MegaFlex - 480V UL UPS Brochure - 041720
MegaFlex - 480V UL UPS Brochure - 041720
MegaFlex - 480V UL UPS Brochure - 041720
M O N O L I T H I C T H R E E - P H A S E U P S U L 4 8 0V
Meet the best and most reliable
UPS on the market
The MegaFlex UPS
The on-line double conversion MegaFlex UPS provides the best power protection for
your critical infrastructure from 1,200 kW to 1,600 kW for UL applications.
15 year
footprint and provides a scalable paralleling
approach that increases system reliability.
It also eliminates the need for external
Flexible, scalable power Simple and safe installation
including consumable components
paralleling equipment or centralized bypass
From 1200kW to 1600 kW based Pre-engineered interconnection between
and master control. on power block of 400 kW power section and power distribution
cabinet enables trouble-free installation
The ABB MegaFlex UPS delivers up to 97%
efficiency in double conversion mode and
99% in eBoost operating mode. The
Sustainable power technology Maximized availability using proven
system efficiency substantially reduces RPA technology
operating and cooling costs, reducing
Best-in-class efficiency of up to
97% in double conversion mode RPA™ RPA provides complete redundancy of all
cost of ownership and providing more and up to 99% in VFD mode UPS modules in parallel, eliminating single
effective power usage than conventional points of failure
UPS systems.
The MegaFlex UPS offering
As the most efficient technology of its kind, the MegaFlex UPS
offers a vast range of benefits to its user. From effortless
installation to industry-leading innovation, explore how your facility
can harness its exceptional performance.
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Flexible approach Optimized efficiency
• Single module capacity from 1,200 kW • Minimized energy losses, heat
to 1,600 kW; core power blocks dissipation and electricity cost
of 400 kW in double conversion, up to 97%
• Redundant parallel architecture with • High energy efficiency operation
distributed static bypass in eBoost mode, up to 99%
• Multi-module ready offering: N+1, 2N,
2N+1, N+N, 3N/2, and a distributed
redundant ‘catcher’ design
• Collaborative, customer-centered
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Reliable operations World-class innovation
• RPA technology eliminates single • Proven technology from
points of failure in parallel systems world-leading R&D experts
• Ease of operation with local and • Power conversion technology
remote real-time monitoring
• Proven high-power transformerless
for high power density
• eBoost (VFD) mode for
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Simple installation and Ultimate space &
technology premium efficiency
serviceability energy savings
• Easy front and top service access • Market leading maximization of
• Modular sub-assemblies facilitate power density
ease of service and lower MTTR • Up to 40 percent footprint savings
• Fast consumable replacement - inside high-density computing rooms
all accessories in one cabinet • 25 percent reduced energy
• Remote UPS monitoring consumption kWh over the
• Consumable parts design life product life span
up to 15 years
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Flexible approach Optimized efficiency
As your power requirements increase, you need a UPS that grows with your Running a facility with high energy demands means that every percentage
infrastructure. MegaFlex provides a scalable paralleling approach, with point of energy saved represents significant cost savings and a reduction
module capacity ranging from 1,200 kW to 1,600 kW, up to 4 modules for in CO₂ emissions.
capacity or redundancy.
• Ease-of-use for operations personnel The MegaFlex UPS solution combines the Efficiencies up to
• Simple maintenance, easy highest efficiency ratings available with the
system upgrade smallest footprint.
• Can be paralleled with up to four systems
• The best power density on the market in eBoost operation
Flexible Optimized
• Double conversion operating mode with
approach efficiency
efficiency of up to 97 percent, rising to
1,000 tons
The MegaFlex UL UPS
is part of ABB’s broad costs without sacrificing the system reliability
range of products and
integrated solutions that that keeps their center running.
ensure data centers
operate with optimum
reliability and efficiency. Double conversion (VFI) - 3 level converters
From power distribution eBoost (VFD)
units to static UPS 1 UPS 2 UPS 3 Catcher UPS
15 year
99% Efficiency
transfer switches and eBoost Power
Mains input
Power flow 99% Efficiency
supply systems, ABB can the critical load
optimize your centralized Static bypass AC output to
Mains input
power protection design. the critical load
Input voltage
Utility failure will transfer the load to inverter
(double conversion) within 2 ms.
In case of a utility failure, the UPS
Input voltage
Utility failure will transfer the load to inverter
(double <2conversion)
ms within 2 ms.
Transfer to inverter <2 ms
Transfer to inverter
UPS output
Extremely fast transfer to inverter
UPS output
(<2ms) in case of utility voltage
anomaly or failure.
Extremely fast transfer to inverter
PDU PDU PDU eBoost active Double conversion active
(<2ms) in case of utility voltage
anomaly or failure.
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Reliable operations World-class innovation
Critical, high-density computing environments demand a combination Meeting the increasing power demands of modern data centers requires a continuous
of assured uptime and the highest safety standards to ensure both flow of clean, sustainable power and system-wide resiliency. With its world-class
assets and people are protected. research and development capability and 130 years history of innovation, ABB is
uniquely placed to work with you to support power quality and availability.
• Comprehensive monitoring capabilities RPA (Redundant parallel architecture) technology Enhanced resiliency increases a power
allowing inclusive communication to ABB RPA provides parallel system architecture for structure’s failure-prevention capabilities
service networks redundancy and no single point of failure. This and its ability to keep running despite faulty
• Enhanced power measurement, providing means that if the lead UPS fails to operate, another equipment or software.
comprehensive data to track UPS automatically takes on the leadership role. World-class
energy consumption And, if any other UPS fails to operate, its load is innovation The MegaFlex UPS and accompanying ABB
• Modular sub-assemblies including automatically redistributed to the others. support infrastructure – such as intelligent
capacitors and fans facilitating ease switchgear, smart sensors, cloud-based
of service and lowering MTTR predictive maintenance and enterprise and
• Easy front and top access to all system site-specific monitoring – deliver the high-level
components reduces repair and Inductor of system-wide resilience essential to the global
Mains input
maintenance time data center industry.
2A 1B
• Up to 15 year design life on consumable
rectifier Invertor
components • Support of ABB’s full product portfolio
Mains input
• Smart grid to regulate energy consumption
Maintenance made easy Input board
Serviceability has never been easier, thanks rectifier Invertor Innovation in resilience
to the MegaFlex UPS's innovative design. UPS Output As data centers respond to new trends in hybrid
A common 400 kW building block blueprint and distributed architectures, real-time data
has been expertly engineered to optimize replication and advances in virtualization,
accessibility and to reduce the possibility resiliency becomes increasingly essential.
of human error.
Measures taken to improve resiliency also have
Designed for ease of use from the moment other benefits. For example, a good monitoring
of installation, the MegaFlex two-cabinet strategy allows for predictive insight that can
compartmented architecture simplifies not only flag equipment replacement issues but
uniform structural support and easy installation. also enhance self-diagnostics. This in turn
The power and distribution cabinets are factory reduces downtime and mitigates risk through
pre-wired, minimizing onsite connection human error.
points and accelerating onsite logistics and
commissioning. This approach also allows remote monitoring
of the plant's energy consumption, making the
implementation of energy management strategies
easier, faster and more cost-effective.
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Ultimate space and energy savings Control and monitoring
The MegaFlex 480V UL system delivers an industry leading, monolithic high-power The MegaFlex UPS's visual interface allows the operator to observe measurements,
density cabinet design with an optimized, industry leading footprint. This compact events and alarms onscreen for a comprehensive overview of operations.
system stacks three, 400 kW power blocks for 1.2 MW, and four, 400 KW power
blocks for 1.6 MW within one UPS cabinet delivering reliable power with reduced
energy losses.
Connectivity section Display variables include: These systems also integrate with the
With ultra-fast relay boards and up to two • Input, output and battery voltage and currents ABB Ability™ Data Center Automation
network management cards for connectivity, • Output kW, kVA platform, enabling a proactive, holistic
eg. SNMP, Modbus TCP/IP, Modbus RS 485 approach across operations.
Control and All UPS measurements are easily accessed remotely
monitor with a standard web browser via SNMP, Modbus Additional control and monitoring features:
TCP/IP or Modbus RS 485. • I/O dry ports
• Dry inputs for remote shutdown
Measurements and alarms are also made accessible • Generator, operational and external switchgear
to other integrated systems including electrical • SKRU Interlocks
power monitoring system (EPMS), the building • Battery cabinet temperature sensor
Back-feed protection
management system (BMS) and data center
infrastructure management (DCIM).
System graphical display Cable saver inductor
With UPS mimic diagram, to balance currents
measurements, UPS and minimizing
status, events parallel power cabling
Top or bottom entry
• AC input/output —
The flow of
and DC connections information from the UPS
• Single or dual input
Firewall Modbus or SNMP Local monitoring
1600 kW power frame Rated buss bar
4x400kW slide out landings
rectifier & inverters
ABB vs. Market in width @ 1200 kW ABB vs. Market in width @ 1600 kW
ABB 130" @ 1200 kW ABB 130" @ 1600 kW
Brand V 128" @ 1200 kW Brand M 165" @ 1600 kW BMS UPS Other devices
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Tested and trusted Technical specifications
General data
System power rating [kW] 1,200 1,500 1,600
Comprehensive testing is crucial, which is why companies routinely test Core power rating [kW] 400
Topology Online double conversion
individual products before they leave the factory. Parallel system capacity Up to 4 UPS systems via RPA Decentralized Architecture
Static Bypass Inductor (Standard) Up to 25% more flexibility on cable length in case of RPA system.
But as our customers know, there are often unexpected Cable entry Top or bottom
Serviceability Front and top service access
operating conditions once devices are integrated into a
HRG Ready Yes
real-life system. To address this, ABB maintains extensive
Input Connections Single or Dual Feed
customer witness testing programs at its Swiss and US
Short Circuit Withstand Rating 100 kAIC
manufacturing facilities.
Static Bypass 100% Rated – Continuous Duty
Cabinet color RAL 9005 (black)
ABB’s customers have facility access for: Input
• Infrastructure flexible testing of up to 5 MW Nominal input voltage 480 VAC, 3-ph, 4 W + ground or 3 W + ground
• UPS testing with associated equipment – like switchgear, Voltage tolerance -15% to +15%
static transfer switches, and transformers – for smooth Current distortion THDi <3.0% 100% load normal mode – linear
system integration and transition to onsite infrastructure Frequency range 60 Hz +/-10%
• Testing center designed to test the largest UPS Power factor 0.99
configurations as a single entity Output
• Overseeing the entire test process in a private and dedicated Rated output voltage 480 V ph-ph / 277 V ph-N
conference and high-power testing environment Voltage tolerance Static: +/-1%
Dynamic (step load 0%-100%-0) +/-3
• Customers can attend UPS factory witness test in person or Dynamic (step load 0%-50%-0) +/-2
virtually with remote system Voltage distortion THDu <3 @ 100% load-normal mode – linear
<5 @ 100% load-normal mode – non-linear
Frequency 60 Hz
Double conversion (VFI) Up to 97%
eBoost Mode (VFD) Up to 99%
Protection rating IP20
Storage temperature -13 to 131°F / -25 to 55°C
With a global presence in over 100 countries, ABB’s service engineers are Operating temperature 32 to 104°F / 0 to 40°C
Altitude without de-rating Up to 1,000 m
committed to supporting you wherever you are in the world. Altitude with de-rating 1,500 m: -2.5% / 2,500 m: -2.5%
1,500 m: -2.5% / 1,500 m: -2.5%
Our UPS service portfolio is designed to maximize your return Acoustic noise at 1 m <80 dBA
BRO-UPS-MK-0130_EN A00