Lung Cancer: B.L. Andersen, T.R. Valentine, S.B. Lo, D.P. Carbone, C.J. Presley, P.G. Shields
Lung Cancer: B.L. Andersen, T.R. Valentine, S.B. Lo, D.P. Carbone, C.J. Presley, P.G. Shields
Lung Cancer: B.L. Andersen, T.R. Valentine, S.B. Lo, D.P. Carbone, C.J. Presley, P.G. Shields
Lung Cancer
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Keywords: Objectives: The aims of this observational study were to 1) accrue newly diagnosed patients with advanced-stage
Lung cancer non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) awaiting the start of first-line treatment and identify those with moderate to
Depression severe depressive symptoms and, 2) provide a clinical description of the multiple, co-occurring psychological
Anxiety and behavioral difficulties and physical symptoms that potentially exacerbate and maintain depressive symp-
Quality of life
Illness perceptions
Materials and methods: Patients with stage IV NSCLC (N = 186) were enrolled in an observational study
( Identifier: NCT03199651) and completed the American Society of Clinical Oncology-re-
commended screening measure for depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9 [PHQ-9]). Individuals with none/
mild (n = 119; 64 %), moderate (n = 52; 28 %), and severe (n = 15; 8 %) depressive symptoms were identified.
Patients also completed measures of hopelessness, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) symptoms, stress, illness
perceptions, functional status, and symptoms.
Results: Patients with severe depressive symptoms reported concomitant feelings of hopelessness (elevating risk
for suicidal behavior), anxiety symptoms suggestive of GAD, and traumatic, cancer-specific stress. They per-
ceived lung cancer as consequential for their lives and not controllable with treatment. Pain and multiple severe
symptoms were present along with substantial functional impairment. Patients with moderate depressive
symptoms had generally lower levels of disturbance, though still substantial. The most salient differences were
low GAD symptom severity and fewer functional impairments for those with moderate symptoms.
Conclusions: Depressive symptoms of moderate to severe levels co-occur in a matrix of clinical levels of anxiety
symptoms, traumatic stress, impaired functional status, and pain and other physical symptoms. All of the latter
factors have been shown, individually and collectively, to contribute to the maintenance or exacerbation of
depressive symptoms. As life-extending targeted and immunotherapy use expands, prompt identification of
patients with moderate to severe depressive symptoms, referral for evaluation, and psychological/behavioral
treatment are key to maximizing treatment outcomes and quality of life for individuals with advanced NSCLC.
1. Introduction highest of all cancer types, 5.74 (95 % CI = 5.30–6.22), with hazard
ratios of 6.04 (95 % CI = 5.54–6.57) for men and 4.18 (95 %
Many facts about lung cancer are well-known: lung cancer persists CI = 3.27–5.27) for women [5].
as the number one cause of all cancer-related mortality worldwide [1]. Studies comparing patients with cancer find that those with lung
The most prevalent type, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), accounts cancer have the greatest prevalence of mood disorders (est. 18 %) and
for 85 % of all cases, and many individuals present with stage IV disease anxiety disorders (est. 19 %) [6–8]. Studies assessing only patients with
(44 %), with a 5-year survival estimate of 4.2 % [2]. What may be less advanced NSCLC at diagnosis/prior to treatment find estimates of
well-known is that the case is compelling for patients with lung cancer “probable cases” of depression to be 9 % in a patient sample (N = 461)
being the most psychologically disabled of all cancer groups [3,4]. In fact, from the United Kingdom [9], 17.9 % in a Canadian sample (N = 597;
SEER registry data (3.5 million patients; 1973–2002) show the stan- all types/stages) [6], and 32.9 % in a sample (N = 82) from Mexico
dardized suicide mortality ratio for patients with lung cancer is the [10]. Additional cases of “sub-clinical” or “borderline” symptom levels
Corresponding author at: Department of Psychology, 1835 Neil Avenue, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 43210-1222, United States.
E-mail address: (B.L. Andersen).
Received 28 June 2019; Received in revised form 19 November 2019; Accepted 20 November 2019
0169-5002/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: B.L. Andersen, et al., Lung Cancer,
B.L. Andersen, et al. Lung Cancer xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
have ranged from 13 % [9] to 35.3 % [6]. Studies from the United
States have predominantly assessed patients with lung cancer in the
early weeks of treatment or thereafter and reveal estimates similar to
those when patients are assessed at diagnosis. In them, rates of “severe”
depressive symptoms have ranged from 14 % [11] to 41 % [12,13].
Irrespective of the occurrence of depressive symptoms, the days of
diagnosis and awaiting treatment are unique. Reliably, cancer stress
peaks during this period [14,15] and is associated with biobehavioral
processes relevant to disease course, such as immunosuppression [16]
and inflammation [17–19]. A meta-analytic study revealed stress as-
sessed at some time after lung cancer diagnosis to heighten risk for
premature cancer death (n = 23 studies; hazard ratio = 1.17; 95 %
CI = 1.03–1.34) [20]. Potential contributors to the latter effects are the
covariation of heightened stress with physical symptom exacerbation
[21–26] and depressive symptoms [23,27].
With foundational data such as these, the American Society of
Clinical Oncology (ASCO) recommended screening as the primary
mechanism to determine the level/classification of symptom severity
and asserted that screening should begin at diagnosis or start of treat- Fig. 1. Flow diagram for the current observational study.
ment [28]. To date, the implementation of screening and use of the
ASCO-recommended measures among patients with NSCLC is un- 2.1. Eligibility criteria
known. A comprehensive look at the characteristics of those with
moderate to severe psychological symptoms among patients with Inclusion criteria were as follows: newly diagnosed stage IV NSCLC
NSCLC is needed. Even when patients are screened “positive,” the with pathological confirmation; any ECOG performance status and with
complete picture of difficulties and impairments that are likely to ac- any comorbidity; age > 18 years; English-speaking; and willing to
company moderate to severe depressive symptoms is not clear. Re- provide access to medical records, provide biospecimens, and respond
search with other cancer types would suggest that there are co-occur- to self-report measures either in-person or by telephone interview.
ring stressors and cognitive and behavioral disruptors, and they too Exclusion criteria were as follows: patients to be treated with definitive
may impede cancer patients’ coping with the diagnosis and decision- chemo-radiotherapy; individuals age < 18 years; receiving treatment
making as do depressive symptoms [29–32]. for advanced lung cancer for over one month before enrollment; and
For this observational study, there were two aims. First, newly di- presence of disabling hearing, vision, or psychiatric impairments pre-
agnosed patients with advanced-stage NSCLC who were awaiting the venting consent or completion of self-report measures in English.
determination and start of treatment were accrued and administered
the ASCO-recommended screening measure for depression (Patient
Health Questionnaire-9 [PHQ-9] [28,33]) and supplementary mea- 2.2. Variables and measures
sures. Individuals with symptoms of moderate (scores 15–19) and se-
vere (scores 20–27) depressive levels were identified. Having identified 2.2.1. Psychological symptoms
these patients, the preeminent aim was to detail and discuss the co- Three measures were used. 1) The Patient Health Questionnaire-9
occurring negative emotions (stress), impairments (quality of life, (PHQ-9 [33]) is a 9-item self-report scale that assesses the frequency of
functional status, symptoms), and negative perceptions of one’s life and symptoms of major depressive disorder, as defined by the Diagnostic
illness that co-occurred. To do this was significant because the latter and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition (DSM-IV [40]).
factors foster the maintenance of depressive symptoms and, conversely, Referencing the past two weeks, items were rated on a 4-point Likert
depressive symptoms increase the frequency/severity of these sources scale (0=not at all to 3=nearly every day) and summed for a total
of impairment and disability [31,32,34–38]. Moving beyond PHQ-9 score ranging from 0 to 27, with higher scores indicating higher de-
classification, the goal was provision of clinical descriptions for provi- pressive symptom severity. Cut-off values for the PHQ-9 are none/
ders and researchers alike of the common psychological, behavioral, mild = 1–7, moderate = 8–14, moderate to severe = 15–19, and se-
and symptom comorbidities experienced by such individuals, ones that, vere = 20–27. (Note: In this manuscript, moderate to severe and severe
along with depressive symptoms, may impair patients’ coping and groups are combined and labeled “severe”). Internal consistency relia-
functioning when they are to make choices and begin lung cancer bility was α = .806. Responses to two items were considered: a)
treatment [39]. number of individuals endorsing the suicidal ideation item (thinking
one would be better off dead; thoughts of hurting oneself); b) score on
an item assessing the impact of the depressive symptoms on working,
2. Materials & methods home activities, and getting along with other people, rated from 0 (not
difficult) to 3 (extremely difficult).
From June 2017 to August 2019, individuals were accrued from the 2) The Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS [41]) was included, as it is a
Thoracic Oncology clinics of an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer correlate of suicide [42,43]. Using 20 true–false items, the BHS assesses
Center (CCC) for participation in an observational study feelings and expectations about one’s future life and loss of motivation.
( Identifier: NCT03199651; see Fig. 1 for study flow). Scores range from 0 to 20, with the following cut-offs: normal = 0–3,
Consent was completed face-to-face by research personnel in the clinic mild = 4–8, moderate = 9–14, and severe = 15–20. Normative data
at the time of first appointment with a thoracic oncologist. Within two suggest a mean of 3.1 in non-illness samples [44], and scores ≥ 9 are
weeks of enrollment, patients were contacted by telephone by trained associated with suicidal risk [42]. Internal consistency reliability was
interviewers who conducted the assessment of patient-reported out- α=0.805.
comes (see below). Patients were also given a “hard copy” measure 3) The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7 [45]) is a 7-item
booklet to follow along with the interview and item responses. Each measure that assesses the frequency of symptoms of generalized anxiety
patient received $15 for participation. disorder (GAD) as defined by the DSM-IV [40]. Items were rated on a 4-
point Likert scale (0=not at all to 3=nearly every day) and summed for
B.L. Andersen, et al. Lung Cancer xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
a total score ranging from 0 to 21 with the following cutoffs: none/ 2.3. Statistical analysis
mild = 0–9, moderate = 10–14, and moderate to severe/se-
vere = 15–21. Internal consistency reliability was α = .874. A final Descriptive statistics, including frequencies, means, standard de-
item assessed the impact of the symptoms on working, home activities, viations, and ranges, were used to summarize all sociodemographic and
and getting along with other people, rated from 0 (not difficult at all) to disease-related characteristics and measure responses. To determine
3 (extremely difficult). depressive symptom severity groups, established cut-offs for the PHQ-9
were used [33]: none/mild (1–7), moderate (8–14), and severe (15–27).
Analyses tested the hypothesis that overall group differences would be
2.2.2. Cancer stress and perceptions of lung cancer found, with negative functioning/symptoms outcomes ordered such
Two measures were used. 1) The Impact of Events Scale-Revised that severe > moderate > none/mild. Analysis of variance for con-
(IES-R [46]), a 22-item measure, is widely used to assess subjective tinuous measures was used to test for overall group differences, and
stress caused by traumatic events and has been adapted to measure when significant, Tukey’s tests were used for follow-up tests [55]. χ2
cancer-specific stress [17,47]. Patients rate the frequency of intrusive tests adjusted by Holm method were used to compare group differences
thoughts (8 items; e.g., “Other things kept making me think about for categorical measures [56].
cancer”), avoidant thoughts and behaviors (8 items; e.g., “I tried not to
talk about it”), and hyperarousal symptoms (6 items; e.g., “I felt irri-
table and angry”) over the past seven days on a 5-point Likert scale 3. Results
(0=not at all to 4=often). Total scores range 0–88, with higher scores
indicating more cancer-specific stress. Internal consistency reliability Two hundred and forty-two patients were enrolled in the study, 191
was α = .902. completed the baseline questionnaires (79 %), and 5 subsequently
2) The Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (BIPQ [48]) is a self- withdrew consent and were excluded from the analyses, yielding a final
report measure used to assess eight mental representations of one’s sample of 186 patients (77 % of total enrolled; see Fig. 1 for study flow).
illness (identity [symptoms], consequences, timeline, personal control, Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the sample are pro-
treatment control, coherence [understanding], concern, and emotional vided in Table 1. The sample was primarily older (M age = 63 years,
response), with one question for each. Patients responded to each item SD = 12, range = 27–92), male (55 %), Caucasian (85 %), at least high
using a 0- to 10-point Likert scale, with higher scores reflecting stronger school-educated (87 %), and married (58 %). Patients were diagnosed a
endorsement of the illness representation. As there are no cut-off va- median of 32 days before completing their baseline questionnaire,
lues, scores were summarized by tertiles, with scores 0.00–3.33 viewed predominantly with adenocarcinoma (73 %). The depressive symptom
as low, 3.34–6.66 as moderate, and 6.67–10.00 as high. (PHQ-9) severity groups included 119 (64 %) patients with none/mild
depressive symptoms, 52 (28 %) with moderate depressive symptoms,
B.L. Andersen, et al. Lung Cancer xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Table 2
Psychological and health characteristics by depressive symptom (PHQ-9) severity.
Group 1: None/Mild Group 2: Moderate Group 3: Severe (n = 15) Range Comparisons of PHQ-9 severity
(n = 119) (n = 52) groups:a
PHQ-9 score 3.4 ± 2.3 10.0 ± 1.9 18.9 ± 3.4 0-24 1<2<3
≥ Some difficulties with function due to 32 (26.9 %) 32 (61.5 %) 14 (93.3 %) 1<2<3
Suicidal ideation 0 (0.0 %) 2 (3.8 %) 5 (33.3 %) 1,2 < 3; 1 = 2
Hopelessness 3.4 ± 2.8 5.1 ± 3.0 8.1 ± 4.2 1-17 1<2<3
Hopelessness ≥ 9 7 (5.9 %) 9 (17.3 %) 7 (46.7 %) 1<2<3
GAD-7 score 3.4 ± 3.5 7.2 ± 4.7 15.5 ± 5.2 0-21 1<2<3
Moderate to severe/severe GAD symptoms 2 (1.7 %) 6 (11.5 %) 11 (73.3 %) 1<2<3
≥ Some difficulties with function due to 24 (20.2 %) 29 (55.8 %) 13 (86.7 %) 1<2<3
Cancer stress:
Cancer stress (IES) 11.1 ± 10.0 21.8 ± 12.8 44.1 ± 16.4 0-80 1<2<3
Perceptions of
lung cancer:
Consequences 5.5 ± 2.8 6.3 ± 2.9 8.7 ± 2.7 0-10 1,2 < 3; 1 = 2
Timeline 6.4 ± 3.0 6.3 ± 2.6 7.2 ± 2.3 0-10 1=2=3
Personal control 5.5 ± 2.8 5.1 ± 2.9 3.0 ± 1.7 0-10 1,2 > 3; 1 = 2
Treatment control 8.4 ± 2.0 8.7 ± 1.6 6.9 ± 2.9 0-10 1,2 > 3; 1 = 2
Identity 3.7 ± 2.6 5.6 ± 2.9 8.7 ± 1.4 0-10 1<2<3
Concern 7.4 ± 2.9 8.1 ± 2.6 9.7 ± 0.7 0-10 1 < 3; 2 = 1,3
Coherence 8.1 ± 2.1 7.7 ± 2.5 7.4 ± 2.1 0-10 1=2=3
Emotional response 3.7 ± 2.3 5.7 ± 3.1 8.1 ± 2.0 0-10 1<2<3
Functional status:b
Mobility 22 (18.5 %) 17 (32.7 %) 11 (73.3 %) 1>2>3
Self-care 2 (1.7 %) 4 (7.7 %) 5 (33.3 %) 1 < 3; 2 = 1,3
Usual activities 28 (23.5 %) 20 (38.5 %) 15 (100.0 %) 1,2 > 3; 1 = 2
Pain & discomfort 35 (29.4 %) 28 (53.8 %) 10 (66.7 %) 1 < 2,3; 2 = 3
Anxiety/depression 10 (8.4 %) 11 (21.2 %) 11 (73.3 %) 1>2>3
Health evaluation:
Perception of health 66.9 ± 22.9 58.8 ± 21.9 40.1 ± 16.5 0-100 1,2 > 3; 1 = 2
Multiple comparisons were completed with Tukey’s test and χ2 tests adjusted by Holm method for continuous and categorical measures respectively.
≥ moderate problems with functional area.
and 15 (8 %) with severe depressive symptoms. Table 2 provides A large majority of patients with severe depressive symptoms (73.3 %)
summary statistics for the psychological, behavioral, and symptom also had moderate to severe/severe anxiety comorbidity (GAD-7
measures for each depressive symptom severity group, with significant M = 15.5, SD = 5.2). Additionally, most (86.7 %) reported that their
differences between groups noted. Fig. 2 provides a graphical depiction anxiety symptoms interfered with their occupational, household, and/
of the percentage of patients in each severity group endorsing common or social functioning.
symptoms/signs (depressive, pain, respiratory, eye/ear, gastro-
intestinal/thoracic, nervous system, skin/general), with group differ- 3.1.2. Cancer stress and perceptions of lung cancer
ences again noted. Patients with newly diagnosed NSCLC and severe depressive
symptoms reported extreme levels of cancer-related stress (M = 44.1,
3.1. Patients with severe depressive symptoms (n = 15) SD = 16.4). Patients with severe depressive symptoms, relative to all
others, perceived the highest level of symptom burden (identity;
3.1.1. Psychological symptoms M = 8.7, SD = 1.4), the greatest consequences for their lives (M = 8.7,
Fifteen patients (8.1 %) with newly diagnosed NSCLC scored at the SD = 2.7), the greatest emotional impact (emotional response;
severe depressive symptom level on the PHQ-9 (scores 15–27 of 27 M = 8.1, SD = 2.0), the least personal control over their cancer
possible; M = 18.9, SD = 3.4; see Table 2). Of them, all (100 %) re- (M = 3.0, SD = 1.7), and the least confidence that treatment would
ported depressed mood and 80.0 % reported anhedonia more days than help (treatment control; M = 6.9, SD = 2.9). They reported the highest
not in the preceding two weeks. Patients’ responses on the QLQ-LC13 possible level of concern about their cancer (M = 9.7, SD = 0.7). These
symptom questionnaire showed a majority reported experiencing ve- patients were no different than those with moderate and none/mild
getative and cognitive symptoms at level/frequency of “quite a bit” or depressive symptoms in believing that they have a high level of un-
“very much” (see Fig. 2), including 93.3 % with fatigue, 86.7 % with derstanding of their cancer (coherence; M = 7.4, SD = 2.1) and that
weakness, 73.3 % with appetite change, 66.7 % with insomnia, and their illness would last a long time (M = 7.2, SD = 2.3).
60.0 % with concentration impairment. Nearly all (93.3 %) reported
that their depressive symptoms made it difficult to do their work, take 3.1.3. Physical symptoms
care of things at home, and/or get along with other people. Patients Patients with newly diagnosed NSCLC and severe depressive
with severe depressive symptoms also exhibited high levels of hope- symptoms reported multiple physical symptoms of high intensity (see
lessness (M = 8.1, SD = 4.2), with 46.7 % endorsing moderate or se- Fig. 2), including “quite a bit” or “very much” pain (73.3 %), loss of
vere levels (scores 9–20). One third (33.3 %) reported suicidal ideation. taste (53.3 %), dyspnea (53.3 %), and/or cough (46.7 %).
B.L. Andersen, et al. Lung Cancer xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Fig. 2. Percentage of patients by depressive symptom (PHQ-9) severity groups (none/mild, moderate, severe) reporting symptoms/signs occurring quite a bit/very
often in the last week.
Note: † Indicates significant difference (p < .05) between none/mild group and others;
Indicates significant difference (p < .05) between moderate group and severe group.
3.1.4. Functional status and health evaluation household, and/or social functioning. Patients in this group had lower
Functional status was significantly impaired for those with severe hopelessness scores (M = 5.1, SD = 3.0) than patients with severe de-
depressive symptoms. The percentage reporting moderate or severe pressive symptoms, but still a substantial percentage (17.3 %) had
functional issues was 100 % for usual activities (e.g., work, study, moderate to severe levels. Two individuals reported suicidal ideation.
housework, family or leisure activities), 73.3 % for mobility, and 33.3 Of clinical importance, depression-anxiety comorbidity was notably
% for self-care. In line with this level of disability, patients’ average self- lower, with only 11.5 % endorsing moderate to severe/severe anxiety
rated health evaluation was 40.1 ± 16.5. symptoms (M = 7.2, SD = 4.7), although approximately half (55.8 %)
reported anxiety-related impairment.
3.1.5. Social connections and other resources
These patients with severe depressive symptoms reported medium 3.2.2. Cancer stress and perceptions of lung cancer
social connectedness (M = 2.5, SD = 2.7). Also, 46.7 % reported being Though lower than the extreme scores of those with severe de-
unmarried. These patients reported limited financial resources, with pressive symptoms, patients with moderate depressive symptoms en-
33.3 % earning an average annual income below the state poverty dorsed a high level of cancer-related stress (M = 21.8, SD = 12.8).
threshold for a family of four in the state they resided. Additionally, Patients with moderate depressive symptoms had similar illness per-
only 13.3 % were employed at the time of diagnosis. ceptions to those with none/mild depressive symptoms in viewing their
illness as moderately consequential for their lives (M = 6.3, SD = 2.9)
3.2. Patients with moderate depressive symptoms (n = 52) and perceiving a moderate level of personal control over their cancer
(M = 5.1, SD = 2.9) and a high level of treatment control (M = 8.7,
3.2.1. Psychological symptoms SD = 1.6). However, they differed significantly from the none/mild
Fifty-two patients (28 %) scored at the level of moderate depressive depressive symptom group by reporting greater symptom burden
symptoms on the PHQ-9 (scores 8–14 of 27 possible; M = 10.0, (identity; M = 5.6, SD = 2.9) and viewing their lung cancer as having a
SD = 1.9; see Table 2). Within this group, 15.4 % reported depressed greater emotional impact (emotional response; M = 5.7, SD = 3.1).
mood and 34.6 % reported anhedonia more days than not in the pre- They had a high level of concern about their cancer (M = 8.1,
ceding two weeks. Like those with severe depressive symptoms, pa- SD = 2.6).
tients in this group reported fatigue as their most common vegetative/
cognitive depressive symptom (see Fig. 2), with 61.5 % reporting that 3.2.3. Physical symptoms
this symptom affected them “quite a bit” or “very much.” Rates for Relative to those with severe depressive symptoms, patients with
other vegetative and cognitive symptoms of depression were 42.3 % for moderate depressive symptoms reported less intense (although still
insomnia, 38.5 % for weakness, 26.9 % for appetite change, and 21.2 % troublesome) physical symptoms (see Fig. 2), with fewer individuals
for concentration impairment. The majority (61.5 %) reported that endorsing “quite a bit” or “very much” pain (59.6 %), cough (32.7 %),
their depressive symptoms led to difficulties with occupational, and loss of taste (25.0 %). The groups differed substantially in their
B.L. Andersen, et al. Lung Cancer xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
reports of dyspnea: 7.7 %, versus 53.3 % for those with severe de- added vulnerabilities of the patients with severe symptom levels. These
pressive symptoms. are vulnerabilities found previously to worsen and/or maintain de-
pressive symptoms, even in the context of depression treatment.
3.2.4. Functional status and health evaluation First, more than 70 % of patients with newly diagnosed NSCLC and
Functional impairment was also a noteworthy problem for patients severe depressive symptoms also had moderate to severe/severe GAD
with moderate depressive symptoms, but the levels of impairments symptoms. Depressive symptoms are known to co-occur with anxiety,
were lower than those reported by the severely depressed group. with the majority (60 %) of those with a depressive disorder also having
Among those with moderate depressive symptoms, 38.5 % reported at an anxiety disorder [69]. GAD worry or fear can be particularly toxic
least moderate impairment in usual activities, 32.7 % in mobility, and for lung cancer patients, as severe anxiety can worsen dyspnea and
7.7 % in self-care. These patients rated their overall health as sig- induce panic [70–72], and GAD can impede decision-making and par-
nificantly better than that of the severe depressive symptom group ticipation in or continuation of treatment [10,73].
(M = 58.8; SD = 21.9). Second, the level of cancer-specific stress patients with severe de-
pressive symptoms reported was extraordinary, far exceeding the IES-R
3.2.5. Social connections and other resources cutoff of 24 for likely diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Patients with moderate depressive symptoms reported a medium [74], and so high that a search of the IES-R literature assessing patients
level of social connection (M = 3.9, SD = 2.5). More of these patients with cancer at diagnosis (e.g., chronic lymphocytic leukemia, M = 13.6
(51.9 %) were unmarried. Average annual income was similar, with [18]) found none comparable [75–79]. Likely contributing to their
28.8 % reporting levels below the state poverty threshold for a family of stress [80,81], patients with severe depressive symptoms, relative to all
four, despite a higher rate of employment (25.0 %) at the time of as- others, also endorsed the most negative perceptions of their illness.
sessment. Appreciating patients’ illness perceptions at the time of diagnosis is
important, as negative illness perceptions are associated with patients
4. Discussion coping less effectively, especially when having to make treatment
choices [82,83]. Patients with negative illness perceptions are more
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO [28]) re- likely to delay seeking treatment [84], or conversely, pursue aggressive
commends that all patients with cancer be evaluated for symptoms of therapies at end of life that have detrimental effects on quality of life
depression and anxiety at diagnosis/start of treatment. This study is an [85].
exemplar of the guideline’s edicts, i.e., using the recommended self- Third, while it is well-known that advanced-stage patients often
report measures to identify patients with moderate to severe depressive experience significant physical symptoms [86], these data demonstrate
symptom levels. Beyond that, the aim was to expand providers’ and that patients with severe depressive symptoms are particularly bur-
researchers’ perspective on the co-occurring difficulties and impair- dened, reporting their health status (M = 40.1) to be nearly two stan-
ments that newly diagnosed advanced NSCLC patients with moderate to dard deviations below the US population norm (M = 76.9) for those of
severe depressive symptoms are experiencing. That is, these patients’ similar age (55–64) [53]. These patients reported the highest levels of
depressive symptoms co-occur in a matrix which included clinical levels dyspnea and cough—known correlates of poor quality of life [87] and
of anxiety symptoms, traumatic stress, impaired functional status, and functional impairment [88,89] in lung cancer patients. Upwards of 70
significant pain and other physical symptoms. All of the latter factors % of the patients reported one or more type of pain, suggesting a sig-
have been shown—individually and collectively—to contribute to the nificant need for pain management (or referral for) at the point of di-
exacerbation and/or maintenance of depressive symptoms. As a group, agnosis. Further, the co-occurrence of fatigue, weakness, and appetite
cancer patients’ stress declines and moods improve with the start of changes for more than 70 % of the patients may be suggestive of ca-
treatment [14,15,57,58], and this general observation would likely chexia. Oncology providers may not fully appreciate patients’ symptom
apply to the majority of the sample (64 %). However, its applicability to experiences, as other data suggest a strikingly low concordance (i.e., 38
the patients described here, as discussed below, is limited. % agreement) between physician-rated and patient-reported lung
Much evidence points to the likelihood that the patients reporting a cancer symptom burden [87,90].
severe level of depressive symptoms (n = 15) would be diagnosed with Fourth, more than 30 % of these patients with severe depressive
major depressive disorder (MDD). Positive responses to PHQ-9 items symptoms came with self-care impairments. Considering all the func-
are endorsements of the DSM criteria symptoms for MDD [33,59]. tional impairment data, the likelihood of additional patients becoming
Uniformly, patients endorsed depressed mood and/or anhedonia (the self-care impaired in the short term would be high. Functional status
presence of either is necessary for a diagnosis of MDD [40]) as well as has obvious implications for day-to-day quality of life, but is ad-
vegetative/cognitive symptoms at high rates (appetite changes [73 %], ditionally a prognostic factor in patients with lung cancer, predicting
trouble sleeping [67 %], and trouble concentrating [60 %]). Virtually relative risk of death [91]. Data such as these illustrate the importance
all patients in this group (93 %) felt their depressive symptoms made it of determining patients’ functional status early and following with in-
difficult to work, take care of things at home, and/or get along with terventions, e.g., occupational therapy, to prevent further decline and
other people. Additionally, these patients’ levels of hopelessness were disability [92,93].
notably higher than those found in non-illness comparison samples Lastly, patients with severe depressive symptoms reported limited
[60]. Nearly half (47 %) reported moderate or severe hopelessness, access to social and financial resources. Their level of social con-
signified by BHS scores ≥ 9; for comparison, Overholser et al. [61] and nectedness (M = 2.5 of 12 possible), combined with the fact that nearly
Fisher et al. [62] reported mean BHS scores of 10–11 among depressed half identified as unmarried, is concerning given the need for adequate
psychiatric patients. Hopelessness is a particularly important reponse in social support when coping with cancer. Indeed, lower levels of social
this cancer group, as it predicts depressive symptoms throughout the support from family and friends are associated with worse emotional
disease trajectory [63] and suicidal ideation [64]. Indeed, a substantial and physical aspects of quality of life for patients with lung cancer [94],
proportion—one third—of patients with severe depressive symptoms in and unmarried patients are known to die earlier than married patients
the sample reported suicidal ideation. [95]. Of additional concern, one third of these patients with severe
Importantly, once diagnosed, MDD is a psychiatric disorder which depressive symptoms reported income levels below the state poverty
continues for months and may not remit [65–67]. Even with psy- threshold for a family of four. The financial burden imposed by cancer
chotherapy and/or pharmacotherapy, significant symptom remission is is significant, with patients with cancer spending an estimated $976 to
not typically observed until after 2–3 months of continuous treatment $1170 more on out-of-pocket treatment-related expenses in a given
[68]. Quick resolution of symptoms is also unlikely because of the year than patients without cancer [81]. Moreover, in lung cancer
B.L. Andersen, et al. Lung Cancer xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
specifically, financial strain is associated with higher symptom burden, Carbone: Resources, Writing - review & editing, Supervision, Funding
reduced quality of life, and earlier mortality [96,97]. acquisition. C.J. Presley: Resources, Writing - review & editing,
Patients having a moderate severity of depressive symptoms were, Supervision, Project administration. P.G. Shields: Resources, Writing -
as expected, less symptomatic than those with severe depressive review & editing, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acqui-
symptoms in the majority of the areas assessed. As noted above, 15.4% sition.
reported depressed mood and 34.6% reported anhedonia more days Barbara L. Andersen, Stephen B. Lo, and Peter G. Shields received
than not in the preceding two weeks on the first two PHQ-9 items. If funding from The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
only these two items were used as a screen [33] rather than the full Pelotonia. In addition to Peletonia, David P. Carbone reports personal
measure, the majority of patients in the moderate group—roughly fees from Abbvie, Adaptimmune, Agenus, Amgen, Ariad, AstraZeneca,
70%—would have been missed. In other respects, there were two Boehringer-Ingelheim, EMD Serono, Inc., Foundation Medicine,
striking differences between the moderate and severe groups. First was Genentech/Roche, Gritstone, Guardant Health, Helsinn, Incyte, Inivata,
that of GAD symptom severity, with 11.5 % of patients in the moderate Inovio, Janssen, Kyowa Kirin, Loxo Oncology, Merck, MSD, Nexus
depressive symptom group having a moderate to severe/severe GAD Oncology, Novartis, Palobiofarma, Pfizer, prIME Oncology, Stemcentrx,
score versus 73.3 % of patients in the severe depressive symptom group. and Takeda Oncology, and research funding and personal fees from
Second, many fewer of the patients with moderate depressive symp- Bristol Myers-Squibb (BMS). Carolyn J. Presley received funding from
toms had impairments in self-care (7.7 % vs. 33.3 %), mobility (32.7 % the National Cancer Institute through The Ohio State University K12
vs. 73.3 %), and usual activities (38.5 % vs. 100.0 %). Considering the Training Grant for Clinical Faculty Investigators (K12CA133250).
general observation of patients emotionally improving once cancer Thomas R. Valentine has no declarations of interest.
treatment begins, that may be more likely for individuals at the mod-
erate depressive symptom level, though not certain, due to their co- Declaration of Competing Interest
occurring problems.
Aspects of study design and method are noted. This is a single in- Barbara L. Andersen, Stephen B. Lo, and Peter G. Shields received
stitution study, but the case could be made that no single or even multi- funding from The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
institutional study is sufficiently generalizable. There may be differ- Pelotonia. In addition to Peletonia, David P. Carbone reports personal
ences across the United States, but lung cancer patients share common fees from Abbvie, Adaptimmune, Agenus, Amgen, Ariad, AstraZeneca,
features, namely, it is largely a disease of smoking and aging. The state Boehringer-Ingelheim, EMD Serono, Inc., Foundation Medicine,
from which these patients came has among the highest smoking rates in Genentech/Roche, Gritstone, Guardant Health, Helsinn, Incyte, Inivata,
the U.S. (21.1 % vs. 14 %) and is the 44th lowest in the nation for lung Inovio, Janssen, Kyowa Kirin, Loxo Oncology, Merck, MSD, Nexus
cancer mortality. Also, 50 % of the patients were from rural Appalachia Oncology, Novartis, Palobiofarma, Pfizer, prIME Oncology, Stemcentrx,
counties. Unlike the majority of lung clinical trials [98], there were no and Takeda Oncology, and research funding and personal fees from
age or functional status exclusions. Regarding the method, diagnostic Bristol Myers-Squibb (BMS). Carolyn J. Presley received funding from
interviews for depression and anxiety were not used. Yet, the items for the National Cancer Institute through The Ohio State University K12
both the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 are those of the DSM criteria and both have Training Grant for Clinical Faculty Investigators (K12CA133250).
extensive literatures showing their convergence with interview de- Thomas R. Valentine has no declarations of interest.
terminations of MDD and GAD [33,45,99–101]. Supplementing mea-
sures for conceptually similar (though not overlapping) con- Acknowledgements
structs—hopelessness and traumatic stress—added description and
enhanced the validity of grouping patients into moderate and severe This work was supported by The Ohio State University
symptom groups. The remaining measures provided descriptive breadth Comprehensive Cancer Center Pelotonia (BLA, SBL, DPC, PGS), the
to the difficult circumstances of these patients. National Cancer Institute through The Ohio State University K12
Training Grant for Clinical Faculty Investigators (CJP, K12CA133250),
5. Conclusions and the Beating Lung Cancer in Ohio study. We thank the patients for
their participation.
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