Personal Development Quarter 1 - Week2 Joela Faith R. Minggong December 7, 2020 Stem-F
Personal Development Quarter 1 - Week2 Joela Faith R. Minggong December 7, 2020 Stem-F
Personal Development Quarter 1 - Week2 Joela Faith R. Minggong December 7, 2020 Stem-F
1. Physical Self 5-foot in height, 47 kg. in weight, I have a round facial shape, fair complexion, I have
a natural curly waist-length dark hair, not so slender neck, normal-sized feminine
chest and waist, and average-length legs.
I can say that I am with mid-average intellect. I have little to no trouble in
2. Intellectual Self comprehending written/verbal statements. With proper amount of motivation, I can
learn new things pretty quickly and can create my own imaginative ideas, outputs that
can be
sometimes considered artistic enough. Generally, I can say that I have the average
amount of knowledge standard for a teen such as my age and maturity.
3. Emotional Self Most of the time, I typically feel placid towards anything that happens in my daily
life. Although these days, me feeling uncertain of the future is not a rare occurrence.
Sometimes to the point I feel quite scared of my tomorrow. Which leads us to the
feelings I desperately try to avoid, being frightened and uncertain. I especially like
being content and possibly happy in what I do. Also, I savor the sense of being
confident in myself, which I rarely ever feel. When I was younger, maybe 3 or 4 years
ago, I usually feel depressed and grumpy about anything or everything, really. But
now, I try to feel more hopeful and more optimistic about life. My efforts worked and
lead me to my much calmer, accepting and open-minded self. Personally, the feelings
which are mostly associated with each other, in my case, are the feelings of happiness
and anxiousness. It goes hand to hand for me because whenever I feel giddy or happy
about something, I tend to fear that later, there's going to happen that would snatch the
happiness I felt at that moment. I really hope that I would be
able to believe in myself more in the future.
4. Sensual Self The sense I use the most is, typically, sight. But I personally like using my
sense of hearing for I tend to link my happy memories with songs, melodies or any
unique sounds that played in that specific time. It really fascinates me how different
each of our senses are with each other yet somehow, in a way, the same. We hear, see,
smell, feel and taste distinct things yet they all have the same purpose, give our brain
information of the world we live in. I perceive information through all my senses but
unconsciously more on sight and intentionally, my hearing. Although I act on these
information based on the targeted sensory of my body.
5. Interactional Self I can manage a decent conversation with the aged people and can genuinely interact
with children. But whenever I'm with my same-aged peers, I feel quite awkward and
uncertain of how I should act around them. It may be because I never had a close
friend with someone near my age. My family knows me best so I'm natural with them
and can act freely with. Sometimes, I refrain my normal self from emerging for the
fear of them not accepting my distinct personality. Usually in making acquaintance
with strangers, I'm the one who is the first to be approached than the other way
around. Since I was just a kid, my family grasps me as a quiet, reserved person but
my closest of friends knows that I can be obnoxious when gotten to know better. I
know I'm often hard to understand for my parents and can be quite hardheaded
whenever I have my own beliefs questioned but I am a daughter who does her hardest
to follow them. Since we don't have an older brother who'd toughen up my younger
brother, I tend to playfully get physical when I'm goofing around with him so that he
might get the sense of having an older male sibling. It's just the way we show our
affections for each other. I have an older sister but she's more of a best friend and a
partner-in-crime. I have a complicated and a simple family, a few but trusted circle of
friends but I won't trade them for the world.
6. Nutritional Self I eat 2 to 3 meals a day, few snacks in between, hydrate myself daily maximum of
4000ml water and exercise weekly if possible. But I sometimes intentionally skip
meals to lessen my carbs intake in fear of getting fat further. At times, I forget to
drink the proper amount of water that's why I get lightheaded in the sun easily. I love
sweet snacks
so I tend to overindulge in them. I don't have any allergic reaction with any type of
food so I don't get too picky with what I eat. I personally like hard-boiled eggs,
tilapia, pork, fruits and can eat all sorts of vegetables. I dislike the dish dinugoan and
the dessert macaroni salad. I like these type of food for they are tasty and nutritious so
I feel both content and healthy whenever I eat them. I dislike the food mentioned
above for I hate to imagine consuming anything with blood as the main ingredient and
the idea of macaroni pasta being mixed with sweetened mayonnaise.
7. Contextual Self I like staying in rooms with dim lighting. But often times that this preference of mine
causes me eye-related pain. I prefer cold temperatures for I enjoy wearing jackets and
lying in bed with thick comforters but sometimes I still use thick blankets even if it’s
hot that often make me sweat buckets. I like medium-sized spaces for it's not too
much nor too little, I love rainy days though not the strong ones, I adore colors that
gives off mellow and cool vibes like the color aquamarine and colors with vintage
feels, I love hearing sounds that acquaint with my memories and I appreciate all types
of musical styles for their unique melodies give me different musical pleasures in my
soul, I wish to experience a full on winter season but since I live in a tropical place I
have no choice but to learn to love the cool season during December. My impact on
the environment might be small compared to other environmental activists but I do
my best to act my part as a student that supports against pollution and the entire
destruction of earth.
8. Spiritual Self or Life I always think of myself as a blessed person for God entrusted me a family with an
Force already strong and unbreakable bond and belief in Him. Since my father is a Minister
and my mother his partner, my siblings and I were raised to know, love and honor
God and His words. And I'm forever grateful for being in His graces at a very young
age. It led us to beautiful people and beautiful relationships with them. He blessed us
with a spiritual family. Being God's servant changed me as whole. It gave me peace
and eternal joy to know that I'm always going to be loved by my Creator no matter
where, when, and what I am. Though it doesn't mean I'm exempted from the pain of
this world. At times, I fall into a slump and forget to read His word or not talk to Him
and I hate myself for being lazy. I sometimes have a hard time going back to my habit
of daily prayer. But with God, everything is possible. When I talk with God, He
listens. When I pray to Him, He answers. Daily, I thank Him with my life for it is His.
With God's guidance, I'm always on the right chosen path. In God, I gladly surrender.
For He is my Lord and Savior.
T Of (-)
Physical 47 kg. round facial shape, fair 6 5 ft. in height, not so slender neck, 3
complexion, natural curly waist-length average-length legs.
dark hair, womanly chest,
curvy waist
Intellectual Little to no trouble in written/verbal 2 Mid-average intellect 1
comprehension. Learn new things
pretty quickly, can create my own
Emotional I especially like being content and 3 Sometimes to the point I feel quite scared 4
possibly happy in what I do. Also, I of my tomorrow. I usually feel depressed
savor the sense of being confident in and grumpy about anything or everything.
myself, which I rarely ever feel. My Personally, the feelings which are mostly
efforts worked and lead me to my associated with each other, in my case, are
more calm, accepting and open- the feelings of happiness and anxiousness I
minded self. tend to fear that later, there's going to
happen that would snatch the happiness I
felt at that
Sensual But I personally like using my sense of 1
hearing for I tend to link my happy
memories with
songs, melodies or any unique sounds
that played in that specific time.
Interactional I can manage a decent conversation 2 But whenever I'm with my same-aged 4
with the aged people and can peers, I feel quite awkward and uncertain
genuinely interact with of how I should act around them. It may be
children. My family knows me best so because I never had a close friend with
I'm natural with them and can act someone near my age. Sometimes, I refrain
freely with. my normal self from emerging for the fear
of them not accepting my
distinct personality. Usually in making
acquaintance with strangers, I'm the one
who is the first to be approached than the
other way around.
Nutritional I don't have any allergic reaction with 2 But I sometimes intentionally skip meals to 3
any type of food so I don't get too lessen my carbs intake in fear of getting fat
picky with what I eat. further.
I like these type of food for they are At times, I forget to drink the proper
tasty and nutritious so I feel both amount of water that's why I get
content and healthy whenever I eat lightheaded in the sun
them. easily. I love sweet snacks so I tend to
overindulge in them.
Contextual I love hearing sounds that acquaint 2 But often times that this preference of 2
with my memories and I appreciate all mine causes me eye-related pain
types of musical but sometimes I still use thick blankets
styles for their unique melodies give even if it’s hot that often make me sweat
me different musical pleasures in my buckets
soul. My impact on the environment
might be small compared to other
environmental activists but I do my
best to act my part as a student that
supports against pollution and the
destruction of earth.
Spiritual And I'm forever grateful for being in 8 At times, I fall into a slump and forget to 2
His graces at a very young age. It led us read His word or not talk to Him and I hate
to beautiful people and beautiful myself for being lazy. I sometimes have a
relationships with them. He blessed us hard time going back to my habit of daily
with a spiritual family. But with God, prayer.
everything is possible. Daily, I thank
Him with my life for it is His. With
God's guidance, I'm always on the
right chosen path. In God, I gladly
surrender. For He is my Lord and
Can one aspect of development work without the other?
In my opinion, we have to fairly develop each of them as to not leave one aspect of
development fall short from the other aspects. So, no, one won't work without the others for they are
called holistic development for a reason. These aspects are a system rather than individuals. In order to
be effective, we need to develop and improve each one fairly in able to better all of them as a whole.
In the scale of 0-10, what is the scale of good wolf and bad wolf within you? Explain your
answer. Give ways on how to feed each wolf within you?
As I evaluated myself through this module, I keep finding bits and pieces of myself that I haven't
known or cared to notice before. As I came across the story of the two wolves, I recognize myself as the
grandson in the story for he might be both confused and enlightened by what his grandfather told him. I
reviewed and sort of psychoanalyzed myself and found out the scale of good wolf and bad wolf within
myself is 4-6. 4 being the good wolf and 6 being the bad wolf.
This is my scale for as I grew out my childish perspective and into my present adolescent self, I
noticed that I seem to feed the bad wolf more in my decisions, thoughts, feelings and consequently, my
actions. For example, when I took an inventory of my thoughts, I tend to have a negative outlook in life. I
feel the emotions regret, sorrow, inferiority and guilt more than I should as I grew into my adolescence.
When I feel happiness, the bad wolf would invade my mind and give me fear in having such a joyful
emotion, that I should feel guilty for feeling something I don't deserve of having. So my actions and
decisions are influenced more by the bad wolf resulting into me being scared of opportunities.
I always wanted to feed the good wolf, needing to feel more optimistic in life. But now I have
the motivation to have a positive perspective, I realized that I need to feed both wolf fairly in order to
not left out the other or it might starve, causing them to be out of my control. For example, If I feel my
ego overpowering my thoughts I should ask myself, 'What good does it do for me?' It should motivate
myself to feed the other wolf but first, I have to practice gratitude to the other feeling, e.g. the ego, for
keeping me socially in line and not making me fall off my standards. The act of being thankful and
hopeful is feeding the good wolf already. But we have to remember that the fight between the good and
bad wolf inside me will be forever and eternal as long as I live. So, in order to take and gain control, feed
each wolf. We always have the power and the freedom to choose. And I choose to be hopeful and
optimistic in life, which are motivated by my guilt and fear of living a lie and a life full of regret. I wonder
how long I can control them both? No matter, I challenge myself to choose good and right.