M318C Series Spec Sheet

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M318C ®

Wheel Excavator

Engine Model Cat® 3056E ATAAC
Net Power 113 kW 151 hp
Operating Weight 17 800 kg (39,242 lb)
to 19 700 kg (43,431 lb)
Maximum Travel Speed 34 km/h 21 mph
M318C Wheel Excavator
The C Series incorporates innovations for improved performance and versatility.

Engine Hydraulics Operator Station

✔ The new Cat 3056E DIT ATAAC ✔ The hydraulic system, featuring a ✔ The new operator station design
electronically controlled engine provides separate swing pump and load-sensing maximizes operator comfort and
increased horsepower. Performance, system, provides maximum power and visibility. Standard features such as
reliability, durability, excellent fuel exceptional controllability. The new ergonomic joysticks, soft switch panel
economy, and low sound levels help adjustable hydraulic sensitivity allows and new monitor are some of the
maximize working efficiency. The engine adjustment of attachments to find the features that help allow the operator
is U.S. EPA Tier 2 emission certified. best setup for any application. pg. 5 to work comfortably and efficiently
pg. 4 throughout the work day. pg. 6

Buckets and Work Tools Serviceability

Buckets, grapples, hammers, and ✔ All daily maintenance points are
quick couplers provide a total solution accessible from ground level.
package to the end-user. Built for A centralized greasing system allows
performance and durability these tools lubrication of critical points. pg. 12
deliver high productivity, long service
life and excellent value. pg. 11

Increased lifting capacity, improved cycle

times and ease of operation lead to increased
productivity and lower operating costs.

Ease of Operation Undercarriage Booms and Sticks
✔ The new Joystick Steering allows the Pin-On design of outriggers and dozer ✔ The box section design of all front end
operator both to work with implements blade allows for interchangeability. structures provides the strength needed
and maneuver the machine without Heavy-duty cylinder protection and for even the toughest applications.
using the steering wheel. This provides box section design provide excellent Multiple boom and stick options allow
significant improvement in operator durability. pg. 9 you to pick the best match for your job.
comfort and productivity. pg. 8 pg. 10

Environmentally Responsible Design Complete Customer Support

✔ Helping to protect our environment, Your Cat dealer offers a wide range
the engine has low operator and of services that can be set up under a
spectator sound levels, longer filter customer support agreement when you
change intervals and is more fuel purchase your equipment. The dealer
efficient. pg. 14 will help you choose a plan that can
cover everything from machine and
attachment selection to replacement.
pg. 15

✔ New Feature

Built for power, reliability, low maintenance, excellent fuel economy and low emissions.

Engine Oil. Caterpillar® engine oil is

formulated to optimize engine life and
performance and is recommended for
use in Cat diesel engines. The engine oil
change interval has been increased to
500 hours.
Low Sound, Low Vibration. The 3056E
design improves operator comfort by
reducing sound and vibration.
• Operator sound level, LPA, 72 db(A)
• Spectator sound level, LWA,
102 db(A)
Fuel Injection Pump. The new injection
pump is electronically controlled and
helps to reduce fuel consumption.
Service. The engine is longitudinally
mounted on the right side to provide
easy access from ground level to the
oil filter, oil filler, oil drain valve, fuel
Powerful Performance. The 3056E DIT Cooling System. Features an filter, V-belt tightener, and oil dipstick.
ATAAC engine delivers a net power of electronically controlled variable speed
113 kW (151 hp) at the rated speed of on-demand fan. Driven by a hydraulic
2000 rpm, and meets U.S. EPA Tier 2 motor, fan speed is determined by
emission standards. engine coolant, transmission oil,
hydraulic oil and inlet manifold
Turbocharged and Air-to-Air
temperature. Cooler operating conditions
Aftercooled. The turbocharger packs
allow lower average fan speeds resulting
dense air into the cylinders for more
in reduced fuel consumption and lower
complete combustion, lower emissions
noise levels. The electronic engine
with improved engine performance and
control continuously compensates for
efficiency. The air-to-air aftercooler
this fan load, providing consistent net
reduces smoke and emissions by
horsepower, regardless of operating
providing cooler inlet air for efficient

Fast cycle times, increased lift capacity and high bucket and stick forces combine
to maximize your productivity in any job.

Hydraulic Pumps. The closed center

hydraulic system provides peak flow
and pressure at any engine speed, for
optimum digging force with precise
implement controllability. In addition
to the main hydraulic pump, a dedicated
hydraulic pumps for swing, cooling fan
motor and pilot systems ensure best in
class performance.
Proportional Auxiliary Hydraulics.
Versatility of the hydraulic system can
be expanded to utilize a wide variety
of hydraulic work tools using multiple
valve options.
High Pressure Auxiliary Circuit
• The Multi-function Valve is the
core of the Tool Control System.
This system allows an operator to
select up to five pre-programmed
work tools from the monitor. These
preset hydraulic parameters support
either one-way flow or two-way flow.
• The dedicated Hammer Function
Valve is the best option for machines
that will only require single direction
flow and do not require the flexibility
provided by the Multi-function Valve.
Medium Pressure Function Valve
• The Medium Pressure Function Valve Hydraulic Cylinder Snubbers. Caterpillar Hydraulic Oil. Maximum
provides proportional flow that is ideal The hydraulic cylinder snubbers at rod protection in all hydraulic systems
for tilting buckets or rotating tools. end of boom cylinders, both ends of against mechanical wear and corrosion.
stick cylinders and bucket cylinder rod Its high zinc content reduces wear,
Stick Regeneration Circuit. The stick
end cushion shocks, reduce sound and and extends pump life. Provided certain
regeneration circuit increases efficiency SM
increase cylinder life. requirements are met (e.g. S•O•S
and controllability for higher analysis every 500 hours), the hydraulic
productivity and lower operating costs. Caterpillar XT-6™ ES Hoses. To meet
oil change interval is extended from
the critical flexibility and strength
2,000 hours to 4,000 hours.
demands of wheel excavator applications,
XT-6 ES hoses are installed in the high
pressure hydraulic system.

Operator Station
The interior layout maximizes operator space, provides exceptional comfort and reduces
operator fatigue.

Interior Operator Station. The operator Cab Mounts. The cab shell is attached to
station is quiet with conveniently placed the frame with viscous mounts, reducing
controls, low lever and pedal effort, vibration and sound.
ergonomic seat design and highly
Viewing Area. There is excellent viewing
effective ventilation.
area through wide windows surrounding
Seat. A new seat with a two-tone color the operator. The lower of the two-piece
design offers adjustable back rest, window can be opened separately for
lumbar support, seat cushion length better air ventilation or be slid into the
and angle. The optional comfort seat upper window to completely open the
with air suspension and seat heating front bay. Both front window options
Control Convenience. Each control is
automatically adjusts to the are equipped with a multi-position
placed within easy reach of the operator.
operator’s weight. sunscreen. An optional one-piece
Joysticks control the implement functions,
window is available.
steer the machine while in first gear
and activate the adjustable hydraulic
sensitivity. The soft switch panel controls
the oscillating axle, power control
settings, parking brake, automatic
engine speed control, and other
hydraulic functions.

Skylight. A unique large polycarbonate

skylight provides excellent upward
Wipers. The parallel wiper system
is designed to maximize visibility.
Large Storage Compartment. A large
storage space behind the seat with
Consoles. Designed for simplicity and
optional cover, provides sufficient
functionality. The left side console is
room for a lunch box.
tiltable for excellent access to the cab.
Dozer blade and/or outrigger controls Easy Access. Conveniently located grab
Foot Pedals. Two-way pedals for travel
as well as the radio-off switch are irons and large steps mounted to the
and auxiliary circuits give more floor
located on the left console. undercarriage, together with a tiltable
space and reduce the need to change
steering column and tiltable left side
Automatic Climate Control. positions. The foot pedal for auxiliary
console, provide easy access to the cab.
Fully automatic climate control high-pressure circuit can now be locked
adjusts temperature and air flow. in the off position and is used as a
footrest for greater operator comfort.

Ease of Operation
Designed for simple, easy operation, the M318C allows the operator to focus on production.

Joystick Steering. Enables an operator

to reposition the machine in the first
gear while simultaneously working with
the implements, keeping both hands
on the joysticks. The operator is more
productive using this feature.
Power Control Settings. Three modes
allow the operator to choose the optimum
engine and hydraulic power setting.
• Economy mode provides the best
fuel efficiency allowing lower
owning and operating costs.
• Power mode is used for normal
machine operation providing peak
performance under any operating
• Travel mode automatically engages
when the travel pedal is depressed.
This mode provides maximum speed
and drawbar pull when repositioning
or moving the machine to a new
work location.
Adjustable Hydraulic Sensitivity.
This hydraulic modulation control allows
an operator to adjust the sensitivity
of the machine according to the job
requirements. Four levels of sensitivity
can be selected on the soft touch panel to
Monitor. The new, compact monitor the right of the operator. Lower settings
enhances viewing while displaying a provide finite control, without sacrificing
variety of language-based information full hydraulic power. This feature can
that is easy to read and understand. be quickly activated/de-activated using
a trigger on the right joystick.
– Pre-start system alerts the operator to
low coolant and hydraulic oil levels
prior to starting.
– Filter and oil change warnings are
displayed when the number of hours
reaches the maintenance interval.
– Tool select function allows the
operator to select a pre-defined
hydraulic work tool.
– Adjustable braking characteristics
enables an operator to select three levels
of travel motor retarder aggressiveness
when releasing the travel pedal.
– 23 different languages are available
on the M318C.

Undercarriage and axle design provides maximum strength, flexibility and mobility on wheels.

Advanced Disc Brake System. The new

disc brake system works directly on the
hub instead of the drive shaft to avoid
planetary gear backlash. This eliminates
the rocking effect associated with
working free on wheels. The new axle
is designed for low maintenance and the
New Drive Line Concept. The new oil change intervals have been increased
travel motor and transmission control from 1,000 to 2,000 hours further
in the drive line provide comfortable reducing owning and operating costs.
travel due to increased smoothness,
Undercarriage Design. A rigid, welded
improved hydraulic retarding and
frame provides excellent durability.
improved gear shifting.
Efficient hydraulic lines routing,
Travel Motor. The advanced travel transmission protection and heavy duty
motor gives higher hydraulic retarding axles make the undercarriage perfect Dozer Blade. The pin-on design
forces especially in downhill roading for wheel excavator applications. allows the dozer blade to be mounted
by continuously using the optimal Both outriggers and dozer blade are on the front and/or rear and is used
displacement of the travel motor for pin-on for maximum flexibility. for leveling, clean-up work and for
retarding. Braking characteristics can An optional work tool restraint bar stabilizing the machine during digging
be adjusted to the operator’s preferred is available. applications. The large dozer bottom
level of retarding in three steps. and parallel design provide minimized
ground pressure.
Transmission Control. Provides more
useable speed, for faster uphill travel Tool Box. A large sealed and lockable
and downhill retarding. tool box is mounted on the undercarriage
between the steps on the machine’s left
Heavy Duty Axles. The front axle offers
side. A second optional tool box is
wide oscillating and steering angles.
available for the right side.
The transmission is mounted directly
on the rear axle for protection and
Outriggers. The pin-on design allows the
optimum ground clearance.
outriggers to be mounted on the front
and/or rear for maximum operating
stability when digging or lifting and
are individually controlled for leveling
on slopes.

Booms and Sticks
Designed for maximum flexibility to keep production high on all jobs.

Variable Adjustable (VA) Boom.

The variable adjustable boom
(5.26 m/17 ft 3 in) offers improved
right side visibility and machine roading
balance. When working in tight quarters
or lifting heavy loads, the VA boom
offers the best flexibility. Hammer use
is permitted.

Industrial Stick

Sticks. Four different stick lengths are

offered to match different application
• Short stick (2.2 m/7 ft 3 in) for
maximum breakout force and
lifting capability.
• Medium stick (2.5 m/8 ft 2 in) for
greater crowd force and lift capacity.
• Long stick (2.8 m/9 ft 2 in) for
Design. Booms and sticks are welded, One-Piece Boom. The one-piece boom greater depth and reach requirements.
box section structures with thick, (5.35 m/17 ft 7 in) fits best for all
• Industrial stick (3.3 m/10 ft 10 in)
multi-plate fabrications in high stress standard applications such as truck
for use with free swinging grapples
areas and are built for performance loading and digging. The straight section
in material handling and industrial
and long service life. reduces stress flow and helps increase
the lifetime of the boom.
Flexibility. The choice of two booms
and four sticks provides the right
combination of reach and digging
forces for all applications.

Buckets and Work Tools
A wide variety of buckets and work tools help optimize machine performance.

• Pin Grabber Plus Quick Couplers Tool Control. The integrated Tool
multiply the versatility and utility Control system allows for five pre-set
by allowing them to pick up and combinations, eliminating the need to
use virtually any work tool equipped re-set the hydraulic parameters each
with standard pins. Both manual time a tool is changed. Individual flow
and hydraulic actuated versions are and pressure can be programmed easily
available. The hydraulic circuit is as well as one-way/two-way hydraulic
available as a retrofit kit dedicated to functions. Each of the five programmed
this coupler. Buckets can be reversed tools can even be given a specific name
for greater flexibility when working via the monitor.
around and under obstructions.
Work Tools. A variety of work tools are
• The dedicated Pin-Lock is a hook available from Caterpillar, including
and pin type interface which features buckets, quick couplers, grapples,
a locking mechanism to ensure a hammers and many others to meet
secure fit. Buckets and tools with the your application requirements.
matching interface can be changed
Buckets. Caterpillar offers nine Multi-Processor. The Caterpillar
in about one minute and require
excavating buckets and three ditch Multi-Processors can be equipped
one pin (manually inserted into the
cleaning buckets. with different jaw types depending
coupler) to couple tools into place.
on your need.
The Pin-Lock dedicated coupler pins
Tip Selection. The following tips are
onto the stick, allowing the machine • CC-jaws combi cutter
available for the M318C:
to pick up new and old style
• Long tips • CR-jaws concrete cutter
competitive work tools that have
Pin-Lock style pockets. These tools • PP-jaws primary pulverizer
• Short tips
include buckets, hammers, rippers
• Abrasive tips • PS-jaws secondary pulverizer
and augers.
• Penetration tips • TS-jaws tank shear
• Tilt-Lock couplers have the same
functionality as the Pin-Lock coupler, • S-jaws steel
• Sharp corner tips
but with the added benefit of the
• Wide tips Multi-Grapple. The Multi-Grapple
tilting function. This functionality
with unlimited left and right rotation
precisely positions a work tool based
Available Couplers. There are several is the ideal tool for stripping, sorting,
on the work demands. This is key
hydraulic couplers available for handling and loading.
for backfilling, ditch cleaning,
the M318C.
grading and sloping operations. Orange Peel Grapple. Specifically
• Quick Couplers enable the operator designed for handling scrap and rock
• Dedicated Wedge-Lock couplers
to simply release one work tool in recycling and transfer applications.
are considered the standard when
and pick up another. This makes
talking about dedicated couplers on Clamshell. For applications requiring
the excavator highly versatile to suit
hydraulic excavators. This coupler vertical excavation capability or in
the business and application needs.
design provides excellent durability material transfer needs, a clamshell
in the most demanding applications. provides an ideal solution. The free-
A range of buckets, hammer/ swinging tool increases the working
compactor brackets, grapples and envelop of your excavator.
other tools are available for this
Hammer. With their wide variety of
coupler style.
tools, Cat hammers provide the perfect
match for maximum life, efficiency
and productivity.

Extended service intervals and easy access reduce operating costs.

Air Filter. Caterpillar Radial Seal air

filters eliminate the use of service tools,
reducing maintenance time. The air filter
features a double-element construction
and built-in precleaner for superior
cleaning efficiency. When the air cleaner
plugs, a warning is displayed on the
monitor screen inside the cab.
Capsule Filter. The hydraulic return
filter, a capsule filter, is situated inside
the hydraulic tank. This filter prevents
contaminants from entering the system
when the hydraulic oil is changed.
Engine Inspection. The engine can be
accessed from both ground level and the
upper structure. The longitudinal layout
ensures that all daily inspection items
can be accessed from ground level.
The engine and pump compartment
are separated by a steel wall.
Remote Greasing Block. A greasing
block located in the engine compartment
with two grease points for the swing
bearing and one for the front end
attachment delivers grease to hard
to reach locations. For the lower
undercarriage, two remote blocks give
easy access for greasing to the oscillating
axle and, as an option, the dozer blade.
Easy Access. Gull-wing doors, with Swing-Up AC Condenser. Without using Water Separator. The water separator
pneumatically-assisted lift cylinders, tools, the AC condenser swings up removes water from fuel even when
effortlessly lift up for exceptional access vertically to allow cleaning on both under pressure. For ease of service,
to the engine and all service points. sides as well as clear access to the the water separator is in the engine
An additional toolbox located under the oil cooler. compartment.
step leading to the upper platform offers
clean, dry storage for the operator.
Ground Level Service. The fuel/water
separator, engine oil filter, battery,
radiator fluid level, fuel filter, engine
oil gauge, hydraulic oil level and
air cleaner are all easily accessible
at ground level allowing critical
maintenance to be performed quickly
and efficiently.
Easy to Clean Coolers. Flat fins on all Front Compartment. The right front
coolers reduce clogging and make it service compartment tilts providing
easier to remove debris. ground level access to the batteries,
ATAAC, AC condenser and the air filter.

Fuel Tank Drain. Located at the bottom Anti-Skid “Punched-Star” Plate. Electronic Technician. The electronic
of the upper frame, the fuel tank drain Anti-skid punched-star plate covers the engine and machine controllers provide
with hose connection allows simple, top of the steps and upper structure to detailed diagnostic capability for service
spill free fluid draining. help prevent slipping during maintenance. technicians. The ability to store active
and intermittent indicators simplifies
Hydraulic Tank Drain. Located in the Extended Service Intervals.
problem diagnosis and reduces total
engine compartment, the hydraulic M318C service and maintenance
repair time, resulting in improved
tank drain with hose connection enables intervals have been extended to reduce
machine availability and lower
simple, spill free fluid changes. machine service time, increase machine
operating cost.
availability and reduce operating costs.
Using Scheduled Oil Sampling analysis Caterpillar Product Link System.
(S•O•SSM), hydraulic oil change intervals The Product Link system includes
can be extended from 2,000 hours to a transceiver module (on-board the
4,000 hours. Engine coolant change machine), office application PC software
intervals are 12,000 hours with Cat and a satellite communications network
Extended Life Coolant/Anti-freeze. to track machine hours, location and
warnings. Product Link simplifies
Scheduled Oil Sampling. Caterpillar
maintenance scheduling, fleet
has specially developed (S•O•SSM) Oil
management and product problem
Sampling Analysis to help ensure better
event tracking and diagnosis. (PL-321)
performance, longer life and increased
customer satisfaction. It is a thorough
and reliable early warning system which
detects traces of metals, dirt and other
contaminants in your engine, axle and
hydraulic oil. It can predict potential
trouble early avoiding costly failures.
Your Caterpillar dealer can give you
results and specific recommendations
shortly after receiving your sample.
Handrails and Steps. Large handrails
and steps assist the operator in climbing
on and off the machine.

Environmentally Responsible Design
The M318C helps build a better world and preserve the fragile environment.

More Performance. The M318C is Ozone Protection. To help protect the Fewer Leaks and Spills. Lubricant
designed to provide more performance earth’s ozone layer, the air conditioning fillers and drains are designed to
yet uses less fuel than ever before. unit uses only R-134a refrigerant minimize spills.
This means more work done in a day, which does not contain harmful
Longer Service Intervals. Working close
less fuel consumed and minimal chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s).
with your Caterpillar Dealer can help
impact on the environment.
Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil. extend service intervals for engine
Low Exhaust Emissions. The Cat 3056E The biodegradable hydraulic oil oil, hydraulic oil, axle oil, and coolant
used in the M318C is a low emission (HEES™) is formulated to provide meaning less required fluids. This means
engine designed to meet US EPA excellent high-pressure and high- less disposal, all adding up to lower
non-road Tier 2 emission regulations. temperature characteristics and is operating costs.
fully compatible with the all hydraulic
Quiet Operation. The noise level inside
components. HEES is fully decomposed
the cab and as well the outside spectator
by soil or water microorganisms,
sound are extremely low.
providing a more environmentally-
Automatic Engine Control. Automatic sound alternative to mineral-based oils.
Engine Control (AEC) reduces engine This is available as an option.
rpm if no operation is performed,
maximizing fuel efficiency and reducing
sound levels.

Complete Customer Support
Cat dealer services help you operate longer with lower costs.

Product Support. You will find nearly Purchase. Look past the initial price. Operation. Improving operating
all parts at our dealer parts counter. Consider the financing options available techniques can boost your profits.
Cat dealers utilize a worldwide computer as well as day-to-day operating costs. Your cat dealer has videotapes, literature
network to find in-stock parts to minimize This is also the time to look at dealer and other ideas to help you increase
machine downtime. You can save money services that can be included in the cost productivity, and Caterpillar offers
with Cat remanufactured components. of the machine to yield lower equipment certified operator training classes to
owning and operating costs over the help maximize the return on your
Machine Selection. Make detailed
long run. machine investment.
comparisons of the machines you are
considering before you buy. What are Customer Support Agreements. Maintenance Services. Repair option
job requirements, machine attachments Cat dealers offer a wide variety of programs guarantee the cost of repairs
and operating hours? What production product support agreements, and work up front. Diagnostic programs such as
is needed? Your Cat dealer can provide with customers to develop a plan that S•O•SSM analysis and Coolant Sampling
recommendations. best meets specific needs. These plans and Technical Analysis help avoid
can cover the entire machine, including unscheduled repairs.
attachments, to help protect the
Replacement. Repair, rebuild or replace?
customer’s investment.
Your Cat dealer can help you evaluate
the cost involved so you can make the
right choice.

Engine Cab

Engine Model Cat 3056E ATAAC Cab/FOGS option ISO 10262

Gross Power 119 kW 159 hp
Net Power 113 kW 151 hp
ISO 9249 113 kW 151 hp Hydraulic System
EEC 80/1269 113 kW 151 hp
Tank Capacity 170 L 45 gal
Bore 100 mm 3.94 in
System Capacity 255 L 67 gal
Stroke 127 mm 5 in
Maximum Pressure
Displacement 6L 366 in3
Implements 35 000 kPa 5,076 psi
Cylinders 6
Travel 35 000 kPa 5,076 psi
Maximum Torque at 1,400 rpm 675 N•m 498 lb ft
Maximum Flow 280 L/min 74 gal/min
• Ratings at 2,000 rpm.
Auxiliary System – 3100 kPa 450 psi
• The 3056E ATAAC engine meets U.S. EPA non-road Tier 2 Medium Pressure Max
emission requirements. Auxiliary System – 49 L/min 13 gal/min
• Net power advertised is the power available at the flywheel Medium Pressure Max Flow
when the engine is equipped with fan, air cleaner, muffler Auxiliary System – 32 998 kPa 4,786 psi
and alternator. High Pressure Max
• No engine derating required below 3000 m (9,840 ft). Auxiliary System – 280 L/min 74 gal/min
High Pressure Max Flow

Operating Weight 17 800 kg (39,242 lb)
to 19 700 kg (43,431 lb) Maximum Travel Speed 34 km/h 21 mph
VA Boom 1st Gear, Forward/Reverse 8 km/h 5 mph
Rear dozer only 18 300 kg 40,345 lb 2nd Gear, Forward/Reverse 34 km/h 21 mph
Rear dozer, front outriggers 19 350 kg 42,659 lb Creeper Speed (1st Gear) 3 km/h 1.9 mph
Front and rear outriggers 19 650 kg 43,321 lb Creeper Speed (2nd Gear) 13 km/h 8.1 mph
One-Piece Boom Drawbar Pull 99.2 kN 22,301 lb
Rear dozer only 17 800 kg 39,242 lb Maximum Gradeability 64 %
Rear dozer, front outriggers 18 850 kg 41,557 lb
Front and rear outriggers 19 150 kg 42,218 lb
Dozer Blade 760 kg 1,676 lb Service Refill Capacities
Outriggers 1020 kg 2,250 lb
Counterweight 4000 kg 8,818 lb Fuel Tank Capacity 385 L 102 gal
2.21 m (7’3”) Stick 515 kg 1,135 lb Cooling 39 L 10 gal
2.48 m (8’2”) Stick 530 kg 1,168 lb Engine Crankcase 16 L 4.2 gal
2.78 m (9’2”) Stick 570 kg 1,257 lb Rear Axle Housing 14 L 3.7 gal
3.31 m (10’10”) Industrial Stick 520 kg 1,146 lb (Differential)
Front Steering Axle 10.5 L 2.8 gal
Final Drive 2.5 L 0.7 gal
Swing Mechanism
Powershift Transmission 2.5 L 0.7 gal
Swing Speed 10.5 rpm
Swing Torque 40.1 kN•m 29,576 lb ft
Maximum Flow 80 L/min 21.1 gal/min Tires
Pressure 37 000 kPa 5,366 psi
Standard 10.00-20 dual pneumatic
Optional See Optional Equipment

16 M318C Wheel Excavator specifications

All dimensions are approximate.

➤ 2 ➤

➤ 4 ➤

1 6


➤ 3 ➤

➤ 2540 mm ➤
VA boom One-piece boom 8'4"

mm ft/in mm ft/in
1 Shipping height
2.5 m/8'2" stick cab height 3210 10'6"
2.8 m/9'2" stick 3300 10'10" 3330 10'11"
2 Shipping length
2.5 m/8'2" stick 8850 29' 8960 29'5"
2.8 m/9'2" stick 8820 28'11" 8950 29'4"
3 Support point 375 mm (15")

➤ 2550 mm ➤
120 mm
2.5 m/8'2" stick 3650 12' 3490 11'5" 8'4" 4.7"
➤ 3676 mm ➤

2.8 m/9'2" stick 3510 11'6" 3310 10'10" ➤ 3070 mm ➤
4 Tail swing radius 2500 8'2" 2500 8'2" Roading position

5 Counterweight with 2.5 m/8'2" stick

clearance 1275 4'2" 1275 4'2"
6 Cab height 3170 10'5" 3170 10'5"
3970 mm

Undercarriage with dozer only Undercarriage with 2 sets Undercarriage with 1 set
of outriggers of outriggers and dozer

500 mm 325 mm 500 mm

1'8" 1'1" 1'8"

1075 mm 1150 mm 800 mm 1150 mm 1100 mm

4330 mm ➤ 3'6" ➤ ➤ 3'9" ➤ 2'8" ➤ ➤ 3'9" ➤ ➤ 3'7" ➤
➤ ➤
14'2" 5025 mm ➤ 1075 mm ➤➤ 2600 mm ➤
➤ ➤ 3'6" 8'6"
➤ 5060 mm ➤

M318C Wheel Excavator specifications 17

VA Boom Working Ranges
5.26 m (17'3") Variable adjustable boom, 1405 mm (55") tip radius bucket

Feet Meters

35 Stick Length 2.2 m (7'3") 2.5 m (8'2") 2.8 m (9'2")

1 Maximum 9710 mm 10 000 mm 10 210 mm
30 9
Digging Height (31'10") (32'10") (33'6")
25 2 Maximum 6700 mm 6970 mm 7190 mm
7 Dump Height (22'0") (22'10") (23'7")
20 6 3 Maximum 5750 mm 6060 mm 6360 mm
5 1 Digging Depth (18'10") (19'11") (20'10")
15 2
4 4 Maximum Vertical 3220 mm 3680 mm 3960 mm
10 3
Wall Digging Depth (10'7") (12'1") (13'0")
5 Maximum Depth
5 2.5 m (8'2") 5538 mm 5865 mm 6179 mm
Straight Clean-up (18'2") (19'3") (20'3")
0 0
7 6 Maximum Reach 9160 mm 9470 mm 9760 mm
6 2.2 m
(7'3") (30'1") (31'1") (32'0")
4 2.5 m
(8'2") 7 Maximum Reach 8970 mm 9300 mm 9590 mm
10 3 3
5 2.8 m
at Ground Level (29'5") (30'6") (31'5")
4 Bucket Forces 118 kN 118 kN 118 kN
(ISO 6015) (26,530 lb) (26,530 lb) (26,530 lb)
20 6
Stick Forces 95 kN 85 kN 79 kN
(ISO 6015) (21,375 lb) (19,100 lb) (17,750 lb)

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 Meters

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 Feet

One-piece Boom Working Ranges

5.35 m (17'7") One-piece boom, 1405 mm (55") tip radius bucket

Feet Meters

35 Stick Length 2.2 m (7'3") 2.5 m (8'2") 2.8 m (9'2")

1 Maximum 8760 mm 9010 mm 9170 mm
30 9
Digging Height (28'9") (29'7") (30'1")
25 2 Maximum 5900 mm 6110 mm 6270 mm
7 Dump Height (19'4") (20'1") (20'7")
20 6 3 Maximum 5700 mm 6000 mm 6300 mm
5 Digging Depth (18'8") (19'8") (20'8")
15 1 2
4 4 Maximum Vertical 2880 mm 3340 mm 3620 mm
10 3
Wall Digging Depth (9'5") (10'11") (11'11")
5 Maximum Depth
5 2.5 m (8'2") 5488 mm 5805 mm 6119 mm
Straight Clean-up (18'0") (19'1") (20'1")
0 0
7 6 Maximum Reach 9180 mm 9490 mm 9770 mm
2.2 m
(7'3") (30'1") (31'2") (32'1")
4 2.5 m
(8'2") 7 Maximum Reach 9000 mm 9320 mm 9600 mm
10 3 3 5 2.8 m
at Ground Level (29'6") (30'7") (31'6")
4 Bucket Forces 118 kN 118 kN 118 kN
5 (ISO 6015) (26,530 lb) (26,530 lb) (26,530 lb)
20 6 Stick Forces 95 kN 85 kN 79 kN
(ISO 6015) (21,375 lb) (19,100 lb) (17,750 lb)

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 Meters

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 Feet

18 M318C Wheel Excavator specifications

Work Tools Matching Guide
When choosing between various work tool models that can be installed onto the same machine configuration,
consider work tool application, productivity requirements, and durability.
Refer to work tool specifications for application recommendations and productivity information.

Variable adjustable boom One-piece boom

5260 mm (17'3") 5350 mm (17'7")
2 sets Dozer 2 sets Dozer
Dozer Dozer
of stabilizer and stabilizer of stabilizer and stabilizer
lowered lowered
lowered lowered lowered lowered
Without quick coupler Stick length (mm) 2200 2500 2800 2200 2500 2800 2200 2500 2800 2200 2500 2800 2200 2500 2800 2200 2500 2800
Hammers H115 s, H120C s
MP15 × × × × × ×
MP20 × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
360° rotatable Shears S320
(boom mounted) S325 × × × × × ×
G315B × × × × × ×
G320B × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
Compactors CVP75
400 L (0.5 yd3) × ×
500 L (0.67 yd3) × ×
Orange Peel Grapples
600 L (0.75 yd3) × × × × × ×
(4 tines) 800 L (1.00 yd3) × × × × × ×
600 L (0.75 yd3) × × × × × ×
GSH20B 800 L (1.00 yd3) × × × × × × × ×
1000 L (1.25 yd3) × × × × × × × ×
• Not all work tools are available in all areas. 360° Working Range Maximum Material density 1800 kg/m3 (3,000 lb/yd3)
Over the front only Maximum Material density 1200 kg/m3 (2,000 lb/yd3)
× Not Compatible

Bucket Specifications
Contact your Caterpillar dealer for special bucket requirements.

Pin On Buckets

No. of


Bucket type mm in kg lb m3 yd3

600 24 464 1025 0.35 0.45 3
750 30 493 1089 0.48 0.63 4
900 36 551 1215 0.61 0.80 4
Excavation 990 39 585 1290 0.74 0.97 4
1100 43 616 1360 0.82 1.07 5
1200 47 656 1448 0.91 1.19 5
1400 55 723 1594 1.09 1.43 5
1200 47 690 1523 0.91 1.19 5
Extreme Excavation
1300 51 723 1596 0.99 1.29 5
1800 71 493 1089 0.43 0.56
Ditch Cleaning, tiltable 2000 79 539 1190 0.57 0.75
2311 91 561 1237 0.62 0.81
Ditch Cleaning, rigid 2000 79 669 1477 0.70 0.91
• All bucket recommendations are subject to material density.
• Buckets Specification chart does not list all bucket options, only the buckets available X-factory. For a complete list of buckets and work tools offered
by Caterpillar, please contact your Caterpillar dealer.

M318C Wheel Excavator specifications 19

Lift Capacities with VA boom – 5.26 m (17'3")
Metric Units/all weights are in metric tons
3.0 m 4.5 m 6.0 m 7.5 m
Stick Undercarriage
2.2 m (7'3") configuration
6.0 m Rear dozer up t *5.8 5.0 4.9 3.1
Rear dozer down t *5.8 5.7 *5.3 3.5
Rear stab down t *5.8 *5.8 *5.3 4.2
2 sets stab down t *5.8 *5.8 *5.3 *5.3
Dozer and stab down t *5.8 *5.8 *5.3 5.1
4.5 m Rear dozer up t *8.7 *8.7 *6.7 4.9 4.9 3.2
Rear dozer down t *8.7 *8.7 *6.7 5.5 *5.6 3.6
Rear stab down t *8.7 *8.7 *6.7 6.6 *5.6 4.3
2 sets stab down t *8.7 *8.7 *6.7 *6.7 *5.6 *5.6
Dozer and stab down t *8.7 *8.7 *6.7 *6.7 *5.6 5.1
3.0 m Rear dozer up t *8.8 8.6 7.4 4.7 4.9 3.2 3.3 2.0 *2.8 1.7 8.19 m
Rear dozer down t *8.8 *8.8 *8.1 5.4 *6.2 3.6 *5.0 2.3 *2.8 2.0
Rear stab down t *8.8 *8.8 *8.1 6.4 *6.2 4.3 4.6 2.8 *2.8 2.4
2 sets stab down t *8.8 *8.8 *8.1 *8.1 *6.2 5.8 *5.0 4.1 *2.8 *2.8
Dozer and stab down t *8.8 *8.8 *8.1 7.6 *6.2 5.0 *5.0 3.4 *2.8 *2.8
1.5 m Rear dozer up t *11.4 8.3 7.3 4.7 4.9 3.1 3.2 1.9 2.8 1.6 8.29 m
Rear dozer down t *11.4 *9.6 *9.2 5.3 *6.6 3.5 5.0 2.2 *3.0 1.9
Rear stab down t *11.4 *11.4 *9.2 *6.3 *6.4 4.2 4.5 2.7 *3.0 2.3
2 sets stab down t *11.4 *11.4 *9.2 8.8 *6.6 5.8 *5.3 4.0 *3.0 *3.0
Dozer and stab down t *11.4 *11.4 *9.2 7.5 *6.6 5.0 *5.3 3.3 *3.0 2.9
Rear dozer up t *13.9 8.1 *7.3 4.5 4.7 2.9 3.1 1.9 2.8 1.7 8.07 m

Rear dozer down t *13.9 9.5 *9.4 5.2 *6.8 3.3 4.9 2.1 *3.2 1.9
Rear stab down t *13.9 11.9 *9.4 6.3 6.5 4.0 4.4 2.7 *3.2 2.4
2 sets stab down t *13.9 *13.9 *9.4 *8.9 *6.8 5.8 *5.1 3.9 *3.2 *3.2
Dozer and stab down t *13.9 *13.9 *9.4 7.6 *6.8 4.8 *5.1 3.3 *3.2 2.9
-1.5 m Rear dozer up t 14.5 7.8 7.3 4.3 4.4 2.7 3.1 1.9 7.51 m
Rear dozer down t *15.2 9.2 *9.5 5 *6.9 3.1 *3.8 2.1
Rear stab down t *15.2 11.7 *9.5 6.1 6.4 3.8 *3.8 2.7
2 sets stab down t *15.2 15.2 *9.5 9.2 *6.9 5.6 *3.8 *3.8
Dozer and stab down t *15.2 14.8 *9.5 7.5 *6.9 4.6 *3.8 3.3
-3.0 m Rear dozer up t 14.7 7.8 7.0 4.1 4.3 2.6 3.9 2.3 6.49 m
Rear dozer down t *15.7 9.2 *9.3 4.7 *4.6 3 *3.9 2.7
Rear stab down t *15.7 11.7 *9.3 5.8 *4.6 3.7 *3.9 3.3
2 sets stab down t *15.7 *15.7 *9.3 8.9 *4.6 *4.6 *3.9 *3.9
Dozer and stab down t *15.7 *15.1 *9.3 7.2 *4.6 4.5 *3.9 *3.9

English Units/all weights are in lbs (multiply by 1,000)

10.0 ft 15.0 ft 20.0 ft 25.0 ft
Stick Undercarriage
2.2 m (7'3") configuration
20.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *12.7 11.0 10.8 6.8
Rear dozer down lb *12.7 12.5 *11.6 7.7
Rear stab down lb *12.7 *12.7 *11.6 9.2
2 sets stab down lb *12.7 *12.7 *11.6 *11.6
Dozer and stab down lb *12.7 *12.7 *11.6 11.2
15.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *19.1 *19.1 *14.7 10.8 10.8 7.0
Rear dozer down lb *19.1 *19.1 *14.7 12.1 *12.3 7.9
Rear stab down lb *19.1 *19.1 *14.7 14.5 *12.3 9.4
2 sets stab down lb *19.1 *19.1 *14.7 *14.7 *12.3 *12.3
Dozer and stab down lb *19.1 *19.1 *14.7 *14.7 *12.3 11.2
10.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *19.4 18.9 16.3 10.3 10.8 7.0 7.2 4.4 *6.1 3.7 26'10"
Rear dozer down lb *19.4 *19.4 *17.8 11.9 *13.6 7.9 *11.0 5.0 *6.1 4.4
Rear stab down lb *19.4 *19.4 *17.8 14.1 *13.6 9.4 10.1 6.1 *6.1 5.2
2 sets stab down lb *19.4 *19.4 *17.8 *17.8 *13.6 12.7 *11.0 9.0 *6.1 *6.1
Dozer and stab down lb *19.4 *19.4 *17.8 16.7 *13.6 11.0 *11.0 7.4 *6.1 *6.1
5.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *25.1 18.2 16.0 10.3 10.8 6.8 7.0 4.1 6.1 3.5 27'1"
Load Point Rear dozer down lb *25.1 *21.1 *20.2 11.6 *14.5 7.7 11.0 4.8 *6.6 4.1
Height Rear stab down lb *25.1 *25.1 *20.2 *13.8 *14.1 9.2 9.9 5.9 *6.6 5.0
2 sets stab down lb *25.1 *25.1 *20.2 19.4 *14.5 12.7 *11.6 8.8 *6.6 *6.6
Dozer and stab down lb *25.1 *25.1 *20.2 16.5 *14.5 11.0 *11.6 7.2 *6.6 6.3
Load Radius Rear dozer up lb *30.6 17.8 *16.0 9.9 10.3 6.3 6.8 4.1 6.1 3.7 26'5"
Over Front

Rear dozer down lb *30.6 20.9 *20.7 11.4 *14.9 7.2 10.8 4.6 *7.0 4.1
Rear stab down lb *30.6 26.2 *20.7 13.8 14.3 8.8 9.7 5.9 *7.0 5.2
Load Radius 2 sets stab down lb *30.6 *30.6 *20.7 *19.6 *14.9 12.7 *11.2 8.5 *7.0 *7.0
Over Rear Dozer and stab down lb *30.6 *30.6 *20.7 16.7 *14.9 10.5 *11.2 7.2 *7.0 6.3
-5.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *31.9 17.1 16.0 9.4 9.7 5.9 6.8 4.1 24'7"
Load Radius Rear dozer down lb *33.5 20.2 *20.9 11.0 *15.2 6.8 *8.3 4.6
Rear stab down lb *33.5 25.7 *20.9 13.4 14.1 8.3 *8.3 5.9
Over Side 2 sets stab down lb *33.5 33.5 *20.9 20.2 *15.2 12.3 *8.3 *8.3
Dozer and stab down lb *33.5 32.6 *20.9 16.5 *15.2 10.1 *8.3 7.2
Load at -10.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *32.4 17.1 15.4 9.0 9.4 5.7 8.5 5.0 21'2"
Maximum Reach Rear dozer down lb *34.6 20.2 *20.5 10.3 *10.1 6.6 *8.5 5.9
Rear stab down lb *34.6 25.7 *20.5 12.7 *10.1 8.1 *8.5 7.2
2 sets stab down lb *34.6 *34.6 *20.5 19.6 *10.1 *10.1 *8.5 *8.5
Dozer and stab down lb *34.6 *33.2 *20.5 15.8 *10.1 9.9 *8.5 *8.5
* Indicates that the load is limited
by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping
capacity. Lift capacity ratings are based
on SAE standard JISO 10567. Rated loads
do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting
capacity or 75% of tipping capacity.
• Lifting values are without bucket
or coupler installed.

20 M318C Wheel Excavator specifications

Lift Capacities with VA boom – 5.26 m (17'3")
Metric Units/all weights are in metric tons
3.0 m 4.5 m 6.0 m 7.5 m
Stick Undercarriage
2.5 m (8'2") configuration
6.0 m Rear dozer up t *4.6 2.9
Rear dozer down t *4.6 3.3
Rear stab down t *4.6 4.0
2 sets stab down t *4.6 *4.6
Dozer and stab down t *4.6 *4.6
4.5 m Rear dozer up t *6.1 4.7 4.7 2.9 3.0 1.7
Rear dozer down t *6.1 5.4 *5.1 3.4 *3.2 2.0
Rear stab down t *6.1 *6.1 *5.1 4.0 *3.2 2.6
2 sets stab down t *6.1 *6.1 *5.1 *5.1 *3.2 *3.2
Dozer and stab down t *6.1 *6.1 *5.1 4.8 *3.2 *3.2
3.0 m Rear dozer up t *9.2 8.4 7.2 4.5 4.6 2.9 3.0 1.8 *1.6 1.3 8.81 m
Rear dozer down t *9.2 *9.2 *7.5 5.2 *5.7 3.3 *4.7 2.1 *1.6 1.5
Rear stab down t *9.2 *9.2 *7.5 6.2 *5.7 4.0 4.3 2.6 *1.6 *1.6
2 sets stab down t *9.2 *9.2 *7.5 *7.5 *5.7 5.6 *4.7 3.8 *1.6 *1.6
Dozer and stab down t *9.2 *9.2 *7.5 7.4 *5.7 4.7 *4.7 3.2 *1.6 *1.6
1.5 m Rear dozer up t *11.3 8.2 7.0 4.4 4.6 2.9 3.0 1.7 *1.6 1.2 9.04 m
Rear dozer down t *11.3 9.4 *8.7 5.1 *6.2 3.3 4.8 2.0 *1.6 1.4
Rear stab down t *11.3 *11.3 *8.7 6.1 *6.2 4.0 4.3 2.5 *1.6 *1.6
2 sets stab down t *11.3 *11.3 *8.7 8.6 *6.2 5.5 *4.9 3.8 *1.6 *1.6
Dozer and stab down t *11.3 *11.3 *8.7 7.2 *6.2 4.7 *4.9 3.1 *1.6 *1.6
Rear dozer up t *13.2 8.0 7.1 4.3 4.5 2.7 2.9 1.6 *1.7 1.1 8.98 m

Rear dozer down t *13.2 9.4 *9.0 5.0 *6.4 3.1 4.7 1.9 *1.7 1.4
Rear stab down t *13.2 11.6 *9.0 6.1 6.2 3.8 4.2 2.4 *1.7 *1.7
2 sets stab down t *13.2 *13.2 *9.0 8.6 *6.4 5.6 *4.9 3.7 *1.7 *1.7
Dozer and stab down t *13.2 *13.2 *9.0 7.3 *6.4 4.7 *4.9 3.0 *1.7 *1.7
-1.5 m Rear dozer up t 14.2 7.6 7.0 4.1 4.3 2.5 *1.9 1.2 8.60 m
Rear dozer down t *14.8 9.0 *9.1 4.7 *6.6 2.9 *1.9 1.5
Rear stab down t *14.8 11.5 *9.1 5.9 6.2 3.6 *1.9 1.9
2 sets stab down t *14.8 *14.8 *9.1 8.8 *6.6 5.4 *1.9 *1.9
Dozer and stab down t *14.8 14.5 *9.1 7.3 *6.6 4.4 *1.9 *1.9
-3.0 m Rear dozer up t 14.4 7.6 6.8 3.9 4.1 2.3 *2.3 1.5 7.86 m
Rear dozer down t *15.4 8.9 *9.4 4.6 *5.5 2.7 *2.3 1.7
Rear stab down t *15.4 11.5 *9.4 5.7 *5.5 3.4 *2.3 2.2
2 sets stab down t *15.4 *15.4 *9.4 8.8 *5.5 5.3 *2.3 *2.3
Dozer and stab down t *15.4 14.9 *9.4 7.1 *5.5 4.3 *2.3 *2.3
-4.5 m Rear dozer up t *11.1 7.5
Rear dozer down t *11.1 8.8
Rear stab down t *11.1 *11.1
2 sets stab down t *11.1 *11.1
Dozer and stab down t *11.1 *11.1

3.0 m 4.5 m 6.0 m 7.5 m

Stick Undercarriage
2.8 m (9'2") configuration
6.0 m Rear dozer up t *4.2 3.0
Rear dozer down t *4.2 3.4
Rear stab down t *4.2 4.1
2 sets stab down t *4.2 *4.2
Dozer and stab down t *4.2 *4.2
4.5 m Rear dozer up t *5.1 4.7 4.7 3.0 3.1 1.8
Rear dozer down t *5.1 *5.1 *4.9 3.4 *3.6 2.1
Rear stab down t *5.1 *5.1 *4.9 4.1 *3.6 2.6
2 sets stab down t *5.1 *5.1 *4.9 *4.9 *3.6 *3.6
Dozer and stab down t *5.1 *5.1 *4.9 4.8 *3.6 3.2
3.0 m Rear dozer up t *9.1 8.5 *7.2 4.5 4.6 2.9 3.1 1.8 *1.4 1.2 9.10 m
Rear dozer down t *9.1 *9.1 *7.2 5.2 *5.5 3.3 *4.6 2.1 *1.4 *1.4
Rear stab down t *9.1 *9.1 *7.2 6.2 *5.5 4.0 4.4 2.6 *1.4 *1.4
Load Point 2 sets stab down t *9.1 *9.1 *7.2 *7.2 *5.5 *5.5 *4.6 3.9 *1.4 *1.4
Height Dozer and stab down t *9.1 *9.1 *7.2 *7.2 *5.5 4.8 *4.6 3.2 *1.4 *1.4
1.5 m Rear dozer up t *11.3 8.2 7.0 4.4 4.6 2.9 3.0 1.8 *1.4 1.1 9.33 m
Load Radius Rear dozer down t *11.3 9.4 *8.5 5.1 *6.1 3.3 4.8 2.1 *1.4 1.3
Over Front Rear stab down t *11.3 *11.3 *8.5 6.1 *6.1 4.0 4.3 2.6 *1.4 *1.4
2 sets stab down t *11.3 *11.3 *8.5 *8.5 *6.1 5.5 *4.8 3.8 *1.4 *1.4
Dozer and stab down t *11.3 *11.3 *8.5 7.2 *6.1 4.7 *4.8 3.2 *1.4 *1.4
Load Radius
Rear dozer up t *12.8 8.1 7.0 4.4 4.6 2.8 2.9 1.7 *1.5 1.1 9.27 m
Over Rear

Rear dozer down t *12.8 9.4 *9.0 5.0 *6.4 3.2 4.8 2.0 *1.5 1.3
Rear stab down t *12.8 11.5 *9.0 6.1 6.2 3.9 4.2 2.5 *1.5 *1.5
Load Radius 2 sets stab down t *12.8 *12.8 *9.0 8.6 *6.4 5.6 *4.9 3.7 *1.5 *1.5
Over Side Dozer and stab down t *12.8 *12.8 *9.0 7.2 *6.4 4.7 *4.9 3.1 *1.5 *1.5
-1.5 m Rear dozer up t 14.1 7.6 7.1 4.1 4.3 2.6 2.8 1.6 *1.7 1.1 8.90 m
Load at Rear dozer down t *14.6 9.0 *9.1 4.8 *6.5 3.0 *4.5 1.9 *1.7 1.4
Rear stab down t *14.6 11.5 *9.1 5.9 6.3 3.7 4.1 2.4 *1.7 *1.7
Maximum Reach 2 sets stab down t *14.6 *14.6 *9.1 8.7 *6.5 5.5 *4.5 3.6 *1.7 *1.7
Dozer and stab down t *14.6 14.4 *9.1 7.3 *6.5 4.5 *4.5 3.0 *1.7 *1.7
-3.0 m Rear dozer up t 14.4 7.5 6.9 4.0 4.2 2.4 *2.0 1.4 8.20 m
* Indicates that the load is limited Rear dozer down t *15.2 8.9 *9.5 4.6 *6.0 2.8 *2.0 1.6
by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping Rear stab down t *15.2 11.4 *9.5 5.8 *6.0 3.5 *2.0 *2.0
2 sets stab down t *15.2 *15.2 *9.5 8.9 *6.0 5.3 *2.0 *2.0
capacity. Lift capacity ratings are based Dozer and stab down t *15.2 14.9 *9.5 7.2 *6.0 4.3 *2.0 *2.0
on SAE standard JISO 10567. Rated loads -4.5 m Rear dozer up t *13.0 7.5 *6.4 3.8
do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting Rear dozer down t *13.0 8.8 *6.4 4.4
capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Rear stab down t *13.0 11.4 *6.4 5.5
• Lifting values are without bucket 2 sets stab down t *13.0 *13.0 *6.4 *6.4
or coupler installed. Dozer and stab down t *13.0 *13.0 *6.4 *6.4

M318C Wheel Excavator specifications 21

Lift Capacities with VA boom – 5.26 m (17'3")
English Units/all weights are in lbs (multiply by 1,000)
10.0 ft 15.0 ft 20.0 ft 25.0 ft
Stick Undercarriage
2.5 m (8'2") configuration
20.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *10.1 6.3
Rear dozer down lb *10.1 7.2
Rear stab down lb *10.1 8.8
2 sets stab down lb *10.1 *10.1
Dozer and stab down lb *10.1 *10.1
15.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *13.4 10.3 10.3 6.3 6.6 3.7
Rear dozer down lb *13.4 11.9 *11.2 7.4 *7.0 4.4
Rear stab down lb *13.4 *13.4 *11.2 8.8 *7.0 5.7
2 sets stab down lb *13.4 *13.4 *11.2 *11.2 *7.0 *7.0
Dozer and stab down lb *13.4 *13.4 *11.2 10.5 *7.0 *7.0
10.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *20.2 18.5 15.8 9.9 10.1 6.3 6.6 3.9 *3.5 2.8 28'10"
Rear dozer down lb *20.2 *20.2 *16.5 11.4 *12.5 7.2 *10.3 4.6 *3.5 3.3
Rear stab down lb *20.2 *20.2 *16.5 13.6 *12.5 8.8 9.4 5.7 *3.5 *3.5
2 sets stab down lb *20.2 *20.2 *16.5 *16.5 *12.5 12.3 *10.3 8.3 *3.5 *3.5
Dozer and stab down lb *20.2 *20.2 *16.5 16.3 *12.5 10.3 *10.3 7.0 *3.5 *3.5
5.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *24.9 18.0 15.4 9.7 10.1 6.3 6.6 3.7 *3.5 2.6 29'7"
Rear dozer down lb *24.9 20.7 *19.1 11.2 *13.6 7.2 10.5 4.4 *3.5 3.0
Rear stab down lb *24.9 *24.9 *19.1 13.4 *13.6 8.8 9.4 5.5 *3.5 *3.5
2 sets stab down lb *24.9 *24.9 *19.1 18.9 *13.6 12.1 *10.8 8.3 *3.5 *3.5
Dozer and stab down lb *24.9 *24.9 *19.1 15.8 *13.6 10.3 *10.8 6.8 *3.5 *3.5
Rear dozer up lb *29.1 17.6 15.6 9.4 9.9 5.9 6.3 3.5 *3.7 2.4 29'5"

Rear dozer down lb *29.1 20.7 *19.8 11.0 *14.1 6.8 10.3 4.1 *3.7 3.0
Rear stab down lb *29.1 25.5 *19.8 13.4 13.6 8.3 9.2 5.2 *3.7 *3.7
2 sets stab down lb *29.1 *29.1 *19.8 18.9 *14.1 12.3 *10.8 8.1 *3.7 *3.7
Dozer and stab down lb *29.1 *29.1 *19.8 16.0 *14.1 10.3 *10.8 6.6 *3.7 *3.7
-5.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 31.3 16.7 15.4 9.0 9.4 5.5 *4.1 2.6 28'2"
Rear dozer down lb *32.6 19.8 *20.0 10.3 *14.5 6.3 *4.1 3.3
Rear stab down lb *32.6 25.3 *20.0 13.0 13.6 7.9 *4.1 4.1
2 sets stab down lb *32.6 *32.6 *20.0 19.4 *14.5 11.9 *4.1 *4.1
Dozer and stab down lb *32.6 31.9 *20.0 16.0 *14.5 9.7 *4.1 *4.1
-10.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 31.7 16.7 14.9 8.5 9.0 5.0 *5.0 3.3 25'9"
Rear dozer down lb *33.9 19.6 *20.7 10.1 *12.1 5.9 *5.0 3.7
Rear stab down lb *33.9 25.3 *20.7 12.5 *12.1 7.4 *5.0 4.8
2 sets stab down lb *33.9 *33.9 *20.7 19.4 *12.1 11.6 *5.0 *5.0
Dozer and stab down lb *33.9 32.8 *20.7 15.6 *12.1 9.4 *5.0 *5.0
-15.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *24.4 16.5
Rear dozer down lb *24.4 19.4
Rear stab down lb *24.4 *24.4
2 sets stab down lb *24.4 *24.4
Dozer and stab down lb *24.4 *24.4

10.0 ft 15.0 ft 20.0 ft 25.0 ft

Stick Undercarriage
2.8 m (9'2") configuration
20.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *9.2 6.6
Rear dozer down lb *9.2 7.4
Rear stab down lb *9.2 9.0
2 sets stab down lb *9.2 *9.2
Dozer and stab down lb *9.2 *9.2
15.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *11.2 10.3 10.3 6.6 6.8 3.9
Rear dozer down lb *11.2 *11.2 *10.8 7.4 *7.9 4.6
Rear stab down lb *11.2 *11.2 *10.8 9.0 *7.9 5.7
2 sets stab down lb *11.2 *11.2 *10.8 *10.8 *7.9 *7.9
Dozer and stab down lb *11.2 *11.2 *10.8 10.5 *7.9 7.0
10.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *20.0 18.7 *15.8 9.9 10.1 6.3 6.8 3.9 *3.0 2.6 29'10"
Rear dozer down lb *20.0 *20.0 *15.8 11.4 *12.1 7.2 *10.1 4.6 *3.0 *3.0
Rear stab down lb *20.0 *20.0 *15.8 13.6 *12.1 8.8 9.7 5.7 *3.0 *3.0
Load Point 2 sets stab down lb *20.0 *20.0 *15.8 *15.8 *12.1 *12.1 *10.1 8.5 *3.0 *3.0
Height Dozer and stab down lb *20.0 *20.0 *15.8 *15.8 *12.1 10.5 *10.1 7.0 *3.0 *3.0
5.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *24.9 18.0 15.4 9.7 10.1 6.3 6.6 3.9 *3.0 2.4 30'7"
Load Radius Rear dozer down lb *24.9 20.7 *18.7 11.2 *13.4 7.2 10.5 4.6 *3.0 2.8
Over Front Rear stab down lb *24.9 *24.9 *18.7 13.4 *13.4 8.8 9.4 5.7 *3.0 *3.0
2 sets stab down lb *24.9 *24.9 *18.7 *18.7 *13.4 12.1 *10.5 8.3 *3.0 *3.0
Dozer and stab down lb *24.9 *24.9 *18.7 15.8 *13.4 10.3 *10.5 7.0 *3.0 *3.0
Load Radius
Rear dozer up lb *28.2 17.8 15.4 9.7 10.1 6.1 6.3 3.7 *3.3 2.4 30'4"
Over Rear

Rear dozer down lb *28.2 20.7 *19.8 11.0 *14.1 7.0 10.5 4.4 *3.3 2.8
Rear stab down lb *28.2 25.3 *19.8 13.4 13.6 8.5 9.2 5.5 *3.3 *3.3
Load Radius 2 sets stab down lb *28.2 *28.2 *19.8 18.9 *14.1 12.3 *10.8 8.1 *3.3 *3.3
Over Side Dozer and stab down lb *28.2 *28.2 *19.8 15.8 *14.1 10.3 *10.8 6.8 *3.3 *3.3
-5.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 31.0 16.7 15.6 9.0 9.4 5.7 6.1 3.5 *3.7 2.4 29'2"
Load at Rear dozer down lb *32.1 19.8 *20.0 10.5 *14.3 6.6 *9.9 4.1 *3.7 3.0
Rear stab down lb *32.1 25.3 *20.0 13.0 13.8 8.1 9.0 5.2 *3.7 *3.7
Maximum Reach 2 sets stab down lb *32.1 *32.1 *20.0 19.1 *14.3 12.1 *9.9 7.9 *3.7 *3.7
Dozer and stab down lb *32.1 31.7 *20.0 16.0 *14.3 9.9 *9.9 6.6 *3.7 *3.7
-10.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 31.7 16.5 15.2 8.8 9.2 5.2 *4.4 3.0 26'10"
* Indicates that the load is limited Rear dozer down lb *33.5 19.6 *20.9 10.1 *13.2 6.1 *4.4 3.5
by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping Rear stab down lb *33.5 25.1 *20.9 12.7 *13.2 7.7 *4.4 *4.4
2 sets stab down lb *33.5 *33.5 *20.9 19.6 *13.2 11.6 *4.4 *4.4
capacity. Lift capacity ratings are based Dozer and stab down lb *33.5 32.8 *20.9 15.8 *13.2 9.4 *4.4 *4.4
on SAE standard JISO 10567. Rated loads -15.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *28.6 16.5 *14.1 8.3
do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting Rear dozer down lb *28.6 19.4 *14.1 9.7
capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Rear stab down lb *28.6 25.1 *14.1 12.1
• Lifting values are without bucket 2 sets stab down lb *28.6 *28.6 *14.1 *14.1
or coupler installed. Dozer and stab down lb *28.6 *28.6 *14.1 *14.1

22 M318C Wheel Excavator specifications

Lift Capacities with one-piece boom – 5.35 m (17'7")
Metric Units/all weights are in metric tons
3.0 m 4.5 m 6.0 m 7.5 m
Stick Undercarriage
2.2 m (7'3") configuration
6.0 m Rear dozer up t 4.9 3.1
Rear dozer down t *5.2 3.5
Rear stab down t *5.2 4.2
2 sets stab down t *5.2 *5.2
Dozer and stab down t *5.2 5.1
4.5 m Rear dozer up t *6.5 4.7 4.8 3.0
Rear dozer down t *6.5 5.4 *5.5 3.4
Rear stab down t *6.5 6.5 *5.5 4.1
2 sets stab down t *6.5 *6.5 *5.5 *5.5
Dozer and stab down t *6.5 *6.5 *5.5 5.0
3.0 m Rear dozer up t 7.2 4.3 4.6 2.8 3.2 2.0 2.9 1.7 8.22 m
Rear dozer down t *8.0 5.0 *6.1 3.2 5.0 2.3 *3.0 2.0
Rear stab down t *8.0 6.1 *6.1 3.9 4.5 2.8 *3.0 2.4
2 sets stab down t *8.0 *8.0 *6.1 5.8 *5.1 4.0 *3.0 *3.0
Dozer and stab down t *8.0 7.4 *6.1 4.8 *5.1 3.4 *3.0 3.0
1.5 m Rear dozer up t 6.8 4.0 4.4 2.7 3.2 1.9 2.7 1.7 8.31 m
Rear dozer down t *9.2 4.6 *6.6 3.1 5.0 2.2 *3.2 1.9
Rear stab down t *9.2 5.7 6.3 3.8 4.4 2.7 *3.2 2.3
2 sets stab down t *9.2 8.7 *6.6 5.6 *5.3 4.0 *3.2 *3.2
Dozer and stab down t *9.2 7.0 *6.6 4.6 *5.3 3.3 *3.2 2.9
Rear dozer up t 6.6 3.8 4.3 2.6 3.1 1.9 2.8 1.7 8.09 m

Rear dozer down t *9.4 4.4 *6.8 3.0 4.9 2.2 *3.5 1.9
Rear stab down t *9.4 5.5 6.2 3.6 4.4 2.6 *3.5 2.4
2 sets stab down t *9.4 8.5 *6.8 5.4 *5.2 3.9 *3.5 *3.5
Dozer and stab down t *9.4 6.8 *6.8 4.5 *5.2 3.2 *3.5 2.9
-1.5 m Rear dozer up t 6.5 3.8 4.2 2.5 3.1 1.9 7.53 m
Rear dozer down t *8.8 4.4 *6.5 2.9 *4.1 2.2
Rear stab down t *8.8 5.4 6.1 3.6 *4.1 2.6
2 sets stab down t *8.8 8.4 *6.5 5.4 *4.1 3.9
Dozer and stab down t *8.8 6.8 *6.5 4.4 *4.1 3.2
-3.0 m Rear dozer up t *9.8 7.1 6.6 3.8 4.3 2.6 3.9 2.3 6.53 m
Rear dozer down t *9.8 8.4 *7.3 4.4 *5.1 3.0 *4.4 2.7
Rear stab down t *9.8 *9.8 *7.3 5.5 *5.1 3.7 *4.4 3.3
2 sets stab down t *9.8 *9.8 *7.3 *7.3 *5.1 *5.1 *4.4 *4.4
Dozer and stab down t *9.8 *9.8 *7.3 6.9 *5.1 4.5 *4.4 4.0

English Units/all weights are in lbs (multiply by 1,000)

10.0 ft 15.0 ft 20.0 ft 25.0 ft
Stick Undercarriage
2.2 m (7'3") configuration
20.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 10.8 6.8
Rear dozer down lb *11.4 7.7
Rear stab down lb *11.4 9.2
2 sets stab down lb *11.4 *11.4
Dozer and stab down lb *11.4 11.2
15.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *14.3 10.3 10.5 6.6
Rear dozer down lb *14.3 11.9 *12.1 7.4
Rear stab down lb *14.3 14.3 *12.1 9.0
2 sets stab down lb *14.3 *14.3 *12.1 *12.1
Dozer and stab down lb *14.3 *14.3 *12.1 11.0
10.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 15.8 9.4 10.1 6.1 7.0 4.4 6.3 3.7 26.11"
Rear dozer down lb *17.6 11.0 *13.4 7.0 11.0 5.0 *6.6 4.4
Rear stab down lb *17.6 13.4 *13.4 8.5 9.9 6.1 *6.6 5.2
2 sets stab down lb *17.6 *17.6 *13.4 12.7 *11.2 8.8 *6.6 *6.6
Dozer and stab down lb *17.6 16.3 *13.4 10.5 *11.2 7.4 *6.6 6.6
5.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 14.9 8.8 9.7 5.9 7.0 4.1 5.9 3.7 27'2"
Load Point Rear dozer down lb *20.2 10.1 *14.5 6.8 11.0 4.8 *7.0 4.1
Height Rear stab down lb *20.2 12.5 13.8 8.3 9.7 5.9 *7.0 5.0
2 sets stab down lb *20.2 19.1 *14.5 12.3 *11.6 8.8 *7.0 *7.0
Dozer and stab down lb *20.2 15.4 *14.5 10.1 *11.6 7.2 *7.0 6.3
Load Radius
Rear dozer up lb 14.5 8.3 9.4 5.7 6.8 4.1 6.1 3.7 26'6"
Over Front

Rear dozer down lb *20.7 9.7 *14.9 6.6 10.8 4.8 *7.7 4.1
Rear stab down lb *20.7 12.1 13.6 7.9 9.7 5.7 *7.7 5.2
Load Radius 2 sets stab down lb *20.7 18.7 *14.9 11.9 *11.4 8.5 *7.7 *7.7
Over Rear Dozer and stab down lb *20.7 14.9 *14.9 9.9 *11.4 7.0 *7.7 6.3
-5.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 14.3 8.3 9.2 5.5 6.8 4.1 24'8"
Load Radius Rear dozer down lb *19.4 9.7 *14.3 6.3 *9.0 4.8
Rear stab down lb *19.4 11.9 13.4 7.9 *9.0 5.7
Over Side 2 sets stab down lb *19.4 18.5 *14.3 11.9 *9.0 8.5
Dozer and stab down lb *19.4 14.9 *14.3 9.7 *9.0 7.0
Load at -10.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *21.6 15.6 14.5 8.3 9.4 5.7 8.5 5.0 21'5"
Maximum Reach Rear dozer down lb *21.6 18.5 *16.0 9.7 *11.2 6.6 *9.7 5.9
Rear stab down lb *21.6 *21.6 *16.0 12.1 *11.2 8.1 *9.7 7.2
2 sets stab down lb *21.6 *21.6 *16.0 *16.0 *11.2 *11.2 *9.7 *9.7
Dozer and stab down lb *21.6 *21.6 *16.0 15.2 *11.2 9.9 *9.7 8.8
* Indicates that the load is limited
by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping
capacity. Lift capacity ratings are based
on SAE standard JISO 10567. Rated loads
do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting
capacity or 75% of tipping capacity.
• Lifting values are without bucket
or coupler installed.

M318C Wheel Excavator specifications 23

Lift Capacities with one-piece boom – 5.35 m (17'7")
Metric Units/all weights are in metric tons
3.0 m 4.5 m 6.0 m 7.5 m
Stick Undercarriage
2.5 m (8'2") configuration
6.0 m Rear dozer up t *4.6 2.9
Rear dozer down t *4.6 3.3
Rear stab down t *4.6 4.0
2 sets stab down t *4.6 *4.6
Dozer and stab down t *4.6 *4.6
4.5 m Rear dozer up t 4.6 2.8 3.0 1.8
Rear dozer down t *4.9 3.2 *3.3 2.1
Rear stab down t *4.9 3.9 *3.3 2.6
2 sets stab down t *4.9 *4.9 *3.3 *3.3
Dozer and stab down t *4.9 4.7 *3.3 3.2
3.0 m Rear dozer up t 7.0 4.2 4.4 2.6 3.0 1.7 *1.7 1.3 8.83 m
Rear dozer down t *7.4 4.8 *5.6 3.0 *4.7 2.0 *1.7 1.5
Rear stab down t *7.4 5.9 *5.6 3.7 4.3 2.5 *1.7 *1.7
2 sets stab down t *7.4 *7.4 *5.6 5.5 *4.7 3.8 *1.7 *1.7
Dozer and stab down t *7.4 7.3 *5.6 4.6 *4.7 3.1 *1.7 *1.7
1.5 m Rear dozer up t 6.6 3.7 4.2 2.4 2.9 1.6 *1.8 1.2 9.06 m
Rear dozer down t *8.7 4.4 *6.2 2.8 4.7 1.9 *1.8 1.4
Rear stab down t *8.7 5.5 6.1 3.5 4.2 2.4 *1.8 *1.8
2 sets stab down t *8.7 8.5 *6.2 5.3 *4.9 3.7 *1.8 *1.8
Dozer and stab down t *8.7 6.8 *6.2 4.3 *4.9 3.0 *1.8 *1.8
Rear dozer up t 6.3 3.5 4.0 2.3 2.8 1.6 *1.9 1.2 9.00 m

Rear dozer down t *9.1 4.1 *6.5 2.7 4.6 1.9 *1.9 1.4
Rear stab down t *9.1 5.2 5.9 3.4 4.1 2.4 *1.9 1.8
2 sets stab down t *9.1 8.2 *6.5 5.2 *4.9 3.6 *1.9 *1.9
Dozer and stab down t *9.1 6.5 *6.5 4.2 *4.9 3.0 *1.9 *1.9
-1.5 m Rear dozer up t *7.8 6.5 6.2 3.4 4.0 2.2 *2.2 1.2 8.62 m
Rear dozer down t *7.8 7.8 *8.7 4.1 *6.3 2.6 *2.2 1.5
Rear stab down t *7.8 *7.8 *8.7 5.1 5.9 3.3 *2.2 1.9
2 sets stab down t *7.8 *7.8 *8.7 8.1 *6.3 5.1 *2.2 *2.2
Dozer and stab down t *7.8 *7.8 *8.7 6.5 *6.3 4.1 *2.2 *2.2
-3.0 m Rear dozer up t *10.3 6.7 6.3 3.5 4.0 2.3 *2.6 1.5 7.89 m
Rear dozer down t *10.3 8.0 *7.4 4.1 *5.2 2.7 *2.6 1.7
Rear stab down t *10.3 *10.3 *7.4 5.2 *5.2 3.3 *2.6 2.2
2 sets stab down t *10.3 *10.3 *7.4 *7.4 *5.2 5.1 *2.6 *2.6
Dozer and stab down t *10.3 *10.3 *7.4 6.5 *5.2 4.2 *2.6 *2.6
-4.5 m Rear dozer up t *4.5 3.7
Rear dozer down t *4.5 4.3
Rear stab down t *4.5 *4.5
2 sets stab down t *4.5 *4.5
Dozer and stab down t *4.5 *4.5

3.0 m 4.5 m 6.0 m 7.5 m

Stick Undercarriage
2.8 m (9'2") configuration
6.0 m Rear dozer up t *4.2 2.9
Rear dozer down t *4.2 3.3
Rear stab down t *4.2 4.0
2 sets stab down t *4.2 *4.2
Dozer and stab down t *4.2 *4.2
4.5 m Rear dozer up t 4.6 2.8 3.1 1.8
Rear dozer down t *4.7 3.2 *3.6 2.1
Rear stab down t *4.7 3.9 *3.6 2.6
2 sets stab down t *4.7 *4.7 *3.6 *3.6
Dozer and stab down t *4.7 *4.7 *3.6 3.2
3.0 m Rear dozer up t *7.0 4.2 4.4 2.7 3.0 1.8 *1.5 1.2 9.12 m
Rear dozer down t *7.0 4.9 *5.4 3.1 *4.6 2.0 *1.5 1.5
Rear stab down t *7.0 6.0 *5.4 3.8 4.3 2.5 *1.5 *1.5
Load Point 2 sets stab down t *7.0 *7.0 *5.4 *5.4 *4.6 3.8 *1.5 *1.5
Height Dozer and stab down t *7.0 *7.0 *5.4 4.6 *4.6 3.1 *1.5 *1.5
1.5 m Rear dozer up t 6.6 3.8 4.2 2.5 2.9 1.7 *1.6 1.1 9.35 m
Load Radius Rear dozer down t *8.5 4.4 *6.1 2.9 4.7 2.0 *1.6 1.3
Over Front Rear stab down t *8.5 5.5 *6.1 3.5 4.2 2.5 *1.6 *1.6
2 sets stab down t *8.5 *8.5 *6.1 5.4 *4.8 3.7 *1.6 *1.6
Dozer and stab down t *8.5 6.9 *6.1 4.4 *4.8 3.0 *1.6 *1.6
Load Radius
Rear dozer up t *4.4 *4.4 6.3 3.5 4.0 2.3 2.8 1.6 *1.7 1.1 9.28 m
Over Rear

Rear dozer down t *4.4 *4.4 *9.1 4.1 *6.5 2.7 4.6 1.9 *1.7 1.3
Rear stab down t *4.4 *4.4 *9.1 5.2 6.0 3.4 4.1 2.4 *1.7 1.7
Load Radius 2 sets stab down t *4.4 *4.4 *9.1 8.2 *6.5 5.2 *5.0 3.6 *1.7 *1.7
Over Side Dozer and stab down t *4.4 *4.4 *9.1 6.6 *6.5 4.2 *5.0 3.0 *1.7 *1.7
-1.5 m Rear dozer up t *7.5 6.4 6.2 3.4 4.0 2.2 2.8 1.6 *1.9 1.2 8.92 m
Load at Rear dozer down t *7.5 *7.5 *8.8 4.0 *6.4 2.6 4.6 1.8 *1.9 1.4
Rear stab down t *7.5 *7.5 *8.8 5.1 5.9 3.3 4.1 2.3 *1.9 1.8
Maximum Reach 2 sets stab down t *7.5 *7.5 *8.8 8.1 *6.4 5.1 *4.7 3.6 *1.9 *1.9
Dozer and stab down t *7.5 *7.5 *8.8 6.5 *6.4 4.1 *4.7 2.9 *1.9 *1.9
-3.0 m Rear dozer up t *11.0 6.6 6.3 3.5 4.0 2.2 *2.3 1.4 8.22 m
* Indicates that the load is limited Rear dozer down t *11.0 7.9 *7.7 4.1 *5.5 2.6 *2.3 1.6
by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping Rear stab down t *11.0 10.3 *7.7 5.2 *5.5 3.3 *2.3 2.1
2 sets stab down t *11.0 *11.0 *7.7 *7.7 *5.5 5.1 *2.3 *2.3
capacity. Lift capacity ratings are based Dozer and stab down t *11.0 *11.0 *7.7 6.5 *5.5 4.1 *2.3 *2.3
on SAE standard JISO 10567. Rated loads -4.5 m Rear dozer up t *7.5 6.9 *5.3 3.6
do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting Rear dozer down t *7.5 *7.5 *5.3 4.3
capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Rear stab down t *7.5 *7.5 *5.3 *5.3
• Lifting values are without bucket 2 sets stab down t *7.5 *7.5 *5.3 *5.3
or coupler installed. Dozer and stab down t *7.5 *7.5 *5.3 *5.3

24 M318C Wheel Excavator specifications

Lift Capacities with one-piece boom – 5.35 m (17'7")
English Units/all weights are in lbs (multiply by 1,000)
10.0 ft 15.0 ft 20.0 ft 25.0 ft
Stick Undercarriage
2.5 m (8'2") configuration
20.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *10.1 6.3
Rear dozer down lb *10.1 7.2
Rear stab down lb *10.1 8.8
2 sets stab down lb *10.1 *10.1
Dozer and stab down lb *10.1 *10.1
15.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 10.1 6.1 6.6 3.9
Rear dozer down lb *10.8 7.0 *7.2 4.6
Rear stab down lb *10.8 8.5 *7.2 5.7
2 sets stab down lb *10.8 *10.8 *7.2 *7.2
Dozer and stab down lb *10.8 10.3 *7.2 7.0
10.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 15.4 9.2 9.7 5.7 6.6 3.7 *3.7 2.8 28'11"
Rear dozer down lb *16.3 10.5 *12.3 6.6 *10.3 4.4 *3.7 3.3
Rear stab down lb *16.3 13.0 *12.3 8.1 9.4 5.5 *3.7 *3.7
2 sets stab down lb *16.3 *16.3 *12.3 12.1 *10.3 8.3 *3.7 *3.7
Dozer and stab down lb *16.3 16.0 *12.3 10.1 *10.3 6.8 *3.7 *3.7
5.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 14.5 8.1 9.2 5.2 6.3 3.5 *3.9 2.6 29'1"
Rear dozer down lb *19.1 9.7 *13.6 6.1 10.3 4.1 *3.9 3.0
Rear stab down lb *19.1 12.1 13.4 7.7 9.2 5.2 *3.9 *3.9
2 sets stab down lb *19.1 18.7 *13.6 11.6 *10.8 8.1 *3.9 *3.9
Dozer and stab down lb *19.1 14.9 *13.6 9.4 *10.8 6.6 *3.9 *3.9
Rear dozer up lb 13.8 7.7 8.8 5.0 6.1 3.5 *4.1 2.6 29'6"

Rear dozer down lb *20.0 9.0 *14.3 5.9 10.1 4.1 *4.1 3.0
Rear stab down lb *20.0 11.4 13.0 7.4 9.0 5.2 *4.1 3.9
2 sets stab down lb *20.0 18.0 *14.3 11.4 *10.8 7.9 *4.1 *4.1
Dozer and stab down lb *20.0 14.3 *14.3 9.2 *10.8 6.6 *4.1 *4.1
-5.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *17.1 14.3 13.6 7.4 8.8 4.8 *4.8 2.6 28'3"
Rear dozer down lb *17.1 17.1 *19.1 9.0 *13.8 5.7 *4.8 3.3
Rear stab down lb *17.1 *17.1 *19.1 11.2 13.0 7.2 *4.8 4.1
2 sets stab down lb *17.1 *17.1 *19.1 17.8 *13.8 11.2 *4.8 *4.8
Dozer and stab down lb *17.1 *17.1 *19.1 14.3 *13.8 9.0 *4.8 *4.8
-10.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *22.7 14.7 13.8 7.7 8.8 5.0 *5.7 3.3 25'10"
Rear dozer down lb *22.7 17.6 *16.3 9.0 *11.4 5.9 *5.7 3.7
Rear stab down lb *22.7 *22.7 *16.3 11.4 *11.4 7.2 *5.7 4.8
2 sets stab down lb *22.7 *22.7 *16.3 *16.3 *11.4 11.2 *5.7 *5.7
Dozer and stab down lb *22.7 *22.7 *16.3 14.3 *11.4 9.2 *5.7 *5.7
-15.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *9.9 8.1
Rear dozer down lb *9.9 9.4
Rear stab down lb *9.9 *9.9
2 sets stab down lb *9.9 *9.9
Dozer and stab down lb *9.9 *9.9

10.0 ft 15.0 ft 20.0 ft 25.0 ft

Stick Undercarriage
2.8 m (9'2") configuration
20.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *9.2 6.3
Rear dozer down lb *9.2 7.2
Rear stab down lb *9.2 8.8
2 sets stab down lb *9.2 *9.2
Dozer and stab down lb *9.2 *9.2
15.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 10.1 6.1 6.8 3.9
Rear dozer down lb *10.3 7.0 *7.9 4.6
Rear stab down lb *10.3 8.5 *7.9 5.7
2 sets stab down lb *10.3 *10.3 *7.9 *7.9
Dozer and stab down lb *10.3 *10.3 *7.9 7.0
10.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *15.4 9.2 9.7 5.9 6.6 3.9 *3.3 2.6 29'11"
Rear dozer down lb *15.4 10.8 *11.9 6.8 *10.1 4.4 *3.3 3.3
Rear stab down lb *15.4 13.2 *11.9 8.3 9.4 5.5 *3.3 *3.3
Load Point 2 sets stab down lb *15.4 *15.4 *11.9 *11.9 *10.1 8.3 *3.3 *3.3
Height Dozer and stab down lb *15.4 *15.4 *11.9 10.1 *10.1 6.8 *3.3 *3.3
5.0 ft Rear dozer up lb 14.5 8.3 9.2 5.5 6.3 3.7 *3.5 2.4 30'8"
Load Radius Rear dozer down lb *18.7 9.7 *13.4 6.3 10.3 4.4 *3.5 2.8
Over Front Rear stab down lb *18.7 12.1 *13.4 7.7 9.2 5.5 *3.5 *3.5
2 sets stab down lb *18.7 *18.7 *13.4 11.9 *10.5 8.1 *3.5 *3.5
Dozer and stab down lb *18.7 15.2 *13.4 9.7 *10.5 6.6 *3.5 *3.5
Load Radius
Rear dozer up lb *9.7 *9.7 13.8 7.7 8.8 5.0 6.1 3.5 *3.7 2.4 30'5"
Over Rear

Rear dozer down lb *9.7 *9.7 *20.0 9.0 *14.3 5.9 10.1 4.1 *3.7 2.8
Rear stab down lb *9.7 *9.7 *20.0 11.4 13.2 7.4 9.0 5.2 *3.7 3.7
Load Radius 2 sets stab down lb *9.7 *9.7 *20.0 18.0 *14.3 11.4 *11.0 7.9 *3.7 *3.7
Over Side Dozer and stab down lb *9.7 *9.7 *20.0 14.5 *14.3 9.2 *11.0 6.6 *3.7 *3.7
-5.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *16.5 14.1 13.6 7.4 8.8 4.8 6.1 3.5 *4.1 2.6 29'7"
Load at Rear dozer down lb *16.5 *16.5 *19.4 8.8 *14.1 5.7 10.1 3.9 *4.1 3.0
Rear stab down lb *16.5 *16.5 *19.4 11.2 13.0 7.2 9.0 5.0 *4.1 3.9
Maximum Reach 2 sets stab down lb *16.5 *16.5 *19.4 17.8 *14.1 11.2 *10.3 7.9 *4.1 *4.1
Dozer and stab down lb *16.5 *16.5 *19.4 14.3 *14.1 9.0 *10.3 6.3 *4.1 *4.1
-10.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *24.2 14.5 13.8 7.7 8.8 4.8 *5.0 3.0 26'11"
* Indicates that the load is limited Rear dozer down lb *24.2 17.4 *16.9 9.0 *12.1 5.7 *5.0 3.5
by hydraulic capacity rather than tipping Rear stab down lb *24.2 22.7 *16.9 11.4 *12.1 7.2 *5.0 4.6
2 sets stab down lb *24.2 *24.2 *16.9 *16.9 *12.1 11.2 *5.0 *5.0
capacity. Lift capacity ratings are based Dozer and stab down lb *24.2 *24.2 *16.9 14.3 *12.1 9.0 *5.0 *5.0
on SAE standard JISO 10567. Rated loads -15.0 ft Rear dozer up lb *16.5 15.2 *11.6 7.9
do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting Rear dozer down lb *16.5 *16.5 *11.6 9.4
capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. Rear stab down lb *16.5 *16.5 *11.6 *11.6
• Lifting values are without bucket 2 sets stab down lb *16.5 *16.5 *11.6 *11.6
or coupler installed. Dozer and stab down lb *16.5 *16.5 *11.6 *11.6

M318C Wheel Excavator specifications 25

Standard Equipment
Standard equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for details.


Alternator, 75amp Air conditioner with automatic climate control
Back-up alarm Ash tray with cigarette lighter
Boom working light Bolt-on FOGS capability
Heavy duty maintenance free batteries Bottom mounted parallel wiper and washer
Horn Coat hook
Main shut-off switch Drink holder
Roading lights Floor mat, washable
Fully adjustable suspension
ENGINE Heater and defroster
Automatic engine speed control Joysticks, adjustable
Automatic starting aid Left side console, tiltable
Cat 3056E DIT ATAAC U.S. EPA Tier 2 engine, Light, interior
turbocharged with air-to-air aftercooler Literature holder
Muffler Low fuel indicator light
Openable two-piece front windshield
HYDRAULICS Parallel mounted top and bottom wiper and washer
Cat XT-6™ ES hoses Parking brake
Load-sensing plus hydraulic system Polycarbonate skylight
Manual work modes (economy, power, travel) Positive filtered ventilation
Oil cooler Power supply, 12V-7A
Separate swing pump Radio, AM/FM stereo (24V)
Stick regeneration circuit Retractable seat belt
Steering column, tiltable
LANGUAGE DISPLAY MONITOR Storage area suitable for a lunch box
Clock with 10 day backup battery Sunscreen
Filter/fluid change information
Gauges for fuel level, engine coolant temperature UNDERCARRIAGE
and hydraulic oil temperature Heavy-duty axles with advanced travel motor
Headlights indicator with adjustable braking force
Indicator for engine dial setting Oscillating front axle with remote greasing
Pre-start level check for hydraulic oil, engine oil coolant Pin-on design preparation for dozer blade and outriggers
Turn signal indicator Tool box in undercarriage
Warning messages Tires, 10.00-20 16PR, dual
Working hour information Two-piece drive shaft
Upper carriage storage box

Automatic swing brake
Door locks and caps locks with Caterpillar one-key
security system
Lockable tool box in upper frame
Mirrors, frame and cab
Product Link ready

26 M318C Wheel Excavator specifications

Optional Equipment
Optional equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for details.


One-piece boom, 5.35 m (17 ft 7 in) Dozer blade, front and/or rear mounted, with remote greasing
Variable adjustable boom (two piece), 5.26 m (17 ft 3 in) Optional tires
2.2 m (7 ft 3 in) stick 11.00-20 dual tires
2.5 m (8 ft 2 in) stick 18-R 19.5 XF single
2.8 m (9 ft 2 in) stick 600/40-22.5 single
3.3 m (10 ft 10 in) Industrial stick 10.00-20 dual solid rubber
Outriggers, front and/or rear mounted
ELECTRICAL Second tool box for undercarriage
Refueling pump Wide axles
Rotating beacon on cab Wide dozer blade, front and rear
Working lights, cab mounted (front and rear)
HYDRAULICS Adjustable hydraulic sensitivity
Hammer valve Cat Machine Security System
Hydraulic lines for quick coupler-boom and stick Custom paint
Lowering control devices for boom and stick Joystick steering
Multi-function valve, provides up to 5 programmed tools
and tool selection from the cab (including hammer function)
Proportional medium pressure function
Synthetic ester based biodegradable hydraulic oil

Comfort seat with seat heating and air suspension
Falling objects guard
Fixed cab riser 1200 mm (4 ft)
Fixed one-piece front windshield
Travel speed lock
Vandalism guard
Visor, rain protection, polycarbonate

M318C Wheel Excavator specifications 27

M318C Wheel Excavator

For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services,

and industry solutions, visit us on the web at www.cat.com

© 2005 Caterpillar
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U.S.A.

Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.

Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment.
AEHQ5531-01 (4-05) See your Caterpillar dealer for available options.
Replaces AEHQ5531

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