MCA and MSC CS Syllabus

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The key takeaways are the objectives and outcomes of the MCA program which include producing software professionals, developing entrepreneurs, developing critical thinking skills, and developing global competence.

The objectives of the MCA program are to produce software professionals for IT employment, provide knowledge for designing application software systems, develop entrepreneurs, develop critical thinking and ethical skills, and develop global competence.

The outcomes expected of MCA graduates are the ability to apply mathematical foundations to computing problems, conceptualize programming languages, practice and develop software and data analysis, utilize software development tools, recognize and analyze problems in coding and implementation, build software for organizations, and function as a software consultant with professional and ethical values.

Annexure A

MCA Syllabus w.e.f 2019-2020

Course Structure and Scheme of Examination w.e.f 2019-20

1. To produce software professionals enriched with knowledge and skill who can be
employed in IT
2. Induct knowledge needed for designing and implementing Application Software Systems
along with offering support to automated systems.
3. To develop entrepreneurs who can develop customized solutions for small to large
4. To develop academically competent and professionally motivated personnel, equipped
with objective, critical thinking, right moral and ethical values that compassionately foster the
scientific temper with a sense of social responsibility.
5. To develop students to become globally competent.
6. To inculcate entrepreneurial skills among students


(a) Ability to implement their knowledge of Mathematical Foundations in computing

(b) Ability to conceptualize the programming languages and their applications.
(c) Ability to practice and develop software for interpretation and analysis of data.
(d) Ability to utilize the techniques, skills, and software tools required for software
(e) Ability to recognize and analyze problems in multiple aspects including coding, testing
and implementation of software applications.
(f) Ability to build operational software for organizations satisfying various constraints like
economic, social and ethical.
(g) Ability to use the knowledge of enterprise level application software for design of
engineering product or process.
(h) Ability to function as consultant for the development of sustainable software solutions.
(i) Perceiving professional and ethical values.
(j) Ability to convey efficiently in different groups and manifest leadership skills.
(k) To develop an interpretation of global environment and its security.


Sub Code Name of the Subject Int. Ext. Total No of Hours/

Marks Mark Marks Credits Week
MCA 1.1 Programming with C 30 70 100 5 4

MCA 1.2 Computer Organization 30 70 100 5 4

MCA 1.3 Language Processors 30 70 100 4 4

MCA 1.4 Discrete Mathematical 30 70 100 5 4

MCA 1.5 Accountancy and Financial 30 70 100 4 4
MCA 1.6 C Programming Lab 30 70 100 3 6

MCA 1.7 Computer Organization 30 70 100 3 6

MCA 1.8 Seminar 50 -- 50 1 3

TOTAL 260 490 750 30 35

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. Teaching and training of different problems in C programming

3. Training the students to write efficient coding,
4. Guiding students to fragment problems into different functions or units.

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1. Understand the basics used in computer programming

2. Write, compile and debug programs in C language in different operating systems.
3. Design programs involving decision structures, loops and functions.
4. Skilled to write low level programming by using C language



Introductory Concepts: Types of Programming Languages, Introduction to C, Desirable

Program Characteristics

Introduction to C Programming: The C Character Set, Writing First Program of C,

Identifiers and Keywords, Data types, Constants, Variables and Arrays, Declarations,
Expressions Statements, Symbolic Constants

Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic Operators, Unary Operators, Relational and Logical
Operators, Assignment Operators, The Conditional Operator, Library Functions.

Data Input and Output: Preliminaries, Single Character Input-The Getchar Function, Single
Character Output – The Putchar Function, Enter Input Data – The Scanf Function, More
About the Scanf Function, Writing Output Data – The Printf Function, More About the Printf
Function, The Gets and Puts Functions

Preparing and Running A Complete C Program: Planning a C Program, Writing a C

Program, Error Diagnostics, Debugging Techniques

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Illustrate the flowchart and design algorithm for a given problem and to develop C
programs using operator

 Develop conditional and iterative statements to write C programs


Control Statements: Preliminaries, Branching: The IF-ELSE Statement, Looping: The while
Statement, More Looping: The do-while Statement, Still More Looping: The for Statement,
Nested Control Structures, The Switch Statement, The break Statement, The continue
Statement, The comma Statement, The goto Statement.

Functions: A Brief Overview, Defining a Function, Accessing a Function, Function

Prototypes, Passing Arguments to a Function, Recursion

Program Structure: Storage Classes, Automatic Variables, External (Global) Variables,

Static Variables.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Develop conditional and iterative statements to write C programs
 Exercise user defined functions to solve real time problems
 Understand the need of storage classes.


Arrays: Defining an Array, Processing an Array, Passing Arrays to Functions,

Multidimensional Arrays, Arrays and Strings

Pointers: Fundamentals, Pointer Declarations, Passing Pointers to a Function, Pointers and

One-dimensional Arrays, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Operations on Pointers, Pointers and
Multidimensional Arrays, Arrays of Pointers, Passing Functions to Other Functions

Structures and Unions: Defining a Structure, Processing a Structure, User-defined Data

Types (Typedef), Structure and Pointers, Passing Structures to Functions, Self-referential
Structures, Unions

Data Files: Why Files, Opening and Closing a Data File, Reading and Writing a Data File,
Processing a Data File, Unformatted Data Files, Concept of Binary Files

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Inscribe C programs that use Pointers to access arrays, strings and functions.
 Exercise user defined data types including structures and unions to solve problems
 Inscribe C programs using pointers and to allocate memory using dynamic memory
management functions.
 Exercise files concept to show input and output of files in C

Low-Level Programming: Register Variables, Bitwise Operations, Bit Fields

Some Additional Features of C: Enumerations, Command Line Parameters, More About

Library Functions, Macros, The C Processor.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Understand how low level programming is achieved in C
 Get knowledge of various additional features of C

Prescribed Book:

Byron S Gottfriend, “Programming with C”, Second Edition, Schaum Out Lines, TATA
McGraw Hill (2007)

Reference Book:

1. Behrouy A. Foreuyan& Richard F. Gilberg, “Computer Science A structured

programming Approach using C”, Third Edition, Cengage Learning (2008).
2. Herbert Schildt, “The Complete Reference C”, Fourth Edition, TMH (2008)

Model Paper

MCA 1.1: Programming with C

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

(a)Importance of storage class.
(b)What is the purpose of typedef.
(c)Define type casting.
(d)Difference between macro and procedure.
(e)What is the difference between array of characters and a string.
(f)Why ‘C’ is called middle level language.
(g)How pointers are used to access structure elements.

Unit – I

2.(a)Explain with suitable examples different data types in ‘C’.

(b)Briefly explain different operators in ‘C’.
3.(a)With suitable examples explain structure of ‘C’ program.
(b)Explain gets() and puts() with examples.

Unit –II

4.(a)Explain loop structures in ‘C’.

(b)Write a program for sum of digits of a number and no.of digits
in a number.
5.(a)Write about different storage classes in ‘C’.
(b)Write a program to pass n arguments to a function and return
average of n values.
Unit –III

6.(a)Explain declaration, accessing and processing of two

dimensional arrays in ‘C’.
(b)Write a program to sort strings using pointers.
7. What is a pointer ? How pointers are useful in self referential structures ? What are the
advantages of pointers?

Unit – IV

8.(a)Explain File processing in ‘C’.

(b)Write a program to update a record in a file.
9.(a)With examples explain different pre-processor directives.
(b)Write a program to calculate no.of vowels, words in a given text.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. Helping the students to develop an understand the nature and characteristics of the
organisation and design of the digital computer systems,
2. Focusing on the organisation and instruction set architecture of the CPU.



Digital Logic Circuits: Digital Computers, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Map
Simplification, Combinational Circuits, Flip-Flops, Sequential Circuits.

Digital Components: Integrated Circuits, Decoders, Multiplexers, Registers, Shift Registers,

Binary Counters, Memory Unit.

Data Representation: Data Types, Complements, Fixed Point Representation, Floating Point
Representation, Other Binary Codes, error Detection Codes.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 To acquire the basic knowledge of digital logic levels and application of knowledge to
understand digital electronics circuits.
 Employ the codes and number systems converting circuits and Compare different
types of logic families which are the basic unit of different types of logic gates in the
domain of economy, performance and efficiency


Register Transfer and Microoperations: Register Transfer Languages, Register Transfer,

Bus and Memory Transfer, Arithmetic Micro Operations, Logic Micro Operations, Shift
Micro Operations, Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit

Basic Computer Organization and Design: Instruction Codes, Computer Registers,

Computer Instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle, Memory Reference
Instructions, Input-Output and Interrupt.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 To understand the structure, function and characteristics of computer systems.

 To understand the design of the various functional units and components of


Microprogrammed Control: Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro Program

Example, Design of Control Unit.

Central Processing Unit: Introduction, General Register Organization, Stack Organization,

Instruction Format, Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program Control.
, I/O methods

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Understand the basics of hardwired and micro-programmed control of the CPU.
 To identify the elements of modern instructions sets and their impact on processor
 Compare CPU implementations etc.


Computer Arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Algorithms, Floating

Point Arithmetic Operations.

Input-Output Organization: Peripheral Devices, Input-Output Interface, Asynchronous

Data Transfer, Modes of Transfer, Priority Interrupt.

Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary memory, Associative

Memory, Cache Memory.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Learn about various I/O devices and the I/O interface
 Learn the function of each element of a memory hierarchy

Prescribed Book:

M.Morris Mano, “Computer System Architecture”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education (2008).

Chapters : 1,2,3, 4, 5.1 to 5.7, 7, 8.1 to 8.7, 10.2 to 10.5,

11.1 to 11.5, 12.1 to 12.5

Reference Books:

1. V. Rajaraman, T. Radha Krishnan, “Computer Organization and Architecture”, PHI

2. BehroozParhami, “Computer Architecture”, Oxford (2007)

3. ISRD group, “Computer Organization”, ace series, TMH (2007)

4. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture – Designing for

Performance”, Pearson Education (2005)

5. P.Chakraborty, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, Jaico Books (2008)

Model Paper
MCA 1.2: Computer Organization
Time: 3hours Maximum: 70 Marks.
Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a) Universal Logic gate.

b) Tristate Buffer.
c) Interrupt Cycle.
d) RISC Characteristics.
b) Associative Memory.
c) Perform (67) – (42) in binary using 2’s complement method.
d) Instruction Format.
e) Floating point representation.


2. a) Simplify the following Boolean functions using K-maps and draw

the relevant logic diagram.
f (abcd)= m (0,3,7,8,9,11,12,13) + d (1,4,14,15)
b) Explain the operation of Full– Adder circuit.
3. a) Design a 4-bit Synchronous counter using T-Flip Flops.
b) Explain the Operation of Bidirectional Shift Register.

4. a) Explain about Instruction cycle in detail.
b) Explain various Memory reference instructions.
5. a) Explain any one stage of arithmetic logic shift unit.
b) What are various logic micro operations and their implementation?


6.a) Explain different addressing modes with an example.

b) What is an interrupt ? Explain various types of interrupts.
7.a) What is Control memory ? Explain address sequencing with suitable diagram.
b) Prepare 3-address, 2-address, 1-address, 0-address instructions to
solve the following statement.
( A+ B ) ( C+ D )
( A+ C ) UNIT-IV

8.a) Explain Booth multiplication Algorithm with an example.

b) Explain memory mapped I/O and Isolated I/O.
9.a) What is Locality of reference? Explain various organizations of
Cache memory.
b) What is an I/O Interface? Explain DMA data transfer in detail.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. Describe the steps and algorithms used by language translators.
2.Recognize the underlying formal models such as finite state automata, push-down automata
and their connection to language definition through regular expressions and grammars.
3. Discuss the effectiveness of optimization.
4. Explain the impact of a separate compilation facility and the existence of program libraries
on the compilation process.
5. To study different language processors and their contribution in language processing

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1. Understand the roles of the compiler, assembler, machine code, Linker, Loader, and macro
2. Understand how an assembler works and how to build one.
3. Be exposed to compiler construction and context-free grammars



Language Processors: Introduction – Language processing activities – Fundamentals of

language processing – Fundamentals of language specification – Language processor
development tools.0

Data Structures for language processing: Search data structures, Allocation data structures.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Learn about fundamentals of language processors.
 Understand various data structures used in language processing.


Scanning and parsing: Scanning – Parsing

Assemblers: Elements of assembly language programming – A simple assembly scheme –

Pass structure of assemblers – Design of a two pass assembler – A single pass assembler for

Learning Outcomes:

Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Design various types of parses and perform operations like string parsing and error
 Understand assembly language programming and different pass structures on


Macros and Macro processors: Macro definition and call – Macro expansion – Nested
macro calls – Advanced Macro facilities – Design of a macro preprocessor.

Compliers and Interpreters: Aspects of compilation – Memory allocation – compilation

of expressions – compilation of control structures – code optimization – Interpreters.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Understand macros and macro processors.
 Understand various aspects of compilation.
 Implement different code optimization and code generation techniques using standard
data structure


Linkers: Relocation and linking concepts – Design of a linker, self relocating programs – A
linker for MS DOS – Linker for overlays – loaders.

Software tools: Software tools for program development – Editors – Debug monitors –
Programming environments – User Interfaces.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Knowledge on linking and design of a linkers.
 Understand various software tools.

Prescribed Book: D.M. Dhamdhere, “Systems programming and Operating systems”, 2nd
revised edition, TMH (2008).

Chapters : 1 through 8

Model Paper

MCA 1.3: Language Processor

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

I.a) Construct a parse tree for the expression a : = b+i.

b) Define binding.
c) Write generic search procedure to search for an element ‘S’.
d) What is reduction ?
e) Write an assembly language problem to find the biggest of 2Nos.
f) Define semantic gap.
g) Pure vs impure interpreters.
2. a) Discuss different passes and phases of a language processor.
b) Explain in brief different allocation data structures.
3. a)Discuss various collision handling methods.
b)Define language processor development tools. Explain LEX.


4. a) Define DFA. Construct DFA for recogniting identifiers, unsigned

integers& real nos with fractions.
b) Explain Pass I of an assembler.
5. a) Explain the features of assembly language.
b) Write about top down parsing with out back tracking.


6. a) Explain different data structures needed to design a macro

b) Discuss different parameter passing mechanism.
7. a) Write the procedure to access non-local variables.
b) Discuss expansion time variables.


8. a) Explain the generation of intermediate codes for expressions.

b) Write an algorithm for performing relocation.
9. a) Explain : Dead code elimination, frequency reduction and strength reduction.
b) Briefly explain different object record formats.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. To extend student‘s Logical and Mathematical maturity and ability to deal with abstraction
and to introduce most of the basic terminologies used in computer science courses and
application of ideas to solve practical problems.
2. Apply logical reasoning to solve a variety of problems.

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1. have acquired greater precision in logical argument and have gained a core mathematical
understanding of discrete mathematics.
2. learned and practised basic concepts of mathematical proof (direct proof, proof by
contradiction, mathematical induction).
3. handle the standard logical symbols with some confidence.
4. learned elementary combinatorial and counting techniques and how to apply them to
simple problems.
5. simplify complex mathematical expressions and apply general formulae to specific
6. learned how to state precisely and prove elementary mathematical statements and solve



The Foundations: Logic and Proofs: Propositional Logic – Propositional Equivalences –

Predicates and Quantifiers – Nested Quantifiers – Rules of Inference – Introduction to Proofs
– Proof Methods and Strategy

Basic Structures:Sets, Functions, Sequences and Sums: Sets – Set Operations – Functions
– Sequences and Summations

The Fundamentals : Algorithms , The Integers and Matrices: Algorithms – The Growth
of Functions – Complexity of Algorithms – The Integers And Divisions – Primes and
Greatest Common Divisors – Integers and Algorithms – Applications of Number Theory –

Introduction and Recursion: Mathematical Induction – Strong Induction and Well-Ordering

– Recursive Definitions and Structural Induction – Recursive Algorithms – Program

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Write an argument using logical notation and determine if the argument is or is not
 Demonstrate the ability to write and evaluate a proof or outline the basic structure of
and give examples of each proof technique described.
 Understand the basic principles of sets and operations in sets.
 Prove basic set equalities


Counting: The Basics of Counting – The Pigeon Hole Principle – Permutations and
Combinations – Binomial Coefficients – Generalized Permutations and Combinations –
Generating Permutations and Combinations

Advanced Counting Techniques: Recurrence Relations – Solving Linear Recurrence

Relations – Divide and Conquer Algorithms and Recurrence Relations – Generating
Functions – Inclusion – Exclusion – Applications of Inclusion & Exclusion

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Apply counting principles to determine probabilities.
 Demonstrate an understanding of recurrence relations and functions and be able to
determine their properties


Relations : Relations and Their Properties – n-ary Relations and Their Applications –
Representing Relations – Closures of Relations – Equivalence Relations – Partial Orderings

Graphs: Graphs and Graph Models – Graph Terminology and Special Types of Graphs –
Representing Graphs and Graph Isomorphism’s – Connectivity – Euler and Hamilton Paths –
Shortest Path Problems – Planar Graphs - Graph Coloring

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Demonstrate an understanding of relations and functions
 Demonstrate different traversal methods for graphs.
 Model problems in Computer Science using graphs.


Trees: Introduction to Trees – Applications of Trees – Tree Traversal – Spanning Trees –

Minimum Spanning Trees

Boolean Algebra: Boolean Functions – Representing Boolean Functions – Logic Gates –
Minimization of Circuits

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Demonstrate different traversal methods for trees.
 Understand the concepts in Boolean algebra.

Prescribed Book:

Kenneth H Rosen, “Discrete Mathematics & its Applications”, 6 th Edition, McGraw-

Hill (2007)

Chapters : 1 to 10

Reference Books:

1. Ralph P. Grimaldi, B.V. Ramana, “Discrete and Combinational Mathematics”, 5 th

Edition, Pearson Education (2008).

2. Swapan Kumar Sarkar, “A Text Book of Discrete Mathematics”, S.Chand (2008).

3. D.S.Malik and M.K.Sen, “Discrete Mathematical Structures”, Thomson (2006).

Model Paper

MCA 1.4: Discrete Mathematical Structures

Time: 3hours Maximum: 70 M.

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. (a) Find the truth table of the proposition (pq)(pr) is

p and r are true and q is false.
1 2 2

[ ]
(b ) Find the inverse of A = 2 3 0
0 1 2
(c) Express the integer 325 as a product of powers of primes.

(d) How many ways are there to seat 8 boys and 8 girls
around a circular table.
(e) Define equivalence relation with example.
(f) Define an Euler circuit in a graph.
(g) Write Warshalls Algorithm.


2. (a) Verify whether the following is a tautology by using truth

table. {(PQ)(PR)(QR)} R.
(b) Let f:AB be a function then f-1 is a function from B to A iff
f is 1 – 1.


3. (a) Find LCM and GCD of 540 and 504.

(b) Show that if we select 151 distinct computer science courses
numbered between 1 and 300 inclusive at least two are
consecutively numbered.


4. (a) Show that if any five numbers from 1 to 8 are choosen then two
of them will add to 9.
(b) If n is a +ve integer Prove that
C(n,0)+C(n,2)+……=C(n,1)+C(n,3)…………… = 2n-1.


5. (a) Solve the following recurrence relation an=4an-1+5an-2

a1=2, a2=6.
(b) Find a generating function for ar=the no.of ways of
distributing r similar balls in to n numbered boxes where each

box is non empty.

6. (a) i) Define irreflexive relation give an example.

ii) Determine whether the following relation R on a set A is
reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric asymmetric,
Antisymmetric or transitive A=Z+aRba=bk for some KZ+.

(b) Let A = {1,2,3,4}

R={(1,2) (2,3) (3,4) (2,1)} Find the transitive closure of K.
7. (a) Check whether the following graphs are Isomorphic or not.

(b) Show that the sum of all vertex degree is equal to twice the
number of edges.


8. (a) Show a tree with n vertices has exactly n-1 edges.

(b) Use primes algorithm to find minimal spanning tree for a
connected graph.

9.(a) Use K-map for the expression to find a minimal sum of products
f(a,b,c) =  (0,1,4,6).

(b) Use Quine – mcclusky to find minimal expression for

f(a,b,c) = (0,2,3,7)

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. Basic understanding of the use, preparation, and interpretation of financial statements.

2. Emphasizes accounting and reporting for users external to a business
3. Financial reporting uses a fairly standard set of financial statements to communicate

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1. Statistical tools necessary to financial management

2. Time value of money
3. Basic concepts of financial management and financial environment
4. Analysis of financial ratios
5. Analysis of cash flows
6. Cost of different types of funding

Cost Accounting
1.1 Accounting concepts
1.2 Double entry system
1.3 Journal-ledger, trial balance, preparation of final accounts (problems)
1.4 Nature of financial statement-preparation of trading-profit and loss accounts-balance sheet of
joint stock companies

Learning Outcomes
Student acquire knowledge regarding

1. Introduction to Accounting
2. Final Account Preparation
3. Assessment and evaluation of accounting principal concepts and techniques
Cost Accounting
1.1 cost sheet
1.2 marginal costing (problems)
1.3 budget and budgetary control
1.4 standard costing (Problems)

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to

1. Estimate costs of various organizational units

2. Control costs by evaluating budgeted costs and actual costs

Financial Management
3.1 nature and scope of finance function-goals of financial management-modern concept of
finance function.
3.2 Nature of financial decisions: concept-major financial decision areas-investment
decision-financing decision and dividend decision.
3.3 Financial analysis: concept of financial analysis-types of analysis-tables of analysis-ratio
analysis-tables of analysis-funds flow and cash flow analysis (Problems)

Learning Outcomes

Students will develop conceptual understanding about

1. How to improve operational efficiency

2. How to reduce the cost of capital
3. How to increase the value of the organisation

Working capital management
4.1 concepts of working capital-importance of working capital-components of working
capital-determination of working capital-source of working capital.
4.2 Inventory management-accounts of receivable management-cash management
4.3 Forecasting of working capital management

Learning Outcomes

Students will acquire perception about

1. Management of current assets and liabilities of the firm

2. Maximization of operational proficiency

Prescribed Book:

K.Rajeswara Rao & G.Prasad, Accounting and finanace, Jaibharath publishers, 2002 (Chapters 1 to

Reference Books:
1. Vanherne & James C, John M.Wachewiez J.R., Fundamentals of Financial management, PHI,

2. Horngren, Sundem Blliott, Introduction to financial accounting, pearson education, 2002

3. Ambrish Gupta, “Financial Accounting for Management”, Third Edition, Pearson Education

4. Paresh Shah, “Basic Financial Accounting for Management”, Oxford Higher Education (2008)

Model Paper

MCA 1.5: Accounting and Financial Management

Time: 3hours Maximum: 70 M

Answer question No.1 Compulsorily (7 x 2 = 14M)
Answer ONE question from each unit. (4 x 14 = 56M)
a) State the different parties interested in accounting information and briefly mention the
uses to them.
b) What is Process Costing ?
c) Net present value.
d) What is B.E.P ?
e) Uses of cash flow analysis.
f) Significance of ‘Ratio Analysis’.
g) Funds flow analysis.


2. From the following Trial Balance prepare Trading and Profit

and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2008.

Particulars Debit Credit

Rs. Rs.
Opening Stock 51,000 ---
Capital --- 72,000
Purchases 2,50,000 ---
Sales --- 4,00,000
Carriage inwards 12,000
Wages 50,000
Salaries 26,000
Commission 3,000
Bad debts 2,000
Insurance 4,000
Rent, Rates and Taxes 12,000
Postage and Telegram 2,800
Carriage outwards 7,700
Machinery 40,000
Furniture 5,000
Debtors 60,000
Creditors --- 53,500
------------ ------------
5,25,500 5,25,500
------------ ------------
Additional information :
(i) Stock on 31-3-2007 was Rs.60,000.
(ii) Depreciation on furniture is charged at 10%.
(iii) Out standing salaries Rs.4,000.
(iv) Bad debts Rs.1,000.

(v) Reserve for doubtful debts @ 5% on debtors.
3.How do you classify the accounts. Explain the rules of


4. From the following particulars you are required to Calculate

i) P/V Ratio ii) BEP for sales iii) Sales required to
earn a profit Rs.40,000. (iv) Margin of safty in second
Year Sales Profit
Rs. Rs.
2006 2,40,000 18,000
2007 2,80,000 26,000


5.Define the terms ‘Budget and budgetary control’. Write

Main objectives of budgetary control system.


6. Define Finance function. What are the functions of a financial Manager? Explain.


7. From the following information prepare a statement of Balance Sheet.

Current Ratio 2.5, Liquidity ratio 1.5
Proprietary ratio 0.75 (Fixed assets / Proprietary fund)
Working Capital Rs.60,000.
Reserves and surplus : Rs.40,000
There is no long term loan.


8. Define working capital concepts. What are the determinants of working capital of a
manufacturing company ?


9. Explain the concept of working capital. What are the various sources of working capital?
Give examples for long term sources and short term sources of working capital.


Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks


1. Program to calculate compound interest.

2. Program to calculate roots of a quadratic equation.
3. Program to average of ‘n’ numbers.
4. Program to find wheather the given number is
(i) Prime number or not (ii) Perfect number or not
(iii) Armstrong number or not (iv) Palindrome or not
5. Program to demonstrate function calling multiple times.
6. Program to read two integers and print the quotient and remainder of the first
number divided by the second number.
7. Program to get the following output.
Row 1 : 1 2 3 4 5
Row 2 : 1 2 3 4 5
Row 3 : 1 2 3 4 5
8. Program for sum of digits of an integer number.
9. Program for following using Recursion
(i) Factorial of a number
(ii) Fibonacci series
10. Program to write records in to a file.
11. Program to read records from a file sequentially.
12. Program to search a record in a file.
13. Program to update a record in a file.
14. Program to delete a record in a file.
15. Program to calculate average of n no’s in an array.
16. Program for addition of matrix.
17. Program for multiplication of matrix.
18. Program for sorting an array.
19. Program for row and column total of a two dimensional array.
20. Program to sort strings using pointers.
21. Program to calculate
(i) No.of lines (ii) No.of words
(iii) No.of special characters.
22. Program to demonstrate string palindrome.
23. Program to demonstrate union in structure.
24. Program for (i) String Comparison (ii) String Copy
25. Program to demonstrate call by value and call by reference.
26. Program to calculate area of a Hall using macros.
27. Program to calculate no.of vowels, words in a text.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

List of Experiments

1. Realization of NOT, OR, AND, XOR, XNOR gates using universal gates
2. Gray to Binary conversion & vice-versa.
3. Code conversion between BCD and EXCESS-3
4. Design of combinational circuits using multiplexer
5. Adder/Subtractor circuits using Full-Adder using IC and/ or logic gates. B. BCD
Adder circuit using IC and/ or logic gates
6. Realization of RS, JK, and D flip flops using Universal logic gates
7. program to find r's and (r-1)'s complement
8. program to demonstrate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with
signed magnitude data
9. program to demonstrate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with 2's
complement data
10. Program to implement floating point addition, , subtraction, multiplication and
11. Digital to Analog conversion


Instruction: 3 periods / week Credits: 1

Marks : 50


Sub Name of the Subject Int. Ext. Total No of Hours/

Code Marks Marks Marks Credits Week
MCA 2.1 Data Structures Using Python 30 70 100 5 4

MCA 2.2 Operating System Principles 30 70 100 5 4

MCA 2.3 Data Base Management Systems 30 70 100 5 4

MCA 2.4 Computer Networks 30 70 100 4 4

MCA 2.5 Probability & Statistics 30 70 100 4 4

MCA 2.6 Data Structures using Python 30 70 100 3 6

MCA 2.7 DBMS Lab 30 70 100 3 6

MCA 2.8 Communication Skills 50 -- 50 1 3

TOTAL 260 490 750 30 35

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks


The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. To know the basics of algorithmic problem solving
2. To read and write simple Python programs.
3. To develop Python programs with conditionals and loops.
4. To implement the data structures using python programming


Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1. Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems

2. Structure simple Python programs for solving problems.
3. Decompose a Python program into functions.
4. Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples and dictionaries.
5. Apply object oriented concepts


Unit - I

Python Primer: Python Overview - Objects in Python, Expressions, Operators, and

Precedence, Control Flow, Functions, Simple Input and Output, Exception Handling,
Iterators and Generators, Additional Python Conveniences, Scopes and Namespaces,
Modules and the Import Statement

Object-Oriented Programming: Goals, Principles, and Patterns,Software Development, Class

Definitions,Inheritance,Namespaces and Object-Orientation,Shallow and Deep Copying.

Array-Based Sequences: Python’s Sequence Types , Low-Level Arrays - Dynamic Arrays

and Amortization, Efficiency of Python’s Sequence Types , Using Array-Based Sequences
-Multidimensional Data Sets

Learning Outcomes

Student acquire knowledge about

1. Principles of python programming

2. Object-Oriented concepts
3. Dynamic Memory Allocation

Unit – II

Linked Lists : Linked List – Properties ,Item Insertion and Deletion , Building a Linked List,
Linked List as an ADT , Ordered Linked Lists , Doubly Linked Lists , Linked Lists with header
and trailer nodes , Circular Linked Lists.

Search Algorithms: Sequential Search, Binary search – Performance of binary search, Insertion
into ordered list;

Hash Tables: Introduction, Hashing, Separate Chaining, Hash functions, The Hash Map
Abstract Data Type, Applications: Histograms

Sorting Algorithms: Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort.

Learning Outcomes

Student develop deep sense of understanding about

1. Basic Data Structures

2. Different Searching Strategies
3. Comparison and Evaluation of various sorting strategies

Unit – III

Stacks: Stack operations, Implementation of stacks as arrays, Linked implementation of stacks,

Application of stacks.

Queues: Queue operations – Implementation of Queues as arrays, Linked implementation of

Queues, Priority Queue,Application of Queues.

Learning Outcomes

Student acquire knowledge regarding

1. Different ways to implement stacks and queues

2. The domains where stacks and queues can be used

Unit – IV

Trees:Binary Trees, Binary Tree Traversal, Binary Search Tree,Nonrecursive Binary Tree
Traversal Algorithms, AVL Trees.

Graphs: Graph Definitions and Notations, Graph Representation, Operations on graphs, Graph as
ADT,Graph Traversals, Shortest Path Algorithm,Minimal Spanning Tree.

Learning Outcomes

Student will develop understanding on

1. Balancing Trees

2. Shortest Path generation for a given graph

Prescribed Book

Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Michael H. Goldwasser, “Data Structures and

Algorithms in Python”, John Wiley & Sons, 2013

Rance D. Necaise “Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python “, John Wiley & Sons,

Reference Book

Brad Miller, David Ranum, “Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures”, Release
3.0, 2013.

Model Paper
MCA 2.1: Data Structures Using Python
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1.a) Define Bag Data Abstraction.
b) Write about the features of python.
c) What are the differences between Single and Double Linked List?
d) Write the complexity of binary search algorithm.
e) What are the applications of Stack?
f) Application of AVL Tree.
g) Define Multigraph.

2. a) Explain about the need for learning python programming and its importance.
b) What are the different loop control statements available in python? Explain with suitable
3.a) List different conditional statements in python with appropriate examples.
b) Explain about the features and explain about different Object Oriented features supported
by Python.
4.a) Write procedure to insert an element in an ordered list.
b) Explain Back tracking with an example.
5.a) Write procedures to delete an element & count number of nodes in Double Linked List.
b) Explain different collision resolution techniques.

6.a) Define Stack. Implement operations on Stack using arrays.
b) Write the procedure for selection sort.
7.a) What is priority Queue. Write the procedure for implementing the operations on Priority
b) Write a C++ program for sorting ‘n’ elements using Merge Sort technique.

8.a) Write a procedure to find minimum & maximum element in a binary search tree.
b) Write the non-recursive algorithm for post order.
9.a) Explain Different Graph traversal techniques.
b) Using Kruskal’s algorithm develop minimum cost spanning tree for the following graph.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of: APPRECIATE
1. understanding the role of an operating system
2. making aware of the issues in management of resources like processor, memory and input-
3. understanding file management techniques.

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1. understands what is an operating system and the role it plays

2. get high level understanding of the structure of operating systems, applications, and the
relationship between them
3. gather knowledge of the services provided by operating systems
4. get exposure to some details of major OS concepts.



Introduction : What Operating Systems Do – Computer System Orgranization – Computer

system Architecture – Operating System Structure – Operating System Operations – Process
Management – Memory Management – Storage Management – Protection and Security –
Distributed Systems – Special purpose Systems – Computing Environments.

System Structure: Operating System Services – User Operating System Interface – System
Calls – Types of System Calls – System Programs – Operating System Design and
Implementation – Operating System Structure – Virtual Machine – Operating System
Generation – System Boot.

Process Concept :Overview – Process Scheduling – Operations on Processes – Interprocess

Communication – Examples of IPC Systems – Communication in Client Server Systems.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Analyze the structure of OS and basic architectural components involved in OS
 Appreciate the role of operating system as System software.
 Demonstrate understanding of the Process.


Multithreaded Programming : Overview – Multithreading Models – Thread Libraries –
Threading Issues – Operating System Examples.

Process Scheduling: Basic Concepts – Scheduling Criteria – Scheduling Algorithms –

Multiple Processor Scheduling – Thread Scheduling.

Synchronization: Background – The Critical Section Problem – Peterson’s solution –

Synchronization Hardware – Semaphores – Classic Problem of Synchronization – Monitors –
Synchronization Examples – Atomic Transaction.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Evaluate the requirement for process synchronization and coordination handled by
operating system
 Understand the process management policies and scheduling of processes by CPU


Deadlocks : System Model – Deadlock Characterization – Methods for Handling Deadlocks

– Deadlock Prevention – Deadlock Avoidance – Deadlock Detection – Recovery from

Memory Management Strategies: Background – Swapping – Contiguous Memory

Allocation – Paging – Structure of the Page Table – Segmentation – Example: The Intel

Virtual Memory Management: Background – Demand Paging – Copy on Write – Page

Replacement – Allocation of Frames – Thrashing.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:

 Apply various concept related with Deadlock to solve problems related with
Resources allocation, after checking system in Safe state or not.
 Identify use and evaluate the storage management policies with respect to different
storage management technologies


File System : File Concept – Access Methods – Directory Structure – File System Mounting
– File Sharing – Protection.

Implementing File Systems :File System Structure – File System Implementation –

Directory Implementation – Allocation Methods – Free Space Management – Efficiency and
Performance – Recovery – Log structured File Systems.

Secondary Storage Structure : Overview of Mass – Storage Structure – Disk Structure –
Disk Attachment – Disk Scheduling – Disk Management – Swap Space Management – RAID

I/O Systems: Overview – I/O Hardware – Application I/O Interface – Kernal I/O Interface –
Transforming I/O requests to Hardware Operations – Streams – Performance.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:

 Compare the various algorithms and comment about performance of various

algorithms used for management of memory, File handling and I/O operations.
 Master issues related to file system interface and implementation, disk management

Prescribed Book:

Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne. “Operating System Principles”,
Seventh Edition, Wiley.

Chapters: 1.1 – 1.12, 2.1 – 2.10, 3.1 – 3.6, 4.1 – 4.5, 5.1 – 5.5, 6.1 – 6.9 , 7.1 – 7.7 , 8.1 –
8.7, 9.1 – 9.6, 10.1 – 10.6, 11.1 – 11.8, 12.1 – 12.7, 13.1 – 13.7

Reference Book:

1. William Stallings, “Operating Systems – Internals and Design Principles”, Fifth

Edition, Pearson Education (2007)

2. Achyut S Godbole, “Operating Systems”, Second Edition, TMH (2007).

3. Flynn/McHoes, “Operating Systems”, Cengage Learning (2008).

4. Deitel&Deitel, “Operating Systems”,Third Edition, Pearson Education (2008).

Model Paper

MCA 2.2: Operating System Principles

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1.a) Advantages of Multiprocessor Systems.

b) What is s System Call ?
c) Importance of PCB
d) Difference between Thread and Process.
e) Advantages of Segmentation.
f) Virtual Memory is Logical or Physical, Why ?
g) Why Operating System requires Second Storage Support for its Operation ?


2.a) Explain Traditional computing, Client-Server computing and

peer- to-peer computing
b) Describe Storage device Hierarchy
3.a) Discuss different types of Operating System Structures
b) Explain Process Scheduling


4.a) Discuss different threading issues.

b) Explain semaphores with suitable examples.
5. Compare different types of Process Scheduling Algorithms.


6.a) Explain Deadlock avoidance mechanisms.

b) Describe swapping with diagram.
7.a) Explain segmentation.
b)Write about LRU page replacement and Optimal page replacement.


8.a) Explain different file access metods.

b) Described linked file allocation methods.
9.a) Explain different RAID levels.
b)Discuss about interrupt driven I/O cycle.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. The need of a database management system (DBMS)
2. what is meant by data ACID properties
3. the concept of entity relationships and data normalization
4. the concept of a client/server database, and
5. the relevant advantages of a client/server database over a non-client/server database

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1. design database, different operations, queries performed for a management system

2. understand and design of ER-diagram in DBMS,
3. Implementation of different normalizations for database size reduction and removal of
redundancy, and
4. able to implement PL/SQL, SQL injection, procedures etc.



Databases and Database Users: Introduction, Characteristics of the Database Approach,

Actors on the Scene, Workers behind the scene, Advantages of the using the DBMS

Database System Concepts and Architecture: Data Models, Schemas and Instances, Three
Schema architecture and Data Independence, Database Languages and Interfaces, Centralized
and Client/Server Architecture for DBMS, Classification of Database Management Systems.

Disk Storage, Basic File Structures and Hashing: Introduction, Secondary Storage
Devices, Buffering of Blocks, Placing file Records on Disk, Operations on Files, Files of
Unordered Records, Files of Ordered Records, Hashing Techniques, Other Primary File
Organizations, Parallelizing Disk Access using RAID Technology.

Indexing Structures for Files: Types of Single-Level Ordered Indexes, Multilevel Indexes,
Dynamic Multilevel Indexes Using B-Trees and B+ Trees, Indexes on Multiple Keys, Other
Types of Indexes.

Data Modeling Using the ER Model: Conceptual Data models, Entity Types, Entity Sets,
Attributes and Keys, Relationship types, Relationship sets, roles and structural Constraints,
Weak Entity types, Relationship Types of Degree Higher than Two, Refining the ER Design
for the COMPANY Database.

The Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model: Sub classes, Super classes and Inheritance,
Specialization and Generalization, Constraints and Characteristics of Specialization and
Generalization Hierarchies, Modeling of Union Types using Categories, An Example
University ERR Schema, Design Choices and Formal Definitions.


The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints: Relational Model
Concepts, Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas, Update
Operations, Transactions and Dealing with Constraint Violations.

The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus: Unary Relational Operations: SELECT
and PROJECT, Relational Algebra Operations from set Theory, Binary Relational
Operations: JOIN and DIVISION, Additional Relational Operations, Examples, The Tuple
Calculus and Domain Calculus.

SQL-99: Schema Definition, Constraints, Queries and Views: SQL Data Definitions and
Data Types, Specifying Constraints in SQL, Schema Change Statements on SQL, Basic
Queries in SQL, More Complex SQL Queries, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements
in SQL, Triggers and Views.


Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases: Informal Design

Guidelines for Relation Schemas, Functional dependencies, Normal Forms Based in Primary
Keys, General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms, Boyce-Codd Normal Form.

Relational Database Design Algorithms and Further Dependencies: Properties of

Relational Decompositions, Algorithms fro Relational Database Schema Design, Multivalued
Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form, Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form,
Inclusion Dependencies, Other Dependencies and Normal Forms.


Introduction to Transaction Processing Concepts and Theory: Introduction to

Transaction Processing, Transaction and System Concepts, Desirable Properties of
Transactions, Characterizing Schedules Based on Recoverability, Characterizing schedules
Based on Serializability.

Concurrency Control Techniques: Two Phase Locking Techniques for Concurrency

Control, Concurrency Control Based on Timestamp Ordering, Multiversion Concurrency
control techniques, Validation concurrency control Techniques, Granularity of Data Items
and multiple Granularity Locking.

Distributed Databases and Client Server Architectures: Distributed Database Concepts,

Data Fragmentation, Replication, and allocation Techniques for Distributed Database Design,
Types of Distributed Database Systems, An Overview if 3 Tier Client Server Architecture.

Prescribed Textbook :

RamezElmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Fifth Edition,

Pearson Education (2007)

Chapters: 1.1 to 1.6, 2, 13.1 to 13.10, 14, 3.1 to 3.6,

3.9, 4.1 to 4.5, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 17, 18.1 to 18.5,
25.1 to 25.3, 25.6

Reference Books :

1. Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel, “Database Systems” – Design, Implementation and

Management, Eigth Edition, Thomson (2008).

2. C.J. Date, A.Kannan, S. Swamynathan, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, VII

Edition Pearson Education (2006).

3. Raman A Mata – Toledo, Panline K. Cushman, “Database Management Systems”,

Schaum’s Outlines, TMH (2007).

4. Steven Feuerstein, “Oracle PL/SQL – Programming”, 10th Anniversary Edition,

OREILLY (2008).

Model Paper

MCA 2.3: Database Management Systems

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1.a) Discuss about Security Management in DBMS.

b) What is failure? Mention different causes for failure of a
c) What is Entity? Give Examples for Entity types.
d) What is closure set of functional dependencies?
e) What is the use for Trigger? Give any two advantages of Triggers.
f) What are the pros and cons of distributed database over
centralized databases?
g) What is Data Fragmentation?


2.a) Discuss about three level architecture with representation of

data in each level.
b) Discuss about levels of RAID.
3.a) Compare and Construct the indexing of data by using B and B+
b) Discuss about Data Independency with an example.


4.a) Discuss about Arithmetic functions in SQL with example?

b) Express the following statements in terms of Relational Algebra

i. Fetch the Department Numbers consisting of more than three employees.

ii. Fetch the Employee aggregated salary for a department.

5.a) Discuss about Views and its Limitations?
b) What is Index? Create an index for the employees belongs to the
Accounts and Sales departments.


6.a) What is Functional Dependency? Explain the role of FD’s in

construction of Relational Schema.
b) Can I say that BCNF is equivalent Normal Form for III NF,
7.a) What is Non-Loss Dependency? Explain with an example.
b) Discuss the following

i. II NF
ii. Multi-valued Dependency.


8.a) What is Lock? Discuss about Shared and Exclusive Locking Process
b) Discuss about
i. Two-Phase Locking
ii. Time-Stamping Algorithm

9.a) What is Dirty-Read Problem? Explain with an Example.
b) What is serializability? Discuss with aid of an example to
test the conflicts in serializability?


Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. understanding the state-of-the-art in network protocols, architectures, and applications

2. Examining and studying of different protocols in OSI and TCP/IP.
3. Understanding of network addressing, mapping etc
4. understanding error control, flow control, packet recovery etc.
5. understanding the structure of LAN, WAN and MAN, and
6. understanding internetworking of devices

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1. learn components and rules of communications

2. configuration and design of a small network.
3. learn about research areas and future internets research fields



Introduction :Uses of Computer Networks: Business Application, Home Applications,

Mobile Users – Social Issues. Network Hardware : Local Area Networks – Metropolitan Area
Networks – Wide Area Networks – Wireless Networks – Home Networks – Internetworks.
Network Software: Protocol Hierarchies – Design Issues for the Layers – Connection
Oriented and Connectionless Services – Service Primitives – The relationship of Services to
Protocols. Reference Models: The OSI Reference Model – The TCP/IP Reference Model – A
Comparison of OSI and TCP/IP reference Model – A Critique of the OSI Model and
Protocols – A Critique of the TCP/IP reference model. Example Networks: The Internet –
Connection Oriented Networks:x.25, Frame Relay, and ATM – Ethernet – Wireless LANs
Network Standardization: Who’s who in the Telecommunication World – Who’s who in the
International Standards World – Who’s who in the Internet Standards World.

Physical Layer: Guided Transmission Media: Magnetic Media – Twisted Pair – Coaxial
Cable – Fiber Optics

Data Link Layer: Data Link Layer Design Issues: Services Provided to the Network Layer –
Framing – Error Control – Flow Control. Error Detection and Correction: Error correcting
Codes – Error Detecting Codes. Elementary Data Link Protocols : An unrestricted Simplex
Protocol – A simplex Stop- and – wait Protocol – A simplex Protocol for a Noisy channel.
Sliding Window Protocols: A one-bit sliding Window Protocol – A Protocol using Go Back
N – A Protocol using selective Repeat. Example Data Link Protocols: HDLC – The Data
Link Layer in the Internet.


The Medium Access Control Sublayer : Ethernet : Ethernet Cabling – Manchester

Encoding – The Ethernet MAC sublayer Protocol – The Binary Exponential Backoff
Algorithm – Ethernet Performance – Switched Ethernet – Fast Ethernet – Gigabit Ethernet –
IEEE 802.2: Logical Link Control – Retrospective on Ethernet. Wireless Lans: The 802.11
Protocol Stack - The 802.11 Physical Layer - The 802.11 MAC sublayer Protocol - The
802.11 Frame Structure. Bluetooth: Bluetooth Architecture – Bluetooth Applications – The
Bluetooth Protocol Stack – The Bluetooth Radio Layer – The Bluetooth Baseband Layer –
The Bluetooth L2CAP layer – The Bluetooth Frame Structure. Data Link Layer Switching:
Bridges from 802.x to 802.y – Local Internetworking – Spanning Tree Bridges – Remote
Bridges – Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers and Gateways – Virtual LANs.


The Network Layer: Network Layer Design Issues : Store – and Forward Packet Switching
– Services Provided to the Transport Layer – Implementation of Connectionless Services –
Implementation of Connection Oriented Services – Comparison Of Virtual Circuit and
Datagram subnets. Routing Algorithms : The Optimality Principle – Shortest Path Routing –
Flooding – Distance Vector Routing – Link State Routing – Hierarchical Routing – Broadcast
Routing – Multicast Routing – Routing for Mobile Hosts. Internet Working : How Networks
Differ – How Networks can be connected – Concatenated Virtual Circuits – Connectionless
Internetworking – Tunneling – Internet work Routing – Fragmentation. The Network Layer
in the Internet: The IP Protocol – IP address – Internet Control Protocols – OSPF – The
Internet Gateway Routing Protocol – BGP – The Exterior Gateway Routing Protocol.

The Transport Layer: The Transport Service: Services provided to the Upper Layers –
Transport Services Primitives – Berkeley Sockets. Elements of Transport Protocols :
Addressing – Connection Establishment – Connection Release – Flow Control and Buffering
– Multiplexing – Crash Recovery. The Internet Transport Protocols :UDP
Introduction to UDP – Remote Procedure Call – The Real Time Transport Protocol. The
Internet Transport Protocols: TCP Introduction to TCP – The TCP Service Model – the TCP
Protocol – The TCP segment header – TCP connection establishment – TCP connection
release – Modeling TCP connection management- TCP Transmission Policy – TCP
congestion Control – TCP Timer Management – Wireless TCP and UDP – Transactional


The Application Layer: DNS : The Domain Name System : The DNS Name Space –
Resource Records – Name Servers. Electronic Mail : Architecture and Services – The User
Agent – Message Formats – Message Transfer – Final Delivery. The World Wide Web:
Architecture Overview – Static Web Documents – Dynamic Web Documents – HTTP – The
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol – Performance Enhancements – The Wireless Web.
Multimedia: Introduction to Digital Audio – Audio Compression – Streaming Audio –
Internet Radio – Voice Over IP – Introduction to Video – Video Compression – Video on

Prescribed Book:

Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Fourth Edition, PHI.

Chapters: 1.1 to 1.6, 2.2, 3.1 to 3.4, 3.6, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.7,
5.1, 5.2.1 to 5.2.9, 5.5, 5.6.1 to 5.6.5, 6.1.1 to 6.1.3,
6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 7.1 to 7.4

Reference Books:

1. James F.Kurose, Keith W.Ross, “Computer Networking”,

Third Edition, Pearson Education

2. Behrouz A Forouzan, “Data Communications and Networking”, Fourth Edition, TMH


3. Michael A. Gallo, William M. Hancock, “Computer Communications and

Networking Technologies”, Cengage Learning (2008)


MCA 2.4 :Computer Networks

Time : 3 hrs Max Marks : 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a) Difference between Protocol and Service.

b) Describe Ethernet.
c) Why Repeaters are required.
d) Give any two applications of Bluetooth.
e) What are the problems with Flooding.
f) Where UDP protocol is used.
g) Define HTTP.

2. a) Compare OSI and TCP/IP reference models.
b) Describe Go Back N protocol.
3. a) Explain the architecture of the Internet
b) Write about design issues of a Data Link layer.


4. a) Explain Spanning tree Bridges.

b) Give and explain 802.11 frame structure, services
5. a) Describe architecture,applications, protocol stack of Bluetooth
b) Explain Switched Ethernet


6. a) Explain IP Header Format and IP addresses

b) Discuss about Tunneling and Fragmentation
7. a) Explain Distance Vector Routing Algorithm
b) write about TCP Congestion Control


8. a) Explain about DNS

b) Write about URL’s (or)

9. a) Explain Electronic Mail concept

b)Discuss JPEG Compression mechanism

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. introducing the basic notions of probability theory and develops them to the stage where
one can begin to use probabilistic ideas in statistical inference and modeling, and the study of
stochastic processes,
2. providing confidence to students in manipulating and drawing conclusions from data and
provide them with a critical framework for evaluating study designs and results,


Unit I:

Some probability laws:Axioms of Probability, Conditional Probability, Independence of the

Multiplication Rule, Bayes’ theorem

Discrete Distributions: Random Variables , Discrete Probability Densities, Expectation and

distribution parameters, Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, simulating a Discrete

Continuous distributions: continuous Densities, Expectation and distribution parameters,

exponential distribution , Normal distribution, Weibull distribution and Reliability.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Basic probability axioms and rules and the moments of discrete and continuous
random variables as well as be familiar with common named discrete and continuous
random variables.
 How to derive the probability density function of transformations of random variables
and use these techniques to generate data from various distributions.


Estimation: Point estimation, interval estimation and central limit theorem.

Inferences on the mean and the Variance of a distribution: Hypothesis Testing,

significance testing, Hypothesis and significance test on the mean, Hypothesis tests on the

Inferences on proportions: estimating proportions, testing hypothesis on a proportion,

Comparing two proportions: estimation, comparing two proportions: hypothesis testing.

Learning Outcomes:

Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 A good understanding of the basic concepts of statistical inference
 Knowledge on inferences on the mean and the variance of a distribution.
 Understand the use of inferences on proportions.


Comparing two means and two variances: point estimation: independent samples,
Comparing variances: the F-distribution, Comparing means: variances equal,

Analysis of Variance: One-way classification fixed effects model, comparing variances, pair
wise comparisons, randomized complete block design

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Demonstrate understanding of means and variances
 Analysis of variance


Simple linear regression and correlation: model and parameter estimation, inferences
about slope, inferences about intercept, Co-efficient of determination

Multiple linear regression models: least square procedures for model fitting, a matrix
approach to least squares, interval estimation.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Employee the principles of linear regression and correlation, including least square
method, predicting a particular value of Y for a given value of X and significance of
the correlation coefficient.
 Understand various linear regression models.

Prescribed book:

J Susan Milton and Jesse C. Arnold: “Introduction to Probability and Statistics”, Fourth
edition, TMH,(2007).

Chapters: 2, 3.1 to 3.3, 3.5,3.8,3.9,4.1,4.2,4.4,4.7.1,7.4, 8.3 to 8.6,9,10.1 to 10.3, 11.1, 11.3,

11.6, 12.1, 12.2, 12.4, 13.1 to 13.3,13.5.

Reference book:

William Mendenhall, Robert J Beaver, Barbara M Beaver: Introduction to Probability and

Statistics, Twelth edition, Thomson.

Model paper

MCA 2.5: Probability and Statistics

Time: 3hours Maximum: 70 M.

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 8 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit : 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. (a) If BCA then Prove that P(B)  P(A).

(b) If two unbiased die are thrown then find the expected
values of the sum of numbers of points on them.
(c) Conditional Expectations.
(d) Estimator and Estimation.
(e) Mathematical model of the Randomized complete block
(f) Properties of F-distribution.
(g) Covariance.


2. (a) State and Prove the addition theorem for n events.

(b) In a certain town, Males and Females form 50 percent of

the population. It is known that 20 percent of the
males and 5 percent of the females are unemployed. A
research student studying the employment situation
selects unemployed persons at random. What is the
probability that the person selected is (a) Male
(b) Female.

3.(a) Out of 800 families with 5 children each how many would
you expect you have (i) 3 boys (ii) 5 girls
(iii) Either 2 or 3 girls Assume equal probabilities
for boys and girls.

(b) The distribution function of a random variate X is

given by the following function.
f(x) = 0 ; if x < -2
1/2 ; if –2  x < 0
3/4 ; if 0  x < 2 1 ; x  2
(i) Sketch the group h of F(x)
(ii) Obtain P.D.F of f(x)
(iii) Compute the probabilities
P(X  1); P(X  2); P(1  X  2)


4. (a) Derive the 100 (1-)% confidence interval limits of the mean in Normal distribution.

(b) Define the following terms :

(i) Critical region; Composite hypothesis;
level of Significance; Power of the test;

(ii) How can you derive the test statistic on

significance test on the Mean


5. (a) How can you derive the test statistic on significance of Difference of Proportions.

(b) Random samples of 400 men and 600 women were asked whether they would like to
have a flyover near their residence. 200 men 325 women were in favour of the proposal. Test
the hypothesis,that proportions of men and women in favour of the proposal are same against
that they are not, at 5% level.


6. (a) Derive the test statistic on F test.

(b) Two random samples drawn from two normal populations are
Sample I : 20 16 26 27 23 22 18 24 25 19
Sample II : 27 33 4235 32 34 38 28 41 43 37
Obtain estimates of the variances of the populations
and test whether the populations have same variances.
7.(a) Explain the statistical analysis of one way

(b) The following data represent the number of units of

production per day turned out by 5 different workmen using
different types of machines.

Work Men Machine Types

1 46 40 49 38
2 48 42 54 45
3 36 38 46 34
4 35 40 48 35
5 40 44 51 41
(i) Test whether the mean productivity is the same for the
four brands of machine type.
(ii) Test whether 5 different workmen differ with respect to


8. (a) Derive the Normal equations of curve of Regression Y on X.

(b) The relationship between energy consumption and household income was studied, yielding the
following data on household income X (in units of $ 1000/Year) and energy consumption Y
(in Units of 108 Btu/Year).
Energy Consumption (Y) Household income (X)
1.8 20.0
3.0 30.5
4.8 40.0
5.0 55.1
6.5 60.3
7.0 74.9
9.0 88.4
9.1 95.2

(a) Plot a scatter diagram of these data.

(b) Estimate the linear regression equation y/x = 0 + 1 X
(c) If x=50 (household income of $ 50,000),
estimate the average energy consumed
households of this income. What would your
estimate be for a single house hold.
9. (a) Derive the Normal equations for Multiple linear regression model.
(b) A Study is conducted to develop an equation by which the unit cost of producing
a new drug (y) can be predicted based on the number of units produced (X).
The proposed model is y/x = 0 + 1 X + 2 X2

Number of Units Cost in hundreds of dollars

(X) (Y)
5 14.0
5 12.5
10 7.0
10 5.0
15 2.1
12 1.8
12 6.2
13 4.9
14 13.2
15 14.6
(a) Draw the Scatter diagram.
(b) Estimate the constants of given model.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks


1. Create a class RATIONAL and perform various operations on two Rational numbers

using operator overloading.

2. Create a Multidimensional Vector Class and Perform possible operations on Vectors.

3. Program for Sorting ‘n’ elements Using bubble sort technique.

4. Sort given elements using Selection Sort.

5. Sort given elements using Insertion Sort.

6. Sort given elements using Merge Sort.

7. Sort given elements using Quick Sort.

8. Implement the following operations on single linked list.

(i) Creation (ii) Insertion (iii) Deletion (iv) Display

9. Implement the following operations on double linked list.

(i) Creation (ii) Insertion (iii) Deletion (iv) Display

10. Implement the following operations on circular linked list.

(i) Creation (ii) Insertion (iii) Deletion (iv) Display

11. Program for traversing the given linked list in reverse order.

12. Merge two given linked lists.

13. Implement Stack Operations Using Arrays.

14. Implement Stack Operations Using Linked List.

15. Implement Queue Operations Using Arrays.

16. Implement Queue Operations Using Linked List.

17. Implement Operations on Circular Queue.

18. Converting infix expression to postfix expression by usingstack.

19. Write program to evaluate post fix expression.

20. Construct BST and implement traversing techniques recursively.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks


Cycle-I: Aim: Marketing Company wishes to computerize their operations by using

following tables.

Table Name: Client_Master

Description: This table stores the information about the clients.

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

Client_no Varchar2 6 Primary Key and first letter should
starts with ‘C’
Name Varchar2 10 Not null
Address1 Varchar2 10
Address2 Varchar2 10
City Varchar2 10
State Varchar2 10
Pincode Number 6 Not null
Bal_due Number 10,2

Table Name:Product_master
Description: This table stores the information about products.

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

Product_no Varchar2 6 Primary Key and first letter should
starts with ‘P’
Description Varchar2 10 Not null
Profit_percent Number 2,2 Not null
Unit_measure Varchar2 10
Qty_on_hand Number 8
Record_lvl Number 8
Sell_price Number 8,2 Not null, can’t be 0
Cost_price Number 8,2 Not null, can’t be 0

Table Name: salesman_master

Description: This table stores the salesmen working in the company

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

Salesman_id Varchar2 6 Primary Key and first letter should
starts with ‘S’
Name Varchar2 10 Not null
Address1 Varchar2 10
Address2 Varchar2 10
City Varchar2 10
State Varchar2 10
Pincode Number 6 Not null
Sal_amt Number 8,2 Should not null and zero
Target_amt Number 6,2 Should not null and zero
Remarks Varchar2 10
Table Name: sales_order
Description: This table stores the information about orders

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

S_order_no Varchar2 6 Primary Key and fisrt char is ‘O’
S_order_date Date
Client_no Varchar2 6 Foreign key
Delve_address Varchar2 20
Salesman_no Varchar2 6 Foreign key
Delve_type Varchar2 1 Delivery: part(P)/Full(F) and default
Billed_yn Char 1
Delve_date Date Can’t be less than the s_order_date
Order_status Varchar2 10 Values in ‘IN PROCESS’,

Table Name: sales_order_details

Description: This table stores the information about products ordered

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

S_order_no Varchar2 6 Primary key, foreign key references
sales_order table
Product_no Varchar2 6 Primary key, foreign key references
product_master table
Qty_ordered Number 8
Qty_disp Number 8
Product_rate Number 10,2

Table Name: challan_master

Description: This table stores the information about challans made
for orders.

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

Challan_no Varchar2 6 Primary key, first two letters must
start with ‘CH’
S_order_no Varchar2 6 Foreign key references sales_order
Challan_date Date
Billed_yn Char 1 Values in ‘Y’, ‘N’ default ‘N’

Table Name: Challan_Details
Description: This table stores the information about challan

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

Challan_no Varchar2 6 Primary key, foreign key references
challan_master table
Product_no Varchar2 6 Primary key, foreign key references
product_master table
Qty_disp Number 4,2 Not null

Solve the following queries by using above tables.

1. Retrieve the list of names and cities of all the clients.

2. List the various products available from product_master.
3. Find out the clients who stay in a city whose second letter is ‘a’.
4. Find the list of all clients who stay in the city ‘ CHENNAI’ or ‘DELHI’.
5. List all the clients located at ‘CHENNAI’.
6. Print the information from sales order as the order the places in the month of January.
7. Find the products with description as ‘Floppy Drive’ and ‘Pen drive’.
8. Find the products whose selling price is grater than 2000 and less than or equal to
9. Find the products whose selling price is more than 1500 and also find the new selling
price as original selling price *15.
10. Find the products in the sorted order of their description.
11. Divide the cost of product ‘540 HDD’ by difference between its price and 100.
12. List the product number, description, sell price of products whose description begin
with letter ‘M’.
13. List all the orders that were cancelled in the month of March.
14. Count the total number of orders.
15. Calculate the average price of all the products.
16. Determine the maximum and minimum product prices.
17. Count the number of products having price grater than or equal to 1500.
18. Find all the products whose quantity on hand is less than reorder level.
19. Find out the challan details whose quantity dispatch is high.
20. Find out the order status of the sales order, whose order delivery is maximum in the
month of March.
21. Find out the total sales made by the each salesman.
22. Find the total revenue gained by the each product sales in the period of Q1 and Q2 of
year 2006.
23. Print the description and total qty sold for each product.
24. Find the value of each product sold.
25. Calculate the average qty sold for each client that has a maximum order value of
26. List the products which has highest sales.
27. Find out the products and their quantities that will have to deliver in the current
28. Find the product number and descriptions of moving products.
29. Find the names of clients who have purchased ‘CD DRIVE’.

30. List the product numbers and sales order numbers of customers having quantity
ordered less than 5 from the order details for the product ‘1.44 Floppies’.
31. Find the product numbers and descriptions of non-moving products.
32. Find the customer names and address for the clients, who placed the order ‘019001’.
33. Find the client names who have placed orders before the month of May, 2006.
34. Find the names of clients who have placed orders worth of 10000 or more.
35. Find out if the product is ‘1.44 drive’ is ordered by any client and print the client
number, name to whom it is sold.


Aim: A Manufacturing Company deals with various parts and various suppliers supply these
parts. It consists of three tables to record its entire information. Those are as follows


33. Get Suppliers Names for Suppliers who supply at least one red part.
34. Get Suppliers Names for Suppliers who do not supply part ‘P2’
35. Using Group by with Having Clause, Get the part numbers for all the parts supplied
by more than one supplier.
36. Get supplier numbers for suppliers with status value less the current max status value.
37. Get the total quantity of the part ‘P2’ supplied.
38. Get the part color, supplied by the supplier ‘S1’
39. Get the names of the parts supplied by the supplier ‘Smith’ and “Black”
40. Get the Project numbers, whose parts are not in Red Color, from London.
41. Get the suppliers located from the same city.
42. Get the suppliers, who does not supply any part.
43. Find the pnames of parts supplied by London Supplier and by
no one else.
45. Find the sno’s of suppliers who charge more for some part than
the average cost of that part.
46. Find the sid’s of suppliers who supply only red parts.
47. Find the sid’s of suppliers who supply a red and a green part.
48. Find the sid’s of suppliers who supply a red or green part.

Cycle: III

An Airline System would like to keep track their information by using the following

Flights (flno: integer, from: string, to: string, distance: integer,

Price: integer)
Aircraft (aid: integer, aname: string, cruising_range: integer)
Certified (eid: integer, aid: integer)

Employees (eid: integer, ename: string, salary: real)

Note that the employees relation describes pilots and other kinds of employees as well; every
pilot is certified for aircraft and only pilots are certified to fly. Resolve the following queries:

1. For each pilot who is certified for more than three aircraft, find the eid’s and the
maximum cruising range of the aircraft that he (or She) certified for.
2. Find the names of pilots whose salary is less than the price of the cheapest route from
Los Angeles to Honolulu.
3. Find the name of the pilots certified from some Boeing aircraft.
4. For all aircraft with cruising range over 1,000 miles, find the name of the aircraft and
the average salary of all pilots certified for this aircraft.
5. Find the aid’s of all aircraft than can be used from Los Angels to Chicago.
6. Print the enames of pilots who can operate planes with cruising range greater than
3,000 miles, but are not certified by Boeing aircraft.
7. Find the total amount paid to employees as salaries.
8. Find the eid’s of employees who are certified for exactly three aircrafts.
9. Find the eid’s of employee who make second highest salary.
10. Find the aid’s of all than can be used on non-stop flights
from Bonn to Chennai.

Cycle: IV : Employee Database

Aim: An enterprise wishes to maintain a database to automate its operations. Enterprise

divided into to certain departments and each department consists of employees. The
following two tables describes the automation schemas


1. Create a view, which contain employee names and their manager
names working in sales department.
2. Determine the names of employee, who earn more than there
3. Determine the names of employees, who take highest salary in
their departments.
4. Determine the employees, who located at the same place.
5. Determine the employees, whose total salary is like the minimum
salary of any department.
6. Update the employee salary by 25%, whose experience is greater
than 10 years.
7. Delete the employees, who completed 32 years of service.
8. Determine the minimum salary of an employee and his details, who
join on the same date.
9. Determine the count of employees, who are taking commission and
not taking commission.
10. Determine the department does not contain any employees.
11. Find out the details of top 5 earners of company. (Note:
Employee Salaries should not be duplicate like 5k,4k,4k,3k,2k)
12. Display those managers name whose salary is more than an average
salary of his employees.

13. Display the names of the managers who is having maximum number
of employees working under him?
14. In which year did most people join the company? Display the
year and number of employees.
15. Display ename, dname even if there no employees working in a
particular department(use outer join).



























----------------------------- -------- ----









------------------------------- -------- ----


------------------------------- -------- ----

Attribute Name Data Type DETAILS







Instruction: 3 periods / week Credits: 1
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

Prescribed Books :

1. Raymond Murphy, “Essential English Grammar”, Second Edition,

Cambridge University Press (2008)

2. LeenaSen, “Communication Skills”, Second Edition, PHI (2008)

Reference Books :

1. AyshaViswamohan, “English for Technical Communication”, TMH (2008)

2. P. KiranmaiDutt, GeethaRajeevan, “Basic Communication Skills”, Foundation

Books (2007)

3. T.M. Farhathullah, “Communication Skills for Technical Students”, Orient

Longman (2002)

4. E.Suresh Kumar, P. Sreehari, “Communicative English”, Orient Longman (2007)


Sub Name of the Subject Int. Ext. Total No Hours

Code Marks Marks Marks of /
Credits Week
MCA 3.1 JAVA Programming 30 70 100 5 4
MCA 3.2 Object Oriented Modeling 30 70 100 5 4
and Design using UML
MCA 3.3 Operations Research 30 70 100 4 4
MCA 3.4 Computer Graphics 30 70 100 5 4
MCA 3.5 Artificial Intelligence 30 70 100 4 4
MCA 3.6 UML Lab 30 70 100 3 6
MCA 3.7 Java Programming Lab 30 70 100 3 6
MCA 3.8 Seminar 50 --- 50 1 3
TOTAL 260 490 750 30 35
MOOCS --- --- --- 4 ---

MCA 3.1 JAVA Programming
Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. learning to program in an object-oriented programming language

2. focusing those who already have some experience with another programming language,
and who now wish to move on to an object-oriented one
3. learning object-oriented programming language by using Java.

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1. explain the principles of the object oriented programming paradigm specifically including
abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism using Java
2. use an object oriented programming language, and associated class libraries, to develop
object oriented programs using Java
3. design, develop, test, and debug programs using object oriented principles in conjuncture
with an integrated development environment using Java.


The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. Learning to program in an object-oriented programming language

2. Focusing those who already have some experience with another programming language,
and who now wish to move on to an object-oriented one
3. Learning object-oriented programming language by using Java.



Java Basics - History of Java, Java buzzwords, comments, data types, variables, constants,
scope and life time of variables, operators, operator hierarchy, expressions, type conversion
and casting, enumerated types, control flow-block scope, conditional statements, loops, break
and continue statements, simple java program, arrays, input and output, formatting output,
Review of OOP concepts, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, classes, objects,
constructors, methods, parameter passing, static fields and methods, access control, this

reference, overloading methods and constructors, recursion, garbage collection, building
strings, exploring string class, Enumerations, autoboxing and unboxing, Generics.

Inheritance –Inheritance concept, benefits of inheritance, Super classes and Sub classes,
Member access rules, Inheritance hierarchies, super uses, preventing inheritance: final classes
and methods, casting, polymorphism- dynamic binding, method overriding, abstract classes
and methods, the Object class and its methods.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 understand the principles of the object oriented programming paradigm specifically
including abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism using Java
 learn how to use an object oriented programming language, and associated class
libraries, to develop object oriented programs using Java


Interfaces – Interfaces vs. Abstract classes, defining an interface, implementing interfaces,

accessing implementations through interface references, extending interface.

Packages-Defining, Creating and Accessing a Package, Understanding CLASSPATH,

importing packages.

Files – streams- byte streams, character streams, text Input/output, binary input/output,
random access file operations, File management using File class, Using

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Read and understand Java-based software code of medium-to-high complexity.
 Use standard and third party Java's API’s when writing applications


Exception handling – Dealing with errors, benefits of exception handling, the classification
of exceptions- exception hierarchy, checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions, usage of
try, catch, throw, throws and finally, rethrowing exceptions, exception specification, built in
exceptions, creating own exception sub classes, Guide lines for proper use of exceptions.

Multithreading - Differences between multiple processes and multiple threads, thread states,
creating threads, interrupting threads, thread priorities, synchronizing threads, interthread
communication, thread groups, daemon threads.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 To learn how to produce robust programs in Java using exception handling and
extensive program testing.

 Learn how to implement real time applications using mutlithreading concept.


Event Handling - Events, Event sources, Event classes, Event Listeners, Relationship
between Event sources and Listeners, Delegation event model, Semantic and Low-level
events, Examples: handling a button click, handling mouse and keyboard events, Adapter

Applets – Inheritance hierarchy for applets, differences between applets and applications, life
cycle of an applet - Four methods of an applet, Developing applets and testing, passing
parameters to applets, applet security issues.

GUI Programming with Java - The AWT class hierarchy, Introduction to Swing, Swing vs.
AWT,MVC architecture, Hierarchy for Swing components, Containers – Top-level
containers – JFrame, JApplet, JWindow, JDialog, Light weight containers – JPanel, A simple
swing application, Overview of several swing components- Jbutton, JToggleButton,
JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JLabel, JTextField, JTextArea, JList, JComboBox, JMenu, Java’s
Graphics capabilities – Introduction, Graphics contexts and Graphics objects, color control,
Font control, Drawing lines, rectangles and ovals, Drawing arcs, Layout management -
Layout manager types – border, grid, flow, box.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Propose the use of certain technologies by implementing them in the Java
programming language to solve the given problem.
 choose an engineering approach to solving problems, starting from the acquired
knowledge of programming and knowledge of operating systems

Prescribed Text Books:

1. Java: the complete reference, 7thediton, Herbert Schildt, TMH.
2. Java for Programmers, P.J.Deitel and H.M.Deitel, Pearson education / Java: How to
Program P.J.Deitel and H.M.Deitel ,8th edition, PHI.

Reference Text Books:

1. Core Java, Volume 1-Fundamentals, eighth edition, Cay S.Horstmann and Gary
Cornell, Pearson education.
2. Thinking in Java, Bruce Eckel, PHP
3. Object Oriented Programming through Java, P.Radha Krishna, Universities Press.

MCA 3.1: JAVA programming

Time : 3 hrs Max Marks : 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M
1. a) Inheritance vs polymorphism
b) Define abstract class.
c) Explain bytesteam
d) explain package
e) Differences between multiple processes and multiple threads
f) life cycle of an applet
g) explain layout manager

2. a) Explain about final classes, final methods and final variables?
b) Explain about the abstract class with example program
3. What are the basic principles of Object Oriented Programming? Explain with
examples, how they are implemented in C++

4. Is there any alternative solution for Inheritance. If so explain the advantages and
disadvantages of it.
5. (a) What is a package? How do we design a package?
(b) How do we add a class or interface to a package?


6. In JAVA, is exception handling implicit or explicit or

both. Explain with the help of example java programs.
7. (a) With the help of an example, explain multithreading by
extending thread class.
(b) Implementing Runnable interface and extending thread, which method you prefer
for multithreading and why

8. Differentiate following with suitable examples:
(a) Frame, JFrame (b) Applet, JApplet (c) Menu, Jmenu
9. Explain the following:
(a) Creating an applet (b) Passing parameters to applets
(c) Adding graphics and colors to applets

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. To understand the object oriented concepts for designing object oriented models.
2. To understand the use of UML (Unified Modeling Language) for object oriented analysis
and design.
3. To describe the step by step object oriented methodology of software development from
problem statement through analysis, system design, and class design.
4. To understand the concept of different patterns for constructing software architectures
through object oriented models.
5. To understand the problems, communicating with application experts, modeling
enterprises, preparing documentation, and designing programs by using object oriented

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge of object oriented concepts for solving
system modeling and design problems.
2. Design and implement object oriented models using UML appropriate notations.
3. Ability to apply the concepts of object oriented methodologies to design cleaner softwares
from the problem statement.
4. Apply the concept of domain and application analysis for designing UML Diagrams.
5. Comprehend the concept of architectural design approaches for system design and
implementation issues for object oriented models.
6. Illustrate the concept of patterns for constructing software architecture


Introduction: what is Object Orientation, What is OO Development, OO Themes, Evidence

for Usefulness of OO Development.

Modeling as Design Technique: Modeling, Abstraction, Three Models

Class Modeling: Object and Class Concepts, Link and Association concepts, Generalization
and Inheritance, A Sample Class Model.

Advanced Class Modeling: Advanced Object and Class Concepts, Association Ends, N-Ary
Association, Aggregation, abstract Classes, Multiple Inheritance, Metadata, Reification,
Constraints, Derived data, Packages.

Learning Outcomes:

Students upon completion of this unit will be able to
 Analyze, design, document the requirements through use case driven approach
 Understand object oriented modeling
 Demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge of object oriented concepts for
solving system modeling and design problems.


State Modeling: Events, States, Transitions and Conditions, state diagrams, state diagram

Advanced State Modeling: Nested State Diagrams, Nested states, signal generalization,
concurrency, A Sample State Model.

Interaction Modeling: Use Case Models, Sequence Models, Activity Models.

Advanced Interaction Modeling: Use Case Relationships, Procedural Sequence Models,

and Special Constructs for Activity Models.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to

 Comprehend the concept of state modeling approaches for system design and
implementation issues for various interaction models
 Develop, explore the state and interaction modeling on various scenarios and


Process Overview: Development Stages, Development Life Cycle.

System Conception: Devising a system Concept, Elaborating a Concept, Preparing a

Problem Statement.

Domain Analysis: Overview of analysis, Domain Class Model, Domain State model,
Domain Interaction Model, Iterating the Analysis.

Application Analysis: Application Interaction Model, Application Class Model, Application

State Model, Adding Operations.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to
 Create interaction diagrams that model the dynamic aspects of a software system.
 Explain the facets of the Domain and Application analysis


System Design: Overview of system Design, Estimating Performance, Making a Reuse Plan,
Breaking a System into Subsystem, Identifying Concurrency, Allocation of Subsystems,
Management of data storage, Handling Global Resources, Choosing a Software Control
Strategy, Handling Boundary Conditions, Setting Trade-off priorities, Common Architecture
of ATM System.

Class Design: Overview of Class Design, Realizing Use Cases, Designing Algorithms,
Recursing Downward, Refactoring, Design Optimization, Reification of Behavior,
Adjustment of Inheritance, Organizing a class design.
Implementation Modeling: Overview of Implementation, Fine Tuning classes, fine tuning
Generalization, Realizing Associations,Testing.

Programming Style: Object Oriented Style, Reusability, Robustness, Extensibility,

Programming-in the Large.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to
 Understand various concepts of System design, class design
 Knowledge on various programming styles.

Prescribed Book:

Michael Blaha, James Rumbaugh, “Object Oriented Modeling and Design with UML”,
Second Edition, PHI.

Reference Books:

1. Meilir Page-Jones, “Fundamentals of Object Oriented Design in UML”, Pearson

Education (2008).

1. Hans-Erik Eriksson, “UMLZ Took Kit”, Wiley (2008).

2. Pascal Roques, “Modeling Software Systems Using UML2”, Wiley (2008).

3. Simon Benett, Steve Mc Robb, “Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design using
UML”, Second Edition, TMH (2007).

4. Mark Priestley, “Practical Object Oriented Design with UML”, Second Edition, TMH

5. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”,
Pearson (2008).

Model Paper

MCA 3.2: Object Oriented Modeling and Design with UML

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1.a) Distinguish between object diagram and ER-diagram.

b) Define Meta class.
c) Distinguish between Aggregations versus generalization.
d) Explain Constraints.
e) What is analysis document?
f) Need for State-transition diagram?
g) Define modeling?
2.a) What is Modeling? What are different Object Modeling
b) Discuss how was object oriented development methodology is
different from Traditional approach.
3. Explain the following terms:
i. Association.
ii. Aggregation.
iii. Generalization.
iv. Composition.
4.a) What is State modeling? How does dynamic behavior of a system Represented ?
b) What is an Event? Discuss about types of Events with example?
5.a) What is Use Case? How was Use Case diagrams were helpful in Analysis of a System.
b) What is Concurrency? Discuss the concurrency with the help of an example.
6. Discuss about the steps involved in Analysis of a System.
7. a) Define state diagram for ATM Model.
b) Discuss about nested state diagram.
8.a) What is the task of a design? How would you differentiate a good design from bad
b) Discuss about System Testing?
9.a) Discuss the programming style in the large complex systems.
b) Discuss about good programming style.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. To make the students introduction of the methods of Operations Research,

2. Emphasize the mathematical procedures of nonlinear programming search techniques,


Linear Programming: Introduction, formulation of Linear Programming Models, Graphic

solution of Linear programming Models, Maximization with Less-than-or-equal to
constraints, equalities and Greater than or equal to constraints, Minimization of the objective
function, the simplex Method, properties of simplex Method, transportation problem,
Assignment Problem.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Know principles of construction of mathematical models of conflicting situations and
mathematical analysis methods of operations research;
 Develop linear programming (LP) models for shortest path, maximum flow, minimal
spanning tree, critical path, minimum cost flow, and transshipment problems.


Deterministic inventory Models: Introduction, Infinite Delivery Rate with No

Backordering, Finite delivery Rate with no Backordering, Infinite Delivery Rate with
Backordering, finite Delivery rate with Backordering.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Use deterministic dynamic programming approaches.
 Knowledge on deterministic inventory models.


Game Theory: Introduction, Minimax -Maxmini pure strategies, Mixed Strategies and
Expected Payoff, solution of 2x2 games, dominance, solution of 2xn games, solution of mx2
games, Brown’s algorithm

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Get knowledge on Game theory
 Implement 2xn, mx2 games and brown’s algorithm.


PERT: Introduction, PERT Network, Time Estimates for Activities(ET), Earliest Expected
completion of events(TE), Latest Allowable Event Completion time(TL), Event Slack
Times(SE),Critical path

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Understand PERT network
 Analysis critical path concept.

Prescribed book:

Belly E. Gillett, “Introduction to Operations Research - A computer-oriented algorithmic

approach“, TMH (2008).

Chapters: 3.2 to 3.7, 3.10 to 3.12, 6.1 to 6.5, 11.1 to 11.4,

11.6 to 11.9, 12.1 to 12.7

Reference Book:

J K Sharma, “Operation Research theory and applications”, Third edition, MACMILLAN

Model Paper

MCA 3.3: Operations Research

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a. Standard form of L.P.P.

b. Degeneracy in Simplex Method.
c. North-West Corner Rule.
d. Unbalanced transportation problem.
e. Dominance Property.
f. Pay-Off matrix.
g. Three time estimates of PERT.
h. Total float and Free float.


2. a. Solve the following L.P.P by using Graphical Method.

Minimize Z = 3x1+5x2
Subject to constraints
-3x1+4x2 12;
2x1-x2 -2;
2x1+3x212 and x1 0; x2 0;

b. Solve the following L.P.P by using simplex method.

Max Z = 3x1+2x2
Subject to the constraints
4x1+2x2 12;
4x1+x2 8;
4x1-x2 8; and x1, x2 0


3. a. Explain the procedure for Hungarian Method.

b. Given below is a table taken from the solution process for a
transportation problem.
Distribution centre
Cost per unit(in rupees) Availability
1 2 3 4
A 10 8 7 12 5000
Factory B 12 13 6 10 6000
C 8 10 12 14 9000
Demand (in Units) 7000 5500 4500 3000

Answer the following Questions :

(i) Is this solution feasible.
(ii) Is this solution degenerate.

(iii) Is this solution optimum ? If not find the Optimum Solution.


4.a. Explain the Finite delivery rate with No BACKORDERING.

b. Suppose a retailer has the following information
Available :
D = 350 Units/Year
C0 = $50 per order
C1 = $13.75 per unit
C2 = $25 per unit
LT = 5 days.
To minimize the total annual inventory cost when back ordering is allowed,
how many units should be ordered each time an order is placed, and how many
backorders should be allowed ?


5. a. Explain infinite delivery rate with NOBACKORDERING.

b. Explain with Finite delivery rate with BACKORDERING.


6. a. Explain briefly how can you solve the 2x2 game.

b. Solve the following game by using graphical method.
Player – B
Player-A 1 3 0 6 –1 7
2 -1 5 -2 -2 1


7. a. Explain the procedure for mx2 game in the case of graphical

b. Explain the Brown’s algorithm.


8. a. Explain the Time calculations in Critical path method.

b. For the following Network diagram, Identify the Critical path
and find the total project duration.


9. The three time estimates of PERT Network are as follows :

ActivityEstimated duration (weeks)

i j Optimistic time Most likely time Pessimistic time

1 2 1 1 7
1 3 1 4 7
1 4 2 2 8
2 5 1 1 1
3 5 2 5 14
4 6 2 5 8
5 6 3 6 15

(i) Draw the Project network

(ii) Find the expected duration and variance of each activity
(iii) Find the expected project length
(iv) Calculate the variance and standard deviation of the project length
(v) What is the probability that the project will be completed at least 4
weeks earlier than expected.

* * * * *

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. Introducing graphical techniques such as modelling, representation, illumination,
shadowing, rendering and texturing,
2. To learn two dimensional and three dimensional computer graphics with comprehend
advanced software tools of computer graphics.

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1. Comprehend mathematical basics which are used in computer graphics and also learnhow
to use them in designing computer graphics programs.
2. Describe basic graphics principles which are used in games, animations and film making



Overview of Computer Graphics: Video Display Devices, Raster Scan Displays, Random
Scan Displays, Color CRT Monitors, Direct View Storage Tubes, Flat Panel Displays, Raster
Scan Systems, Random Scan Systems, Input Devices.

Graphical User Interfaces and Interactive Input Methods: The User Dialogue, Windows
and Icons, Input of Graphical Data, Input Functions

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Have a basic understanding of the core concepts of computer graphics
 understand the basic concepts of GUI


Output Primitives: Points and Lines, Line-Drawing Algorithms: DDA Algorithm,

Bresenham’s Line Algorithm, Line Function, Circle Generation Algorithms, Ellipse
Generation Algorithms

Attributes of output Primitives: Line Attributes, Color and GrayScale levels, Area Fill
Attributes, Character Attributes, Bundled Attributes, Antialiasing.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:

 To implement various algorithms to scan, convert the basic geometrical primitives,
transformations, Area filling, clipping.
 Understand various output primitives and their attributes.


Two Dimensional Geometric Transformations: Basic Transformations, Matrix

Representation and Homogenous Coordinates, Composite Transformations, Other

Two Dimensional Viewing: The Viewing pipeline, Viewing Coordinates Reference Frame,
Window to Viewport Coordinate Transformations, Two Dimensional Viewing Functions,
Clipping Operations, Point Clipping, Line Clipping: Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping,
Polygon Clipping: Sutherland-Hodgeman Polygon Clipping, Curve Clipping, Text Clipping,
Exterior Clipping.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 To describe the importance of viewing and projections.
 To understand a typical transformation techniques.


Three Dimensional Concepts: Three Dimensional Display Methods.

Three Dimensional Object Representations: Polygon Surfaces, Quadric Surfaces,


Three Dimensional Geometric and Modeling Transformations: Translation, Rotation,

Scaling, Other Transformations, Composite Transformations, Three Dimensional
Transformation Functions.

Three Dimensional Viewing: Viewing pipeline, Viewing Coordinates, Projections, Clipping

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 To describe the importance of viewing and projections.
 To make the students familiar with techniques of clipping, three dimensional graphics
and three dimensional transformations

Prescribed Book:

Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics”, Second Edition, Pearson Education

Chapters :2.1 to 2.5, 8.1 to 8.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 to 3.6, 4,

5.1 to 5.4, 6, 9.1, 10.1, 10.3, 10.4, 11, 12.1, 12.2,
12.3, 12.5

Reference Book:

1. ShaliniGovil-Pai, ”Principles of Computer Graphics – Theory and Practice using open

GL and Maya”, Springer (2007)

2. ISRD group, “Computer Graphics”, ace series, TMH (2006)

3. Amarendra N. Sinha, Arun D Udai, “Computer Graphics”, TMH (2008)

4. William M. Newman, Robert F. Sproull, “Principles of Interactive Computer

Graphics “

Model Paper
MCA 3.4: Computer Graphics
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1.a) What is the difference between Passive and Interactive Graphics?

b) What is Frame Buffer?
c) What are the drawbacks of DDA Algorithm?
d) What is world coordinate system?
e) Define typeface.
f) What are the attributes of a Line?
g) What is projection?

2.a) Discuss about Color Monitor?
b) What is Computer Graphics? What are the major considerations in the study of computer
3.a) Discuss about various positioning devices.
b) Describe the difference between Random Scan Display devices and
Raster scan display devices.

4.a) Describe the generation of ellipse.
b) Illustrate the Bresenham’s line algorithm with end points (10,10) and (10,20).
5.a) What is an output primitive? Discuss about attributes of character.
b) Discuss about area filling styles.

6.a) What are two-dimensional transformations? Explain.
b) Perform a 45o rotation of a triangle A(0,0), B(1,1) and c(5,2)
i. About the origin ii. About the point(-1,2)

7. a) Write about Window-to-view port coordinate transformation.

b) Discuss about polygon clipping Algorithm

8. Discuss about 3D Projection.

9. Derive the combined transformation matrix of the following:

A 3D Translation with 3 units along X-axis, 4 units along Y-axis, 5 units along Z-axis
followed by a #D rotation by 30o on XY Plane followed by 3D rotation of 45o around


Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks


The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. To introduce the fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence;
2. To equip students with the knowledge and skills in logic programming using Prolog;
3. To explore the different paradigms in knowledge representation and reasoning


Unit-I :

What is AI? : The AI Problems, The Underlying Assumption, What is AI Technique?, The level of
the Model, Criteria for Success.

Problems, Problem spaces & Search: Defining the Problem as a State Space Search, Production
Systems, Problem Characteristics, Production System Characteristics, Issues in the design of Search
Programs, Additional Problems.

Heuristic search techniques: Generate and Test, Hill Climbing, Best First Search, Problem
Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction, Means Ends Analysis.

Learning Outcomes

Student will get a basic understanding about

1. Importance of Artificial Intelligence

2. Different search algorithms and their significance
3. Need of a Heuristic Algorithm
Unit-II :

Knowledge Representation Issues: Representations and Mappings, Approaches to Knowledge

Representation, Issues in Knowledge Representation, The Frame Problem

Using Predicate Logic: Representing Simple Facts in Logic, Representing Instance and Isa
Relationships, Computable Functions and Predicates, Resolution, Natural Deduction

Representing knowledge using Rules: Procedural versus Declarative Knowledge, Logic

Programming, Forward versus Backward Reasoning, Matching, Control Knowledge

Learning Outcomes

Students acquire knowledge of

1. Programming of Artificial Intelligence

2. Different ways of representing knowledge using rules

Unit-III :

Symbolic Reasoning under Uncertainity: Introduction to Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Logics for

Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Implementation Issues, Augmenting a Problem Solver, Implementation:
Depth-First Search, Implementation: Breadth-First Search

Weak slot & filler Structures: Semantic Nets, Frames

Planning : Overview, An Example Domain : The Blocks World, Components of a Planning System,
Goal Stack Planning, Nonlinear Planning Using Constraint Posting, Hierarchical Planning, Reactive
Systems, Other Planning Techniques

Learning Outcomes

Student acquire deep knowledge about

1. Tackling the facts that are uncertain

2. Representation of varying knowledge
3. Different planning techniques

Unit-IV :

Natural Language Processing: Introduction, Syntactic Processing, Semantic Analysis, Discourse

and Pragmatic Processing

Commonsense: Qualitative Physics, Commonsense Ontologies, Memory Organisation, Case-Based


Expert Systems: Representing and Using Domain Knowledge, Expert System Shells, Explanation,
Knowledge Acquisition

Learning Outcomes

Student will be able to acquire deep sense of understanding about

1. The methods that are used to make machines develop commonsense reasoning

2. Importance of developing an expert system and their applications

Prescribed Book :

Knight K, “Artificial Intelligence”, TMH (1991)

Chapters : 1 through 7, 9, 13, 15, 10 and 20

Reference Book :

1. Michael Negnevitsky, “Artificial Intelligence – A Guide to Intelligent Systems”, Second

Edition, Pearson Education (2008)

2. Winston P.H, “Artificial Intelligence”, Addision Wesley (1993)

Model Paper

MCA 3.5: Artificial Intelligence

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a. What is Abduction in Reasoning ?

a) What is meant by Turing Test?
b) Advantages of Depth-First Search.
c) Write about production system types and explain.
d) Define and explain Inheritable knowledge.
e) Define inferential Adequacy and Acquisional efficiency.
f) What is meant by pragmatic Analysis?
g) Discuss the importance of knowledge representation in A.I. system development.

2. a. When you call a technique is a A.I technique ? What is meant
by A.I problem explain in detail.
b. Discuss about problem Reduction Algorithm.
( or )
3. a. Explain Depth-First search and Breadth –First search in
b. Explain Non linear planning using constraint posting.

4.a. Advantages and disadvantages of Forward chaining. When compared

to backward chaining.
b. Explain Issues in knowledge Representation.
5. Write principles of resolution with example.

6. Explain conversion of Clause from with the help of Example.

7. Write Unification algorithm with the help of example.
8. a. i) Define and explain below terms
Morphological Analysis
Syntactic Analysis
Semantic Analysis
Discourse Analysis
Pragmatic Analysis
ii) Explain Goal Stack planning.
( or )
9. Explain about Expert systems in detailed.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

1. The student should take up the case study of Unified Library application which is
mentioned in the theory, and Model it in different views i.e. Use case view, logical view,
component view, Deployment view, Database design, forward and Reverse Engineering, and
Generation of documentation of the project.

2. Student has to take up another case study of his/her own interest and do the same whatever
mentioned in first problem. Some of the ideas regarding case studies are given in reference
books which were mentioned in theory syllabus can be referred for some idea.

3. Design the UML diagrams for the Library management System

4. Design the UML diagram for the Student Marks management System

5. Case Study: Design the UML diagrams for your own project.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks


1. Write a Java Program to define a class, describe its constructor, overload the constructors
and instantiate its object.

2. Write a Java Program to define a class, define instance methods for setting and retrieving
values of instance variables and instantiate its object

3. Write a java program to practice using String class and its methods

4. Write a java program to implement inheritance and demonstrate use of method overriding

5. Write a java program to implement multilevel inheritance by applying various access

controls to its data members and methods.

6. Write a program to demonstrate use of implementing interfaces

7. Design a Java interface for ADT Stack. Develop two different

classes that implement this interface, one using array and the other using linked-list. Provide
necessary exception handling in both the implementations.

8. Write a Java program to implement the concept of importing classes from user defined
package and creating packages

9. Write a program to implement the concept of threading by implementing Runnable


10. write a java program to store and read objects from a file

11. Write a Java program that displays the number of characters, lines and words in a text

12. write a java program to illustrate object serialization

13. Create a java program to illustrate user defined exception

14. Write a java program to create a thread using runnable interface

15. Write a Java program that creates three threads. First thread displays “Good Morning”
every one second, the second thread displays “Hello” every two seconds and the third thread
displays “Welcome” every three seconds

16. Write an applet To create multiple threads that correctly implements producer consumer
problem using the concept of Inter thread communication

17. Write an applet To handling the mouse events

18. Write a Program That works as a simple calculator using Grid layout to arrange buttons
for the digits and +,-,* % operations. Add a text field to print the result.

19. Build and run "CelsiusConverter" sample application using swings

20. Develop an applet that receives an integer in one text field, and computes its factorial
Value and returns it in another text field, when the button named “Compute” is clicked


Instruction: 3 periods / week Credits: 1



Sub Name of the Subject Int. Ext. Total No Hours/

Code Marks Marks Marks of Week
MCA 4.1 Data Mining Techniques 30 70 100 4 4
MCA 4.2 Machine Learning 30 70 100 5 4
MCA 4.3 Web Technologies 30 70 100 4 4
MCA 4.4 Software Engineering 30 70 100 4 4
MCA 4.5.1 Grid and Cluster Computing 30 70 100 4 4
MCA 4.5.2 Cryptography and Network
MCA 4.5.3 Simulation Modeling and
MCA 4.6 Web Technologies Lab 30 70 100 3 6
MCA 4.7 Mini Project 30 70 100 5 6
MCA 4.8 Soft skills 50 -- 50 1 3
TOTAL 260 490 750 30 35
MOOCS --- --- --- 4 ---

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. Understand classical models and algorithms in data warehousing and data mining,
2. Enable students to analyse the data, identify the problems, and choose the relevant models
and algorithms to apply,
3. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of various methods and algorithms and to analyse
their behaviour.



Introducing to Data Mining : Introduction, What is Data Mining, Definition, KDD,

Challenges, Data Mining Tasks, Data Preprocessing, Data Cleaning, Missing data,
Dimensionality Reduction, Feature Subset Selection, Discretization and Binaryzation, Data
Transformation; Measures of Similarity and Dissimilarity – Basics.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Knowledge of the terminology and concepts of data mining;
 Insight into the possibilities and fundamental limitations of dta mining;
 Insight into the relative advantages and disadvantages of major approaches to data


Association Rules : Problems Definition, Frequent Item Set Generation, The APRIORI
Principle, Support and Confidence Measures, Association Rule Generation; APRIOIRI
Algorithm, The Partition Algorithms, FP- Growth Algorithms, Compact Representation of
Frequent Item set- Maximal Frequent Item Set, Closed Frequent Item Sets.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:

 Learning how to gather and analyse large sets of data to gain useful business

 Learning how to produce a quantitative analysis report/memo with the necessary

information to make decisions.


Classification : Problem Definition, General Approaches to solving a classification problem,

Evaluation of classifiers, Classification Techniques, Decision Tree – Decision tree
Construction, Methods for Expressing attribute test conditions, Measures for Selecting the
Best Split, Algorithm for Decision tree Induction; Naive Bayes Classifier, Bayesaian Belief
Networks; K – N earnest neighbour classification – Algorithm and Characteristics.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Apply the association rules for mining the data
 Design and deploy appropriate classification techniques


Clustering: Problem Definition, Clustering Overview, Evaluation of Clustering Algorithms,

Partitioning Clustering -K-Means Algorithm, K-Means Additional issues, PAM Algorithm;
Hierarchical Clustering – Agglomerative Methods and divisive methods, Basic
Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, Strengths ans Weakness; Outlier Detection.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Cluster the high dimensional data for better organization of the data
 Discover the knowledge imbibed in the high dimensional system

Prescribed Textbooks:

 Data Mining – Concepts and Techniques – Jiawei Han, MichelinenKamber, Morgan

Kaufmann Publishers, Elsevier, 2 Edition, 2006.
 Introduction to Data Mining, Pang – Ning Tan, Vipin Kumar, Michael Steinbanch,
Pearson Education.

Reference Books:

 Data Mining Techniques, Arun K Pujari, 3rd Edition, Universities Press.

 Data Warehouse Fundamentals, PualrajPonnaiah, Wiley Student Edition.
 Data Mining, VikaramPudi, P Radha Krishna, Oxford University Press

Model Paper

MCA 4.1: Data Mining Techniques

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer the following questions. Each Question Carries 14 Marks.

1.(a) What is OLAP? Discuss about OLAP operations.

(b) What is Multidimensional Model?
(c) What is Generalized Rule?
(d) Explain about different cluster categories.
(e) How can the root of the decision tree was initialised?
(f) What kinds of data used in Data Mining?
(g) What is Meta data? Describe the types of Metadata.

2.(a) What is Data Mining? Discuss the difference between

Warehouse and Database.
(b) What is Warehouse Schema? Discuss about Star Schema.
(c) Discuss about the phases of data mining Architecture.

(d) Discuss about Indexing Techniques used to organize the data in

the Data mining.
3.(a) Discuss and Compare
i. Priori Algorithm.
ii. PAM Algorithm
(b) What is Association Rule? Is every subset of any itemset must
contain either a frequent set or a border set. Justify.
(b) Discuss about FP-Tree Growth Algorithm.
(c) Discus about various categories of Association Rules


4.(a) What is Decision Tree? Discuss about Decision Tree

Construction Algorithms.
(b) Discuss about Bayesian Classification.
(c) What is the purpose of Neural Network? Discuss about types of
Neural Networks?
(d) Discuss about salient features of the generic algorithm? How can a data mining problem
can be an optimization problem? How can do you use generic algorithms for such a cases?

5.(a) What is clustering? Discuss about various categories of
(b) Discuss about DBSCAN Algorithm.
(c) Discuss about BIRCH clustering
(d) Discuss about STING Algorithm with example.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. To introduce to the students the basic concepts and fundamentals of machine learning
2. To develop skills of implementing machine learning techniques
3. To familiarize the students with latest technologies
4. To implement machine learning solutions to classification, regression and clusteing

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1. Students possess ability to select and implement machine learning techniques

2. To recognize and implement various ways of selecting suitable model parameters for
different machine learning techniques
3. Ability to integrate machine learning libraries and mathematical and statistical tools
with modern technologies.
4. Ability to select and implement machine learning techniques and computing
environment that are suitable for the applications under consideration.


Introduction - Well-posed learning problems, designing a learning system, Perspectives and
issues in machine learning
Concept learning and the General to Specific Ordering – Introduction, A concept learning
task, Concept learning as search, Find-S: finding a maximally specific hypothesis, Version
spaces and the Candidate-Elimination algorithm, Remarks on version spaces and Candidate-
Elimination, Inductive Bias

Learning Outcomes

Students acquire knowledge about

1. How to make a computer program to learn from experience

2. Importance of concept learning

Decision Tree learning – Introduction, Decision tree representation, Appropriate problems for
decision tree learning, The basic decision tree learning algorithm, Hypothesis space search in
decision tree learning, Inductive bias in decision tree learning, Issues in decision tree learning

Evaluation Hypotheses – Motivation, Estimation hypothesis accuracy, Basics of sampling
theory, A general approach for deriving confidence intervals, Difference in error of two
hypotheses, Comparing learning algorithms
Bayesian learning – Introduction, Bayes theorem, Bayes theorem and concept learning,
Maximum likelihood and least squared error hypotheses, Maximum likelihood hypotheses for
predicting probabilities, Minimum description length principle, Bayes optimal classifier,
Gibbs algorithm, Naïve Bayes classifier, An example learning to classify text, Bayesian
belief networks The EM algorithm

Students acquire knowledge about

1. Representation of decisions and decision making explicitly

2. To come to a conclusion from the observations about an item
3. Prediction of probabilities

Bayesian learning – Introduction, Bayes theorem, Bayes theorem and concept learning,
Maximum likelihood and least squared error hypotheses, Maximum likelihood hypotheses for
predicting probabilities, Minimum description length principle, Bayes optimal classifier,
Gibbs algorithm, Naïve Bayes classifier, An Example: learning to classify text, Bayesian
belief networks, The EM algorithm
Computational learning theory – Introduction, Probability Learning an Approximately
Correct Hypothesis, Sample Complexity for Finite Hypothesis Space, Sample Complexity for
infinite Hypothesis Spaces, The Mistake Bound Model of Learning
Instance-Based Learning- Introduction, k -Nearest Neighbour Learning, Locally Weighted
Regression, Radial Basis Functions, Case-Based Reasoning, Remarks on Lazy and Eager

Students develop in-depth understanding of

1. Classification of text and its importance

2. Different learning theories
3. The methods to categorize and organize information

Unit- IV
Genetic Algorithms – Motivation, Genetic Algorithms, An illustrative Example, Hypothesis
SpaceSearch, Genetic Programming, Models of Evolution and Learning, Parallelizing
Genetic Algorithms
Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning – Motivation, Inductive-Analytical
Approaches to Learning, Using Prior Knowledge to Initialize the Hypothesis, Using Prior
Knowledge to Alter the Search Objective, Using Prior Knowledge to Augment Search
Reinforcement Learning – Introduction, The Learning Task, Q Learning, Non-Deterministic,
Rewards and Actions, Temporal Difference Learning, Generalizing from Examples,
Relationship to Dynamic Programming

Learning Outcomes

Students acquire knowledge about

1. Generation of solutions to optimization and search problems
2. Different kinds of learning techniques
3. Describing the set of learning problems

Machine Learning – Tom M. Mitchell, - MGH

1. Introduction to Machine Learning,- Ethem Alpaydin, - PHI

2. Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, Stephen Marsland, Taylor & Francis

Model Paper
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a) Write the issues of machine learning.

b) What is an unbiased learner?
c) Define Hypothesis space search
d) What is sampling theory?
e) Write about Bayes optimal classifier
f) What is regression?
g) What is the use of genetic algorithm?

2 a. What is Machine Learning? Explain different perspective and issues in machine learning.
b. Describe the Find-s algorithm. Explain how to find a maximally specific hypothesis.
3 a. List and explain the steps to design a learning systems in detail.
b. Illustrate the candidate elimination algorithm with suitable example.

4 a. Describe the Inductive Bias in decision tree learning.
b. Write about handling training examples with missing attribute values.
5 a. Explain about estimating hypothesis accuracy.
b. Write a note on practical considerations in comparing learning algorithms

6 a. Write Bayes theorem. What is the relationship between Bayes theorem and the problem
of concept learning?
b. Explain Maximum Likelihood Hypothesis for predicting probabilities.
7 a. Explain Naïve Bayes Classifier with an Example.
b. Explain the EM Algorithm in detail. (08 Marks.)

8 a. Define the following terms
i) Error of a Hypothesis. ii) Optimal Mistake Bounds iii) Weighted-Majority Algorithm
b. Explain about sample complexity for finite hypothesis spaces
9.a. Explain the K – nearest neighbour algorithm for approximating a discrete – valued
function with pseudo code
b. Write about locally weighted regression.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. to complete an in-depth knowledge of web technology

2. to know and to have the idea for different web application that most web developers are
likely to use
3. to be aware of, and to have used, the enhancements of the web applications
4. to know the different types of web application software.



HTML: Common Tags: List, Tables, images, forms, Frames, Cascading Style Sheets;
Java Script: Introduction to Java Scripts, Objects in Java Script, Dynamic HTML with Java

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to
 Develop a dynamic webpage by the use of java script and DHTML.
 Design a responsive web site using HTML and CSS.


XML:Document type definition, XML Schemas, Document Object model, Presenting XML,
Using XML Processors: DOM and SAX
CGI Scripting: What is CGI? – Developing CGI applications – Processing CGI – Returning
a Basic HTML page – Introduction to – methods – Creating HTML pages

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to
 Write a well formed / valid XML document
 Developing CGI applications


JDBC: Introduction to JDBC – Connections – Internal Database Connections – Statements –

Results Sets - Prepared Statements - Callable Statements.

Network Programming and RMI: why networked Java – Basic Network Concepts –
looking up Internet Addresses – URLs and URIs – UDP Datagrams and Sockets – Remote
Method Invocation.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to
 Design to create structure of web page, to store the data in web document, and
transport information through web.
 Establish the Connection between Java Application and database to insert, retrieve
and modify the data in tables.

Unit –IV

Web Servers and Servlets: Tomcat web server, Introduction to Servlets: Lifecycle of a
Servlet, JSDK, The Servlet API, The javax.servlet Package, Reading Servlet parameters,
Reading Initialization parameters. The javax.servlet HTTP package, Handling Http Request
& Responses, Using Cookies-Session Tracking, Security Issues.

Introduction to JSP: The Problem with Servlet. The Anatomy of a JSP Page, JSP
Processing. JSP Application Design with MVC Setting Up and JSP Environment: Installing
the Java Software Development Kit, Tomcat Server & Testing Tomcat

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to
 Install Tomcat Server and execution of programs on server side.
 Identify the problems in Servlets and overcome those using Java Server Pages also
develop JSP applications with Model View Control architecture.

Prescribed Textbooks

1. Web Programming, building internet applications, Chris Bates 2nd edition, WILEY
Dreamtech (units I, II)
2. Java Programming with JDBC ;Donald Bales, O’Reilly (Unit III)
3. Java Network Programming, elliotte Rusty Harold, 3rd Edition, O’Reilly (Unit III)
4. Java Server Pages – Hans Bergsten, SPD O’Reilly (Unit IV)

Reference Textbooks

1. Robert W. Sebesta, “Programming the World Wide Web”, Third Edition, Pearson
Education (2007).
2. Anders Moller and Michael schwartzbach, ”An Introduction to XML and Web
Technologies”, Addison Wesley (2006)

3. Chris Bates, “Web Programming–Building Internet Applications“, Second Edition, Wiley
4. Jeffrey C. Jackson, “Web Technologies – A Computer Science Perspective”, Pearson
Education (2008).
5. H.M.Deitel, P.J.Deitel, “Java How to Program”, Sixth Edition,
Pearson Education (2007)
6. DebasishJana,“Java and Object Oriented Programming Paradigm”,
PHI (2005).
7. ISRD Group, “Introduction to Object Oriented Programming through
Java”, TMH (2007).

Model Paper
MCA 4.3: web technologies
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. (a) What are HTML tags?

(b) What are the features of JavaScript?
(c) What is XML? How is it different from HTML?
(d) What is DTD?
(e) What is meant by Session?
(f) List the JSP implicit objects?
(g) Define Servlet

2. (a) Create a simple HTML page which demonstrates the use of the various types of
lists. Try adding a definition list which uses an unordered list to define terms.
(b) Develop a javascript to determine whether a given number is an ‘ARMSTRONG
NUMBER’ or not.
3. (a) How how group and alignment of tables rows and columns is achieved using
(b) Describe the various Date Objects with suitable examples.

4. (a) Explain the five possible keywords in a DTD declaration with suitable examples.
(b) Define an XML schema. Show how an XML schema can be created.
5. (a) explain module
(b) explain clearly the steps involved in executing a CGI program

6. (a) Discuss the four types of JDBC drivers.

(b) Give a note on javax.sql package.
7. What is the RMI layer model. What are the steps involved in writing an RMI

8. (a) What are the limitations of Servlets? How JSP over comes these Problems.
(b) Discuss about Tomcat Server.
9. Explain the components of JSP and how application data can be shared in JSP? Explain

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. The need of software engineering, its different life cycles and different phases,
2. To measure cost, efforts, time and team management etc,
3. Testing and maintenance techniques of big projects and
4. Different risks and its management systems

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:
1. The scope and necessity of software engineering
2. The cause’s solutions for software crisis
3. Fragment problems into small units, code reusability, efficient coding and software
development management
4. Different ways of software life cycles and their phases.
5. Knowledge of testing
6. Eveners about compliance to different stands



Introduction to Software Engineering: The Evolving Role of Software, Software, The

Changing Nature of Software, Legacy Software: The Quality of legacy software, Software
Evolution, Software Myths.

A Generic View of Process: Software Engineering-A Layered Technology, A Process Frame

Work, The capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), Process Patterns, Process
Assessment, Personal and Team Process Models: Personal Software Process (PSP), Team
Software Process (TSP), Process Technology, Product and Process.

Process Models: Prescriptive Models, The Waterfall Model, Incremental Process Models:
The Incremental Model, The RAD Model, Evolutionary Process Model: Prototyping, The
Spiral Model, The Concurrent Development Model, Specialized Process Models: Component
Based Development, The formal Methods Model, The Unified Process.

An Agile View of Process: What is Agility? What is Agile Process? Agile Process Models:
Extreme Programming, Adaptive Software Development, Dynamic Systems Development
Method, Scrum, Crystal, Feature Driven Development, Agile Modeling.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Study a body of knowledge relating to Software Engineering, Software myths
 A general understanding of software process models such as the waterfall and
evolutionary models.


Software Engineering Practice: Software Engineering Practice, communication practices,

Planning Practices, Modeling Practices, Construction Practices, Deployment.

System Engineering: Computer Based Systems, The System Engineering Hierarchy,

Business Process Engineering: An Overview, System Modeling.

Building the Analysis Model: Requirement Analysis, Analysis Modeling Approaches, Data
Modeling Concepts, Object Oriented Analysis, Scenario Based Modeling, Flow Oriented
Modeling, Class Based Modeling, Creating a Behavioral Model.

Design Engineering: Design within the contextof Software Engineering, Design Process and
Design Quality, Design Concepts, The Design Model, Pattern Based Software Design.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Understanding of software engineering practices and system engineering
 Understanding analysis modeling approaches
 Knowledge on various designing techniques.


Testing Strategies: A strategic Approach to Software Testing, Strategic Issues, Test

Strategies for conventional Software, Testing Strategies for Object Oriented Software,
Validation Testing, System Testing, the Art of Debugging.

Testing Tactics: Software Testing Fundamentals, Black Box and White Box Testing, White
Box Testing, Basis Path Testing, Control Structure Testing, Black Box Testing, Object
Oriented Testing Methods, Testing Methods Applicable at the class level, InterClass Test
Case Design, Testing for Specialized Environments, Architectures and Applications, Testing

Project Management: The Management Spectrum, The People, The Product, The Process,
The Project, The W5HH Principles.

Metrics for Process and Projects: Metrics in the Process and Project Domains, Software
Measurement¸ Metrics for Software Quality, Integrating Metrics within Software Process,
Metrics for Small Organizations, Establishing a Software Metrics Program.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:

 Describe software testing strategies and tactics
 Understand project management techniques.
 Knowledge on process metrics


Estimation: Observations on Estimations, The project planning process, Software Scope and
Feasibility, Resources, Software Project Estimation, Decomposition Techniques, Empirical
Estimation Models, Estimations for Object Oriented Projects, Specialized Estimation
Techniques, The Make/Buy Decision

Quality Management: Quality Concepts, Software Quality Assurance, Software Reviews,

Formal Technical Reviews, Formal Approaches to SQA, Statistical Software Quality
Assurance, Software Reliability, The ISO 9000 Quality Standards, the SQA Plan

Formal Methods: Basic Concepts, Object Constraint Language (OCL), The Z specification
language, The Ten Commandments for Formal Methods.

Cleanroom Software Engineering: The Cleanroom Approach, Functional Specification,

Cleanroom Design, Cleanroom Testing.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Understand Quality management, estimation
 Evaluation of formal methods
 Understand cleanroom software engineering.

Prescribed Book:
Roger S Pressman, “Software Engineering–A Practitioner’s Approach”, Sixth Edition, TMH

Chapters : 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,13,14,21,22,23,26,28,29

Reference Books:
1. Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, Seventh Edition Pearson Education (2007)
2. S.A.Kelkar, “Software Engineering – A Concise Study”, PHI.
3. WamanS.Jawadekar, “Software Engineering”, TMH.
4. Ali Behforooz and Frederick J.Hudson, “Software Engineering Fundamentals”,
Oxford (2008).

Model Paper

MCA 4.4: Software Engineering

Time: 3 Hr Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1.a) Define is Software Crisis?

b) List the advantages of Formal Methods?
c) What is meant by “Product is Right”?
d) Give the characteristics of a good design?
e) Explain top-down integration?
f) Goals of Software Engineering?
g) Difference between Error and Bug?

2.a) Describe Software Characteristics.
b) Explain agile software process.
3.a) Explain Spiral Model and its suitability
b) Why Software Myths becomes constraints to software process.

4.a) What is Use Case? Discuss about the importance of Use Cases in
Software Engineering.
b) What is Class? Explain Class Responsibility Collaborator
5. Discuss different Levels of Data Flow Diagrams with the help of
an example.

6.a) What is the role of Basis Path Testing in software testing?
b) What is Test Case? Prepare a Test Case for Factorial of a
7.a) Discuss about Function Oriented Metrics.
b) What is Debugging? Explain about Debugging Strategies.

8.a) What are the attributes of the Quality?
b) Explain Clean room software engineering approach.
9.a) Describe the COCOMO Model?
b) Why software Quality Assurance is important?

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. To understand the genesis of grid and cluster computing

2. To know the application of grid and cluster computing
3. To understand the technology and tool kits for facilitating grid computing and cluster

Students upon completing of enough this will be able to:

1. Appreciate the necessity of grid and cluster computing and thus its evaluation
2. Understand where the grid computing could be effectively utilized by illustrations of
applications of grid and cluster computing
3. Select a proper technology and toolkit for using grid computing



Introduction : The Data Centre, the Grid and the Distributed / High Performance
Computing, Cluster Computing and Grid Computing, Metacomputing – the Precursor of Grid
Computing, Scientific, Business and e-Governance Grids, Web Services and Grid
Computing, Business Computing and the Grid – a Potential Win – win Situation, e-
Governance and the Grid.

Technologies and Architectures for Grid Computing : Clustering and Grid Computing,
Issues in Data Grids, Key Functional Requirements in Grid Computing, Standards for Grid
Computing, Recent Technological Trends in Large Data Grids

World Wide Grid Computing Activities, Organizations and Projects : Standard

Origanizations, Organizations Developing Grid Computing Tool Kits, Framework, and
Middleware, Grid Projects and Organizations Building and Using Grid Based Solutions,
Commercial Organizations Building and Using Grid Based Solutions.


Web Services and the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) :History and Background,
Service Oriented Architecture, How a Web Service Works, SOAP and WSDL, Description,
Creating Web Services, Server Side.

OGSA and WSRF: OGSA for Resource Distribution, Stateful Web Services in OGSA,
WSRF (Web Services Resource Framework), Resource Approach to Stateful Services,
WSRF Specification.

Globus Toolkit : History of Globus Toolkit, Versions of Globus Toolkit, Applications of
GT4-Cases, GT4-Approaches and Benefits, Infrastructure Management, Monitoring and
Discovery, Security, Data, Choreography and Coordination, Main Features of GT4
Functionality – a Summary, GT4 Architecture, GT4 Command Line Programs, GT4

The Grid and the Databases : Issues in Database Integration with the Grid, The
Requirements of a Grid-enabled Database, Storage Request Broker (SRB), How to Integrate
the Databases with the Grid?, The Architecture of OGSA-DAI for Offering Grid Database


What is Cluster Computing? : Approaches to Parallel Computing, How to Achieve Low

Cost Parallel Computing through Clusters, Definition and Architecture of a Cluster, What is
the Functionality a Cluster can Offer? Categories of Clusters

Cluster Middleware : An Introduction : Levels and Layers of Single System Image (SSI),
Cluster Middleware Design Objectives, Resource Management and Scheduling, Cluster
Programming Environment and Tools

Early Cluster Architectures and High Throughput Computing Clusters : Early Cluster
Architectures, High Throughput Computing Clusters, Condor

Networking, Protocols & I/O for Clusters : Networks and Inter-

connection/Switching Devices, Design Issues in Interconnection Networking/Switching,
Design Architecture-General Principles and Trade-offs, HiPPI, ATM (Asynchronous
Transmission Mode), Myrinet, Memory Channel (MC), Gigabit Ethernet


Setting Up and Administering a Cluster : How to Set Up a Simple Cluster?, Design

Considerations for the Front End of a Cluster, Setting Up Nodes, Clusters of Clusters or
Metaclusters, System Monitoring, Directory Services Inside the Clusters & DCE, Global
Clocks Sync, Administering Heterogeneous Clusters

Cluster Technology for High Availability : Highly Available Clusters, High Availability
Parallel Computing, Mission Critical (or Business Critical or Business Continuity)
Applications, Types of Failures and Errors, Cluster Architectures and Configurations for
High Availability, Faults and Error Detection, Failure Recovery, Failover/Recovery Clusters

Load Sharing and Load Balancing : Load Sharing and Load Balancing, Strategies for Load
Balancing, Modelling Parameters

Distributed Shared Memory : Issues in DSM, Write Synchroni- zation for Data
Consistency, Double Faulting, Application/Type Specific Consistency, Issues in Network
Performance in DSM

Prescribed Book:

C.S.R.Prabhu – “Grid and Cluster Computing”-PHI(2008)

Chapters: 1 to 13, 16, 17.

Reference Book:

Jankiram, “Grid Computing Models : A Research Monograph”, TMH (2005)

Model Paper

MCA 4.5.1 : Grid and Cluster Computing

Time: 3Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a) What is e-science?
b) Compare Globus and Legion.
c) What is a Web Service?
d) Write different categories of Clusters.
e) Define Cluster middleware.
f) Compare Gigabit Ethernet with ATM.
g) What is a Watchdog timer?


2. a) What is metacomputing? What is its relationship with the grid?

b) What is datagram architecture? Explain its main features.
3.a) Compare and contrast Condor, CondorG, Nimrod, NimrodG and NMI.
b)What are the objectives, functions and achievements of Global Grid Forum (GGF)?


4. a) Explain what is SOA and how it functions?

b) What is WSRF? What are its benefits? Where is it available?
5.a) Explain the architecture and functionality modules of Globus Toolkit (GT4).
b) How does grid enable a DBMS?


6. a) What is Cluster computing ? Why is it needed?

b) Explain Cluster middleware design objectives.
7. a) Explain Condor architecture.
b) What are the different design issues in interconnection Networking/Switching?


8. a) How to setup a simple cluster? What are the design

considerations for the front end of a cluster?
b) Explain the various cluster architectures and
configuration for high availability.
9. a) Explain static and dynamic load sharing approach.
b) What is DSM? Why is it required in cluster and what are the various issues in DSM?

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks


The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. security breaches can be very expensive in terms of business disruption and the financial
losses that may result,
2. increasing volumes of sensitive information are transferred across the internet or intranets
connected to it,
3. networking that make use of internet links are becoming more popular because they are
cheaper than dedicated leased lines. This, however, involves different users sharing internet
links to transport their data,
4. directors of business organizations are increasingly required to provide effective
information security.

Students upon completing of enough this will be able to:

1. identify some of the factors driving the need for network security,
2. identify and classify particular examples of attacks,
3. compare and contrast symmetric and asymmetric encryption systems and their
vulnerability to attack, and explain the characteristics of hybrid systems,
4. describe the use of hash functions and explain the characteristics of one-way and collision-
free functions,
5. describe and distinguish between different mechanisms to assure the freshness of a
6. explain the role of third-party agents in the provision of authentication services,
7. discuss the effectiveness of passwords in access control and the influence of human
8. identify types of firewall implementation suitable for differing security requirements,
9. distinguish between firewalls based on packet-filtering routers, application level gateways
and circuit level gateways.



Introduction: Security trends, the OSI security architecture, security attacks, security services,
security mechanisms, a model for network security.

Classical encryption techniques: Symmetric cipher model,Substitution techniques, Transposition

techniques, Rotor machines, Steganography.

Block cipher and the data encryption standard: Blockcipher principles, the strength of DES,
Differential and linear cryptanalysis, Block cipher design principles.

Confidentiality using Symmetric Encryption: Placement of encryption function, Traffic

confidentiality, key distribution, random number generator.

Learning Outcomes

Students will get knowledge about

1. Different types of attacks

2. Symmetric encryption mechanisms
3. Important Symmetric algorithms


Public key cryptography and RSA: Principles of public key crypto systems, The RSA algorithm

Key management:Other public-key crypto systems: Key management, Diffie-Hellman key


Message authentication and hash functions: Authentication requirements, Authentication functions,

message authentication codes, Hash functions, security of hash functions and MACs.

Digital signatures and authentication protocols: Digital signatures, Authentication protocols,

Digital Signature standard.

Learning Outcomes

Students will develop understanding regarding

1. Asymmetric cryptosystem
2. Encryption using private
3. Importance of Message Authentication Codes


Authentication Applications: Kerberos, X.509 authentication service

Email Security: Pretty good privacy, S/MIME

IP security: IP security overview, IP security architecture, Authentication header, Encapsulating

security payload, combining security associations, key management.

Web security: Web security considerations, Secure Socket Layer and transport layer security, Secure
electronic transaction.

Learning Outcomes

Students acquire knowledge about

1. Various Authentication Services

2. How to provide security to email and web services


Intruders: Intruders, Intrusion detection, password management

Malicious Software: Viruses and related threads, virus counter measures, distributed denial of
service attacks.
Firewalls: Firewall Design principles, trusted systems, common criteria for information technology,
security evaluation.

Learning Outcomes

Students will develop understanding regarding

1. Various types of viruses and attacks

2. Design principles to develop a firewall

Prescribed Book:

William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security”, Fourth edition, PHI.

Chapters : 1,2,3,7,9,10,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20

Reference Books:

1. William Stallings, “Network Security Essentials – Applications and Standards”, Third

Edition, Pearson Education (2007).

2. Chris McNab, “Network Security Assessment”, 2nd Edition, OReilly (2007).

3. Jon Erickson, “Hacking – The Art of Exploitation”, SPD, NOSTARCH Press (2006).

4. Neal Krawety, “Introduction to Network Security”, Thomson (2007).

Model Paper

MCA 4.5.2: Cryptography and Network Security

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1.a) Abbreviate VIRUS.
b) What is meant by interception?
c) What are the various places where the data can get hacked?
d) What is the difference between authentication and authorization?
e) Explain the role played by the certificate management authority in providing security for
the data.

f) SEPP architecture.
g) What are the different elements involved in cryptography?

Unit- I
2.a) Discuss various ways of hacking the data.
b) Discuss the way to encrypt data using substitution techniques.
Explain it with suitable example.
3.a) Write the structure of stream cipher.
b) Discuss the process of encryption using triple DES method.

Unit- II
4.a) Explain Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm.
b) What is hashing? Write the procedure to calculate the hash
value in brief.
5. Discuss different authentication protocols.

6.a)Discuss S-MIME functionality. Explain how it differs from MIME?
b) What is dual signature? Explain the process of calculating it.
7. Discuss in detail about the IP security.

8. a) Write the rules for selecting passwords. Also explain how a
password can be managed?
b) Discuss various virus prevention measures.
9. Describe firewall design principles.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. Define the basics of simulation modeling and replicating the practical situations in
2. Generate random numbers and random variates using different techniques.
3. Develop simulation model using heuristic methods.
4. Analysis of Simulation models using input analyzer, and output analyzer
5. Explain Verification and Validation of simulation model



Basic simulation Modeling: Systems , models and simulation, Discrete-Event simulation ,

Simulation of an inventory system, Problem statements, program organization and Logic, C
program, simulation output and discussion, Steps in a Sound Simulation Study
Other types of simulation: Continuous simulation, Combined Discrete continuous
simulations, Monte Carlo Simulation, Spreadsheet simulation, Advantages, disadvantages
and Pitfalls of Simulation


Modeling Complex Systems: Introduction, List Processing in Simulation, A simple

Simulation Language: simlib, Single Server Queueing Simulation with simlib, Time-Shared
Computer Model, Multiteller Bank with Jockeying, Job-Shop Model, Efficient Event List

Simulation Software: Introduction, Comparison of simulation packages with Programming
languages, Classification of Simulation Software. General purpose versus Application
Oriented Simulation Packages, Modeling Approaches, Common Modeling Elements,
Desirable Software features, General Capabilities, Statistical capabilities, Customer support
and documentation, Object-Oriented Simulation.


Random-Number Generators: Introduction, Linear Congruential generators, Mixed

generators, Multiplicative generators, Composite generators, Empirical Tests, Theoretical

Generating random variates: General approaches to generating random variates, Inverse
Transform, Acceptance – Rejection, Generating continuous Random variates, Uniform,
Exponential, weibull and normal.

Prescribed Book:

1. Averill M Law, “Simulation Modeling and Analysis”, Fourth Edition, TMH (2008)

Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8

Reference Book :

Jerry Banks, John S.CarsonAnd Berry L. Nelson & David M. Nicol, “Discrete Event System
Simulation”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education

Model Paper

MCA 4.5.3: Simulation Modeling And Analysis

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks:70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M
1.a) Give any four applications of Simulation?
b) Define System State.
c) Compare the Simulation Packages with Programming Languages.
d) What is the difference between verification and validation?
e) What is Random Variable?
f) Describe the candidate generation in queuing system?
g) Define Bernouli Principle for Random Variate.


2.a) Discuss about steps involved in simulation study?

b) Explain the simulation of Inventory System?
3.a) What is Discrete Event Simulation? Discuss about simulation process of any real world
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of simulation.


4. Discuss about the simulation of single server queueing process.

5. Ships arrive at a harbor with interarrival times that are IID
exponential random variables with a mean of 1.25days. The harbor has a dock with two
berths and two cranes for unloading the ships; ships arriving when both berths are occupied
join a FIFO queue. The time for one crane to unload a ship is distributed uniformly between
0.5 and 1.5 days. If only one ship is in the harbor, both cranes unload the ship and the
(remaining) unloading time is cut in half. When two ships are in the harbor, one crane works
on each ship. If both cranes are unloading one ship when a second ship arrives, one of the
cranes immediately begins serving the second ship and the remaining service time of the first
ship is doubled. Assuming that no ships are in the harbor at time 0, run the simulation for 90
days and compute the minimum, maximum, and average time that ships are in the harbor
(which includes their time in berth). Also estimate the expected utilization of each berth and
of the cranes. Use stream I for the interarrival times and stream 2 for the unloading times.


6. Describe about different classifications of Simulation Software.

7. Give the features of System Simulation Software?


8. Discuss about different kinds of testing methods to check the
Random Number Generators.
9. Explain the following distributions
i. Normal Distribution.
ii. Poisson Distribution.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks


1. Develop and demonstrate a HTML document that illustrates the use external style
sheet, ordered list, table, borders, padding, color, and the <span> tag.

2. Write HTML code to provide intra document linking.

3. Create a form with the following specifications:

a) Our form uses frames, one to hold the links bar at the top of the browser window.
b) Other is a larger frame that provides the main view.
c) The links bar should contain 5 links, which when clicked, should display the
appropriate HTML file in the larger frame.

4. to create a webpage with the following using html

a. to embed an image in web page

b. to fix the hot spots

c. show all the related information when a hot spot is clicked in the map

5. Develop a HTML Form, which accepts any Mathematical expression. Write

JavaScript code to Evaluates the expression and Displays the result.

6. Create a HTML form that has number of Textboxes. When the form runs in the
Browser fill the textboxes with data. Write JavaScript code that verifies that all
textboxes has been filled. If a textboxes has been left empty, popup an alert indicating
which textbox has been left empty.

7. Write a JavaScript code to find the sum of N natural Numbers. (Use user-defined

8. Write a JavaScript code to find factorial of N. (Use recursive function)

9. Write a JavaScript code block using arrays and generate the current date in words, this
should include the day, month and year.

10. Create a web page using two image files, which switch between one another as the
mouse pointer moves over the images. Use the onMouseOver and onMouseOut event

11. Design an XML document to store information about a student in an engineering

college affiliated to ANU. The information must include college id, Name of the

College, Brach, Year of Joining, and e-mail id. Make up sample data for 3 students.
Create a CSS style sheet and use it to display the document.

12. Create an XML document, which contains 10 users information. Implement a

program, which takes User Id as an input and returns the user details by taking the
user information from the XML document

13. write a program for implementing student information using XML

14. write a java program to illustrate java to database connectivity using JDBC

15. Write a program to print the Fibonacci numbers using RMI.

16. Write a program using RMI to access the database using the primary key value and
return the data to the client.

17. Write a html program for invoking servlet from applet

18. write a java servlet program to conduct online examination and to display student
mark list available in a database

19. Create a java program to create an airline reservation service and a travel agent and
the travel agent is searching for an airline using web services and database.

20. Write a JSP program to calculate income tax, login and data capture.


Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3

Internal : University Exam: Total :

30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks


Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3

Internal : University Exam: Total :

30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

Prescribed Books :

1. Wallace, Masters, “Personality Development”, Cengage Learning

2. Edgar Thorpe, Showick Thorpe, “Winning at Interviews”, Second
Edition, Pearson Education (2007)
Reference Books :

1. Peter Urs Bender, Dr. Robert A. Tracz, “Secrets of Face to Face Communication”,
Macmillan (2007)
2. Deepika Nelson, “Essential Key for Corporate Threshold”, BS Publications (2008)


Sub Code Name of the Subject Int. Ext. Total No Hours/

Marks Marks Marks of Week
MCA 5.1 Essentials of Big Data 30 70 100 5 4
MCA 5.2 .Net Programming 30 70 100 5 4
MCA 5.3 Design and Analysis of 30 70 100 5 4
MCA 5.4.1 Internet of Things 30 70 100 4 4
MCA 5.4.2 Mobile Computing with
MCA 5.4.3 Cloud Computing
MCA 5.5.1 Image Processing 30 70 100 4 4
MCA 5.5.2 Open Source Technologies
MCA 5.5.3 Block chain technology.
MCA 5.6 .Net Programming Lab 30 70 100 3 6
MCA 5.7 Big Data Analytics Lab 30 70 100 3 6
MCA 5.8 Seminar 50 -- 50 1 3
TOTAL 260 490 750 30 35

MCA 5.1 Essentials of Big Data Analytics
Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. The main goal of this course is to help students learn, understand, and practice big data

2. The study of modern computing big data technologies and scaling up machine learning
techniques focusing on industry applications

3. conceptualization and summarization of big data and machine learning, trivial data versus
big data, big data computing technologies, machine learning techniques, and scaling up
machine learning approaches



UNIT – I: Getting an overview of Big Data: Introduction to Big Data, Structuring Big Data,
Types of Data, Elements of Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Advantages of Big Data Analytics.
Introducing Technologies for Handling Big Data: Distributed and Parallel Computing for Big
Data, Cloud Computing and Big Data, Features of Cloud Computing, Cloud Deployment
Models, Cloud Services for Big Data, Cloud Providers in Big Data Market.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:

 Ability to identify the characteristics of datasets and compare the trivial data and big
data for various applications.
 Understand the key issues in big data management and its associated applications in
intelligent business and scientific computing

UNIT – II: Understanding Hadoop Ecosystem: Introducing Hadoop, HDFS and MapReduce,
Hadoop functions, Hadoop Ecosystem. Hadoop Distributed File System- HDFS Architecture,
Concept of Blocks in HDFS Architecture, Namenodes and Datanodes, Features of HDFS.
MapReduce. Introducing HBase - HBase Architecture, Regions, Storing Big Data with
HBase, Combining HBase and HDFS, Features of HBase, Hive, Pig and Pig Latin, Sqoop,
ZooKeeper, Flume, Oozie.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 Acquire fundamental enabling techniques and scalable algorithms Hadoop, Map
Reduce, HDFC architecture, HBase architecture in big data analytics.
 Interpret business models and scientific computing paradigms, and apply software
tools for big data analytics

UNIT- III: Understanding MapReduce Fundamentals and HBase: The MapReduce

Framework ,Exploring the features of MapReduce, Working of MapReduce, Techniques to
optimize MapReduce Jobs, Hardware/Network Topology, Synchronization, File system, Uses
of MapReduce, Role of HBase in Big Data Processing- Characteristics of HBase.
Understanding Big Data Technology Foundations: Exploring the Big Data Stack, Data
Sources Layer, Ingestion Layer, Storage Layer, Physical Infrastructure Layer, Platform
Management Layer, Security Layer, Monitoring Layer, Visualization Layer

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:
 learn distributed systems with the help of MapReduce concept.
 understanding big data latest technology foundations.

UNIT – IV: Storing Data in Databases and Data Warehouses: RDBMS and Big Data, Issues
with Relational Model, Non – Relational Database, Issues with Non Relational Database,
Polyglot Persistence, Integrating Big Data with Traditional Data Warehouse, Big Data
Analysis and Data Warehouse.

Learning Outcomes:
Students upon completion of this unit will be able to:

 Achieve adequate perspectives of big data analytics in various applications like
recommender systems, social media applications etc
 Understand conceptually how Big Data is stored
 Understand how Big Data can be analysed to extract knowledge
Prescribed TextBooks:

1. BIG DATA, Black Book TM, DreamTech Press, 2016 Edition.

2. Seema Acharya, SubhasniChellappan , “BIG DATA and ANALYTICS”, Wiley
publications, 2016

Reference Book:
1. Nathan Marz and James Warren, “BIG DATA- Principles and Best Practices of Scalable
RealTime Systems”, 2010

Model Paper
MCA 5.1 : Essentials of Big Data Analytics
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1.a) list out types of Data

b) What is distributed computing
c) Write Hadoop functions
d) write short notes on HDFS
e) what is the need of platform management layer
f) What is role of HBase in Big data
g) What are the issues with relational model.

2. a) What is Big Data? Explain how big data processing differs from distributed processing
b) Explain features of cloud computing
3. Explain various technologies for handling Big Data


4. Explain Hadoop Distributed File System in detail.

5. a) Explain how Combining HBase and HDFS.
b) Write Features of HDFS


6. Explain the map reduce framework with an example.

7. Explain the big data stack in detail.


8. a) what are the issues with relational model and with non relational models.
b) write short notes on polygot persistence.
9. Explain how Integrating Big Data with Traditional Data Warehouse with an example.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. Set up a programming environment and Configure programs.
2. Creating ASP.Net applications using standard .net controls.
3. Develop a data driven web application.
4. Connecting to data sources and managing them.
5. Maintain session and controls related information for user used in multi-user web
6. Understand the fundamentals of developing modular application by using object oriented

Students upon completing of enough this will be able to:

1. design web applications using ASP.NET

2. ASP.NET controls in web applications.
3. debug and deploy ASP.NET web applications
4. create database driven ASP.NET web applications and web services


UNIT-I: Visual basic 2005:

Getting started with Visual Basic 2005: Arithmetic Operators, Data type, Statements,
Control Statements, Loops, Arrays, Structures,Val and Structure functions, Creating Visual
studio Applications, Saving Visual Basic 2005 Application.

Object Oriented Programming: Basic Principles of Object Oriented Programming,

Member Access Modifiers, Define Class, creating Objects, Constructors, Inheritance,
Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Polymorphism

Windows Forms: Introduction to the windows forms, Setting the title Bar Text,
Minimizing and Maximizing a form, Setting initial position of a form, Working with
multiple forms, Creating adding controls to a form, Setting controls Tab order, Naming
Controls, Setting Properties at design time, Setting properties at run time, Creating a message
box, Creating a Input box, Creating MDI Applications, Creating Dialog box, Commenting the

Label, TextBox, Button, ComboBox and ListBox Controls: Label Control, Button
Control, ComboBox Control, ListBox Control, Project

Panel, PictureBox, Progress Bar and Timer Controls: Panel Control, Picture box Control,
Progress Bar Control, Timer Control, Project

Checkbox, radio button, and group box controls :Checkbox control, Radio button control,
Progress bar control, Timer control, Project.

Menus, built-in dialog box, printing and tree view controls: Menus, Folder Browser
Dialog Control, Open File Dialog Control Save File Dialog Control, Font File Dialog
Control, Color File Dialog Control, Print Document Control, Tree View Control, Project

Mouse Events and Keyboard Events: Mouse Events, Keyboard Events

Handling Errors and Exceptions: Errors, Exceptions


ASP.NET 2.0 Essentials: Introduction to Asp.NET, Benefits of Asp.NET, What’s new

Asp.NET?, Introduction Asp.NET 2.0 IDE

Developing a Web Application :HTML, DHTML, PHP, JSP, PERL, ASP.NET 2.0
Provider Model, ASP.NET 2.0 Coding Model, Code Sharing, Compilation in ASP.NET

Standard Controls: Introduction to standard controls, Label Control, TextBox Control,

Button Control, Image Button Control ListBox Control, Radio Button Control

Navigation Controls: Introduction to Navigation Controls, Site Map Path Controls,

Menu Controls, Tree View Controls

Validation Controls: Introduction to validation control, Base validator class, Required field
validator control, Range validator control, Regular Expression validator control, Compare
validator control, Custom validator control, Validation summary control

Login controls: Introduction to login controls, Login control Login view control, Login
name control, Login status control Password recovery control

Master pages and Themes: Need for Master Pages and Themes, Creating a Simple Master
Page, Creating a Nested Master Page Themes, Creating Themes, Applying Themes on
controls at Run time

UNIT-III: C# 2005

Introduction to Visual C# 2005:Introduction, Features of Visual C# 2005, Creating Visual

C# 2005, Key words, Identifiers, Data Types, Variables, Scope of Variables, Constants,
Operators Operator Precedence and Associativity, Expressions, Punctuators Control
Statements, Loops, Interrupting Loops using Jump Statements, Creating Arrays, Creating
Enumerations, Creating Structures, Methods

Object Oriented Programming : Basic Principles of Object Oriented Programming,
Member Access Modifiers, Defining a Class, Creating Objects, Constructors, Static
Members, Inheritance, Abstract Class,Interfaces, Polymorphism, Operator Overloading

Windows Forms : Introduction to Windows form, Setting the title bar Text, Minimizing or
Maximizing a forms, Working with multiple Forms, Setting the startup form, Adding controls
to a form, Setting controls Tab order, Setting properties at Design time, Setting properties at
Run time, Showing and Hiding controls and Forms, Creating a message box, Commenting
the code, Handling Events.

Label, TextBox, Button, ComboBox and ListBoxControls:Label Control, TextBox

Control, Button Control, ComboBox Control ListBox Control, Project

Panel, PictureBox, Progress Bar and Timer Controls: Panel Control, Picture box Control,
Progress bar Control, Timer Control Project

Checkbox, Radio button and Group box controls :Checkbox control, Radio button
control,GroupBox Control, Project

Menus, built-in dialog box, printing and tree view controls: Menus, Folder Browser
Dialog Control, Open File Dialog Control Save File Dialog Control, Font File Dialog
Control, Color File Dialog Control, Print Document Control, Tree View Control, Project

Mouse Events and Keyboard Events: Mouse Events, Keyboard Events

Handling Errors and Exceptions: Errors, Exceptions

UNIT-IV : ADO.Net & Data Binding :

Accessing Data using ADO.NET (C# 2005): What are Databases? Basic SQL
Statements, Working with ADO.NET, Overview of ADO.NET Objects Data Grid View
Control, Accessing Data using Server Explorer, Creating a new data connection, Accessing
data using data adaptors and data sets, Previewing data from data adaptors Connecting to an
MS Jet database

Data Binding(C# 2005): Introduction, Simple Data Binding, Complex Data Binding,
Implementing Data Binding, Project

Working with Databases (ASP.NET 2.0): What are Databases? Working with ADO.NET,
Overview of ADO.NET Objects, Basic SQL statements, ASP.NET 2.0 data display
controls, ASP.NET 2.0 data source controls, Accessing data with server explorer, Creating a
web applications using data display controls

Accessing data using ADO.NET (Visual Basic 2005): What are Databases?, Basic SQL
statements, Working with ADO.NET, Overview of ADO.NET objects, Data Grid View
Control, Accessing data using server explorer, Creating a new data connection, Accessing
data using Data Adapters and Datasets, Previewing data from Data Adapters,
Connecting to an MS Jet database

Data Binding (Visual Basic 2005): Introduction, Simple Data Binding, Complex Data
Binding, Implementing Data Binding, Project

Prescribed Book:

Vikas Gupta, “.Net Programming”, Dream Tech (2008).

Chapters :

UNIT – I - 1 to 8, 11 chapters in Visual Basic 2005

UNIT – II – 1 to 7, 9 chapters in ASP.NET 2.0
UNIT – III – 1 to 8, 11 chapters in C# 2005
UNIT – IV – 9, 10 chapters in Visual Basic 2005, 8 chapter in ASP.NET 2.0, 9, 10 chapters
in C# 2005

Reference Books:

1. XueBai, Michael Ekedah, “The Web Warrior Guide to Web Programming”,

Thomson (2006).

2. Kogent Solutions Inc.,”.Net Programming”, Black Book, Dream Tech (2008).

3. Joe Duffy, “Professional.Net Programming 2.0”, Wiley.

4. George Stepherd, “ASP.NET 3.5 Microsoft”, PHI (2008).

Model Paper

MCA 5.2: .Net Programming

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1.a) Define data binding

b) Explain login controls
c) What is master page
d) Describe Data Adapter
e) Explain docking and anchoring controls
f) Give the difference between check box radio button and group
box controls
g) Define event and write different types of event
h) What are the characteristics of interface


2.a) Briefly explain about data types and keywords.

b) Write the procedure for an application which checks whether the entered user is valid
or not.
3. a) Explain the following controls
i. Menus
ii. Timer
iii. PictureBox
iv. Tree view
b) Explain mouse events and key board events.


4. a) Explain all the validation controls.

b) Write the procedure to design the application which allows the valid user to enter into
5. a)Briefly explain about master pager and themes
b) With suitable example explain the navigation controls.


6.a) What are the concepts of object oriented programming.

b) Explain the following controls
i. ComboBox ii. ListBox iii. Panel iv. BuiltindialogBox
7.a) Explain the steps involved in windows form design and interface
b) Write the procedure for coffee shop billing application (use checkbox)


8.a) What is data binding? Explain the types of data binding how
data binding can be implemented.
b) What are the ADO.NET objects.
9. Develop an application for student details which
i. Can access database
ii. Can bound to the controls
iii. Can display the details in a form

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. learning specification of the concept of algorithm and analysis of its computational

2. learning design principles of algorithms and their application to computing problems
3. making analysis accessible to all levels of readers.



Introduction : What is Algorithm – Algorithm Specification : Pseudocode Conventions – Recursive

Algorithms ; Performance Analysis: Space Complexity – Time Complexity – Asymptotic notation –
Performance Measurement; Randomized Algorithms : Basics of probability theory – Randomized
algorithms – Identifying the repeated element, Primality Testing – Advantages and Disadvantages.

Elementary Data Structures: Stacks and Queues ; Trees : Terminology – Binary Trees ;
Dictionaries : Binary Search Trees ; Priority Queues : Heaps – Heapsort ; Sets and disjoint set Union :
Introduction – union and find operations. ; Graphs: Introduction – Definitions – Graph

Divide – and – conquer: General Method – Defective Chess Board – Binary Search – Finding
Maximum and Minimum – Merge Sort – Quick sort – Selection Problem ; Strassen’s Matrix
Multiplication, Convex Hull: some geometric Primitives – The Quick Hull Algorithm – Graham’s
scan – An 0(nlogn) divide – and – conquer algorithm.

Learning Outcomes

Students will get an understanding about

1. Time and Space Complexities

2. Solving certain problems using divide and conquer strategy


The Greedy Method : The general Method – Container loading – Knapsack Problem – Tree Vertex
Splitting – Job sequencing with deadlines ; Minimum cost spanning trees : Prim’s Algorithm –
Kruskal’s Algorithm – Optimal Storage on tapes – Optimal Merge patterns – Single Source shortest

Dynamic Programming : The general method – Multi-stage graphs – All pairs shortest paths –
Single source shortest paths – Optimal Binary Search Trees – String editing – 0/1 Knapsack –
Reliability design – The traveling sales person problem – Flow shop Scheduling

Learning Outcomes

Students will acquire knowledge about

1. Generation of minimum cost trees

2. Solving knapsack problem using greedy method and also dynamic programming


Basic Traversal and Search Techniques: Techniques for Binary Trees – Techniques for graphs :
Breadth First Search and Traversal – Depth First Search ; Connected Components and Spanning Trees
– Bi-connected components and DFS

Back Tracking : The general method – The 8-queens problem – sum of subsets – Graph coloring –
Hamiltonian Cycles – Knapsack Problem .

Learning Outcomes

Students will acquire knowledge about

1. Difference between two traversals

2. How to solve complex problems using backtracking method


Branch and Bound : The Method: Least Cost search – The 15 puzzle – control abstractions for LC
search – Bounding – FIFO Branch – and –Bound – LC Branch and Bound; 0/1 knapsack problem: LC
Branch and Bound solution – FIFO Branch and Bound solution; Traveling Sales person.

NP-Hard and NP – complex problems : Basic concepts : Non deter- ministic algorithms –The
classes NP hard and NP complex ; Cook’s theorem – NP hard graph problems : Clique Decision
Problem – Node cover decision problem – chromatic number decision problem – Directed
Hamiltonian cycle – Traveling sales person decision problem – and/or graph decision problem; NP-
hard scheduling Problems: scheduling identical processors – flow shop scheduling – jop shop
scheduling; NP-hard code generation problems:code generation with common subexpressions –
Implementing parallel assignment instructions; Some simplified NP-hard problems.

Learning Outcomes

Students develop understanding on

1. Domains where branch and bound technique has to be used

2. How to solve combinatorial problems
3. Designing a good optimization algorithm

Prescribed Book:

Sartaj Sahni,”Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”, Second Edition, Universities Press (2008)

Chapters : 1 to 8 and 11

Reference Books :

1. Anany Levitin, “Introduction to the Design & Analysis of Algorithms”, Second Edition,
Pearson Education (2007).

2. I.Chandra Mohan, ”Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, PHI.

3. Prabhakar Gupta, Vineet Agrawarl, “Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, PHI.

4. Parag Himanshu Dave, “Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, Pearson Education (2008)*

Model Paper

MCA 5.3: Design And Analysis Of Algorithms

Time : 3 hrs Max Marks : 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a) What are Huffman codes ?

b) Explain dominance rule.
c) State the general method for dynamic programming.
d) Write the difference between divide-and-conquer and the
greedy method.
e) State the principle of optimality ?
f) Write the formulae developed by strassen to multiply
matrices ?
g) What is the average time complexity for constructing a
heap tree ?


2. a) Explain control abstraction for divide – and – conquer

strategy. (7M)
b) Explain the process of constructing convex hull. Also
write its algorithm and complexity . (7M)
3.a) Derive the average time complexity for quick sort. (7M)
b) Write a randomized algorithm to perform primality
testing. (7M)

4. a) State the problem of “optimal storage on tapes”. If three

programs of length (l1,l2,l3 )= (5,10,3).Find the optimal
way to store those programs on tapes using greedy method.
b) Find optimal binary search tree for the identifiers
(do, if, while). Let p(1:3) = (3,3,1) and q(0:3)=(2,3,1,1).
Solve it using dynamic programming (7M)
5. a) Write the problem of tree vertex splitting. Find the places
where boosters are needed for the following tree, for =5


4 5 6
b) Solve O/I Knapsack, If the Knapsack instance n=3
(w1,w2,w3)=(2,3,4) & (p1,p2,p3)=(1,2,5) and m=6. (7M)


6. a) Solve sum of subsets problem for n=6,m=30,

w[1:6]={5,10,12,13,15,18}. (7M)
b) Find connected components & spanning tree for : (7M)

1 5

4 2

7. a) Solve 8-queues problem. (7M)
b) Write different traversal techniques for graphs. (7M)


8. a) Write a complete LC branch and bound algorithm for Knapsack

problem (7M)
b) Write an non-deterministic algorithm to sort array
elements. (7M)
9. a) Explain the principles of (7M)
i) control abstraction for LC search
ii) Bounding
iii) FIFO branch & bound
iv) LC branch and bound
b) Write the relationship between P,NP and NP-complete,
NP-hard problems. (7M)



Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. To introduce the concept of IoT
2. To introduce the concept of M2M
3. To understand the logical design
4. To make them familiar with IoT devices, endpoints and designing

Students upon completing of enough this will be able to:
1. Familiarized with IoT Terminology.
2. Understand the concept of IoT
3. Understand various IoT protocols
4. Gain knowledge about the domain of IoT in real time
Unit – I
Introduction to Internet of Things, Introduction, physical design, logical design, IoT enabled
technologies, IoT levels & deployment templates. Domain specific IoTs, Introduction, home
automation, cities, environment, energy, retial, logistics, agriculture, Industry and health &

Unit – II
IoT and M2M, Introduction, M2M, difference between IoT and M2M, SDN and NFV for
IoT, IoT system management with NETCONF-YANG, need for IoT systems management,
SNMP, network operator requirements, NETCONF,YANG .

Unit – III
IoT platforms design methodology, Introduction, IoT design methodology, case study,
motivation fir using Python. IoT Systems – Logical design using python, introduction,
phython data types and strucutes, control flow, functions, modules, packages, file handling,
date/time operations, classes and packages.

Unit – IV
IoT physical Devices and endpoints, IoT devices, Rasberry Pi, Raspberry Pi interfaces,
programming Raspberry Pi with Python. Case Studies Illustrating IoT Design, home
automation, cities, environment, agriculture and productivity applications.

Prescribe Book
Internet of Things – A Hands-On Approach, ArsdeepBahga& VijayMadisetti, Universities
Reference Books
The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases, Pethuru Raj and
Anupama C. Raman, CRC Press.
IotFundamentals : Networking Technologies, Protocols and Use Cases for the Internet of
Things , David, Hanes &Salgueiro Gonzalo, Pearson

Model Paper

MCA 5.4.1 Internet of Things

Time : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. Define these terms

a) Internet of Things
b) IoT Levels
c) SDN
d) M2M
e) Python Functions
f) IoT Devices
g) Applications of IoT
h) Process specification


2. a. Explain physical design of Internet of Things?

b. Describe communication models of IoT

3. Discuss about three major application area of IoT.


4. a. Differentiate IoTamd M2M.

b. Explain IoT system management with NETCONF-YANG.

5. a. Explain SMNP?
b. Discuss about network operator requirements.


6. a. Explain domain model specification?

b. Discuss about operational view specificaton?
7. Explain python data types, classes and packages.
8. a. Explain Raspberry Pi board.
b. Explain Raspberry Pi Interfaces.

9. Design an IoT for Home automation and agriculture.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. To introduce the concept of mobile android

2. To introduce the concept of different views of android.
3. To understand the designing aspects of android mobiles
4. To make them familiar with SMS, email, service, binding and deploying APks

Students upon completing of enough this will be able to:

1. Familiarized with mobile android Terminology.

2. Understand and building interfaces
3. Understand and creating menus
4. Gain knowledge about the publishing, deploying APK files and Eclipse.


Unit – I
What is Android? Features of Android, Architecture of Android, Eclipse, Android SDK,
ADT, Creating Android virtual devices, Creating Application and Anatomy application.
Understanding Activities – Applying styles and themes to activity, hiding the activity title,
displaying a dialog window, displaying a progress dialog. Linking Activities using intents.
Calling built-in applications using intents.

Unit – II
Understand the components of a screen, Adapting to display orientation, managing changes
to screen orientation, creating the user interface programmatically, listening for UI
notifications. Basic views, pickers views, list views. Using images views to display pictures,
using menus with views and some additional views.

Unit – III
User preferences, persisting data to files, creating and using databases, sharing data in
android, using a content provider, creating your own content provider, SMS messaging, e-
mails and networking.

Unit – IV
Creating own services, communicating between a service and an activity, binding activities to
services, publishing, deploying APF files and eclipse.

Prescribe Book
Beginning Android 4 Application Development, Wei-MengLee, Wiley

Reference Books
Professional Android 4 Application Development, Reto Meier, Wiley India, (Wrox).

Model Paper

MCA 5.4.2 Mobile Computing with Android

Time : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. Define the terms

a. Android
b. Intent Filter
c. Persist Activity State
d. Import
e. Options menu
f. Sharing data in android
g. Service
h. Package Explorer

Unit – I
2. a. Explain features of android?
b. What are the tools for android application development? Explain them.
3. a. What are the languages used to develop android applications?
b. Discuss about passing data to an activity.

Unit –II
4. a. Describe linear, table and frame layouts.
b. Explain different orientations?
5. Explain the working of radio button and checkbox?

Unit – III
6. Create a DBA helper class. Explain it with an example.
7. a. Discuss about projections, filtering and sorting in content provider?
b. Explain how to insert and delete records into and from a content provider.

Unit –IV
8. Explain how to create a service in the background?
9. a. Write about the feature of eclipse.
b. How to publish an android application.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. The student will learn about the cloud environment, building software systems and
components that scale to millions of users in modern internet
2. cloud concepts capabilities across the various cloud service models including
3. developing cloud based software applications on top of cloud platforms.

Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

1.Understand the concepts of Parallel and Distributed Computing.

2.Knowledge of different Cloud delivery and deployment models.
3.Thoruogh understanding of Virtualization and its significance.
4.Aneka as an example Cloud.
5. Assessment of the economics , financial, and technological implications for selecting cloud
computing for own organization



Introduction: Cloud computing at a glance, Historical Developments, Building Cloud

Computing Environments, Computing Platforms and Technologies.

Principles of Parallel and Distributed Computing: Eras of Computing, Parallel Vs

Distributed computing, Elements of Parallel Computing, Elements of Distributed Computing,
Technologies for Distributed Computing.

Virtualization: Introduction, Characteristics of Virtualized Environments, Taxonomy of

Virtualization Techniques, Virtualization and Cloud Computing, Pros and Cons of
Virtualization, Technology Examples.


Cloud Computing Architecture: Introduction, Cloud reference model, Types of clouds,

Economics of the cloud, open challenges.

Aneka: Cloud Application Platform: Framework Overview, Anatomy of the Aneka

Container, Building Aneka Clouds, Cloud programming and Management.

Concurrent Computing: Thread Programming : Introducing Parallelism for Single
machine Computation, Programming Application with Threads, Multithreading with Aneka,
Programming Applications with Aneka Threads.


High- Throughput Computing: Task Programming: Task Computing, Task-based

Application Models, Aneka Task-Based Programming.

Data Intensive Computing: Map-Reduce Programming: What is Data-Intensive

Computing, Technologies for Data-Intensive Computing, Aneka MapReduce Programming.


Cloud Platforms in Industry: Amazon Web Services, Google AppEngine, Microsoft Azure,

Cloud Applications: Scientific Applications, Business and Consumer Applications.

Advanced Topics in Cloud Computing: Energy Efficiency in Clouds, Market Based

Management of Clouds , Federated Clouds/ InterCloud, Third Party Cloud Services.

Prescribed Book:

RajkumarBuyya, Christian Vecchiola, S.ThamaraiSelvi, "Mastering Cloud Computing",

McGraw Hill Education.


1. Michael Miller, “Cloud Computing”, Pearson Education, New

2. Haley Beard, Cloud Computing Best Practices for Managing and Measuring
Processes for On-demand Computing, Applications and Data Centers in the Cloud
with SLAs, Emereo Pty Limited, July 2008.
3. Cloud Application Architectures, George Reese, ISBN: 8184047142,Shroff/O' Reilly,

Model Paper

MCA 5.4.3: Cloud Computing

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M
a) What is Service-Oriented Computing?
b) Define a Distributed System?
c) Give an example for full virtualization and brief about it.
d) What is a hybrid cloud?
e) Scalability
f)Give two examples of cloud applications in CRM and ERP.
g) What is a MOCC?

2. Discuss about the historic developments from early computing to
the contemporary cloud computing.

3. a) What are characteristics of Virtualization?
b) Discuss about Machine Reference Model.

4. a)Discuss about the cloud architecture.
b) What are different types of clouds? Explain.

5. a) Explain about Aneka Framework overview.

b) Discuss about Aneka SDK.

6. a)What is Task computing and what are its frame works?
b)Discuss about Task based application models.
7. a) What is Data Intensive Computing? Explain about its
b) What are the technologies required for Data Intensive
computing? Explain about them.

8. Discuss about Amazon Web Services.

9.Give a reference model for MOCC. What are the technologies

for MOCC?

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. The fundamentals of image processing

2. Image transform used in image processing
3. Image enhancement techniques used in image processing
4. Image restoration techniques and methods used in image processing
5. Image compression and Segmentation used in image processing

Students upon completing of enough this will be able to:

1. Describe the basic issues and the scope (or principal applications) of image processing,
and the roles of image processing and systems in a variety of applications;
2. Demonstrate a good understanding of the history and the current state-of-the-art image
processing systems and applications which constantly push the boundaries and raise
challenges in other fields of studies such as mathematics, physics, and computer systems


Introduction, Image Shape, Human Vision System, Image Acquisition – Intensity Images,
Real Time Capture, Colour Images, Video Camera, Capture, Analogue To Digital
Conversion, Scanners, Character Recognitions Devices, Satellite Imaginary, Ranging
Devices, Calibration, Image Presentation-Raster Screen, Printers (Matrix, Laser, Ink-Jet, Wax
Thermal),Patterns, Dithering, Three-Dimensional Image.


Statistical Operations-Introduction, Gray-Level Transformations, Histogram Equalization,

Multi-Image Operations, Spatial Operations And Transformations-Introduction, Spatial
Dependent Transformations, Templates And Convolution, Edge Detection, Other Window
Operations, Two-Dimensional Geometric Transformations, Segmentation And Edge
Detection-Introduction, Region Operations, Basic Edge Detection, Second-Order Edge
Detection, Pyramid Edge Detection, Crack Edge Relaxation.


Morphological And Other Area Operations-Introduction, Basic Morphological Operations,

Opening And Closing Operations, Finding Basic Shapes-Combining Edges, Hough

Transforms, Bresenhams Algorithms; Labeling Lines And Regions-Flat Surface And Straight
Line Labeling, Dealing With Curves, Labeling Regions.


Frequency Domain-Introduction, Hartley Transform, Fourier Transform, Optical

Transformation, Power And Autocorrelation Functions; Image Compression-Introduction,
Types And Requirements, Statistical Compression, Spatial Compression, Contour Coding,
Quantizing Compression , Real-Tme Image Transmission, Quadtrees; Texture-Introduction,
Identifying Textures, Texture Gradient, Texture Segmentation.

Prescribed Book

Introductory Computer Vision And Image Processing – Adrian Low:, MC Graw Hill
International Editions

Reference Book

Digital Image Processing – Gojelez – Addison Wesley.

1. B.Chanda, D.DuttaMajunder, “Digital Image Processing”, PHI (2008).

Model Paper
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M
1. a) What is meant by pixel depth? Explain.
b) What is image compression? Why it is needed? Explain
c) Explain the effect of noise on edge detection.
d) What is meant by image restoration?
e) Explain about alpha-trimmed mean filter?
f) Write the difference between wavelet transform and Fourier transform.
g) Explain about image acquisition.
2. a) Explain about image sampling and Quantization.
b) Prove that both the 2-D continuous and discrete Fourier transforms are linear operations.
3. a) Explain the concept of Unsharp masking and High boost filtering.
b) Explain image sharpening using Butterworth high pass and Gaussian high pass filters
4. a) What are the different types of mean filters used for noise reduction? Explain.
b) Explain about image restoration using minimum mean square error filtering.
5. a) Explain the procedure of converting colors from HSI to RGB.
b) Discuss about noise in color images.
6. a) Explain how to compute the Haar transform of the 2 x 2 image.
b) With an example, explain Huffman coding.
7. a) With necessary figures, explain the opening and closing operations.
b) Discuss about region based segmentation
8 .a).Discuss about wavelet transform in two dimensions.
b) What is block transform coding? Explain.
9. a) Explain the following morphological algorithms
i) Thinning ii) Thickening
b) Explain edge linking using Hough transform.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. To create the awareness and importance of Open Source Systems.

2. To familiarize the student with basics of open source Systems.
3. To bring insight into different Open Source technologies.
4. Basic concepts of PHP language and developing web applications.
5. PHP Browser Handling and form data access.
6. Creation of database driven web applications.
7. Ajax for partial rendering.
8. The use of XML and RSS with PHP.


Students upon completion of this course will be able to:

 Develop web applications using Apache, PHP, and MySQL and apply the OOP concepts.
 Create database driven web applications.
 Create powerful web applications using Ajax.
 Create images at the web server.
 Manipulate XML documents using PHP and Create RSS


Essential PHP
Operators and Flow Control
Strings and Arrays.

Reading Data in Web Pages
PHP Browser-HANDLING Power.

Object Oriented Programming
Advanced Object Oriented Programming
File Handling.

Working with Databases
Sessions, Cookies, and FTP

Advanced Ajax
Drawing Images on the Server
XML and RSS.

Prescribed Book
1. Steven Holzner, “PHP: The Complete Reference”, TATA McGraw Hill, 2015.

Reference Books
1. W. Jason Gilmore,“Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional”, Apress.
2. Steve Suehring, Tim Converse, Joyce Park,“PHP 6 and MySQL 6 Bible”, Wiley
Publishing, Inc.

Model Paper

MCA 5.5.2: Open Source Technologies

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. Define the terms

a) Command line PHP
b) PHP ternary operator
c) Arrays
d) Loops in PHP
e) HTTP Headers
f) Access modifier
g) Session

2. a. Explain creating development environment.

b. Write about PHP data types.

3. Discuss String functions and formatting text strings


4. a. Differentiate Text Field with Text Area. Write a program to justify them.
b. Explain Check boxes and radio buttons handling
5. Describe data validation and explain client side data validation.


6. a. Describe classes and objects

b. Explain constructors with an example

7. Define Interface and explain how to create an interface.


8. How to access databases in PHP?


9. a. Describe cookies and setting a cookies

b. Explain the creation of XMLHttpRequest Object

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. To introduce the concept of Blockchain

2. To overcome the problems of centralization
3. To introduce the concept of Bitcoin
4. To make them familiar with Bitcoin network, payments, clients and APIs.


Students successfully completing this module will be able to:

1. Familiarized with Blockchain Terminology.
2. Understand the concept of Blockchain, Bitcoin
3. Understand de-centralization
4. Gain knowledge about the domain of blockchain in real time.

Unit – I
Blockchain , the growth of blockchain technology, distributed systems, the history of
blockchain and Bitcoin, types of blockchain. Decentralization , methods of decentralization ,
routes of decentralization, blockchain and full ecosystem decentralization, smart contracts,
Decentralized organizations and platforms for decentralization.

Unit – II
Symmetric Cryptography , working with the OpenSSL command line, cryptographic
primitives. Public Key Cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, public and private keys and
financial markets and trading.

Unit – III
Introducing Bitcoin, Bitcoin, digital keys and addresses, transactions, blockchain, mining.
Alternative Coins. Limitations of Bitcoin

Unit – IV
Bitcoin Network and payments, The Bitcoin network, wallets, Bitcoin payments, innovation
in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Clients and APIs.

Prescribe Book
Mastering Blockchain 2nd Edition, Imran Bashir, PACKT Publication

Reference Books
Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller, and Steven Goldfeder.
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies: a comprehensive introduction. Princeton
University Press, 2016.

Model Paper

MCA 5.5.3: Block Chain Technology

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. Explain the following terms.

a. Blockchain
b. Electronic Cash
c. Centralization
d. Digital Key
e. API
f. Double spending
g. Bitcoin address

2. a. Explain the types of Blockchain?
b. Describe smart contracts?
1. Explain methods of decentralization.


4. a. Explain working with the OpenSSL command line.

b. Explain digital Signatures.
5. a. How asymmetric cryptography is used in blockchain?
b. Explain the terms : public key and private key.


6. a. Explain various interactive picture construction techniques.

b. Describe Bitcoin. Explain how Bitcoin works?
7. Explain the limitation of blockchain?
8. How to pay with Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash?
9. a. Describe wallets.
b. Describe Bitcoin mining.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks



1) Develop an application which is similar to “Notepad” using menus.

2) (a) Develop an application for facilitating purchasing order which will look like as
shown below :

(b) Develop an application for billing system in coffee shops
which will look like as shown below :

3) (a)Develop an application which is similar to login form including the progress bar

(b) Develop an application for fruits billing system which will look
like as shown below :

4) Develop an application which is helpful for calculating the insurance.

5) (a) Develop an application using font dialog control

(b) Develop an application using color dialog control

6) Develop an application to display the file selected by the user in a web browser

7) Develop an application using the data reader to read from a database.


8) Design an application for dynamically populating a checkbox list.

9) Develop an application for selecting a single day in the calendar control.

10) Design an application by using the new scroll bar feature

with the panel server control.

11) Design an application with simple bulleted list control.

12) Design an application for uploading files using new file
upload control.

13)Design an application for building a form in the wizard


14) Design an application by using the compare validator to test values against control

15) Design an application using the images, sounds for error notifications.

16) Design an application using the grid view control in an ASP.Net web page.

17) Design an application for adding an insert command to the sql data source control.

18) Design a web site using the concept of master pages.


19) Develop a project for performing arithmetic, relational,

logical operations.
20) Develop a project for demonstrating polymorphism,
21) Develop a project for demonstrating switch statements.
22) Develop a project for implementing inheritance using abstract
23) Develop a project for implementing interfaces using multiple
24) Create a form that is the main window of a program using
window class.
25) Create a form that is the main window with button program.
26) Create a form that is the main window of a program using the
standard controls.
27) Create a form which displays the given inputs in the form of
a tree view structure.
28) Develop a project for implementing exception handling in C#.
29) Develop a project which displays the student information in
the relevant fields from the database which already exists.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks


1. Implement the following Data structures in Java

a)Linked Lists b) Stacks c) Queues d) Set e) Map

2. (i) Perform setting up and Installing Hadoop in its three operating modes:
a. Standalone
b. Pseudo distributed
c. Fully distributed
(ii) Use web based tools to monitor your Hadoop setup.

3. Implement the following file management tasks in Hadoop:

Adding files and directories
Retrieving files
Deleting files

4. Run a basic Word Count Map Reduce program to understand Map Reduce Paradigm.

5. Write a Map Reduce program that mines weather data. Weather sensors collecting data
every hour at many locations across the globe gather a large volume of log data, which is a
good candidate for analysis with MapReduce, since it is semi structured and record-oriented.

6. Implement Matrix Multiplication with Hadoop Map Reduce

7. Install and Run Pig then write Pig Latin scripts to sort, group, join, project, and filter your

8. Install and Run Hive then use Hive to create, alter, and drop databases, tables,
views,functions, and indexes


Instruction: 3 periods / week Credits: 1

Internal : University Exam: Total :

30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks


Sub Code Name of the Subject Int. Ext. Total No Hours/

Marks Marks Marks of Week

MCA601 Project Work -- 150 150 10 Five




The Master of Computer Applications (MCA) programme prepares the students to take up
positions as Systems Analysts, Systems Designers, Software Engineers, Programmers and
Project Managers in any field related to information technology. The MCA students are
encouraged to spend at least five months working on a project preferably in a software
industry or any research organization.

The following suggested guidelines must be followed in preparing the Final Project
Good quality white executive bond paper A4 size should be used for typing and duplication.

Page Specification :(Written paper and source code)

Left margin - 2.5 cms
Right margin- 1.5 cms
Top margin - 2.5 cms
Bottom margin - 2.5 cms
Page numbers - All text pages as well as Program source code listing should be numbered at
the bottom center of the pages.

Normal Body Text: Font Size : 12, Times New Roman, Double Spacing, Justified. 6 point
above and below para spacing
Paragraph Heading Font Size: 14, Times New Roman, Underlined, Left Aligned. 12 point
above & below spacing.
Chapter Heading Font Size: 20, Times New Roman, Centre Aligned, 30 point above and
below spacing.
Coding Font size : 10, Courier New, Normal

Submission of Project Report to the University : The student will submit his/her project
report in the prescribed format.

The project documentation may be about 100 to 125 pages (excluding coding). The project
documentation details should not be too generic in nature. Appropriate project report
documentation should be done, like, how you have done the analysis, design, coding, use of
testing techniques/strategies, etc., in respect of your project. To be more specific, whatever
the theory in respect of these topics is available in the reference books should be avoided as
far as possible. The project documentation should be in respect of your project only. The
project documentation should include the topics given below. Each and every component
shown below carries certain weightage in the project report evaluation.

 Table of Contents/Index with page numbering

 Introduction/Objectives
 System Analysis
 Identification of Need
 Preliminary Investigation
 Feasibility Study
 Project Planning
 Project Scheduling (PERT Chart and Gantt Chart both)
 Software requirement specifications (SRS)
 Software Engineering Paradigm applied
 Data models (like DFD), Control Flow diagrams, State Diagrams/Sequence
diagrams, Entity Relationship Model, Class Diagrams/CRC
Models/Collaboration Diagrams/Use-case Diagrams/Activity Diagrams
depending upon your project requirements
 System Design
 Modularisation details
 Data integrity and constraints
 Database design, Procedural Design/Object Oriented Design
 User Interface Design
 Test Cases (Unit Test Cases and System Test Cases)
 Coding
 Complete Project Coding
 Comments and Description of Coding segments
 Standardization of the coding
 Code Efficiency
 Error handling
 Parameters calling/passing
 Validation checks
 Testing
 Testing techniques and Testing strategies used
 Testing Plan used
 Test reports for Unit Test Cases and System Test Cases
 Debugging and Code improvement
 System Security measures (Implementation of security for the project developed)
 Database/data security

 Creation of User profiles and access rights
 Cost Estimation of the Project along with Cost Estimation Model
 Reports (sample layouts should be placed)
 Future scope and further enhancement of the Project
 Bibliography
 Appendices (if any)
 Glossary.
 Should attach a copy of the CD containing the executable file(s) of the complete



M.Sc Computer Science Syllabus w.e.f 2019-2020

Course Structure and Scheme of Examination w.e.f 2019-20

1. To produce software professionals enriched with knowledge and skill who can be
employed in IT
2. Induct knowledge needed for problem solving techniques.
3. To develop entrepreneurs who can establish small Enterprises.
4. To develop equip students with right objective, logical thinking, right moral and ethical
values with a sense of social responsibility.
5. To develop students to communicate effectively.
6. To enrich students in breadth and depth of knowledge in IT field.


1. Ability to understand the general principles of Computer Science

2. Ability to develop own programming skills and computer applications
3. Ability to provide up to date technologies, methodologies for the advance career
4. Ability to develop in professional, ethical, moral and social responsibilities
5. Ability to communicate effectively
6. Develop the Intellectual Skills for effectively problem solving
7. Ability to design, analyze, implement the candidate system


No. of Int. Ext. Total Hours/

Sub Code Name of the Subject Credits Marks Marks Marks Week
MCS 101 Data Structures in C 5 30 70 100 4
MCS 102 Object Oriented Programming with 4 30 70 100 4
MCS 103 Computer Organization 5 30 70 100 4
MCS 104 Discrete Mathematical Structures 4 30 70 100 4
MCS 105 Software Engineering 5 30 70 100 4
MCS 106 Data Structures Lab using C 3 30 70 100 6
MCS 107 Java Programming Lab 3 30 70 100 6
MCS 108 Seminar 1 50 -- 50 3
TOTAL 30 260 490 750 35

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

1. To impart programming skills using the basics of C language.
2. To make them study the need of data structures in different programming levels.
3. To impart the knowledge of dynamic memory allocation using pointers
4. Ability to work with arrays and structures.
5. To develop using the right one in different data structure available.
6. To train them using data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues.
7. To develop the skill of applying algorithm of sorting and searching.

1. Write programs in c language.
2. Acquire knowledge about linear and non-linear data structures
3. Know the difference between static and dynamic memory
4. Understand and use C data structures

Arrays and Structures - Arrays, Dynamically allocated arrays, Structures and Unions,
Stacks and Queues - Stacks, Stacks using Dynamic Arrays, Queues, Circular queues using
dynamic arrays, Evaluation of expressions, multiple stacks and queues.
Linked List - Single Linked List and chains, Representing chains in C, Linked stacks and
queues, polynomials, Polynomial representation, Adding polynomials, Additional list
operations, Operations on chains, Operations for Circularly linked lists, Sparse Matrices ,
Sparse Matrix representation, Doubly Linked lists.

Introduction - Terminology, Representation of trees
Binary Trees - The abstract data type, Properties of binary trees, Binary tree
Binary tree traversals - Inorder traversal, Preorder traversal, Postorder traversal
Threaded Binary trees - Threads Inorder traversal of a threaded binary tree
Binary Search Trees - Definition, Searching a BST,Insertion into a BST, Deletion from a BST.

Sorting - Motivation, Insertion sort, Quick sort, Merge sort, Heap sort, External sorting.
Hashing – Introduction, Static hashing, Hash tables, hash functions, Overflow handling


Graphs - The graph abstract data type, Introduction, definitions, graph representations
Elementary graph operations - Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Connected
Spanning trees, Biconnected Components.
Minimum cost Spanning trees - Kruskals Algorithm, Prims algorithm.
Shortest paths - Single source problem, All pairs Shortest path.

Prescribed Book:
Horowitz, Sahani, Anderson - Freed,“Fundamentals of Data Structures in C”

Chapters 2-8

Reference Book:
1. D SAMANTA, “Classic Data Structures”, –PHI
2. Balagurusamy, “C Programming and Data Structures”, Third Edition, TMH (2008)

Model Question Paper

M.Sc.(Computer Science)

Time:3Hrs Max. Marks:70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M
a) Abstract data type
b) What is BFS?
c) Hash function
d) What are threaded binary trees
e) Sparse matrix
f) Circular Linked list
g) Convert the following infix expressions to post-fix form.
h) Depth first search
Unit -I

2. a) Write short notes on structures and Unions.

b) Write a program to insert and delete nodes form single linked list
3. a) Explain stacks with deletion and insertions algorithms
b) Develop an algorithm to delete an element from a Queue.


4. a) Explain the various representations of trees.

b) Explain binary search trees

5. a) Explain Threaded binary trees.
b) Explain the tree traversals.


6. a) Illustrate Heap sort through an example.

b) Write short notes on Insertion sort.
7. a) What is Merge sort ?
b) Explain static hashing.


8. a) Write short notes on Representation of Graphs.

b) Explain Kruskals Algorithm.

9. a) Explain Breadth first search and Depth first search.
b) Explain all pairs shortest path.


Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. learning to program in an object-oriented programming language
2. focusing those who already have some experience with another programming language,
and who now wish to move on to an object-oriented one
3. learning object-oriented programming language by using Java.

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. explain the principles of the object oriented programming paradigm specifically including
abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism using Java
2. use an object oriented programming language, and associated class libraries, to develop
object oriented programs using Java
3. design, develop, test, and debug programs using object oriented principles in conjuncture
with an integrated development environment using Java.



Java Basics - History of Java, Java buzzwords, comments, data types, variables, constants,
scope and life time of variables, operators, operator hierarchy, expressions, type conversion
and casting, enumerated types, control flow-block scope, conditional statements, loops,
break and continue statements, simple java program, arrays, input and output, formatting
output, Review of OOP concepts, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, classes,
objects, constructors, methods, parameter passing, static fields and methods, access
control, this reference, overloading methods and constructors, recursion, garbage
collection, building strings, exploring string class, Enumerations, autoboxing and unboxing,

Inheritance – Inheritance concept, benefits of inheritance, Super classes and Sub classes,
Member access rules, Inheritance hierarchies, super uses, preventing inheritance: final
classes and methods, casting, polymorphism- dynamic binding, method overriding, abstract
classes and methods, the Object class and its methods.


interfaces – Interfaces vs. Abstract classes, defining an interface, implementing interfaces,

accessing implementations through interface references, extending interface.

Packages-Defining, Creating and Accessing a Package, Understanding CLASSPATH, importing


Files – streams- byte streams, character streams, text Input/output, binary input/output,
random access file operations, File management using File class, Using

Exception handling – Dealing with errors, benefits of exception handling, the classification
of exceptions- exception hierarchy, checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions, usage of
try, catch, throw, throws and finally, rethrowing exceptions, exception specification, built in
exceptions, creating own exception sub classes, Guide lines for proper use of exceptions.

Multithreading - Differences between multiple processes and multiple threads, thread

states, creating threads, interrupting threads, thread priorities, synchronizing threads,
interthread communication, thread groups, daemon threads.

Event Handling - Events, Event sources, Event classes, Event Listeners, Relationship between
Event sources and Listeners, Delegation event model, Semantic and Low-level events,
Examples: handling a button click, handling mouse and keyboard events, Adapter classes.

Applets – Inheritance hierarchy for applets, differences between applets and applications,
life cycle of an applet - Four methods of an applet, Developing applets and testing, passing
parameters to applets, applet security issues.

GUI Programming with Java - The AWT class hierarchy, Introduction to Swing, Swing vs.
AWT,MVC architecture, Hierarchy for Swing components, Containers – Top-level containers
– JFrame, JApplet, JWindow, JDialog, Light weight containers – JPanel, A simple swing
application, Overview of several swing components- Jbutton, JToggleButton, JCheckBox,
JRadioButton, JLabel, JTextField, JTextArea, JList, JComboBox, JMenu, Java’s Graphics
capabilities – Introduction, Graphics contexts and Graphics objects, color control, Font
control, Drawing lines, rectangles and ovals, Drawing arcs, Layout management - Layout
manager types – border, grid, flow, box.

Prescribed Text Books:

3. Java: the complete reference, 7th editon, Herbert Schildt, TMH.
4. Java for Programmers, P.J.Deitel and H.M.Deitel, Pearson education / Java: How to
Program P.J.Deitel and H.M.Deitel ,8th edition, PHI.

Reference Text Books:

1. Core Java, Volume 1-Fundamentals, eighth edition, Cay S.Horstmann and Gary
Cornell, Pearson education.
2. Thinking in Java, Bruce Eckel, PHP
3. Object Oriented Programming through Java, P.Radha Krishna, Universities Press.

MCS 102 : Object Oriented programming with JAVA

Time : 3 hrs
Max Marks : 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

5. a) Inheritance vs polymorphism
b) Define abstract class.
c) Explain bytesteam
d) explain package
e) Differences between multiple processes and multiple threads
f) life cycle of an applet
g) explain layout manager


6. a) Explain about final classes, final methods and final variables?

b) Explain about the abstract class with example program
7. What are the basic principles of Object Oriented Programming? Explain with
examples, how they are implemented in C++


8. Is there any alternative solution for Inheritance. If so explain the advantages and
disadvantages of it.
9. What is a package? How do we design a package?

b) How do we add a class or interface to a package?


10. In JAVA, is exception handling implicit or explicit or both. Explain with the help of
example java programs.

11. a) With the help of an example, explain multithreading by extending thread class.

b) Implementing Runnable interface and extending thread, which method you

prefer for multithreading and why


8. Differentiate following with suitable examples:
a) Frame, JFrame b) Applet, JApplet c) Menu, Jmenu
9. Explain the following:
a) Creating an applet b) Passing parameters to applets c) Adding graphics and colors
to applets


Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. helping the students to develop an understand the nature and characteristics of the
organisation and design of the digital computer systems,
2. focusing on the organisation and instruction set architecture of the CPU.

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. understand the concepts that are included in the design of digital computer system
2. understand and to evaluate the impact that languages, their compilers and underlying
operating systems have on the design of computer systems
3. understand and to evaluate the impact that peripherals, their interconnection and
underlying data operations have on the design of computer systems
4. understand the memory organization of the computer system


Digital logic circuits
Logic gates, Boolean algebra, Map simplification, Combinational logic
circuits, Flip flops, Sequential logic circuits.

Digital Components
Integrated circuits,Decoders, Multiplexers, Registers, Shift registers, Binary Counters,
Memory unit

Data Representation:
Data types, Complements, Fixed & Floating point representation, Other binary codes, Error
Detection codes

Register Transfer and micro operations
Register transfer language, Register transfer, Bus and Memory transfers, Arithmetic
micro operations, Logical micro operations, shift micro operations, Arithmetic Logic shift

Basic Computer Organization and Design
Instruction Codes, Computer Registers, Computer Instructions, Timing and Control,
Instruction Cycle, Memory Reference Instructions, Input-output and Interrupt

Microprogrammed Control
control Memory, Address Sequencing, Microprogram example, Design of control unit.
Central Processing Unit, General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction
format, Addressing modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program Control

Computer Arithmetic
Introduction, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication Algorithms, Division Algorithms,
Floating-Point Arithmetic Operations, Decimal Arithmetic Unit, Decimal Arithmetic

Input-Output Organization :
Peripheral Devices, Input Output Interface, asynchronous Data Transfer, Modes of
Transfers, Priority Interrupt.
Memory Organization:
Memory Hierarchy, Main memory, Auxiliary Memory, Associative memory, Cache

Prescribed Book:
Morris Mano, “Computer System Architecture”, 3 rd Edition, PHI.

Reference Books:
6. V. Rajaraman, T. Radha Krishnan, “Computer Organization and Architecture”, PHI
7. Behrooz Parhami, “Computer Architecture”, Oxford (2007)
8. ISRD group, “Computer Organization”, ace series, TMH (2007)
9. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture – Designing for
Performance”, Pearson Education (2005)

Model Question Paper


Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a) Truth table of a full subtractor.

b) Multiplexer
c) 2’s complement
d) Name different types of shift micro-operations.
e) Give an example for three address instruction.
f) Memory Hierarchy
g) Specify Hardware requirements for Division Algorithm
h) Handshaking


2. a)Simplify the following Boolean function in sum of products form by means of a four
variable map. Draw the logic diagram with a)AND-OR gates b)NAND gates

b) i) Show the circuit of a 5 by 32 decoder constructed with four 3 by 8 decoders one

2x4 decoder.
ii) What are Error Detection Codes?
3. a) Explain the Working of JK FlipFlop with necessary circuit diagram.
b) i) Write short notes on fixed point Integer representation.
ii) Draw the logic diagram of 4-bit synchorous binary counter.


4. a) Design a combination circuit for 4 bit Adder subtractor.

b) Give the block diagram of control unit of a basic computer.
5. a) Explain the steps performed in the 1st pass of a two pass Assembler.
b) i) Write about subroutines.
ii) Write Register Transfer Language program for following
instructions of a Basic computer i)LDA ii)STA


6. a) Draw and Explain the block diagram of a typical Microprogram sequences for a control
b) i) Explain any four Address modes.
ii) Give the difference between Hardwire control and microprgm
7. a) Explain Booth Multiplication Algorithm.
b) i) Give the Block diagram of BCD Adder.
ii) write about different types of Interrupts.


8. a) Explain DMA Data transfer.

b) write about Virtual Memory.
9. a) Discuss about various types of cache memory mapping procedures.

b) Explain Daisy chain priority Interrupt.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. To extend student‘s Logical and Mathematical maturity and ability to deal with
abstraction and to introduce most of the basic terminologies used in computer science
courses and application of ideas to solve practical problems.
2. Apply logical reasoning to solve a variety of problems.

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:

1. have acquired greater precision in logical argument and have gained a core mathematical
understanding of discrete mathematics.
2. learned and practised basic concepts of mathematical proof (direct proof, proof by
contradiction, mathematical induction).
3. handle the standard logical symbols with some confidence.
4. learned elementary combinatorial and counting techniques and how to apply them to
simple problems.
5. simplify complex mathematical expressions and apply general formulae to specific
6. learned how to state precisely and prove elementary mathematical statements and solve


Mathematical Logic:Connectives, Well formed Formulas, Truth Tables, tautology,
Equivalence, Implication, Normal forms, Predicates, Free & bound variables, Rules of
inference, consistency, Proof by contradiction, Automatic theorem Proving.

Set Theory:Properties of binary Relations, Equivalence, Compatibility & Partial ordering
relations, Hasse Diagram, functions, Inverse function, composition of functions,
Recursive functions

Algebraic Structures
Semi groups and Monoids, Groups, Homomorphism, group codes.
Lattices and Boolean Algebra introduction - lattices as partially ordered set, Boolean Algebra
and Boolean functions

Graph Theory
Introduction - Basic concepts of graph theory, Isomorphism's and subgraphs, connected
components, cyclic graph, Bipartite graph, planar graphs, eulers formula, euler's circuits,
de bruijin sequence, hamiltonian graphs, chromatic numbers, cut set, tie set, the four-
color problem

Prescribed Books :
1. J.P.Tremblay & R.Manohar, “Discrete Mathematical Structures with
Applications to computer science”, - TMH

2. Joe L.Mott, Abraham Kande, Theodore P. Baker,” Discrete Mathematics for

computer scientists and Mathematicians – PHI

Reference Books:

4. Ralph P. Grimaldi, B.V. Ramana, “Discrete and Combinational Mathematics”, 5 th

Edition, Pearson Education (2008).

5. Swapan Kumar Sarkar, “A Text Book of Discrete Mathematics”, S.Chand (2008).

6. D.S.Malik and M.K.Sen, “Discrete Mathematical Structures”, Thomson (2006).

Model Question Paper
Max. Marks:70
____________Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

(a).Draw hash diagram of set below under the partial ordering “divides”{3,9,27,54}
(b).Define a wellformed formula? Give truth table for the folowing formula pq
(c).Defien abelion group and homomarphism.
(d).Prove the fallowing boolean identity a(a1b)=ab
(e).State four colour problem.
(f).Prove that any edge of a connected simple graph a is an edge of some sharing tree of G
(g).Give an example of a finite semi-group that does not have identity element and has
cardinality greater than 2.
(h).What is a chromatic number

Unit - I
2.(a).Obtain the principle disjunctive normal form of P((P Q)7(7QV7P)

(b).Show that RVS fallows logically from the premises.

CVP,(CVP)7H,7H(A7B) and (A7B)(RVS)
3.(a).Show that 7(PQ) fallows from 7P7Q.
(b).Prove that (AB) (CD)=(AC)(BD).


4. (a).Determine whether the following is a tautology inconsistency or neither of two.

(PQ)V(PQ) [Where V stands for OR ]
(b).State and prove Legranges theorem.
5. (a).for any connected planar graph.
Prove that : v-e+r=2. Where v-no of vertices e-no of edges
r-no of regions of the graph respectively.
(b).Define adjacency matrix and path matrix of a graph G .
whose adjacency matrix is given by
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1`
0 1 1 0
Unit -III
6. (a).How many 6 digit number without repitation of digit are there. Such
that the digits are all non-zero and ‘1’ and ‘2’ do not appear

consecutively in either order
(b).How many ways are there to roll two distinguishable dice to yield a
sum that is divisible by 3 ?
7. (a).Show that in a group <G, *>, if for any a,b, G, (a  b)2=a2 b2 then
<G, > must be abelian
(b).show that the set of all the invertible elements of a monoid from a
group under the same operation as that of the monoid.

8. (a).Show that the following equivalance :
(b).consider the statements.
S1 :All cats are animals.
S2 :Some cats are black.
S3.Some animals are black.
Show S3 follows from S1 and S2.
9.(a). In any boolean algebra prove that : (a+b)(a 1+c) =ac+a1 b+bc.
(b).Write down the adjacency matrix of the following graph.
Also find (I) .the indegree & outdegree of each node.
(ii).Transitive closure.
a c

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. the need of software engineering, its different life cycles and different phases,
2. to measure cost, efforts, time and team management etc,
3. testing and maintenance techniques of big projects and
4. different risks and its management systems

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. the scope and necessity of software engineering
2. the causes solutions for software crisis
3. fragment problems into small units, code reusability, efficient coding and software
development management
4. different ways of software life cycles and their phases.


Unit - I
Introduction to software engineering (chapter 1)
The Process (chapters 2, 3)
Metrics for Process and Project (chapter 22)
Project management (chapter 21)

Unit - II
Requirement engineering (chapter 7)
Building the Analysis Modeling (chapter 8)
Design engineering (chapter 9)

Unit - III
Creating an Architectural Design (chapter 10)
Performing User Interface Design (chapter 12)

Unit - IV
Testing Strategies (chapter 13)
Testing Tactics (chapter 14)

Prescribed Book:
Roger S Pressman, “Software Engineering–A Practitioner’s Approach”, Sixth Edition, TMH

Reference Books:
5. Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, Seventh Edition Pearson Education (2007)
6. S.A.Kelkar, “Software Engineering – A Concise Study”, PHI.
7. Waman S.Jawadekar, “Software Engineering”, TMH.
8. Ali Behforooz and Frederick J.Hudson, “Software Engineering Fundamentals”,
Oxford (2008).
Computer Science

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. Write Short note on

a. Process
b. waterfall model
c. use case
d. specification review
e. modality
f. testability
g. stakeholders
h. metrics

2. (a) What are software measurements explain them in detail
(b) What are software myths explain
3. (a)What is an RAD model explain
(b) What is the role of the project and process in management spectrum.

4. (a) Explain the elicitation requirement
(b) Explain the flow oriented modeling
5. (a) Explain the creation of behavioral modeling
(b) Explain the design concepts
6. (a) Explain the architectural styles.
(b) Discuss the golden rules of interface design.
7. (a) Explain the transform, transaction mappings
(b) What are the design steps involved in user interface.

8. Discuss the following

(i)White box testing. (ii) Black box testing.
9. Write a short notes on Test strategies for conventional software.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

Lab cycle

1. Program for Sorting ‘n’ elements Using bubble sort technique.

2. Sort given elements using Selection Sort.

3. Sort given elements using Insertion Sort.

4. Sort given elements using Merge Sort.

5. Sort given elements using Quick Sort.

6. Implement the following operations on single linked list.

(i) Creation (ii) Insertion (iii) Deletion (iv) Display

7. Implement the following operations on double linked list.

(i) Creation (ii) Insertion (iii) Deletion (iv) Display

8. Implement the following operations on circular linked list.

(i) Creation (ii) Insertion (iii) Deletion (iv) Display

9. Program for splitting given linked list.

10.Program for traversing the given linked list in reverse order.

11.Merge two given linked lists.

12. Create a linked list to store the names of colors.

13. Implement Stack Operations Using Arrays.

14. Implement Stack Operations Using Linked List.

15. Implement Queue Operations Using Arrays.

16. Implement Queue Operations Using Linked List.

17. Implement Operations on Circular Queue.

18. Construct and implement operations on Priority Queue.

19. Implement Operations on double ended Queue.

20. Converting infix expression to postfix expression by using stack.

21. Write program to evaluate post fix expression.

22. Implement Operations on two way stack.

23. Add two polynomials using Linked List.

24. Multiply Two polynomials using Linked List.

25. Construct BST and implement traversing techniques recursively.

26. Implement preorder traversal on BST non recursively.

27. Implement inorder traversal on BST non recursively.

28. Implement postorder traversal on BST non recursively.

29. To Convert matrix into sparse matrix.

30. Implement binary search techniques recursively.

31. Program to implement graph traversing techniques DFS AND DFS.

32. Program to estimate shortest path for a graph.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

Lab Cycle

1. Write a Java Program to define a class, describe its constructor, overload the constructors
and instantiate its object.

2. Write a Java Program to define a class, define instance methods for setting and retrieving
values of instance variables and instantiate its object

3. Write a java program to practice using String class and its methods

4. Write a java program to implement inheritance and demonstrate use of method


5. Write a java program to implement multilevel inheritance by applying various access

controls to its data members and methods.

6. Write a program to demonstrate use of implementing interfaces

7. Design a Java interface for ADT Stack. Develop two different

classes that implement this interface, one using array and the other using linked-list. Provide
necessary exception handling in both the implementations.

8. Write a Java program to implement the concept of importing classes from user defined
package and creating packages

9. Write a program to implement the concept of threading by implementing Runnable


10. write a java program to store and read objects from a file

11. Write a Java program that displays the number of characters, lines and words in a text

12. write a java program to illustrate object serialization

13. Create a java program to illustrate user defined exception

14. Write a java program to create a thread using runnable interface

15. Write a Java program that creates three threads. First thread displays “Good Morning”
every one second, the second thread displays “Hello” every two seconds and the third
thread displays “Welcome” every three seconds

16. Write an applet To create multiple threads that correctly implements producer
consumer problem using the concept of Inter thread communication

17. Write an applet To handling the mouse events

18. Write a Program That works as a simple calculator using Grid layout to arrange buttons
for the digits and +,-,* % operations. Add a text field to print the result.

19. Build and run "CelsiusConverter" sample application using swings

20. Develop an applet that receives an integer in one text field, and computes its factorial
Value and returns it in another text field, when the button named “Compute” is clicked


No. of Int. Ext. Total Hours/

Sub Code Name of the Subject Credits Marks Marks Marks Week
MCS 201 Web Technologies 4 30 70 100 4
MCS 202 Database Management Systems 5 30 70 100 4
MCS 203 Operating Systems 5 30 70 100 4
MCS 204 Computer Networks 4 30 70 100 4
MCS 205 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 5 30 70 100 4
MCS 206 Web Technologies Lab 3 30 70 100 6
MCS 207 DBMS Lab 3 30 70 100 6
MCS 208 Communication Skills 1 50 -- 50 3
TOTAL 30 260 490 750 35
MOOCS 4 -- -- -- --

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. to complete an in-depth knowledge of web technology

2. to know and to have the idea for different web application that most web developers are
likely to use
3. to be aware of, and to have used, the enhancements of the web applications
4. to know the different types of web application software.

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. develop client/server applications
2. update and retrieve the data from the databases using SQL
3. develop server side programs in the form of servlets


HTML: Common Tags: List, Tables, images, forms, Frames, Cascading Style Sheets;
Java Script: Introduction to Java Scripts, Objects in Java Script, Dynamic HTML with Java


XML: Document type definition, XML Schemas, Document Object model, Presenting XML,
Using XML Processors: DOM and SAX

CGI Scripting: What is CGI? – Developing CGI applications – Processing CGI – Returning a
Basic HTML page – Introduction to – methods – Creating HTML pages


JDBC: Introduction to JDBC – Connections – Internal Database Connections – Statements –

Results Sets - Prepared Statements - Callable Statements.

Network Programming and RMI: why networked Java – Basic Network Concepts – looking
up Internet Addresses – URLs and URIs – UDP Datagrams and Sockets – Remote Method

Unit –IV

Web Servers and Servlets: Tomcat web server, Introduction to Servlets: Lifecycle of a
Servlet, JSDK, The Servlet API, The javax.servlet Package, Reading Servlet parameters,
Reading Initialization parameters. The javax.servlet HTTP package, Handling Http Request &
Responses, Using Cookies-Session Tracking, Security Issues.

Introduction to JSP: The Problem with Servlet. The Anatomy of a JSP Page, JSP Processing.
JSP Application Design with MVC Setting Up and JSP Environment: Installing the Java
Software Development Kit, Tomcat Server & Testing Tomcat

Prescribed Textbooks

1. Web Programming, building internet applications, Chris Bates 2 nd edition, WILEY

Dreamtech (units I, II)
2. Java Programming with JDBC ;Donald Bales, O’Reilly (Unit III)
3. Java Network Programming, elliotte Rusty Harold, 3rd Edition, O’Reilly (Unit III)
4. Java Server Pages – Hans Bergsten, SPD O’Reilly (Unit IV)

Reference Textbooks

1. Robert W. Sebesta, “Programming the World Wide Web”, Third Edition, Pearson
Education (2007).
2. Anders Moller and Michael schwartzbach, ”An Introduction to XML and Web
Technologies”, Addison Wesley (2006)
3. Jeffrey C. Jackson, “Web Technologies – A Computer Science Perspective”, Pearson
Education (2008).
4. H.M.Deitel, P.J.Deitel, “Java How to Program”, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education

Model Paper
Time: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. (a) What are HTML tags?

(b) What are the features of JavaScript?
(c) What is XML? How is it different from HTML?
(d) What is DTD?
(e) What is meant by Session?
(f) List the JSP implicit objects?
(g) Define Servlet
2. (a) Create a simple HTML page which demonstrates the use of the various types of
lists. Try adding a definition list which uses an unordered list to define terms.
(b) Develop a javascript to determine whether a given number is an ‘ARMSTRONG
NUMBER’ or not.
3. (a) How how group and alignment of tables rows and columns is achieved using
(b) Describe the various Date Objects with suitable examples.


4. (a) Explain the five possible keywords in a DTD declaration with suitable examples.
(b) Define an XML schema. Show how an XML schema can be created.
5. (a) explain module
(b) explain clearly the steps involved in executing a CGI program

6. (a) Discuss the four types of JDBC drivers.
(b) Give a note on javax.sql package.
7. What is the RMI layer model. What are the steps involved in writing an RMI

8. (a) What are the limitations of Servlets? How JSP over comes these Problems.
(b) Discuss about Tomcat Server.
9. Explain the components of JSP and how application data can be shared in JSP?


Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. the need of a database management system (DBMS)
2. the concept of data normalization
3. the concept of entity relationships
4. the concept of a client/server database, and
5. the concepts of MongoDB

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:

1. design database, different operations, queries performed for a management system

2. understand and design of ER-diagram in DBMS,
3. Implementation of different normalizations for database size reduction and removal of
redundancy, and
4. Understand and design application development in MongoDB



Databases and Database Users: Introduction, Characteristics of the Database Approach,

Actors on the Scene, Workers behind the scene, Advantages of the using the DBMS

Database System Concepts and Architecture: Data Models, Schemas and Instances, Three
Schema architecture and Data Independence, Database Languages and Interfaces,
Centralized and Client/Server Architecture for DBMS, Classification of Database
Management Systems.

Data Modeling Using the ER Model: Conceptual Data models, Entity Types, Entity Sets,
Attributes and Keys, Relationship types, Relationship sets, roles and structural Constraints,
Weak Entity types, Relationship Types of Degree Higher than Two, Refining the ER Design for
the COMPANY Database.

The Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model: Sub classes, Super classes and Inheritance,
Specialization and Generalization, Constraints and Characteristics of Specialization and

Generalization Hierarchies, Modeling of Union Types using Categories, An Example
University ERR Schema, Design Choices and Formal Definitions.


The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints: Relational Model
Concepts, Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas, Update
Operations, Transactions and Dealing with Constraint Violations.

The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus: Unary Relational Operations: SELECT and
PROJECT, Relational Algebra Operations from set Theory, Binary Relational Operations: JOIN
and DIVISION, Additional Relational Operations, Examples, The Tuple Calculus and Domain

SQL-99: Schema Definition, Constraints, Queries and Views: SQL Data Definitions and Data
Types, Specifying Constraints in SQL, Schema Change Statements on SQL, Basic Queries in
SQL, More Complex SQL Queries, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements in SQL, Triggers
and Views.


Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases: Informal Design

Guidelines for Relation Schemas, Functional dependencies, Normal Forms Based in Primary
Keys, General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms, Boyce-Codd Normal Form.

Relational Database Design Algorithms and Further Dependencies: Properties of Relational

Decompositions, Algorithms fro Relational Database Schema Design, Multivalued
Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form, Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form,
Inclusion Dependencies, Other Dependencies and Normal Forms.


Document oriented data: principles of schema design, designing an e-commerce data

model, Nuts and bolts on databasesm collections and documents.

Queries and Aggregation: e-commerce's queries, MongoDB's query language, aggregating

orders, aggregating in detail.

Updates atomic operations and deletes: Document updates, e-commerce updates, atomic
document processing, nuts and bolts: MongoDB updates and deletes.

Prescribed Text :

Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Fifth Edition,

Pearson Education (2007)
Chapters: 1.1 to 1.6, 2, 3.1 to 3.6, 4.1 to 4.5, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11

MongoDB in Action, Kyle Banker, Manning Publication and Co.
Chapters: 4,5 and 6
Reference Books :

1 C.J. Date, A.Kannan, S. Swamynathan, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, VII Edition
Pearson Education (2006).
2. Database system concepts, Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan, Mc-graw-hill,5thEd
3. MongoDB:Learn MongoDB in a simple Way, Dan Warnock

Model Paper

MCS 202: Database Management Systems

Time: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a) Aggregate Functions
b) failure of a transaction
c) Entity types.
d) functional dependencies
e) Null Values
f) Centralized databases
g) MongoDB Schema design
h) First normal Form

2. a) Discuss about three level architecture with representation of data in each level.
b) Discuss about levels of RAID.
3. a) Compare and Construct the indexing of data by using B and B+ Trees.
b) Discuss about Data Independency with an example.

4. a) Discuss about Arithmetic functions in SQL with example?
b) Express the following statements in terms of Relational Algebra
i)Fetch the Department Numbers consisting of more than three employees.
ii)Fetch the Employee aggregated salary for a department.
5. a) Discuss about Views and its Limitations?
b) What is Index? Create an index for the employees belongs to the Accounts and Sales

6. a) What is Functional Dependency? Explain the role of FD’s in construction of
Relational Schema.
b) Can I say that BCNF is equivalent Normal Form for III NF, Justify?
7. a) What is Non-Loss Dependency? Explain with an example.
b) Discuss the following
(i) 3 NF (ii) Multi-valued Dependency.

8. Explain MongoDB query selectors.

9. Explain how documents are processed in MongoDB.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of: APPRECIATE
1. understanding the role of an operating system
2. making aware of the issues in management of resources like processor, memory and input-output
3. understanding file management techniques.

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. understands what is an operating system and the role it plays
2. get high level understanding of the structure of operating systems, applications, and the
relationship between them
3. gather knowledge of the services provided by operating systems
4. get exposure to some details of major OS concepts.



Introduction : What Operating Systems Do – Computer System Orgranization – Computer system

Architecture – Operating System Structure – Operating System Operations – Process Management –
Memory Management – Storage Management – Protection and Security – Distributed Systems –
Special purpose Systems – Computing Environments.

System Structure: Operating System Services – User Operating System Interface – System Calls –
Types of System Calls – System Programs – Operating System Design and Implementation –
Operating System Structure – Virtual Machine – Operating System Generation – System Boot.

Process Concept : Overview – Process Scheduling – Operations on Processes – Interprocess

Communication – Examples of IPC Systems – Communication in Client Server Systems.


Multithreaded Programming : Overview – Multithreading Models – Thread Libraries – Threading

Issues – Operating System Examples.

Process Scheduling: Basic Concepts – Scheduling Criteria – Scheduling Algorithms – Multiple

Processor Scheduling – Thread Scheduling.

Synchronization: Background – The Critical Section Problem – Peterson’s solution – Synchronization
Hardware – Semaphores – Classic Problem of Synchronization – Monitors – Synchronization
Examples – Atomic Transaction.


Deadlocks : System Model – Deadlock Characterization – Methods for Handling Deadlocks –

Deadlock Prevention – Deadlock Avoidance – Deadlock Detection – Recovery from Deadlock.

Memory Management Strategies: Background – Swapping – Contiguous Memory Allocation –

Paging – Structure of the Page Table – Segmentation – Example: The Intel Pentium.

Virtual Memory Management: Background – Demand Paging – Copy on Write – Page Replacement
– Allocation of Frames – Thrashing.


File System : File Concept – Access Methods – Directory Structure – File System Mounting – File
Sharing – Protection.

Implementing File Systems :File System Structure – File System Implementation – Directory
Implementation – Allocation Methods – Free Space Management – Efficiency and Performance –
Recovery – Log structured File Systems.

Secondary Storage Structure : Overview of Mass – Storage Structure – Disk Structure – Disk
Attachment – Disk Scheduling – Disk Management – Swap Space Management – RAID structure.

I/O Systems: Overview – I/O Hardware – Application I/O Interface – Kernal I/O Interface –
Transforming I/O requests to Hardware Operations – Streams – Performance.

Prescribed Book:

Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne. “Operating System Principles”, Seventh
Edition, Wiley.

Chapters: 1.1 – 1.12, 2.1 – 2.10, 3.1 – 3.6, 4.1 – 4.5, 5.1 – 5.5, 6.1 – 6.9 , 7.1 – 7.7 , 8.1 – 8.7, 9.1 –
9.6, 10.1 – 10.6, 11.1 – 11.8, 12.1 – 12.7, 13.1 – 13.7

Reference Book:

1. William Stallings, “Operating Systems – Internals and Design Principles”, Fifth Edition,
Pearson Education (2007)

2. Achyut S Godbole, “Operating Systems”, Second Edition, TMH (2007).

3. Flynn/McHoes, “Operating Systems”, Cengage Learning (2008).

4. Deitel & Deitel, “Operating Systems”,Third Edition, Pearson Education (2008).

Model Paper


Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1.a) Advantages of Multiprocessor Systems.

b) What is s System Call ?
c) Importance of PCB
d) Difference between Thread and Process.
e) Advantages of Segmentation.
f) Virtual Memory is Logical or Physical, Why ?
g) Why Operating System requires Second Storage Support for
its Operation ?
h) What are file attributes ?


2.a) Explain Traditional computing, Client-Server computing

and peer- to-peer computing
b) Describe Storage device Hierarchy
3.a) Discuss different types of Operating System Structures
b) Explain Process Scheduling


4.a) Discuss different threading issues.

b) Explain semaphores with suitable examples.

5. Compare different types of Process Scheduling Algorithms.


6.a) Explain Deadlock avoidance mechanisms.

b) Describe swapping with diagram.
7.a) Explain segmentation.
b) Write about LRU page replacement and Optimal page

8.a) Explain different file access metods.
b) Described linked file allocation methods.
9.a) Explain different RAID levels.
b) Discuss about interrupt driven I/O cycle .


Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. understanding the state-of-the-art in network protocols, architectures, and applications

2. examining and studying of different protocols in OSI and TCP/IP.
3. understanding of network addressing, mapping etc
4. understanding error control, flow control, packet recovery etc.
5. understanding the structure of LAN, WAN and MAN, and
6. understanding internetworking of devices

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. learn components and rules of communications
2. configuration and design of a small network.
3. learn about research areas and future internets research fields



Introduction : Uses of Computer Networks: Business Application, Home Applications,

Mobile Users – Social Issues. Network Hardware : Local Area Networks – Metropolitan Area
Networks – Wide Area Networks – Wireless Networks – Home Networks – Internetworks.
Network Software: Protocol Hierarchies – Design Issues for the Layers – Connection
Oriented and Connectionless Services – Service Primitives – The relationship of Services to
Protocols. Reference Models: The OSI Reference Model – The TCP/IP Reference Model – A
Comparison of OSI and TCP/IP reference Model – A Critique of the OSI Model and Protocols
– A Critique of the TCP/IP reference model. Example Networks: The Internet – Connection
Oriented Networks:x.25, Frame Relay, and ATM – Ethernet – Wireless LANs Network
Standardization: Who’s who in the Telecommunication World – Who’s who in the
International Standards World – Who’s who in the Internet Standards World.

Physical Layer: Guided Transmission Media: Magnetic Media – Twisted Pair – Coaxial Cable
– Fiber Optics

Data Link Layer: Data Link Layer Design Issues: Services Provided to the Network Layer –
Framing – Error Control – Flow Control. Error Detection and Correction: Error correcting
Codes – Error Detecting Codes. Elementary Data Link Protocols : An unrestricted Simplex
Protocol – A simplex Stop- and – wait Protocol – A simplex Protocol for a Noisy channel.
Sliding Window Protocols: A one-bit sliding Window Protocol – A Protocol using Go Back N –
A Protocol using selective Repeat. Example Data Link Protocols: HDLC – The Data Link Layer
in the Internet.


The Medium Access Control Sublayer : Ethernet : Ethernet Cabling – Manchester Encoding
– The Ethernet MAC sublayer Protocol – The Binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm –
Ethernet Performance – Switched Ethernet – Fast Ethernet – Gigabit Ethernet – IEEE 802.2:
Logical Link Control – Retrospective on Ethernet. Wireless Lans: The 802.11 Protocol Stack -
The 802.11 Physical Layer - The 802.11 MAC sublayer Protocol - The 802.11 Frame Structure.
Bluetooth: Bluetooth Architecture – Bluetooth Applications – The Bluetooth Protocol Stack –
The Bluetooth Radio Layer – The Bluetooth Baseband Layer – The Bluetooth L2CAP layer –
The Bluetooth Frame Structure. Data Link Layer Switching: Bridges from 802.x to 802.y –
Local Internetworking – Spanning Tree Bridges – Remote Bridges – Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges,
Switches, Routers and Gateways – Virtual LANs.


The Network Layer: Network Layer Design Issues : Store – and Forward Packet Switching –
Services Provided to the Transport Layer – Implementation of Connectionless Services –
Implementation of Connection Oriented Services – Comparison Of Virtual Circuit and
Datagram subnets. Routing Algorithms : The Optimality Principle – Shortest Path Routing –
Flooding – Distance Vector Routing – Link State Routing – Hierarchical Routing – Broadcast
Routing – Multicast Routing – Routing for Mobile Hosts. Internet Working : How Networks

Differ – How Networks can be connected – Concatenated Virtual Circuits – Connectionless
Internetworking – Tunneling – Internet work Routing – Fragmentation. The Network Layer in
the Internet: The IP Protocol – IP address – Internet Control Protocols – OSPF – The Internet
Gateway Routing Protocol – BGP – The Exterior Gateway Routing Protocol.

The Transport Layer: The Transport Service: Services provided to the Upper Layers –
Transport Services Primitives – Berkeley Sockets. Elements of Transport Protocols :
Addressing – Connection Establishment – Connection Release – Flow Control and Buffering –
Multiplexing – Crash Recovery. The Internet Transport Protocols :UDP
Introduction to UDP – Remote Procedure Call – The Real Time Transport Protocol. The
Internet Transport Protocols: TCP Introduction to TCP – The TCP Service Model – the TCP
Protocol – The TCP segment header – TCP connection establishment – TCP connection
release – Modeling TCP connection management- TCP Transmission Policy – TCP congestion
Control – TCP Timer Management – Wireless TCP and UDP – Transactional TCP.


The Application Layer: DNS : The Domain Name System : The DNS Name Space – Resource
Records – Name Servers. Electronic Mail : Architecture and Services – The User Agent –
Message Formats – Message Transfer – Final Delivery. The World Wide Web: Architecture
Overview – Static Web Documents – Dynamic Web Documents – HTTP – The Hyper Text
Transfer Protocol – Performance Enhancements – The Wireless Web. Multimedia:
Introduction to Digital Audio – Audio Compression – Streaming Audio – Internet Radio –
Voice Over IP – Introduction to Video – Video Compression – Video on Demand.

Prescribed Book:

Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Fourth Edition, PHI.

Chapters: 1.1 to 1.6, 2.2, 3.1 to 3.4, 3.6, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6,
4.7, 5.1, 5.2.1 to 5.2.9, 5.5, 5.6.1 to 5.6.5,
6.1.1 to 6.1.3, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 7.1 to 7.4
Reference Books:
4. James F.Kurose, Keith W.Ross, “Computer Networking”,
Third Edition, Pearson Education
5. Behrouz A Forouzan, “Data Communications and Networking”, Fourth Edition, TMH
6. Michael A. Gallo, William M. Hancock, “Computer Communications and Networking
Technologies”, Cengage Learning (2008)


Time : 3 hrs Max Marks : 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a) Difference between Protocol and Service.
b) Describe Ethernet.
c) Why Repeaters are required.
d) Give any two applications of Bluetooth.
e) What are the problems with Flooding.
f) Where UDP protocol is used.
g) Define HTTP.
h) Define User Agent.

2. a) Compare OSI and TCP/IP reference models.
b) Describe Go Back N protocol.


3. a) Explain the architecture of the Internet

b) Write about design issues of a Data Link layer.


4. a) Explain Spanning tree Bridges.

b) Give and explain 802.11 frame structure, services

5. a) Describe architecture, applications, protocol stack of
b) Explain Switched Ethernet


6. a) Explain IP Header Format and IP addresses

b) Discuss about Tunneling and Fragmentation
7. a) Explain Distance Vector Routing Algorithm
b) write about TCP Congestion Control


8. a) Explain about DNS

b) Write about URL’s
9. a) Explain Electronic Mail concept
b)Discuss JPEG Compression mechanism
Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :

30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. learning specification of the concept of algorithm and analysis of its computational
2. learning design principles of algorithms and their application to computing problems
3. making analysis accessible to all levels of readers.

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. design algorithms for difficult problems
2. analyze and understand their complexity
3. implement the algorithms in practice.


Unit I
Introduction to Computer Algorithms- Algorithm Specification, Performance
Analysis, Randomized algorithms

Elementary Data Structures- Stacks and Queues, Tree, Dictionaries, Priority Queues, Sets
and Disjoint Set Union, graphs

Unit - II
Divide - And – Conquer - General Method, Binary Search, Maximum and
Minimum, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Selection, Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication,
Convex Hull.

The Greedy Method - Knapsack Problem, Tree vertex splitting, Job sequencing,
with dead lines, Minimum-cost spanning trees, Optimal storage on tapes, Optimal
merge pattern, Single source shortest paths. 

Dynamic Programming - General method, Multistage graph, All pairs shortest
Single-source shortest path, Optimal Binary search trees, String Editing, 0/1
Knapsack, Reliability design, The traveling salesman problem, Flow shop scheduling. 
Basic Traversal and Search Techniques - Basic traversal & search techniques -
Techniques for binary trees, techniques for graphs, connected components &
spanning trees, Bi-connected components & DFS. 


Backtracking - Back tracking - The General Method, The 8-Queens Problem, Sum of
subsets, Graph coloring, Hamiltonian cycle, Knapsack problem. 

Branch and Bound - The method, 0/1 Knapsack problem, Traveling salesperson,
Efficiency considerations. 

Prescribed Book:
L Ellis Horwitz, Sartaj Sahani , ‘Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms’, Universities
Press, The following topics in the prescribed book Topics 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Reference Books:
1. Bases S. & Gelder A.V - computer Algorithms,Addision
2. Cormen TH et al - Introduction to Algorithms, PHI(2001)
3. Brassard & Bralley - Fundamentals of Algorithms, PHI(2001)

Model Paper

MCS 205: Design And Analysis Of Algorithms

Time : 3 hrs Max Marks : 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

3. a) What are Huffman codes ?

b) Explain dominance rule.
c) State the general method for dynamic programming.
d) Write the difference between divide-and-conquer and the
greedy method.
e) State the principle of optimality ?
f) Write the formulae developed by strassen to multiply
matrices ?
g) What is the average time complexity for constructing a
heap tree ?


4. a) Explain control abstraction for divide – and – conquer

strategy. (7M)
b) Explain the process of constructing convex hull. Also
write its algorithm and complexity . (7M)
3.a) Derive the average time complexity for quick sort. (7M)
b) Write a randomized algorithm to perform primality
testing. (7M)

4. a) State the problem of “optimal storage on tapes”. If three

programs of length (l1,l2,l3 )= (5,10,3).Find the optimal
way to store those programs on tapes using greedy method.
b) Find optimal binary search tree for the identifiers
(do, if, while). Let p(1:3) = (3,3,1) and q(0:3)=(2,3,1,1).
Solve it using dynamic programming (7M)
5. a) Write the problem of tree vertex splitting. Find the places
where boosters are needed for the following tree, for =5


4 5 6
b) Solve O/I Knapsack, If the Knapsack instance n=3
(w1,w2,w3)=(2,3,4) & (p1,p2,p3)=(1,2,5) and m=6. (7M)


6. a) Solve sum of subsets problem for n=6,m=30,

w[1:6]={5,10,12,13,15,18}. (7M)
b) Find connected components & spanning tree for : (7M)

1 5

4 2

7. a) Solve 8-queues problem. (7M)
b) Write different traversal techniques for graphs. (7M)


8. a) Write a complete LC branch and bound algorithm for Knapsack

problem (7M)
b) Write an non-deterministic algorithm to sort array
elements. (7M)
9. a) Explain the principles of (7M)
i) control abstraction for LC search
ii) Bounding
iii) FIFO branch & bound
iv) LC branch and bound
b) Write the relationship between P,NP and NP-complete,
NP-hard problems. (7M)

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

21. Develop and demonstrate a HTML document that illustrates the use external style
sheet, ordered list, table, borders, padding, color, and the <span> tag.

22. Write HTML code to provide intra document linking.

23. Create a form with the following specifications:

a) Our form uses frames, one to hold the links bar at the top of the browser window.
b) Other is a larger frame that provides the main view.
c) The links bar should contain 5 links, which when clicked, should display the
appropriate HTML file in the larger frame.

24. to create a webpage with the following using html

a. to embed an image in web page

b. to fix the hot spots

c. show all the related information when a hot spot is clicked in the map

25. Develop a HTML Form, which accepts any Mathematical expression. Write JavaScript
code to Evaluates the expression and Displays the result.

26. Create a HTML form that has number of Textboxes. When the form runs in the
Browser fill the textboxes with data. Write JavaScript code that verifies that all
textboxes has been filled. If a textboxes has been left empty, popup an alert
indicating which textbox has been left empty.

27. Write a JavaScript code to find the sum of N natural Numbers. (Use user-defined

28. Write a JavaScript code to find factorial of N. (Use recursive function)

29. Write a JavaScript code block using arrays and generate the current date in words,
this should include the day, month and year.

30. Create a web page using two image files, which switch between one another as the
mouse pointer moves over the images. Use the onMouseOver and onMouseOut
event handlers.

31. Design an XML document to store information about a student in an engineering
college affiliated to ANU. The information must include college id, Name of the
College, Brach, Year of Joining, and e-mail id. Make up sample data for 3 students.
Create a CSS style sheet and use it to display the document.

32. Create an XML document, which contains 10 users information. Implement a

program, which takes User Id as an input and returns the user details by taking the
user information from the XML document

33. write a program for implementing student information using XML

34. write a java program to illustrate java to database connectivity using JDBC

35. Write a program to print the Fibonacci numbers using RMI.

36. Write a program using RMI to access the database using the primary key value and
return the data to the client.

37. Write a html program for invoking servlet from applet

38. write a java servlet program to conduct online examination and to display student
mark list available in a database

39. Create a java program to create an airline reservation service and a travel agent and
the travel agent is searching for an airline using web services and database.

40. Write a JSP program to calculate income tax, login and data capture.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

Lab cycle
Cycle-I: Aim: Marketing Company wishes to computerize their operations by using following

Table Name: Client_Master

Description: This table stores the information about the clients.

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

Client_no Varchar2 6 Primary Key and first letter should starts
with ‘C’
Name Varchar2 10 Not null
Address1 Varchar2 10
Address2 Varchar2 10
City Varchar2 10
State Varchar2 10
Pincode Number 6 Not null
Bal_due Number 10,2

Table Name:Product_master
Description: This table stores the information about products.

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

Product_no Varchar2 6 Primary Key and first letter should starts
with ‘P’
Description Varchar2 10 Not null
Profit_percent Number 2,2 Not null
Unit_measure Varchar2 10
Qty_on_hand Number 8
Record_lvl Number 8
Sell_price Number 8,2 Not null, can’t be 0
Cost_price Number 8,2 Not null, can’t be 0

Table Name: salesman_master

Description: This table stores the salesmen working in the company

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

Salesman_id Varchar2 6 Primary Key and first letter should starts
with ‘S’
Name Varchar2 10 Not null
Address1 Varchar2 10
Address2 Varchar2 10

City Varchar2 10
State Varchar2 10
Pincode Number 6 Not null
Sal_amt Number 8,2 Should not null and zero
Target_amt Number 6,2 Should not null and zero
Remarks Varchar2 10
Table Name: sales_order
Description: This table stores the information about orders
Column Name Data Type Size Attribute
S_order_no Varchar2 6 Primary Key and fisrt char is ‘O’
S_order_date Date
Client_no Varchar2 6 Foreign key
Delve_address Varchar2 20
Salesman_no Varchar2 6 Foreign key
Delve_type Varchar2 1 Delivery: part(P)/Full(F) and default ‘F’
Billed_yn Char 1
Delve_date Date Can’t be less than the s_order_date
Order_status Varchar2 10 Values in ‘IN PROCESS’, FULFILLED’,
Table Name: sales_order_details
Description: This table stores the information about products ordered

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

S_order_no Varchar2 6 Primary key, foreign key references
sales_order table
Product_no Varchar2 6 Primary key, foreign key references
product_master table
Qty_ordered Number 8
Qty_disp Number 8
Product_rate Number 10,2

Table Name: challan_master

Description: This table stores the information about challans made
for orders.

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

Challan_no Varchar2 6 Primary key, first two letters must start
with ‘CH’
S_order_no Varchar2 6 Foreign key references sales_order
Challan_date Date
Billed_yn Char 1 Values in ‘Y’, ‘N’ default ‘N’

Table Name: Challan_Details

Description: This table stores the information about challan details.

Column Name Data Type Size Attribute

Challan_no Varchar2 6 Primary key, foreign key references

challan_master table
Product_no Varchar2 6 Primary key, foreign key references
product_master table
Qty_disp Number 4,2 Not null

Solve the following queries by using above tables.

1. Retrieve the list of names and cities of all the clients.

2. List the various products available from product_master.
3. Find out the clients who stay in a city whose second letter is ‘a’.
4. Find the list of all clients who stay in the city ‘ CHENNAI’ or ‘DELHI’.
5. List all the clients located at ‘CHENNAI’.
6. Print the information from sales order as the order the places in the month of January.
7. Find the products with description as ‘Floppy Drive’ and ‘Pen drive’.
8. Find the products whose selling price is grater than 2000 and less than or equal to 5000.
9. Find the products whose selling price is more than 1500 and also find the new selling price
as original selling price *15.
10. Find the products in the sorted order of their description.
11. Divide the cost of product ‘540 HDD’ by difference between its price and 100.
12. List the product number, description, sell price of products whose description begin with
letter ‘M’.
13. List all the orders that were cancelled in the month of March.
14. Count the total number of orders.
15. Calculate the average price of all the products.
16. Determine the maximum and minimum product prices.
17. Count the number of products having price grater than or equal to 1500.
18. Find all the products whose quantity on hand is less than reorder level.
19. Find out the challan details whose quantity dispatch is high.
20. Find out the order status of the sales order, whose order delivery is maximum in the month
of March.
21. Find out the total sales made by the each salesman.
22. Find the total revenue gained by the each product sales in the period of Q1 and Q2 of year
23. Print the description and total qty sold for each product.
24. Find the value of each product sold.
25. Calculate the average qty sold for each client that has a maximum order value of 1,50,000.
26. List the products which has highest sales.
27. Find out the products and their quantities that will have to deliver in the current month.
28. Find the product number and descriptions of moving products.
29. Find the names of clients who have purchased ‘CD DRIVE’.
30. List the product numbers and sales order numbers of customers having quantity ordered
less than 5 from the order details for the product ‘1.44 Floppies’.
31. Find the product numbers and descriptions of non-moving products.
32. Find the customer names and address for the clients, who placed the order ‘019001’.
33. Find the client names who have placed orders before the month of May, 2006.
34. Find the names of clients who have placed orders worth of 10000 or more.
35. Find out if the product is ‘1.44 drive’ is ordered by any client and print the client number,
name to whom it is sold.


Aim: A Manufacturing Company deals with various parts and various suppliers supply these parts.
It consists of three tables to record its entire information. Those are as follows


1. Get Suppliers Names for Suppliers who supply at least one red part.
2. Get Suppliers Names for Suppliers who do not supply part ‘P2’
3. Using Group by with Having Clause, Get the part numbers for all the parts supplied by more
than one supplier.
4. Get supplier numbers for suppliers with status value less the current max status value.
5. Get the total quantity of the part ‘P2’ supplied.
6. Get the part color, supplied by the supplier ‘S1’
7. Get the names of the parts supplied by the supplier ‘Smith’ and “Black”
8. Get the Project numbers, whose parts are not in Red Color, from London.
9. Get the suppliers located from the same city.
10. Get the suppliers, who does not supply any part.
11. Find the pnames of parts supplied by London Supplier and by
12. no one else.

13. Find the sno’s of suppliers who charge more for some part than the average cost of that
14. Find the sid’s of suppliers who supply only red parts.
15. Find the sid’s of suppliers who supply a red and a green part.
16. Find the sid’s of suppliers who supply a red or green part.

Cycle: III

An Airline System would like to keep track their information by using the following relations.

Flights (flno: integer, from: string, to: string, distance: integer,

Price: integer)
Aircraft (aid: integer, aname: string, cruising_range: integer)
Certified (eid: integer, aid: integer)
Employees (eid: integer, ename: string, salary: real)

Note that the employees relation describes pilots and other kinds of employees as well; every
pilot is certified for aircraft and only pilots are certified to fly. Resolve the following queries:

1. For each pilot who is certified for more than three aircraft, find the eid’s and the maximum
cruising range of the aircraft that he (or She) certified for.
2. Find the names of pilots whose salary is less than the price of the cheapest route from Los
Angeles to Honolulu.
3. Find the name of the pilots certified from some Boeing aircraft.
4. For all aircraft with cruising range over 1,000 miles, find the name of the aircraft and the

average salary of all pilots certified for this aircraft.
5. Find the aid’s of all aircraft than can be used from Los Angels to Chicago.
6. Print the enames of pilots who can operate planes with cruising range greater than 3,000
miles, but are not certified by Boeing aircraft.
7. Find the total amount paid to employees as salaries.
8. Find the eid’s of employees who are certified for exactly three aircrafts.
9. Find the eid’s of employee who make second highest salary.
10. Find the aid’s of all than can be used on non-stop flights from Bonn to Chennai.

Cycle: IV : Employee Database

Aim: An enterprise wishes to maintain a database to automate its operations. Enterprise divided into
to certain departments and each department consists of employees. The following two tables
describes the automation schemas



1. Create a view, which contain employee names and their manager names working in sales
2. Determine the names of employee, who earn more than there managers.
3. Determine the names of employees, who take highest salary in their departments.
4. Determine the employees, who located at the same place.
5. Determine the employees, whose total salary is like the minimum salary of any department.
6. Update the employee salary by 25%, whose experience is greater than 10 years.
7. Delete the employees, who completed 32 years of service.
8. Determine the minimum salary of an employee and his details, who join on the same date.
9. Determine the count of employees, who are taking commission and not taking commission.
10. Determine the department does not contain any employees.
11. Find out the details of top 5 earners of company. (Note:
Employee Salaries should not be duplicate like 5k,4k,4k,3k,2k)
12. Display those managers name whose salary is more than an average salary of his employees.
13. Display the names of the managers who is having maximum number of employees working
under him?
14. In which year did most people join the company? Display the year and number of employees.

15. Display ename, dname even if there no employees working in a particular department(use outer

1. Create students and teacher objects in MongoDB. The teacher object must consist of students

 List all the teachers

 Display the information of the teacher based on id
 Updates the teachers name for id value 2
 Delete data with id =2 from student
 List all the students assigned to a teacher
 List all the teacher without students

 List teachers of a student.

2. Create a login template to check whether the user is a valid user

3. Repeat the above cycle III & IV with MongoDB

Instruction: 3 periods / week Credits: 1
Internal : -- Total :
50 marks 50 Marks

Prescribed Books :

2. Raymond Murphy, “Essential English Grammar”, Second Edition,

Cambridge University Press (2008)

3. Leena Sen, “Communication Skills”, Second Edition, PHI (2008)

Reference Books :

1. Aysha Viswamohan, “English for Technical Communication”, TMH (2008)

2. P. Kiranmai Dutt, Geetha Rajeevan, “Basic Communication Skills”, Foundation Books (2007)

3. T.M. Farhathullah, “Communication Skills for Technical Students”, Orient Longman (2002)

4. E.Suresh Kumar, P. Sreehari, “Communicative English”, Orient Longman (2007)

No. of Int. Ext. Total Hours/
Sub Code Name of the Subject Credits Marks Marks Marks Week
MCS 301 Python Programming 5 30 70 100 4
MCS 302 .Net Programming 5 30 70 100 4
MCS 303 Object Oriented Modeling & Design 5 30 70 100 4
using UML
MCS Artificial Intelligence 4 30 70 100 4
304.1 /Microprocessors & Interfacing
MCS Cryptography & Network Security 4 30 70 100 4
305.1 / Blockchain Technology
MCS 306 Python Programming Lab 3 30 70 100 6
MCS 307 .Net Programming Lab 3 30 70 100 6
MCS 308 Seminar 1 50 -- 50 3
TOTAL 30 260 490 750 35
MOOCS 4 -- -- -- --



Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. Install and run the Python interpreter
2. Create and execute Python programs
3. Understand the concepts of file I/O
4. Be able to read data from a text file using Python
5. Plot data using appropriate Python visualization libraries

1. Students can demonstrate understanding of modern version control tools.
2. Students exhibit facility with a Linux command line environment.
3. Students can demonstrate understanding of the role of testing in scientific
computing, and write unit tests in Python.
4. Students can use command line tools to write and edit code.
5. Students can write code in Python to perform mathematical calculations and
scientific simulations.
6. Students can produce publication-ready graphics from a dataset.



Introduction: The Process of Computational Problem Solving, Python Programming Language,

Python Data Types: Expressions, Variables and Assignments, Strings, List, Objects and Classes,
Python Standard Library, Imperative Programming: Python programs, Execution Control Structures,
User-Defined Functions, Python Variables and Assignments, Parameter Passing. -


Text Files: Strings, Formatted Output, Files, Errors and Exception Handling, Execution and Control
Structures: if Statement, for Loop, Two Dimensional Lists, while Loop, More Loop Patterns,
Additional Iteration Control Statements, Containers and Randomness: Dictionaries, Other Built-in
Container Types, Character Encoding and Strings, Module random, Set Data Type.


Object Oriented Programming: Fundamental Concepts, Defining a New Python Class, User-Defined
Classes, Designing New Container Classes, Overloaded Operators, Inheritance, User-Defined
Exceptions, Namespaces: Encapsulation in Functions, Global versus Local Namespaces, Exception
Control Flow, Modules and Namespaces. Objects and Their Use: Software Objects, Turtle Graphics,
Modular Design: Modules, Top-Down Design, Python Modules, Recursion: Introduction to Recursion,
Examples of Recursion, Run Time Analysis, Searching, Iteration Vs Recursion, Recursive Problem
Solving, Functional Language Approach.


Numerical Computing in Python: NumPy, Vectorized Algorithms, Graphical User Interfaces: Basics of
tkinter GUI Development, Event-Based tkinter Widgets, Designing GUIs, OOP for GUI, The Web and
Search: The World Wide Web, Python WWW API, String Pattern Matching, Database Programming in


Ljubomir Perkovic, “Introduction to Computing Using Python: An Application Development Focus”,

Wiley, 2012.


Charles Dierbach, “Introduction to Computer Science Using Python: A Computational Problem-

Solving Focus”, Wiley, 2013.

Model Paper


Time:3Hrs Max. Marks:70
Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a. How to declare and assign variables in python

b. What is List
c. Define container
d. explain top-down design
e. define recursion
f. what is NumPy
g. what is GUI

2 (a) Write Python statements corresponding to the following:

(i) Assign to variable flowers a list containing strings 'rose', 'bougainvillea', 'yucca', 'marigold',
'daylilly', and 'lilly of the valley'.
(ii) Write a Boolean expression that evaluates to True if string 'potato' is in list flowers, and
evaluate the expression.
(iii) Assign to list thorny the sublist of list flowers consisting of the first three objects in the
(iv) Assign to list poisonous the sublist of list flowers consisting of just the last object of list
(b) Write a python program to implement string reverse function

3 (a) Explain execution control structures

(b) How to achieve parameter passing in Python.

4. (a) Explain built in Exception in python with examples
(b) Write short notes on Dictionaries
5. Explain String functions

6. (a) differentiate Global and local namespaces
(b) explain Multiple exception handlers
7. Explain class, object and instance variables.

8. Explain the concept designing GUIs

9. Explain Python WWW API

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. Set up a programming environment and Configure programs.
2. Creating ASP.Net applications using standard .net controls.
3. Develop a data driven web application.
4. Connecting to data sources and managing them.
5. Maintain session and controls related information for user used in multi-user web
6. Understand the fundamentals of developing modular application by using object oriented

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. design web applications using ASP.NET
2. ASP.NET controls in web applications.
3. debug and deploy ASP.NET web applications
4. create database driven ASP.NET web applications and web services


UNIT-I: Visual basic 2005:

Getting started with Visual Basic 2005: Arithmetic Operators, Data type, Statements, Control
Statements, Loops, Arrays, Structures,Val and Structure functions, Creating Visual studio
Applications, Saving Visual Basic 2005 Application.

Object Oriented Programming: Basic Principles of Object Oriented Programming, Member Access
Modifiers, Define Class, Creating Objects, Constructors, Inheritance, Abstract Classes, Interfaces,

Windows Forms: Introduction to the windows forms, Setting the title Bar Text, Minimizing and
Maximizing a form, Setting initial position of a form, Working with multiple forms, Creating adding
controls to a form, Setting controls Tab order, Naming Controls, Setting Properties at design time,
Setting properties at run time, Creating a message box, Creating a Input box, Creating MDI
Applications, Creating Dialog box, Commenting the code

Label, TextBox, Button, ComboBox and ListBox Controls: Label control, Button Control, ComboBox
Control, ListBox Control, Project

Panel, PictureBox, Progress Bar and Timer Controls: Panel Control, Picture box Control, Progress
Bar Control, Timer Control, Project

Checkbox, radio button, and group box controls :Checkbox control, Radio button control,
Progress bar control, Timer control, Project.

Menus, built-in dialog box, printing and tree view controls:

Menus, Folder Browser Dialog Control, Open File Dialog Control Save File Dialog Control, Font
File Dialog Control, Color File Dialog Control, Print Document Control, Tree View Control, Project

Mouse Events and Keyboard Events: Mouse Events, Keyboard Events

Handling Errors and Exceptions: Errors, Exceptions


ASP.NET 2.0 Essentials: Introduction to Asp.NET, Benefits of Asp.NET, What’s new Asp.NET?,
Introduction Asp.NET 2.0 IDE

Developing a Web Application :HTML, DHTML, PHP, JSP, PERL, ASP.NET 2.0 Provider Model,
ASP.NET 2.0 Coding Model, Code Sharing, Compilation in ASP.NET

Standard Controls: Introduction to standard controls, Label Control, TextBox Control, Button
Control, Image Button Control ListBox Control, Radio Button Control

Navigation Controls: Introduction to Navigation Controls, Site Map Path Controls, Menu
Controls, Tree View Controls

Validation Controls: Introduction to validation control, Base validator class, Required field validator
Range validator control, Regular Expression validator control, Compare validator control, Custom
validator control,
Validation summary control

Login controls: Introduction to login controls, Login control Login view control, Login name control,
Login status control Password recovery control

Master pages and Themes: Need for Master Pages and Themes, Creating a Simple Master Page,
Creating a Nested Master Page Themes, Creating Themes, Applying Themes on controls at Run

UNIT-III: C# 2005

Introduction to Visual C# 2005:Introduction, Features of Visual C# 2005, Creating Visual C# 2005,

Key words, Identifiers, Data Types, Variables, Scope of Variables, Constants, Operators Operator
Precedence and Associativity, Expressions, Punctuators Control Statements, Loops, Interrupting
Loops using Jump Statements, Creating Arrays, Creating Enumerations, Creating Structures,

Object Oriented Programming : Basic Principles of Object Oriented Programming, Member
Access Modifiers, Defining a Class, Creating Objects, Constructors, Static Members, Inheritance,
Abstract Class, Interfaces, Polymorphism, Operator Overloading

Windows Forms : Introduction to Windows form, Setting the title bar Text, Minimizing or
Maximizing a forms, Working with multiple Forms, Setting the startup form, Adding controls to a
form, Setting controls Tab order, Setting properties at Design time, Setting properties at Run
time, Showing and Hiding controls and Forms, Creating a message box, Commenting the code,
Handling Events.

Label, TextBox, Button, ComboBox and ListBox Controls:Label Control, TextBox Control, Button
Control, ComboBox Control ListBox Control, Project

Panel, PictureBox, Progress Bar and Timer Controls: Panel Control, Picture box Control,
Progress bar Control, Timer Control Project

Checkbox, Radio button and Group box controls :Checkbox control, Radio button
control,GroupBox Control, Project

Menus, built-in dialog box, printing and tree view controls:

Menus, Folder Browser Dialog Control, Open File Dialog Control Save File Dialog Control, Font
File Dialog Control, Color File Dialog Control, Print Document Control, Tree View Control, Project

Mouse Events and Keyboard Events: Mouse Events, Keyboard Events

Handling Errors and Exceptions: Errors, Exceptions

UNIT-IV : ADO.Net & Data Binding :

Accessing Data using ADO.NET (C# 2005): What are Databases? Basic SQL Statements,
Working with ADO.NET, Overview of ADO.NET Objects Data Grid View Control, Accessing Data
using Server Explorer, Creating a new data connection, Accessing data using data adaptors and
data sets, Previewing data from data adaptors
Connecting to an MS Jet database
Data Binding(C# 2005): Introduction, Simple Data Binding, Complex Data Binding, Implementing
Data Binding, Project

Working with Databases (ASP.NET 2.0): What are Databases?, Working with ADO.NET, Overview
of ADO.NET Objects, Basic SQL statements, ASP.NET 2.0 data display controls, ASP.NET 2.0 data
source controls,Accessing data with server explorer, Creating a web applications using data
display controls

Accessing data using ADO.NET (Visual Basic 2005): What are Databases?, Basic SQL statements,
Working with ADO.NET, Overview of ADO.NET objects, Data Grid View Control, Accessing data using
server explorer, Creating a new data connection, Accessing data using Data Adapters and Datasets,
Previewing data from Data Adapters, Connecting to an MS Jet database

Data Binding (Visual Basic 2005): Introduction, Simple Data Binding, Complex Data Binding,
Implementing Data Binding, Project.

Prescribed Book:

Vikas Gupta, “.Net Programming”, Dream Tech (2008).

Chapters :

UNIT – I - 1 to 8, 11 chapters in Visual Basic 2005

UNIT – II – 1 to 7, 9 chapters in ASP.NET 2.0
UNIT – III – 1 to 8, 11 chapters in C# 2005
UNIT – IV – 9, 10 chapters in Visual Basic 2005
8 chapter in ASP.NET 2.0
9, 10 chapters in C# 2005

Reference Books:

1. Xue Bai, Michael Ekedah, “The Web Warrior Guide to Web Programming”, Thomson (2006).

2. Kogent Solutions Inc.,”.Net Programming”, Black Book, Dream Tech (2008).

3. Joe Duffy, “Professional.Net Programming 2.0”, Wiley.

4. George Stepherd, “ASP.NET 3.5 Microsoft”, PHI (2008).

Model Paper


Time: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a) Define data binding

b) Explain login controls
c) What is master page
d) Describe Data Adapter
e) Explain docking and anchoring controls
f) Give the difference between check box radio button and group box controls
i) Define event and write different types of event
j) What are the characteristics of interface

2. a) Briefly explain about data types and keywords.

c) Write the procedure for an application which checks whether the entered user is valid or
3. a) Explain the following controls
i. Menus ii. Timer iii. PictureBox iv. Tree view
b)Explain mouse events and key board events.


4. a) Explain all the validation controls.

c) Write the procedure to design the application which allows the valid user to enter into
5. a)Briefly explain about master pager and themes
b) With suitable example explain the navigation controls.


6. a) What are the concepts of object oriented programming.

b) Explain the following controls
i. ComboBox
ii. ListBox
iii. Panel
iv. Builtin dialogBox
7. a) Explain the steps involved in windows form design and interface
b) Write the procedure for coffee shop billing application (use checkbox)

8. a) What is data binding? Explain the types of data binding how data binding can be
c) What are the ADO.NET objects.
9. Develop an application for student details which
i. Can access database
ii. Can bound to the controls
iii. Can display the details in a form



Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. To understand the object oriented concepts for designing object oriented models.
2. To understand the use of UML (Unified Modeling Language) for object oriented analysis
and design.
3. To describe the step by step object oriented methodology of software development from
problem statement through analysis, system design, and class design.
4. To understand the concept of different patterns for constructing software architectures
through object oriented models.
5. To understand the problems, communicating with application experts, modeling
enterprises, preparing documentation, and designing programs by using object oriented

1. Demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge of object oriented concepts for solving
system modeling and design problems.
2. Design and implement object oriented models using UML appropriate notations.
3. Ability to apply the concepts of object oriented methodologies to design cleaner
softwares from the problem statement.
4. Apply the concept of domain and application analysis for designing UML Diagrams.
5. Comprehend the concept of architectural design approaches for system design and
implementation issues for object oriented models.
6. Illustrate the concept of patterns for constructing software architecture



Introduction: what is Object Orientation, What is OO Development, OO Themes, Evidence

for Usefulness of OO Development.

Modeling as Design Technique: Modeling, Abstraction, Three Models

Class Modeling: Object and Class Concepts, Link and Association concepts, Generalization
and Inheritance, A Sample Class Model.

Advanced Class Modeling: Advanced Object and Class Concepts, Association Ends, N-Ary
Association, Aggregation, abstract Classes, Multiple Inheritance, Metadata, Reification,
Constraints, Derived data, Packages.

State Modeling: Events, States, Transitions and Conditions, state diagrams, state diagram

Advanced State Modeling: Nested State Diagrams, Nested states, signal generalization,
concurrency, A Sample State Model.

Interaction Modeling: Use Case Models, Sequence Models, Activity Models.

Advanced Interaction Modeling: Use Case Relationships, Procedural Sequence Models,

Special Constructs for Activity Models.


Process Overview: Development Stages, Development Life Cycle.

System Conception: Devising a system Concept, Elaborating a Concept, Preparing a Problem


Domain Analysis: Overview of analysis, Domain Class Model, Domain State model, Domain
Interaction Model, Iterating the Analysis.

Application Analysis: Application Interaction Model, Application Class Model, Application

State Model, Adding Operations.


System Design: Overview of system Design, Estimating Performance, Making a Reuse Plan,
Breaking a System into Subsystem, Identifying Concurrency, Allocation of Subsystems,
Management of data storage, Handling Global Resources, Choosing a Software Control
Strategy, Handling Boundary Conditions, Setting Trade-off priorities, Common Architecture
of ATM System.

Class Design: Overview of Class Design, Realizing Use Cases, Designing Algorithms, Recursing
Downward, Refactoring, Design Optimization, Reification of Behavior, Adjustment of
Inheritance, Organizing a class design.

Implementation Modeling: Overview of Implementation, Fine Tuning classes, fine tuning

Generalization, Realizing Associations, Testing.

Programming Style: Object Oriented Style, Reusability, Robustness, Extensibility,

Programming-in the Large.
Prescribed Book:
Michael Blaha, James Rumbaugh, “Object Oriented Modeling and Design with UML”, Second
Edition, PHI.
Chapters : 1.1 to 1.4, 2, 3.1 to 3.4,4, 5, 6.1 to 6.5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20

Reference Books:

3. Meilir Page-Jones, “Fundamentals of Object Oriented Design in UML”, Pearson

Education (2008).
4. Hans-Erik Eriksson, “UMLZ Took Kit”, Wiley (2008).
5. Pascal Roques, “Modeling Software Systems Using UML2”, Wiley (2008).
6. Simon Benett, Steve Mc Robb, “Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design using
UML”, Second Edition, TMH (2007).
7. Mark Priestley, “Practical Object Oriented Design with UML”, Second Edition, TMH
8. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”,
Pearson (2008).

Model Paper

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a) Distinguish between object diagram and ER-diagram.

b) Define Meta class.
c) Distinguish between Aggregations versus generalization.
) Explain Constraints.
e) What is analysis document?
f) Need for State-transition diagram?
g) Define modeling?
h) What is multiplicity?

2. a) What is Modeling? What are different Object Modeling Techniques.
b) Discuss how was object oriented development methodology is
different from Traditional approach.

3. Explain the following terms:
v. Association.
vi. Aggregation.
vii. Generalization.
viii. Composition.

4.a) What is State modeling? How does dynamic behavior of a system
Represented ?
b) What is an Event? Discuss about types of Events with example?
5.a) What is Use Case? How was Use Case diagrams were helpful in
Analysis of a System.
b) What is Concurrency? Discuss the concurrency with the help of
an example.

6. Discuss about the steps involved in Analysis of a System.
7.a) Define state diagram for ATM Model.
b) Discuss about nested state diagram.

8.a) What is the task of a design? How would you differentiate a
good design from bad design?
b) Discuss about System Testing?
9.a) Discuss the programming style in the large complex systems.
b) Discuss about good programming style.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. To introduce the fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence;
2. To equip students with the knowledge and skills in logic programming using Prolog;
3. To explore the different paradigms in knowledge representation and reasoning

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. understand the history, development and various applications of artificial intelligence
2. familiarize with propositional and predicate logic and their roles in logic programming;
3. understand the programming language Prolog and write programs in declarative
programming style;
4. learn the knowledge representation and reasoning techniques in rule-based systems,
case-based systems, and model-based systems;
5. appreciate how uncertainty is being tackled in the knowledge representation and
reasoning process.


What is Artificial Intelligence,
AI Problems, ,AI Technique,Defining problem as a state space search, production systems, problem
characterstics, production system characterstics.
Heuristic search techniques:
Generation and test - Hill climbing - Best-first search - problem reduction – constraint satisfaction -
means–ends analysis.

Knowledge Representation :
Issues ,using predicate logic, resoulution,forward versus backward reasoning, matching, control
Symbolic reasoning under uncertainity:
Introduction to nonmonotonic reasoning,augmenting a problem solver, implementation of depth
first search and breadth first search.

Weak slot-and-filler structures:
semantic nets, frames.
strong slot-and-filler structures:
conceptual dependency, scripts.


Natural Language Processing:
syntatic processing,augmented transition networks,semantic analysis, case grammars.
Common sense: Qualitative physics, commonsense ontologies, memory organization, case based
Expert systems - representing using domain knowledge-expert system shell.

Prescribed Book:
Rich E & Knight k : Artificial Intelligence TMH(1991)

Reference Book:
Winston P.H : Artificial Intelligence, Addison Wesley (1993)
Russell & Norvig : Artificial Intelligence A Modern approach, Pearson education Asia
Donald A. Waterman A guide to expert systems, Pearson Education India.

Computer science
Paper: MCS 304.1 Artificial Intelligence
Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. Explain the following

a) Define Artificial Intelligence?
b) What are various task domains of AI?
c) What is heuristic?
d) What is dependency directed backtracking?
e) What is semantic net?
f) What is abduction? Give an example?
g) Define truth maintenance system?
h) What is frame problem?
2. a) Explain the concept of problem reduction with an example?
b) Trace the constraint satisfaction procedure solving the
following crypt arithmetic problem
3. Write about AO* algorithm


4. Trace the operation of unification algorithm on each of the

following pairs of literals
i) f(Marcus) and (Caesar)
ii) f(x) and f(g(y))
iii) f(Marcus, g(x,y)) & f(x,g(carsar,Marcus))
5. a) Represent the following sentences using semantic nets
“All students answered all questions in all possible ways”
b) Built-up the CD structure for the following sentences
i) “While crossing sea , Hanuman saw a cannibal”
ii) “Americans bombed Hiroshima

6. a) Give the architecture of an expert system? )
b) What are expert system shells
7. Discus briefly about frames

8. a) What is a production system ? Explain it’s characteristics?
b) Write a script to visit to a restaurant
9. a) What is non-monotonic reasoning
b) Explain a Justification Based Truth Maintenance System(JTMS)

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. To introduce 8085 architecture and programming in assembly language.
2. To introduce basic concepts of interfacing memory and peripheral devices to a
3. To introduce serial and parallel bus standards.
4. To introduce 8051 microcontroller.
5. To introduce various advanced processor architectures such as 80X86, Pentium and
Multicore Processors.

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. Explain the architecture, pin configuration of various microprocessors and Interfacing ICs
2. Identify various addressing modes
3. Perform various microprocessor based programs
4. Apply the concepts of 8086 programming like interfacing, interrupts, stacks &
subroutines. 5. Interpret & Solve various automation based problems using microprocessor



Introduction : Overview of Microcomputer Systems: Hardware – Software, Addresses – General

Operation of a Computer – Microprocessors in Digital System Design.

8086 Architecture: CPU Architecture – Internal Operation , Machine Language Instruction:

Addressing modes – Instruction Formats.

Assembler Language Programming: Assembler Instruction Format – Data Transfer Instructions ,

Arithmetic Instructions: Binary Arithmetic – Packed BCD Arithmetic – Unpacked BCD Arithmetic,
Branch Instructions: Conditional Branch Instructions - Unconditional Branch Instructions, Loop
Instructions – NOP and HLT Instructions – Flag Manipulation Instructions – Logical Instructions – Shift
and Rotate Instructions , Directives and Operators: Data Definition and Storage allocation –
Structures – Records – Assigning Names to Expressions – Segment Definitions – Program
Termination – Alignment Directives – Value returning attribute operators.


Modular Programming: Linking and Relocation: Segment Combination – Access to External

Identifiers, Stacks , Procedures: calls, returns, and Procedure Definitions – Saving and Restoring

Registers – Procedure Communication – Recursive Procedures, Interrupts and Interrupt Routines,
Macros: ASM-86 Macro Facilities – Local Labels – Nested Macros – Controlled Expansion and Other

I/O Programming: Fundamental I/O Considerations – Programmed I/O – Interrupt I/O – Block
Transfers and DMA.


System Bus Structure: Basic 8086/8088 Configurations: Minimum Mode – Maximum Mode, System
Bus Timing, Interrupt Priority Management: Interrupt System Based on a Single 8259A.

I/O Interfaces: Serial Communication Interfaces: Asynchronous Communication – Synchronous

Communication – Physical Communication Standards – 8251A Programmable Communication
Interface, Parallel Communication: 8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface - A/D and D/A
Example, Programmable Timers and Event Counters: Intel’s 8254 Programmable Interval Timer –
Interval Timer Application to A/D, DMA Controllers.


Advanced Microprocessors: The 80386 : Introduction – Operating Modes – Processor Model –

Programming Model, The 80486 : Introduction – Processor Model – Programming Model, The
Pentium : Introduction – Processor Model – Programming Model – The Pentium Evolves – The
Pentium MMX, The P6 Processors : Introduction – Overview – Processor Model – New Architectural

Prescribed Books :

1. Yu-Cheng Liu, Glenn A Gibson, “Microcomputer Systems: The

8086/8088 Family”, Second Edition, Pearson Education (2008)

Chapters : 1.1, 1.3 – 1.5, 2.1 - 2.3, 3.1 – 3.10, 4.1 – 4.5,
6.1 – 6.4, 8.1 – 8.2, 8.3.1, 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.4, 9.2,
9.3, 9.5

2. John Uffenbeck, “The 80x86 Family Design, Programming and

Interfacing”, Third Edition, Pearson Education(2006)

Chapters: 3.3, 3.5 – 3.7

Reference Book:

1. Douglas V Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing”,

Second Edition, TMH

2. N.Mathivanan, “Microprocessors, PC Hardware and Interfacing”, PHI(2007).

3. Kenneth J.Ayala, “ The 8086 Microprocessor : Programming & Interfacing The PC”,
Cengage Learning (2008)

4. Barry B.Brey, “The Intel Microprocessors”, Seventh Edition, PHI

Model Paper


Time: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1.a) Role of address lines.

b) Difference between control flag and status flag.
c) Give and explain the instruction to access stack pointer.
d) Difference between INT and INTO instructions.
e) Why an interfacing is required.
f) Difference between Pentium and Pentium MMX.
g) What is the width of Pentium address bus?
h) Any two differences between 80386 and 80486.


2.a) Explain addressing modes of 8086 with suitable example.

b) Describe the memory segmentation in 8086.
3.a) With suitable example explain data transfer and logical group instructions of 8086.

b) Explain different assembler directives of 8086 assembler.


4.a) Explain the concept of stack.

b) How 8086 macro’s are declared and used in the program.
5. Describe interrupt I/O.


6.a) Draw and explain timing diagram for input operation in 8086 minimum mode.

b) Explain operation of 8086 in its maximum mode.

7.Draw and explain functions of 8255A programmable peripheral interface.


8. Described Architectural details of Pentium processor.

9. Described the architectural details of 80486.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. security breaches can be very expensive in terms of business disruption and the financial
losses that may result,
2. increasing volumes of sensitive information are transferred across the internet or
intranets connected to it,
3. networking that make use of internet links are becoming more popular because they are
cheaper than dedicated leased lines. This, however, involves different users sharing internet
links to transport their data,
4. directors of business organizations are increasingly required to provide effective
information security.

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:

1. identify some of the factors driving the need for network security,
2. identify and classify particular examples of attacks,
3. compare and contrast symmetric and asymmetric encryption systems and their
vulnerability to attack, and explain the characteristics of hybrid systems,
4. describe the use of hash functions and explain the characteristics of one-way and
collision-free functions,
5. describe and distinguish between different mechanisms to assure the freshness of a
6. explain the role of third-party agents in the provision of authentication services,
7. discuss the effectiveness of passwords in access control and the influence of human
8. identify types of firewall implementation suitable for differing security requirements,
9. distinguish between firewalls based on packet-filtering routers, application level gateways
and circuit level gateways.


SecurityTrends,OSI security Architecture ,security attacks,security services, security mechanisms,A
model for network security

Conventional Encryption : Classical Techniques
Symmetric cipher model ,substitution techniques ,transposition techniques,rotor machines

Conventional Encryption : Modern Techniques

Block cipher principles,DES,strength of DES,Differential and linear cryptanalysis ,Block cipher design

Confidentiality using Symmetric encryption
Placement of encryption function,traffic confidentiality,key distribution,random number

Public - key cryptography & RSA

Principles of Public key crypto systems ,RSA algorithm ,Key management ,Diffie Hellman key
exchange ,elliptic curve cryptography

Message authentication and Hash functions

Authentication requirements , Authentication functions,Message Authentication codes,Hash
functions,Security of MAC’s and hash functions

Digital signatures and Authentication Protocols

Digital signatures , Authentication Protocols,DSS

Electronic Mail Security : PGP, S/MIME

IP Security :
IP Security Overview, IP Security architecture,Authentication header,encapsulating security
payload,combining security associations,key management.
Fire Walls :Firewall design principles ,trusted systems

Prescribed Book:
William Stallings : Cryptography & Network Security Principles and Practices 4 th Edition Pearson
Chapters : 1,2,3,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,16,20

Reference Books:
Bruce Schneier - Applied Cryptography - Wiley - second edition
Davies & Price : Security for computer Networks, Wilsey (1984)

Model Paper
Time: 3 Hours .
Marks: 70
Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. (a) Define Avalanche effect.

(b) Explain digital signature.
(c) Explain S/MIME.
(d) What is a firewall.
(e) Differentiate between Symmetric encryption and Public key cryptography.
(f) What are the two keys used for public key encryption?
g) What is firewall?
(h) State Fermats Theorem

2. (a) Discuss about playfair and hill cipher techniques.
(b) Briefly explain about DES encryption algorithm.
3. (a) Define OSI security Architecture
(b) Discuss about random number generation techniques in cryptography.


4. (a) Explain RSA algorithm

(b) Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm for the following p=3, q=11, d=7,
5. (a) Discuss Diffie hellman key exchange algorithm
(b) Differentiate between Link level and End to end encryption


6. (a) Explain in detail about authentication requirements.

(b)Define Message authentication codes and its requirements

7. (a) Explain about Digital signature standard (DSS).
(b) List out the uses of hash functions.

8. (a) Write short notes on Firewalls and list various types of firewalls
(b) Explain the usage of Pretty good privacy
9. Explain IP Security in detail

MCS 305.2 Blockchain Technology
Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

5. To introduce the concept of Blockchain

6. To overcome the problems of centralization
7. To introduce the concept of Bitcoin
8. To make them familiar with Bitcoin network, payments, clients and APIs.

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
5. Familiarized with Blockchain Terminology.
6. Understand the concept of Blockchain, Bitcoin
7. Understand de-centralization
8. Gain knowledge about the domain of blockchain in real time.

Unit – I
Blockchain , the growth of blockchain technology, distributed systems, the history of
blockchain and Bitcoin, types of blockchain. Decentralization , methods of decentralization ,
routes of decentralization, blockchain and full ecosystem decentralization, smart contracts,
Decentralized organizations and platforms for decentralization.

Unit – II
Symmetric Cryptography , working with the OpenSSL command line, cryptographic
primitives. Public Key Cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, public and private keys and
financial markets and trading.

Unit – III
Introducing Bitcoin, Bitcoin, digital keys and addresses, transactions, blockchain, mining.
Alternative Coins. Limitations of Bitcoin

Unit – IV
Bitcoin Network and payments, The Bitcoin network, wallets, Bitcoin payments, innovation
in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Clients and APIs.

Prescribe Book
Mastering Blockchain 2nd Edition, Imran Bashir, PACKT Publication
Reference Books
Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller, and Steven Goldfeder.
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies: a comprehensive introduction. Princeton
University Press, 2016.

Model Question Paper

MCS 305.2: Blockchain Technology
Time: 3Hrs
Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 02 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. Explain the following terms.

a. Blockchain
b. Electronic Cash
c. Centralization
d. Digital Key
e. API
f. Double spending
g. Bitcoin address

2. a. Explain the types of Blockchain?
b. Describe smart contracts?
4. Explain methods of decentralization.


4. a. Explain working with the OpenSSL command line.

b. Explain digital Signatures.
5. a. How asymmetric cryptography is used in blockchain?
b. Explain the terms : public key and private key.


6. a. Explain various interactive picture construction techniques.

b. Describe Bitcoin. Explain how Bitcoin works?

7. Explain the limitation of blockchain?
8. How to pay with Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash?
9. a. Describe wallets.
b. Describe Bitcoin mining.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

Lab Cycle

Simple Programs

1. Write a program using print Pascal triangle.

2. Write a program to find out the roots of the quadratic equations.
3. Write a program to display the Fibonacci series using generators.
4. Write a program to check the given number is palindrome or not.
5. Write a program to find the sum of digits of a given number
1 2 4 8
6. Write a Python program to calculate X¿ + + +
2! 4 ! 8 ! 16 !
7. Write a Python program to remove the punctuations from a string.
8. Write a Python program to implement the simple calculator.
9. Write a Python program to print the lower and upper triangles of a
10.Write a Python program to merge two mails.

1. Write a recursive Python function that has a parameter representing a list of integers
and returns the maximum stored in the list.
2. Write a recursive Python function to that generates the top 20 even prime numbers in
the range 1 to 1000.
3. Write a python function to calculate the multiplication of two matrices.
4. Write a Python function to reverse the given string.
5. Write a Python function that takes an integer n and a character c, returns a string and
displays as “xxxxx” ( Ex: the length of the retuned string is 5, then the output as XXXXX)
6. Write Python function that the search the given number in the list of numbers by using
binary search.
7. Write a Python function to convert the given decimal number into binary number by
using recursion.
8. Write a Python function to sort the list of records in a file.
GUI Programs
1. Construct a GUI application to generate the employee pay slip
2. Construct a GUI application to generate a Bar Graph for a excel data
3. Construct a GUI application to perform the Arithmetic operations
 Read Input Values through input window
 Choose choice and Operation through following windows

Choice Operations
1. Integer 1. Addition
Arithmetic 2. Subtractio
2. Real n
Arithmetic 256
3. Multiplica
 Display the result in Message Box.

Instruction: 6 periods / week Credits: 3
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

Lab Cycle


10) Develop an application which is similar to “Notepad” using menus.

11) (a) Develop an application for facilitating purchasing order which will look like as shown
below :

(b) Develop an application for billing system in coffee shops

which will look like as shown below :

12) (a)Develop an application which is similar to login form including the progress bar controls.

(b) Develop an application for fruits billing system which will look
like as shown below :

13) Develop an application which is helpful for calculating the insurance.

14) (a) Develop an application using font dialog control

(b) Develop an application using color dialog control

15) Develop an application to display the file selected by the user in a web browser control.

16) Develop an application using the data reader to read from a database.


17) Design an application for dynamically populating a checkbox list.

18) Develop an application for selecting a single day in the calendar control.

10) Design an application by using the new scroll bar feature

with the panel server control.

11) Design an application with simple bulleted list control.

12) Design an application for uploading files using new file

upload control.

13)Design an application for building a form in the wizard control.

30) Design an application by using the compare validator to test values against control values.

31) Design an application using the images, sounds for error notifications.

32) Design an application using the grid view control in an ASP.Net web page.

33) Design an application for adding an insert command to the sql data source control.

34) Design a web site using the concept of master pages.


35) Develop a project for performing arithmetic, relational,

logical operations.
36) Develop a project for demonstrating polymorphism,
37) Develop a project for demonstrating switch statements.
38) Develop a project for implementing inheritance using abstract
39) Develop a project for implementing interfaces using multiple
40) Create a form that is the main window of a program using
window class.
41) Create a form that is the main window with button program.
42) Create a form that is the main window of a program using the
standard controls.
43) Create a form which displays the given inputs in the form of
a tree view structure.
44) Develop a project for implementing exception handling in C#.
45) Develop a project which displays the student information in
the relevant fields from the database which already exists.

MCS 308 : Seminar

No. of Int. Ext. Total Hours/
Sub Code Name of the Subject Credits Marks Marks Marks Week
MCS 401 Data Mining And Big Data 5 30 70 100 4
MCS Internet of Things 5 30 70 100 4
402.1 / Cloud Computing
MCS Machine Learning 4 30 70 100 4
403.1 /Mobile Computing with Android
/ 403.2
MCS 404 Soft Skills 1 50 -- 50 3
MCS 405 Project 10 20 80 100 20
TOTAL 25 160 290 450 35

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. understand classical models and algorithms in data warehousing and data mining,
2. enable students to analyse the data, identify the problems, and choose the relevant
models and algorithms to apply,
3. assess the strengths and weaknesses of various methods and algorithms and to analyse
their behaviour.
4. conceptualization and summarization of big data, big data computing technologies.

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. learn implementation of classical algorithms in data mining and data warehousing
2. learn to identify the application area of algorithms, and apply them
3. learn clustering application and resent works in data mining
4. Ability to identify the characteristics of datasets and compare the trivial data and big data
for various applications

Unit – I

Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology: An Overview: What is Data Warehouse? - A

Multidimensional Data Model - Data warehouse Architecture - From Data Warehousing to Data

Data mining – Introduction, Data mining on what kind of data , Data mining functionalities
classification of Data mining systems, Major issues in Data mining

Unit – II
Mining Association rules in large databases - Association rule mining, Mining single-Dimensional
Boolean association rules from Transactional databases, Mining multi-Dimensional Association rules
from relational Databases and Data Warehouses

Classification and Prediction - Introduction classification by decision tree induction, Bayesian

Classification. Other classification methods, classification by back propagation, Prediction, classifier

Unit – III

Cluster analysis – Introduction types of data in cluster analysis a categorization of major clustering
methods portioning methods, hierarchical methods, Density based methods,: DBSCAN, Grid-based
method : STRING , Model based clustering method: Statistical Approach, outlier analysis.

Unit – IV

Big Data: Introduction – distributed file system – Big Data and its importance, Four Vs, Drivers for Big
data, Big data analytics, Big data applications.

Hadoop: Hadoop Architecture, Hadoop Storage: HDFS, Common Hadoop Shell commands, Anatomy
of File Write and Read., Hadoop MapReduce paradigm. Writing Hadoop MapReduce Programs

Prescribed TextBooks:

1. Jiawei Han Micheline Kamber, “Data mining & Techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann publishers
2. Boris lublinsky, Kevin t. Smith, Alexey Yakubovich, “Professional Hadoop Solutions”, Wiley, ISBN:
9788126551071, 2015.
3. Chris Eaton, Dirk deroos et al. , “Understanding Big data ”, McGraw Hill, 2012.
4. Tom White, “HADOOP: The definitive Guide” , O Reilly 2012.

Model Paper

MCS 401 : Data Mining and Big Data

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a) Mention different OLAP operations

b) Define Data Mining
c) Explain in brief “Association Rule Mining”
d) What is Prediction?
e) Name the two data structures used in cluster analysis
f) define primary and secondary name nodes.
g) explain file read and write commands in hadoop


2. a) What are the different data partitioning techniques and explain the importance of data
b) What is ETL Process and explain the ETL Architecture
3. a) Explain the major issues in data mining
b) Explain data mining as a step in the process of knowledge discovery

4. a) How can we mine multilevel Association rules efficiently using concept hierarchies?
b) Explain Apriori algorithm with example and how the efficiency of Apriori algorithm can be
5. a) Write a brief on classification of data mining systems
b) Can we design a method that mines the complete set of frequent item sets without
candidate generation? If yes, explain with example.


6. a) Explain different grid-based clustering methods

b) What are the typical requirements of clustering in data mining? Explain
7. Write algorithms for k-Means and k-Medoids and explain how they work with example.
8. a) What is Bigdata? and discuss in detail why big data is more important with real time
b) Discuss Bigdata in terms of three dimensions, volume, variety and velocity

9. a) Discuss the design of Hadoop distributed file system and concept in detail
b) Explain in detail about map-reduce in detail and discuss partitioning and combining



Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
1. To introduce the concept of IoT
2. To introduce the concept of M2M
3. To understand the logical design
4. To make them familiar with IoT devices, endpoints and designing

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. Familiarized with IoT Terminology.
2. Understand the concept of IoT
3. Understand various IoT protocols
4. Gain knowledge about the domain of IoT in real time


Unit – I
Introduction to Internet of Things, Introduction, physical design, logical design, IoT enabled
technologies, IoT levels & deployment templates. Domain specific IoTs, Introduction, home
automation, cities, environment, energy, retial, logistics, agriculture, Industry and health & lifestyle.

Unit – II
IoT and M2M, Introduction, M2M, difference between IoT and M2M, SDN and NFV for IoT, IoT
system management with NETCONF-YANG, need for IoT systems management, SNMP, network
operator requirements, NETCONF,YANG.

Unit – III
IoT platforms design methodology, Introduction, IoT design methodology, case study, motivation for
using Python. IoT Systems – Logical design using python, introduction, python data types and
structures, control flow, functions, modules, packages, file handling, date/time operations, classes
and packages.

Unit – IV
IoT physical Devices and endpoints, IoT devices, Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi interfaces, programming
Raspberry Pi with Python. Case Studies Illustrating IoT Design, home automation, cities, environment
and agriculture & productivity applications.

Prescribe Book
Internet of Things – A Hands-On Approach, Arsdeep Bahga & Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press

Reference Books
The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases, Pethuru Raj and Anupama
C. Raman, CRC Press.
Iot Fundamentals : Networking Technologies, Protocols and Use Cases for the Internet of Things ,
David, Hanes & Salgueiro Gonzalo, Pearson

Model Paper

MCS 402.1 : Internet of Things

Time: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7x

02 = 14 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4x
14 = 56 M

1. Define these terms

i) Internet of Things
j) IoT Levels
k) SDN
l) M2M
m) Python Functions
n) IoT Devices
o) Applications of IoT
p) Process specification


2. a. Explain physical design of Internet of Things?

b. Describe communication models of IoT

3. Discuss about three major application area of IoT.


4. a. Differentiate IoT amd M2M.

b. Explain IoT system management with NETCONF-YANG.

5. a. Explain SMNP?
b. Discuss about network operator requirements.


6. a. Explain domain model specification?

b. Discuss about operational view specificaton?

7. Explain python data types, classes and packages.

8. a. Explain Raspberry Pi board.
b. Explain Raspberry Pi Interfaces.

9. Design an IoT for Home automation and agriculture.


Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 5
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. The student will learn about the cloud environment, building software systems and
components that scale to millions of users in modern internet
2. cloud concepts capabilities across the various cloud service models including
3. developing cloud based software applications on top of cloud platforms.

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
1. Understanding the key dimensions of the challenge of Cloud Computing
2. Assessment of the economics , financial, and technological implications for selecting cloud
computing for own organization



Introduction: Cloud computing at a glance, Historical Developments, Building Cloud

Computing Environments, Computing Platforms and Technologies.

Principles of Parallel and Distributed Computing: Eras of Computing, Parallel Vs Distributed

computing, Elements of Parallel Computing, Elements of Distributed Computing,
Technologies for Distributed Computing.

Virtualization: Introduction, Characteristics of Virtualized Environments, Taxonomy of

Virtualization Techniques, Virtualization and Cloud Computing, Pros and Cons of
Virtualization, Technology Examples.


Cloud Computing Architecture: Introduction, Cloud reference model, Types of clouds,
Economics of the cloud, open challenges.

Aneka: Cloud Application Platform: Framework Overview, Anatomy of the Aneka Container,
Building Aneka Clouds, Cloud programming and Management.

Concurrent Computing: Thread Programming : Introducing Parallelism for Single machine

Computation, Programming Application with Threads, Multithreading with Aneka,
Programming Applications with Aneka Threads.


High- Throughput Computing: Task Programming: Task Computing, Task-based Application

Models, Aneka Task-Based Programming.

Data Intensive Computing: Map-Reduce Programming: What is Data-Intensive Computing,

Technologies for Data-Intensive Computing, Aneka MapReduce Programming.


Cloud Platforms in Industry: Amazon Web Services, Google AppEngine, Microsoft Azure,

Cloud Applications: Scientific Applications, Business and Consumer Applications.

Advanced Topics in Cloud Computing: Energy Efficiency in Clouds, Market Based

Management of Clouds , Federated Clouds/ InterCloud, Third Party Cloud Services.

Prescribed Book:

Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola, S.Thamarai Selvi, "Mastering Cloud Computing", Mc

Graw Hill Education.


4. Michael Miller, “Cloud Computing”, Pearson Education, New

5. Haley Beard, Cloud Computing Best Practices for Managing and MeasuringProcesses
for On-demand Computing, Applications and Data Centers in theCloud with SLAs,
Emereo Pty Limited, July 2008.
6. Cloud Application Architectures, George Reese, ISBN: 8184047142,Shroff/O' Reilly,

Model Paper

MCA 402.2: Cloud Computing

Time: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

a) What is Service-Oriented Computing?
b) Define a Distributed System?
c) Give an example for full virtualization and brief about it.
d) What is a hybrid cloud?
e) Scalability
f) Give two examples of cloud applications in CRM and ERP.
g) What is a MOCC?


2. Discuss about the historic developments from early computing to the contemporary
cloud computing.

3. a) What are characteristics of Virtualization?
b) Discuss about Machine Reference Model.


4. a)Discuss about the cloud architecture.

b) What are different types of clouds? Explain.

5. a) Explain about Aneka Framework overview.

b) Discuss about Aneka SDK.


6. a)What is Task computing and what are its frame works?

b)Discuss about Task based application models.
7. a) What is Data Intensive Computing? Explain about its characteristics.
b) What are the technologies required for Data Intensive computing? Explain about them.


8. Discuss about Amazon Web Services.

9.Give a reference model for MOCC. What are the technologies for MOCC?

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:
5. To introduce to the students the basic concepts and fundamentals of machine
6. To develop skills of implementing machine learning techniques
7. To familiarize the students with latest technologies
8. To implement machine learning solutions to classification, regression and clusteing

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:
5. Students possess ability to select and implement machine learning techniques
6. To recognize and implement various ways of selecting suitable model parameters for
different machine learning techniques
7. Ability to integrate machine learning libraries and mathematical and statistical tools
with modern technologies.
8. Ability to select and implement machine learning techniques and computing
environment that are suitable for the applications under consideration.


Introduction - Well-posed learning problems, Designing a learning system, Perspectives and
issuesin machine learning
Concept learning and the General to Specific Ordering – Introduction, A concept learning
task, Concept learning as search, Find-S: finding a maximally specific hypothesis, Version
spaces and the Candidate-Elimination algorithm, Remarks on version spaces and Candidate-
Elimination, Inductive Bias
Decision Tree learning – Introduction, Decision tree representation, Appropriate problems
for decision tree learning, The basic decision tree learning algorithm, Hypothesis space
search in decision tree learning, Inductive bias in decision tree learning, Issues in decision
tree learning
Evaluation Hypotheses – Motivation, Estimation hypothesis accuracy, Basics of sampling
theory, A general approach for deriving confidence intervals, Difference in error of two
hypotheses, Comparing learning algorithms
Bayesian learning – Introduction, Bayes theorem, Bayes theorem and concept learning,
Maximum likelihood and least squared error hypotheses, Maximum likelihood hypotheses
for predicting probabilities, Minimum description length principle, Bayes optimal classifier,

Gibbs algorithm, Naïve Bayes classifier, An example learning to classify text, Bayesian belief
networks The EM algorithm
Bayesian learning – Introduction, Bayes theorem, Bayes theorem and concept learning,
Maximum likelihood and least squared error hypotheses, Maximum likelihood hypotheses
for predicting probabilities, Minimum description length principle, Bayes optimal classifier,
Gibbs algorithm, Naïve Bayes classifier, An Example: learning to classify text, Bayesian belief
networks, The EM algorithm
Computational learning theory – Introduction, Probability Learning an Approximately
Correct Hypothesis, Sample Complexity for Finite Hypothesis Space, Sample Complexity for
infinite Hypothesis Spaces, The Mistake Bound Model of Learning
Instance-Based Learning- Introduction, k -Nearest Neighbour Learning, Locally Weighted
Regression, Radial Basis Functions, Case-Based Reasoning, Remarks on Lazy and Eager
Unit- IV
Genetic Algorithms – Motivation, Genetic Algorithms, An illustrative Example, Hypothesis
SpaceSearch, Genetic Programming, Models of Evolution and Learning, Parallelizing Genetic
Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning – Motivation, Inductive-Analytical Approaches
to Learning, Using Prior Knowledge to Initialize the Hypothesis, Using Prior Knowledge to
Alter the Search Objective, Using Prior Knowledge to Augment Search Operators
Reinforcement Learning – Introduction, The Learning Task, Q Learning, Non-Deterministic,
Rewards and Actions, Temporal Difference Learning, Generalizing from Examples,
Relationship to Dynamic Programming

Machine Learning – Tom M. Mitchell, - MGH

3. Introduction to Machine Learning,- Ethem Alpaydin, - PHI

2. Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, Stephen Marsland, Taylor & Francis

Model Paper
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. a) Write the issues of machine learning.

b) What is an unbiased learner?
c) Define Hypothesis space search
d) What is sampling theory?
e) Write about Bayes optimal classifier
f) What is regression?
g) What is the use of genetic algorithm?
h) Write about temporal difference learning

2 a. What is Machine Learning? Explain different perspective and issues in machine learning.
b. Describe the Find-s algorithm. Explain how to find a maximally specific hypothesis.
3 a. List and explain the steps to design a learning systems in detail.
b. Illustrate the candidate elimination algorithm with suitable example.

4 a. Describe the Inductive Bias in decision tree learning.
b. Write about handling training examples with missing attribute values.
5 a. Explain about estimating hypothesis accuracy.
b. Write a note on practical considerations in comparing learning algorithms

6 a. Write Bayes theorem. What is the relationship between Bayes theorem and the
of concept learning?
b. Explain Maximum Likelihood Hypothesis for predicting probabilities.
7 a. Explain Naïve Bayes Classifier with an Example.
b. Explain the EM Algorithm in detail. (08 Marks.)

8 a. Define the following terms
i) Error of a Hypothesis. ii) Optimal Mistake Bounds iii) Weighted-Majority Algorithm
b. Explain about sample complexity for finite hypothesis spaces
9.a. Explain the K – nearest neighbour algorithm for approximating a discrete – valued
function with pseudo code
b. Write about locally weighted regression.

Instruction: 4 periods / week Credits: 4
Internal : University Exam: Total :
30 marks 70 marks 100 Marks

The course is designed to meet the objectives of:

1. To introduce the concept of mobile android

2. To introduce the concept of different views of android.
3. To understand the designing aspects of android mobiles
4. To make them familiar with SMS, email, service, binding and deploying APks.

Students successfully completing this module will be able to:

1. Familiarized with mobile android Terminology.

2. Understand and building interfaces
3. Understand and creating menus
4. Gain knowledge about the publishing, deploying APK files and Eclipse.
Unit – I

What is Android? Features of Android, Architecture of Android, Eclipse, Android SDK, ADT,
Creating Android virtual devices, Creating Application and Anatomy application.
Understanding Activities – Applying styles and themes to activity, hiding the activity title,
displaying a dialog window, displaying a progress dialog. Linking Activities using intents.
Calling built-in applications using intents.

Unit – II

Understand the components of a screen, Adapting to display orientation, managing changes

to screen orientation, creating the user interface programmatically, listening for UI
notifications. Basic views, pickers views, list views. Using images views to display pictures,
using menus with views and some additional views.

Unit – III

User preferences, persisting data to files, creating and using databases, sharing data in
android, using a content provider, creating your own content provider, SMS messaging, e-
mails and networking.

Unit – IV

Creating own services, communicating between a service and an activity, binding activities
to services, publishing, deploying APF files and eclipse.

Prescribe Book
Beginning Android 4 Application Development, Wei-MengLee, Wiley
Reference Books
Professional Android 4 Application Development, Reto Meier, Wiley India, (Wrox).

Model Paper

MCS 403.2 Mobile Computing with Android

Time : 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 70

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 7 x 2 = 14 M

Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 14 = 56 M

1. Define the terms

a. Android
b. Intent Filter
c. Persist Activity State
d. Import
e. Options menu
f. Sharing data in android
g. Service
h. Package Explorer

Unit – I
2. a. Explain features of android?
b. What are the tools for android application development? Explain them.
3. a. What are the languages used to develop android applications?
b. Discuss about passing data to an activity.

Unit –II
4. a. Describe linear, table and frame layouts.
b. Explain different orientations?
5. Explain the working of radio button and checkbox?

Unit – III
6. Create a DBA helper class. Explain it with an example.
7. a. Discuss about projections, filtering and sorting in content provider?
b. Explain how to insert and delete records into and from a content provider.

Unit –IV
8. Explain how to create a service in the background?
9. a. Write about the feature of eclipse.
b. How to publish an android application.

Instruction: 3 periods / week Credits: 1
Internal : -- Total :
50 marks 50 Marks

Prescribed Books :

1. Wallace, Masters, “Personality Development”, Cengage Learning (2008)

2. Edgar Thorpe, Showick Thorpe, “Winning at Interviews”, Second Edition, Pearson
Education (2007)

Reference Books :

1. Peter Urs Bender, Dr. Robert A. Tracz, “Secrets of Face to Face Communication”,
Macmillan (2007)
2. Deepika Nelson, “Essential Key for Corporate Threshold”, BS Publications (2008)

MCS 405 : Project


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