Access Control Policy
Access Control Policy
Access Control Policy
Revision History
1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................8
2 Access Control Principles ...........................................................................................9
3 User Access Management........................................................................................10
3.1 User Registration And Deregistration ......................................................................... 10
3.2 User Access Provisioning ............................................................................................ 10
3.3 Removal Or Adjustment Of Access Rights ................................................................... 11
3.4 Management Of Privileged Access Rights .................................................................... 11
3.5 Supplier Remote Access To The Organisation Network................................................ 11
3.6 Review Of User Access Rights ..................................................................................... 12
1 Introduction
The control of access to our information is a fundamental part of information security. If we
are to effectively protect sensitive data, we must ensure that a comprehensive mix of
physical and technical controls are in place.
But our policy for access control must ensure that the measures we implement are
appropriate to the business requirement for protection and are not unnecessarily strict. The
policy therefore must be based upon a clear understanding of the business requirements of
the owners of the information we are trying to protect.
This access control policy is designed to take account of the business and information
security requirements of the organisation and is subject to regular review to ensure that it
remains appropriate.
This control applies to all systems, people and processes that constitute the organisation’s
information systems, including board members, directors, employees, suppliers and other
third parties who have access to [Organization Name] systems.
These are:
• Defence in Depth – security must not depend upon any single control but be the sum
of a number of protective measures, for example multiple doors
• Least Privilege – the default approach taken must be to assume that access is not
required, rather than to assume that it is
• Need to Know – access is only granted to the information required to perform a role,
and no more
Adopting these basic principles will help to keep systems secure by reducing risk and
therefore the number and severity of cyber security incidents that occur.
As part of the selection of cloud service providers specifically, bear in mind the following
access-related considerations:
Addressing these requirements as part of the selection process will ensure that the
provisions of this policy can be met in the cloud as well as within internal systems.
User access rights must be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure the correct rights are still
allocated. System administration accounts must only be provided to users who are required
to perform system administration tasks.
Each user account will have a unique username which is not shared with any other user and
is associated with a specific individual – i.e. not a role or job title. Generic user accounts –
single accounts to be used by a group of people – must not be created as they provide
insufficient allocation of responsibility.
An initial strong password must be created on account setup and communicated to the user
via a separate and secure method. The user must be required to change the password on
first use of the account.
When an employee leaves the organisation under normal circumstances, their access to
computer systems must be suspended at the close of business on their last working day. It is
the responsibility of the line manager to request the suspension of the access rights via the
[IT Service Desk].
In exceptional circumstances where there is perceived to be a risk that the employee may
take action that may harm the organisation prior to or upon termination, a request to
remove access may be approved and actioned in advance of notice of termination being
given. This precaution will especially apply in the case where the individual concerned has
privileged access rights, such as administrator.
User accounts must be initially suspended or disabled only and not deleted. User account
names must not be reused as this may cause confusion in the event of a later investigation.
based, i.e. a user account will be added to a group which has been created with the access
permissions required by that job role.
Group roles must be maintained in line with business requirements and any changes to
them must be formally authorised.
Ad-hoc additional permissions must not be granted to user accounts outside the group role.
If such permissions are required, this must be formally requested.
Under no circumstances will administrators be permitted to change their own user accounts
or permissions.
Access to admin level permissions must only be allocated to individuals whose roles require
them and who have received sufficient training to understand the implications of their use.
The use of user accounts with privileged access in automated routines or programs such as
batch or interface jobs must be avoided where possible. Where this is unavoidable, the
password used must be protected.
Partners or third-party suppliers must contact the [IT Service Desk] on each occasion to
request permission to connect to the network, and a log of activity must be maintained.
Remote access software and user accounts must be disabled when not in use.
This review will be performed according to a formal procedure and any corrective actions
identified and carried out.
A review of user accounts with privileged access will be carried out by the [Information
Security Manager] on a quarterly basis to ensure that this policy is being complied with.