ClinicalReasoning ObjectivePlanningwk3
ClinicalReasoning ObjectivePlanningwk3
ClinicalReasoning ObjectivePlanningwk3
LB spine
Clear LB
Neuro testing
SIJ cluster tests
4. Behaviour of symptoms
5. How is the severity, irritability or nature of the condition going to affect
your physical examination and treatment?
May need to be more aggressive with special tests to try to reproduce symptoms
Subjective Physical
8. What other factors need to be examined as reasons why the structure has
become symptomatic?
2. What is you main hypothesis now with regard to the primary disorder and the
dominant pain mechanism?
3. Is there anything about your physical exam that would indicate caution in
your management?
9. Would you expect the patient to have residual signs and symptoms at the end
of the course of treatment?