Manek Chowk: Image of The Place
Manek Chowk: Image of The Place
Manek Chowk: Image of The Place
As the Chowk is an important commercial centre, On an average, one person per second enters or
public space is appropriated for maximum exits the chowk
commercial and vehicular usage; during peak business hours. One third of the visitors
are women, and the
currently, human comfort is given secondary percentage of children and old people are very low,
importance. There are very few formal seating 6% and 13% respectively.
opportunities for the public in the present context.
People tend to use limited secondary seating options Cyclists, hand carts, vendors and pedestrians
to rest. Due to the intensity of commercial activities, negotiate the square dodging
the opportunity for pedestrians to rest along shop
fronts and under shaded parasols is limited. the vehicles. It is most busy during the peak hours
in the evening time; 6-7pm.
Traditionally, buildings in the Walled City have
doorway seating spaces called 'otlas', which are 3600 pedestrians are recorded to enter Manek
either one or more raised steps at shop or building Chowk during this peak hour.
entrances. These are used as informal seating
spaces, often shared between neighbouring homes/ 10% of the visitors come on bicycles.
shops. However, in Manek Chowk the availability of
these spaces is limited and claimed by commercial
activities. SECURITY
People prefer to have interesting sight lines and
vistas while in the public spaces.
While Manek Chowk is a historic precinct with Even though traffic movement is one-way, due to
monuments of rich architectural heritage, the lack of segregation between traffic, extension of
presence of the monuments is not felt due to lack of shops on to walkways, parking and presence of
clear views. hawkers, the walkability of the place is reduced.
It is observed that in the present context the views Pedestrians are forced to negotiate with moving
of the Chowk are highly cluttered and does not traffic and are vulnerable to accidents.
reflect the heritage values of the place.
Manek Chowk is a lively urban space, with several
activities and a constant thoroughfare of people
SCALE providing a feeling of natural surveillance and safety.