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    The Module explicitly intends to focus on the study of the potential virtues and core
values attributable to the specific values considered in making up a   set of code of
ethics for professional societies. 



Lesson  1.  Study of Four Cardinal Virtues

        Lesson  2.  Definition of Human Values and Its Sub Values 

        Lesson  3.  Importance of the  Study of Human Values

        Lesson  4.  Relations Between Morality, Ethics and Law

        Lesson  5.  Study of Integrity as a Virtue

        Lesson  6.  Definition and Significance of Work Ethics, Service Learning, and

Civic Virtue

        Lesson  7.  Study of Character and Workplace Challenges

        Lesson  8.  Study of Spirituality in the Workplace

A.    General Objectives:    Understand the essence and relevance of virtues and

human values to professional ethical standards

B.    Specific Objectives:


At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

      1.    define and explain the four cardinal virtues

      2.    identify and categorize the human values and its sub values

      3.    recognize and understand relationship between morality, ethics, and law

      4.    define and relate integrity in the formation of work values in workplace

      5.    understand and appreciate the importance of work ethics, service learning and

civic virtue

      6.    have better understanding of character and its value to workplace challenges

      7.    understand the important role of spirituality in workplace




Virtue from the Latin word  virtue;   crete   is a Greek word meaning  moral

Classically,   virtue by definition is a habit or firm disposition which inclines a

person to do good and avoid evil; characterized  by stability, with a virtuous person in
both ways makes a person to strive to being a good person and seeks what is good
and then chooses to act in the same way.

Virtue is a trait or quality deemed to be morally excellent and thus, is valued as

a foundation of principle and good moral being. It is a pattern of thought and behavior
based on high moral standards. 

Virtues can be placed into a broader context of values. Each  individual has a
core of  underlying values that contribute to ones system of belief, ideas, and/or

Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting individual and

collective well-being. The opposite of virtue is vice.


Historical Background

The term  cardinal  comes from the Latin  cardo  (hinge);  virtues are so called,
because they are regarded as the basic virtues required for a virtuous life.

Cardinal  virtue is anything considered to be an important or characteristic

virtue; related to the ancient philosophy study.

There are  four cardinal virtues that appear as a group (sometimes included in
larger lists of virtues) long before they are later given this title.  The discussion on
cardinal virtues tackles the most important moral qualities.

The doctrine of virtue is one form of the doctrine of obligation, however, it is by

nature free of regimentation and restriction. The four cardinal virtues were recognized
by Plato, and in traditional Christian theology. Catholic moral philosophy drew from
all of these sources when developing its thought on the virtues.

    The cardinal virtues are not  listed  in the Hebrew Bible, but they are in the
deuterocanonical book Wisdom of Solomon, which in 8:7 reads,  “She (wisdom)
teaches temperance, and  prudence, and  justice, and fortitude, which are such things
as men can have nothing more profitable in life."


They are also found in 4Maccabees 1:18–19, which relates: “Now the kinds of
wisdom are right judgment, justice, courage, and self-control. Right judgment is
supreme over all of these since by means of it reason rules over the emotions."


The Roman philosopher and statesman Cicero of 106-43 BC, like Plato limited

the list to four virtues. Cicero discussed these further in De Officiis.
“Virtue may be defined as a habit of mind ‘animi'   in harmony with reason and
the order of nature. It has four parts: wisdom  'prudentiam', justice, courage,


The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius  discussed these in Book V:12 of

Meditations  and viewed them as the "goods" that a person should identify in one's
own mind, as opposed to "wealth or things which conduce to luxury or prestige.”


Plato identified the four cardinal virtues with the classes in the city described in
the Republic and with the faculties of man. he narrated a discussion of the character of
a good city where the following was agreed upon. Clearly then, it will be wise, brave,
temperate [literally:healthy-minded, and just.]


Temperance by Cicero and Plato is sometimes preferred the word sōphrosyne,

was common to all classes, however, it was primarily associated with the producing
classes, the farmers and craftsmen, and with the animal appetites, to whom no special
virtue was assigned.  Fortitude was assigned to the warrior class and to the spirited
element in man while Prudence referred  to the rulers and to reason.  Justice  stands
outside the class system and divisions of man and rules the proper relationship among
the three of them.

On the other hand,  Plato sometimes  listed  holiness  (hosiotes,  eusebeia,  aidos)
amongst the cardinal virtues. He especially associated holiness with justice, but leaves
their precise relationship unexplained.

      In Aristotle's Rhetoric  we read: “The forms of Virtue are justice, courage,

temperance, magnificence, magnanimity, liberality, gentleness, prudence,
wisdom.” Aristotle referred to virtue as that which makes both a person and what  he
does good.



(φρόνησις,  phrónēsis; Latin  prudentia; also Wisdom, Sophia,  sapientia), the

ability to discern the appropriate course of action to be taken in a given situation at the
appropriate time.

Prudence or Wisdom is a deep understanding and realizing of people, things,

events, or situations, resulting in the ability to choose or act to consistently produce the
optimum results with a minimum of time and energy.It is the ability to optimally
(effectively and  efficiently) apply perceptions and knowledge to produce the desired

Wisdom is also the comprehension of what is true or right coupled with

optimum judgment as to action. Synonyms include: sagacity, discernment, or insight.
Wisdom often requires control of one’s emotional reactions (the “passions”) so that
one’s principles, reason, and knowledge prevail to determine one’s actions.



(ἀνδρεία,  andreía; Latin  fortitudo): also termed courage, forbearance, strength,

endurance, and the ability to confront fear, uncertainty, and intimidation.

Fortitude or Courage is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk/danger,

uncertainty or intimidation. "Physical courage” is courage in the face of physical pain,
hardship, death, while “moral courage” is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular
opposition, shame, scandal or discouragement.


  (σωφροσύνη,  sōphrosýnē; Latin  temperantia): also known as restraint, the

practice of self-control, abstention, discretion, and moderation tempering the
appetition. Plato considered  Sōphrosynē, which may also be translated as sound-
mindedness, to be the most important virtue.

Sōphrosynē,  in Greek, is defined as moderation in action, thought, or feeling;

restraint) has been studied by religious thinkers, philosophers, and more recently,
psychologists, particularly in positive psychology movement.

It is considered a virtue, a core value that can be seen consistently across time
and cultures. It is considered one of the four cardinal virtues, for it is believed that no
virtue could be sustained in the face of inability to control oneself, if the virtue is
opposed to some desires.

Temperance is generally defined by control over excess, so that it has many

such classes, such as abstinence, chastity, modesty, humility, prudence, self-
regulation, and forgiveness and mercy; each of these involves restraining some impulse
such as sexual desire, vanity, or anger.


(δικαιοσύνη,  dikaiosýnē; Latin    jiustitia): also considered as fairness  the Greek

word also having the meaning righteousness.

Justice is the concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law,

natural law, religion, fairness, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said

According to most theories of justice, it is overwhelmingly important:

John  Rawls claims that “Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of
systems of thought.”  Justice can be thought of as distinct from and more fundamental
than benevolence, charity, mercy, generosity or compassion. 

Justice has traditionally been associated with concepts of fate, reincarnation or

Divine Providence, i.e. with a life in accordance with the cosmic plan. The association
of justice with fairness has thus been historically and culturally rare and is perhaps
chiefly a modern innovation (in western societies).

      The principles derived initially from Plato in Republic Book IV    which also
includes piety (hosiōtes). Cicero expanded on them, and Ambrose Augustine of Hippo
and Thomas Aquinas adapted them while expanding on the theological virtues.


Value comes from the Latin root word valerie  meaning to be strong and

Values are the ideals and principles by which man lives. They are a man’s ideas
of right and wrong, good or bad, to which he is committed influencing one’s everyday
behavior and decisions.

Values  are persons, ideas, or goals that are important to life; anything which
enables life to be understood, evaluated and directed. 

The integrity in the application of a value ensures its continuity and this
continuity separates a value from beliefs, opinions and ideas.

In this context, a value (e.g. Truth or Equality or Creed) is the core front which we
operate or react. Societies have values that are shared among many of the participants
in that culture. An individual’s values are typically largely, but not entirely, in agreement
with ones cultures’ values.


Human values evolution is caused by these factors:

The impact of norms of the society on the fulfillment of the individual’s needs
and desires.

Another factor was by the developed or modified own’s awareness, choice, and
judgment in fulfilling the needs of man.

It was also caused by the teachings and practice of Preceptors (Gurus) or

Saviors or religious leaders.

And lastly, human values was fostered or modified by social leaders, rulers of
kingdom, and by law (government). 



          Values  related to LOVE are bliss, caring, compassion, dedication, devotion,

empathy, friendship, forgiveness, generosity, helping, human dignity, inner happiness,
joy, kindness, patience, purity, sharing, sincerity, sympathy, tolerance, and wisdom.

Other values connected to LOVE are acceptance, affection, consideration,

forbearance, gentleness, humanness, interdependence, patriotism, reverence,
selflessness, service, thoughtfulness, and trust. 


         Values related to TRUTH are consciousness, curiosity, discrimination, equality,

honesty, integrity, intuition, natural environment, optimism, quest for knowledge,
reason, self-analysis, self-knowledge, self-worth, sense-control, spirit of inquiry,
synthesis, truthfulness, unity in thought, word and deed, unity in diversity.

Other values connected to TRUTH are accuracy, discernment, fairness,

fearlessness, justice, purity, sincerity, trust, and determination.


        Values related to RIGHT CONDUCT are divided into the defined skills:

  3.1. Self-help Skills include cleanliness, healthy living, self-sufficiency, and

modesty. Other values connected to these self-help skills values are care of
possessions, diet, hygiene, modesty, posture, and tidy appearance.

3.2. Social Skills include contentment, gratitude, goals, good behavior,

helpfulness, leadership, and self-confidence. Other values connected to these social
skills values are good manners, good relationships, no wastage, and good

  3.3. Ethical Skills include courage, dependability, duty, ethics, initiative,

perseverance, time management, resourcefulness, respect, responsibility, and
sacrifice. Other values connected to these ethical skills values are code of conduct,
efficiency, ingenuity, and punctuality.


Values related to PEACE are attention, calmness, concentration, contentment,

dignity, discipline, endurance, focus, happiness, honesty, humility, inner silence,
reflection, satisfaction, self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-control, self-discipline,
self-respect, understanding, and care for environment.


        Values related to NON-VIOLENCE are divided into the following:

5.1. PSYCHOLOGICAL VALUES are compassion,  concern for others,

consideration, forgiveness, loyalty, and universal love.

Other values connected are benevolence, forbearance, manners, happiness,

and morality.

5.2. SOCIAL VALUES are appreciation of other  culture and religions,

brotherhood, citizenship, national awareness, respect for property, and social justice.
Other values connected are care of environment, equality, harmlessness, and


To find the difference between the  “moral” and  “ethical”   can be better
construed/understand when include the concept of law.





Fig. 1. Relationship between moral, ethical, and law

From the Figure 1 above, it can be interpreted that any moral principle becomes
progressively more rigid with clearer boundaries between right and wrong, as it moves
into the areas of ethics and law. Taking this as an example when the moral principle
that “life is sacred” takes on clear definition in the medical doctor’s code of ethics, the
same moral principle is rigidly defined in the laws prohibiting manslaughter.

Moral values are understood to be those that makes a person “good” purely and
simply as a person. They are not qualities or attributes of a person but outside his

Moral values are personal not only because a person has them but also because
they are the expression of each one’s unique personality in the innermost center of
one’s being as shown in the act of choice.

Therefore, moral values reside both in the acts a person chooses to do and in
the results of those acts on the character of the person. There are morally good or bad
human acts and morally good or bad persons.

The moral good is seen not as optional but as necessary. This necessity is of
a unique kind called “moral necessity” not a must, but an ought, not physically
compelling but “morally demanding”.


1. Moral value can exist only in free personal being and in that person’s a voluntary or
human acts.

2. Moral value is universal in the sense that what one holds or all in the same


3. Moral value itself-justifying.

4. Moral value has preeminence over every other value.

5. Moral value implies obligation.


In a wider prospective, ETHICS is putting every activity and goal in its place. It is
concerned with knowing what is worth doing and what is not; knowing what is worth
wanting and what is not.

ETHICS then may be defined as the discipline that deals with what is good
and bad and with moral duty and obligation.


Basically society’s governing laws, rules, and regulations are made to regulate
and/or minimize bad behavior and, by default, highlight good or proper behavior. There
are times when some human actions are deemed lawful, but may still be considered
unethical. The ethical concerns of balancing profit and charity for a professional in the
practice of ones profession may arise in a given time and situation.

It is during these grey areas that ethics is all about choices which matter and
choices which matter to anyone. However, some human actions, like murder, are
definitely, unlawful or bad. Yet there are many cases that may fall in between. These
instances make up the “grey” areas between distinguishing definitely good and
definitely bad.


The global communities is a pluralistic societies where each one society is

composed of many sub-societies with their own established views of a morally good
life. Consequently, no matter what diversity and disagreement we may find, we also
may find common consensus/agreement, as mature member of societies are free to
articulate and choose for ourselves the lifestyle, religious beliefs, moral convictions,
and sentiments as long as no harm is caused to any other person.



As a virtue, Integrity refers to a quality of a person’s character.

Integrity is also defined as the unity of thought, word and deed (honesty) and
open mindedness. Moral Integrity is a virtue which reflects a consistency of one’s
attitudes, emotions.

When integrity is used to apply to objects, it refers to the wholeness, intactness

or purity of an object or thing. It is attributed to various pastor aspects of one’s life.
These attributes may be as professional, intellectual, and artistic integrity.

Integrity is considered as one of the most important virtue and is liken to be

‘moral’. Although we may distinguish acting morally from acting with integrity.
Individual with integrity may act immorally, without their knowing. One may
acknowledge an individual to practice integrity even when the person may hold
importantly mistaken moral point of views.

Integrity includes capacity to relate factual information so others may be able to

make well-disseminated decisions. In Integrity, a person will yield ‘peace of mind’
adding strength and consistency in character, decisions, and actions.


There are two fundamental intuitions involved in Integrity: firstly, that integrity is
primarily a formal relation a person has to oneself or between parts or aspects of
one’s self; and secondly, that integrity is connected in an important way to acting

Considerations to Being An Integrity

1.1. Integrity as Self-integration

1.2. Integrity as Maintenance of Identity

1.3. Integrity as Standing for Something

1.4. Integrity as Moral Purpose

1.5. Integrity as a Virtue

1.1. Integrity as Self-Integration

As self-integration, Integrity is a matter of persons integrating various parts of

their personality into a harmonious, intact whole. Suffice to state, integrity is primarily a
matter of keeping the self intact and uncorrupted.

1.2. Integrity as Maintenance of Identity

A similar approach to Integrity is to view it in terms of a person’s acting

according to their commitment, rather than ordering and endorsing desires.
‘Commitment’ refers to a broad term covering various different kinds of intentions,
promises, convictions, and relationships of trust and expectation.

1.3. Integrity as Standing for Something

Both self-integration and maintenance of identity views of Integrity see it as

primarily a personal virtue: “a quality defined by a person’s care of the self. However,
Cheshire Calhoun argued that integrity is primarily a social virtue, that is defined by a
person’s relations to others.

The social character of integrity is a matter of a person’s proper regard for their
own best judgement. Persons of integrity do not just act consistently with their
endorsements, they stand for something: they stand up for their best judgement within
a community of people trying to discover what in life is worth doing.

1.4. Integrity as Moral Purpose

Integrity in terms of moral purpose can be perceived as a person’s dedication to

the pursuit of a moral life and their intellectual responsibility in seeking to understand
the demands of such a life.

Person of integrity embraces a moral point of view that urges them to be

conceptually clear, logically consistent, apprised of relevant empirical evidence, and
careful about acknowledging as well as weighing relevant moral considerations. The
person of integrity imposes these restrictions on themselves since they are concerned,
not simply with taking any moral position, but with pursuing a commitment to do what
is best.

1.5. Integrity as a Virtue

Often viewed by many, Integrity as a complex and thick virtue term. A person
gains a fair grasp of variety of ways to use ‘integrity’ by examining conditions
commonly accepted to defeat or diminish a person’s integrity. Integrity connotes as a
mean to various excesses.

For example, a person is given into cowardice or a refusal to acknowledge new

or overriding commitments indicate a lack of integrity.


Work Ethics is defined as a set of attitudes concerned with the value of work,
which forms the motivational orientation.

The Work Ethics is a cultural norm that advocates being personally accountable
and responsible for the work that one does and is based on a belief that work has
intrinsic value.

The Industry and Society are two systems that interact with each other and are
interdependent. The society requires industry /business system which provides
manufacturing, distribution and consumption activities. It needs investment (capital
input), labor (input), supply (raw materials), production (industries, business
organizations), marketing and distribution (transport), and consumption (public,
customer). A lot of transactions (and interactions) between these sub-systems involving
people are needed for the welfare of the society. It is here the work ethics plays an
essential role.

Elements of Work Ethics

1. Interpersonal Skills
2. Initiative
3. Being Dependable

2.1. Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal Skills include the habits, attitudes, manners, appearance, and

behaviors we use around other people, affecting how people get along with other
people. At times interpersonal skills are taken for granted. In deeper understanding of
the skills will lead one to examine ones impressions on others to better prepare for
successful life and productive careers.

Development of interpersonal skills can be traced back in early life with

influences from family, friends and observations of the world we have. Several aspects
of interpersonal skills are deemed inherited, with ones appearance and some
personality traits are attributed to the influenced by ones genes.

Awareness of unaware habits, unnoticed actions, and other things affecting

others are almost impossible to change if one is not aware of them. Educators, even in
the early years help students correct bad habits and develop good interpersonal skills.

2.2. Initiative

Initiative is a significant characteristic for information age workers. Today’s

modern workplace does not provide direct supervision, for this, without initiative
procrastination and missed opportunities may become real problem. At times, poor
performance may result and lead to loss of employment without another chance.

2.3. Being Dependable

Being Dependable, as one of the most highly sought after traits for workers in
the modern workplace, it includes honesty, reliability, and being on time. Part of the
workforce who may not be dependable are often very expensive to keep around for the
wasted time and resources caused by their behavior.

2.4. Other Employability Skills

As industrialization progressed, many jobs required a work ethics that may be

limited and somewhat different from the characteristics important in the information
age. Those workers in the information have their own schedule with lesser direct
supervision, frequently change experiences, and work innovations.

More often when asked, many employers listed top important skills and
characteristics, looked for from prospective employees, included good communication
skills, positive attitude, dependable, punctual, being polite, and display of confidence.

Social Problems in Workplace (Industry/Business)

1. People -work desire to be recognized as individuals and treated with dignity,

as living human beings. Meaningful work is worth doing for the sense of personal
identity and self-esteem it holds.

2. Economic independence. Work is a major instrumental good in life, being the

main source of providing income needed to avoid economic dependence on others, for
obtaining desired materials and services, and achieving status and recognition from

3. Pay as well as the pace of work should be in commensurate with the

expertise required, acquired, and utilized in the persons. Exploitation and bargained
pay should be discouraged.

4. The privacy ( personal freedom) of a worker, including women also need

protection. Mutual trust and loyalty both ways have crucial roles.

5. Security during employment and after retirement is equally significant. More

so, this concept is widely practiced in government service. government owned and
controlled companies, and some corporate organizations. More companies are highly
influenced by western thoughts creating a shift from ‘life-long employment’ to
corporate policies like ‘merit only provisions,’ ‘hire and fire,’ ‘pay and use,’ etc.
Stressful situations are thus created.

6. Recognition to non-work activities, such as leisure, paid holiday on dignitary

visits, social services, and other developmental activities. In progressive countries,
workers are less willing to consider ‘work’ as primary preoccupation in adult life, rather
claiming such service activities give them peace of mind and happiness. This trend
however, decreases valuable work ethics.

7. The value of hard work and productivity are both essential for a company’s
success. The quality of work life deserves to be given attention for improvement. Hard
jobs, undignified jobs, and hazardous jobs are to be made less straining, dignified, and
safer. Some automation and CNC systems have largely lessen human burden.

8. In employee alienation in the company, the absence or inadequate

‘recognition and reward system’ and ‘grievance redressal system,’ lack of transparency
in policy implementation, factions in trade unions, etc., lead to ethical problems,
affecting the work ethics. Participative management, quality circles, job rotation, and
flexible working hours are some of the measures to counter this situation.

9. A different view of work ethics. Work is considered a necessary evil. It is a

thing a person must do to avoid worse evils like dependency and poverty. Because of
this, at times, This serves a major source of anxiety and unhappiness.

10. In Protestant Work Ethics, financial rewards and success is a sign of God’s
favor. This means having more profit or gain is a duty mandated by God. The financial
wealth has to be obtained rationally, diligently, and without compromising with other
values such as spending time with one’s family and not exploiting or harming other

To work (a job) is not for monetary considerations only. Human beings are
convinced that working is good. Work is good for both a person’s body and mind.
Work promotes self-respect, self-esteem, good for the family, and obligation to the
society and allow the world to prosper. It lays a moral and meaningful foundation of life.
That is the reason why work ethics affirms work per se is worthy, adorable and valuable
at personal and social levels. It improves the quality of life and makes life purposeful,
successful, and happy.

By work ethics, duties to self, family, society, and nation are fulfilled. Rights of
the individuals are respected and nourished. Values and virtues are cultivated and
enjoyed by all human beings. Also, one’s quality of life is improved and the
environment protected.

Conversely, unemployment and underemployment lead to frustration, social

tensions, and occasional militancy. Every country with developing economy and
society needs to adhere to promote work ethics, at all levels, in order to flourish as a

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