hydrocarbon flow standard uses two collection tanks to cover the flow range of
3.5x10 -2 L/min to 1500 L/min. The flow standard uses a hydrocarbon liquid known as MIL-C-
7024C or Stoddard solvent as a surrogate liquid due to the similarity of its density and viscosity
to JP-4 and JP-5 jet fuels. Typical meter types calibrated in this facility are turbine meters,
nozzles, positive displacement meters, and coriolis meters. Pipe sizes from 1.25 cm (0.5 in) to
7.6 cm (3 in) with A/N fittings, ASA 150 lb flanges, National Pipe Threads and other common
fittings can be accommodated. Pressures at the test section are maintained at approximately
110 kPa to prevent cavitation at the meter under test. The hydrocarbon temperature is normally
maintained at approximately 296 K, but heat exchangers allow testing at temperatures about 5 K
above or below room temperature.
The NIST Fluid Flow Group maintains standards for the measurement of gas, water, and
hydrocarbon liquid flows. These flow standards are used to conduct comparisons with other
national metrology institutes and to disseminate flow traceability and proficiency4 to laboratories
within the United States. The methods of operations of these flow standards have been described
as well as information pertinent to customers of these facilities, such as pipe sizes, flow ranges
and measurement uncertainties. Other calibration services offered within the Fluid Flow Group
have not been discussed herein, such as air speed, density, and volume and more information on
these calibrations can be found in the references.1
Marshall, J. L., editor, NIST Calibration Services Users Guide, NIST Special Publication 250,
January 1998, http://ts.nist.gov/ts/htdocs/230/233/calibration/index1.html.
International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology, 2nd edition, International
Organization for Standardization, 1993.
Wright, J. D., Validating Uncertainty Analyses for Gas Flow Standards Via Intra- and Inter-
Laboratory Comparisons, NCSL Conference Proceedings, Charlotte, NC, 1999.
Mattingly, G. E., Flow Metrology: Standards, Calibrations, and Traceabilities, in Flow
Measurement, Spitzer, D. W., editor, Instrument Society of America, Research Triangle Park,
NC, pp. 575-587.
Wright, J. D. and NIST Calibration Services for Gas Flow Meters: Piston Prover and Bell
Prover Gas Flow Facilities, NIST Special Publication 250-49, August 1998.
Caron, R. W., Kegel, T. M., and Britton, C. L., A Measurement Assurance Program (MAP)
Using Critical Flow Venturis, 4th International Symposium of Fluid Flow Measurement,
Denver, Colorado, June, 1999.
Wright, J. D., Flowmeter Calibration Facility for Heated Gas Mixtures, NCSL Conference
Proceedings, Atlanta, GA, 1997.
Measurement of Liquid Flow in Closed Conduits- Method by Collection of the Liquid in a
Volumetric Tank, ISO 8316 : 1987 (E), International Organization for Standardization.
Measurement of Liquid Flow in Closed Conduits by Weighing Method, ASME/ANSI MFC-
9M-1988, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York.
Shafer, M. R. and Ruegg, F. W., Liquid Flowmeter Calibration Techniques, Transactions
ASME, October, 1958, pp. 1369 – 1379.