How To Collect CUCM Logs If RTMT Isn't Accessible or Available?
How To Collect CUCM Logs If RTMT Isn't Accessible or Available?
How To Collect CUCM Logs If RTMT Isn't Accessible or Available?
Accessible or Available?
How to collect traces from CUCM if RTMT isn't accessible or available?
This document describes the procedure to collect the Cisco Unified Communication Manager
(CUCM) logs from CLI. There are times where you may need to collect the CUCM traces in order
to troubleshoot a specific issue and the Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) access doesn't work.
Note: If traces are collected via CUCM root CLI login then replace: file get activelog with
Note: Prior to log collection, ensure that external SFTP server is configured and accessible.
Prog Logs file get activelog cm/trace/ccm/Proglogs/*.*
file get activelog cm/trace/cti/Proglogs/*.*
Service Manager file get activelog platform/log/servm*.log
SNMP Master Agent file get activelog platform/snmp/snmpdm/*.*
MIB2 Agent file get activelog platform/snmp/mib2agt/*.*
Host Resources Agent file get activelog platform/snmp/hostagt/*.*
System Application Agent file get activelog platform/snmp/sappagt/*.*
Event Viewer-Application Log file get activelog syslog/CiscoSyslog*.*
Event Viewer-System Log file get activelog syslog/messages.*
Boot Logs file get activelog syslog/boot.*
Install and Upgrade Logs file get install *
SELinux logs file get activelog platform/selinux_startup.log
file get activelog syslog/security-diagnostics.tar.g
file get activelog tomcat/logs/catalina*.*
Cisco Tomcat file get activelog tomcat/logs/host-manager.*
file get activelog tomcat/logs/admin.*
file get activelog tomcat/logs/diagnostic-memory.
file get activelog tomcat/logs/diagnostic-info.*
file get activelog tomcat/logs/localhost_access*.t
file get activelog tomcat/logs/manager.*
file get activelog tomcat/logs/diagnostic-threads.*
file get activelog tomcat/logs/*.hprof
file get activelog tomcat/logs/localhost*.log
Cisco Tomcat Security Logs file get activelog tomcat/logs/security/log4j/secur
IPT Platform GUI Logs file get activelog
IPT Platform CertMgr Logs file get activelog platform/log/certMgmt*.log
IPT Platform IPSecMgmt Logs file get activelog platform/log/ipsecMgmt*.log
IPT Platform Cluster Manager Logs file get activelog platform/log/clustermgr*
IPT Platform CLI Logs file get activelog platform/log/cli*.log
Hardware: file get activelog
IPT Platform CLI Created Reports Platform: file get activelog
SE Linux: file get activelog syslog/security-
file get activelog platform/log/getflag*
file get activelog platform/log/create*
IPT Platform RemoteSupport Logs file get activelog platform/log/remote*
file get activelog platform/log/display*
file get activelog platform/log/decoder*
IPT Platform Cert Monitor Logs file get activelog platform/log/certm*.log
Install File Signing file get activelog platform/log/authenticate*.*
Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service file get activelog cm/trace/bps/log4j/bps.log
Cisco TAPS Service
Cisco CDR Agent file get activelog cm/trace/cdragent/log4j/cdragen
Cisco DHCP Monitor Service file get activelog
Cisco CallManager SNMP Service file get activelog
Cisco UXL Web Service file get activelog core/UXLService.*
Cisco CTIManager file get activelog cm/trace/cti/sdl/SDL.txt
Cisco CDR Repository Manager file get activelog cm/trace/cdrrep/log4j/cdrrepmgr
Cisco AXL Web Service file get activelog tomcat/logs/axl/log4j/axl.log
Cisco User Data Services file get activelog tomcat/logs/cucm-uds/log4j/cuc
Self Provisioning IVR file get activelog core/PnPLauncher.*
Cisco TAPS Service file get activelog cm/trace/taps/log4j/taps.log
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer Server file get activelog cm/trace/dnaserver/sdi/dna.txt
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer file get activelog tomcat/logs/dna/Results
Cisco Directory Number Alias Sync file get activelog
Cisco Intercluster Lookup Service file get activelog cm/trace/ils/sdl/SDL.*
file get activelog
Cisco License Manager file get activelog
file get activelog
file get activelog
Cisco Location Bandwidth Manager file get activelog cm/trace/lbm/sdl/SDL.*
Cisco Extension Mobility file get activelog tomcat/logs/em/log4j/emservice
Cisco Directory Number Alias Lookup file get activelog
SDL: file get activelog cm/trace/ccm/sdl/SDL.*
Cisco CallManager CallLog: file get activelog
file get activelog
file get activelog tomcat/logs/ipma/log4j/service.lo
Cisco IP Manager Assistant file get activelog
file get activelog
Cisco CAR Scheduler file get activelog cm/trace/carsch/log4j/carsch.log
Cisco Extended Functions file get activelog cm/trace/cef/sdi/cef.txt
Cisco CAR Web Service file get activelog tomcat/logs/car/log4j/car.log
Cisco Trust Verification Service file get activelog cm/trace/tvs/sdi/tvs.txt
Cisco CallManager Cisco IP Phone Services file get activelog tomcat/logs/ccmcip/log4j/ccmcip
file get activelog
Cisco WebDialer Web Service file get activelog
file get activelog
Cisco Unified Mobile Voice Access Service file get activelog tomcat/logs/ccmivr/log4j/ccmivr.
Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App file get activelog cm/trace/cms/sdi/cms.txt
SOAP - Diagnostic Portal Database Service file get activelog tomcat/logs/dp/log4j/dp.log
Cisco Tftp SDL: file get activelog cm/trace/ctftp/sdl/*
SDI: file get activelog cm/trace/ctftp/sdi/ctftp.txt
Cisco CTL Provider file get activelog
Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function file get activelog cm/trace/capf/sdi/capf.txt
Cisco Audit Event Service file get activelog cm/trace/auditlog/sdi/audittrace.
Cisco Messaging Interface file get activelog cm/trace/cmi/sdl
file get activelog cm/trace/cmi/sdi/csumi.txt
Cisco E911 Service file get activelog
Cisco WebDialerRedirector Web Service file get activelog
Cisco AMC Service file get activelog cm/trace/amc/log4j/amc.log
Cisco SOAPMessage Service file get activelog
Cisco CCM DBL Web Library file get activelog tomcat/logs/dbl/log4j/dbl.log
Cisco Serviceability Reporter AlertReport file get activelog cm/report/rtmtreporter/AlertRep/
Cisco AMC Service DeviceLog file get activelog cm/log/amc/DeviceLog/
Cisco CCMRealm Web Service file get activelog
Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool file get activelog cm/trace/lpm/sdi/lpm.txt
Cisco RIS Data Collector file get activelog cm/trace/ris/sdi/ris.txt
Cisco Corefile Recovery Tool file get activelog cm/trace/cfrt/cfrt.txt
file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/limitexceeded*
Cisco Database Layer Monitor file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/dbmon.txt
file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/.csv
Cisco Tomcat Stats Servlet file get activelog
Cisco AMC Service CallLog file get activelog cm/log/amc/CallLog/
Cisco RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog file get activelog cm/log/ris/csv/PerfMon.csv
Cisco CDP file get activelog cm/trace/cdp/sdi/cdpd.txt
Cisco External Call Control Service file get activelog
Cisco Audio Translator App file get activelog cm/trace/cms/sdi/at.txt
Cisco Syslog Agent file get activelog cm/trace/syslogmib/sdi/syslogm
Cisco DirSync file get activelog cm/trace/dirsync/log4j/dirsync.lo
Cisco AMC Service ServerLog file get activelog cm/log/amc/ServerLog/
Cisco Serviceability Reporter DeviceReport file get activelog cm/report/rtmtreporter/DeviceRe
Cisco SOAP Web Service file get activelog tomcat/logs/soap/csv/*.csv
file get activelog tomcat/logs/soap/log4j/soap.log
Cisco GRT Communication Web Service file get activelog tomcat/logs/grt/log4j/grt.log
Cisco RisBean Library file get activelog tomcat/logs/risbean/log4j/risbea
Cisco Abort Transaction Spooling file get activelog cm/log/informix/ats/*.*
Cisco Unified Reporting Web Service file get activelog
Cisco AMC Service PPRLog file get activelog cm/log/amc/PPRLog/
Cisco Certificate Change Notification Service file get activelog platform/log/certCN.log
Cisco CCMAdmin Web Service file get activelog
Cisco Serviceability Reporter ServiceReport file get activelog cm/report/rtmtreporter/ServiceR
file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/*.tar
Cisco Database Cli Output file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/*.csv
file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/*.out
Cisco Serviceability Reporter PPRReport file get activelog
Cisco Trace Collection Service file get activelog cm/trace/tct/log4j/tct.log
Cisco Called Party Tracing file get activelog cm/trace/ccm/dntrace/dntrace_.
Cisco DRF Master file get activelog platform/drf/trace/drfMA.log
file get activelog platform/drf/log/*
Cisco Common User Interface file get activelog tomcat/logs/cui/log4j/cui.log
file get activelog cm/log/informix/shmem*
Cisco Informix Database Service file get activelog cm/log/informix/*.log
file get activelog cm/log/informix/*.gz
file get activelog cm/log/informix/af*
file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/*.sql.log
Cisco Database Installation Service file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/installdb*.log
file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/installdb*
file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/*.sql.log.err
Cisco CCMUser Web Service file get activelog
Cisco Database Notification Service file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/dbnotify*
Cisco Unified OS Platform API file get activelog tomcat/logs/platform-
Cisco Certificate Change Notification file get activelog platform/log/certCN.log
Cisco Serviceability Reporter file get activelog
Cisco Unified OS Admin Web Service file get activelog
Cisco DRF Local file get activelog platform/drf/trace/drfLA.log
Cisco Log4jinit Servlet file get activelog
Cisco Database Library Trace file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/dbl*.log
Cisco RTMT Web Service file get activelog tomcat/logs/rtmt/log4j/rtmt.log
Cisco CCMService Web Service file get activelog
file get activelog
Cisco Database Replicator Trace file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/startrpc.log
file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/*.log
file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/dblrpc.*
MIB2 Agent file get activelog core/mib2agt.*
SNMP Master Agent file get activelog platform/snmp/snmpdm/*.*
file get activelog platform/log/ssoApp*
Cisco SSO file get activelog sso/policyagent/
file get activelog tomcat/logs/ssosp/log4j/*.log