A Project Proposal On "Waste Management of Barishal University Campus"

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A Project Proposal on

Report “Waste Management of Barishal

University Campus”

Course Title: Project Appraisal & Management

Course code: F – 402

Submitted to:
Rabeya Sultana Lata
Department of Finance & Banking
University of Barishal

Submitted by:
Group No. 05
4th Year 1st Semester
Department of Finance & Banking
University of Barishal

Date of Submission: 3rd December 2019

Waste Management of Barishal University Campus i

We are group
No. 05

Group list

Sl. Name ID Number

01 Arnab Saha 16 FIN 012

02 Rahul Deb Karmakar 16 FIN 017

03 Jannatul Nayeem 16 FIN 018

04 Md. Jalal Uddin 16 FIN 026

05 Tamanna Afrin 16 FIN 027

06 Md. Ibrahim 16 FIN 032

07 Tania Akter 16 FIN 037

08 Mahmudur Rahaman 16 FIN 067

Waste Management of Barishal University Campus ii

Letter of Transmittal

December, 2019
Rabeya Sultana Lata
Department of Finance and Banking
University of Barishal
Subject: Submission of report on “A project proposal on – Waste management of Barishal
University campus.”

Dear Madam,

With due respect we, the undersigned students of Group-5, 4th year 1st semester, Department
of Finance & Banking have reported on a new project proposal.

Though we are learning curve, this report has enabled us to gain insight how a project proposal
can be made successfully. So, it becomes as an extremely challenging and interesting
experience. Thank you for supportive consideration for formulating this report. Without your
inspiration this report would have been an incomplete one.

Lastly, I would thankful once again if you please give your valuable consideration on our effort.

Yours’ sincerely,

Rahul Deb Karmakar

On behalf of group no: 05
Department of Finance and Banking
University of Barishal
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus iii


At first, we would like to show our gratitude Rabeya Sultana Lata, Lecturer, University of
Barishal for giving us a good guideline for report throughout several consultations. Without
her guideline this report couldn’t be formed. As it’s a new experience for us to make a totally
new project proposal, our course instructor gave her best guideline about the project proposal
and which things need to be considered, methodology and everything.

In performing our report, we had to take the help and guideline from some articles on web,
thanks to the author of those article who deserve our greatest gratitude. We also want to thank
related survey website for availing their information on web. The completion of this report
gives us much pleasure.

Many people, especially our group members itself, have made valuable comment suggestions
on this proposal which gave us an inspiration to improve our report. We thank all the people
for their help directly and indirectly to complete our report.
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus iv

Origin of the study

 Objectives of the report

o To know about the new project proposal
o To gather practical knowledge about project proposal and project management
o To evaluate our learning about project management
o To innovate new idea
o To gather successful project management capability in future
o To fulfill the obligations of Project Management course.


This report mainly based on primary data. All the financial calculation mainly based on
the assumption. Besides, we took help from website and project proposal report to know
how the proposal is made. We mainly follow the project report of Jamuna Bridge which
published by ADB to know about which things need to be included and what will be
the sequel.

 Scope of the report

o Enough time
o Cooperative course instructor
o Enthusiastic group member
o Easy access to the internet

 Limitations of the report

o Lack of knowledge
o Lack of experience
o Scarcity of place for group study
o Unavailability of internet in most of the place in the campus
o Financial calculations based on assumptions
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus v

Executive Summary

Waste is one of the major problems now a days all over the world. It’s the one of the major
reasons for environment pollution. As a new university there are too many construction works
is going on. Besides there are three student halls and many visitors come to this campus for
visiting as there is not very much place for spending leisure time. For this reason, waste also
become a major problem in Barishal University campus. It hampered the beauty of campus
decrease fertilizing power of soil and that’s why planting tree didn’t give any favorable

By considering all these things we bring a new project proposal about waste management of
Barishal University campus. There is no such program is in this campus that’s why authority
just spent money for cleaning the campus but there is no visual progress. By this project, we
can earn money without a significant amount of investment. This also don’t hamper our
academic activities.
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus vii

Table of content


01 Objective 01
02 Introduction 02
03 Local Municipal Program Related to the Project 03
04 Problem Quantification of the Project 04
05 Current Campus Recycling 05
06 Recycling Market related to the Project 05
07 Proposed System 06
08 Outcome 07
09 Implementation Plan 08
10 Project Personnel 09
11 Budget Analysis 10
12 SWOT Analysis 13
13 Project Scheduling 14
14 Recommendation & Conclusion 15
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 1


The objective of this report is to investigate the feasibility of establishing a recycling program
for Barishal University. The scope of this investigation is restrained to that waste generated on
Barishal University only. It is not the objective of this report to describe all possible methods
of recycling. Rather, the focus is upon what Barishal University can do right now to enter into
solid waste recycling, with minimal investment.

Certainly, several higher technology methods than those presented within this writing exist,
but the low tipping (landfill disposal) costs do not yet justify such measures and probably will
not, in this area, until well into the twenty-second century. At that time and indeed as long as
any system is in use, the situation should be periodically evaluated and/or updated as wanted.
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 2


Waste is an unavoidable by product of human activities Economic development, urbanization

and improving living standards in cities, have led to an increase in the quantity and complexity
of generated waste. Rapid growth of population and industrialization degrades the urban
environment and places serious stress on natural resources, which undermines equitable and
sustainable development. Inefficient management and disposal of solid waste is an obvious
cause of degradation of the environment in most cities of the developing world. Municipal
corporations of the developing countries are not able to handle increasing quantities of waste,
which results in uncollected waste on roads and in other public places. There is a need to work
towards a sustainable waste management system, which requires environmental, institutional,
financial, economic and social sustainability.

Barishal is expanding rapidly turning it into a mega city with an enormous growth of population
at a rate of around 2.13% a year. Solid wastes are being generated at a faster pace, posing a
serious management threat. We are running out of room and costs are steadily increasing. We
must reduce the amount that is disposed of in these landfills. In addition to the physical and
economical aspects of land filling trash, there are also the moral and ecological concerns.
Simply continuing to bury recyclable materials as trash is nothing more than passing a problem
along to future generations. We must do what we can to minimize the use of landfills right
now. One solution is to simply reduce the volume to be disposed of by recycling a portion of

• Composition of solid waste

Clothes Polythene Paper

Food waste
Solid Waste Medical

Brick,wood, Industrial Other waste

metal,glass waste
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 3

Local Municipal Programs related to project

The waste generation of 2017-18 in Bangladesh is around 23 million tons per year or 150
kg/cap/year. There is an increasing rate of waste generation in Bangladesh and it is projected
to reach 47, 064 tons per day by 2025. The Waste Generation Rate (kg/capita/day) is expected
to increase to 0.6 in 2025.

The total waste collection rate in Barishal is only 12%. And waste collection in Barishal
University is an insignificant portion of this around 3% approximately as the area of BU is not
so big. The indiscriminate disposal of medical and Clinical Waste, presence of extremely high
level of Total and Facial coliform and for many other reasons, waste is collected by local

In BU, waste from campus, adjacent teachers’ residential quarters and halls are collected by
authority appointed workers.

The whole solid waste collection and disposal is shown below:

Wastes in campus, residential trust building

and residential halls

Collected by appointed workers

Dumped in nearby abandoned open space

(near Bhola road )
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 4

Problem Quantification of The Project

Barishal University currently produces about around 3000 tons(approx.) of solid waste
annually and spends a total of ৳400 per ton to dispose of it. The waste is all collected and sorted
by BU staffs and the rest is discarded in Dumped in nearby abandoned open space (near Bhola
The waste stream consists of mostly paper -this portion is estimated at 50%. The remainder is
small portions of wood, metal, plastics. The pie chart is a graphic illustration of this breakdown.


50% Metal
4% Plastic
13% Others

Barishal University buys computer, multi-media projector and other electrical equipment every
year. This equipment comes in cardboards. After equipment is emptied from these cardboards,
they are dumped as waste.

Behind the department of chemistry, wastes from lab are discarded. The Year after year these
piles of wastes are kept exposed to open air without taking any action to clean the place.
Meanwhile, plenty of plants have rooted over these piles of garbage making it a fixed ground
to grow.

A big percentage of wastes come from the paper that all departments use yearly. A lot of money
is spent to buy papers. These papers are used as examination papers, examination questions
and other official works. These papers after use are sold to hawkers at a low price.

Used paper Hawkers Small

paper dealer

Newsprint Large paper

(After processing)
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 5

A lot of woods from carpentry shop, metals from machine shop and welding shop is counted
as waste after their use in shop. Among other wastes there is plastic glass and containers, paper
bags, polythene bag. Most of these wastes come from cafeteria. These are the result of sheer
negligence of students. This scenario could easily be changed if the students become more
careful about their action.

Current Campus Recycling

The few recycling activities currently happening in Barishal University are scattered and
unrelated, for the most part. It appears that the desire to recycle does exist however, because
the efforts are on the part and initiative of individuals and separate building staffs.

Recently an attempt was taken by the head of carpentry shop to make furniture using cardboard.
This is a good initiative to recycle cardboard.

A road adjacent to TSC is under construction. The main purpose of this construction is to
elevate the road and use reinforcement to withstand enough strength in flood season. For
experimentation, waste aggregate is used in this construction. A narrow lane has already been
constructed with these aggregate and it is working fine.

Other than that, appointed workers are always working on recycling. They come up with
different recycling plan and implement them in campus.
BU authority holds different conferences all year long. The recycling activities that BU applies
are quite unorganized. A better plan can make the waste management program successful.

Recycling Market Related to The Project

As mentioned above, one of the major potential drawbacks to effective and economical
recycling is the uncertainty of the markets. We gathered information from some paper
manufacturing company to see the market price of paper. The manufacture of paper oscillates
depending on season. It is in its peak in admission test season due to leaflet and poster of
different coaching centers. Other than that, the manufacture of paper is good in May-June and
October-December due to examination of different educational institutions. The price of the
paper varies with the manufacture of paper. The current price of computer paper is 7000 taka
per ton, card board 9000 taka per ton, newspaper 5000 taka per ton and mixed paper 4000 taka
per ton. The current price of stone chips and brick chips is 10,000 taka per ton.
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 6

Proposed System

Following is an outline of a suggested procedure for implementation of a recycling program

for Barishal University campus. The program would consist of three phases, each one building
upon while retaining the former one(s). Using this approach, the financial impact is lessened
dramatically and more flexibility exists.

 Running a pilot program just with two boy’s halls.
 It will consist of a 5 Project Manager preferably a respected member of the Soil Faculty
teachers and a group of students.
 The aim is to collect the recyclables from office rooms as well as classrooms and labs
in sophisticated trash cans, cardboard cans and large plastic desk boxes.
 Then separate them categorically as specified in Problem Quantification section.
 A step van will be in operation to carry them to suitable recycling markets that have
been chosen for the items; where these recyclable wastes disposals can be sold and
reused such as in the case of newsprint that can be later used as exam questionnaire
 Depending on the feasibility of this 6-month long program and analyzing the budget
estimations in three different scenarios—Pessimistic, Most likely and Optimistic,
further strengthening for Phase II will be evaluated.

 Expanding the pilot program undertaken in previous phase in similar manner in Girls
hall, academic building and chemistry lab.
 More number of students will be employed along with respective Faculty teacher as
 Locations for trash cans, sizes of cans and boxes also the quantity of cans will be
 3 step vans will be in operation to transport the recyclables to nearby market.
 Based on the evaluation of this 6-month long phase, reinforcement for the next phase
will be decided. For campus wide waste management program, this phase is pretty
much important to succeed.

 This phase will include the rest of the campus.
 7 directors representing the Faculties and 3 Halls provosts will be co-coordinating the
program simultaneously.
 30+ students will be employed in 20 hours a week basis work-study program.
 Over 2000 trash cans and disposable cardboard boxes will be deployed all over the
 More than 6 step vans will be in action to transport these recyclables to the market.
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 7

 Aiming for the Median case scenario this phase is bound to be success resulting in profit
for this waste management program.


 For the first time, Barishal University will have a work-study program that will involve
students being employed for a year-long program.
 BU authority will earn profit from the waste management program, if implemented
successfully, that can be further reinforced in developing the infrastructural or
sociological projects.
 This program will be an inspiration for such self-dependent projects, and in no time BU
will host such programs. These will add weights to the institution’s honor and
worldwide ranking.
 Students are hopefully expected to be equipped with better communication skills and
practical real work-based experiences that will enhance their career ahead.
 BU will be a role model for other universities countrywide, for recyclables processing
and setting an example of earning yearly good turnovers just by deciding to recycle
rather than dumping.
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 8

Implementation Plan
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 9

Project Personnel

Nearly all current campus recycling programs began as student initiatives. That is, they were
originally conceived of, implemented and operated solely by student groups. It is important to
involve the student population in order to change the mindset of the current (and future)
generation that we can just continue to toss all waste in the trash can and haul it off and bury it
in a landfill. Thus, the Barishal University student body needs to be involved.
The Work/Study program at Barishal University would be an excellent source of student labor
to support the program. The only restriction is that the student can work twenty hours per week,
maximum, until the money is gone.
A position in the recycling program would be an excellent learning experience for students in
several majors, ranging from soil & environmental science, to chemistry, to Finance &
Banking. The involvement of the custodial staffs is essential as well. Because of the transient
nature of the student staff (semester breaks, graduation, etc.), a consistent element is critical
for program continuity.
PHASE Role Project Skill Required No. Category Duration
Responsibility of Required
Director Lead Team, Project 1 A faculty 6 months
Report Status Management member
Phase 1: from Soil
Pilot Science
Program Collector/ Collect Cans, Communication 4 Students 6 months
Seller Communicate skills from each
with Buyers level
Step Van Driver Transport Waste Paddling 1 Labor Ongoing
Director Lead Team, Project 3 Faculties of 6 months
Report Status Management different
Phase 2: Collector/ Collect Cans, Communication 12 Students 6 months
Expansion Seller Communicate skills from each
with Buyers Level from
each faculty
Step Van Driver Transport Waste Paddling 3 Labor Ongoing
Director Lead Team, Project Faculty 6 months
Report Status Management 7 members
from each
Faculty and
Phase 3: Provosts.
Campus Collector/ Collect Cans, Communication 25 Students 6 months
Wide Seller Communicate skills from each
with Buyers Level from
From each
Step Van Driver Transport Waste Paddling 10 Labor Ongoing
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 10

Budget Analysis

Phase I - Pilot Program

Following are three cases used in evaluation of the first phase. Prices used are the average, per
ton, of those found in the local dealer survey (refer to the "Current Recycling Markets" section).
Quantities are calculated based upon the percentages listed and the total tonnages given in the
"Problem Quantification" section.
The percentage of total is calculated based upon the annual total of 3,000 tons now being
Material Price Pessimistic Most likely Optimistic
Wt. Tk. (000) Wt. Tk. (000) Wt. Tk. (000)
Concrete Shurki 10,000 12 120 15 150 19 190
Computer Paper 7,000 111 777 139 973 174 1,218
Cardboard 9,000 111 999 139 1,251 174 1,566
Newspaper 5,000 16 80 20 400 25 125
Mixed Paper 4,000 111 444 139 556 174 696
Total Ton Tk. (000) Ton Tk. (000) Ton Tk. (000)
360 2420 452 3,330 566 3,795
Note that, we assume 25% increase in case of increasing weight (wt.) amount in most likely and
optimistic. i.e., = × 25% & = × 25%

 Thus, under the Pessimistic Case, a total of 360 tons (12% of the annual total generated)
of waste would be diverted from the landfill and sold for an estimated ৳24,20,000.
 Under the Median Case, a total of 452 tons (15% of the annual total generated) of waste
would be diverted from the landfill and sold for an estimated 33,30,000.
 Under the Optimistic Case, a total of 566 tons (19% of the annual total generated) of
waste would be diverted from the landfill and sold for an estimated ৳37,95,000.

For Phase I, it is assumed that the following people and equipment would be adequate. Note
that no transportation (except from the buildings to storage) or marketing costs are included as
any of the buyers contacted are willing to come pick the material up from a central location.
Particulars Annual Cost (Tk.)
Director (1/2 time) 1,20,000
Collectors/seller (4 students) + 1 driver 3,00,000
Truck (Step van) 1,80,000
Other costs 42,000
Total costs 6,42,000
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 11


Particulars Net income (Tk.)

Pessimistic 17,78,000
Most likely 26,88,000
Optimistic 31,53,000

Note that the chance of making a profit appears to be great. The figures used in the Pessimistic
case is quite conservative (low), as are those used for the expenses (high).

Yard wastes (grass clippings, leaves, twigs, etc. which are undoubtedly a large portion of total
solid waste stream) are something not included in this report. There is no point in including
yard wastes in this report as they are being recycled through composting.

Phase II: Expansion

The costs encountered will be more or less the same phase I. There will be some more employee
in this section and also the waste collection and working area will be increase simultaneously.
This phase actually depends on the success of the phase I. By considering all aspect we assume
a percentage of increase in profit level. We expect a 15% increase in the phase II. Then the net
income will be as follows:

Particulars Annual expected profit

Pessimistic 20,44,700
Most likely 30,91,200
Optimistic 36,25,950

Phase III: Campus wide

Under the third phase (complete campus-wide involvement), nearly all that is possible to
collect of the waste stream for recycling would be collected. Using the same assumptions as
above, the collection is estimated at:
Material Price Pessimistic Most likely Optimistic
Wt. Tk. (000) Wt. Tk. (000) Wt. Tk. (000)
Metal Scrapes 10,000 16 160 30 300 31 310
Wood 6,000 16 96 30 180 31 186
Computer Paper 7,000 197 1,379 272 1,904 323 2,261
Cardboard 9,000 197 1,773 234 2,106 323 2,907
Newspaper 5,000 29 145 45 225 47 235
Mixed Paper 4,000 295 1,180 389 1,556 646 2,584
Ton Tk. (000) Ton Tk. (000) Ton Tk. (000)
Total 750 4,733 1,000 6,271 1,400 8,483
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 12

 Thus, under the Pessimistic Case, a total of 750 tons (25% of the annual total generated)
of waste would be diverted from the landfill and sold for an estimated Tk. 47, 33,000.
 Under the Median Case, a total of 1,000 tons (33% of the annual total generated) of
waste would be diverted from the landfill and sold for an estimated Tk. 62,71,000.
 Under the Optimistic Case, a total of 1,400 tons (47% of the annual total generated) of
waste would be diverted from the landfill and sold for an estimated Tk. 84,83,000.
For Phase III, it is assumed that the following people and equipment would be adequate. Note
that no transportation (except from the buildings to storage) or marketing costs are included as
any of the buyers contacted are willing to come pick the material up from a central location.
Particulars Annual Cost (Tk.)
Director (1/2 time) × 7 8,40,000
Collectors/seller (4 students) + 1 driver 10,00,000
Truck (Step van) 5,40,000
Other costs 1,30,000
Total costs 31,52,000

Particulars Net income (Tk.)
Pessimistic 15,81,000
Most likely 31,19,000
Optimistic 53,31,000

Form the above there phases we can see even in pessimistic case there is significant positive
profit which is really good for the business.
Note that, all the weight (wt.) is our assumption and it decrease that won’t affect the profit
level very much cause the price of recycling material is assuming in minimum amount than the
market price. That means, the price will be lower than the market price. We tried our level best
to make an authentic forecasting.
Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 13

SWOT Analysis

i. Work-study program: A work-study program (if possible) at BU will help
students earn financial funding through a part-time work program.
ii. Extra income: If these proposals are implemented, BU management authority will
have an extra source of income.
iii. Minimization of expense: The waste papers can be sold and reused as newsprint
which can be later used as exam questionnaire sheets. This will reduce the expense
to buy new papers.
iv. Communication skills of students: Students can develop their communication
skills through this project to get ready for professional life.
v. Teacher-Student relationship: Through this project, a better relation between
teachers and students will be developed.

i. Enhancing University: With the profit earned from this project, more development
can be bought to enhance the university.
ii. Research facilities: With more lands and profit, the research facilities at BU will
be increased.
iii. Improving university: With more research work, the ranking of BU will go
iv. Pioneer program: This can be a pioneer program for other projects in future.

i. Limited student job opportunities: At the pilot program, only 4 students will work.
And at the campus wide program, 36 students will have the opportunity to work in
this program annually. Obviously, the program is short run oriented.
ii. Fluctuation of price: The price of paper production fluctuates throughout the year
significantly. So, the estimated budget showed in this proposal may be more or less
depending on the current market price of production.
iii. Extra space for storage facility: BU has limited land than maximum Universities
in Bangladesh. So, finding extra space for storage facilities may be a huge problem.

i. Authorization of BU Authority: Getting authorization from BU authority and
fulfilling their conditions will be another tough challenge.
ii. Digitalization: A significant level of percentage (more than 50% -approximately)
of a budget estimation of this project are with paper, polythene, plastic bags.
Digitalization such as usage of electronic soft copy for class lectures, online
examination will cause entire collapse of the project.
Project Scheduling

Here is the scheduling of project which is proposed for next 2 years:

Activities Month Jan’20 Mar’20’ Jun’20 Sep’20 Dec’20 Mar’21 Jun’21 -

Phase I

Recycling waste 100 % Completed and

from two boy’s hall becomes a part of
Phase II

Phase II 30 % proceeded.

Expansion of Waste 100 % Completed and

management becomes a part of
program in other Phase III
hall & academic

Phase III 30 % proceeded.

Campus Wide 100 %

recycling measures Completed.
including the halls.

Waste Management of Barishal University Campus 14

Waste Management of Barishal Unoversity Campus 15

Recommendation & Conclusion

• A lot of woods from carpentry shop, metals from machine shop and welding shop is
counted as waste after their use in shop. Students from different departments can be
inspired to make different things with these wastes.
• Further study should be made on making furniture with cardboard. If successful, more
people should be appointed which will reduce the employment problem in Bangladesh.
This could be a good source of income.
• New ideas of recycling can be found from students by arranging competition on
recycling of waste management. In this program, competitions can be held on project
display, debate etc. Students can be inspired on research and invention through theses
• Recycling of plastic bottles, cans were not involved in this project. This could be a valid
source of income.

The present practice of waste collection, recycling and disposal is quite disorganized which is
quite unexpected for a university like Barishal university. An organized effort is needed in
order to maximize resource recovery and utilization. This project is all about recycling and
maximization of the resources we have within our effort.

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