Combustors For Micro Gas Tubine Engines
Combustors For Micro Gas Tubine Engines
Combustors For Micro Gas Tubine Engines
Ian A. Waitz
Associate Professor,
Massachusetts Institute of Tectinology,
Turbine Engines
Gas Turbine Laboratory,
Cambridge, MA 02139 The development of a hydrogen-air microcombustor is described. The combustor is
intended for use in a 1 rrmf inlet area, micro-gas turbine engine. While the size of
the device poses several difficulties, it also provides new and unique opportunities.
Gautam Gauba The combustion concept investigated is based upon introducing hydrogen and pre-
Consuitant, mixing it with air upstream of the combustor. The wide flammability limits of hydro-
Arttiur D. Littie inc., gen-air mixtures and the use of refractory ceramics enable combustion at lean condi-
Cambridge, MA 02140 tions, obviating the need for both a combustor dilution zone and combustor wall
cooling. The entire combustion process is carried out at temperatures below the
limitations set by material properties, resulting in a significant reduction of complexity
Yang-Sheng Tzeng when compared to larger-scale gas turbine combustors. A feasibility study with initial
Graduate Researcti Assistant, design analyses is presented, followed by experimental results from 0.13 cm' silicon
Massachusetts institute of Technoiogy, carbide and steel microcombustors. The combustors were operated for tens of hours,
Gas Turbine Laboratory, and produced the requisite heat release for a microengine application over a range
Cambridge, MA 02139 of fuel-air ratios, inlet temperatures, and pressures up to four atmo.^pheres. Issues
of flame stability, heat transfer, ignition and mixing are addressed. A discussion of
requirements for catalytic processes for hydrocarbon fuels is also presented.
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Combustion Exhaust Turbine Turbine
Chamber Nozzle Rotor Nozzle
Blades Vanes
turbine inlet temperature of 1600 K, may be capable of produc- engine. The estimates cited for the microcombustor were ob-
ing 10-20 watts for a canonical inlet area of 1 mm^. tained by making conservative assumptions about achievable
The overall goal is to develop a complete microengine system performance and size of a microengine operating with a total
that is contained within a volume on the order of 1 cm^. Before pressure ratio of 4.5:1. Compared to the larger-scale device, the
such a device can be realized however, many difficulties must size of the microcombustor has been reduced by a factor of 100
be overcome. Micro-gas turbines and other applications of this and the volume by over 6 orders of magnitude. The space heat-
technology are not simply scaled-down larger machines. The ing rate is 10 times larger than that of current technology aircraft
small size and constraints on fabrication and testing pose many gas turbine combustors.
challenges: the surface area-to-volume ratio is increased, vis- The differences between design parameters listed in Table
cous effects are more important, time-scales are shorter, and 2 for the micro and conventional applications are largely due
the range of three-dimensional shapes that can be fabricated is to the reduction in scale, but are also influenced by the rela-
limited. All of these effects either directly or indirectly impact tive size of the combustor with respect to the engine, the
the selection and development of appropriate combustion strate- cycle pressure ratio, and material temperature limitations.
gies for a microengine. These effects are discussed in greater detail in the following
1.2 Challenges and Opportunities for Microcombustor
Development. The functional requirements of a microcom- 1.2.1 Shorter Residence Time for Mixing and Combustion.
bustor are similar to those of a typical gas turbine combustor. The most significant and technically challenging aspect of a
Primarily, chemical energy must be converted into thermal and microcombustor is its limited residence time. If the dimensions
kinetic energy with high efficiency and low total pressure loss. of a conventional engine were to be reduced by a factor of 500,
In addition, there are requirements for introduction and mixing while maintaining the same mass flow rate per unit area, then
of fuel and oxidizer, reliable and smooth ignition, wide flam- the flow residence time within the combustor would be approxi-
mability limits so the flame stays lit over a range of operating mately 0.05-0.1 ms. This is on the same order as the character-
conditions, low pollutant emissions, and freedom from combus- istic chemical kinetic time scale for hydrocarbon-air reactions
tion instabilities. Likewise, the principal constraints on micro- (0.01-0.1 ms). Thus for the microengine, it will be necessary
combustor design mirror those of the larger-sized counterpart, to increase the relative size of the combustor compared to the
including the maintenance of low-stressed, cooled structures, engine.
minimal weight, and an overall shape and size that are compati- The required increase in relative combustor size can be ap-
ble with the rest of the engine layout. proximated using a simplified scaling for combustor residence
A comparison between design parameters of a conventional time given by Kerrebrock (1992)
gas turbine combustor and those of a microcombustor are shown
in Table 2. The parameters listed for the conventional combustor L-(A,M2)-7rll / y
are representative of a modern 30:1 pressure ratio gas turbine (1)
A2 = compressor flow area h = convective heat transfer coeffi- T = flow temperature [K]
A, = combustor cross-sectional area cient [W/m^-K] r,,, = wall temperature [K]
.Ah = pre-exponential factors for re- JD = mass transport number Tn = compressor exit temperature [K]
action rates JH = heat transport number 77-4 = turbine inlet temperature [K]
A., = surface area [m^] k = thermal conductivity [W/m- K] V„ = reference velocity [m/s]
= specific heat at constant pres- L = length [m] Vol = volume [m-*]
sure [ J / k g ' K ] nia = air flow rate [kg/s] a = mass transfer coefficient [m/s]
dh = hydraulic diameter [m] OT/ = fuel flow rate [kg/s] T] = combustor efficiency
Da, = catalytic Damkohler number Nurf = Nusselt number based on diameter TTc = compressor pressure ratio
Da* = homogeneous Damkohler num- Q = volumetric rate of energy/heat y = ratio of specific heats
ber generation [W/m^] p„ = reference density [kg/m^]
E" = rate of energy/heat flux [W] Qf = fuel heating value [J/kg] Tres = combustor residence time
E = rate of energy/heat generation Re,, = Reynolds number based on diame- (p = equivalence ratio
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