Title Author Type Analysis
Title Author Type Analysis
Title Author Type Analysis
Lucio and Maria live The tone that is also evoked in the story
together. Maria lost both is the formal tone because of the use of
her parents, her sister, dark and deep phrases.
and her adopted child.
Maria likes to stroll and
explore. Maria finished -The exposition took place when Felix
the book that she was twenty-one and had his first job. His
borrowed from Felix. income was not much and he lived in an
old house that was slowly decaying, but
Felix and Maria get life had its moments.
together. When World
War II came, people Narrative Perspective/ Point-of-view
needed to evacuate to a -The author chose to write the story
safer place. Maria from 1st Person Point of View because
happened to be gone, so Felix, the main character, is the narrator
Felix went to her house. of the story. This gave a huge impact on
Before and after the making the readers feel like they are on
battle, they never saw the front row seat of the story.
each other again.
Frame Story
– And in the evening when the noise
of living had died down