Energies: Robust Speed Control of PMSM Using Sliding Mode Control (SMC) - A Review
Energies: Robust Speed Control of PMSM Using Sliding Mode Control (SMC) - A Review
Energies: Robust Speed Control of PMSM Using Sliding Mode Control (SMC) - A Review
Robust Speed Control of PMSM Using Sliding Mode
Control (SMC)—A Review
Fardila Mohd Zaihidee 1,2 , Saad Mekhilef 1,3, * and Marizan Mubin 4
1 Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Research Laboratory (PEARL), Department of Electrical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia;
2 Faculty of Technical and Vocational, Sultan Idris Education University, Tanjong Malim 35900, Perak, Malaysia
3 Center of Research Excellence in Renewable Energy and Power Systems, King Abdulaziz University,
Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
4 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603,
Malaysia; marizan@um.edu.my
* Correspondence: saad@um.edu.my; Tel.: +6-037-967-6851
Received: 22 November 2018; Accepted: 18 January 2019; Published: 1 May 2019
Abstract: Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are known as highly efficient motors
and are slowly replacing induction motors in diverse industries. PMSM systems are nonlinear
and consist of time-varying parameters with high-order complex dynamics. High performance
applications of PMSMs require their speed controllers to provide a fast response, precise tracking,
small overshoot and strong disturbance rejection ability. Sliding mode control (SMC) is well known as
a robust control method for systems with parameter variations and external disturbances. This paper
investigates the current status of implementation of sliding mode control speed control of PMSMs.
Our aim is to highlight various designs of sliding surface and composite controller designs with
SMC implementation, which purpose is to improve controller’s robustness and/or to reduce SMC
chattering. SMC enhancement using fractional order sliding surface design is elaborated and verified
by simulation results presented. Remarkable features as well as disadvantages of previous works are
summarized. Ideas on possible future works are also discussed, which emphasize on current gaps in
this area of research.
Keywords: permanent magnet synchronous motor; sliding mode control; motion control; fractional
order; sliding surface; composite controller
1. Introduction
Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are widely used in low- to mid-power
applications and high performance drives, e.g., robotics, electric vehicles and machine tools. They are
preferred over brush-type motors and are gradually replacing induction motors in various fields of
application due to their advantages such as compact structures, high air-gap flux density, high power
density, high torque to inertia ratio, and high efficiency. However, PMSM systems are nonlinear and
consist of time-varying parameters with high-order complex dynamics [1,2].
In recent years, field oriented control (FOC) of PMSMs has been a focus for many researchers.
This technique simplifies the motor modeling, hence resulting in a simplified controller design. The
stator current is decoupled into torque and flux producing components to allow independent control
of both parameters as in DC motors [3]. FOC is used to achieve smooth starting, good acceleration
and fast four-quadrant operation [4,5]. Compared to the direct torque control (DTC) method, the
FOC approach results in lower torque and current ripple [6,7]. The FOC approach is the focused in
this review.
For speed regulation of PMSMs, control structures usually employ cascaded control loops, which
consist of an outer speed control loop and two inner current loops. The advantages of cascaded control
architecture lie in better disturbance resistance ability and better set point response performance.
In the speed-current cascaded control structure, the relationship between the speed output and the
reference quadrature axis current are usually described by a first-order model. However, considering
the possibility that the closed-loop performance might degrade due to vanishing relative differences in
control periods between both loops, second-order model relationships were also proposed [8]. For high
speed applications of PMSMs, integrated speed and current controllers were used to solve the problem
of nonlinear coupling between speed and current [9].
High performance PMSM applications require their speed controllers to provide a fast response,
precise tracking, small overshoot and strong disturbance rejection ability. Linear control algorithms,
e.g., PI controllers, have been widely used for speed control of PMSMs, but the performance was
unsatisfactory in terms of tracking ability and robustness [10]. Various nonlinear control methods
have been proposed to enhance the speed control performance of PMSMs in different aspects. These
methods include sliding mode control [1,4,8,11,12], predictive control [13,14], backstepping control [15],
adaptive control [15–19], H∞ control [20], automatic disturbance rejection control [21] and artificial
intelligence incorporated controllers [12,22].
Sliding mode control (SMC) is a class of variable structure system (VSS). Its theory was originated
in the late 1950s in the former USSR by Prof. V. I. Utkin and Prof. S. V. Emelyanov [23,24]. The key
idea of SMC is to reduce the complexity of high order systems to first order state variables, namely
the sliding function and its derivative [25]. Sliding mode control is well known as a robust control
method, which can guarantee excellent tracking although the system is exposed to internal parameter
variations and external disturbances. Other than that, remarkable features of SMC are its high accuracy
and simplicity. SMC has been successfully implemented in many fields [26–32] and applied to many
other machine types other than PMSMs, e.g., induction motors [26,33–35], linear variable reluctance
motors [36] and brushless DC motors [37,38]. SMC is applied to PMSMs directly for speed control,
position control and efficiency as well as indirectly for observer design. This literature focuses on the
application of SMC for speed control of PMSMs.
Challenges in SMC design are to ensure convergence of system state to sliding surface, to ensure
control target achieved on sliding surface (i.e., error converge to zero, ensure robustness), to minimize
reaching phase and to reduce chattering during sliding mode. Several sliding surface designs have
been introduced for speed control of PMSM.
Lyapunov stability analysis is widely used to analyse the stability of the developed SMC controllers,
where the stable convergence property is proven and evaluated. Several Lyapunov functions were
chosen by researchers to be employed in the analysis, but typically the function in Equation (1) is
chosen [4,39] with the conditions given in Equation (2). Reaching condition is satisfied when the
condition in Equation (3) is met:
V (t) = (1/2)s2 (t) (1)
The main disadvantage of SMC methods is the chattering phenomenon they produce and high
frequency switching near the sliding surface caused by the discontinuous control law in SMC design
and from parasitic dynamics interactions [1,4,40]. Chattering can affect the system in terms of reducing
control accuracy, resulting in high heat losses in electrical power circuits and high wear of moving
mechanical parts [41].
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 elaborates on various methods proposed by previous
researchers to enhance SMC for PMSM speed control. The effectiveness of SMC enhancement using
fractional order sliding surface design is verified through simulation results in Section 3. Discussion
and conclusion are presented in Sections 4 and 5, respectively.
Energies 2019, 12, 1669 3 of 27
In PMSM speed control, constructing a conventional sliding surface requires both speed and
acceleration signals. However, acceleration signals are usually immeasurable and difficult to accurately
estimate due to noise and parameter uncertainties. Integral sliding mode solves this issue and avoids
degradation of the system closed loop performance [48]. As far as speed control of PMSM is concerned,
ISMC has proven to result in better speed response compared to conventional PI in terms of overshoot,
response time and steady-state error. In their simulation, Song and Jia [49] proved a smaller speed drop
by 87.5% under load disturbance when using ISMC, compared to a PI controller. Similarly, an improved
speed drop by almost 29% was observed in experiment executed by Zaky [50]. However, a better
result of 4% speed drop was obtained when using a tuned ISMC, concluding that good robustness is
only ensured when ISMC gain is carefully tuned. The drawback of ISMC is the difficulty of parameter
tuning of its gain, which is required to ensure good balance between disturbance rejection property of
the controller and the chattering phenomenon. This drawback was overcome using various techniques
such as using linear varying gain and extended state observer [48] or using gain tuning methods [50].
Energies 2019, 12, 1669 4 of 27
Figure 1. Comparison
Figure 1. Comparison of
of energy
energy transfer
transfer during
during sliding
sliding motion
motion of
FOSMC (blue
(blue line)
line) and
(black line) [4].
(black line) [4].
Taking advantage of both integral SMC and fractional order integral, composite integral SMC
was developed for position control of PMSM. The feedforward compensation part that consists of a
fractional integral term in the control law ensures timely generation of control output during start-up or
load disturbance by eliminating the integral saturation effect without having to increase the switching
gain. In addition to the ability to suppress disturbance, the additional term also weakens the chattering
phenomenon during sliding mode [52]. Implementation of similar composite controller for speed
control of PMSM would also result in a robust, chattering-free system. Implementations of FOSMC in
PMSM speed control need to consider the proper selection of the order, which lies between 0 and 1,
proper determination of the frequency band for fractional order operator approximation and selection
of either fractional integration, fractional differentiation or both as a sliding surface design method.
Non-singular terminal sliding mode controller (NTSM, Equation (8)) was proposed to completely
eliminate the singularity problem of conventional terminal sliding mode control and applied to robot
manipulators [30,67,71] and other systems [28,72]. Mu and He [73] proposed two new definitions
and theorems to specifically characterize the dynamic behavior of TSM and NTSM for nonlinear
systems. NTSM was applied for PMSM speed control and resulted in shorter settling time, better
anti-disturbance ability, smaller tracking error and smaller chattering compared to conventional
SMC [1,74,75]. However, controller enhancement still involves setting the switching gain at higher
value as per in SMC. Hence, large chattering cannot be avoided due to discontinuity term in order to
improve the controller performance. Another drawback lies in providing good convergence especially
when the system state is far from equilibrium [42]. Furthermore, improper parameter selection of
NTSM can affect its convergence rate when its performance approaches that of linear SMC [76]. Several
works aimed to overcome these drawbacks using composite NTSM controllers [77,78] as well as
proposing a design principle of controller variables based on homogeneity analysis [77].
1 q
s = x1 + β x2
β > 0; p, q are positive odd integers, (8)
1< q <2
Another type of terminal sliding mode controller proposed in the literature is the non-singular
fast terminal sliding mode (NFTSM) controller Equation (9). NFTSM retains the advantages of NTSM
but with a faster state convergence. Near equilibrium, the convergence rate of linear sliding mode
remains constant while the convergence rate of NFTSM grows exponentially [76]. NFTSM has been
Energies 2019, 12, 1669 6 of 27
applied for various control applications [79–84] and has shown not only faster convergence, but also
stronger robustness, higher precision and lower chattering compared to conventional SMC.
s = x2 + αx1 + βx1
α, β > 0; p, q > 0 (odd numbers); (9)
NFTSM implemented for speed control of PMSM has proven that singularity problem of TSM is
successfully avoided and faster convergence is obtained [85]. Thorough research on application of
NFTSM for PMSM speed control is still unavailable. However, for position control of PMSM, NFTSM
was used to reduce the chattering phenomenon and provide better position tracking and convergence
rate compared to a PD controller [42]. Similar result is expected if NFTSM is applied for PMSM speed
control. This style of numbering is only for equations and none are given
When compared to first order SMC, HOSMC provides smoother control, better performance
in terms of switching delays in control implementation, eliminates the requirement of derivative
information for the control and is better in chattering effects suppression while still preserving the main
advantages of the conventional SMC approach in terms of robustness and easiness of implementation [86,
89,90]. On the other hand, the challenge in HOSMC lies in the usage of differentiators, where
their practical behavior requires particular care in real implementation due to measurement noise.
The deteriorative effects on overall closed loop performance increase dramatically with the number of
differentiation stages [91].
For second order SMC (SOSMC), the main idea is not only to have the sliding surface at zero
but also its first order derivative. Its control acts on the first derivative of the sliding surface. Second
order sliding mode satisfies Equation (11). Different algorithms were proposed in literature to ensure
SOSMC finite time convergence to zero such as suboptimal [92], twisting, super-twisting [93,94], drift
and algorithm with a prescribed law of variation of s [88]. Robustness issues of second order SMC,
e.g., influences of measurement noise and unmodelled fast actuator dynamics, have been described in
details by Levant and Fridman [95] and Bartolini, et al. [91].
s(t) = s(t) = 0 (11)
Second order SMC has been implemented in many systems [96–101] and for many machine types,
e.g., DC motors [39,93,102], PMSM [103], induction motors [104] and induction generators [105,106].
For speed control of PMSM, SOSMC resulted in smaller output deviations, smaller convergence time
of up to 66% and smaller chattering in comparison with first order SMC [94,107,108]. Chattering
reduction property of SOSMC has been detailed by Bartolini, et al. [109]. Chattering analysis approach
for systems with second order sliding mode control has been proposed by Boiko, et al. [110], where it
Energies 2019, 12, 1669 7 of 27
can be applied to perform an in depth analysis of chattering for better comparison between SOSMC
and first order SMC.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.2. Sliding
Figure Sliding mode
mode band
band of
of (a) conventional
conventional reaching
reaching law
law and (b) novel reaching law [11].
Reproduced withpermission
PMSM system
system using
sliding mode
sliding mode control
control and
and disturbance
disturbance compensation
compensation techniques;
techniques; published
published by
IEEE Transactions
Transactions on
Power Electronics,
Power Electronics,2013.
The proposed composite SMC + ESMDO controller has better disturbance rejection ability than PI
controller, with smaller overshoot and shorter settling time. Quantitatively, under a load disturbance of
4 Nm, the speed drop of the proposed controller was reduced by 75%, overshoot was reduced by 50%
and settling time was 60% shorter. A more relevant comparison was made between SMC with sliding
mode-based disturbance observer and SMC without observer, where the composite SMC showed
smaller overshoot, better robust stability and reduction in the effect of random load on the system [78].
Similarly, performance of a DOB-based nonsingular terminal SMC controller was compared with a
conventional nonsingular terminal SMC by Mu, et al. [77]. Both their simulation and experimental
approaches showed that their proposed composite DOB-based SMC controller resulted in faster speed
response with a tracking error of less than 0.2% and overshoot reduction by 50%. Furthermore,
a remarkable improvement in current chattering was recorded, speed ripple was reduced by 80%
as well as better robustness against step load torque compared to a conventional NTSM controller.
The success in SMC controller enhancement through observers depends on how exact and quick
the estimation can be obtained, which requires the parameters to be selected carefully. Furthermore,
the parameters selected must also ensure that the reachability condition of the main SMC controller
is satisfied.
fuzzy [139]. For comparison purposes, similar performance was obtained when applying fuzzy SMC
to an induction motor [140].
Figure 3.
Figure Typical block
3. Typical block diagram
diagram of
of field
field oriented
oriented control
control of
of PMSM.
3.1. Field Oriented Speed Control of PMSM
3.1. Field Oriented Speed Control of PMSM
In rotor rotating reference frame, the mathematical model of a PMSM is defined as below [4]:
In rotor rotating reference frame, the mathematical model of a PMSM is defined as below [4]:
u𝑢d ==R𝑅s id𝑖 ++λd𝜆− −
ω f𝜔λq𝜆 (12)
u𝑢q ==R𝑅s iq𝑖++λq𝜆+ + ω f𝜔λd𝜆 (13)
h i
𝑇e =
T 1.5p L𝐿md I𝐼d f i𝑖q ++ Ld𝐿− −
= 1.5𝑝 Lq𝐿id iq𝑖 𝑖 (14)
ω f = pn ωr (15)
𝜔 = 𝑝 𝜔 (15)
where ud ,uq are the d,q-axis stator voltages, respectively; id ,iq are the d,q-axis stator currents, respectively;
where 𝑢 ,𝑢 are the d,q-axis stator voltages, respectively; 𝑖 ,𝑖 are the d,q-axis stator currents,
Ld ,Lq are the d,q-axis stator inductances, respectively; Te is the electric torque; Id f is the equivalent
respectively; 𝐿 ,𝐿 are the d,q-axis stator inductances, respectively; 𝑇 is the electric torque; 𝐼 is
d-axis magnetizing current; Lmd is the d-axis mutual inductance; pn is the pole pair; ω f is the inverter
the equivalent
frequency and d-axis magnetizing
ωr is the rotor speed.current; 𝐿 theisd,q-axis
λd ,λq are the d-axis mutual
stator inductance;
flux linkages, 𝑝 are
which is the pole pair;
defined as:
𝜔 is the inverter frequency and 𝜔 is the rotor speed. 𝜆 ,𝜆 are the d,q-axis stator flux linkages,
which are defined as: λq = Lq iq (16)
𝜆 = 𝐿 𝑖 (16)
λd = Ld id + Lmd Id f (17)
𝐵 𝑘 𝑇
𝜔 =− 𝜔 + 𝑖 − (20)
Energies 2019, 12, 1669 12 of 27
! !
. Bm kt TL
ωr = − ωr + iq − (20)
In this study, the main control problem is to ensure the motor speed, ωr to track the desired
speed command, ω∗r asymptotically. For this purpose, the main speed controller i.e., the sliding mode
controller provides an output in terms of q-axis stator current command, iq as the control input for
the inner q-axis current controller. The speed tracking error, e(t) and its derivative are defined in
Equations (21) and (22) respectively, where a, b, c, ∅(t) and δ(t) are defined as in Equations (23)–(26)
with ∆a, ∆b, ∆c as the time-varying value of the system parameters and δ(t) is lumped uncertainty:
s(t)= kp e(t)+ki 0 D−α ( )+kd 0 Dt e(t)
t e t (27)
kp , ki , kd > 0, 0 < α < 1, 0 < β < 1
s = −ws − ks sign(s), w, ks ∈ R+ (28)
ki 0 D1−α
t e t
( )+ kd 0 Dt e(t)
−1 +(w − a)kp e(t)
i∗q (t) = bkp (29)
+kp ∅(t)+wki 0 D−α ()
t e t
+wkd 0 Dt e(t)+ks sign(s)
Parameter Value
Stator resistance, Rs 1.2 Ω
d-axis stator inductance, Ld
Energies 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6.35 m H 13 of 28
q-axis stator inductance, Lq 6.75 m H
Moment of inertia, J
Viscous friction coefficient, 𝐵 × 10−4
2.310.0002 Nmkg sm2
Viscous friction coefficient, Bm 0.0002 Nm s
linkage, λf 𝜆
linkage, 0.15 Wb
0.15 Wb
PolePole pn 𝑝
pair,pair, 4
ConventionalInteger Order
Integer SMC
Order SMC
The performance
The performanceof the
of proposed fractional
the proposed order order
fractional SMC isSMC
compared with the with
is compared conventional integral
the conventional
SMC. Reference
integral SMC. speed of 500
Reference rpmof
speed was500setrpm
torque of 2 Nm
and load wasofapplied
torque at t =
2 Nm was 0.5 s. Results
applied in s.
at t = 0.5
Figure 4 show
Results that drive
in Figure 4 show system with system
that drive SMC speedwithcontroller
SMC speed experienced
controller 9.22% overshoot,
experienced 9.22% which was
times was
higher10 than
timesthe overshoot
higher of the
than the FOSMCofsystem.
overshoot the FOSMC system.
Speed (rpm)
200 505
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure 4. 4.Speed
proposed FOSMC
and conventional
conventional SMC
SMC speed
speed controller.
recorded settling timefor
settling time for SMC
SMC system
system waswas
than than 30 longer
30 times times longer than FOSMC
than FOSMC system.
system. When
When load
load torque was applied, SMC system suffered from speed drop of almost the same as those of of
torque was applied, SMC system suffered from speed drop of almost the same as those
FOSMC system.
FOSMC However,
system. However,it took almost
it took 2525
almost times
time to
to settle backtotothe
settle back thereference
reference speed
compared to thetoFOSMC
compared the FOSMCsystem.
with conventional
conventional SMC,SMC,1010 times
times higher
speed ripple was observed.
speed ripple was observed.
DifferentSliding Surface
Sliding Designs
Surface Designs (PI,
(PI, PD and
PD and PID) PID)
this work,
this work,a fractional PID sliding
a fractional surfacesurface
PID sliding was proposed to construct
was proposed the slidingthe
to construct mode controller.
sliding mode
controller. The performance of the proposed sliding surface design is compared with PIsurface.
performance of the proposed sliding surface design is compared with PI and PD sliding and PD
Similarly, reference
sliding surface. speed was
Similarly, set at speed
reference 500 rpm
wasand load
set at 500torque
rpm andof load
2 Nmtorque
was applied
of 2 Nmatwast =applied
0.5 s.
From Figure 5, it can be seen that FOSMC with PID sliding surface resulted in better speed
at t = 0.5 s. From Figure 5, it can be seen that FOSMC with PID sliding surface resulted in better speed response
with almostwith
response 19 times
almost less
times lessthan FOSMC
overshoot with
than PI sliding
FOSMC withsurface. When
PI sliding loadWhen
surface. torqueload
of 2torque
of 2 Nm was applied, FOSMC-PI experienced a speed drop of 4%, which is 2.8% more than the speed
drop of a FOSMC-PID system. After the speed drop, the FOSMC-PI system settled back to reference
speed after almost 0.01 s, whereas the FOSMC-PID settled faster by one fifth. In terms of torque ripple,
the performance of FOSMC-PID was prominent, where the resulting torque ripple was half of the
torque ripple of FOSMC-PI. Figure 6 shows that FOSMC-PD resulted in no overshoot compared to
Energies 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 28
to that,
Energies FOSMC-PD
2019, had a larger steady state error of almost three times higher than FOSMC-PID.
12, 1669 14 of 27
Torque ripple of both controllers was almost equal.
was applied, FOSMC-PI experienced a speed drop of 4%, which is 2.8% more than the speed drop of
a FOSMC-PID system. 600After the speed drop, the FOSMC-PI system settled back to reference speed
after almost 0.01 s, whereas the FOSMC-PID settled faster by one fifth. In terms of torque ripple,
the performance of FOSMC-PID
500 was prominent, where the resulting torque ripple was half of the
torque ripple of FOSMC-PI. Figure
Energies 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 shows that FOSMC-PD resulted in no overshoot compared to28
14 of
FOSMC-PID. However, its settling time was almost nine times longer than FOSMC-PID. In addition to
that, FOSMC-PD
to that, FOSMC-PD had400
larger steadysteady
a larger state error
almost three times
of almost threehigher
timesthan FOSMC-PID.
higher Torque
Speed (rpm)
Torqueof both
ripplecontrollers was almost
of both controllers equal.
was almost equal.
0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52
Speed (rpm)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 FOSMC-PID
0.7 0.8
300 Time(s) FOSMC-PI
In its own fractional order SMC group, the proposed FOSMC-PID 490 has shown its advantages in
balancing the individual strength and weaknesses of FOSMC-PI and FOSMC-PD. The proposed
FOSMC reduced the overshoot contributed by the integral portion 0.49
same time reduce the
steady state error contributed
0 by the differential portion. The combination of PID also reduces the
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
speed drop when the load torque was applied. Small speed and torque ripple proves that chattering
phenomenon has been successfully suppressed. Performance indices of the proposed controller and
the controllers in comparison
Figure are summarized
5. Speed response in Table
of FOSMC-PID and2.FOSMC-PI speed controller.
Figure 5. Speed response of FOSMC-PID and FOSMC-PI speed controller.
In its own fractional order SMC group, the proposed FOSMC-PID has shown its advantages in
balancing the individual strength and weaknesses of FOSMC-PI and FOSMC-PD. The proposed
FOSMC reduced 500the overshoot contributed by the integral portion and at the same time reduce the
steady state error contributed by the differential portion. The combination of PID also reduces the
speed drop when the load torque was applied. Small speed and torque ripple proves that chattering
phenomenon has 400been successfully suppressed. Performance indices of the proposed controller and
Speed (rpm)
500 500
400 494
Speed (rpm)
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65
30000 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Figure 6. 6.Speed
Figure Speedresponse ofof
response FOSMC-PID and
and 500 speed
FOSMC-PD controller.
speed controller.
100 494
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Energies 2019, 12, 1669 15 of 27
In its own fractional order SMC group, the proposed FOSMC-PID has shown its advantages
in balancing the individual strength and weaknesses of FOSMC-PI and FOSMC-PD. The proposed
FOSMC reduced the overshoot contributed by the integral portion and at the same time reduce the
steady state error contributed by the differential portion. The combination of PID also reduces the
speed drop when the load torque was applied. Small speed and torque ripple proves that chattering
phenomenon has been successfully suppressed. Performance indices of the proposed controller and
the controllers in comparison are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2. Comparison of performance indices of the proposed controller with previous works.
Performance Indices SMC FOSMC-PI FOSMC-PD
Overshoot (%) 9.22 5.52 0 0.8593
Settling time (s) 0.288 0.0094 0.096 0.0096
Speed drop (%) 1.28 4.3 1.5 1.16
Steady state error (%) 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.02
Torque ripple (%) 12 11 10 10
Speed ripple (%) 0.16 0.12 0.014 0.014
3.3.3. Performance of the Proposed FOSMC Speed Controller for Various Conditions
The controller is then tested for various conditions to ensure its robustness. Figure 7 shows the
controller performance when reference speeds of 100 to 3000 rpm are given. The reference speed is
tracked with settling time not more than 0.2 s and with overshoot not more than 2%. On a different
case, various load torque (2–6 Nm) are given to the system at t = 0.5 s and the speed reference is fixed
at 500 rpm. Figure 8 shows that the controller is able to track back the reference speed after speed drop
of less than 13%. The proposed controller is also tested for a few motor sizes. As shown in Figure 9,
the proposed controller ensures successful speed tracking for motors between 1.67 kW and 13.22 kW.
The performance of the proposed controller is further validated and compared with performance of
SMC under different scenarios. Figure 10 shows the speed response of system when positive loads
of 2 Nm (at t = 0.5 s) and 6 Nm (at t = 1.0 s) as well as negative loads of −4 Nm (at t = 1.5 s) are
applied. The speed response for both positive and negative reference speeds of 500 rpm, −500 rpm
and −1000 rpm at t = 0.0 s, t = 0.5 s and t = 1.0 s respectively is shown in Figure 11. In this case, a load
torque of 2 Nm is applied at t = 1.5 s.
kW. The performance of the proposed controller is further validated and compared with performance
of SMC under different scenarios. Figure 10 shows the speed response of system when positive loads
of 2 Nm (at t = 0.5 s) and 6 Nm (at t = 1.0 s) as well as negative loads of −4 Nm (at t = 1.5 s) are applied.
The speed response for both positive and negative reference speeds of 500 rpm, −500 rpm and −1000
Energies at t =12,0.0 s, t = 0.5 s and t = 1.0 s respectively is shown in Figure 11. In this case, a load torque
1669 16 of 27 of
2 Nm is applied at t = 1.5 s.
3000 1500rpm
Speed (rpm)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Energies 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 28
Figure 7. Speed response of FOSMC-PID speed controller for various speed references.
Figure 7. Speed response of FOSMC-PID speed controller for various speed references.
Speed (rpm)
300 6Nm
200 500
100 440
0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure 8. Speed response of FOSMC-PID speed controller for various load torque.
Figure 8. Speed response of FOSMC-PID speed controller for various load torque.
Speed (rpm)
300 8.2kW
200 400 500
0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure 8. Speed response of FOSMC-PID speed controller for various load torque.
Energies 2019, 12, 1669 17 of 27
Speed (rpm)
300 8.2kW
200 400 500
100 100 496
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.495 0.5 0.505 0.51 0.515
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Energies 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW Time(s) 18 of 28
Speed (rpm)
505 510
100 500 550
500 490
480 500
0 495 470
0.5 0.51 0.52 1 1.01 1.02 1.5 1.51 1.52
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Figure 10. Comparison of speed response of FOSMC and SMC speed controller when positive and
negative 10. Comparison
are applied.of speed response of FOSMC and SMC speed controller when positive and
negative loads are applied.
400 SMC
200 -995
0 -800
Speed (rpm)
-200 -1000
1 1.01 1.02 1.5 1.51 1.52
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Figure 10. Comparison of speed response of FOSMC and SMC speed controller when positive and
Energies 2019, loads are applied.
12, 1669 18 of 27
400 SMC
200 -995
0 -800
Speed (rpm)
-200 -1000
1 1.01 1.02 1.5 1.51 1.52
0.5 0.51 0.52
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Figure 11. Comparison of speed response of FOSMC and SMC speed controller when positive and
Figure 11. Comparison of speed response of FOSMC and SMC speed controller when positive and
negative reference speeds are given.
negative reference speeds are given.
Simulation results proved that the proposed FOSMC speed controller performs as a robust and
Simulation results
fast anti-disturbance proved
controller to that the proposed
regulate the speedFOSMC
of a PMSMspeed controller
and performs
proven its as a robust
advantages againstand
fast anti-disturbance controller to regulate the speed of a PMSM and proven its
SMC controllers. The proposed sliding surface design also improves the FOSMC in terms of torque advantages against
ripple reduction, chattering reduction and anti-disturbance properties, compared to FOSMC withtorque
SMC controllers. The proposed sliding surface design also improves the FOSMC in terms of PI
or PD reduction,
sliding surface.chattering reduction
Its robustness and
is also anti-disturbance
proven for variousproperties,
conditions compared
such as fortovarious
with PI
or PD sliding
references, surface.
various Its robustness
load torques is also
and various proven
motor for various conditions such as for various speed
references, various load torques and various motor sizes.
4. Discussion
Sliding mode control possesses many remarkable features to be applied in designing a robust
and precise speed controller for permanent magnet synchronous motors. Sliding surface design and
the chosen reaching law determine the equivalent control law that should result in system state’s
convergence to sliding surface and control target achieved on the sliding surface as well as should
ensure that reaching phase is minimized and chattering effect is attenuated. In addition to pure SMC
controllers, controller’s performance is enhanced in terms of robustness and chattering reduction by
many means. The main idea behind composite SMC is to have an adaptive sliding surface design based
on uncertainties and disturbances, compared to a sliding surface design with fix values in conventional
SMC. State-of-the-art implementation of SMC for speed control of PMSM is summarized in Figure 12
and compared in terms of their remarkable properties and disadvantages in Table 3.
ensure that reaching phase is minimized and chattering effect is attenuated. In addition to pure SMC
controllers, controller’s performance is enhanced in terms of robustness and chattering reduction by
many means. The main idea behind composite SMC is to have an adaptive sliding surface design
based on uncertainties and disturbances, compared to a sliding surface design with fix values in
Energies SMC. State-of-the-art implementation of SMC for speed control of PMSM
2019, 12, 1669 is
19 of 27
summarized in Figure 12 and compared in terms of their remarkable properties and disadvantages
in Table 3.
Figure 12. Summary
Summary of
of SMC
SMC enhancement
enhancement methods.
As far 3. Comparison
as SMC for PMSM of state-of-the-art
speed controlimplementation
is concerned,ofopportunities
SMC for speed of control
futureof PMSM.
works are still
wide open. The lists of sliding surface designs and composite sliding mode controllers that have
been successfully Remarkable Properties Disadvantages
Description applied to other machines but have not been applied for speed control of PMSM
are endless. Similar good results are not guaranteed but they are worth to be researched on. It is
Unsatisfactory convergence rate and
also necessary to mention that more research works is required intime
settling the(can
areabeof SMC parameter
improved by
Linear since
tuning, SMC many researchers
still based their work on conventional trial and error method.
composite SMC or reaching law A new
promising approach to optimise parameter tuning is by using modification) adaptive SMC to ensure a dynamical
adaptation of the control• gainReaching
in orderphase
to beeliminated
as small as possible whereas sufficient to counteract the
uncertainties/perturbations• [152–158]. For PMSM
Order of motion equationapplication,
is equal disturbance
Controller gainestimation techniques
must be carefully are
mostly constraint
Integral SMC at either DOB or state
to order of theobserver. This situation
original system opensbalance
to ensure the opportunity for future
between robustness
researchers to explore the • combination of SMCcontrol
Smaller maximum with other estimation techniques.
and chattering
magnitude have
Many composite SMC controllers required
been proposed, but researchers should not compromise
one of the remarkable features of SMC
Improve namely
controller its simplicity. Integration of artificial intelligence
into SMC in order to producewith extra degree of
an ‘intelligent’ freedom should not jeopardize the controller’s speed.
Information on chattering (fractional
effect operator)
is crucial in presenting SMCs.Careful tuning
In several of fractional
literatures, operator
the chattering
Fractional order SMC
• Small chattering due to slower required
effect of their proposed controllers was not carefully presented or simply not addressed. It can be
energy transfer compared to
concluded that what remains in designing a SMC for speed control of PMSM is to find balance between
integral SMC
the robustness and the chattering for wide range of operating conditions.
Fractional power is introduced to Singularity problem that might occur if
ensure fast and finite-time states the initial conditions are not carefully
Terminal SMC
convergence during sliding mode selected (can be solved by NTSM,
phase NFTSM)
Energies 2019, 12, 1669 20 of 27
Fractional power is introduced to ensure fast and Singularity problem that might occur if the
Terminal SMC finite-time states convergence during sliding mode initial conditions are not carefully selected
phase (can be solved by NTSM, NFTSM)
• Speed of convergence depends on how far the • Robustness of the controller is reduced
SMC with reaching law state variable is from the sliding surface • Reaching time increases as the state
modification • To eliminate chattering approaches the sliding surface
5. Conclusions
An extensive review of the state-of-the-art implementation of SMC for speed control of PMSMs is
presented in this paper. Various sliding surface designs and composite controller designs with SMC
implementation have been highlighted. The remarkable properties as well as the disadvantages of
previous works are summarized. Ideas on possible future works are also discussed, which emphasize
on current gaps in this area of research. Certain areas have not been thoroughly covered in this study
and deserve a separate thorough review e.g. the application of sliding mode controllers in sensorless
speed control of PMSMs, the application of SMC for DTC control of PMSMs and sliding mode observers
in combination with other controllers for speed control of PMSMs.
Energies 2019, 12, 1669 21 of 27
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, F.M.Z., S.M. and M.M.; Methodology, F.M.Z., S.M. and M.M.; Software,
F.M.Z.; Validation, F.M.Z., S.M. and M.M.; Formal Analysis, F.M.Z., S.M. and M.M.; Investigation, F.M.Z., S.M.
and M.M.; Resources, F.M.Z., S.M. and M.M.; Data Curation, F.M.Z., S.M. and M.M.; Writing-Original Draft
Preparation, F.M.Z.; Writing-Review & Editing, F.M.Z., S.M. and M.M.; Visualization, F.M.Z., S.M. and M.M.;
Supervision, S.M. and M.M.; Project Administration, F.M.Z; Funding Acquisition, S.M. and M.M.
Funding: The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support received from the University of Malaya,
Malaysia, through FRGS Grant No. FRGS/1/2018/TK07/UM/01/3, Frontier Research Grant No. FG007-17AFR and
Postgraduate Research Grant (PPP) No. PG192-2015B.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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