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Philippine Politics and Governance

Understanding Governance
Understanding Governance

In this lesson, the teacher provides a practical introduction in

the study of governance and development to analyze an array of
definitions and meaning of the concept of governance. Later on, the
students will be asked to crystallize their own notion of governance
and how it may be applied in the real world settings.

At the end of this module , you are able to :

 Explain the meaning of governance and how it differs from gov-


 Identify and enumerate the characteristics of good governance

 Present some examples of best practices in good governance

In doing this module, please

follow these reminders…
1. Take the pretest before
working or answering the
2. Perform the activities as
3. Answer all the exercises.
4. Check your answers
against the Key to Correc-

Directions: Before we proceed with the lesson, let us test
your prior knowledge on governance. Select the correct answer
by encircling the letter of your choice.

1. What is Governance?
A. it is the manner of stirring a group of people or a state.
B. governance is the complex process whereby some sectors
of the society wield power, enact and promulgate policies
which directly affect human, economic and social develop
C. it came from the Greek word gubernare which means to stir.
D .all of the above

2. Is our today’s notion of politics similar to that of Aristotle?

A. Yes, because we believe that politics is a human endeavor
that does not have anything to do with ethics.
B. No, because while our notion of politics is detached from
ethics, Aristotelian politics is intimately intertwined with
C. Yes, because like in the classical Aristotelian political
theory, our notion of politics today involves the mutual
dependency of laborers or slaves and their masters.
D. No, because unlike Aristotle which supports the value of
women, today’s politics is almost always about men only.

3.It is the complex process where some sectors of the society

wield power, and enact and promulgate public policies which di-
rectly affect man’s socio-economic life.
A. government B. good governance
C. governance D. none of the choices

4. The following choices below are the characteristic of good gov-

ernance except ONE.
A. authority B. transparency
C. participation D. responsiveness

5. Which of the following is not a pressing political issue?
A. population explosion
B. massive poverty and unemployment
C. environmental degradation
D. spiritual salvation

6. Ferdinand and Corazon are advocates of good governance; they

believe that being a leader, one must take full responsibility in en-
suring all agencies must function to serve its citizen. Based from
the statement, which characteristic of good governance is being
A. transparency B. rule of law
C. participation D. accountability

7.According to advocates of equality, how is it “self-evident” that

people are equal?
A. adults in some communities have an equal voice in affairs of
the state
B. any just government should not treat people differently in its
laws based on age or wealth
C. any non-mammal is inferior to any human being
D. none of the above

8. The Philippine government plays a large role in the country be-

cause its functions greatly affect citizens ___________.
A. daily lives B. economic activities
C. human rights D. all of the choices are correct

9. Governance came from the Greek word “kubernaein,” which

means “to steer.”
A. true B. false C. partially true D. partially false

10. Governance and government are equally the same.

A. True B. False C. partially true D. partially false

Individual Activity: Government in Action

Directions: Read the article below and answer the question that

Meaning of Governance

I n most dictionaries “government” and “governance” are

interchangeably used, both denoting the exercise of authority
in an organization, institution or state. Governance is a broader
term than government. Government can therefore be seen as one
of the institutions in governance; it is possible to have governance
without government. (Heywood, 1997)

The word “governance” came from the Latin verb “gubernare,” or

more originally from the Greek word
“kubernaein,” which means “to steer.”
Basing on its etymology, governance
refers to the manner of steering or
governing, or of directing and controlling,
a group of people or a state. The study of
governance is generally attuned to the
Photo credit to concept of democracy, and on how the

government and the civil society arrive at a decision in meeting

their needs.

To further widens our understanding of governance we are going

to cite some meanings of governance from different experts in the
field of administration and prominent institutions.

1. According to Asian Development Bank, governance is the

manner in which power is exercised in the management of a
country’s social and economic resources for development.

2. In governance, citizens are rightly concerned with a

government’s responsiveness to their needs and protection of
their rights. (The USAID, Office of Democracy & Governance )

3. The process of decision-making and the process by which
decisions are implemented (or not implemented). Governance can
be used in several contexts such as corporate governance,
international governance, national governance and local
governance. (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia
and the Pacific )
4. Governance is not the sole domain of government but transcends
government to encompass the business sector and the civil society.
(NEDA 2006)
5. The Institute on Governance defines governance as the process
whereby societies or organizations make their important decisions,
determine who has voice, who is engaged in the process and how
account is rendered. (IOG, 2006)
Simply put "governance" means: the
process of decision-making and the
process by which decisions are
implemented. Governance can be used in
several contexts such as corporate
governance, international governance,
national governance and local

Governance vs. Government

 Governance includes three sectors: the public sector (state
actors and institutions), the private sector (households and
companies), and the civil society (non-governmental
organizations). These three sectors are said to work hand in
hand in the process of governance. In other words governance
is broader than government because other sectors are included
in it.

 Government refers to a central institution which wields power
over its subjects. It is the instrument patterned after the model
of “command and control,” the government being in command
over the affairs of the people. On the other hand, governance is
closely associated with the concept of decentralization of power
and the need for inter-sectoral management.
 In traditional term, government rules and controls, but in
governance, it orchestrates and manages. To govern should
now mean to facilitate or regulate, not to dominate or command.

What is Good Governance???

W e can apply our minds to the definition of governance

provided by the World Bank in Governance: The World
Banks Experience, as it has special relevance for the
developing world:
“Good governance is epitomized by predictable, open and
enlightened policy-making, a bureaucracy imbued with a
professional ethos acting in furtherance of the public good, the rule
of law, transparent processes, and a strong civil society
participating in public affairs. Poor
governance (on the other hand) is
characterized by arbitrary policy
making, unaccountable bureaucracies,
unenforced or unjust legal systems, the
abuse of executive power, a civil
society unengaged in public life, and
widespread corruption."

The Characteristics of Good Governance

U nited Nations Development Programme set stand-

ards for good governance. Good governance has 8
major characteristics. These are participatory, consensus ori-
ented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and ef-
ficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law. It
assures that corruption is lessened, the views of minorities
are taken into account and the voices of the most vulnerable
in society are heard in law-making.


Rule of Law
 Good governance requires fair legal
frameworks that are enforced impartially.
It also requires full protection of human
rights, particularly those of minorities.
Impartial enforcement of laws requires an
independent judiciary and an impartial
and incorruptible police force. Credit to Clipart Station

Consensus oriented
 Good governance requires mediation of the different interests in
society to reach a broad consensus in society on what is in the
best interest of the whole community and how this can be

 Transparency means that de-
cisions taken and their en-
forcement are done in a man-
ner that follows rules and reg-
ulations. It also means that
information is freely available
and directly accessible to
those who will be affected by Credit to
such decisions and their enforcement. It also means that
enough information is provided and that it is provided in easily
understandable forms and media.

Effectiveness and efficiency

 It means that processes and institutions produce results that
meet the needs of society while making the best use of re-
sources at their disposal. The concept of efficiency in the con-
text of good governance also covers the sustainable use of nat-
ural resources and the protection of the environment.

 All men and women should have a
voice in decision-making, either directly
or through legitimate intermediate institu-
tions that represent their interests.

Photo credit to

Equity and inclusiveness

 All men and women have opportunities to improve or maintain
their well-being. This requires all groups, but particularly the
most vulnerable, have opportunities to improve or maintain their
well being.

 Institutions and processes try to serve all stakeholders. Good
governance requires that institutions and processes try to serve
all stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe.

 Accountability is a key requirement
of good governance. Not only gov-
ernmental institutions but also the
private sector and civil society or-
ganizations must be accountable to
the public and to their institutional
stakeholders. In general an organi-
zation or an institution is accounta-
ble to those who will be affected by
its decisions or actions.
Credit to Matrix Management Institute

Current State of Governance in the Philippines

T he Philippines also takes its share on issues on bad gov-

ernance. In 2010-2011, the Philippines ranked only
85th in the Global Competitive Index (GCI), lagging behind most
of its Southeast Asian
neighbors. The decline
of trust on the actors of
governance and the
consequential poor
economic condition
were brought about by
the systemic corruption
among and between
public officials and pri-
vate organizations. Photo credit to project accelerator News

In 2013, it ranked 94th among 177 countries in the Corruption

Perception Index. Among the key institutions in the Philippines
perceived to be most corrupt based on the Global Corruption In-
dex are “political parties,” “judiciary,” “police,” “public officials and
civil servants,” and “legislature.”
This means all branches of the Philippine government are now

A s perceived and experienced by the common Filipino
masses, the foremost indicators of bad governance in the
Philippines are the unending cycle of poverty, the huge gap be-
tween the rich and the poor, the deep-seated tradition of corrup-
tion, mistrust on formal government institutions, yawning cynicism
on the true motive of political actions, instability of the economic
environment, constant threats to the authority of the established
government, and questions on accountability and transparency.
These are the usual content of everyday broadcast media, so
common that there perceived to be the normal state of affairs in
the Philippines.

B ad governance is the root cause of all evils. It is what pre-

vents the Philippines from achieving its Millennium Devel-
opment Goals. While the Philippines has already created “islands
of good governance "in some national agencies and local govern-
ment units, its overall state is still miserable.

Credit to www. shutterstock ID: 1014533971

From the above discussion it should be clear that good governance
is an ideal which is difficult to achieve in its totality. Very few
countries and societies have come close to achieving good
governance in its totality. However, to ensure sustainable human
development, actions must be taken to work towards this ideal with
the aim of making it a reality.
It is clear that the concept of governance has over the years gained
momentum and a wider meaning. Apart from being an instrument of
public affairs management, or a gauge of political development,
governance has become a useful mechanism to enhance the
legitimacy of the public realm. It has also become an analytical
framework or approach to comparative politics.
Good governance creates a strong future for an organization by
continuously steering towards a vision and making sure that day-to-
day management is always lined up with the organization’s goals.
At its core, governance is about leadership.

Photo credit to WMNF

ACTIVITY #1: Measuring Our Nations Success
Directions: Analyze the graph below and answer the questions that

1. Based from the graph presented in the previous page, what can
you conclude in terms of the status of governance by our officials in
2. What do u think are the factors that led to the improvement of
the Philippines in the global competitiveness ranking?
3. Pretending that you are one of the top advisers of the President,
what can you recommend to him to further improve the
performance of government in a governance processes?

Well done! On
the next page,
you will learn

ACTIVITY #2 Picture Perfect!
Directions: Cut pictures from old newspapers and magazines
showcasing the significance of good governance. Paste the
pictures in the frames provided.

ACTIVITY # 3 Your Opinion Matters...
Directions: Create your own title and interpret the image presented
in 3 –5 sentences.

Title: _____________________

Directions: Let us find out how much you learned. Encircle the
letter of the correct answer .
1. What is social justice?
A. Giving equal opportunity to all, rich and poor alike.
B. Giving preferential attention to the less fortunate.
C. Eradicating poverty through the abolition of private property
D. Getting some from the rich and giving the same to the poor.

2. A government may be classified as a good government if it

meets which of the following criteria:
A. responsiveness B. participation
C. transparency D. all are correct

3.An example of transparent government is a government that:

A. allows the public a chance to participate in an informed
manner in political life
B. responds to criticisms
C. ensures that public policies achieve their goals
D. includes all sectors of society in the decision making process

4. The Philippine government plays a large role in the country

because its functions greatly affect citizens ___________.
A. daily lives B. economic activities
C. human rights D. all of the choices are correct

5.All men and women have opportunities to improve or maintain

their well-being. This characteristic refers to:
A. responsiveness B. participation
C. equity and inclusiveness D. consensus oriented

6. Governance includes these sectors except one.
A. private sector B. civil society
C. public sector D. environmental sector
7. Governance has a broader area than government. Govern-
ance and government are the same.
A. both statements are TRUE
B. both statements are FALSE
C. only the first statement is FALSE
D. only the first statement is TRUE
8. Which of the following is NOT an importance of studying poli-
tics and governance?
A. it teaches every citizen of his rights and obligations to his
B. it promotes sense of nationalism
C. it promotes taking advantage of the government for vested
D. it helps us be aware of the different socio-political issues
surrounding our society
9. Government rules and controls, but in governance, it orches-
trates and manages.
A. true B. false C. partially true D. partially false

10.Good governance is an ideal which is difficult to achieve in its

totality. Very few countries and societies have come close to
achieving good governance in its totality.
A. true B. false C. partially true D. partially false

You can check your

answers in the

1. B
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. B
Post test
1. B 9. A
2. D 10. A
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. C

Answer to ACTIVITY # 1
1. An overall improvement in the governance especially in the
economic sector has led to a recovery in the Philippines' glob-
al competitiveness rank. The country rose to the 46th in the
2019 World Competitiveness Ranking, a partial, four point
recovery after dropping nine places to the 50th spot last year.
2. The Philippines recovered in all main four factors used to as-
sess it's competitiveness — economic performance, govern-
ment efficiency, business efficiency and infrastructure. These
factors are part of the characteristics of good governance."
Infrastructure sub-factor shows how important programs such
as the ‘Build Build Build’ and Public-Private Partnerships.
3. If I am one of the political advisers of the President, I would
recommend him that in order to improve good governance
the Philippines should increase investments in infrastructure
and human capital, prepare for automation, strengthen gov-
ernment institutions, and mitigate political uncertainties.
Activity #3
Cartoon Analysis
Title: Governance for the People
Good governance stems from a set of favorable political condi-
tions in which people have the right to vote, exercise oversight
and seek redress from politicians and officials. The real test of
good governance is when citizens feel secure and trust govern-
ments to conduct public affairs in the best interests of society as
a whole rather than for the privileged few.

Rubric for Activity #2
The output will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Criteria Points

Concept relatedness 20

Creativity 15

Workmanship 15

Total 50

Corpuz,R.M., Tabotabo,C.V.,& Mellejor,L.W.
(2012).Philippine History with Politics and Govern
ance. Philppines. MindshapeCo.,Inc.
Domingo, Ma. Olivia Z. Third Sector Governance: Mean
ings, Issues, and Challenges in the Philippines, .
National College of Public Administration and
Governance, University of the Philippines.
Introduction to Politics. (2014). Retrieved from https://
Understanding the Concepts of Governance. Retrieved
from (

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Dagupan City National High School—Senior High School


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