Grayscale Image Enhancement For Enhancing Features Detection in Marker-Less Augmented Reality Technology
Grayscale Image Enhancement For Enhancing Features Detection in Marker-Less Augmented Reality Technology
Grayscale Image Enhancement For Enhancing Features Detection in Marker-Less Augmented Reality Technology
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Tracking is a fundamental task in Augmented Reality (AR) technology which requires robust real-time to
properly adjust real and virtual objects in a single alignment, so that, both objects appear to coexist in the
same world. Marker-less tracking has been explored to overcome the limitations of conventional marker-
based tracking in AR. By capturing real surroundings to produce the features, the marker-less tracking will
recognize these features to overlay the virtual objects on the top of the captured features. The features have
been tracked in real-time by the display device, based on the real environment. Therefore, this article aimed
to explain the features detection using Features Accelerated Segment Test (FAST) to detect corner features.
Related works were reviewed and the features extraction for AR framework using Grayscale Image
Generation (GIG) were presented. In addition, to enhance details of grayscale images, a comprehensive study
was performed on the three techniques of Contrast Enhancement (CE), namely, Colormap, HE and CLAHE
to determine the best method for robust features detection. The findings showed Colormap to be the best
technique, compared to HE and CLAHE, in terms of noise, the accuracy of the corner, distributed histogram
and amount of features.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Contrast Enhancement, Template Matching, FAST Corner Detector, GIG
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th July 2020. Vol.98. No 13
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS
cannot see the features through their naked eyes. the marker-less tracking is further divided into three
This condition has turned this features-based categories, edge-based, keypoint-based and interest
tracking to become marker-less. Besides features- point-based. Edge-based tracking uses edges as
based tracking, the location-based tracking is also features or known as points sampled. Interest point-
commonly known as marker-less tracking. It uses the based tracking uses keyframe from camera pose,
GPS to register the 3D content. With marker-less while keypoint-based tracking uses natural features,
tracking, user does not need to worry about the such as corners. Keypoint-based tracking is also
location of the virtual objects. It does not require an known as features-based tracking. Based on the
anchor to the real world [7]. principles of features tracking, there are three
approaches highlighted which can affect tracking.
Markers are defined as a sign or image that can be
detected by a camera, using pattern recognition, First is the black and white ratio on fiducial
image processing, and computer vision techniques marker, and this approach can be considered as
[8]. According to [9], there are five types of marker an easy detection in various lighting conditions. This
in AR, namely, template marker, circular marker, ratio can affect a detection in marker-based tracking
imperceptible marker, features marker, and infrared [11]. Along with black and white markers, the use
marker. Feature is a natural marker type, which uses of fiducial markers is a common practice in AR,
natural features. Imperceptible marker and infrared where it can be divided into two types, the template
marker are sensor marker types. Template marker marker and the circular marker. Meanwhile in the
and circular marker are fiducial marker types [9]. grayscale approach, such as FAST, ORB, and
Features marker typically uses templates or features BRISK, the intensity pixel of grayscale images is
matching for its recognition. Implementations of used to detect features. Grayscale Image Generation
features marker have an advantage in AR (GIG) method is used in marker-less AR framework
application, because it can work without changing [16-17], where it enables the intensity of the
the environment in an existing real environment [9]. grayscale image to affect features detection. The
The marker must have a different feature to features marker, also known as natural marker is
distinguish one another. Some features tracking uses derived from the grayscale approach. The
four corners of a square image as features to combination of marker-based and marker-less
recognize the images in AR. tracking is known as hybrid tracking, which usually
uses the sensor output as a marker [14], for example,
Based on Figure 1, there are five types of trackers, imperceptible marker and infrared marker. Edge-
namely, magnetic tracker, inertial tracker, optical based and interest point-based tracking use the last
tracker, ultrasonic tracker and mechanical tracker calculated pose as an estimate for the current pose
[10]. This study focused only on the optical tracker. (recursive), while the keypoint-based tracking uses
A tracker is a device used to track or capture images. the current frame to estimate the pose (non-
There are two divisions in AR, namely, marker- recursive) [15].
based tracking and marker-less tracking. In general,
Figure 1. Tracking system based on type of trackers, features tracking techniques, and type of markers
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th July 2020. Vol.98. No 13
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS
Features detection mainly aims to produce removal [26] to design high quality markers.
features for robust object detection. With certain Tracking a marker in AR has three problems,
features in the images, hidden information can be namely, inter-marker confusion, true detection, and
added, such as steganography techniques [16] and false detection. The severity of these problems
watermarking techniques [17]. During features depend on the available extraction features and
extraction process, the process cannot extract matching features [27]. Certain images do not have
features precisely, due to the noise and image many detectable features, and according to [28],
quality. The more features can be detected much contrast value, brightness and colour image
robust the markers can be tracked and recognized manipulation can affect the quality of image marker
[18]. Therefore, to identify and recognize the object in AR.
or marker on a digital image, image processing is
necessary [19]. Sometimes, the marker used does not Features detection using natural features have
have enough features, such as the lack of a good the same problems. As such, good extraction
texture and noise and lighting problems, especially features and matching features are needed to resolve
if it is directly captured using a camera. This makes the inter-marker confusion, true detection, and false
the features difficult to detect or encounter detection problems. To detect the natural features,
mismatches [18]. two software libraries have been compared between
ARToolkit and Vuforia. Based on the findings in
To improve features tracking, such as problems [18], Vuforia detects fewer features, compared to
that occur in [18], the tracking accuracy will be ARToolkit, and the amount of features detected can
increased with the more features which have been increase tracking accuracy and robustness of the
detected. In this research, GIG was used as the marker recognition.
method to extract features from a natural marker in
AR. According to [20] and [21] features extraction Based on related works, researchers have
in AR can use GIG method to convert the RGB attempted to produce features detection in template
images into grayscale images before producing the matching better and to recognize features in objects
features. Converting RGB images into grayscale more quickly and accurately. However, our study
images can cause a loss of some details [18-19]. A focused only on natural features marker for marker-
method was proposed in this study to improve the less AR.
details on grayscale images for a precise detection of
the features. It was revealed that, the details of
grayscale images could be enhanced using Contrast
Enhancement (CE) method, such as CLAHE, HE
There are five types of tracking system as
and Colormap [22]. Experiments were carried out to
mentioned above. The magnetic tracker uses the
compare the three techniques in terms of features
magnetic field as a source to estimate orientation,
tracking, noise, the accuracy of the corner,
while an ultrasonic tracker, also known as an
distributed histogram and the amount of features.
acoustic tracking system, uses sound wave to
2. RELATED WORKS determine the position and orientation. Inertial
tracker uses Inertial measurement units (IMU) with
Several researchers have studied the reliability of a combination of multi-sensors, such as
marker recognition. A previous work by [23] accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer to get
developed a tracking technique to detect the features orientation. Mechanical tracking systems rely on
of fiducial marker underwater, using generated physical connections between targets and fixed
synthetic images for robust detection in these reference points. The last fifth type of the tracking
environments, while [24] developed a new marker system, namely, optical tracker, also known as
detection known as mono-spectrum marker which Optical Tracking System (OTS), depends on two
can accurately detect blurred and defocused images components, light source and optical sensor [10].
in real time. A black and white fiducial marker which Virtual Reality (VR) and AR are included in the
can positively affect detection is used to increase the optical trackers category [29].
robustness of the marker recognition[11]. Designing
highly reliable fiducial markers can solve interest Corner is a characteristic of the image for a robust
point detection and matching problems, as agreed by detection [30], and it carries an extensive data about
[25]. Fiducial Marker Optimization (FMO) method picture composition and invariant characteristics
has been developed using image processing under many geometric transformations into pictures
techniques, which are edge sharpness and noise [31]. The corner detector has been widely used as a
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th July 2020. Vol.98. No 13
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS
feature point detectors, because each corner in the indicates a little dynamic range which corresponds
image can distinguish information from the image to an image having a low contrast [38] and Vuforia
[32]. Features detection algorithms try to identify transforms the images into grayscale. When the
features directly, based on the intensity patterns in images do not have enough contrast, the marker will
the marker. The selection of features detection can produce very less or small amount of features, and
affect the overall system performance [33]. Some the histogram looks narrow and spiky [39]. Non-
techniques, such as SUSAN (Smallest Univalue maximum suppression is used for smaller patterns to
Segment Assimilating Nucleus), Harris corner, and better preserve the locality constraint of a corner
FAST corner (Features from Accelerated Segment [40]. Distinctiveness, repeatability, efficiency, and
Test) are used for tracking corners. Among these, invariance tests are the next experiment to be carried
FAST corner is the most stable [8]. FAST corner out for real-time tracking to improve the features
uses grayscale images to find features [34]. The ratio extraction in marker-less AR. This study proposed
of darker and brighter areas in a grayscale image, is CE method to improve grayscale images for
very important to find a candidate corner using enhancing features detection in marker-less AR.
FAST corner detector. FAST corner with rotated
BRIEF or known as ORB is also suitable to be used
in AR mobile device, because it is fast, with no
According to [22], CE method can enhance low
heavy computational load needed [35] and mobile
contrast grayscale images to improve the details of
phones and tablets are increasingly becoming
images. An experiment has been conducted before,
common media for AR, which provide a significant
using Image Adjust Intensity Values or Colormap
growth, because they are oriented towards consumer
[41] to enhance old pictures in a museum as marker
experiences [36].
in AR. In this section, the three types of CE method
which can be used to increase the details of grayscale
There are eight important qualities which must
images, are described. The following subsections
be had for ideal features, namely, distinctiveness,
explain the three types of CE method, namely,
locality, quantity, accuracy, efficiency, repeatability,
Histogram Equalization, Contrast Limited Adaptive
invariance, and robustness [37]. Distinctiveness is
Histogram Equalization and Colormap.
the condition where detected features must have
variations which can be used to differentiate each 6.1 Histogram Equalization
feature and match. Locality means, the features
should be local to reduce the chances of getting Histogram equalization is the act of modifying the
occluded and allow simple estimations of geometric intensity distribution that adjusts the contrast of an
and photometric deformations. Quantity is the total image-based on a histogram to provide a linear trend
amount of detected features which must be enough to the cumulative probability function associated
to reflect the object. Accuracy is the detected with the image to produce an image with an even
features which must also be located accurately from histogram. The even histogram will increase the
the various locations of pixels, shapes, and scales. details of the image achieved, as agreed by [42]. The
Efficiency means, the features detected do not take histogram of an image is a discrete function formed
much time to be identified and are suitable for real- by counting the number of pixels in an image that has
time applications. Repeatability is the feature a certain grey value, so that, the histogram of the
detected in the same object, which must have output image approximately matches the specified
similarity features when tested in different display histogram. Even distribution of regional histograms
conditions. Invariance means, each feature detected in images can increase the visibility of local details
is always matched if the image is transformed. in images [22].
Robustness is the deformation resistance from image
noise, discretization effects, artifact compression, 6.2 Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram
blur, etc.
CLAHE is widely used in medical image
According to these ideal features, improvements processing. The CLAHE algorithm divides the
were made on the details of grayscale images for image into rectangular areas, applying several
thresholds and equality locally in each region. After
benchmarking purposes, in terms of noise for
robustness, accuracy, quantity, and distributed setting a threshold for the grey level, as in the above
histogram. The shape of the histogram of an image event, this threshold is truncated to minimize
gives information about the possibility for a contrast saturation, followed by a uniform and recursive
enhancement. A histogram of a narrow shape redistribution throughout the local histogram [43].
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th July 2020. Vol.98. No 13
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS
6.3 Colormap result of the original image. In the second and third
steps, the acquisition of the image applied image
Colormap, also known as the Image Adjust
enhancement technique, using each of the three types
Intensity Values, is a colour transformation, from the
of CE method to get the results, which relied on
colours of one source image to another target image
image noise, accuracy corner, distributed histogram
[44]. Colormap is also known as an algorithm which
and features amount.
can change the colour of an image or an algorithm
that creates and produces an image mapping.
Colormap is a merger of 3 matrices (m-by-3) real
numbers between 0.0 and 1.0. The RGB colour in
each row determines the colour transformed from the
image having the RGB to grayscale image. Colour
kith is defined in kith lines, with the specific
intensity of the colours in red, green and blue, map
(k, :) = [r (k) g (k) b (k)]) [44].
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th July 2020. Vol.98. No 13
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th July 2020. Vol.98. No 13
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS
pixel value on the circle formed around the candidate 10. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
point, as shown in Figure 4. Neighbours of pixel
The dataset from Guo Chengung [47] applied all
must have at least nine pixels to be identified as
the three techniques of CE method. Each technique
corner, all brighter or darker than the threshold.
was performed to get the best method for enhancing
Decision trees are trained to test several pixels to
the quality of marker and also to compare the marker
classify prospective pixels as interest points or
with the original images. Comparisons were made
based on image noise, accuracy corner, histogram
and features amount.
Noise comparison of the three techniques can be
seen in the following Figure 5.
S+ is the subset of pixels on the circle that are
brighter than p (by threshold) and S_is the subset of
pixels that are darker than p (by threshold). The point
of candidate p is a black point. The discretized
approximation of the circle around p is used by 16
grey points p [55]. Figure 4 shows how FAST
determines a candidate corner.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 5. Comparison of original image with grayscale
image obtained using the three techniques of CE Method
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th July 2020. Vol.98. No 13
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th July 2020. Vol.98. No 13
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS
Marker quality can also be measured through a the quality of the image details. Table 4 shows a
histogram on the image, as listed in the Vuforia histogram of each image using CE method and the
website [49]. According to [42], the image details original image. The evenly distributed histogram can
can be seen from the histogram taken. be seen on the type of image using colormap
The more evenly distributed the histogram, the better technique.
Table 4. Histogram images before and after using Contrast Enhancement Method
Original Image
Histogram Equalization
Adaptive Histogram
Equalization / CLAHE
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th July 2020. Vol.98. No 13
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS
In the next experiment carried out to count the The amounts of features using non maximum
features amount, a problem was encountered in suppression and without non maximum suppression
detecting multiple corner points on different are as shown in Table 5, and it can be seen that,
locations. Non maximum suppression remove image with the colormap technique detects more
corners which have an adjacent corner [54]. corners.
Upon completion of the features tracking and the The brute-force-matcher approach was used for
corner counting process, feature matching was the feature matching [57]. It was used to match
carried out, aimed to test whether each corner corners, before and after enhancement with
detected matches what is in the initial database or threshold=25. Figure 11 shows that, the features
initial tracking. matching using colormap technique are better.
Figure 11. Matching original image & enhanced image using Colormap
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th July 2020. Vol.98. No 13
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th July 2020. Vol.98. No 13
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
15th July 2020. Vol.98. No 13
© 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS