Badin Water Resources
Badin Water Resources
Badin Water Resources
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Advance Research Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Discoveries I Vol. 29.0 I Issue – I ISSN NO : 2456-1045
Generally considering that after the great Industrial Guideline/standard values for Pakistan
Revolution, several water bodies around the industries or even far
Property/ WHO
away got many-more chemicals than several years ago. This S/N Unit HDL* MPL**
parameter standard
number of chemicals increases as a result of rapid growth of
population, increased urbanization, increasing of industrial 7.0 - 6.5 -
1. pH --- 6.5 - 9.2
8.5 9.2
activities, changes in agricultural activities, exploitation of natural
resources, extension of irrigation and lack of environmental 2.
1000.00 1200.00 1200.00
regulations [1]. These chemicals are very dangerous enough conductance
because they include heavy metals, ammonia, different types of 3. Total solids mg/L 1000.00 1500.00 1000.00
chloride, and phosphorus generating from either several industrial Total dissolved
or agriculture activities (fertilizers, and pesticides), also can be 4. mg/L 1000.00 1500.00 995.00
different a variety of sources such as trash and roads and brought
Total suspended
chemicals into water bodies (rivers and lakes) by rainwater while 5.
mg/L 05.00 05.00 05.00
washes over towns and farms.
Total hardness
6. mg/L 200.00 500.00 500.00
as CaCO3
Obviously heavy metals and other pollutants change the
both physical and chemical properties of water, which makes Calcium
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Advance Research Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Discoveries I Vol. 29.0 I Issue – I ISSN NO : 2456-1045
Figure 1 Study area: Badin City, Sindh Province, Pakistan Reference: [31]
3.1 Sampling
Survey of study area was carried out around the areas of Badin city to identify the source of drinking water Samples of water were
collected from randomly selected the 10 sites from Badin city, namely Canal Water (Jamali Village), Hand Pump (Jamali Village), WSS
Pond By Pass, Hand Pump (Laghari Village), Tap Water (Chandia Nangar), WSS Pond (Ward No-04), Filter Plant (Bilawal Park), Civil
Hospital Badin, Iqra School Badin, Akram Canal etc from different sources of drinking water in pre-sterilized, very clear, clean and dry
polyethylene bottles, they first were washed with taken sample water twice before the collection of samples. All reagents used there were
of analytical grade and the double distilled water was used to wash the glass ware before use. Washed vessels for water samples were used
and filled in such a way that no air bubbles were left behind in the bottles and placed in air tight bags for further various quality parameters
analysis. Features like color, odor were noticed at the time of sampling at the site, furthermore, EC, temperature, pH of water samples
were also analyzed at the site while the remaining characters were studied in lab. GPS was used to get latitude and longitude for sample
The Different physico-chemical parameters of water samples i.e. TDS, EC, color, temperature, odor, and pH of water samples were
analyzed during sampling and further analyses was conducted in the lab ―Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources, Pakistan‖.
Highest pH was found in the sample from WSS Pond By Pass area pH: 8 and lowest pH: 6.8 was found in the water sample from the Hand
Pump (Laghari Village) while TDS of that area was found 1315 (mg/l) shown in fig 2 and EC also higher 2630 μS/cm. Different site
samples showing different results while water sample from the Hand Pump (Laghari Village) and Hand Pump (Jamali Village) have been
found contaminated above standard water quality. Further results are given below in the fig: 2, 3 and in the table 2.
Hardness, chloride, nitrate, Bicarbonate, Sulfate and heavy metals such as Fluoride, Arsenic, were determined in the laboratory of Pakistan
Council for Research in Water Resources, Pakistan. Hand Pump (Laghari Village) and Hand Pump (Jamali Village) have been found at
risk. Arsenic is dangerous elements in the water but in this study, arsenic has been found nil and Fluoride is also in under range. Further
results are given below in the table 3 and 4.
The essential metal ions (Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Sodium) were determined in the laboratory of Pakistan Council for
Research in Water Resources, Pakistan. Results show that ions are exceeding limits in some of water samples specially water samples
collected from Hand Pump (Laghari Village) and Hand Pump (Jamali Village). Further results are given below in the table 3.
Peer Reviewed , Open Access and Indexed Academic Journal ( Page I 40
Advance Research Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Discoveries I Vol. 29.0 I Issue – I ISSN NO : 2456-1045
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1.1 pH of water samples:
The results of survey and analysis of water samples
pH in water is very important, if crossing the standard
collected from ten different areas of Badin are presented in
values bring health threads. According to the physical parameter
graphical form also in tabulation form to show the status of
analysis, water samples collected from all ten sites having pH
water quality which is being consumed by communities for the
below the values of WHO water quality standard. Here is pH of
drinking purpose and domestic use compared to National level
all water samples are below 8.5 standard value fig: 2 and table 2.
and WHO standards because if exceeds the limits can lead to
water related diseases. So, the present investigation was
conducted to determine the physico-chemical parameters to
bring awareness in communities belong to the city and to
represent the results to higher authority and policy makers to
take steps for providing safe drinking water. All the
physiochemical characteristics of different water samples from
Hand Pump (Laghari Village) and Hand Pump (Jamali Village)
are in variation and water is contaminated with different
contaminant shown in Table 2. Luckily, arsenic is nil in the city
drinking water. Furthermore, fluoride is also under WHO
standard that also bring high risk to human health. Highest pH
was found in the sample from WSS Pond By Pass area pH: 8
and lowest pH: 6.8 was found in the water sample from the
Hand Pump (Laghari Village) while TDS of that area was found
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Advance Research Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Discoveries I Vol. 29.0 I Issue – I ISSN NO : 2456-1045
Table 2 Chemical parameters
Study describes that water of the city is somehow polluted with different chemicals, study results show that water is contaminated above
WHO standard level. Result from the laboratory is shown in the table 3 and fig 4.
4.2.2 Heavy Metals
Arsenic and fluoride have been documented as dangerous to human health, especially cancer related diseases. According to results from the
study fluoride is present in all water samples below the who standard level while arsenic is nil in all water samples of ten sites as shown in
table 4.
Peer Reviewed , Open Access and Indexed Academic Journal ( Page I 42
Advance Research Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Discoveries I Vol. 29.0 I Issue – I ISSN NO : 2456-1045
V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION [14]. UNESCO (2002). Water quality indicator values in selected
The study was conducted in order to assess the countries. Available online at:
physiochemical properties of water samples collected from various
sites in Badin city, Sindh province, Pakistan. From the results of [15]. T. Ahmad, P. P. Khanna, G. J. Chakrapani and S.
physiochemical analysis of water samples from the selected sites, Balakrishnan, Geochemical characteristics of water and
it can be concluded that the water of studied areas is not suitable sediment of the Indus river, Trans-Himalaya, India: constraints
on weathering and erosion. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. Vol.
specially water samples from Hand Pump (Laghari Village) and
16, pp. 333-346 April–June 1998.
Hand Pump (Jamali Village) show that water is contaminated
above WHO standard level as the values of all parameters are not [16]. A. S. Qureshi, P. G. McCornick, M. Qadir and Z. Aslam,
Managing salinity and water logging in the Indus Basin of
within the permissible range as we can see from the table 2, 3 and
Pakistan. Agricultural Water Management. Vol. 95, pp. 1-10,
4, highest of TDS from the Hand Pump (Laghari Village) is 1315 January 2008.
(mg/l) as exceeding standard value as shown in fig 2 and EC also
higher 2630 μS/cm. Other Chemicals, metlic ions are also [17]. S. K. Jain, P. K. Agarwal and V. P. Singh, Indus Basin. Water
Science and Technology Library Vol. 57, pp. 473-511, 2007.
exceeding the WHO standard level. Water samples from those
sources are not well protected and are thus polluted by several [18]. WWF. Pakistan's waters at risk, Water and health related issues
means. in Pakistan and key recommendations (2007), pp. 1–33 A special
report, WWF — Pakistan, Ferozepur Road, Lahore— 54600,
Previous studies and recent studies results show Pakistan.
variations in water quality. It is suggested to develop an alternative
[19]. PAK-EPA. State of Environment Report 2005. Pakistan
plans like as rain harvesting and micro filtration treatment for Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) Ministry of
improvement of water quality hence need to work out detail plan
[11]. M. Kosek, C. Bern, and R. L. Guerrant, ―The global burden of [31]. Apna Hyderabad, 2018, available online at:
diarrhoeal disease, as estimated fromstudies published between
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Environ. Int. 37:479-497. *****
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Advance Research Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Discoveries I Vol. 29.0 I Issue – I ISSN NO : 2456-1045
Table 4 Water Quality Monitoring of Badin City Water Supply Schemes and Hand Pumps
1 831 418 7.9 68 88 7 215 56 18 100 135 108 3.5 Nil 0.38 225 327
2 1355 677 7.5 0.37 145 17 340 68 40 195 248 104 6.5 Nil 1.04 2 12
WSS Pond
3 856 429 8 5 100 7 200 48 19 110 133 100 7 Nil 0.69 50 110
By Pass
4 2630 1315 6.8 0.02 229 12 800 152 102 465 355 318 2.2 Nil 1.09 2 9
Tap Water
5 (Chandia 935 468 7.5 9.88 107 8 225 52 23 100 156 132 2.8 Nil 0.67 213 289
WSS Pond
6 (Ward No- 954 477 7.9 8.16 113 8 220 52 22 110 156 120 6.1 Nil 0.37 45 73
7 965 483 7.6 1.37 110 7 230 52 24 110 156 141 2 Nil 0.77 20 88
8 Hospital 857 429 7.6 12 97 7 210 48 22 115 133 112 2.5 Nil 0.47 231 311
9 School 883 442 7.7 1.53 102 7 210 48 22 115 134 126 2 Nil 0.87 5 28
10 839 421 7.6 16.18 95 7 200 48 19 115 133 108 1.2 Nil 0.6 249 336
WHO 1000
500 6.5- 5 200 12 500 NGV 150 NGV 250 250 10 10 1.5 0/100 0/100
Permissible μS/c
(mg/l) 8.5 NTU (mg/l) EU (mg/l) S (mg/l) S (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (ppb) (mg/l) ml ml
Limits m
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