Guide To JCT Minor Works Building Contract 2016
Guide To JCT Minor Works Building Contract 2016
Guide To JCT Minor Works Building Contract 2016
JCT Minor
Building Contract 2016
JCT Minor Works Building Contract (MW)
Sarah Lupton
While every effort has been made to check the accuracy and quality
of the information given in this publication, neither the Author nor the
Publisher accept any responsibility for the subsequent use of this
information, for any errors or omissions that it may contain, or for any
misunderstandings arising from it.
The Minor Works Building Contract is by far the most widely used standard form of building
contract and plays a vitally important part in the procurement of small-scale building
projects. The 2016 edition of the Minor Works Building Contract comes in two versions:
one that includes provision for the contractor to carry out some of the design, and one
that does not. While this new edition employs the familiar logical layout, clear format and
simplicity, its attractive brevity means it is inevitably more dependent upon implied terms
than some other JCT contracts. For example, the procedural rules are minimal and, for
those unfamiliar with contract administration and law, this may raise questions.
Sarah Lupton’s new Guide to MW16, which follows on from her excellent Guide to MW11,
offers comprehensive guidance and does so in language that is easily understood.
Organised by themes, the book is a straightforward analysis of the contract in the
light of today’s legal and practice landscape, referring to recent case law and clearly
distinguishing that guidance which applies only to the With Contractor’s Design version.
The hard-pressed practitioner also will find the Guide helpful as it outlines the changes
from the 2011 edition. Practitioners will be particularly pleased to see the useful indexes
and will doubtless come to depend on being able to dip quickly into the book for specific
help during the course of a project.
I would thoroughly recommend the book to both architecture and other construction
students on the threshold of undertaking their professional examinations. The
comprehensive up-to-date coverage clearly and succinctly exposes the legal ramifications
of the contract. Sarah Lupton’s rare combination of being a legally trained architect who
also runs the MA in Professional Studies at Cardiff University makes this book the ideal
student companion.
Professor Sarah Lupton MA, DipArch, LLM, RIBA, CArb is a partner in Lupton Stellakis
and directs the MA in Professional Studies at the Welsh School of Architecture. She is
dual qualified as an architect and as a lawyer. She lectures widely on subjects relating to
construction law, and is the author of many books including this series on JCT contracts,
the Guide to the RIBA Domestic and Concise Building Contracts, Which Contract? and
the 5th edition of Cornes and Lupton’s Design Liability in the Construction Industry.
She contributes regularly to the International Construction Law Review and acts as an
arbitrator, adjudicator and expert witness in construction disputes. Sarah is also chair of
the CIC’s Liability Panel and the CIC Liability Champion.
Foreword iii
Contents v
1 About MW16 1
Key features 1
Changes since MW11 3
Use in different situations 4
Use by domestic clients 6
Use by public bodies 7
Advising on MW16 8
Some general principles of contract law 11
Express terms 12
Implied terms 13
Exemption clauses 16
2 Documents 19
Tendering procedures 19
Contract documents 20
Health and safety documents 22
Use of documents 23
Interpretation, definitions 23
Priority of contract documents 24
Inconsistencies, errors or omissions 24
Custody and control of documents 25
Sub-contract documents 25
7 Certification 71
Interim payments 72
Value of work properly executed 73
Accepting defective work 74
Unfixed materials and goods 75
Payment procedure 77
Payment when no certificate is issued 77
Employer’s obligation to pay 79
Contractor’s position if the certificate is not paid 80
Contractor’s position if it disagrees with an amount certified 80
Certificates after practical completion 81
Final certificate 81
Conclusive effect of final certificate 83
9 Termination 91
Repudiation or termination 91
Termination by the employer 92
Insolvency of the contractor 94
Termination by the contractor 95
Termination by either party 96
10 Dispute resolution 97
Alternative dispute resolution 97
References 105
The JCT Minor Works Building Contract was first published in 1968, and since that date
it has been used extensively on small to medium-sized building projects. Its continuing
popularity derives from its relative shortness and simplicity, together with its long and
secure track record. It is undoubtedly an appropriate choice for smaller projects, where
the additional features of longer forms are not needed. Despite its reduced length, it still
includes a reasonable amount of flexibility, with the MWD version providing for contractor
design input, and the optional supplemental provisions allowing the user to add features
such as collaborative working, performance indicators and negotiation.
The 2016 edition will no doubt contribute to and maintain its popularity. The drafting has
been simplified and rationalised in several areas, including the certification provisions and
the clauses covering action following damage to the works. Insurance Option C has been
modified to allow for more flexible solutions to insurance where work is done to existing
buildings. In addition, provisions have been incorporated relating to fair payment, the
Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This makes
the contract an ideal choice for smaller public sector projects, such as enabling works
contracts, particularly in situations where it is intended that a JCT form may also be used
on a related, larger scheme.
The Guide assumes no prior knowledge of the form. After a general introduction setting
out key provisions and changes, it explains some basic legal concepts and key legislation
relevant to smaller projects. As the form is short, it is particularly important to understand
the legal framework within which it is set, as this will help to ensure it is used appropriately.
For example, MW16 complies with the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration
Act 1996, as amended by the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction
Act 2009. The provisions introduced by this legislation, which ensure the form can be
used on commercial projects, are identified and discussed in the Guide. However, these
provisions are not essential for contracts not covered by this Act, such as those with a
residential occupier. Therefore, where the form is being considered for use in this situation
the complex provisions and their implications should be explained carefully to the client
in advance of its selection.
The Guide examines the key issues that would be relevant to the contract administrator
and the parties to the contract: the programming and timing issues, quality and control
of the works, payment, insurance, termination and dispute resolution. It contains many
tables that might act as useful checklists for the practitioner and diagrams to clarify the
procedural sequences.
This Guide is intended as a clear and straightforward point of reference for those using
and studying the form, including those encountering the contract for the first time and
those needing regular reminders when actively engaged in administering a project.
1 About MW16
1.1 There are two versions of the Minor Works Building Contract 2016, one that includes
provision for the contractor to carry out design (the ‘Minor Works Building Contract with
contractor’s design’, MWD16) and one that does not (MW16). Apart from the provisions
relating to design, the two versions are identical and can be used by private clients and
public or local authorities alike. Therefore, although this guide refers to MW16 throughout,
the points made are equally applicable to both versions. Where matters relating to MWD16
only are covered, these are clearly distinguished.
1.2 Separate editions of the Minor Works Building Contract are published by the Scottish
Building Contract Committee (SBCC) for use in Scotland (at the time of writing the most
recent versions available are the Minor Works Building Contract 2011 and the Minor Works
Building Contract with contractor’s design 2013, although it is very likely these will be
updated to 2016 versions in the near future). The key differences in the Scottish versions
are the absence of the attestation, the inclusion of provisions for bills of quantities, an
additional Schedule for listing the contract documents and detailed guidance on ‘signing’
under Scottish law.
1.3 There are no separate supplements published for use with MW16. Provisions concerning
arbitration and fluctuations are included as Schedules 1 and 2 at the back of the form,
and Schedule 3 sets out eight optional supplemental provisions. The form also includes
guidance notes. The JCT publishes a Minor Works Sub-Contract with sub-contractor’s
design (MWSub/D16) for use with MWD16 where the sub-contractor is undertaking
design. The generic JCT Short Form of Sub-Contract (ShortSub16) would be suitable for
use alongside MW16, as would the JCT Sub-subcontract (SubSub16). The JCT has
helpfully published ‘Tracked Change’ versions of MW16 and MWD16 for those who wish
to see where changes have been made from the 2011 editions. In addition, various free
publications that may be very helpful are available to download from the JCT website,
such as user checklists.
Key features
1.4 MW16 is a traditional lump sum contract, relatively simple in its overall structure and with
few procedural rules. The contractor undertakes to carry out the work shown in the contract
documents identified in the first recital, by the completion date entered in the contract
particulars, in return for a contract sum entered in Article 2. There are provisions for varying
the work, together with mechanisms for adjusting the contract sum and the completion
date. In general terms, the contract assumes that all work is designed by the contract
administrator. Under the MWD16 version there is provision whereby design responsibility
can be assigned to the contractor for an identified part or parts of the works – termed the
‘Contractor’s Designed Portion’ (the ‘CDP’). Apart from this provision, the forms assume
that the contractor will have no design role.
1.6 The contractor takes full responsibility for ensuring that the standards set out in the
contract documents are achieved, and this includes direct responsibility for any sub-
contracted work. The form provides for domestic sub-contractors chosen by the contractor
subject to the written consent of the contract administrator. There is no provision by which
the contractor can be required to use a sub-contractor named or nominated by the
contract administrator. The guidance notes to the form indicate that a firm could be named
in the tender documents, or in an instruction in relation to a provisional sum, but also
explain that there are no terms that deal with the consequences of such naming. While it
may be possible to do this, there will always be some uncertainty as to the outcome, and
so risk to the employer. Therefore, if the ability to name a sub-contractor is crucial it may
be better to use another form (see Table 1.5).
1.7 The work to be undertaken will be in accordance with the contract documents, but will also
include varied or additional work subsequently instructed as provided for in the conditions.
The contract sum may be adjusted and is qualified by the wording ‘or such other sum as
becomes payable under this Contract’ (Article 2). The amount of work which is covered by
the contract sum should be described in exact terms in the contract documents. The work
is described in drawings and/or a specification and/or schedules of work and, where the
CDP is used, the employer must state its requirements for the design of that part (the
‘Employer’s Requirements’). If a BIM protocol is to be used, the JCT guidance notes
recommend that this is included in the employer’s requirements (for MWD16) or in the
contract documents (for MW16). The contractor prices the specification or work schedules
or provides a schedule of rates. Generally, if the description is inaccurate, any resulting
addition to the cost is borne by the employer. If the contractor has made an error in pricing,
however, then any shortfall will be borne by the contractor. The contract administrator has
wide powers to order variations to the works if required, and the contractor has a
corresponding right to be paid any additional costs that arise from such variations.
1.8 Interim payments are made to the contractor at monthly intervals (unless agreed otherwise)
following the issue of contract administrator’s certificates. In general terms, the certificates
will reflect the amount of work that has been properly completed up to the point of
valuation in accordance with the terms of the contract. None of these certificates are
conclusive evidence that the contractor has fulfilled its obligations under the contract.
There is no reference to the appointment of a quantity surveyor, and there are no functions
assigned to such a person in the conditions. The contract administrator therefore has a
significant role, which extends to the valuation of variations, the valuation of work executed
and the computation of the final sum due. The contract administrator and contractor are
required to ‘endeavour to agree’ on the price of a variation before the work is carried out;
if no agreement is reached these are valued by the contract administrator. If a quantity
surveyor is appointed by the employer, the quantity surveyor would act solely as adviser
to the contract administrator and employer and would have no active role under the form.
1.9 The form complies with the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act (HGCRA)
1996 (as amended by the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction
Act 2009). It also includes provisions aimed at ensuring it is appropriate for use by local
authorities. These are discussed below at paragraphs 1.39 and 1.19 respectively.
1.11 The key 2016 changes are set out in Table 1.1 and can be summarised as follows:
• incorporation and updating of provisions from the JCT Public Sector Supplement
relating to Fair Payment principles and transparency;
• clause 5.4C (works insurance) revised to allow parties to specify their own insurance
policy requirements.
1.13 The guidance notes included at the back of the form add that it is intended that a lump
sum offer will have been obtained at tender stage, based on documents sufficiently
detailed for the contractor to be able to price accurately without a bill of quantities. The
anticipated contract period should be such that full fluctuations provisions are not required
(in practice it would be appropriate for programmes of up to around 12 months’ duration).
JCT Practice Note 5 (series 2) stated that MW98 was ‘suitable for contracts up to the value
of £100,000 (2001 prices)’, but the subsequent versions of this Note – Deciding on the
Appropriate JCT Contract – have not set out any limits. It is generally recognised that it is
the nature of the project, rather than its value, that should be the deciding factor, and that
the form can be used successfully on larger projects provided they are straightforward.
1.14 The headnote makes it clear that the form is not suitable for use as a design and build
contract. In such cases, the JCT Design and Build Contract or the JCT Constructing
Excellence Contract would be the appropriate choice for larger projects. For smaller
projects, it may be possible to adapt one of the RIBA Building Contracts.
1.15 In the case of MWD16, however, the headnote adds that this version is suitable for projects
where the contractor is required to design discrete part(s) and the employer has had
detailed requirements prepared for that design. It is common that some parts of the
design are completed by the contractor or by specialist sub-contractors (this is sometimes
referred to as ‘traditional plus contractor design’), but if this is to take place, a suitable form
must be used: MWD16 would be suitable where the contractor’s design input is limited
to one or two simple and non-critical elements, as the provisions relating to contractor
design are quite brief. For example, there is no provision for requiring professional
indemnity insurance from the contractor. The procedures for the contractor to submit the
developing design are limited – the interval between submission of information and
starting the relevant work may be as little as seven days – and there is no system by which
the contract administrator can comment or require changes. If the design elements are
complex or critical, and/or such procedures are required, it may be better to use the JCT
Intermediate Building Contract with contractor’s design (ICD16), with its more detailed
CDP provisions, or, for smaller projects, the RIBA Building Contracts.
1.16 As noted above, MW16 does not contain any clauses whereby the employer can require
that the contractor uses a particular sub-contractor. If a firm is named in the tender
documents, and it is made clear that the contractor will accept full responsibility, the risk
to the employer is reduced, for example a delay caused by the firm should not give rise
to an extension of time. However, if the sub-contractor is introduced to the project after
tender, say by means of an instruction, the effects will be far less clear. It is important that
careful thought is given as to the motives for such naming. Usually, the reason for involving
a firm relates to a detailed design matter, where the consultant designers have sought
design input from a specialist company. However, the form does not expressly cater for
this type of arrangement, and does not provide for any design warranties. Should defects
later emerge, the employer, if it cannot claim against the specialist firm, and if the contractor
is arguing it is not liable, is very likely to hold the contract administrator responsible. Taken
together, it may be better to avoid naming, or to use a form that includes full provisions.
as ‘separate trades’). MW16 might be suitable for some of the larger work packages, but
thought should be given as to how all the separate contracts are to be co-ordinated. This
is not an easy task, and the apparent savings achieved by cutting out the main contractor’s
markup may be more than offset by the amount of time the client has to spend managing
the process, or by the additional fees charged by consultants if they undertake this role.
paragraph 1.45), it should be borne in mind that MW16 has not been drafted as a
consumer contract. While it includes the HGCRA 1996 provisions, it makes no reference
to the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations
2013, which give the consumer the right to cancel the contract within 14 days of signing
it. None of these issues mean that it cannot be used, but the provisions and their
implications should be explained carefully to the consumer, and it should not be
recommended or selected simply because this has been the usual practice of the client’s
advisers on smaller projects. The key duties and powers of the employer are set out in
Tables 1.2 and 1.3.
contracts, corrupt practices and bribery, and breach of the statutory requirements is a
ground for termination under clauses 6.6 and 6.10.3 of MW16. Furthermore, under
Supplemental Provision 8 the contractor must include similar provisions in any sub-contract.
1.20 MW16 is therefore an appropriate choice for smaller or more straightforward local authority
projects, such as for stripping out or site clearance work in preparation for a larger project
to be let on the JCT Standard Building Contract, or equivalent (reference to a framework
agreement is included in the sixth recital (seventh recital in MWD16), which may be
relevant to local authorities and public bodies). In some cases where projects have been
let on a ‘letter of intent’, it may have been far better had a JCT Minor Works contract been
used in the short term, while the parties finalised the terms for the main works.
Advising on MW16
1.21 One of the most striking characteristics of MW16 is its brevity, at least in comparison with
most other standard forms. Its popularity suggests that this apparent advantage is
appealing to many. However, the fact that the contract is silent on many matters can
create problems. The procedural rules are minimal, and there is little precise information
on the content, form and timing of notices, etc., leaving the parties to agree their own in
advance or to sort matters out as they proceed. The contract is also silent on the rights of
the parties should certain circumstances arise, many of which are quite common in
practice. This will not mean that the parties have no rights, as in many cases the courts
would imply a term into a contract to cover the particular situation.
1.22 Somewhat paradoxically, with MW16 there is a greater need to understand the general
principles of contract law, in particular the law relating to implied terms, than there is with
forms of contract that are longer and more sophisticated. Unfortunately, this fact is
sometimes not appreciated, and there have been notorious cases of architects mishandling
administration under the Agreement for Minor Building Works, often through failing to
understand the legal framework in which it operates. This chapter includes a short
summary of the principles of implied terms, which are referred to at several points in the
Guide. However, if complex issues arise, the contract administrator should be prepared to
take legal advice.
1.23 Before advising on whether or not to use MW16, the contract administrator needs to be
as aware of what is missing from the form as of what is included, and to consider whether
the absence of matters not expressly included might cause difficulties. For example: Is it
important to use certain sub-contractors or suppliers?; Will there be a design element in
some specialist sub-contract work which should be covered by a warranty?; Does the
employer intend to remain in occupation throughout the work, thereby involving the
contractor in some decanting and phased programming of the works? Consideration
should also be given to whether some or all of the Schedule 3 Supplemental Provisions
1 to 6 should be included: some may be helpful for most projects (e.g. collaborative
working) whereas others may be overly complex if the project is quite small (e.g.
performance indicators). If the employer is a local or public authority, its attention should
be draw to Supplemental Provisions 7 and 8.
1.24 It is often the case that minor building work will be commissioned by less experienced
clients for ‘once in a lifetime’ operations. Although the amounts of money involved may
be relatively small, to many employers they are a very significant expenditure. Despite this
context, in some areas the contract is less protective of the employer than one might
expect. For example, although the JCT Standard Building Contract (SBC16) requirements
for a right to interest in sub-contracts (protecting the sub-contractor) has been stepped
down into MW16, the sub-contract conditions designed to protect the employer in regard
to ownership of unfixed materials have not. It is therefore important for the contract
administrator to take time and care to explain to the client the respective obligations of
the parties, particularly in respect of matters such as insurance and payment of sums
properly due. While such matters as extensions of time and reimbursement of loss and
expense are covered in the form, the procedures are somewhat slight. The employer may
therefore be unaware at the time of any delays in progress, as MW16 does not require the
contractor to notify the contract administrator until it becomes apparent that completion
will not be achieved. Even then, it seems that this operates only when the delay is due to
reasons ‘beyond the control’ of the contractor.
1.25 For larger or more complex projects, JCT Intermediate Building Contract (IC16) or ICD16,
which contain all the provisions listed in Table 1.4, may therefore be a more appropriate
Contract (2011)
Contract 2014
Contract 2014
Progress meetings ✓
Contractor design ✓ ✓ ✓ option option option option
Employer-selected sub- ✓ option option option option
CDP submission ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Professional indemnity ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Programme option option option
Sectional completion ✓ ✓ ✓
Partial possession ✓ ✓ ✓
Variation quotation ✓ ✓ ✓
Loss/expense ✓ limited limited ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Variation and extension of option option
time rules
Retention ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pay less notice ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Interest ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Customer cancellation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Fair dealing clause option option
Key performance indicators option option
Negotiation option option
Public sector clauses ✓ ✓
choice (see also Table 1.5). For smaller projects, particularly those for domestic work, the
clear and simple Home Owner Contracts (HOC) may be used. These do not contain the
HGCRA 1996 provisions (as amended), as discussed below (as they are not required on
projects where the employer is a residential occupier), but they do have some significant
limitations, such as the lack of provisions for liquidated damages. For very small commercial
repair jobs, the Repair and Maintenance Contract (Commercial) (RM) could be used, with
one version for domestic and one for commercial work. The RIBA Building Contracts for
domestic projects and for commercial work are also viable alternatives which are proving
popular in practice, but of course to date they have only a short track record. The fact that
the JCT MW forms have been around since 1968 means that the meaning of many
clauses has been tested and clarified in the courts and, where problems have been
experienced in practice, the JCT has amended and fine-tuned the provisions as necessary.
1.26 In many cases, therefore, MW16 or MWD16 will be an entirely appropriate selection, and
the form justifies its popularity. It is simple to complete, easy to refer to and generally much
less daunting to the less experienced client or builder than many other building contract
forms. The drafting in the recent editions has been clarified and, in places, shortened
significantly. It is of course possible to introduce amendments to tailor the form to particular
situations, but this should not be done without legal advice. If major changes are needed
then a more appropriate form of contract should be considered. Otherwise, the contract
administrator should not be concerned about recommending MW16 for the type of
straightforward project for which it was intended.
1.27 A contract is formed when an unconditional offer is unconditionally accepted. In the context
of a building project, where contractors have been invited to submit competitive tenders,
the tenders constitute an ‘offer’ to carry out the work shown in the tender documents for
the price tendered. If a tender is accepted then a contract will have been formed, and the
terms of the contract will be those set out or referred to in the tender documents.
1.28 ‘Letters of intent’ can cloud the picture and should be avoided. If it is possible to accept
the tender without qualification then it is better simply to write a letter to that effect, and
the contract comes into existence from the moment the letter has been received by the
contractor. The effect of a letter expressing an intention to enter into a contract at some
point in the future will depend on the wording and circumstances in each case, but it is
likely to be of no legal effect. Starting work on such a basis could have disastrous
consequences for both parties.
1.29 If there is a period of negotiation, careful records should be kept of all matters agreed in
order that they can be accurately incorporated into the formal contract documents. These
documents should always be prepared as soon as agreement is reached, and before work
commences on site. Failure to execute the documents does not necessarily mean that no
contract is in existence, but it might give rise to sufficient doubt to require spending on
legal fees in an effort to establish the true position (Goldsworthy v Harrison). In addition,
it can often lead to avoidable arguments about what was agreed. The contract, once
executed, will supersede any conflicting provisions in the accepted tender and will apply
retrospectively (Tameside Metropolitan BC v Barlow Securities).
Goldsworthy and others v Harrison and another [2016] EWHC 1589 (TCC)
The case concerned the enforcement of an adjudicator’s decision. The defendant employers
were residential occupiers and the key matter in dispute was whether the parties had agreed
contract terms that contained an adjudication clause. If they had not, the adjudicator had no
jurisdiction. At the time of tender, there had been no mention of use of JCT MW. However, an
email around the time work began stated ‘As discussed previously the contract will be a JCT
Minor Work’, which was followed shortly after by another stating ‘If you are successful in the
quotation for the garage and summer house, and main works please note at that time there will
be retentions applied and the JCT Minor works contract’. However the documents were never
executed, and there was no evidence that key matters such as liquidated damages had been
agreed. The court refused to give summary judgment, stating that without fuller evidence from
both sides, in particular of the discussions lying behind the emails, it was impossible to say that
there was not a triable issue on the question of whether the parties had agreed on the JCT Minor
Works terms, in particular the gaps where particular options had not been filled in or agreed. The
matter would therefore have to proceed to a full trial.
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council v Barlow Securities Group Services Limited [2001]
BLR 113
Under JCT63 Local Authorities, Barlow Securities was contracted to build 106 houses for
Tameside. A revised tender was submitted in September 1982 and work started in October 1982.
By the time the contract was executed, 80 per cent of building work had been completed, and
two certificates of practical completion were issued relating to seven of the houses in December
1983 and January 1994. Practical completion of the last houses was certified in October 1984.
The retention was released under an interim certificate in October 1987. Barlow Securities did
not submit any final account, although at a meeting in 1988 the final account was discussed.
Defects appeared in 1995, and Tameside issued a writ on 9 February 1996. It was agreed between
the parties that a binding agreement had been reached before work had started, and the only
difference between the agreement and the executed contract was that the contract was under
seal. It was found that there was no clear and unequivocal representation by Tameside that it
would not rely on its rights in respect of defects. Time began to run in respect of the defects from
the dates of practical completion; the first seven houses were therefore time barred. Tameside
was not prevented from bringing the claim by failure to issue a final certificate.
Express terms
1.30 Generally speaking, parties are bound by the terms of the contract which they have
expressly set out and agreed. In practice there may be difficulties in establishing exactly
what these terms are: they may be scattered among several documents, they may be
ambiguous or contradictory or they may be silent on some aspect of the matter under
dispute. The process of piecing together and interpreting the terms of a contract is
governed by a distinct area of law. Some of the more important rules are as follows:
• Words should be given their ordinary literal meaning; where there is ambiguity or a
conflict, generally a court will determine, on an objective basis, what it considers were
the true intentions of the parties. For example, specially agreed terms will normally
prevail over standard printed terms, as these are more likely to represent the parties’
intentions. However, this would not apply to MW16 as it contains a clause which states
that the printed terms prevail.
• The contract is usually construed most strongly against the party which drew it up
(termed the contra proferentem rule). It is generally considered, however, that this rule
would not apply to JCT standard forms that are negotiated, rather than drawn up by one
party. It may nevertheless apply to other contract documents, such as the specification,
unless the terms in question have been specifically negotiated, and may also apply to
the form itself if it has been amended in significant respects.
Wates Construction (South) Ltd v Bredero Fleet Ltd (1993) 63 BLR 128
Wates Construction entered into a contract on JCT80 to build a shopping centre for Bredero.
Some sub-structural work differed from that shown on the drawings and disputes arose
regarding the valuation of the works, which were taken to arbitration. In establishing conditions
under which, according to the contract, it had been assumed the work would be carried out, the
arbitrator took into account pre-tender negotiations and the actual knowledge that Wates gained
as a result of the negotiations, including proposals that had been put forward at that time. Wates
appealed and the court found that the arbitrator had erred by taking this extrinsic information
into consideration. The conditions under which the works had to be executed had to be derived
from the express provisions of the bills, drawings and other contract documents.
Implied terms
1.31 In addition to the interpretative rules outlined above, there are several mechanisms
whereby terms which the parties have not expressly set out may be implied into a contract.
1.32 A term can be implied ‘in fact’ or ‘in law’. Terms are implied in fact to give effect to the
presumed but unexpressed intentions of the parties and will not be implied if they would
contradict the express terms. They are implied on the basis of the particular circumstances
of that contract and normally must survive a ‘test of necessity’; in other words, that without
the implication the contract would be so unbusinesslike that no sensible person would
ever have agreed to it. The courts have not always applied the test with this degree of
stringency, and will sometimes imply a term on the basis that it appears the parties
intended it.
1.33 In addition, the courts’ approach to the range of circumstances that can be looked at,
sometimes referred to as the ‘factual matrix’, has varied considerably from a broad
approach taking into account a wide variety of surrounding circumstances, to a very
narrow one which confines itself to the ‘four corners’ of the contract documents. (A typical
‘narrow’ approach is shown in Wates Construction v Bredero Fleet in paragraph 1.30.) In
practice, it would be unwise to rely on a term being implied on the basis of the surrounding
1.34 Terms are implied in law where either (a) they are always implied into that type of contract
as a matter of legal incidence or (b) through the operation of statute. In either case the
term is not based on the presumed intention of the parties. The fact that a term contradicts
the express terms of a contract will not necessarily prevent its being implied. As an
example of terms implied as a necessary incidence, certain obligations would always be
implied into contracts between landlord and tenant. By far the most important implied
terms with respect to construction contracts are those implied by statutes. The most
significant of these statutes are the Sale of Goods Act 1979, the Supply of Goods and
Services Act 1982 (both amended by the Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994), the
Defective Premises Act 1972, the HGCRA 1996 (as amended) and the Consumer Rights
Act 2015.
1.35 Conversely, statute also operates to curtail what may be included in contracts, i.e. it limits
in certain circumstances the introduction of provisions that might be considered against
public policy, or simply unfair. The primary means of achieving this is through the Unfair
Contract Terms Act 1977 (for commercial contracts) and the Consumer Rights Act 2015
(for consumer contracts). It is important to be aware of what may be implied and what
may be considered unfair as this may affect which contract form should be selected for
use in a particular situation, and it is a critical matter to be considered if amending a
standard form.
1.36 This implies terms into contracts for the sale of goods regarding title (section 12),
correspondence with description (section 13), quality and fitness for purpose (section 14)
and sale by sample (section 15). For example, section 14 implies a term that where the
seller sells goods in the course of business and the buyer, expressly or by implication,
makes known to the seller any particular purpose for which the goods are being bought,
there is an implied condition that the goods supplied under the contract will be reasonably
fit for that purpose.
1.37 This covers contracts for work and materials, contracts for the hire of goods and contracts
for services. Most construction contracts come under the category of ‘work and materials’
and the Act implies terms into these equivalent to sections 12 to 15 listed in paragraph
1.36 with respect to any goods in which the property has been transferred under the
contract. So, as above, any materials supplied should be reasonably fit for their intended
purpose, provided always that the buyer is relying on the supplier’s skill and judgment. (If
the buyer specifies a particular material then this would be sufficient to show that it was
not relying on the seller.) For services, the Act implies terms regarding care and skill, time
of performance and consideration. For example, section 14 implies a term that where the
supplier is acting in the course of business, the supplier will carry out the services within
a reasonable time, provided of course the parties have not themselves agreed terms
regarding time.
1.38 This applies where work is carried out in connection with a dwelling, including design
work. It states that ‘A person taking on work for or in connection with the provision of a
dwelling … owes a duty … to see that the work which he takes on is done in a workmanlike
or, as the case may be, professional manner, with proper materials and so that as regards
that work the dwelling will be fit for habitation when completed’ (section 1(1)). This appears
to be a strict liability, and is owed to anyone acquiring an interest in the dwelling.
1.39 The HGCRA 1996 (as amended by the Local Democracy, Economic Development and
Construction Act 2009) applies to most construction contracts (the term ‘construction
contract’ is given a wide definition, and includes contracts for services only or for building
work, and applies to a large range of types of work, including demolition works, services
installations and repair work, as well as new buildings, extensions and alterations). The Act
requires that construction contracts include specific terms relating to adjudication and
1.41 However, there is an important exception; it does not apply to projects where one of the
parties is a ‘residential occupier’. The residential occupier exception applies to projects for
which the primary purpose is beneficial use by the employer as a residence (section 106).
This would include buildings that the client is occupying or intending to occupy as its main
residence, and might also include a second home if the client is the main user and there
is no intention to use it as a holiday let (Westfields v Lewis). However, work to buildings
in the grounds of a residence that will not be lived in by the customer, or work to divide a
property into flats where only one flat will be retained by the customer, will not fall under
the exception (Samuel Thomas v Anon). Similarly, work on other residential properties, for
example for landlords, local authorities or housing associations, will usually be covered by
the Act.
This case related to the enforcement of an adjudicator decision. A key question was whether
‘residential occupation’ should be assessed at a single point in time (e.g. at the time the contract is
formed) or as an ongoing process. The judge was of the view that ‘occupies’ is an ongoing process
and must carry with it some reflection of the future: it indicates that the employer occupies and
will remain at (or intends to return to) the property. The employer had moved out of the property
and had talked about letting it. The judge found on the evidence that the employer intended
to let out the property, and the contract therefore did not fall within the ‘residential occupier’
This case also related to the enforcement of an adjudicator decision. The contract was not on
a standard form, and the judge had to decide whether the section 106 ‘residential occupier’
exclusion applied. If it did the decision against the employer would be unenforceable. The
contract concerned a number of buildings that were being refurbished, including a barn that
the employer intended to occupy, and another barn and associated buildings that were being
refurbished for sale. There was only one contract for the works. The judge upheld the adjudicator’s
view that where one dwelling was to be occupied and the other was not, the contract did not
‘principally relate to operations on a dwelling which one of the parties ... intended to occupy’ and
therefore the exception did not apply.
1.42 MW16 contains provisions that comply with the HGCRA 1996 (as amended) and it can
therefore be used on any project, including those to which the Act applies (see Table 1.6).
However, as these provisions introduce considerable complexity, it may be unwise to use
the form on a project with a residential occupier, who may find the provisions onerous. As
well as being difficult to operate in practice, depending on the circumstances some of the
terms may also be caught by the unfair terms provisions in the Consumer Rights Act 2015
(see paragraph 1.48).
Exemption clauses
1.43 The scope for excluding liability for important matters is limited by two significant pieces
of legislation, the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
1.44 This has the effect of rendering various exclusion clauses void, including any clauses
excluding liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence, any clauses
attempting to exclude liability for Sale of Goods Act 1979 section 12 obligations (and the
equivalent under the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982), and any clauses attempting
to exclude liability for Sale of Goods Act 1979 section 13, 14 or 15 obligations (and the
equivalent under the Supply of Goods and Services Act) where they are operating against
any person dealing as a consumer. It also renders certain other exclusion clauses void in
so far as they fail to satisfy a test of reasonableness; for example, liability for negligence
other than liability for death or personal injury, and liability for breach of section 13, 14 or
15 obligations in contracts which do not involve a consumer.
1.45 This Act, which came into force on 1 October 2015, consolidates much of the pre-existing
legislation on consumer protection, and introduces some significant new provisions. It
replaced the sections of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 that relate to consumers, and
repealed the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. It applies to contracts
and notices between a ‘trader’ and a ‘consumer’. A ‘consumer’ is defined as ‘an individual
acting for purposes that are wholly or mainly outside that individual’s trade, business, craft
or profession’ (section 2(3)).
1.46 The Act applies to a wider range of contracts than other legislation commonly encountered
by construction professionals. For example, under the HGCRA 1996 (as amended) only
contracts with a residential occupier are excluded. It is therefore quite possible that the
Consumer Rights Act will apply to a contract that is excluded from the HGCRA 1996 (e.g.
where an individual undertakes work to a domestic property that is not the individual’s
main residence).
1.47 The Act states that any contract for services is to be treated as including a term that the
trader must perform the service with reasonable care and skill (section 49(1)). In addition,
if the contract does not provided for a price or timescale, it is taken to include a term that
the services will be provided for a reasonable price (section 51), and within a reasonable
timescale (section 52). Goods supplied under such a contract must also be of good
1.48 Part 2 sets out the law regarding unfair terms in relation to consumers. Section 62(1)
states that an unfair term of a consumer contract is not binding on the consumer. The test
for ‘unfair terms’ in the Act is the same as that in the 1977 Unfair Contract Terms Act: it
provides that a ‘term is unfair if, contrary to the requirement of good faith, it causes a
significant imbalance in the parties’ rights and obligations under the contract to the
detriment of the consumer’ (section 61(4)). An ‘indicative and non-exhaustive list’ of
examples of what might be considered unfair terms is set out in Schedule 2 to the Act.
This includes, for example, any term which has the object or effect of excluding or hindering
the consumer’s right to take legal action or exercise any other legal remedy, which would
include an arbitration agreement.
1.49 The most significant change relates to terms specifying the main subject matter of the
contract or setting the price. These terms are not subject to the ‘fairness’ test provided
that they are both transparent and prominent (section 64(1) and (2)). ‘Transparent’ is
defined as being ‘in plain and intelligible language and (in the case of a written term)
legible’ (section 64(3)) and ‘prominent’ as ‘brought to the consumer’s attention in such a
way that an average consumer [who is reasonably well-informed, observant and
circumspect] would be aware of the term’ (section 64(4) and (5)). The new Act no longer
makes an exception for terms that have been ‘individually negotiated’ as had been the
case in the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999.
1.50 Although the JCT does not state that MW16 has been drafted with the consumer in mind,
the key agreements regarding subject matter and price are reasonably clear in the articles
and contract particulars. The courts have, for example, held that consumer clients are
bound by an adjudication agreement in a standard form contract, as it does not significantly
affect the balance of power between the parties (Lovell Projects v Legg & Carver). It is
possible, though, that some of the contract terms may be considered unfair (Domsalla v
Dyason is a rare example of a case where this occurred). It would be sensible to go
through the contract carefully with any consumer client and, if they are concerned by any
of the provisions, to consider using another contract.
The employers were residential occupiers and consumers who engaged a contractor to refurbish
their house using JCT MW98. This edition included the JCT’s own adjudication procedure
(instead of relying on the Scheme for Construction Contracts, as it now does). The employers
were advised by an architect, and during the tender negotiations they insisted that MW98 was
used. Following an adjudication, the employers resisted enforcement of the decision on the basis
that the adjudication provisions were unfair and had not been brought to their attention before
they signed the contract.
The court decided that contractual adjudication provisions in the
consumer’s contract were not unfair under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations
1999 because they did not cause a significant imbalance in the parties’ rights and obligations. The
court bore in mind that it was the employers, not the contractor, who had proposed the term, and
that the employers had access to advice from their contract administrator.
The employer, Mr Dyason, whose house had burnt down, was advised by his insurers to enter
into a contract based on MW98 with the contractor, Domsalla. The employer saw the form for
the first time at the first site meeting, when he was presented with it for signature. The project
was delayed, and the employer did not pay the sums certified in the last three certificates for
payment, totalling £127,871.33, but no withholding notices were served. The contractor initiated
an adjudication and the adjudicator decided in its favour against the owner. Subsequently, the
Technology and Construction Court refused to enforce the decision and the employer was given
leave to defend the claim on the ground that the withholding notice provisions of the contract
were unfair under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, and were therefore
not binding on him as a consumer.
2 Documents
2.1 Documents are central to the success of all building operations, even to small projects
such as those carried out under MW16. In fact, with many small jobs on a short programme
and tight budget, full and accurate information is essential right from the outset.
2.2 It cannot be overemphasised that, when a project is sent out to tender, the contractor
should be given full and detailed information regarding the project requirements. This is
the principal means by which a designer can ensure that the quality of detailing, finish and
workmanship will reach the required standards. If the project is not to be fully designed
by the employer’s consultants, the contractor will require full information about the design
that it is to provide, including any performance specifications.
2.3 Most importantly, full details should be given about which standard building contract is to
be used, the particular conditions to be applied and any special terms. Consultants tend
to focus on the design, technical and budget aspects, but clarity on the terms of the
contract is just as important to the tenderer as these will affect the tender price. It is not
advisable to introduce matters such as special contract provisions after a long tendering
period or after negotiations on price have been concluded: if they are not acceptable to
the contractor, the contractor will be in a very strong bargaining position. Furthermore, if
contract documents are not formally executed, the details included in the tender package
may subsequently form the basis of the contract between the parties (see paragraphs
1.29 and 2.19).
Tendering procedures
2.4 Normally, for projects of the scale for which MW16 is intended, one of two methods will
be used: competitive tendering with a small number of contractors, or negotiation with a
single contractor. The employer’s consultants will normally suggest which contractors
should be considered, but the employer may have worked successfully with firms before,
or may have been recommended a firm by others, in which case those firms can also be
2.5 With competitive tendering, all tenderers should, of course, be sent identical information,
so that they are competing on an equal basis. The tenders are then examined by the
employer’s consultants, and normally the lowest priced one is accepted. With negotiated
tendering, only the identified contractor will submit a tender, which is usually subject to
discussion before acceptance.
2.6 An alternative method is a two-stage process: initially, a small number of contractors are
asked to tender on the basis of less than complete information. Negotiations will then take
place with the one that makes the most attractive submission. This method is frequently
used where the contractor is expected to have a significant design input but the employer
wishes to approve this design before entering into the main contract; the selected
contractor can then work with the employer’s consultants in finalising the design. It is
unlikely that a two-stage tender would be used for a project based on an MW16 contract,
but, if it is, an agreement will be needed to cover the contractor’s liability to the employer
for its contribution to the design process.
2.7 Full guidance on tendering procedures can be found in the NBS Guide to Tendering: For
Construction Projects (Finch, 2011), JCT’s Tendering Practice Note 2012 (JCT, 2012) and
the RIBA Job Book (Ostime, 2013). As noted above, the tender package should give full
details of what will be included in the final contract package. The contract documents are
outlined below, and Table 2.1 lists information that will be inserted in the contract particulars
and indicates where it is discussed in this Guide.
Contract documents
2.8 MW16 defines ‘Contract Documents’ under the second recital (or the third in MWD16).
This indicates that any or all of the following documents can be prepared on behalf of the
• drawings;
• specification;
• work schedules;
• employer’s requirements (MWD16 only).
2.9 The parties are required to delete the items that will not be used, and the remaining items,
together with the agreement, the conditions and a schedule of rates (if used, see below)
comprise the ‘Contract Documents’. Interestingly, as ‘drawings’ are indicated as an item
that may be deleted, it would in theory be possible to let the contract on a works schedule
or on employer’s requirements alone; in practice, however, drawings will almost always
form part of the contract documents. Also, as the contract is not intended to be used as
a ‘design and build’ contract, the employer’s requirements will normally cover only part of
the works, with the rest described by drawings plus schedules and/or a specification.
2.10 There is no provision for a bill of quantities. The contractor will normally price either the
specification or the schedules in an itemised format, or provide a contract sum backed by
a schedule of rates (third recital, or fourth recital in MWD16). Although in theory this recital
could be deleted, and the contractor tender a lump sum figure on the basis of drawings
alone, this would be impracticable as the priced document will be used, if relevant, in the
valuing of variations. To be useful, therefore, the price breakdown will have to be reasonably
comprehensive and detailed.
2.11 The ‘Contract Drawings’ are listed under the second recital (the third recital in MWD16).
These should all be identified precisely, including revision numbers, etc. The list may be
annexed if long, but if so, the list must be clearly identified. Note that in MW16 there is no
reference to the party responsible for preparing the drawings.
2.12 A specification should normally form part of the documentation, as it is inadvisable to rely
on notes on drawings except on the smallest of jobs. The Construction Project Information
Committee (CPIC, now taken over by the NBS UNICLASS system) recommendation was
that the specification becomes the core document in terms of defining quality, and that
the drawings and other documents cross-refer to clauses in the specification. This is
sensible advice and should prevent different standards being set in different documents.
2.13 MW16 does not describe what is meant by the term ‘schedule’, nor indicate what form
the schedule should take. In practice it is generally a ‘schedule of work’, and could be
arranged by work sections, by trades, or on a room-by-room basis as is common in
refurbishment work. In all cases it is likely to be clearer if the detailed specification
information is kept in a separate part of the document, or bound separately, and referred
to by the schedules. Where two documents are used, it might be more satisfactory for the
contractor to price the itemised schedule.
2.14 The contractor should be sent copies of all the intended contract documents at the time
of tender, together with all the information required under the contract particulars, including
commencement and completion dates (cl 2.2, or 2.3 in MWD16), liquidated damages
(cl 2.8, or 2.9 in MWD16), the rectification period (cl 2.10, or 2.11 in MWD16), the retention
percentage (cl 4.3), the period for supply of documentation (cl 4.8.1), together with
information relating to tax, fluctuations, insurance and dispute resolution. For good practice
in preparation and co-ordination of the specification, drawings and schedules, see current
relevant CPIC publications on co-ordinated project information. If a BIM protocol is to be
used, this should be included with the tender documents.
2.15 Table 2.1 lists information that will be inserted in the contract particulars.
2.17 The construction phase plan is not a contract document under MW16, and the recitals
make no mention of it. However, the employer and the principal designer must provide
the contractor with pre-construction information (regulations 4(4) and 12(3)), which should
be sent out with the tender documents. Where the contractor is the principal contractor,
the contractor must ensure that the construction phase plan is prepared before setting up
the construction site (regulation 12); compliance with this is required under clause 3.9.2.
To avoid uncertainty, it is advisable to require that this document be submitted by the
contractor well in advance of start of work on site. Following commencement, the contractor
must ensure that the plan is reviewed and updated on a regular basis (regulation 12(4)).
2.18 The health and safety file is principally a matter for the principal designer, who will compile
it (regulation 12(5) and (6)), but there is a requirement on the contractor to provide
information for this file (regulation 12(7)). Under clause 2.9 (2.10 in MWD16) the contract
administrator, before certifying practical completion, must make sure that the contractor
has ‘complied sufficiently’ with this requirement.
2.19 The articles and the contract particulars must be completed with care and the appropriate
deletions made. The articles form the heart of the agreement whereby the contractor
undertakes to carry out and complete the works ‘in accordance with the Contract
Documents’ (Article 1), and in return the employer undertakes to pay the contractor ‘the
Contract Sum’ as adjusted in accordance with the conditions (Article 2). The articles
contain the attestation that must be signed by both parties. The contract may be executed
under hand or as a deed (see the Note on Execution in the form, and footnote 1 to the
agreement), and in the latter case the form provides for execution by the parties as
individuals or as companies. (Note that the edition for use in Scotland contains special
provisions for signing in accordance with the Requirements in Writing (Scotland) Act
1995.) The contract also requires that the parties sign or initial the drawings, specification,
work schedules and employer’s requirements (second recital, or third recital in MWD16).
Although not essential it may be sensible to also initial any schedule of rates, as this is
also a ‘contract document’. Guidance on completing the forms can be found in the free
JCT publications MW User Checklist and MWD User Checklist and in the footnotes to the
contract particulars.
Use of documents
Interpretation, definitions
2.20 MW16 sets out a list of definitions in clause 1.1, some of which cross-refer to the recitals
or contract particulars. Clause 1.3 contains provisions regarding interpretation, including
a gender neutral clause, and that references to a person include any individual, firm,
partnership, company, etc. The headings, footnotes and guidance notes are stated not to
affect the interpretation of the contract. Clauses 1.4 and 1.6 also restate the requirements
of the HGCRA 1996 (as amended) concerning the serving of notices and the calculation
of periods of days. Clause 1.5 excludes the rights of third parties to bring actions to
enforce the terms of the contract (which they might otherwise have under the Contracts
(Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999). Clause 1.8 states that the law of contract will be
English law. Clause 1.6.1 requires that all notices, certificates and other communications
must be in writing. Clause 1.7.1 is new to the 2016 edition, and requires that consents and
approvals shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld.
2.21 Clause 1.2 states that the agreement and conditions are to be read as a whole, and that
nothing contained in the contract drawings, the contract specification or the work
schedules (or, in MWD16, the employer’s requirements) ‘shall override or modify the
Agreement or these Conditions’. If this clause were not included, the position under
common law would be the reverse; in other words, anything specifically agreed and stated
in a document would normally override any standard provisions.
2.22 If the parties wish to agree special terms that differ in any way from the printed conditions,
then amendments must be made to the actual form. If necessary, due to lack of space,
these amendments could refer to the special terms, which could be appended to the form
or included in the specification. However, amending standard forms is unwise without
expert advice, as the consequential effects are difficult to predict. Deleting the second
sentence of clause 1.2 could be particularly unwise as it may have unintended effects on
other parts of the contract.
2.23 In theory, additional provisions that supplement but do not override the printed conditions
would be binding. It might be wise, though, especially where the supplementary condition
is particularly significant, to make specific reference to it in the printed form.
2.24 Apart from the priority given to the printed conditions, there is no statement about which
of the other documents used will take priority, should a conflict arise. Clause 2.4 (2.5 in
MWD16) requires inconsistencies in or between the contract documents to be corrected,
including in the case of MWD16 the employer’s requirements, and any such correction is
treated as a variation. The normal practice is for the contract administrator to issue an
instruction regarding the correction, although the contract does not specifically require
this. The contractor is required to correct any inconsistencies in the documents it prepares
for the CDP works ‘after the Architect/Contract Administrator has approved the manner in
which the Contractor proposes to deal with the inconsistency’ (cl 2.5.2). A reasonable
objection would be that the correction would result in the work not complying with the
employer’s requirements. Because of clause 2.1, the proposal should be put forward at
least seven days prior to the intended date of starting the relevant work (see paragraph
2.25 If the contractor finds any divergence between the contract documents (including in the
case of MWD16 the employer’s requirements), or any instruction of the contract
administrator, and statutory requirements then the contract administrator must be given
immediate written notice (cl 2.5.1, or 2.6.1 in MWD16). Once a divergence is discovered,
the contract administrator should issue an instruction to clarify the situation and, as above,
this instruction would be treated as a variation. Provided the contractor has complied with
its duty to notify, the contractor would not be liable if the works do not comply with
statutory requirements.
2.26 Except in the case of divergences from statutory requirements, the contractor is not under
any express obligation to point out any inconsistencies that it finds within or between the
contract documents. The contract also does not place any obligation on the contractor to
search for discrepancies, etc. However, the general duty to use reasonable skill and care
would suggest some degree of observance could be expected. If the contractor fails to
point out discrepancies that it notices, or should have noticed, and work has to be rebuilt
as a result, then it is suggested that the contractor may lose the right to extra payment or
to an extension of time. This is only likely to be the case where the matter is so obvious
that no competent contractor could have missed it, and is unlikely to apply to errors within
the employer’s requirements, including divergences from statutory requirements, as
MWD16 makes it clear that the contractor is not responsible for their contents (cl 2.1.4).
2.27 MW16 contains no provisions as to custody and control of documents. The original signed
contract documents would normally remain in the custody of the contract administrator,
who should store them safely and retain working copies for reference throughout the life
of the contract and beyond. It is normal practice to provide the employer and the contractor
with certified copies.
2.28 The documents provided should not be used for any purpose other than the works, and
the details of the rates or prices should not be divulged. The contractor should be required
to keep one copy of all of the contract documents and information issued by the contract
administrator on site at all reasonable times. All drawings, etc., which bear the name of
the contract administrator should be returned upon final payment.
Sub-contract documents
2.29 JCT Ltd publishes a generic short form of sub-contract (ShortSub16) that may be used
with MW16, although MW16 does not require that it is used, and in practice on small
projects it is unlikely that the employer will insist on the use of a particular form. MW16
does, however, include some restrictions on the terms that may be agreed for any sub-
contract. These are set out in clause 3.3.2 and state the right to interest on unpaid amounts
properly due to the sub-contractor from the contractor and that the contract between
contractor and sub-contractor shall terminate immediately upon the termination of the
contractor’s employment under this contract. There are no requirements that particular
conditions relating to ownership of unfixed goods and materials are included, such as
those that are required by SBC16 or IC11,1 which could in some circumstances leave the
employer at risk. JCT Ltd also publishes a minor works sub-contract with sub-contractor’s
design (MWSub/D) for use with MWD16. Any sub-contract should also, of course, comply
with the relevant requirements of the HGCRA 1996 (as amended), otherwise the terms of
the Scheme for Construction Contracts would be implied.
At the time of writing this Guide, the 2016 edition of the JCT Intermediate Building Contract was in development.
Specific references to that form are therefore to the 2011 edition.
3.1 The contractor’s paramount obligation is to ‘carry out and complete the Works’. This is
stated in Article 1, and reinforced in clause 2.1. A court would normally hold the contractor
wholly responsible for achieving this, irrespective of whether the contract administrator
visits the site. Clause 3.3.1 also makes it clear that this obligation is not reduced in any
way if some of the work is sub-contracted.
The works
3.2 The works that the contractor undertakes to carry out will be as briefly described in the
first recital of MW16, and as shown or described in the contract documents. It is therefore
important to check that the entry in the first recital clearly identifies the nature and scope
of the proposed work, and that descriptions of the works given elsewhere are clear and
3.3 Note that the works will also include any changes subsequently brought about by a contract
administrator’s instruction, which might also introduce additional drawings or other information.
These might not be ‘Contract Documents’, but they nevertheless have an important status
and the contractor is obliged to carry out any additional work that they show.
3.4 MWD16 makes provision for the contractor to undertake the design of part or parts of the
project. This is brought about by the second recital (MWD16 only), which allows the
parties to agree that the ‘Works’ will include the design and construction of identified
parts, termed the ‘Contractor’s Designed Portion’ (the ‘CDP’). It will be important to identify
the parts precisely (these are to be listed in the second recital or, more likely, in a separate
document referenced in the recital). If this provision is to be used, the arrangement must
be clearly explained to the employer, preferably at appointment stage, and confirmed in
writing, as the contract administrator has no authority to delegate design responsibilities
without the agreement of the employer (Moresk Cleaners v Hicks).
Moresk Cleaners employed Thomas Hicks, an architect, to prepare plans and specifications
for an extension to their laundry. Although the building was built according to the plans and
specifications, the design of the structure had in fact been delegated by the architect to the
contractor. Within two years cracks appeared in the structure and the roof purlins sagged.
Moresk Cleaners brought a claim against the architect, who argued that it was an implied term of
his contract that he should be able to delegate the design to the contractor, or alternatively that
he had authority to employ the contractor on behalf of Moresk. The court found that there was no
such implied term and that the architect had no such authority.
3.5 The contractor’s design obligation is set out under clause 2.1.1, which states the contractor
‘using reasonable skill, care and diligence, shall complete the design for the Contractor’s
Designed Portion, including, so far as not described or stated in the Employer’s
Requirements, the selection of any specifications for the kinds and standards of the
materials, goods and workmanship to be used in the CDP Works’.
3.6 This level of design liability is less than that which would normally be implied by law, i.e.
a strict obligation to supply something fit for purpose, but is instead an obligation to use
reasonable skill and care. In effect, this means that in order to prove a breach the employer
would need to prove that the contractor had been negligent. If, for example, the contractor
is required to design a heating system to heat the rooms to a certain temperature, and
when installed it fails to do so, this fact alone would not be enough to prove that there had
been a breach of contract. The employer would need to prove that the contractor had
failed to use the required level of skill and care.
3.7 Clause 2.1.1 also uses slightly different wording to the equivalent clauses in other JCT
forms, which require the contractor to use the skill and care of ‘an appropriately qualified
and competent professional designer’. MWD16 instead requires ‘reasonable skill, care
and diligence’. Whereas in many contexts these may be the same level, in some a
‘reasonable’ level might be less. For example, on a project using a small firm of builders,
it might not be reasonable to expect the same level of design skill as would be provided
by a competent professional designer.
3.8 In drafting these clauses the JCT has taken a practical approach, which reflects the reality
for smaller projects, where more stringent requirements may result in unacceptably high
tenders. However, it is important that the contract administrator and employer understand
the implications of the clause, and if a higher level of liability is required, the employer may
need to consider using another form, or take legal advice.
3.9 MWD16 clause 2.1.4 makes it clear that the contractor is not responsible for the adequacy
of the information in the employer’s requirements. Where the employer’s requirements
contain an outline design, which the contractor is required to complete, the contractor is
not responsible for checking the adequacy of the design that has been provided. If any
inadequacy is found in any design contained in the requirements, then the contract
administrator would need to issue an instruction to remedy this. The contractor is required
to comply with directions of the contract administrator with regard to the integration of the
design of the CDP with the works as a whole (cl 2.1.2) and, although the contract does
not specifically cover the point, it is generally assumed that the contract administrator is
responsible for the overall co-ordination of the design.
adjustment to the contract sum as a consequence. Failure to comply can be grounds for
termination by the employer under clause
This phrase does not authorise the contract administrator to alter the standard specified
at will, but means that where the contract specifically states that a matter is for the
approval (or discretion or opinion) of the contract administrator, the contractor only fulfils
its obligations if the contract administrator is satisfied. It is suggested that clause 1.7.1
requires that any expression of dissatisfaction by the contract administrator must be made
within a reasonable period of the carrying out of the work, provided it is requested by the
contractor. The contract administrator should generally avoid using phrases such as ‘to
approval’ or ‘to the contract administrator’s satisfaction’ in the contract documents, as it
leaves much scope for argument about what standard might be reasonable. It should
be noted, however, that in MW16 no certificate subsequently issued by the contract
administrator is stated to be conclusive as to the contract administrator’s satisfaction with
such work (see paragraphs 7.30–7.31).
3.12 If the phrase ‘or otherwise approved’ is used in a specification or bill of quantities, this
does not mean that the contract administrator must be prepared to consider alternatives
put forward by the contractor, nor that the contract administrator must give any reasons
for rejecting alternatives (Leedsford v City of Bradford ). It merely gives the contract
administrator the right to do so. A substitution would always constitute a variation, whether
or not this phrase is present in the specification.
Leedsford Ltd v The Lord Mayor, Alderman and Citizens of the City of Bradford (1956) 24
BLR 45 (CA)
In a contract for the provision of a new infant school, the contract bills stated ‘Artificial Stone …
The following to be obtained from the Empire Stone Company Limited, 326 Deansgate, or other
approved firm’. During the course of the contract the contractor obtained quotes from other
companies and sent them to the architect for approval. The architect, however, insisted that
Empire Stone was used and, as Empire Stone was considerably more expensive, the contractor
brought a claim for damages for breach of contract. The court dismissed the claim, stating ‘The
builder agrees to supply artificial stone. The stone has to be Empire Stone unless the parties
agree some other stone, and no other stone can be substituted except by mutual agreement. The
builder fulfils his contract if he provides Empire Stone, whether the Bradford Corporation want
it or not; and the Corporation Architect can say that he will approve of no other stone except the
Empire Stone’ (Hodson LJ at page 58).
3.14 With respect to the CDP, the contractor must provide materials, goods, etc. as specified
in the employer’s requirements or, if none are specified, use reasonable skill and care in
selecting such material and goods. Work required to be ‘to approval’ is similarly covered
by clause 2.2.1. Clause 2.2.1 of MWD16 then continues:
To the extent that the quality of materials and goods or standards of workmanship are
neither described … nor stated to be a matter for such approval or satisfaction, they
shall in the case of the Contractor’s Designed Portion be of a standard appropriate to
it and shall in any other case be of a standard appropriate to the Works.
This reflects the duty that would normally be implied by law; in other words, where
the description of the standard required for any goods, materials and workmanship is
(deliberately or inadvertently) incomplete, the contractor is required to provide something
‘fit for purpose’. This appears to be a strict obligation (see above), rather than an obligation
to use reasonable skill and care. There is therefore something of a tension between
clauses 2.1.1 and 2.2.1 of MWD16. It is suggested that the correct interpretation is that the
contractor is under a strict liability to provide materials, goods, etc. of an appropriate quality
for non-CDP items, and is under the lesser obligation to use due skill and care regarding
all other design forming part of the CDP, but the exact interpretation of these clauses
may need to be determined by the courts. It is interesting to note that the clause quoted
above does not appear in MW16, therefore that form does not cover the situation where
the specification of a material, etc. is omitted. For MW16 it will be open to argument what
level of responsibility, if any, the contractor has with respect to such missing items.
3.15 In summary, the contractor’s responsibility for work and materials in the two forms is as
• ifspecified;
specified or described in the contract documents, to provide materials, etc. as
• ifcontract
the contract requires them to be approved by the contract administrator, to be to the
administrator’s reasonable satisfaction;
• ifCDPnot(with
specified at all, with respect to the CDP, to be of a standard appropriate to the
some ambiguity over the level of liability);
• ifa not specified at all, with respect to non-CPD items, in the case of MWD16, to be of
standard appropriate to the works (with some ambiguity over the level of liability);
• ifonnotthespecified at all, in the case of MW16, the obligations of the contractor will depend
particular provisions agreed and whether a term may be implied regarding
design liability.
3.17 MW16 provides for domestic sub-contractors only, and there are no provisions for naming
or nominating firms selected by the employer or contract administrator. The contract
makes it clear that the contractor remains fully responsible for the standards and quality
of all sub-contracted work, which would include any part of any CDP which had been
sub-contracted (cl 3.3.1).
3.19 Both MW16 and MWD16 introduce a contractual duty in addition to the statutory duty,
which provides protection to the employer. Clause 2.1.1 (2.1 in MWD16) requires the
contractor to comply with and give all notices required by the ‘Statutory Requirements’,
which are defined as including any statute, statutory instrument, regulation, rule or order
or any bye-law applicable to the works. As discussed in Chapter 2, if the contractor finds
any divergence between the contract documents – including in the case of MWD16 the
employer’s requirements – or any instruction of the contract administrator and statutory
requirements then it must notify the contract administrator immediately (cl 2.5.1, or 2.6.1
in MWD16), who should then issue an instruction to clarify the situation. Provided it
complies with its obligation to notify the contractor administrator, the contractor is not
liable for work which does not comply with statute if the non-compliance resulted from
carrying out work in accordance with the contract documents or further instructions issued
by the contract administrator (cl 2.5.2, or 2.6.2 in MWD16). The contractor is required to
pay all fees and charges ‘legally demandable’ (cl 2.6, or 2.7 in MWD16), and such
payments are stated not to be reimbursable, unless otherwise agreed.
3.21 Under clause 3.9 each party undertakes to the other to comply with all their obligations
under the Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Regulations 2015. The employer
must appoint a principal designer and a principal contractor (regulation 5(1); unless there
is only one ‘contractor’ on site, which would be very unlikely in the context of MW16). The
contract states that the principal designer is the contract administrator or some other
person who is to be named in Article 4. Similarly, the principal contractor is the contractor
unless otherwise stated (Article 5). The employer will need to be sure that the contract
administrator and contractor are willing to take on these roles, and that they have the
necessary skills – if not, other arrangements will need to be made. If the employer later
appoints another person to act as principal designer or principal contractor, it should notify
the contractor accordingly (cl 3.9.4). It should be noted that in domestic projects, some of
the client’s duties are transferred to the contractor under the Regulations (or principal
designer, if appointed to carry these out; regulation 7(1)). If the employer fails to appoint
a principal designer, the employer is required to take on that role (regulation 5(3)), except
in the case of domestic projects, where it will fall to the designer (regulation 7(2)a),
whether or not it is one of the designer’s duties under its appointment.
3.22 Clause 3.9.1 places a contractual obligation on the employer to ensure that the principal
designer carries out his or her duties under the Regulations. This is a wider obligation than
the ‘must take reasonable steps to ensure that’ obligation imposed by the Regulations
(regulation 4(6)a). Breach of it gives the contractor the right to terminate the contract
under clause What is more likely to happen is that the contractor will claim for an
extension of time. An example might be where a principal designer delays in commenting
on a contractor’s proposed amendment to the construction phase plan and progress is
thereby delayed.
3.23 The contract assumes that the contractor will act as principal contractor, unless another
firm is named (Article 5). Clause 3.9 places a duty on the contractor, if acting as the
principal contractor, to comply with all the relevant duties set out in the CDM Regulations.
These would include, for example, that the contractor must draw up and review the
construction phase plan (regulation 12) and generally co-ordinate matters relating to
health and safety during the construction phase (regulation 13).
3.24 Breach of this duty is grounds for termination under clause A specified default notice
(cl 6.4.2) still has to be given, and JCT Practice Note 27 suggested that this provision should
only be used in situations where the Health and Safety Executive is likely to close the site.
3.25 The contractor should take the cost of developing the construction phase plan into
account at tender stage, and no claims should be entertained for adjusting it to suit the
contractor’s or sub-contractor’s working methods. If alterations are needed as a result of
an instruction requiring a variation, then the costs would be included in the valuation of
the variation and the alterations should be taken into account in assessing any application
for extension of time.
Other obligations
3.26 In addition to the major obligations outlined above, the contractor also has other obligations
arising out of the contract. Most significant of these are in relation to progress and
programming, discussed in Chapter 4, and in regard to insurance matters, discussed in
Chapter 8. The contractor’s obligations are summarised in Table 3.1, with the contractor’s
key powers set out in Table 3.2. Additional obligations also arise from the optional
supplemental provisions, including the obligations to work collaboratively with all team
members and to adopt best practice health and safety measures.
4 C
ommencement and
4.1 There are two paramount dates in any building contract: (1) the date for possession or
commencement and (2) the date for completion of the work. It is preferable that actual
dates are given at the time of tendering. Vague indications such as ‘to be agreed’ or ‘eight
weeks after approval by’ should be avoided, as the start date and duration can considerably
affect the tender figure, particularly in the case of smaller jobs on a tight programme. In
the event that work is started without proper agreement over dates, the contract will be
subject to the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 (section 14) or the Consumer
Rights Act 2015 (section 52), which state that completion is to be within a reasonable
4.2 The MW16 contract particulars require a ‘Works commencement date’ and a ‘Date for
Completion’ (cl 2.2, or 2.3 in MWD16). However, as printed, MW16 does not allow for
either commencement or completion in stages. If work needs to be carried out in
contractually binding phases, then it would be necessary to set this out in detail in the
contract documents and to make amendments to the form in several places. In practice
it may be simpler to use a form such as IC16, which allows for sectional completion.
The Queen in Rights of Canada v Walter Cabbott Construction Ltd (1975) 21 BLR 42
This Canadian case (Federal Court of Appeal) concerned work to construct a hatchery on a site
(contract 1), where several other projects relating to ponds were also planned (contracts 3 and
4). The work to the ponds could not be undertaken without occupying part of the hatchery site.
Work to the ponds was started in advance of contract 1, causing access problems to the contractor
when contract 1 began. The court confirmed (at page 52) the trial judge’s view that ‘the “site for
the work” must, in the case of a completely new structure comprise not only the ground actually
to be occupied by the completed structure but so much area around it as is within the control of
the owner and is reasonably necessary for carrying out the work efficiently’.
4.4 If the work is substantially suspended for a period of a month or more, due to failure to
allow necessary access, then this would be grounds for termination under clause
Failure to give the contractor access, or granting inadequate access only, may also amount
to repudiation, giving the contractor the right to treat the contract as at an end or bring a
claim for damages (Whittal Builders v Chester-le-Street DC). Any restrictions on access
or working methods should therefore be clearly stated in the contract documents.
Whittal Builders contracted with the Council on JCT63 to carry out modernisation work to 90
dwellings. The contract documents did not mention the possibility of phasing, but the Council
gave the contractor possession of the houses in a piecemeal manner. Even though work of this
nature was frequently phased, the judge nevertheless found that the employer was in breach of
contract for not giving the contractor possession of all 90 dwellings at the start of the contract,
and the contractor was entitled to damages.
4.5 The parties are, of course, always free to renegotiate the terms of any contract. Therefore,
if there is a delay in allowing access, the parties may have to agree new dates for
commencement and completion, usually with financial compensation to the contractor.
4.6 It should be noted that clause 2.2 (2.3 of MWD16) simply states that the works may be
commenced on the stated date. Therefore, the contractor would not be in breach of
contract if the works were commenced some time after this date. In practice this might
cause the employer problems with respect to security or insurance. If the contractor is
required to be responsible for the site from the stated date then suitable provisions would
have to be included in the contract documents and an amendment made to the clause.
temporary work, etc. in its tender. In all such cases the insurers of the works or existing
buildings should be kept informed.
4.8 Although MW16 does not contain an express requirement that the contractor should work
with due diligence, depending on the circumstances it is normally implied in a construction
contract that a contractor will proceed ‘regularly and diligently’. The contractor is free to
organise its own working methods and sequences of operations, with the important
qualification that it must comply with the construction phase plan. Short periods of
inactivity would not necessarily constitute a breach of contract; however, failure to proceed
regularly and diligently is a ground for terminating the contract (cl, see paragraph
4.9 MW16 does not require the contractor to produce a programme, although there would be
nothing to prevent such a requirement being included in the specification; a programme
might be very useful to the contract administrator, particularly when monitoring progress
and assessing extensions of time. It might be helpful if the contractor sets out dates by
which key information will be needed, although with many small jobs this should not be
necessary. The contract administrator should be careful never to ‘approve’ any programme
in such a way that it becomes a contractually binding document against which the contract
administrator’s own performance in providing information will be judged.
4.10 Where a contractor’s programme shows a large float period between the contractor’s
estimated completion date and the date for completion, this should always be queried.
For example, if the contractor has tendered to carry out the work in eight months but
produces a programme showing estimated completion in six months then this may be of
little assistance for assessing progress and extensions of time. Also, an early completion
date could create difficulties for the employer. What would not be acceptable is for the
contractor to claim loss and expense on the grounds that it was prevented from achieving
an early completion date through delayed information or decisions by the contract
administrator. Just because a contractor’s programme shows an intention to complete
early, there is no implied duty on the employer to enable the contractor to achieve this
early completion (Glenlion Construction v The Guinness Trust ).
The Trust employed Glenlion Construction on JCT63 to carry out works in relation to a
residential development at Bromley, Kent. The contract required the contractor to provide a
programme. Disputes arose which went to arbitration, and several questions of law regarding
the contractor’s programme were subsequently raised in court. The contractor claimed loss and
expense on the ground that it was prevented from economic working and achieving the early
completion date shown on its programme because the architect had failed to provide necessary
information and instructions at the dates shown. The court decided that Glenlion was entitled to
complete before the date for completion and entitled to carry out the works in a way which would
achieve an earlier completion date. However, there was no implied obligation that the employer
(or the architect) should perform its obligations so as to enable the contractor to complete by any
earlier completion date shown on the programme.
4.11 Building contracts usually refer to only one completion date for the works. The significance
of having a completion date is that it provides a fixed point from which damages may be
payable in the event of non-completion. Generally in construction contracts the damages
are ‘liquidated’, and usually expressed as a rate per week of overrun.
4.12 The contractor is obliged to complete the works by the completion date, and in general
accepts the risk of any events that might prevent completion by this date. The contractor
is relieved of this obligation if the employer causes delays or in some way prevents
completion. Most contracts contain provisions allowing for the adjustment of the
completion date in the event of certain delays caused by the employer, or in the event of
neutral delaying events. The contract dates can, of course, always be adjusted by
agreement between the parties.
4.13 It is sometimes essential that completion is achieved by a particular date and failure would
mean that the result is worthless. This is usually expressed as ‘time is of the essence’.
Breach of such a term would be considered a fundamental breach, and the employer
would be entitled to terminate performance of the contract and treat all its own obligations
as at an end. However, an expression such as ‘time is of the essence’ is seldom applicable
to building contracts, because the inclusion of extensions of time and liquidated damages
provisions imply that the parties intended otherwise (Gibbs v Tomlinson). Nevertheless,
there could be occasions where MW16 is used for short-term exhibition or special event
constructions, and where failure to meet the date of the event will result in a total loss of
the intended benefit to the employer, in which case ‘time is of the essence’ might be a
realistic requirement. In such circumstances the wording of the contract would need to be
amended – always, of course, with the benefit of legal advice.
Mr Gibbs employed Tomlinson on the Agreement for Minor Building Works (MW80) to carry
out alterations and construct an extension to his house. Work commenced on site and proceeded
satisfactorily until about December 1989, when there were disagreements between the plaintiff
and the defendant which resulted in the termination of the contract; the builder did no work on
site after about 12 December 1989. The plaintiff then engaged various workmen to complete the
works, some of whom had previously been employees or sub-contractors of the defendant. He
then brought a claim for damages and return of monies allegedly overpaid, claiming that the
contractor’s failure to complete by the original completion date entitled him to treat the contract
as at an end. Mr Recorder Harvey QC found this was not the case, stating that MW80 did not
expressly make time of the essence, and that clause 2.3 envisaged that the contractor would
continue with the work and pay liquidated damages at the specified rate.
4.14 MW16 requires an entry in the contract particulars (cl 2.2, or 2.3 in MWD16) which gives
the date for completion. The contract gives the contract administrator the power to extend
time, but makes no provision for the contract administrator to reduce the contract period,
even if substantial work is omitted. If Supplemental Provision 3 is incorporated, however,
a new date (either earlier or later) might be agreed as part of a cost-savings proposal. The
contractor is obliged to complete the works by the date for completion, or any later date
consequent upon an extension of time. If the contractor fails to complete by this date,
liquidated damages become payable (see Figure 4.1). Once completion is attained, the
C1 = C2
C3 < C2 (= C1):
early completion
No extensions
C1 = C2
C1 C2
C3 = C2:
of time
completion on time
C1 C2
overrun C3 > C2:
of time
late completion
C1 = date for completion entered in contract particulars
C2 = date for completion as adjusted by extensions of time
C3 = practical completion as certified under clause 2.9 (2.10 MWD)
LADs = liquidated and ascertained damages
practical completion certificate must be issued and the employer is obliged to accept the
works. Employers who wish to accept the works only on the date in the contract would
need to amend the wording.
Extensions of time
4.15 One important reason for an extension of time clause is to preserve the employer’s right
to liquidated damages in the event that the contractor fails to complete on time due wholly
or in part to some action for which the employer is responsible. If there were no provisions
to grant extensions of time and a delay occurred that was caused at least in part by the
employer, this would in effect be a breach of contract by the employer and the contractor
Peak Construction (Liverpool) Ltd v McKinney Foundation Ltd (1970) 1 BLR 111 (CA)
Peak Construction was the main contractor on a project to construct a multi-storey block of
flats for Liverpool Corporation. The main contract was not on any of the standard forms, but was
drawn up by the Corporation. McKinney Foundations Ltd was the sub-contractor nominated to
design and construct the piling. After the piling was complete and the sub-contractor had left
the site, serious defects were discovered in one of the piles and, following further investigation,
minor defects were found in several other piles. Work was halted while the best strategy for
remedial work was debated between the parties. The city surveyor did not accept the initial
remedial proposals, and it was agreed that an independent engineer would prepare an alternative
proposal. The Corporation refused to agree to accept his decision in advance, and delayed making
the appointment. Altogether it was 58 weeks before work resumed (although the remedial work
took only six weeks), and the main contractor brought a claim against the sub-contractor for
The Official Referee at first instance found that the entire 58 weeks constituted delay caused by
the nominated sub-contractor and awarded £40,000 damages for breach of contract, based in
part on liquidated damages, which the Corporation had claimed from the contractor. McKinney
appealed, and the Court of Appeal found that the 58-week delay could not possibly entirely be due
to the sub-contractor’s breach, but was in part caused by the tardiness of the Corporation. This
being the case, and as there were no provisions in the contract for extending time for delay on the
part of the Corporation, it lost its right to claim liquidated damages, and this component of the
damages awarded against the sub-contractor was disallowed.
4.16 Under MW16 the contractor must give written notice to the contract administrator ‘If it
becomes apparent that the Works will not be completed by the Date for Completion’
(cl 2.7, or 2.8 in MWD16). The notice must be given regardless of the reason for the delay,
i.e. whether it is caused by the employer, by a neutral event (such as bad weather) or by
the contractor itself (this is a change since the 2005 edition of this form, where the notice
was only required where delay was for reasons beyond the control of the contractor).
(Figure 4.2 gives an overview of the MW16 timeline.)
4.17 This obligation is nevertheless quite limited. The phrase ‘If it becomes apparent that the
Works will not be completed’ suggests that notice only has to be given if it is reasonably
clear that completion will be delayed; i.e. a notice is not required if there is simply a current
delay in progress, or even if failure to complete in time appears possible. This limitation
could cause problems in practice. It is often important that the contract administrator is
made aware as soon as possible of any delays in progress in order to keep the employer
informed, and so that measures which might mitigate the problem can be considered.
Contractors often remain optimistic that temporary delays will be overcome, but this can
lead to disappointment and disputes later in the project. If it is anticipated that notification
Contract period
1: Under MW16 non-completion certificate not required
EOT = extension of time
E = employer
CA = contract administrator
Commencement and completion
25/10/2016 12:42
42 Guide to JCT MW16
of any delay is essential, then this should be made clear in the tender documents and a
suitable amendment made to the form.
4.18 The contract does not require the contractor to explain the reasons for the delay in the
notice. However, for practical purposes it would be sensible for the contractor to give as
much information as possible about the causes and the extent, so that the contract
administrator can assess what extension might be appropriate.
4.19 Once notice of delay has been given ‘Where that delay occurs for reasons beyond the
control of the Contractor, including compliance with Architect/Contract Administrator’s
instructions’, the contract administrator is required to make ‘such extension of time for
completion as may be reasonable’ (cl 2.7, or 2.8 in MWD16). For guidance on what might
be considered to be beyond the contractor’s control, the contract administrator might have
regard to those matters listed as ‘Relevant Events’ under SBC16, for example exceptionally
adverse weather, the ‘Specified Perils’, strikes, failure to supply information, site access
and indeed any difficulty in movement on or around site. The phrase is, however, broadly
expressed and might not be limited to those events. On the other hand, the contractor
could be assumed to have allowed for any circumstances which had been explained
clearly in the tender documentation, such as access restrictions, even though these may
in practice be beyond its control. If the nature and extent of the restrictions have been
made clear then they are unlikely to entitle the contractor to an extension of time.
4.20 It is also suggested that the contractor might be expected to have allowed for any
circumstances which a competent contractor could have predicted, such as the occurrence
of bad (but not unusually bad) weather in January. However, this is a difficult point as it
would rely on the courts implying a term that things which could be predicted are within
the contractor’s control. This was not the approach taken by the court in Scott Lithgow v
Secretary of State for Defence, where the court preferred to give the phrase its ordinary
Scott Lithgow Ltd v Secretary of State for Defence (1989) 45 BLR 1 (HL)
Scott Lithgow Ltd was the successor to Scott’s Shipbuilding Co. (1969) Ltd, which contracted
with the Ministry of Defence to construct two ‘Oberon’ class submarines. The contract required
that pressure-tight cables should be supplied by certain firms. One of these firms, BICC, became
a sub-contractor for the supply of the cables. The cables were found to be defective and had to
be replaced. Scott Lithgow brought proceedings against BICC, which were settled for a sum less
than the losses suffered through having to replace the cables. Scott Lithgow then gave notice of
arbitration under the main contract.
A case was then stated to the Inner House of the Court of Session, and certain points appealed to
the House of Lords. Clause 20A.3 of the contract had stated that the contractor should be paid for
the effect of ‘exceptional dislocation and delay arising during the construction of the vessel due
to alterations, suspension of work, or any other cause beyond the contractor’s control’. The House
of Lords held that failure by suppliers or sub-contractors in breach of their contractual duties
to Scott Lithgow was not a matter which, according to the ordinary use of language, could be
regarded as within Scott Lithgow’s control. Lord Keith of Kinkel pointed out that whether or not
the failure of the cables had been a matter within the control of Scott Lithgow was a question of
fact. The contractor’s position depends on demonstrating that ‘he has no means of securing that
(his requirements) are met. If the contractor failed to stipulate a time for delivery, consequent
delay would be his own responsibility but if he did so stipulate and delivery was late the position
would be different’ (at page 13).
4.21 MW16 makes it clear that default of sub-contractors or suppliers (its own or its sub-
contractors’) is a reason within the control of the contractor (cl 2.7, or 2.8 in MWD16). It is
suggested that the wording of this is clear enough to include even default by sub-
contractors or suppliers named by the contract administrator in the specification.
4.22 There are no time limits on when the contract administrator must respond to the contractor’s
notice, but it is suggested that this should be done as soon as possible, in order to
preserve the employer’s right to liquidated damages. The contract administrator should
either fix a new completion date or notify the contractor that no extension of time is due.
The contract administrator might call for information if this is necessary to make a fair and
reasonable assessment, but this must never be considered as a delaying tactic. The
contract does not appear to prevent the contract administrator later awarding an additional
extension, if this seems reasonable in the light of further information.
4.23 The right of the contract administrator to award an extension of time is limited in several
important respects. First, it appears to be dependent on the contractor having given
notice, and it is even arguable that the notice should be given before the date for
completion. This will present the contract administrator with a dilemma in the unlikely
event that the contractor fails to submit a notice where the employer has caused delay, or
submits the notice late. The right to deduct liquidated damages may be jeopardised if the
contract administrator is unable to extend the contract period. The best policy may be to
award an extension in any case, allowing the contractor to take the matter to adjudication
if it chooses. It would seem unlikely that a court would find that the parties had intended
that absence or lateness of notice should have such a drastic effect (Terry Pincott v Fur &
Textile Care).
Fur & Textile Care, a dry cleaning business, appointed architect David Daw in relation to
an extension to its premises. Terry Pincott was engaged as contractor on the Minor Works
Agreement. A certificate of practical completion was issued on 13 August 1982. The contractor
then submitted a request for an extension of time of 16 weeks on 8 September, which the architect
granted in full on 14 September. HH Judge Smout QC stated that ‘The request did not accord with
the terms of clause 6(ii) of the Minor Works Agreement in that [the contractor] did not notify [the
architect] prior to the anticipated date for completion. I doubt, however, whether time is of the
essence in regard to that sub-clause’. The lateness of itself would probably not have invalidated
the extension, but the architect in this case failed to exercise independent professional judgment
in awarding it. The extension was therefore not a bona fide exercise of his powers and was invalid.
4.24 The second limitation is that there appear to be no provisions whereby the contract
administrator may reduce a previous extension of time by fixing an earlier completion date
where work has been omitted. Nevertheless, it is suggested that if work has been omitted,
the contract administrator could take this into account when deciding what might be a
reasonable extension in response to some further notice by the contractor.
4.25 The third limitation is that there appear to be no provisions whereby the contract
administrator may award further extensions of time in respect of delaying events which
occur after the date for completion or any extended completion date, i.e. when the
contractor is in ‘culpable delay’. The use of the phrase ‘will not be completed by’ suggests
that clause 2.7 (cl 2.8 in MWD16) is referring only to events before the date for completion.
The court in Balfour Beatty v Chestermont Properties concluded that the contract
administrator had no such power, but this was in the context of a form that made express
provision for a ‘review’ of extensions of time. There is no such review provision in MW16,
so it may be that it would be viewed differently, but cases in the past indicate that courts
take a strict approach to implying terms which extend the employer’s rights in regard to
extending time. The best approach may be for the employer to agree a revised completion
date with the contractor, who in practice is unlikely to object as there would be little to be
gained. Nevertheless, this emphasises the importance of dealing with all extension of
time applications promptly.
In a contract on JCT80, the works were not completed by the revised completion date and the
architect issued a non-completion certificate. The architect then issued a series of variation
instructions and a further extension of time, which had the effect of fixing a completion date
two-and-a-half months before the first of the variation instructions. He then issued a further
non-completion certificate and the employer proceeded to deduct liquidated damages. The
contractor took the matter to arbitration and then appealed certain decisions on preliminary
questions given by the arbitrator. The court held that the architect’s power to grant an extension
of time pursuant to clause (similar to clause 2.7 in MW16) could only operate in respect
of relevant events that occurred before the original or the previously fixed completion date, but
the power to grant an extension under clause 25.3.3 applied to any relevant event.
4.26 It is an obligation on the contract administrator to issue extensions of time when properly
due and any failure on the part of the contract administrator to do so is a breach on the
part of the employer. In every case the contract administrator should assess the effect of
the delay on the contract completion date. A contractor’s programme could be useful as
a guide, but it would not be binding. The effect on progress is assessed in relation to the
work being carried out at the time of the delaying event, rather than the work that was
programmed to be carried out. The contract does not set this out, but it is suggested that
it would be implied that the contractor should take reasonable steps to prevent delay,
although not to the extent of incurring excessive expenditure. The contract administrator
is not required to give reasons as to why a particular extension was awarded. However, it
would be prudent to make careful records in case the matter is taken to adjudication.
4.27 The effects of any delay on completion are not always easy to predict. Nevertheless, the
contract administrator is required to reach an opinion, and in doing this owes a duty to
both parties to be fair and reasonable (Sutcliffe v Thackrah, see paragraph 7.1). This
applies even where the delay may have been caused by the contract administrator, for
example where the contract administrator has failed to issue information in sufficient time.
4.28 It sometimes happens that two or more delaying events occur simultaneously, or with
some overlap, and this can raise difficult questions with respect to the awarding of
extensions of time. In the case of concurrent delays involving two or more causes, it has
been customary to grant the extension in respect of the dominant reason, but this is only
appropriate where the dominant reason begins before and ends after any other reasons.
4.29 Where one overlapping delaying event is beyond the control of the contractor and the
other is not – in other words, one is the employer’s risk and the other the contractor’s –
a difficult question arises as to what extension of time is due. The instinctive reaction of
many assessors might be to ‘split the difference’, given that both parties have contributed
to the delay. However, the more logical approach is that the contractor should be given an
extension of time for the full length of delay caused by the employer, irrespective of the
fact that, during the overlap, the contractor was also causing delay. Taking any other
approach – e.g. splitting the overlap period and awarding only half of the extension to the
contractor – could result in the contractor being subject to liquidated damages for a delay
partly caused by the employer. The courts have normally adopted this analysis (see Walter
Lilly & Co. Ltd v Giles Mackay & DMW Ltd). A leading Scottish case had stated that a
proportional approach would be fairer, but this decision is not binding on English courts
and was not approved in Walter Lilly.
Walter Lilly & Co. Ltd v Giles Mackay & DMW Ltd [2012] EWHC 649 (TCC)
This case concerned a contract to build Mr and Mrs Mackay’s, and two other families’, luxury
new homes in South Kensington, London. The contract was entered into in 2004 on the JCT
Standard Form of Building Contract 1998 Edition with a Contractor’s Designed Portion
Supplement. The total contract sum was £15.3 million, the date for completion was 23 January
2006, and liquidated damages were set at £6,400 per day. Practical completion was certified on 7
July 2008. The contractor (Walter Lilly) issued 234 notices of delay and requests for extensions
of time, of which fewer than a quarter were answered. The contractor brought a claim for, among
other things, an additional extension of time. The court awarded a full extension up to the date
of practical completion. It took the opportunity to review approaches to dealing with concurrent
delay, including that in the case of Henry Boot Construction (UK) Ltd v Malmaison Hotel
(Manchester) Ltd (where the contractor is entitled to a full extension of time for delay caused by
two or more events, provided one is an event which entitles it to an extension under the contract),
and the alternative approach in the Scottish case of City Inn Ltd v Shepherd Construction Ltd
(where the delay is apportioned between the events). The court decided that the former was the
correct approach in this case. As part of its reasoning the court noted that there was nothing in
the relevant clauses to suggest that the extension of time should be reduced if the contractor was
partly to blame for the delay.
4.31 An interesting suggestion was put forward in the ‘Practice’ section of the RIBA Journal
(February 1992) (see Figure 4.3). Although not directed at MW16, it could be adapted to
suit this contract. In this arrangement, in return for being allowed to occupy the premises,
the employer agrees not to claim liquidated damages during the period of occupation, or
to claim it at a reduced rate. Practical completion obviously cannot be certified, and there
is no release of retention money until it is. Matters of insuring the works will need to be
settled with the insurers. Because such an arrangement would be outside the terms of
the contract it should be covered by a properly drafted agreement which is signed by both
parties. It may also be sensible to agree that, in the event that the contractor still fails to
achieve practical completion by the end of an agreed period, the rate of liquidated
damages would then increase. In most circumstances this arrangement would be of
benefit to both parties, and is far preferable to issuing a heavily qualified certificate of
practical completion listing ‘except for’ items.
Practical completion
4.32 Under clause 2.9 (2.10 in MWD16) the contract administrator is obliged to certify the date
at which, in the contract administrator’s opinion, works have reached practical completion
and the contractor has complied sufficiently with clause 3.9 (its CDM obligations, for
example the supply of information required for the health and safety file) and, in the case
of MWD16, clause 2.1.3 (supply of CDP drawings). The date certified is the date when the
last condition is fulfilled: in other words, if there is a delay before receiving the health and
safety information, the date of its receipt should be the date on the certificate, irrespective
of the fact that practical completion of the works was achieved days or even weeks earlier.
The use of the term ‘complied sufficiently’ may allow the contract administrator to use its
discretion in issuing the certificate with information missing. The contract administrator
should, however, be very careful not to place the employer in a position where it would be
in breach of the CDM Regulations.
4.33 Unfortunately, the drafting of the contract is not as consistent as it might be in relation to
practical completion. It refers in several clauses to ‘the date of practical completion’ rather
than the date certified under clause 2.9 (2.10 in MWD16). As clause 2.9 (2.10) refers to
practical completion of the works and the provision of CDM (and CDP) information as two
separate events, both of which have to have occurred for the certificate to be issued, there
is at least room for argument that where other clauses refer to ‘the date of practical
completion’ they are referring to the first event only.
4.34 For example, in clause 2.8 (2.9 in MWD16) liability for liquidated damages is stated to run
until the ‘date of practical completion’, and a contractor may try to argue that it should
cease once the works have reached practical completion. It is suggested that the correct
interpretation is that the liability runs until the date certified under clause 2.9 (2.10 in
MWD16), regardless of when the works reach practical completion, not least because the
employer may well be in breach of its statutory obligations until the necessary information
is provided. The ambiguity in the drafting arises from the failure of the JCT to adjust related
clauses after the reference to clause 3.9 (CDM obligations) was added to clause 2.9 (2.10
in MWD16).
H W Nevill (Sunblest) Ltd v William Press & Son Ltd (1981) 20 BLR 78
William Press entered into a contract with Sunblest to carry out foundations, groundworks and
drainage for a new bakery on a JCT63 contract. A practical completion certificate was issued, and
new contractors commenced a separate contract to construct the bakery. A certificate of making
good defects and a final certificate were then issued for the first contract, following which it was
discovered that the drains and the hard standing were defective. William Press returned to the
site and remedied the defects, but the second contract was delayed by four weeks and Sunblest
suffered damages as a result. It commenced proceedings, claiming that William Press was in
breach of contract and in its defence William Press argued that the plaintiff was precluded from
bringing the claim by the conclusive effect of the final certificate.
Judge Newey decided that the final certificate did not act as a bar to claims for consequential
loss. In reaching this decision he considered the meaning and effect of the certificate of practical
completion and stated (at page 87):
I think that the word ‘practically’ in clause 15(1) gave the architect a discretion to certify that
William Press had fulfilled its obligation under clause 21(1) where very minor de‑minimis
work had not been carried out, but that if there were any patent defects in what William Press
had done then the architect could not have issued a Certificate of Practical Completion.
Laing O’Rourke Construction Ltd (formerly Laing O’Rourke Northern Ltd) v Healthcare
Support (Newcastle) Ltd [2014] EWHC 2595 (TCC)
This case concerned a hospital project, where the relevant contract provided for the engagement
of an independent tester who would certify practical completion of the claimant’s works in
accordance with the completion criteria specified in the project agreement. The independent
tester refused to certify practical completion due to the employer’s complaints about the
quality and conformity of certain aspects of the works (toilet area size, daylight levels, window
restrictors, link bridge steelwork and room temperature). The contractor argued that these
matters fell outside the completion criteria, and that compliance with the criteria was sufficient.
The court agreed with this view. However, in reaching its opinion it acknowledged that, where
there are departures from the criteria, the tester would nevertheless be justified in issuing the
certificate where the departure would not have any material adverse impact on the ability of
the employer to enjoy and use the buildings for the purposes anticipated by the contract. There
was no justification to imply a term that any breach of the contractual requirements, however
technical or minor, would prevent certification of practical completion.
Support ). It has also been held that it is sufficient that the contractor complies with the
technical standards and requirements set out in the contract; it does not have to satisfy
any other unstated general employer requirements (Laing O’Rourke v Healthcare Support ).
4.36 However, such discretion should be exercised with extreme caution. It should not extend
to the issue of a certificate qualified by ‘except for the following items’ followed by a long
list. The rectification period will commence, the contractor may feel little incentive to return,
particularly if the retention money held hardly justifies the cost, and the client is likely to
take an exaggerated view of what defects remain. It may be worth reminding any employer
that is pressing for a certificate of practical completion of the consequences of such
4.37 A key consequence is that half of the retention is released, which leaves a retention of
only 2.5 per cent (or half of the percentage stated in the contract particulars) in hand. The
money may be used to remedy work which the contractor refuses to correct, but is only
intended to cover the risk of latent defects, and may not be enough to cover defects which
are apparent at practical completion.
4.38 There are a number of other consequences of practical completion. First, the rectification
period begins (cl 2.10, or 2.11 in MWD16). Any work which is completed during the
rectification period will not have the benefit of the full period to allow latent defects to
emerge. This may be particularly important with respect to services, which require a
seasonal cycle to be properly tested. Second, the employer takes over responsibility for
the site, and the contractor will no longer cover the insurance of the works under clause
5.4A (and possibly, depending on the arrangements made, under 5.4C). The insurers will
therefore need to be informed about the programme for the outstanding works. Third, the
contractor’s liability for liquidated damages ends (cl 2.8.1, or 2.9.1 in MWD), so if the
employer suffers further losses due to the contractor having to return to site it may find
these very difficult to recover. Finally, the employer will be the ‘occupier’ for the purposes
of the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, and also may be subject to claims regarding health
and safety.
4.40 It appears to be widespread practice for contract administrators to issue ‘snagging’ lists
in the period leading up to practical completion, sometimes in great detail and on a room-
by-room basis. The contract does not require this, and neither do most standard terms of
appointment. Under the contract, responsibility for quality control and snagging rests
entirely with the contractor. In adopting the practice of ‘snagging’ the contract administrator
might be helping the contractor and, although this may appear to benefit the employer, it
can create confusion over the liability position, which could cause problems at a future
4.41 It is frequently the practice for the contractor to arrange a ‘handover’ meeting. The term is
not used in MW16, and although handover meetings can be of use, particularly in
introducing the finished project to the employer, it is better to avoid complex or inflexible
procedures in the contract documents. Where a handover meeting has been arranged, or
the contractor has stated in writing that the works are complete, it still remains the contract
administrator’s responsibility to decide whether practical completion has been achieved.
If the contract administrator feels that the works are not complete, there is no obligation
to justify this opinion with schedules of outstanding items. The best course may just be to
draw attention to typical items, but to make it clear that any list is indicative and not
4.42 The 2016 edition of the contract has removed the special provisions covering a ‘penultimate’
certificate. Instead, interim certificates will continue to be issued at the same intervals after
practical completion as they had before, and following the same procedure (see
paragraphs 7.3–7.6). The only difference is that, as noted above, the amount of withheld
retention is cut to 2.5 per cent.
no longer considered essential that the amount is calculated on the basis of a genuine
pre-estimate of the loss likely to be suffered (Cavendish Square Holdings v El Makdessi
and ParkingEye Limited v Beavis; see also Alfred McAlpine Capital Projects v Tilebox).
Provided that the amount is not ‘out of all proportion’ to the likely losses, the damages will
be recoverable without the need to prove the actual loss suffered, irrespective of whether
the actual loss is significantly less or more than the recoverable sum (BFI Group of
Companies v DCB Integration Systems). In other words, once the rate has been agreed,
both parties are bound by it. Of course, for practical reasons, the rate should always be
discussed with the employer before inclusion in the tender documents, and an amount
that will provide adequate compensation included to cover, among other things, any
additional professional fees that may be charged during this period. If ‘nil’ is inserted then
this may preclude the employer from claiming any damages at all (Temloc v Errill), whereas
if the clause is left blank then the employer may still be able to claim general damages.
Alfred McAlpine Capital Projects Ltd v Tilebox Ltd [2005] BLR 271
This case contains a useful summary of the law relating to the distinction between liquidated
damages and penalties. A WCD98 contract contained a liquidated damages provision of £45,000
per week. On the facts, this was a genuine pre-estimate of loss and the actual loss suffered by
the developer, Tilebox, was higher. The contractor therefore failed to obtain a declaration that
the provision was a penalty. However, the judge also considered a different (hypothetical)
interpretation of the facts whereby it was most unlikely, although just conceivable, that the
total weekly loss would be as high as £45,000. In this situation also the judge considered that the
provision would not constitute a penalty. In reaching this decision he took into account the fact
that the amount of loss was difficult to predict, that the figure was a genuine attempt to estimate
losses, that the figure was discussed at the time the contract was formed and that the parties at
that time were represented by lawyers.
Cavendish Square Holdings v El Makdessi and ParkingEye Limited v Beavis, Supreme Court
In this landmark case the Supreme Court restated the law regarding whether a liquidated
damages clause may be considered a penalty. Key criteria for whether a provision will be penal
are: if ‘the sum stipulated for is extravagant and unconscionable in amount in comparison
with the greatest loss that could conceivably be proved to have followed from the breach’; and
whether the sum imposes a detriment on the contract breaker which is ‘out of all proportion to
any legitimate interest of the innocent party’. In determining these, the court must consider the
wider commercial context.
BFI Group of Companies Ltd v DCB Integration Systems Ltd [1987] CILL 348
BFI employed DCB on the Agreement for Minor Building Works to refurbish and alter offices
and workshops at its transport depot. BFI was given possession of the building on the extended
date for completion, but two of the six vehicle bays could not be used for another six weeks as the
roller shutters had not yet been installed. Disputes arose which were taken to arbitration. The
arbitrator found that the delay in completing the two bays did not cause BFI any loss of revenue,
and that BFI was therefore not entitled to any of the liquidated damages. BFI was given leave to
appeal to the High Court. HH Judge John Davies QC found that BFI was entitled to liquidated
damages. It was quite irrelevant to consider whether in fact there was any loss. Liquidated
damages do not run until possession is given to the employer but until practical completion is
achieved, which may not be at the same time. Therefore, the fact that the employer had use of the
building was also not relevant.
Temloc entered into a contract with Errill Properties to construct a development near Plymouth.
The contract was on JCT80 and was in the value of £840,000. ‘£Nil’ was entered in the appendix
against clause 24.2, liquidated and ascertained damages. Practical completion was certified
around six weeks later than the revised date for completion. Temloc brought a claim against
Errill Properties for non-payment of some certified amounts and Errill counterclaimed for
damages for late completion. It was held by the court that the effect of ‘£Nil’ was not that the
clause should be disregarded (because, for example, it indicated that it had not been possible
to assess a rate in advance), but that it had been agreed that there should be no damages for late
completion. Clause 24 is an exhaustive remedy and covers all losses normally attributable to
a failure to complete on time. The defendant could not therefore fall back on the common law
remedy of general damages for breach of contract.
4.45 The liquidated damages may either be recovered from the contractor as a debt or
deducted from monies due (cl 2.8.2, or 2.9.2 in MW16). In both cases the following
preconditions must have been met:
• orthe2.9.1
contractor must have failed to complete the works by the completion date (cl 2.8.1,
in MWD16);
• the contract administrator must have fulfilled all duties with respect to the award of
extensions of time.
4.46 If the employer wishes to deduct liquidated damages from an amount payable on a
certificate, clause 2.8.2 (2.9.2 in MWD16) states that the employer must give a notice
under clause 4.5.4 (a ‘pay less notice’). The notice must be reasonably clear, and state
the amount that the employer considers due, and the basis on which it is calculated,
which means that information regarding the rate and period of damages should be
included. In addition, if the employer wishes to deduct the damages from the sum due
under the final certificate, this must have been made clear in writing before the date of
the final certificate (cl 2.8.3, or 2.9.3 in MWD16). This is an earlier notification than that
required under clause 4.5.4.
4.47 If an extension of time is given following the date for completion, the employer must
immediately repay any liquidated damages recovered for the period up to the new
completion date. In Department of Environment for Northern Ireland v Farrans, a case
relating to JCT63, it was decided that the contractor has the right to interest on any repaid
liquidated damages. This decision was criticised at the time (see the commentary in
volume 19 of the Building Law Reports) and would be unlikely to be applied in relation to
SBC16, where the wording is now different. However, as the wording in MW16 is similar
to that in JCT63, the right to interest in relation to this form remains an open question.
Farrans was employed to build an office block under JCT63. The original date for completion was
24 May 1975, but this was subsequently extended to 3 November 1977. During the course of the
contract, the architect issued four certificates of non-completion. By 18 July 1977 the employer
had deducted £197,000 in liquidated damages but, following the second non-completion
certificate, repaid £77,900 of those deductions. This process was repeated following the issue of
the subsequent non-completion certificates. Farrans brought proceedings in the High Court of
Justice in Northern Ireland, claiming interest on the sums that had been subsequently repaid.
The court found for the contractor, stating that the employer had been in breach of contract in
deducting monies on the basis of the first, second and third certificates, and that the contractor
was entitled to interest as a result.
4.48 Certificates should always show the full amount due to the contractor. As explained in the
guidance notes to the form, it is the employer alone that makes the deduction of liquidated
damages. The employer should be advised on the completion date (as last revised) of
the fact of failure to complete by the date and of the date of practical completion, and
reminded of its right to deduct the damages and the procedure that must be followed.
The employer would not be considered to have waived its claim by a failure to deduct
damages from the first or any certificate under which this could validly be done, and would
always be able to deduct the amount from a later certificate or to reclaim it as a debt at
any point up until the final certificate.
5.1 The contract administrator derives authority solely from the wording of the contract and
will, for example, supply necessary information, issue instructions and issue certificates or
notices. In some matters the contract administrator will act as agent of the employer, for
example when issuing instructions which vary the works, and in others will act as
independent decision maker, such as when issuing certificates or deciding on claims for
an extension of time. Failure to comply with any obligation (usually prefaced by the phrase
‘the contract administrator shall’) will constitute failure on the part of the employer
tantamount to breach of contract (see Tables 5.1 and 5.2).
5.2 The day-to-day control of the works, i.e. the management of operations on site, co‑ordination
of orders and supplies, procurement of labour and sub-contractors and all issues relating
to quality control and health and safety, is entirely the responsibility of the contractor.
Person in charge
5.3 The contractor is required to keep a competent ‘person in charge’ (cl 3.2) on the site at
all reasonable times to receive any instructions given by the contract administrator and to
act as the contractor’s agent on site. Although there is no requirement in the contract
conditions to have the person named, it would be sensible to set this requirement out in
the specification, or alternatively to ask for the name and expected duration on site to be
minuted at a pre-contract meeting. In extreme cases the contract administrator has the
power to exclude persons from the works (cl 3.8), but this is only likely to be used where
an employee may be seriously affecting operations on site.
Clerk of works
5.4 There is no provision in MW16 for an independent clerk of works. If a clerk of works is to
be engaged by the employer then this would have to be made clear at tender stage, and
suitable provisions would have to be agreed regarding access and facilities.
Sub-contracted work
5.5 Under clause 3.3.1 the contractor may only sub-contract work with the written consent of
the contract administrator. Failure to obtain this would be a default, although the contract
sets out no remedy. Under clause 1.7.1, however, the contract administrator’s permission
cannot be unreasonably withheld. It is suggested that permission is required for each
instance of sub-letting, rather than agreeing to sub-letting in principle.
5.6 MW16 stipulates that ‘Where considered appropriate, the Contractor shall engage the
sub-contractor using the JCT Short Form of Sub-Contract’ (or the JCT Minor Works Sub-
Contract with sub-contractor’s design, in MWD16). This is not an absolute obligation, but
it is suggested that the contractor would have to give reasonable justification for not using
the form. Whatever form of domestic sub-contract is used, it must include certain
conditions. The sub-contract must provide that the sub-contractor’s employment must
terminate immediately on termination of the contractor’s employment (cl, and that
the sub-contractor must comply with its CDM obligations (cl Clause states
the sub-contract must provide that the sub-contractor has a right to interest on late
payments by the contractor. It is surprising that the JCT decided to ‘step down’ such a
lengthy and complex provision into the Minor Works form, when its sole purpose is to
protect the interests of sub-contractors. It is notable that other SBC16 contract provisions,
designed to protect the position of the employer in relation to unfixed goods and materials,
have not been stepped down.
5.7 The contract makes no provision for naming or nominating a sub-contractor. It is suggested
that if a sub-contractor is named in the tender documents, the contractor will remain
entirely responsible for the performance of that sub-contractor. However, difficulties may
arise if the sub-contractor were to repudiate its contract. The contract does not include a
facility for replacement or substitution, and it may well be that the employer would be
responsible for finding a replacement. Similarly, there may be problems if a design
obligation is sub-contracted to a named specialist under MWD16 and defects emerge in
relation to that design. Although by no means certain, it is possible that a court would find
the main contractor not liable for the design error. It should also be remembered that there
is no JCT employer/specialist warranty for use with MWD16 in the event that the employer
wishes to be able to hold the specialist sub-contractor directly liable for this work.
5.8 It would be possible to limit the contractor’s choice of a sub-contractor to carry out certain
work to any one of three or more firms, in a manner similar to the provisions for naming firms
in a list under SBC16. The National Building Specification MW version contains a suitable
specification clause. Sometimes a contract administrator’s instruction on the expenditure of
a provisional sum is used as an opportunity to instruct the contractor to enter into a sub-
contract with a particular firm. The contractor should be made aware of such an intention at
the time of tendering, in order to reduce the risk of objections which could prove disruptive.
Principal designer
5.10 Both parties are required to comply with the CDM Regulations (cl 3.9, see paragraph 3.21).
It is the employer’s obligation under the contract to ensure that the principal designer and
the principal contractor carry out all the relevant duties under the CDM Regulations
(cl 3.9.1). The contract administrator has no duty under MW16 to check that the contractor
is complying with health and safety requirements on site (nor does the principal designer
under the CDM Regulations), although the principal designer will become involved if
design changes are needed, for example due to the discovery of an unexpected hazard.
Generally, though, the responsibility for ensuring that correct health and safety measures
are employed on site rests with the contractor.
5.12 MW16 refers to the contract administrator’s obligation to provide ‘any further information
and instructions necessary for the proper carrying out of the Works’ (cl 2.3). This obligation
is repeated in the MWD16 version (cl 2.4), although it is suggested it does not extend to
providing information relating to the CDP, except where there is an inconsistency or
ambiguity in the employer’s requirements. The forms do not require the information to be
released under a contract administrator’s instruction, but this is sound practice, as it would
enable the clause 3.4 provisions to be brought into operation if necessary (see paragraph
5.19). If any of the information supplied introduces changes or additions to the works, it
should certainly be covered by a contract administrator’s instruction requiring a variation.
5.13 The contract sets out no time limits in regard to the provision of information. However, in
order to avoid causing delay, it would be wise to recognise that information and instructions
should be provided in sufficient time to allow the contractor to complete by the completion
date or, if the contractor appears unlikely to complete by this date, at a date when it is
reasonably necessary for the contractor to receive the information.
5.14 Under MW16 there is no requirement for the contractor to advise the contract administrator
of when information may be needed. It might, therefore, be prudent to set up a procedure
(possibly at site meetings) where the contractor is requested to list the information that
may be needed and when.
5.16 MWD16 includes limited provisions regarding the supply of information relating to the
CDP. The contractor is required to provide the contract administrator with copies of ‘such
drawings or details, specifications of materials, goods and workmanship, and (if requested)
5.18 Furthermore, a contract administrator will not necessarily be liable to the employer for
negligent inspection if a defect in a contractor’s work is not identified. The question in
every case is whether the contract administrator exhibited the degree of skill that an
ordinary competent professional would exhibit in the same circumstances. Generally, the
extent and frequency of inspections must enable the contract administrator to be in a
position to properly certify that the construction work has been carried out in accordance
with the contract (Jameson v Simon). The case of McGlinn v Waltham Contractors Ltd
sets out some useful advice on the appropriate standard of inspection.
This case concerned a house in Jersey called Maison d’Or that was designed and built for
the claimant, Mr McGlinn. The house took three years to build, but after it was substantially
complete, it sat empty for the next three years while defects were investigated. It was completely
demolished in 2005 having never been lived in and was not rebuilt. Mr McGlinn brought an
action against the various consultants, including the architect, and the contractor, claiming that
Maison d’Or was so badly designed, and so badly built, that he was entitled to demolish it and start
again. The contractor however had gone into administration and played no part in the hearing.
The architect was engaged on RIBA Standard Form of Appointment 1982, which referred to
‘periodic inspections’. HH Judge Peter Coulson QC usefully summarised the principles relating
to inspection (at paras 215 and 218), which included the following:
• ‘The frequency and duration of inspections should be tailored to the nature of the works going
on at site from time to time’.
• ‘If the element of the work is important because it is going to be repeated throughout one
significant part of the building, then the inspecting professional should ensure that he has
seen that element of the work in the early course of construction/assembly so as to form a
view as to the contractor’s ability to carry out that particular task’.
5.22 There is no special format required for instructions, but it is often convenient to use the
forms published by RIBA Publishing or NBS Contract Administrator. Instructions in site
meeting minutes might constitute a written confirmation of an oral instruction if issued by
the contract administrator, but are unlikely to do so if issued by the contractor. It would
depend on the circumstances whether the minutes were sufficiently clear to fall within the
terms of the contract and it is therefore not good practice to rely on this method.
5.23 The contractor must comply with every instruction, provided that it is valid and one which
the contract administrator is empowered to issue. The contractor must ‘forthwith’ comply,
which for practical purposes means as soon as is reasonably possible (cl 3.4, or 3.4.1 in
5.24 If the contractor does not comply with a written instruction, the employer may employ and
pay others to carry out the work to the extent necessary to give effect to the instruction
(cl 3.5). The contract administrator must already have given notice to the contractor
requiring compliance with the instruction, and seven days must have elapsed after the
contractor’s receipt of the notice before the employer may bring in others. This suggests
that some recorded form of delivery is desirable. Careful records should be kept to
substantiate the costs claimed and competitive tenders obtained if the circumstances
permit. If the contractor believes that a contract administrator’s instruction might not be
empowered by the contract, or justifies clarification, then its last resort would be to raise
the matter in adjudication. Any additional costs to the employer, i.e. the difference between
what would have been paid to the contractor for the instructed work and the costs actually
incurred by the employer, are to be deducted from the contract sum. These costs could
include not only the carrying out of the instructed work but also any special site provisions
that would need to be made, including health and safety provisions, and any additional
professional fees charged. Although it would be wise to obtain alternative estimates for all
these costs wherever possible, if the work is needed urgently there would be no need to
do so.
5.25 The contract administrator’s instructions often require variations to the works. Under
common law neither party to a contract has the power to unilaterally alter any of its terms.
Therefore, neither the employer nor the contract administrator would have the power to
require any variations unless the contract provides for this. As it is difficult to define some
things exactly in advance, most construction contracts contain provisions allowing the
employer to vary the works to some degree. Changes can arise because of unexpected
site problems, or because of design changes wanted by the employer, or because the
contract administrator has to change information issued to the contractor.
5.26 Under MW16 the contract administrator has the power to order variations, and the scope
of what constitutes a variation is set out in clause 3.6.1. It includes ‘an addition to, omission
from, or other change in the Works or the order or manner in which they are to be carried
out’. The power does not extend to altering the nature of the contract, nor can the contract
administrator issue variations after practical completion. In addition, the word ‘manner’
replaces the word ‘period’ used in the 2011 edition; this change makes it clear that an
instruction cannot remove work and require it to be carried out at another time, for example
during the rectification period. All variations under clause 3.6.1 may result in an adjustment
of the contract sum and give rise to a claim for an extension of time and direct loss and/
or expense. If the works are suspended as a consequence, this could also be a ground
for determination by the contractor.
5.27 The contract administrator may vary the works (e.g. by changing the standard of a material
specified), and may add to or omit work, or substitute one type of work for another.
Although there is no specific provision in MW16, it seems likely that the contract
administrator could order removal of work already carried out. The contract administrator
is also empowered to order variations affecting the sequence of work. Although not
entirely clear, it is likely that the phrase ‘manner of carrying out the work’ could be
interpreted broadly, to include not just working methods, but also access to or use of the
site, limitations on working space or working hours or any restrictions already imposed. In
any case, the contractor is unlikely to challenge such an instruction, given that the
contractor will be paid for such variations and would be entitled to an extension of time. It
would also seem likely that a court would imply such a term, at least in relation to
restrictions that might be imposed by a local authority, as otherwise the contract might
become unworkable.
5.28 Under MWD16 the contract administrator may also instruct a change to the employer’s
requirements which necessitates an alteration to the design of the CDP works. This
provision is carefully worded, and does not empower the administrator to instruct changes
to the CDP directly. Under clause 2.1.4, the contractor will not be responsible for any
changes to the requirements. In effect, although the contractor is responsible for the
design of the CDP, the employer may not be able to hold the contractor responsible for
problems resulting from such variations.
Defective work
5.29 Clause 2.1 states that all materials and workmanship shall be of the standard specified in
the contract documents. The contract administrator will normally inspect at regular intervals
to monitor the standard that is being achieved. If any changes were made in order to raise
or lower the standard then this would constitute a variation. When the standard achieved
appears to be unsatisfactory it can be all too easy for the contract administrator to become
involved in directing the day-to-day activities of the contractor on site, particularly with
smaller jobs under a contract such as MW16. Apart from being an enormous burden on
the contract administrator, this could confuse the issue of who is ultimately responsible
for the works and must be avoided at all costs. The contract administrator would normally,
of course, draw the contractor’s attention to areas of defective or poor-quality work.
5.30 Clearly the contractor should not be paid for any defective work. If this appears to be
insufficient incentive then the contract administrator may instruct that the work in question
is carried out in accordance with the contract. While not adding anything to the contractor’s
primary obligation, this allows the employer to employ others to carry out the work should
the contractor refuse to comply, provided notice is given (cl 3.5). If the contractor insists
that the work was correctly carried out then this dispute might have to be taken to
adjudication. If the contract administrator wishes to have tests carried out then the cost of
these would be borne by the employer, unless special provisions have been set out in the
contract documents, as MW16 has no provision for testing or opening up work.
5.31 The contract does not expressly give the contract administrator the power to accept
defective work or instruct that it remains (except during the rectification period, see
paragraph 5.34). However, the same effect could be achieved by issuing a variation
instruction that effectively lowers the standard of work set out in the contract documents
to that which has actually been provided. The contract administrator should not do this
without the employer’s consent, which should be recorded in writing. It would be
inadvisable unless the employer is completely satisfied with the work, the defect is minor
and the delay consequent upon correcting the work appears completely out of proportion
to the benefit to be gained. It is very important that the parties agree on any deduction to
be made before the defective work is accepted (see paragraph 7.8). The contract
administrator should strongly advise the employer against accepting any defective work
that could later cause technical problems or be a source of irritation. The difficult case of
Ruxley Electronics v Forsyth illustrates that it may not be possible to claim the cost of
having the work rebuilt at a later date.
Mr Forsyth employed Ruxley Electronics to build a swimming pool. The drawings and
specification required the pool to be 7ft 6in. deep at its deepest point, but the completed pool
was only 6ft 9in. deep. The contractor brought a claim for its unpaid account, and Mr Forsyth
counterclaimed the cost of rebuilding the pool, which would be £21,560. The trial judge found
that the shortfall in depth did not decrease the value of the pool and that Mr Forsyth had no
intention of building a new pool. He rejected the counterclaim but awarded £2,500 as general
damages for loss of pleasure and amenity. Mr Forsyth appealed and the Court of Appeal allowed
the appeal and awarded him £21,500. The contractor appealed and the House of Lords restored
the original ruling, confirming that the cost of reinstatement is not the only possible measure of
damages for defective performance of a building contract and is not the appropriate measure
where the expenditure would be out of all proportion to the benefit to be obtained.
William Tomkinson & Sons Ltd v Parochial Church Council of St Michael (1990) 6 CLJ 319, 8
The Council employed William Tomkinson to carry out repair works to their church caused
by the contractor’s negligence, on the Agreement for Minor Building Works. During the course
of the works £100,000 worth of damage was caused to the church organ and other parts of the
structure by rainwater. The architect reported complaints about these defects to the contractor
orally, but did not issue a schedule of defects. The Council employed other contractors to remedy
the defects prior to the date for practical completion. In examining clause 2.5, Judge Stannard
concluded that a written schedule of defects was not necessary and that oral notification was
sufficient. He also found that the words ‘appear within three months of practical completion’
extended to defects which appear before practical completion. The true measure of damages was
not the church’s outlay in repairing the damage but what it would have cost the contractor if it
had been required to undertake the repairs.
5.33 MW16 requires the contract administrator to notify the contractor of the existence of
defects within 14 days of the end of the rectification period (cl 2.10, or cl 2.11 in MWD16).
Unlike SBC16, the form does not state that the contract administrator must issue a
schedule of defects. It is suggested that it would be sufficient for the contract administrator
to write to the contractor to inform it that defects had appeared, and of their general nature.
The onus would then be on the contractor to identify and make good all defective work. If
the contract administrator prefers to issue a schedule, it might be wise to state that it is
not intended to be a comprehensive list, and that the contractor should make its own
inspection. It would also be sensible to make the employer aware that the contractor must
be allowed access, as to prevent this might result in the employer being unable to claim
for the costs of remedying the defective work (see Pearce and High v Baxter).
Pearce and High Ltd v John P Baxter and Mrs A S Baxter [1999] BLR 101 (CA)
The Baxters employed Pearce and High on MW80 to carry out certain works at their home in
Farringdon. Following practical completion, the architect issued interim certificate no. 5, which
the employer did not pay. The contractor commenced proceedings in Oxford County Court,
claiming payment of that certificate and additional sums. The employer in its defence and
counterclaim relied on various defects in the work that had been carried out. Although the defects
liability period had by that time expired, neither the architect nor the employer had notified the
contractor of the defects. The Recorder held that clause 2.5 was a condition precedent to the
recovery of damages by the employer, and further stated that it was a condition precedent that the
building owner had notified the contractor of patent defects within the defects liability period.
The employer appealed and the appeal was allowed. Lord Justice Evans stated that there were no
clear express provisions within the contract which prevented the employer bringing a claim for
defective work, regardless of whether notification had been given. He went on to state, however,
that the contractor would not be liable for the full cost to the employer of remedying the defects,
if the contractor had been effectively denied the right to return and remedy the defects itself.
5.34 If the employer would prefer to accept the defects rather than require them to be corrected,
then an appropriate deduction is made from the contract sum (cl 2.11). As noted above
(see paragraph 5.31), care should be taken to establish the full extent of the problem and
negotiate a deduction before such a course of action is taken as it is unlikely that the
employer would thereafter be able to claim for consequential problems or further remedial
5.35 Once satisfied that the contractor’s obligations have been discharged, the contract
administrator must issue a certificate to that effect (cl 2.11, or 2.12 in MWD16). The
certificate is a precondition to the issue of the final certificate. The contract does not state
what should happen in respect of defects that appear after the issue of the certificate but
before the issue of the final certificate. It appears, however, that the contractor may no
longer have any obligation under clause 2.10 (2.11 in MWD16) nor any right under the
contract, to return to site. It is suggested that in such circumstances there would be two
possible courses of action. The first would be to make an agreement with the contractor
to rectify the defects before the final certificate is issued. If the contractor were to refuse
to do this, an amount could be deducted from the contract sum to cover the cost of
making good the work, but this might involve some risk to the employer. The second and
less risky course would be to have the defective work rectified by another contractor, and
to deduct the amount paid from the contract sum. This would involve a delay to the issue
of the final certificate and would probably be disputed by the contractor.
6.1 The contract sum is entered in Article 2. This is seldom the amount which the project will
ultimately cost, and the wording of the contract recognises this by the qualifying reference
‘or such other sum as becomes payable’.
6.2 The contract figure sometimes contains provisional sums to cover the cost of work that
cannot be accurately described or measured at the time of tendering. Also, almost all jobs
will entail some variations as work proceeds; MW16 provides for dealing with the cost of
such variations, for the ‘direct loss and/or expense’ due to any resulting disruption, and for
costs and expenses due to suspension. If Supplemental Provision 3 is included, the
contractor may propose savings that result in an adjustment to the contract sum. The form
can take into account fluctuations – limited to ‘contribution, levy and tax changes’ – or, if
preferred, it can be operated as literally a fixed price contract. VAT is, of course, not
included in the contract sum.
6.3 As a result, the contract sum will almost certainly need to be adjusted, and amounts
properly ascertained by the contract administrator will be added or deducted as appropriate
when payments are certified.
6.4 Arithmetical errors by the contractor in pricing are not allowed as a cause for adjustment.
The contractor has agreed to carry out all the work shown in the contract documents for
the contract sum, and errors or omissions in any detailed pricing breakdown are immaterial.
Any inconsistency between the contract drawings and other documents must be corrected
by a contract administrator’s instruction and is treated as if it were a variation, but it is
suggested that this would not necessarily result in an increase in the contract sum (cl 2.4,
or 2.5.1 in MWD16). If the work is clearly shown in some of the documents but does not
appear in others, a court would be likely to ask whether, from the point of view of an
objective bystander, it is clear that the parties intended that this work should form part of
their agreement. The contract administrator should make a similar objective assessment,
and if the answer is ‘no’ then the variation will result in an adjustment.
Provisional sums
6.5 If sufficient information cannot be provided at the time of tender to allow the contractor to
price that item then a provisional sum may be included in the tender documents to cover
the item. Provisional sums included in the contract specification are not subject to the New
Rules of Measurement (NRM2 Rules) (RICS, 2012). It is nevertheless advisable to give
the tenderer as much information as possible regarding the nature and construction of the
work, how and where the work fits into the building, the scope and extent of the work and
any specific limitations on methods or sequence or timing. The contract administrator
must issue instructions regarding all work covered by provisional sums (cl 3.7). The work
is then to be valued in accordance with clause 3.6.2 or 3.6.3. It should be noted that a
provisional sum is different to a ‘prime cost’ (PC) sum. The latter normally refers to a price
that has been ascertained in advance of requesting tenders, from a specialist supplier or
sub-contractor. It is unlikely that PC sums will be applicable to a contract based on MW16,
as the form does not make provision for the naming or nominating of such firms (see
paragraph 1.16).
Valuation of variations
6.6 Clause 3.6.3 makes it clear that valuation of variations is the responsibility of the contract
administrator, regardless of whether or not a quantity surveyor is appointed. The
clause applies to variations instructions and to ‘matters to be treated as a variation’, which
includes correction of inconsistencies under clause 2.4 (2.5.1 in MWD16) and reinstatement
work following damage under clause 5.6.6. Work is to be valued ‘using any relevant prices’
in the priced specification or schedules or in the contractor’s schedule of rates. ‘Relevant’
should be understood in the sense that the variation relates to work of a similar character,
carried out under similar conditions. Where the work is not of similar character it should
be valued on a fair and reasonable basis. Any direct loss and/or expense incurred is to be
taken into account in the valuation (see paragraph 6.8).
6.7 Under clause 3.6.2 the contract administrator should endeavour to agree a price with the
contractor in advance of the work being carried out. The contract administrator would,
however, be acting as agent for the employer, and it would be wise to confirm the price
with the employer before agreeing to it. The price could be agreed using the Supplemental
Provision 3 procedure. Alternatively, a method similar to the ‘Schedule 2 quotation’
procedure in SBC16 could be adopted, whereby a quotation is requested which should
identify the direct cost of complying with the instruction, the period required for extension
to the contract period and any amount necessary to cover direct loss and/or expense. It
may not be generally appropriate for contracts under MW16 because of the sums involved
and the time factor, but for more significant variations this method would bring certainty
of outcome for the parties, as both would be bound by what is agreed. The certainty,
however, is likely to be secured only at a price, as the contractor would be under no
obligation to relate the quotation to the figures in the contract documents. If the quotation
is unacceptable, the work could still be instructed and valued in the usual way.
6.9 In ascertaining loss and expense the contract administrator must determine what has
actually been suffered. The sums awarded can include any loss or expense that has
arisen directly as the result of the variation. In assessing the amount of damages the
object is to put the contractor back into the position in which it would have been but for
the disturbance. The contractor ought to be able to show that it has taken reasonable
steps to mitigate its loss.
• increased preliminaries;
• overheads;
• loss of profit;
• uneconomic working;
• increases due to inflation;
• interest or finance charges.
6.11 Prolongation costs, such as on-site overheads, would normally only be claimable for
variations that result in an extension of time. (For head office overheads, etc., see Alfred
McAlpine v Property and Land Contractors.) Interest may also be recoverable, but only if
it can be proved to have been a genuine loss (F G Minter v WHTSO).
Alfred McAlpine Homes North Ltd v Property and Land Contractors Ltd (1995) 76 BLR 59
An appeal arose on a question of law arising out of an arbitrator’s award regarding the basis for
awarding direct loss and expense with respect to additional overheads and hire of small plant,
following an instruction to postpone the works. The judgment contains useful guidance on the
basis for awarding direct loss and expense. To ‘ascertain’ means to ‘find out for certain’. It is not
necessary to differentiate between ‘loss’ and ‘expense’ in a head of claim. Regarding overheads,
a contractor would normally be entitled to recover as a ‘loss’ the shortfall in the contribution
that the volume of work had been expected to make to the fixed head office overheads, but which,
because of a reduction in volume and revenue caused by the prolongation, was not in fact made.
The fact that ‘Emden’ or ‘Hudson’ formulae depend on certain assumptions means that they are
frequently inappropriate. The losses on the plant should be the true cost to the contractor, not
based on notional or assumed hire charges.
F G Minter Ltd v Welsh Health Technical Services Organisation (1980) 13 BLR 1 (CA)
Minter was employed by Welsh Health Technical Services Organisation (WHTSO) under JCT63
to construct the University Hospital of Wales (second phase) Teaching Hospital. During the
course of the contract several variations were made, and the progress of the works was affected
due to the lack of necessary drawings and information. The contractor was paid amounts in
respect of direct loss and/or expense, but the amounts paid were challenged as insufficient. The
amounts had not been certified and paid until long after the losses had been incurred, therefore
the amounts should have included an allowance in respect of finance charges or interest.
Following arbitration, several questions were put to the High Court, including whether Minter
(a) between the loss and/or expense being incurred and the making of a written application for
the same;
(b) during the ascertainment of the amount; and/or
(c) between the time of such ascertainment and the issue of the certificate including the
ascertained amount.
The court answered ‘no’ to all three questions and Minter appealed. The Court of Appeal ruled
that the answer was ‘yes’ to the first question and ‘no’ to the others.
6.12 Although the contract does not actually state such a requirement, it would be reasonable
to assume that the contractor should provide details and particulars of all items concerned
with any loss or expense, otherwise it will be extremely difficult for the contract administrator
to assess what amount would be reasonable. If no information is forthcoming, the contract
administrator should nevertheless try to make a fair and reasonable assessment.
6.13 Formulae such as the ‘Hudson’ or ‘Emden’ formulae are sometimes used to estimate
head office overheads and profit, which may be difficult to substantiate. Such formulae
can only be used where it has been established that there has been a loss of this nature.
To do this the contractor must be able to show that, but for the delay, the contractor would
have been able to earn the amounts claimed on another contract, for example by
producing evidence such as invitations to tender which were declined. Such formulae may
be useful where it is difficult to quantify the amount of the alleged loss, provided a check
is made that the assumptions on which the formula is based apply.
6.14 Although direct loss and/or expense is a matter of money and not time, which are quite
separate issues, there is often a practical correlation in the case of prolongation. However,
any general implication that there is a link would be incorrect and, in principle, disruption
claims and delay to progress are independent. An extension of time, for example, is not a
condition precedent to the award of direct loss and/or expense (H Fairweather & Co. v
H Fairweather & Co. Ltd v London Borough of Wandsworth (1987) 39 BLR 106
Fairweather entered into a contract with the London Borough of Wandsworth to erect 478
dwellings. The contract was on JCT63. Pipe Conduits Ltd was nominated sub-contractor for
underground heating works. Disputes arose and an arbitrator was appointed who made an
interim award. Leave to appeal was given on several questions of law arising out of the award.
The arbitrator had found that where a delay occurred which could be ascribed to more than
one event, the extension should be granted for the dominant reason. Strikes were the dominant
reason, and the arbitrator had granted an extension of 81 weeks for this reason, and made it clear
that this reason did not carry any right for direct loss and/or expense. The court stated that an
extension of time was not a condition precedent to an award of direct loss and/or expense, and
that the contractor would be entitled to direct loss and/or expense for other events which had
contributed to the delay.
6.15 Applications by or claims from the contractor must be dealt with according to the
procedures contained in the contract. Failure to certify an amount properly due will not
prevent recovery, and could leave the employer liable in damages for breach of contract
(Croudace v London Borough of Lambeth).
Croudace entered into an agreement with the London Borough of Lambeth to erect 148 dwelling
houses, some shops and a hall. The contract was on JCT63 and the architect was Lambeth’s chief
architect and the quantity surveyor was its chief quantity surveyor. The architect delegated his
duties to a private firm of architects. Croudace alleged that there had been delays and that they
had suffered direct loss and/or expense and sent letters detailing the matters to the architects. In
reply, the architects told Croudace that they had been instructed by Lambeth that all payments
relating to ‘loss and expense’ had to be approved by the Borough. The chief architect of Lambeth
then retired and was not immediately replaced. There were considerable delays pending the
appointment and Croudace began legal proceedings. The High Court found that Lambeth was in
breach of contract in failing to take the necessary steps to ensure that the claim was dealt with,
and was liable to Croudace for this breach. The Court of Appeal upheld this finding.
6.16 Depending upon the economic climate it may be to the employer’s advantage to ask for
a ‘fixed’ or ‘guaranteed’ price. Rather confusingly, the term ‘fixed price’ in building contracts
usually includes for limited fluctuations, such as tax changes. MW16, however, can be
operated literally as a fixed price contract (i.e. the contract sum will not change unless
variations occur or provisional sums are included).
6.17 MW16 allows ‘contribution, levy and tax changes’ fluctuations, i.e. those which result from
the intervention of statute after the ‘Base Date’ entered in the contract particulars. The
details of how this operates are set out in Schedule 2. There is an opportunity for entering
a ‘percentage addition’, which is unlikely to be in excess of 10 per cent. These limited
fluctuation provisions are optional, but would operate unless otherwise indicated in the
contract particulars. The contract particulars allow the parties to select ‘no fluctuations’ or
to stipulate their own fluctuations provisions. If ‘no fluctuations’ is chosen, clause 4.9
operates to make the contract truly ‘fixed price’; this would be appropriate with contracts
of limited duration, which in practice would be any contract of less than 12 months.
6.18 Where a contract includes for fluctuations then, in the absence of anything to the contrary,
these will be payable for the whole time the contractor is on site, even if it fails to complete
within the contract period (Peak Construction v McKinney Foundations Ltd). There is a
Peak Construction (Liverpool) Ltd v McKinney Foundations Ltd (1970) 1 BLR 111 (CA)
Peak Construction Ltd was main contractor on a contract to construct a multi-storey block
of flats for Liverpool Corporation. As a result of defective work by nominated sub-contractor
McKinney Foundations, work on the main contract was halted for 58 weeks, and the main
contractor brought a claim against the sub-contractor for damages. The Official Referee, at first
instance, found that the entire 58 weeks was delay caused by the nominated sub-contractor, and
awarded £40,000 of damages, £10,000 of which was for rises in wage rates during the period.
McKinney appealed, and the Court of Appeal found that the award of £10,000 could not be
upheld as clause 27 of the main contract entitled Peak Construction to claim this from Liverpool
Corporation right up until the time when the work was halted.
so-called ‘freezing’ provision in MW16 (Schedule 2:10.1), but this depends on the text of
clause 2.7 (‘Extensions of time’; cl 2.8 in MWD16) being left unamended and all written
notices under clause 2.7 (or 2.8) having been properly dealt with by the contract
administrator (Schedule 2:10.2.2).
7 Certification
7.1 One of the most important duties of the contract administrator under MW16 is to certify
sums properly due to the contractor. Whether or not a quantity surveyor is employed, the
contract administrator is responsible for both the valuations and for issuing certificates. It
is a duty to be exercised with care and skill, and failure in this respect could amount to
negligence. On the one hand, the contractor depends on the cash flow which proper
payment should provide, and is entitled to be paid in accordance with the terms of the
contract. On the other hand, overvaluation and certification could place the employer’s
interests at risk should the contractor become bankrupt, perhaps leaving a legacy of faulty
workmanship and disputes over the ownership of unfixed materials. The contract
administrator’s duty to the employer has been fairly clear since the case of Sutcliffe v
Thackrah, and it seems possible that there is a duty also to the contractor following Salliss
& Co. v Calil and W F Newman & Associates. This is a difficult area of the law which is
constantly developing, and it would be sensible for the contract administrator to proceed
on the basis that such a duty of care exists.
An architect issued certificates on a contract for the construction of a dwelling house. The
contractor’s employment was determined for proper reasons, following which the contractor
was declared bankrupt. It then became apparent that much of the work, which had been included
in the interim certificates, was defective, and the architect was found negligent. In the House of
Lords, when reviewing the role of the architect, Lord Reid stated (at page 21):
Many matters may arise in the course of the execution of a building contract where a
decision has to be made which will affect the amount of money which the contractor gets. …
The building owner and the contractor make their contract on the understanding that in all
such matters the architect will act in a fair and unbiased manner and it must therefore be
implicit in the owner’s contract with the architect that he shall not only exercise due care
and skill but also reach such decisions fairly, holding the balance between his client and the
Michael Salliss & Co. Ltd v Calil and William F Newman & Associates (1987) 13 Con LR 69
Calil employed contractor Michael Salliss for some refurbishment works on JCT63. W F
Newman acted as architect and quantity surveyor under the contract. The contractor commenced
proceedings against the employer and joined the architect as second defendants, claiming that
the architect was in breach of his duty to use all professional skill and care in granting only a 12-
week extension of time when a 29-week extension was due.
There was a sub-trial as to whether the contractor could recover damages against the architect.
HH Judge Fox-Andrews held that under a JCT contract the architect owed a duty to the
contractor to act fairly between the employer and contractor in matters such as certification and
extensions of time. He also noted (at page 79) that:
in many respects an architect in circumstances such as these owes no duty to the contractors.
He owes no duty to contractors in respect of the preparation of plans and specifications or in
deciding matters such as whether or not he should cause a survey to be carried out. He owes
no duty of care to a contractor whether or not he should order a variation. Once, however, he
has ordered a variation he has to act fairly in pricing it.
Although this case was followed by another where an engineer was found to have no duty to the
contractor (Pacific Associates Inc. v Baxter), in that instance the contract contained a special
provision purporting to exempt the engineer from liability.
7.2 The issue of payment certificates is referred to in clauses 4.3 and 4.8, but there is little on
the procedures to be adopted. It would be sensible to issue the certificate to the employer
with a copy to the contractor at the same time. The procedure to be used should be
established at the outset, either by setting it out in the contract documents or agreeing it
at a pre-contract meeting.
Interim payments
7.3 Payments are to be made by the employer to the contractor after the issue of certificates
by the contract administrator (cl 4.3). These are to be issued within five days of the ‘due
date’, which in turn relates to the ‘Interim Valuation Date’ (see Figure 7.1). The interim
valuation dates are entered into the contract particulars; the first should be no later than
one month after the works commencement date, and subsequent dates at no greater than
monthly intervals. If nothing is inserted, the first date is one month after the commencement
date, and subsequent due dates occur at intervals of one month up until the final payment.
7.4 Unlike some other JCT forms, MW16 makes no provision for advance payment to the main
contractor, nor for payment on commencement of the work (in effect the same thing), so
if this is required, the contract terms would have to be amended. There is always a risk in
making any such payment, and the contract administrator and employer should be quite
clear as to what compensatory benefits, such as a reduction in the contract sum, would
7.5 Under clause 4.3 it is the contract administrator’s responsibility to determine the value of
the interim payment, even though the task might be delegated to a quantity surveyor.
Clause 4.4.1 gives the contractor the right to make an application for payment, stating the
amount it considers due, but although this information may be very useful the contract
administrator must nevertheless make an independent assessment. The clause requires
that certificates state not only the amount to be paid, but also ‘the basis on which that
sum has been calculated, including the amount of each adjustment’. It is unlikely that a
great deal of detail will be required here; a short schedule will probably be sufficient, but
it should include the various elements of the calculation as detailed under clause 4.3.
Similar provisions are included for the final certificate.
7.6 Clause 4.3 states that interim payments should include the value of the work properly
executed and the value of materials and goods properly brought onto site. The value of
the work will be calculated using the prices and rates shown in the specification or
schedules, or the contractor’s schedule of rates, whichever is appropriate. There is no
provision for the value of off-site materials, goods or prefabricated items. The valuation
should, of course, take into account any relevant variations, including any instructions
issued under clause 5.4B.2 for reinstatement after fire, etc. It should also take into account
adjustments due to instructions relating to provisional sums (cl 3.7), and any costs and
expenses due to suspension should also be added (cl 4.7). The total is then adjusted in
accordance with the fluctuations provisions, if operated (Schedule 2). From this the
following should be deducted: the total amount stated as due under previous certificates,
any amount paid as a consequence of a contractor’s payment notice issued since the last
certificate, and any amounts deductible due to acceptance of defective work (cl 2.10, or
cl 2.11 in MWD16) or to non-compliance with an instruction (cl 3.5). The total amount is
then subject to a percentage reduction (see paragraph 7.13).
Mr Townsend engaged architects Stone Toms in connection with the renovation of a farmhouse
in Somerset. John Laing Construction Ltd was employed to carry out the work on a JCT67 Fixed
Fee Form of Prime Cost Contract. Following the end of the defects liability period, the architect
issued an interim certificate that included the value of work which had already been included in
the schedule of defects, and which the architect knew had not yet been put right. Mr Townsend
brought proceedings against both Stone Toms and Laing. The Deputy Official Referee found that
the architect was not negligent in issuing the interim certificate. Mr Townsend appealed and the
Court of Appeal held that the architect had been negligent. Oliver LJ stated (at page 46):
The whole purpose of the certification is to protect the client from paying to the builder
more than the proper value of the work done, less proper retention, before it is due. If the
architect deliberately over-certifies work which he knows has not been done properly, this
seems to be a clear breach of his contractual duty, and whether certification is described as
‘negligent’ or ‘deliberate’ is immaterial.
(Note: this case is the first instance decision, which was appealed to the Court of Appeal sub nom.
Sutcliffe v Thackrah, discussed at paragraph 7.1.)
Mr Sutcliffe engaged the architect Chippendale & Edmondson in relation to a project to build
a new house. No terms of engagement were agreed, but the architect proceeded to design the
house, invite tenders and arrange for the appointment of a contractor on JCT63. Work progressed
slowly and towards the end of the work it became obvious that much of the work was defective.
The architect had issued ten interim certificates before Mr Sutcliffe entirely lost confidence,
dismissed the architect and threw the contractor off the site. He then had the work completed by
another contractor and other consultants at a cost of around £7,000, in addition to which he was
obliged, as a result of the original contractor having obtained judgment against him, to pay all ten
certificates in full. As this contractor was then declared bankrupt, Mr Sutcliffe brought a claim
against the architect. The architect contended, among other things, that its duty of supervision
did not extend to informing the quantity surveyor of defective work that should be excluded from
the valuation. HH Judge Stabb QC found for Mr Sutcliffe, stating ‘I do not expect that the words
“work properly executed” can include work not then properly executed but which it is expected,
however confidently, the contractor will remedy in due course’ (at page 166).
Dhamija and another v Sunningdale Joineries Ltd and others [2010] EWHC 2396 (TCC)
The claimants brought an action against the building contractor, the architect and the quantity
surveyor (McBains) arising out of alleged defects in the design and construction of their home.
There had been no written or oral contract with the quantity surveyor, but the claimants
argued that there was an implied term that the quantity surveyor would only value work that
had been properly executed by the contractor and was not obviously defective. The court held
that a quantity surveyor’s terms of engagement would include an implied term that the quantity
surveyor act with the reasonable skill and care of a quantity surveyor of ordinary competence and
experience when valuing the works properly executed for the purposes of interim certificates.
However, the judge held that the quantity surveyor would not owe an implied duty to exclude the
value of defective works from valuations, however obvious the defects. This was the exclusive
responsibility of the architect appointed under the contract. Further, the quantity surveyor owed
no implied duty to report the existence of defects to the architect.
This case concerned what constitutes an ‘appropriate deduction’ when an employer decided to
accept non-conforming work. The project concerned an extension and refurbishment work to
a country house using the JCT IC05 form. A practical completion certificate was issued with a
long list of defects attached, and during the rectification period the employer decided to have this
work corrected by other contractors. The employer then started court proceedings against the
contractor, to claim back the costs of this work.
A key issue was the interpretation of clause 2.30, which provides that the contract administrator
can instruct the contractor not to rectify defects and ‘If he does so otherwise instruct, an
appropriate deduction shall be made from the Contract Sum in respect of the defects, shrinkages
or other faults not made good’. In this case the contractor argued that an ‘appropriate deduction’
was limited to the relevant amount in the contract rates or priced schedule of works. The court
disagreed. It decided that ‘appropriate deduction’ under clause 2.30 meant ‘a deduction which is
reasonable in all the circumstances’, and could be calculated by any of the following: the contract
rates or priced schedule of works; the cost to the contractor of remedying the defect (including
the sums to be paid to third party sub-contractors engaged by the contractor); the reasonable cost
to the employer of engaging another contractor to remedy the defect; or the particular factual
circumstances and/or expert evidence relating to each defect and/or the proposed remedial
However, the judge also pointed out that the employer will still have to satisfy the usual principles
that apply to a claim for damages, which include showing that it mitigated its loss. If the employer
unreasonably refused to let the contractor rectify defects, then it is likely to find its damages
limited to what it would have cost the contractor to put them right.
7.10 The employer could be at risk, however, where materials have not yet been built in, even
where the materials have been certified and paid for. The contractor might not actually
own the materials paid for because of a retention of title clause in the sale of materials
contract. Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979, sections 16–19 (also referred to in the
Consumer Rights Act 2015, section 4), property in goods normally passes when the
purchaser has possession of them, but a retention of title clause will be effective between
a supplier of goods and a contractor even where the contractor has been paid for the
goods, provided they have not yet been built in. The employer may have some protection
through section 25 of the Act, which in some circumstances allows the employer to treat
the contractor as having authority to transfer the title in the goods (Archivent v Strathclyde
Regional Council ).
Archivent Sales & Developments Ltd v Strathclyde Regional Council (1984) 27 BLR 98 (Court
of Session, Outer House)
Archivent agreed to sell a number of ventilators to a contractor who was building a primary
school for Strathclyde Regional Council. The contract of sale included the term ‘Until payment
of the price in full is received by the company, the property in the goods supplied by the company
shall not pass to the customer’. The ventilators were delivered and included in a certificate
issued under the main contract (JCT63), which was paid. The contractor went into receivership
before paying Archivent, which claimed against the Council for the return of the ventilators or
a sum representing their value. The Council claimed that section 25(1) of the Sale of Goods Act
1979 operated to give it unimpeachable title. The judge found for the Council. Even though the
clause in the sub-contract successfully retained the title for the sub-contractor, the employer
was entitled to the benefit of section 25(1) of the Sale of Goods Act 1979. The contractor was in
possession of the ventilators and had ostensible authority to pass the title on to the employer,
who had purchased them in good faith.
7.11 Another risk relating to rightful ownership is where the contractor fails to pay a sub-
contractor who has purchased and delivered materials for the works it will undertake, and
the sub-contractor subsequently claims ownership of the unfixed materials. Here the risk
may be higher, as a work and materials contract is not governed by the Sale of Goods Act
1979 (Dawber Williamson Roofing Ltd v Humberside County Council). Therefore there
can be no assumption that property would pass on possession.
The plaintiff entered into a sub-contract with Taylor and Coulbeck Ltd (T&C) to supply and fix
roofing slates. The main contractor’s contract with the defendant was on JCT63. By clause 1
of its sub-contract (which was on DOM/1) the plaintiff was deemed to have notice of all the
provisions of the main contract, but it contained no other provisions as to when property was to
pass. The plaintiff delivered 16 tons of roofing slates to the site, which were included in an interim
certificate, which was paid by the defendant. T&C then went into liquidation without paying the
sub-contractor, which brought a claim for the amount or, alternatively, the return of the slates.
The judge allowed the claim, holding that clause 14 of JCT63 could only transfer property where
the main contractor had a good title. (The difference between this and the Archivent case cited
above is that in this case the sub-contract was a contract for work and materials, to which the Sale
of Goods Act 1979 did not apply.)
7.12 Unlike IC11 or SBC16, MW16 contains no provisions to protect the employer from these
risks. Nevertheless, under MW16 the contract administrator is obliged to include the
unfixed materials when certifying interim payments. Clause 4.3.2, however, states that the
obligation only extends to materials that are ‘reasonably and properly’ delivered and are
adequately stored and protected. Contract administrators should pay careful attention to
the exact wording of this qualification.
7.13 Interim payments are subject to a percentage deduction (often termed ‘retention’), of
which half is released after practical completion (cl 4.3). The percentage certified is to be
95 per cent (i.e. a 5 per cent reduction) unless another amount is inserted in the contract
particulars. It would be open to the contract administrator to insert a lower figure, provided
that this has been made clear to both the employer and the contractor at the time of
tender. This figure might reflect the size and nature of the job, or the economic climate of
the time. The 5 per cent retained on certain small projects is likely to be so small as to be
almost worthless should the contractor become bankrupt or unexpectedly withdraw from
site. If objections are raised at tender stage, it may be worth enquiring what the resulting
difference is in the tender figure owing to the higher rate of retention.
7.14 The employer is not stated to be trustee for the beneficiaries of the retention, and there is
no obligation for the employer to place the retained sum in a separate bank account. It is
sometimes asserted that the contractor has a ‘moral’ right to this money, but it is difficult
to see why this should be the case. It is simply a commercial arrangement to protect the
employer, to which the contractor agrees in advance with full knowledge of the
consequences. The contract administrator should resist any suggestion that the money
be treated in any way other than that set out in the contract itself.
Payment procedure
7.15 Once an interim payment is certified, the final date for payment is 14 days from the due
date (cl 4.3) (Figure 7.1). It should be noted that this has changed from earlier versions of
the form, where the 14 days ran from the date of the certificate; so, unless the certificate
is issued on the due date, the time period before payment is required will be reduced. As
this timing is rather tight, it would be sensible to issue the certificate promptly and to warn
the employer in advance of approximately what payment may be required. It is also helpful
to include with the certificate a budget update showing projected total contract sum
based on any information known at that time regarding variations and provisional sums.
This helps the employer to make arrangements for payment in good time.
7.16 If the employer intends to withhold any amount from the sum certified, the employer (or
the contract administrator, on the employer’s behalf) must give the contractor written
notice of this no later than five days before the final date for payment (cl The
notice (termed a ‘pay less notice’) should set out the sum that the employer considers is
due to the contractor at the date the notice is given and ‘the basis on which that sum has
been calculated’ (cl 4.5.4). If a notice is issued, the employer must pay the contractor at
least the sum set out in that notice by the final date for payment.
Guide to MW16.indb 78
Figure 7.1 Interim payment procedure
7 days 5 days
4.4.1 4.5.4
Contractor Employer may 5 days
CA shall issue
may make an issue a notice
an interim
application of intention
for payment to pay less
If interim certificate
not issued in
accordance with 4.3, x days
contractor may issue
a payment notice
stating the sum
considered due 4.5.4
Employer may 5 days
issue a notice
of intention
x days to pay less
CA = contract administrator
Credit: Rebecca Pike
25/10/2016 12:42
Certification 79
7.18 Where a payment notice is given, clause 4.5.3 states that ‘the final date for payment of
the sum specified in it shall for all purposes be regarded as postponed by the same
number of days as the number of days after expiry of the 5 day period referred to in
clause that the Contractor’s payment notice is given’. This is best understood by
way of example; if the payment notice was issued six days after the final date for issue of
the certificate (i.e. 11 days in total after the due date), the final date for payment would be
20 days after the due date (i.e. 14 plus six days). If the employer disagrees with the
amount shown on the payment notice then it must issue a notice explaining this intention,
as described above (which in this example would be within four days of the payment
7.19 The contract expressly allows the employer to deduct liquidated damages from certified
amounts (cl 2.8.1, or 2.9.1 in MWD16), provided the correct notices are issued. Other
deductions are to be made from the contract sum and taken into account when calculating
the amount shown on certificates (see paragraph 7.6). Nevertheless, it is suggested that,
should the contract administrator have inadvertently omitted to make a deduction allowed
under the contract, the employer would be entitled to do so by means of a notice.
Rupert Morgan Building Services (LLC) Ltd v David Jervis and Harriet Jervis [2003] EWCA
Cir 1583 (CA)
A couple engaged a builder to carry out work on their cottage, by means of a contract on the standard
form published by the Architecture and Surveying Institute (‘ASI’). The 7th interim certificate
was for a sum of around £44,000 plus VAT. The employers accepted that part of that amount was
payable but disputed the balance, amounting to some £27,000. The builder sought judgment for
the balance. The employers did not give ‘a notice of intention to withhold payment’ before ‘the
prescribed period before the final date for payment’. The builder argued that it followed, by virtue
of section 111(1) that the employers ‘may not withhold payment’. The employers maintained that
it was open to them by way of defence to prove that the items of work which go to make up the
unpaid balance were not done at all, or were duplications of items already paid or were charged
as extras when they were within the original contract, or represent ‘snagging’ for works already
done and paid for. The Court of Appeal determined that in the absence of an effective withholding
notice the employer has no right to set off against a contract administrator’s certificate.
7.22 The contractor is also given a ‘right of suspension’ under clause 4.7. This right is required
by the HGCRA 1996 (as amended). If the employer fails to pay the contractor by the final
date for payment, the contractor has a right to suspend performance of all its obligations
under the contract, which would not only include the carrying out of the work, but could
also, for example, extend to any insurance obligations. This right results from a failure by
the employer to pay ‘the sum payable to the Contractor in accordance with clause 4.5’,
which suggests that the contractor may not suspend work if a notice to withhold payment
has been given by the employer. The contractor must have given the employer written
notice of its intention to suspend work and stated the grounds for the suspension, and
the default must have continued for a further seven days (cl 4.7.1).
7.23 The contractor must resume work when the payment is made. Under these circumstances
the suspension would not give the employer the right to terminate the contractor’s
employment. Any delay caused by the suspension could be a matter beyond the control
of the contractor in relation to an extension of time. In addition, the contractor is entitled
to any reasonable ‘costs and expenses’ incurred due to the suspension (cl 4.7.2), and
should send details of these to the contract administrator for inclusion under the next
certificate (cl 4.7.3).
7.24 The contractor also has the right to terminate the contract if the employer does not pay
amounts due in accordance with clause 4.5 (cl The contractor must give notice
of this intention, which specifies the default as required by the contract.
Lubenham Fidelities and Investments Co. Ltd v South Pembrokeshire District Council (1986)
33 BLR 39 (CA)
Lubenham Fidelities was a bondsman which elected to complete two building contracts, both
based on JCT63. The architect, Wigley Fox Partnership, issued several interim certificates which
stated the total value of work carried out, but also made deductions for liquidated damages and
defective work from the face of the certificate. Lubenham protested that the certificates had not
been correctly calculated, withdrew its contractors from the site and issued notices to determine
the contract. Shortly afterwards, the Council gave notice of determination of the contract.
Lubenham brought a claim against the Council on the grounds that its notices were valid and
effective, and against Wigley Fox on the basis that the architect’s negligence had caused it losses.
It was held that the Council was not obliged to pay more than the amount on the certificate,
and that whatever the cause of the undervaluation the correct procedure was not to withdraw
labour, but to request that the error was corrected in the next certificate, or to pursue the matter
in arbitration. Lubenham’s claim against Wigley Fox failed because it was the suspension of the
works rather than the certificates that had caused the losses, and because the architect had not
acted with the intention of interfering with the performance of the contract.
Final certificate
7.27 To summarise, by final certificate stage the following certificates should have been issued:
Guide to MW16.indb 82
Figure 7.2 Final payment procedure
Whichever occurs last:
1. Date of receipt of documentation
from contractor under 4.8.1 4.8.3 4.5.3
2. Date stipulated in certificate of Final date Postponed final
Due date
Guide to JCT MW16
14 days
28 days 5 days
5 days
CA shall issue Payer may
final certificate issue a notice
of intention
to pay less
If final certificate x days
not issued in
accordance with
4.8.2, contractor
may issue a
payment notice 4.5.4
stating the sum Employer or
considered due contractor may 5 days
issue a notice
of intention
x days to pay less
CA = contract administrator
Credit: Rebecca Pike
25/10/2016 12:42
Certification 83
sufficient documentation for the preparation of the final account (Figure 7.2). The contractor
must send the information ‘reasonably required’ within three months of the date of
practical completion certified by the contract administrator or other period stated in the
contract particulars (cl 4.8.1). Where the contract administrator finds that the information
is inadequate, then any outstanding information should be asked for immediately. The due
date for final payment is 28 days after either the date of receipt of the documentation
‘reasonably required’ or, if later, the date specified in the certificate under clause 2.11 (2.12
in MWD16) (making good). The contract administrator must then issue the final certificate
within five days of the due date. Although it might be considered good practice to allow
the contractor time to consider the draft final account, there is no such requirement and
the time-scale could be tight in some instances.
7.29 The final certificate must state the basis of calculation and the amount remaining due to
the contractor. Clause sets out the adjustments that should be taken account of in
assessing the final contract sum, which comprises: the value of ‘work properly executed’
(assessed as per interim certificates), any fluctuations adjustments, and any relevant
deductions as allowed under clause 2.10 (defects not corrected in rectification period) or
clause 3.5 (non-compliance with instructions). The certificate should also state the total
amount shown as due in previous interim certificates, and any payment made by the
employer as a result of a contractor’s payment notice. The balance due could, in unusual
circumstances, be for a negative amount – in other words, it could certify that payment is
due from the contractor to the employer. The certificate is subject to the same rights to
make deductions as are discussed in paragraph 7.19. The time for final payment is 14 days
from the due date. As with interim certificates, if the final certificate is issued late, this will
effectively reduce the time interval within which the final payment must be made.
Crestar Ltd v Michael John Carr and Joy Carr (1987) 37 BLR 113 (CA)
John and Joy Carr employed Crestar on the Minor Works Form (pre-1980 version) to carry out
work on their house. The contract price was £70,634. Crestar claimed it had carried out additional
work to the value of around £46,000. The work was finished about June 1985, and on 1 October
1985 the architect issued a final certificate in the sum of £39,575, which valued the additional
work at £49,690. Prior to the final certificate, the owners had paid all amounts certified, but they
did not pay this amount. On 22 October Crestar issued a writ for the amount certified and the
Carrs applied for a stay, on the grounds that the contract contained an arbitration clause.
The Carrs’ application was granted by the district registrar and Crestar appealed. The court
dismissed the appeal and Crestar then appealed again, claiming that the effect of the final
certificate was that the employer could not bring a claim in arbitration after 14 days from the date
of its issue as it then constituted a debt due, and the certificate became final and conclusive as to
the quality of the works. Fox LJ, dismissing the appeal, pointed out that the conditions assumed
that by the time of the final certificate the employer would normally have been presented with
a certificate and have paid 95 per cent of the amount due following practical completion. As no
penultimate certificate had been issued, the certificate issued in October was not a valid final
certificate under the terms of the contract.
However, even if it had been valid there was nothing in the contract that made it conclusive of any
matters. He stated (at page 124):
There is nothing in the arbitration provisions to prevent it [the employer raising a defence].
There is nothing in any other Conditions of the contract to prevent it save, it is said, the
word ‘debt’. I do not think that is sufficient: it places undue weight upon the term … I am
not prepared to infer that the parties intended to prevent the owners referring matters to
arbitration after the end of the 14-day period. Important defects in work or materials which
were not apparent upon reasonable inspection prior to the expiry of the 14-day period may
become apparent later.
7.31 It is nevertheless worth pointing out that although neither the final certificate nor any other
certificate is stated to be conclusive, there may remain a very limited area where it would
be difficult to raise a challenge. This could occur where the contract administrator has not
specified any objective standards against which a decision could be reviewed, and no
such standards could be implied. For example, if the contract administrator has merely
indicated that the colour of the paint should be ‘apple green’ and ‘to the satisfaction of
the architect’, if the contract administrator includes for painting work in a certificate, it may
be very difficult for the employer to later claim that the colour of the paint is unsatisfactory.
Although in theory the certificate could be challenged, there would be no means by which
it could be proved the contractor was in breach. The message is clear – always specify
objective and measurable standards.
8.1 Even small-scale operations carry risks, particularly those relating to work on existing
buildings. It is often the case with such work, where the programme may be tight and
arrangements anything but straightforward, that matters of insurance are not dealt with as
promptly or as thoroughly as they might be. It is important that liability for losses resulting
from personal injury or damage to property or to the works is agreed beforehand and
clearly allocated to one party or the other, and that the liability is backed up by appropriate
insurance cover. In seeking to protect the employer’s interests the contract administrator
should have sufficient knowledge of the relevant contract clauses to be able to explain
their purpose and what they mean.
8.2 Most building contracts provide for the contractor to indemnify the employer in respect of
certain losses, for example for injury to persons, or damage to neighbouring property
which has been caused by the contractor’s negligence, and in MW16 this is done under
clauses 5.1 and 5.2. This indemnity protects the employer in that if an injured party brings
an action against the employer, rather than against the contractor, the latter has agreed to
carry the consequences of the claim. If a third party sues the employer, then the employer
can join the contractor as co-defendant or bring separate proceedings. Indemnities given
to the employer by the contractor will obviously be quite worthless unless there are
adequate resources to meet claims. The contract therefore requires insurance cover to
back up the indemnities.
8.3 In addition to the requirement for insurance against claims arising in respect of persons
and property, the contract also contains alternative provisions for insurance of the works
under clauses 5.4A, 5.4B and 5.4C. Clause 5.4A is for use with new buildings, and is taken
out by the contractor, 5.4B is for use with existing buildings where the policy will cover the
new works and existing structure, and is taken out by the employer, and 5.4C is used
where neither of these options is appropriate and the parties agree their own insurance
arrangements (these are to be set out in the contract particulars). It should be noted that
MW16 makes no provision for terrorism cover or for compliance with the Joint Fire Code.
8.4 Neither does MW16 include provisions for insurance against damage caused to property
which is not the result of the negligence of the contractor. For example, subsidence or
vibration resulting from the carrying out of the works might cause such damage, even
though the contractor has taken reasonable care. This is a risk which may be quite high
with certain projects, such as those on tight urban sites or in close proximity to old
buildings, and in such cases it may be advisable to take out a special policy for the benefit
of the employer. If this type of insurance is desired then it may be possible to import an
adapted wording of the appropriate clause in SBC16 or IC11, requiring the contractor to
take out such insurance, but specialist advice should be sought. This insurance is usually
expensive, and subject to a great many exceptions. If it is required then the policy needs
to be effective at the start of the site operations when demolition, excavation, etc. are
carried out.
8.5 Both parties must be able to provide reasonable evidence within seven days of a request
that the insurances referred to under clauses 5.3 and 5.4A, 5.4B or 5.4C have been taken
out (cl 5.5). In cases where an existing policy is to be extended to cover the other party,
that party will need to check carefully that the policy has been appropriately endorsed,
recognises them as a joint insured and provides exactly the right cover. There is no
provision for what will occur if either party fails to provide evidence or defaults on their
insurance obligations; in such cases the other party may need to take out the insurance
and bring a claim to recover its losses.
Injury to persons
8.6 Clause 5.1 covers injury to persons which arises from the carrying out of the works. The
contractor is liable and indemnifies the employer, but the liability and duty to indemnify
are subject to the exception that the contractor is not liable where injury or death is caused
by an act of the employer or an employer’s person or by any statutory undertaker (cl 5.1).
8.7 The contractor’s liability in respect of personal injury or death of employees is met by an
employer’s liability policy. This has been compulsory since the Employers’ Liability
(Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969. The legal minimum level of cover for most firms is
£5 million, but many insurers will provide a £10 million policy as standard.
8.8 The contractor’s liability in respect of third parties (death or personal injury and loss or
damage to property including consequential loss) is met by its public liability policy.
Insurers typically advocate insuring for a minimum of £2 million for any one occurrence,
and insurance companies typically offer £5 million as the standard level of cover. Liability
at common law for claims by third parties is, however, unlimited. There is no opportunity
to enter a minimum requirement in the contract but the policy must comply with ‘all
relevant legislation’ (cl 5.3.1), which would also cover, for example, insurance requirements
under the Road Traffic Act 1988.
Damage to property
8.9 Clause 5.2 covers damage to property, real or personal, which arises from the carrying out
of the works. The works, including unfixed goods and materials, are expressly excluded
from the definition of property in this context. The contractor is required to match the
indemnity required under clause 5.2 with appropriate insurance (cl 5.3).
8.10 The minimum figure for which the contractor is required to take out insurance cover should
be entered in the contract particulars (clause 5.3.2), and is unlikely to be less than
£2 million. This would be a contractual minimum and in no way limits the contractor’s
liability to the sum entered.
8.11 The contractor is only liable to the extent that the damage is caused by negligence or
breach of statutory duty or other default of ‘the Contractor or any Contractor’s Person’
(cl 5.2). The contractor is therefore liable only for losses caused by its own negligence.
8.12 Clause 5.2 also excludes, where clause 5.4B applies, liability for ‘any loss or damage to
those existing structures or to any of their contents that are required to be insured under
clause 5.4B.1 that is caused by any of the risks or perils required or agreed to be insured
against under clause 5.4B’. This means that, where clause 5.4B is applicable, the contractor
is not liable for losses insured under clause 5.4B.1 and caused by the listed perils, even
where the damage is caused by the contractor’s own negligence. This point is now
expressly stated in clause 5.4B.2. The exclusion was inserted in an earlier edition of the
form to clarify matters following a series of cases on older versions of the contract that
reached the opposite conclusion (National Trust v Haden Young, Barking & Dagenham v
Stamford Asphalt Co.). Domestic sub-contractors, however, may be liable for losses
caused by their negligence (BT v James Thompson & Sons). It should be noted, also, that
the contractor might remain liable for some consequential losses (Kruger Tissue v Frank
Galliers), and for damage caused to the works and insured under clause 5.4B.2.
The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest and Natural Beauty v Haden Young Ltd
(1994) 72 BLR 1 (CA)
The National Trust employed a contractor to carry out repair works to Uppark House, South
Harting, West Sussex. The main contract was on terms substantially similar to MW80. Haden
Young was sub-contractor for the renewal of lead work on the roof. During the course of the
works a fire broke out, causing extensive damage, which Haden Young admitted was caused by
the negligence of its workforce, and the National Trust brought a claim for damages. Otton J
found the sub-contractor liable at first instance, and that the employer’s liability to insure under
clause 5.4B only extended to matters not caused by negligence. Clauses 5.2 and 5.4B formed
a coherent and mutually supportive structure. Haden Young appealed, but the appeal was
dismissed. Although the Court of Appeal agreed that the sub-contractor was liable, it disagreed
with the reasoning of the lower court, stating that there was no reason why there should not be
an overlap, in other words why the employer should not be required to insure for matters for
which the contractor was liable under clause 6.2. However, the damages recoverable from the
contractor under clause 6.2 would be reduced by the amount recoverable by the employer under
the clause 6.3B insurance.
London Borough of Barking & Dagenham v Stamford Asphalt Co. Ltd (1997) 82 BLR 25 (CA)
Barking & Dagenham employed a contractor to carry out repair works to a school. The main
contract was on MW80, 1988 revision. Stamford was sub-contractor for the renewal of lead
work on the roof. During the course of the works a fire broke out, causing extensive damage,
which Stamford admitted was caused by the negligence of its workforce, and the Borough
brought a claim for damages. The Court of Appeal found the contractor liable for the damage
caused, preferring the reasoning of Otton J in National Trust v Haden Young to that of the Court
of Appeal in that case. It should be noted that the wording of clause 6.2 (now cl 5.2) has been
adjusted to make it clear that the contractor is not liable for damage to property insured under
clause 6.3B (now cl 5.4B).
British Telecommunications plc v James Thompson & Sons (Engineers) Ltd (1999) 1 BLR 35
James Thompson was a sub-contractor on a refurbishment project for BT. A fire broke out in the
roof area while the sub-contractor was carrying out its work. The court found that the relevant
clauses had the same effect as the equivalent clauses considered in Scottish Special Housing
Association v Wimpey. However, it decided that domestic sub-contractors remained under a duty
of care to prevent such losses, and James Thompson was therefore liable to BT under the tort
of negligence. They considered that the wording of clause 22.3, which required the joint names
policies to waive the rights of subrogation against nominated but not domestic sub-contractors,
should be taken into account in considering whether a duty of care existed. The fact that BT was
indemnified by the clause 22C insurers, even if the fire was caused by the sub-contractor, was
insufficient to prevent the imposition of the duty.
Damage was caused to existing buildings and the works by fire, assumed for the purposes of
the case to be the result of the negligence of the contractor or sub-contractor. The construction
work being carried out was on a JCT80 form. The employer brought a claim for loss of profits,
increased cost of working and consultants’ fees, all of which were consequential losses. Judge
John Hicks decided that the employer’s duty to insure for ‘the full cost of reinstatement, repair or
replacement of the existing structure and the Works under clause 22C (and therefore contractor’s
exemption from liability under clause 20.2), did not include such consequential losses’. A claim
could therefore be brought against the contractor for these losses.
8.14 The policies under clause 5.4A or 5.4B are to be in joint names (‘Joint Names Policy’ is
defined under clause 1.1), and the insurer waives any rights to recover any of the monies
from either of the named parties or from any person recognised as insured under the
policy. The cover must run until practical completion of the works, or termination if this
should occur earlier.
8.15 Clause 5.4A is intended for insuring new building work, with no existing structures involved.
It requires the contractor to take out ‘All Risks’ insurance against loss or damage to the
works and unfixed goods and materials (the term ‘All Risks Insurance’ is defined under
clause 1.1; this insurance is often referred to as ‘CAR’, contractor’s all risks). The insurance
should be for the full reinstatement value of the works (which is likely to be more than the
original tender figure). It must include for professional fees likely to arise should damage
occur, at the percentage entered in the contract particulars.
8.16 The contractor is responsible for keeping the works fully covered, and in the event of
underinsurance the contractor will be liable for any shortfall in recovery from the insurers.
Care needs to be taken over identifying the extent of ‘the Works’ exactly.
8.17 Clause 5.4B is applicable where work is being carried out to existing buildings. The
existing structure together with its contents owned by the employer ‘or for which he is
responsible’ are to be insured in joint names against damage due to the ‘Specified Perils’
(effectively the employer’s existing policy will be extended to cover the contractor against
the specific losses set out in 5.4B.1). The employer additionally takes out a joint names
‘All Risks’ policy to cover the works (5.4B.2). As noted above, the insurance under clause
5.4B.1 (but not 5.4B.2) will protect the contractor even if the damage results from its own
negligence. Sometimes the employer has difficulty in obtaining this insurance: either the
building may be historic or particularly sensitive and therefore extremely difficult to insure,
or, in the case of small domestic projects, the insurers may refuse to extend cover when
they are informed about impending work. Insurance under clause 5.4B will be particularly
difficult if the employer is not the freeholder.
8.18 In the event that the employer cannot obtain insurance under clause 5.4B, the parties will
need to make special arrangements under clause 5.4C. The JCT in its guidance notes
suggests three options. Where the employer is the freeholder, the employer insures the
works under joint names, and continues with its own existing structures policy. The
contractor insures itself against damage to existing structures. Alternatively, the contractor
insures the works under clause 5.4A, together with the existing structure (by extending its
works insurance policy). Finally, if the employer is not the freeholder, then the JCT
recommends that the parties take specialist advice, and liaise with the freeholder and its
8.19 Whatever arrangements are made under clause 5.4C, the employer will need to consider
what these might be before tenders are sought, and there are likely to be negotiations
before the matter can be finalised. All relevant insurers should of course be consulted, and
(particularly for inexperienced employers) specialist advice may well be required. The
contract administrator should raise insurance matters with the employer at an early point
in the project, and draw their attention to the helpful JCT guidance.
8.21 Where the damage to the works and site materials is covered by the works insurance
policy, and after any inspection required has been made by the insurers, the contractor is
then obliged to make good the damage and continue with the works (cl 5.6.4).
8.22 Where the contractor has effected the works insurance policy under clause 5.4A or 5.4C,
the insurance monies paid to the employer, minus the part assigned to cover professional
fees, should be included in separate reinstatement certificates as the work is carried out,
issued at the same time as the interim certificates (cl 5.6.5). If the amount paid by the
insurers is less than it costs the contractor to rebuild the works, the contractor is not
entitled to any additional payment (cl The risk of any underinsurance therefore
lies with the contractor.
8.23 Where clause 5.4B applies, or the employer has effected the works insurance policy
under clause 5.4C, or where loss is caused by an excepted risk (i.e. it is not insured), the
contract administrator must issue instructions regarding the rebuilding work which is
treated as if it were a variation under clause 3.6.1 (cl 5.6.6). It will therefore be paid for
under the normal interim certificates. The contractor is less at risk as the employer will
have to bear any shortfall in the monies paid out. In addition, as the work is treated as a
variation, the contractor may be entitled to loss and/or expense.
8.24 Under clause 2.7 (2.8 in MWD16) the contractor might be entitled to an extension of time
for delay caused by the events, except it is suggested that this would not extend to cases
where the damage was caused by the contractor’s negligence.
8.25 The employer is under no obligation to continue with the project where there is material
(i.e. extensive) damage to the existing structure. Either party may in these circumstances
terminate the contractor’s employment by means of a 28-day notice (cl 5.7). If the other
party feels that the project should continue, it must invoke the dispute resolution
procedures, otherwise the clause 6.11 termination consequences will apply.
8.26 MW16 also contains provisions enabling either party to terminate the employment of the
contractor in the event that work is suspended for a period of one month or more as a
result of loss or damage to the works caused by any risk covered by the works insurance
policy or by an excepted risk (cl It is suggested that this right would normally
only be exercised where the damage is so extensive as to make it impracticable or
impossible to continue with the works; if the damage is limited it will normally be in both
parties’ interests to continue under the existing contract. It should be noted that the
contractor is not entitled to terminate the contract if the specified peril was caused by its
own negligence (cl 6.10.2).
8.28 The contract administrator should therefore have a reasonable knowledge of the indemnity
and insurance provisions of MW16, although would not be expected to be an expert. It
may be that difficulties arise in obtaining cover for certain types of building, or that the cost
of insurance becomes uneconomic and the employer wishes to adopt a policy of no
insurance. It could be that insurers are reluctant to give joint names cover on existing
domestic structures, or may well seek to impose special conditions. In particular, the
relationship between the employer’s existing insurance arrangements and those required
under the contract can be very tricky, and on matters such as these the employer must
be advised to consult its own insurance experts.
8.29 If accidents do occur on site and injury or damage results, the contract administrator must
be alert to the fact that such matters must be reported quickly to the insurers. If damage
to the works requires inspection by the insurers, then the contract administrator might be
expected to be in attendance or to supply information. If loss or damage results which is
the direct responsibility of the employer under clause 5.4B then the contract administrator
is required to issue instructions for the reinstatement and to value the work as may be
9 Termination
9.1 At the outset of a contract the parties almost invariably approach it in good faith and with
the best of intentions but, in spite of this, breaches of contract sometimes occur. Some of
these are minor technicalities, and some can be dealt with by the machinery of the
contract. Others are more serious and can only be dealt with by more drastic measures.
Repudiation or termination
9.2 Most building contracts include provisions to deal with foreseeable situations which might
otherwise be breaches. For example, where the contractor is unable to complete by the
completion date due to circumstances entirely beyond its control, then an extension of
time can be awarded. Where the employer wishes to vary the work after the contract has
been let, then this is possible under clause 3.6. However, if such machinery is not included
in a contract, or is not operated as it should be, then the injured party may be able to claim
damages for breach of contract. Such claims would have to go to adjudication, arbitration
or litigation.
9.3 It sometimes happens that the behaviour of one party makes it difficult or impossible for
the other to carry out its contractual obligations. The injured party might then allege
prevention of performance and sue either for damages or a quantum meruit.
9.4 Alternatively, where it is impossible to expect any further performance, the injured party
might allege that the contract has been repudiated. Repudiation occurs when one party
makes it clear that it no longer intends to be bound by the provisions of the contract. This
intention might be expressly stated, or implied by the party’s behaviour.
9.5 Most JCT contracts include termination clauses, which provide for the effective termination
of the employment of the contractor in circumstances which may amount to, or which may
fall short of, repudiation. (If there is repudiation, invoking a termination clause is unnecessary,
because the injured party can accept the repudiation and bring the contract to an end.) It
should be noted that the termination is of the contractor’s employment, and is not
termination of the contract. In effect, termination removes the need for further performance,
but leaves the parties still bound by other provisions. Termination provisions, such as
those set out in MW16 Section 6, are useful in setting out the exact circumstances,
procedures and consequences of the termination of employment. However, these
procedures must be followed with great caution because if they are not administered
strictly in accordance with the terms of the contract, this in itself could amount to
repudiation. This, in turn, might give the other party the right to treat the contract as at an
end and claim damages.
9.6 Under MW16 the employer has the right to terminate the contractor’s employment in the
event of specified defaults by the contractor, such as suspending the carrying out of the
works (cl 6.4), or in the event of the insolvency of the contractor (cl 6.5), or in the event of
corruption, for example that the contractor has committed an offence under the Bribery
Act 2010 (cl 6.6). Termination can be initiated by the contractor in the event of specified
defaults by the employer, such as failure to pay the amount due on a certificate or causing
the work to be suspended for a period of more than one month (cl 6.8). Termination might
also follow the insolvency of the employer. Termination may be initiated by either party in
the event of neutral causes that might cause the work to be suspended for a period of
one month or more (cl 6.10).
9.8 The procedures as set out in the contract must be followed exactly, especially those
concerning the issue of notices under clause 6.4. If default occurs, the contract administrator
should issue a warning notice, specifying the default and requiring it to be ended. If the
default is not ended within seven days from receipt of the notice then the employer may
terminate the employment of the contractor by the issue of a further notice within ten days
from the expiry of that seven-day period, which takes effect from the date of receipt
(cl 6.4.2). Unlike SBC16 and IC11, MW16 has no provision for ‘repeat’ defaults: if this occurs
it is likely that a further warning notice will be needed. In the case of insolvency or corruption,
only one notice is required to be issued by the employer (cl 6.5.1 and 6.6).
9.9 It should be noted that to be valid all notices must be in writing and given by actual delivery,
or by special or recorded delivery (cl 6.2.3). It appears that this may include fax or email,
provided that it can be proved the notice was received (Construction Partnership v Leek
Developments). Notices sent by post are deemed to have been received 48 hours after
posting (excluding weekends and public holidays), unless there is proof to the contrary.
Regardless of the delivery method selected, as time limits are of vital importance it might
be wise to have receipt of delivery confirmed.
Construction Partnership UK Ltd v Leek Developments Ltd [2006] CILL 2357 (TCC)
On an IFC98 contract, a notice of determination was delivered by fax, but not by hand or by
special delivery or recorded delivery. (A letter had been sent by normal post but it was unclear
whether or not it had been received.) Clause 7.1 required actual delivery of notices of default
and determination, and the contractor disputed whether the faxed notice was valid. The court
therefore had to decide what ‘actual delivery’ meant. It decided that it meant what it says:
‘Delivery simply means transmission by an appropriate means so that it is received’. In this case,
it was agreed that the fax had been received, therefore the notice complied with the clause. The
CILL editors state that ‘on a practical level, this judgement is quite important’ because it had
previously been assumed that ‘actual delivery’ meant physical delivery by hand. In their view,
email could be considered an appropriate method of delivery, although that was not decided in
the case.
9.10 The grounds for termination by the employer under clause 6.4.1 include failing to proceed
diligently, wholly or substantially suspending the carrying out of work and failing to comply
with obligations under the CDM Regulations. The grounds must be clearly established
and expressed as the contract clearly states that termination must not be exercised
unreasonably or vexatiously (cl 6.2.1). For example, for a breach of the CDM Regulations
to merit termination, it should be sufficiently serious so as to cause a significant risk to
health and safety and/or a risk of prosecution by the Health and Safety Executive. It should
be noted that the defaults must occur ‘without reasonable cause’ on the contractor’s part,
and that, depending on the circumstances, the contractor might find ‘reasonable cause’
in any of the matters referred to in clause 6.8.1. An exercise of the right to suspend work
under the HGCRA 1996 (as amended) would not be cause for termination, provided that
it had been exercised in accordance with the terms of the contract.
9.11 One of the defaults listed in clause is that the contractor ‘fails to proceed regularly
and diligently’. This is notoriously difficult to establish, and although meticulous records
will help, contract administrators are often understandably reluctant to issue the first
warning notice. Reported cases show how difficult this can be in practice. In the case of
London Borough of Hounslow v Twickenham Garden Developments, for example, the
architect’s notice was strongly attacked by the defendant. In a more recent case, however,
the architect was found negligent because he failed to issue a notice (West Faulkner
Associates v London Borough of Newham). It should be remembered that if the contract
administrator has not issued the first ‘warning notice’, the employer cannot issue the
termination notice.
The London Borough of Hounslow entered into a contract with Twickenham Garden
Developments to carry out sub-structure works at Heston and Isleworth in Middlesex. The
contract was on JCT63. Work on the contract stopped for approximately eight months due to a
strike. After work resumed, the architects issued a notice of default stating that the contractor had
failed to proceed regularly and diligently and that, unless there was an appreciable improvement,
the contract would be determined. The employer then proceeded to determine the contractor’s
employment. The contractor disputed the validity of the notices and the determination, and
refused to stop work and leave the site. The Borough applied to the court for an injunction to
remove the contractor. The judge emphasised that an injunction was a serious remedy and that
before he could grant one there had to be clear and indisputable evidence of the merits of the
Borough’s case. The evidence put before him, which showed a significant drop in the amounts of
monthly certificates and numbers of workers on site, failed to provide this.
West Faulkner Associates were architects engaged by the Borough for the refurbishment of a
housing estate consisting of several blocks of flats. The residents of the estate were evacuated
from their flats in stages to make way for the contractor, Moss, which, it had been agreed, would
carry out the work according to a programme of phased possession and completion, with each
block taking nine weeks. Moss fell behind the programme almost immediately. However, Moss
had a large workforce on the site and continually promised to revise its programme and working
methods to address the problems of lateness, poor quality work and unsafe working practices
that were drawn to its attention on numerous occasions by the architect. In reality, Moss
remained completely disorganised, and there was no apparent improvement. The architects took
the advice of quantity surveyors that the grounds of failing to proceed regularly and diligently
would be difficult to prove, and decided not to issue a notice. As a consequence, the Borough was
unable to issue a notice of determination, had to negotiate a settlement with the contractor and
dismissed the architect, which then brought a claim for its fees.
The judge decided that the architect was in breach of contract in failing to give proper
consideration to the use of the determination provisions. In his judgment, he stated that
‘regularly and diligently’ should be construed together and in essence they mean simply that the
contractors must go about their work in such a way as to achieve their contractual obligations.
‘This requires them to plan their work, to lead and manage their workforce, to provide sufficient
and proper materials and to employ competent tradesmen, so that the Works are carried out to an
acceptable standard and that all time, sequence and other provisions are fulfilled’ (Judge Newey
at page 139).
9.13 Under MW16 (cl 6.5.1), the employer has the right to terminate the contractor’s employment
in the event that the contractor is ‘insolvent’ as defined under clause 6.1. The contractual
definition covers a wide range of situations, including voluntary arrangements and
winding-up or bankruptcy orders. There is no requirement for the contractor to notify the
employer in writing in the event of liquidation or insolvency, but as it is likely that such a
requirement would be implied, the contractor might be expected to do this.
9.14 As termination is not automatic, the employer has, in effect, an option to consider a more
constructive approach. If this is found not to be practicable then the only option will be for
the employer to terminate the contractor’s employment, and the only way to achieve
9.15 If the original contractor cannot continue, another contractor may be novated to complete
the works. On a ‘true novation’, the substitute contractor takes over all the original
obligations and benefits (including completion to time and within the contract sum). More
likely is a ‘conditional novation’, whereby the contract completion date, etc. would be
subject to renegotiation, and the substitute contractor would probably want to disclaim
liability for that part of the work undertaken by the original contractor.
9.16 Deciding on which of the options would best serve the interests of all the parties is a
matter for the employer, perhaps with the advice of the contract administrator and the
insolvency practitioner. There might be a straightforward way out, or there might be
advantages in taking a more pragmatic approach. For example, it may prove expeditious
to continue initially with the original contractor under some interim arrangement until such
time as novation can be arranged, or a completion contract negotiated.
9.17 Following termination, the employer may employ others to complete the work and may
use any temporary buildings, equipment, etc. on the site for that purpose (cl 6.7.1).
Clause 6.7.2 then states that ‘no further sums shall become due to the Contractor under
this Contract other than any amount that may become due to him under clause 6.7.4 and
the Employer need not pay any sum that has already become due’, which in effect means
that other provisions of the contract requiring further payment will cease to operate. This
relief from the obligation to make payments already due applies in only two circumstances:
if the employer has already issued a pay less notice (cl or if the contractor has
become insolvent after the last date by which a pay less notice could have been issued
(cl; this clause reflects section 110(10) of the HGCRA (as amended)). Therefore, if
the contractor becomes insolvent after a certificate is issued, but before the final date for
issuing a pay less notice, then to avoid any dispute the employer should issue a notice.
9.18 Once the works have been completed and any defects in them made good (within three
months) an account is prepared of the cost of completing the work and the loss and/or
expense and damages suffered as a result of the termination, offset against the amount
that would have been paid under the contract (cl 6.7.3). The account is included in a
certificate of the contract administrator, or statement of the employer, and the balance
claimed from the contractor as a debt, or paid to the contractor as appropriate (cl 6.7.4).
9.20 In the event of a clause 6.8 default, if the contractor wishes to terminate its employment
it must first issue a notice, which must specify the default complained of and require it to
be ended (cl 6.8.2). This is a warning notice to be sent to the employer, and the service
of the notice must be in accordance with clause 6.2. If the default is not ended within
seven days of the receipt of the notice, the contractor may then by further notice, or within
ten days from the expiry of that seven-day period, terminate its employment. Termination
then takes effect on the date of receipt of the notice. It appears that if termination did not
result and the contractor was to repeat the default at some later time, then it might be
necessary to go through the whole procedure of notices again.
9.21 Upon termination the contractor prepares an account setting out the total value of the
work at the date of termination plus other costs relating to the termination, as set out in
clause 6.11. These may include such items as the cost of removal and any direct loss and/
or expense consequent upon termination. The contractor is in effect indemnified against
any damages that may be caused as a result of the termination. This would not necessarily
be the case if the contractor did not comply with the contractual provisions; in that case
it might constitute repudiation. This account is then submitted to the employer, and the
employer must pay the amount properly due within 28 days of its submission (cl 6.11.4).
10 Dispute resolution
10.1 MW16 lists negotiation, mediation, adjudication, arbitration and legal proceedings as the
means by which any disputes may be determined. The parties are required to decide in
advance which of the processes will be used and make relevant deletions to the articles.
It is important for the contract administrator to understand the options and to be able to
give appropriate advice.
10.2 Article 6 states the right of each party to refer ‘any dispute or difference’ to adjudication.
This right comes, of course, from the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act
(HGCRA) 1996 (as amended), which applies to all ‘construction contracts’. MW16,
however, may well be used in situations which come within the exception set out in
section 106 of the HGCRA 1996, which states that the Act does not apply to a ‘construction
contract with a residential occupier’. In such cases there will be no statutory right to
adjudication, but, unless the parties indicate otherwise, adjudication will still be a
contractual right. The wording of the contract would have to be amended if this is not to
apply. The parties should give consideration to the relative merits of adjudication, arbitration
and litigation, in particular whether they wish an immediate albeit ‘temporary’ solution, or
whether they would prefer a final decision, such as that which would be provided by short-
form arbitration. In any event, the form should never be amended unless the parties are
quite certain that the Act does not apply to their contract.
10.3 Where Article 7 applies, final determination of any dispute or difference will be by means
of arbitration, and this will be in accordance with Schedule 1 and the JCT 2016 edition of
the Construction Industry Model Arbitration Rules (CIMAR). If the parties prefer to use
arbitration, this must be indicated in the contract particulars, otherwise the dispute will be
resolved by litigation, then Article 7 will be deleted and Article 8 becomes operative. It is
important that the contract administrator explains the implications of arbitration and, if the
employer is a consumer, the possible effects of Part 2 (unfair terms) of the Consumer
Rights Act 2015. It should be noted that the arbitration agreement may be considered
‘unfair’ with respect to that Part in so far as it relates to disputes involving small sums, as
provided by section 91 of the Arbitration Act 1996. Before advising on this decision, the
contract administrator should also establish whether the employer is likely to be eligible
for Legal Aid. If Legal Aid is a possibility, then it would undoubtedly be better to select
but the contract administrator will usually have no authority to negotiate terms or agree to
contract amendments. Even if authority is given to negotiate a settlement, the architect
should take care not to be drawn into complex areas of law which might be better left to
a lawyer to handle.
10.5 MW16 includes mediation under clause 7.1, whereby the parties are required to give
serious consideration to any request by either party to use mediation. This is not an
absolute requirement, but a party should not dismiss a request out of hand, and if it would
prefer not to mediate, should be clear as to its reasons for refusal.
10.6 Nevertheless, there can be many advantages to mediation. Unlike adjudication, arbitration
or litigation, it is a non-adversarial process which tends to forge good relationships
between the parties. Imposed solutions may leave at least one of the parties dissatisfied
and may make it very difficult to work together in the future. If the parties are keen to
promote a long-term business relationship they should give mediation serious
consideration. Even if mediation does not result in a complete solution, it has been found
in practice that it can help to clear the air on some of the issues involved and to establish
common ground. This, in turn, might then pave the way for shorter and possibly less
acrimonious arbitration or litigation.
10.7 The HGCRA 1996 Part II (as amended) requires that parties to the construction contracts
falling within the definition set out in the Act have the right to refer any dispute to a process
of adjudication which complies with requirements stipulated in the Act. Article 6 of MW16
restates this right, and refers to clause 7.2, which states that where a party decides to
exercise this right ‘the Scheme shall apply’. This refers to the Scheme for Construction
Contracts (the Scheme), a piece of secondary legislation which sets out a procedure for
the appointment of the adjudicator and the conduct of the adjudication. The Scheme
takes effect as implied terms in a contract, if and to the extent that the parties have failed
to agree on a procedure that complies with the Act.
10.8 By stating ‘the Scheme shall apply’, MW16 is effectively annexing the provisions of the
Scheme to the form, which therefore become a binding part of the agreement between
the parties. Clause 7.2 allows for the parties to determine how the adjudicator will be
appointed, by means of appropriate insertions in the contract particulars. Under MW16 the
adjudicator may either be named in the contract particulars, or nominated by the
nominating body identified in the contract particulars. It should be noted that the list
includes, in addition to the RIBA, the RICS and the CIArb, the ‘constructionadjudicators.
com’ and the Association of Independent Construction Adjudicators (AICA).
10.9 The party wishing to refer a dispute to adjudication must first give notice under paragraph
1(1) of the Scheme (see Figure 10.1). The notice may be issued at any time and should
identify briefly the dispute or difference, give details of where and when it has arisen, set
out the nature of the redress sought, and include the names and addresses of the parties,
including any specified for the giving of notices (Scheme: paragraph 1(3)). If the adjudicator
is named in the contract, he or she will normally have already signed terms of appointment
on the JCT Adjudication Agreement for a Named Adjudicator (Adj/N). If no adjudicator is
named, the parties may either agree an adjudicator or either party may apply to the
‘nominator’ identified in the contract particulars (paragraph 2(1)). If no nominator has been
Dispute arises
Notice of
selected, then the contract states that the referring party may apply to any of the nominators
listed in the contract particulars. The adjudicator will then send terms of appointment to
the parties. In addition to the form for a named adjudicator, the JCT also publishes an
Adjudication Agreement (Adj) for use in this situation.
10.10 The Scheme does not stipulate any qualifications in order to be an adjudicator, but does
state that the adjudicator ‘should be a natural person acting in his personal capacity’ and
should not be an employee of either of the parties (paragraph 4). If the adjudicator is to
be named, the subject matter of the dispute will not be known at that time, so it would be
sensible to name an adjudicator with a broad range of experience. If the nominating body
route is used, that body will normally select an adjudicator with suitable experience from
its panel. Where the person appointed does not have the appropriate expertise, that
person must appoint an independent expert to advise and report. The adjudicator is
required to act impartially, and to avoid unnecessary expense (paragraph 12).
10.11 The referring party must refer the dispute to the selected adjudicator within seven days of
the date of the notice (paragraph 7(1)). The referral will normally include particulars of the
dispute, a summary of the contentions on which the referring party relies, a statement of
relief or remedy sought and any material the referring party wishes the adjudicator to
consider, and must include a copy of, or relevant extracts from, the contract (paragraph 7(2)).
A copy of the referral must be sent to the other party, and the adjudicator must inform all
parties of the date it was received (paragraph 7(3)).
10.12 The adjudicator will then set out the procedure to be followed. A preliminary meeting may
be held to discuss this, otherwise the adjudicator may send the procedure and timetable
to both parties. The party which did not initiate the adjudication (the responding party) will
be required to respond, normally within seven days of the date of referral. The adjudicator
may hold a short hearing at which the parties can put forward further arguments and
evidence; however, it is common for a dispute to be dealt with by ‘documents only’, i.e.
the adjudicator does not meet with the parties at any point.
10.13 The adjudicator is given considerable powers under the Scheme (e.g. paragraphs 13 and
20), including the right to take the initiative in ascertaining the facts and the law, the right
to issue directions, the right to revise decisions and certificates of the contract administrator,
the right carry out tests (subject to obtaining necessary consents) and the right to obtain
from others necessary information and advice. The adjudicator must give advance notice
if intending to take legal or technical advice (paragraph 13(vi)).
10.14 The HGCRA 1996 (as amended) requires that the decision is reached within 28 days of
referral, but it does not state how this date is to be established (section 108(2)(c)). Under
the Scheme, the 28 days start to run from the date of receipt of the referral notice
(paragraph 19(1)). The period can be extended by up to 14 days by the referring party, and
further by agreement between the parties. The decision must be delivered forthwith to the
parties, and the adjudicator may not retain it pending payment of the fee. The provisions
state that the adjudicator must give reasons for the decision if requested to do so by the
parties (paragraph 22).
10.15 The parties must meet their own costs of the adjudication, unless they have agreed that
the adjudicator shall have the power to award costs. Under the Act, any agreement is
ineffective unless it complies with section 108A, including that it is made in writing after a
notice of adjudication is issued (MW16 therefore does not contain such an agreement).
The adjudicator, however, is entitled to charge fees and expenses (subject to any
agreement to the contrary), although expenses are limited to those ‘reasonably incurred’
(paragraph 25). The adjudicator may apportion those fees between the parties, and the
parties are jointly and severally liable to the adjudicator for any sum which remains
outstanding following the adjudicator’s determination. This means that, in the event of
default by one party, the other party becomes liable to the adjudicator for the outstanding
10.16 The adjudicator’s decision will be final and binding on the parties ‘until the dispute is finally
determined by legal proceedings, by arbitration, or by agreement between the parties’.
The effect of this is that if either party is dissatisfied with the decision, it may raise the
dispute again in arbitration or litigation, or may negotiate a fresh agreement with the other
party. If the dispute is raised again in a further tribunal, the dispute would be considered
again from scratch, with new evidence if necessary, and would not be in the form of an
appeal against the adjudicator’s decision. In all cases, however, the parties remain bound
by the decision and must comply with it until the final outcome is determined.
10.17 If either party refuses to comply with the decision, the other may seek to enforce it through
the courts. Generally, actions regarding adjudicators’ decisions have been dealt with
promptly and firmly by the courts and the recalcitrant party has been required to comply.
Paragraph 22A of the Scheme allows the adjudicator to correct clerical or typographical
errors in the decision, within five days of it being issued, either on the adjudicator’s own
initiative or because the parties have requested it, but this would not extend to reconsidering
the substance of the dispute.
10.18 Arbitration refers to proceedings in which the arbitrator has power derived from a written
agreement between the parties to a contract, and which is subject to the provisions of the
Arbitration Act 1996. Arbitration awards are enforceable at law. An arbitrator’s award can
be subject to appeal on limited grounds.
10.19 If arbitration is selected as the method for final determination of disputes, then this is
confirmed by making the appropriate deletion in the contract particulars. The arbitration
provisions are referred to in clause 7.3 and set out in Schedule 1: Arbitration, which refers
to the Construction Industry Model Arbitration Rules (‘the Rules’). The Arbitration Act 1996
confers wide powers on the arbitrator unless the parties have agreed otherwise, but
leaves detailed procedural matters to be agreed between the parties or, if not so agreed,
to be decided by the arbitrator. To avoid problems arising, it is advisable to agree as much
as possible of the procedural matters in advance, and MW16 does this by incorporating
the Rules, which are very clearly written and self-explanatory. The specific edition referred
to is the 2016 edition of CIMAR published by the JCT (Article 7), which incorporates
supplementary and advisory procedures, some of which are mandatory (Part A) and some
of which only apply if agreed after the arbitration is begun (Part B). The paragraphs below
refer to the JCT edition of the Rules.
10.20 The party wishing to refer the dispute to arbitration must give notice as required by MW16
Schedule 1 paragraph 2.1 and Rule 2.1, briefly identifying the dispute and requiring the
other party to agree to the appointment of an arbitrator. If the parties fail to agree within
14 days, either party may apply to the ‘appointor’, selected in advance from a list of
organisations set out in the contract particulars. If no appointor is selected, then the
contract states that the appointer shall be the president or a vice-president of the RIBA.
10.21 The arbitrator has the right and the duty to decide all procedural matters, subject to the
parties’ right to agree any matter (Rule 5.1). Within 14 days of appointment the parties
must each send the arbitrator and each other a note indicating the nature of the dispute
and amounts in issue, the estimated length for the hearing and the procedures to be
followed (Rule 6.2). The arbitrator must hold a preliminary meeting within 21 days of
appointment to discuss these matters (Rule 6.3). The first decision to make is whether
Rule 7 (short hearing), Rule 8 (documents only) or Rule 9 (full procedure) is to apply. The
decision will depend on the scale and type of dispute.
10.22 Under all three Rules referred to above, the parties exchange statements of claim and of
defence, together with copies of documents and witness statements on which they intend
to rely. Under Rule 8, the arbitrator makes an award based on documentary evidence only.
Under Rule 9, the arbitrator will hold a hearing at which the parties or their representatives
can put forward further arguments and evidence. There may also be a site visit. The JCT
amendments set out time limits for these procedures.
10.23 Under Rule 7 a hearing is to be held within 21 days of the date when Rule 7 becomes
applicable, and the parties must exchange documents not later than seven days prior to
the hearing. The hearing should last no longer than one day. The arbitrator publishes the
award within one month of the hearing. The parties bear their own costs.
10.24 The arbitrator is given a wide range of powers under Rule 4, including the power to obtain
advice (Rule 4.2), the powers set out in section 38 of the Arbitration Act 1996 (Rule 4.3),
the power to order the preservation of work, goods and materials even though they are a
part of work that is continuing (Rule 4.4), the power to request the parties to carry out tests
(Rule 4.5) and the power to award costs. Under Schedule 1 paragraph 3 of MW16 the
arbitrator is also given wide powers to review and revise any certificate, opinion, decision,
requirement or notice, and to disregard them if need be, where seeking to determine all
matters in dispute.
10.25 Where the arbitrator has the power to award costs, this will normally be done on a judicial
basis, i.e. the loser will pay the winner’s costs (Rule 13.1). The arbitrator will be entitled to
charge fees and expenses and will apportion those fees between the parties on the same
basis. The arbitrator’s terms of appointment will normally state that the parties are jointly
and severally liable to the arbitrator for fees and expenses incurred.
10.26 Where the parties have rejected arbitration and deleted Article 7, then Article 8 becomes
operative and disputes will be determined by legal proceedings.
10.27 Proceedings are usually initiated by the claimant filing a claim at the appropriate county
court (this can be done online if the amount of the claim is known). The court will then
allocate the case to a ‘track’ (small claims, fast track or multi track) depending on its size
and complexity. Larger and more complex construction cases are usually heard in the
Technology and Construction Court, a specialist department of the High Court which deals
with technical or scientific cases. Procedures in court follow the Civil Procedure Rules, with
the timetable and other detailed arrangements being determined by the court. A judge
will hear the case, and although, in the past, parties were required to be represented by
barristers, now they may represent themselves, or elect to be represented by an ‘advisor’.
10.28 Disputes in building contracts have traditionally been settled by arbitration. Arbitrators are
usually senior and experienced members of one of the construction professions, and for
many years it was felt that they had a greater understanding of construction projects and
the disputes that arise than might be found in the courts. These days, however, the judges
of the Technology and Construction Court have extensive experience of technical
construction disputes. The high standards now evident in these courts are likely to be
matched in practice by only a few arbitrators.
10.29 The court has powers to order that actions regarding related matters are joined (for
example, where disputes between an employer and contractor, and contractor and sub-
contractor, concern the same issues). This is much more difficult to achieve in arbitration.
Even if all parties have agreed to the use of CIMAR, the appointing bodies must have
been alerted and have agreed to appoint the same arbitrator (Rules 2.6 and 2.7). If the
same arbitrator is appointed, he or she may order concurrent hearings (Rule 3.73), but
may only order consolidated proceedings with the consent of all the parties (Rule 3.9),
which is often difficult to obtain. The court’s powers may therefore offer an advantage in
multi-party disputes, by avoiding duplication of hearings and the possibility of conflicting
10.30 There remain, however, two key advantages to using arbitration. The first is that in arbitration
the proceedings can be kept private, which is usually of paramount importance to
construction professionals and firms, and is often a deciding factor in selecting arbitration.
In court, the proceedings are open to the public and the press, and the judgment is
published and widely available.
10.31 The second advantage to the parties is that the arbitration process is consensual. The
parties are free to agree on timing, place, representation and the individual arbitrator. This
autonomy carries with it the benefits of increased convenience, and possible savings in
time and expense. The parties avoid having to wait their turn at the High Court, and may
choose a time and place for the hearing which is convenient to all. In arbitration, however,
the parties have to pay the arbitrator and meet the cost of renting the premises in which
the hearing is held.
10.32 Where parties have selected arbitration under Article 7, it is still open for them to select
litigation once a dispute develops. If, however, one party commences court proceedings,
the other may ask the court to stay the proceedings on the grounds that an arbitration
agreement already exists. This would not apply to litigation to enforce an adjudicator’s
decision, as Article 7 excludes all disputes regarding the enforcement of a decision of an
adjudicator from the jurisdiction of the arbitrator.
Chappell, D. The JCT Minor Works Building Contracts 2005, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford (2006).
Finch, R. NBS Guide to Tendering: For Construction Projects. RIBA Publishing, London (2011).
Furst, S. and Ramsey, V. (eds) Keating on Construction Contracts, Sweet & Maxwell, London (2006).
JCT. Tendering Practice Note 2012. Sweet & Maxwell, London (2012).
Ostime, N. RIBA Job Book, 9th edition, RIBA Publishing, London (2013).
RICS. New Rules of Measurement: Detailed Measurement for Building Works, RICS, London
RICS and Davis Langdon. Contracts in Use: A Survey of Building Contracts in Use During 2010,
RICS, London (2012).
Alfred McAlpine Capital Projects Ltd v Tilebox Ltd [2005] BLR 271 4.44
Alfred McAlpine Homes North Ltd v Property and Land Contractors Ltd (1995) 76 BLR 59 6.11
Archivent Sales & Developments Ltd v Strathclyde Regional Council (1984) 27 BLR 98
(Court of Session, Outer House) 7.10
Balfour Beatty Building Ltd v Chestermont Properties Ltd (1993) 62 BLR 1 4.25
BFI Group of Companies Ltd v DCB Integration Systems Ltd [1987] CILL 348 4.44
British Telecommunications plc v James Thompson & Sons (Engineers) Ltd (1999)
1 BLR 35 (HL) 8.12
Cavendish Square Holdings v El Makdessi and ParkingEye Limited v Beavis, Supreme Court
City Inn Ltd v Shepherd Construction Ltd [2008] CILL 2537 Outer House Court of Session 4.29
Colbart Ltd v H Kumar (1992) 59 BLR 89 7.30
Construction Partnership UK Ltd v Leek Developments Ltd [2006] CILL 2357 (TCC) 9.9
Crestar Ltd v Michael John Carr and Joy Carr (1987) 37 BLR 113 (CA) 7.30
Croudace Ltd v The London Borough of Lambeth (1986) 33 BLR 20 (CA) 6.15
Crown Estate Commissioners v John Mowlem & Co. Ltd (1994) 70 BLR 1 (CA) 7.30
Dawber Williamson Roofing Ltd v Humberside County Council (1979) 14 BLR 70 7.11
Department of Environment for Northern Ireland v Farrans (Construction) Ltd (1982)
19 BLR 1 (NI) 4.47
Dhamija and another v Sunningdale Joineries Ltd and others [2010] EWHC 2396 (TCC) 7.7
Domsalla v Dyason [2007] BLR 348 1.50
F G Minter Ltd v Welsh Health Technical Services Organisation (1980) 13 BLR 1 (CA) 6.11
Gibbs v Tomlinson (1992) 35 Con LR 86 4.13
Glenlion Construction Ltd v The Guinness Trust (1987) 39 BLR 89 4.10
Goldsworthy and others v Harrison and another [2016] EWHC 1589 (TCC) 1.29
H Fairweather & Co. Ltd v London Borough of Wandsworth (1987) 39 BLR 106 6.14
H W Nevill (Sunblest) Ltd v William Press & Son Ltd (1981) 20 BLR 78 4.35
Henry Boot Construction (UK) Ltd v Malmaison Hotel (Manchester) Ltd (1999) 70 Con LT
32 (TCC) 4.29
Jameson v Simon (1899) 1 F (Ct of Session) 1211 5.18
Kruger Tissue (Industrial) Ltd v Frank Galliers Ltd (1998) 57 Con LR 1 8.12
Laing O’Rourke Construction Ltd (formerly Laing O’Rourke Northern Ltd) v Healthcare
Support (Newcastle) Ltd [2014] EWHC 2595 (TCC) 4.35
Leedsford Ltd v The Lord Mayor, Alderman and Citizens of the City of Bradford (1956)
24 BLR 45 (CA) 3.12
London Borough of Barking & Dagenham v Stamford Asphalt Co. Ltd (1997) 82 BLR 25 (CA) 8.12
London Borough of Hounslow v Twickenham Garden Developments (1970) 7 BLR 81 9.11
Lovell Projects v Legg & Carver [2003] BLR 452 1.50
Lubenham Fidelities and Investments Co. Ltd v South Pembrokeshire District Council (1986)
33 BLR 39 (CA) 7.25
McGlinn v Waltham Contractors Ltd (2007) 111 Con LR 1 5.18
Michael Salliss & Co. Ltd v Calil and William F Newman & Associates (1987) 13 Con LR 69 7.1
Moresk Cleaners Ltd v Thomas Henwood Hicks (1966) 4 BLR 50 3.4
Mul v Hutton Construction Limited [2014] EWHC 1797 (TCC) 7.8
Pacific Associates Inc. v Baxter (1988) 44 BLR 33 (CA) 7.1
Peak Construction (Liverpool) Ltd v McKinney Foundation Ltd (1970) 1 BLR 111 (CA) 4.15, 6.18
Pearce and High Ltd v John P Baxter and Mrs A S Baxter [1999] BLR 101 (CA) 5.33
Rupert Morgan Building Services (LLC) Ltd v David Jervis and Harriet Jervis [2003]
EWCA Cir 1583 (CA) 7.20
Ruxley Electronics and Construction Ltd v Forsyth (1995) 73 BLR 1 (HL) 5.31
Samuel Thomas Construction v Anon (unreported) 28 January 2000 TCC 1.41
Scott Lithgow Ltd v Secretary of State for Defence (1989) 45 BLR 1 (HL) 4.20
Scottish Special Housing Association v Wimpey Construction UK Ltd (1986) 34 BLR 1 8.12
Sutcliffe v Chippendale & Edmondson (1971) 18 BLR 149 7.7
Sutcliffe v Thackrah (1974) 4 BLR 16 (CA) 4.27, 7.1
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council v Barlow Securities Group Services Limited [2001]
BLR 113 1.29
Temloc Ltd v Errill Properties Ltd (1987) 39 BLR 30 (CA) 4.44
Terry Pincott v Fur & Textile Care Ltd (1986) 3 CLD-05-14 4.23
The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest and Natural Beauty v Haden Young Ltd
(1994) 72 BLR 1 (CA) 8.12
The Queen in Rights of Canada v Walter Cabbott Construction Ltd (1975) 21 BLR 42 4.3
Townsend v Stone Toms & Partners (1984) 27 BLR 26 (CA) 7.7
Walter Lilly & Co. Ltd v Giles Mackay & DMW Ltd [2012] EWHC 649 (TCC) 4.29
Wates Construction (South) Ltd v Bredero Fleet Ltd (1993) 63 BLR 128 1.30, 1.33
West Faulkner Associates v London Borough of Newham (1992) 61 BLR 81 9.11
Westfields Construction Ltd v Lewis [2013] BLR 233 (TCC) 1.41
Whittal Builders Co. Ltd v Chester-le-Street District Council (1987) 40 BLR 82 4.4
William Tomkinson & Sons Ltd v Parochial Church Council of St Michael (1990) 6 CLJ 319,
8 CLD‑08-05 5.32
Arbitration Act 1996 10.3, 10.19, 10.24
Bribery Act 2010 9.6
Consumer Rights Act 2015 1.18, 1.34–35, 1.45–1.50,
4.1, 7.10, 10.3
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 2.20
Defective Premises Act 1972 1.34, 1.38
Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 8.7
Freedom of Information Act 2000 1.19
Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 1.9, 1.18–19, 1.39–42, 1.46, 2.29,
7.7, 7.22, 9.17, 10.2, 10.7, 10.14
Insolvency Act 1986 9.12
Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 1.9
Statutory instruments
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 1.11, 2.16–18, 3.20–25, 4.32,
5.10, 5.15, 9.7, 9.10, 9.19
Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges)
Regulations 2013 1.18
Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013 1.19
Public Contracts Regulations 2015 1.11, 1.19, 9.7, 9.22
Scheme for Construction Contracts 1.40, 10.7–17
Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 1.45, 1.49–50
mediation 10.5–6 procedure 4.39–42
meeting minutes 5.21 practical completion certificate 4.14, 4.32–33,
MW11, changes since 1.11 4.36, 4.48
pre-construction information 2.17
named contractors 1.6, 1.16, 5.7–8 price fluctuations 1.13, 4.43, 6.16–18
negotiations 1.29, 1.30, 2.6 pricing document 2.10
‘neutral’ events 9.22 pricing errors 6.4
nominated contractors 1.6, 1.16, 5.7–8 pricing of work 1.7, 6.7
non-completion 4.11, 4.43 prime cost (PC) sum 6.5
novation 9.15 principal contractor 2.17, 3.21, 3.23, 5.10
principal designer 3.21–22, 5.10
occupation priority of contract documents 2.21–23
before practical completion 4.30–31 programme of work 4.9–10 (see also
during the works 4.7 construction phase plan (CPP))
omissions from contract documents 2.24–26 progress of work 4.8–10
omitted work 4.24, 5.26–27 (see also variations) provisional sums 6.5
optional supplemental provisions 1.3, 3.26 Public Contracts Regulations 2015 1.11, 1.19
oral instructions 5.21 public liability insurance 8.8
outstanding items 4.35–36 public sector procurement 1.19
overheads 6.13 Public Sector Supplement 1.10
ownership, materials and goods 7.9–11
quality, contractor’s obligations 3.10–17
pay less notice 7.16, 7.20 (see also standards)
payment notices 7.17–18 quantity surveyor 1.8, 7.5, 7.7
payments (see also final payment; interim
payments) rectification period see defects rectification
and certification 1.8, 1.130, 7.3 period
deductions 7.19–20 refurbishment 2.13
interest on late payments 7.21 reimbursement of loss and expense 1.24
public sector procurement 1.19 reinstatement certificates 8.22
retention 4.37, 4.42, 7.13–14, 7.26 relevant events 4.19
withholding of payments 7.16, 7.20 Repair and Maintenance Contract (Commercial)
performance specifications 2.2 (RM) 1.25
personal injury 8.6–8 repudiation 4.4, 5.7, 9.4
‘person-in-charge’ of the site 5.3 residential occupiers 1.18, 1.41, 1.46, 10.2
phased completion 4.2 (see also domestic clients)
phased occupation 4.7, 4.30–31 retention 4.37, 4.42, 7.13–14, 7.26
possession RIBA Building Contracts 1.25
contractor’s 4.3
employer’s 4.30–31 Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994 1.34
possession date 4.1–2 Sale of Goods Act 1979 1.36, 1.44, 7.10
practical completion 4.11–14, 4.32–42 schedule of rates 2.10
certificates after 7.26 schedules of work 1.7, 2.8, 2.13
delays 4.16–17, 4.26–29 Scheme for Construction Contracts
failure to complete by completion date 4.43 (England and Wales) Regulations
occupation before 4.30–31 1998 1.40, 10.7–10