English For Tourism

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We have two categories of tourism: Incoming: people who are coming in

your country. (Inbound)

- Internal ( domestic)
- International (incoming + out coming) Out coming: people who are going
out of your country. (Outbound)
Types of tourism:
1- Religious / spiritual / Meditation tourism ‫ التأملية‬/ ‫ الروحية‬/ ‫الدينية‬

{Going to Baptist cite / nativity church / Makkah / ‫}بيت حلم‬

2- Medical tourism > going to Dead sea ‫العالجية‬

3- Cultural / historical / heritage tourism ‫ الرتاثية‬/ ‫ التارخيية‬/ ‫الثقافية‬

{Going to Greece / ‫ جبل القلعة‬/ ‫} قلعة الشوبك‬

4- Sports tourism ‫الرياضية‬

{Going to Barcelona for watching matches}

5- ECO / GEO tourism ‫ اجليولوجية‬/ ‫البيئية‬

*Visiting certain destination for nature and environment

{Going to Wadi Rum for sightseeing & sunset}
6- Leisure / recreational tourism ‫ > الرتفيهية‬for pleasure, interests & relaxing
7- Shopping tourism
8- Businesses tourism ‫لغرض االعمال‬

{Going to China in order to take apart in a meeting}

9- Adventure / extreme / shock tourism ‫> املغامرة‬For exploring
10- Exploration tourism ‫لغرض االستكشاف‬
11- Educational / conference tourism
12- Aid / Humanitarian tourism ‫ املساعدات‬/ ‫االنسانية‬

{To donate & help people}

13- Space / Virtual tourism ‫ افرتاضي‬/ ‫ ( يف الفضاء‬in the future )
Tourist attractions:
1- The coast
2- Canal
3- Canyon
4- Theme park
5- Palace
6- Castle
7- Tower
8- Channel
9- Floating market
10- Beach
11- Waterfall
12- Bird sanctuary
Tourist activities:
1-Bird watching
3-Scuba diving
7-Horse riding
8- Sailing
9- Biking
10- Windsurfing
11- Sunbathing
12- Attending festivals
13-Sky diving
16- Dinning in the down town
17- Going to Spa and side sea resorts
18- Going to nomadic areas (Al-Badia)
Cathedral vs Basilica vs Church

Church: is any building where Christians go to worship.

Cathedral: the main church of a particular area under the control of a bishop.
Basilicas: (Shape of the church) It is usually a rectangle.
It started in Roman towns, and the church took it and applied it to their
*Examples of Basilicas in Jordan:
Mount Nebo between Madaba & Amman
Amman Citadel ‫جبل القلعة‬
Jadara ( Um Qais)
Cave vs Grotto

Grotto: small attractive, natural cave, as a result of waterfalls.

Cave: larger than Grotto.

Some places in Jordan:

 Wadi rum ( Moon valley )

- A valley cut into the sandstone and granite rock in southern.

- We can find in Wadi rum :

“ Seven pillars of wisdom " ‫اعمدة الحكمة السبعة‬

it is named by Lawrence of Arabia.

“ Thamudic “ ‫كتابات ثمودية‬

A name invented by nineteenth-century scholars for large numbers of

inscriptions in Ancient North Arabian alphabets.

 Decapolis Deca: Cities / Polis: ten

- A group of ten cities they formed a group because of their language, culture,
location, and political status, they dependent on Rome and they were in
Levant.(in east).
- There are 6 of them in Jordan :

Gerasa , Philadelphia, Pella, Rhapana , Gadara, levant

)‫ بيال ( طبقة فحل‬،)‫جدارا (ام قيس‬، )‫ فيالدلفيا ( عمان‬، )‫جياسا ( جرش‬

Neo: new
Polis: city
Tri: three
Philadelphia: Brotherly love
Phil: Love
Philosophy: in Greek means "love of wisdom"

Place Name Suffixes:

Ford: shallow place in a river where anyone can cross easily. ‫ارض ضحلة‬

E.g: Stafford, Bradford

Ham: village / homestead

E.g: Buckingham, Tottenham

Ing: people of/ group of people

E.g: Reading, Wapping
Bury: fortified place ‫قلعة او مكان حصني‬

E.g: Aylesbury, Canterbury, Glastonbury

Ton: enclosure, estate, homestead ‫حصن او مكان حمصّن‬

E.g: Warrington, Brighton, Everton

‫‪Unit 1 vocab:‬‬

‫‪/ desire‬طموح ‪/‬رغبة ‪Ambitious:‬‬

‫معرض الفنون ‪Art gallery:‬‬
‫الفتات ‪Banners:‬‬
‫تذكرة صعود الطائرة ‪Boarding card:‬‬
‫شعلة عىل الحطب ‪Bonfire:‬‬
‫كتيب يعط معلومات ‪Brochure:‬‬
‫مهرجانات موسمية ‪Carnival:‬‬
‫)‪١٠٠‬سنة(قرن ‪Century:‬‬
‫‪/ hire / rent‬استئجار ‪Charter:‬‬
‫مكتب الحجوزات ‪Check in desk:‬‬
‫التسلسل الزمن ‪Chronological:‬‬
‫حضارة ‪Civilization:‬‬
‫مناخ ‪Climate:‬‬
‫محاصيل ‪Crops:‬‬
‫عملة ‪Currency:‬‬
‫صالة المغادرة ‪Departure lounge:‬‬
‫أودع ف المرصف ‪Deposit (v):‬‬
‫الدخل المتاح ‪Disposable income:‬‬
‫نزهة ‪Excursion:‬‬
‫)السفر والذهاب لمكان والعودة بنفس اليوم (‬
‫تراث ‪Heritage:‬‬
‫مواسم الذروة ‪High season:‬‬
‫الكثي من المال وتكون االسعار غالية (‬
‫ر‬ ‫)تكسب فيها ر‬
‫اليفيه ف الطائرة ‪In-flight entertainment:‬‬ ‫وسائل ر‬
‫تأمي ‪Insurance policy:‬‬ ‫عقد ر‬
‫الطيان لمسافات طويلة ‪Long haul flight:‬‬‫ر‬
‫االنشطة اليفيهية الليلية ‪Night-life:‬‬
‫مثي لالعجاب يطل عىل كامل المنطقة ‪Panoramic view:‬‬ ‫مشهد ر‬
‫مكتب مراجعة جوازات السفر ‪Passport control:‬‬
‫الحج ‪/‬الحاج ‪Pilgrim / pilgrimage:‬‬
‫مستكشف ‪/‬رائد ‪Pioneer:‬‬
‫مسية ‪/‬موكب ‪Procession:‬‬ ‫ر‬
‫تحضي الوجبات ‪Self-catering:‬‬ ‫ر‬ ‫االعتماد عالنفس ف‬
‫باخرة ‪/‬بخار ‪Steam (n):‬‬
‫محطة النقل ‪Terminal building:‬‬
Torch: ‫مصباح يدوي‬
Tour rep: ‫ممثل الجولة‬
Tourist attraction: ‫اماكن الجذب السياح‬
Traveler’s cheek: ‫معي يمكن استبداله باموال دولة اخرى‬
‫شيك مال بمبلغ ر‬
Unemployed: ‫عاطل عن العمل‬
Visa: ‫تأشية الدخول‬
Voucher: ‫ايصال‬/ ‫فاتورة‬/ ‫او قسيمة رشاء‬

The important main idea and information from the Reading:

Second paragraph: The first serious recorded attempts of travel was in Greece in
the Olympic Games in the 8th BC.
Third paragraph: The role of Roman Empire in preparing roads for travelers.
Fourth paragraph: the change of attitude of people about travel, the past only
upper class was interested in travel, but in the 17th and 18th centuries more and
more people became interested in travel.
More and more common people are willing now to travel like upper classes.
Travel bug > strong desire for traveling.
Type of graphs and charts:

Pie chart

Line graph

Block graph

Tourism industry
The tourism industry definition:
The total of all businesses that directly provide goods or services to facilitate
business, pleasure and leisure activities away from the home environment.
Why tourism is called an industry?
Tourism is called an industry because it is not only entertaining the public but
giving employment to a large number of people. Tourism is one of the biggest
industry in which large number of people are working together. ... It is one of the
industry which is responsible for some countries economy.

*European countries in general have the highest records in the tourism industry.
Sectors of tourism industry:
 Producers:
Air, sea, road, rail transport
Hotels / motels
Guest houses
Chalets / villas
Stately homes
Holiday centers
Man-made attractions
Ancient monuments
Activity centers
Camping and caravan sites
Catering facilities
Theme park
 Private services:
Guiding services
Travel insurance and finance services
Travel trade press
Marketing support services
Guide and timetable publications
Private ports / port services
Private education and training establishments
 Public services:
National tourist organizations
Regional tourist organizations
Resort publicity offices
Public education and training establishments
Public port / port services
Visa and passport offices
Jobs in tourism:

Baggage handler: a person who loads and unloads items of luggage at an airport.

Curator: someone who is in charge of a museum or zoo.

Warden: a person who is responsible for a particular place and whose job is to
make sure its rules are obeyed.

Guard: someone whose job is to protect a place or person., a person whose job is
to be in charge of a train.

Marketing consultant: is a marketing professional with expertise in strategies to

engage customers and improve business opportunities, both through retaining
existing clients and attracting new patrons.

Purser: an officer on a ship who is responsible for money and the passengers’
rooms, comfort etc.

Air traffic controller: a person who is responsible for remote monitoring and
directing the movements of aircraft.

Entertainments officer: plan, develop and promote entertainment and special

events, within a local authority area.

Concierge: someone in a hotel whose job is to help guests by telling them about
places to visit, restaurants to eat in etc.
Tour manager: the person in charge of an organized trip that people such as
musicians, or actors go into several different places, stopping to meet people or

Bell boy: a young man who carries bags, takes messages etc in a hotel.

Flight attendant: someone who serves food and drinks to passengers on a plane,
and looks after their comfort and safety

Porter: someone whose job is to carry people’s bags at railway stations, airports
etc. Also, someone whose job is to look after the part of a train where people
Here are some headings that might appear on a typical CV:


Personal statement (a brief summary of your status).

Personal details (address, date of birth, nationality, etc.).

Education (including dates, places, and examinations).

Professional qualifications (including dates and places).

Work experience.


Interests and hobbies.

Unit 2 vocab:
Advertisement ‫اعالنات‬
Average ‫معدل‬
Blanket ‫بطانية‬
Cabin: ،‫القطار‬، ‫مقصورة ف الطائرة‬..
Camp-site: ‫مكان التخييم‬
Captain: ‫الطيار‬
Caravan site: ‫موقع حافلة الكرنفال‬
Carrier: ‫رشكة النقل‬
Chalet: ‫شاليه‬
Conference: ‫مؤتمر‬
Consultant:‫مستشار تؤخذ منه النصيحة حول امر ما‬
Continental breakfast: ‫مرب او زبده‬
‫خي و ر‬
‫فطور امريك خفيف عبارة عن قهوة و ر‬
Contract: ‫عقد‬
Curriculum vitae ( CV ): ‫سية ذاتية‬
Expenditure: ‫نفقة‬
‫توقف ر‬
Level off: ‫وبق عىل نفس المستوى‬
Overseas countries: international countries
Passport: ‫جواز سفر‬
Percentage: ‫نسبة مئوية‬
Port: ‫ميناء‬
Porter: ‫حامل الحقائب‬
Qualifications: ‫مؤهالت‬
Receptionist: ‫موظف استقبال‬
Referee: someone who provides information about you when you are trying to
get a job.
ُ ‫ر‬
‫السية الذاتية‬
‫الن كتبت ف ر‬ ‫شخص يدعم المعلومات‬
Stately home: ‫ميل فخم‬
Suitcase: ‫حقائب سفر‬
Supplement: ‫مال اضاف بدل خدمات ف الفندق‬
Survey: ‫دراسة مسحية‬
Take-off: ‫اقالع‬

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