Vector Series: Group-Operated Switches Manual and Motorized

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Vector® series

Group-operated switches
manual and motorized

Designed for superior reliability and load- Operational reliability is enhanced by
breaking performance, the Vector series of enclosing the operating mechanism inside
group-operated air-break switches includes the switch base for superior weather
15/25 kV and 38 kV versions. Manufactured protection. Ease-of-operation is assisted
as a true unitized switch, the Vector series is with the use of environmentally sealed, oil
completely factory assembled and adjusted impregnated sintered bronze bearings
to eliminate the need for tuning in the field. supporting a balanced-force operating
Utilizing Siemens innovative Saf-T-Gap mechanism. Galvanized steel, fiberglass,
interrupters for dependable load and aluminum tubular bases are available.
interruption, bolt-on style interrupters are
supplied as standard with plug-in style
interrupters available as an option for rapid
change-out using a shotgun stick.


Installation is made simple with the factory-installed

“single-point lift bracket.” Provisions for dead-ending all
three conductors is standard (on most models) along with
the “pole hugger” design for improved aesthetics.
All Vector series switches are available in pipe-operated
versions, hookstick-operated gang versions and motorized
versions with SCADA control.

Enclosed operating mechanism
Operational reliability is assured by enclosing the operating
mechanism inside the switch base to shield it from the
environment. Two interposing rods balance the forces
acting on the rotating insulator shafts to provide
dependable push-pull switching.

Internal operating rods – plated steel on steel
base, fiberglass rods on fiberglass base.

2 4” x 6” fiberglass switch base

 lade, hinge and jaw terminals are 3/8” x 2” bus

copper bar; 1/2” x 2” for 1,200 A.

Contact pressure is factory adjusted and main-

4 tained with a stainless steel spring and lock-nut

Silver washers (two per side) provide an

5 excellent mechanical swivel point, as well
2 as a sound electrical connection.

Tinned terminal pads – two-hole standard on

900 A; four-hole standard on 1,200 A.

7 3” x 5” hot-dipped galvanized steel base.

5 3

Simple conservative design.

 roven Saf-T-Gap interrupter:
-Bolt-on or plug-in (shotgun stick removable)
1 1 -600 A or 900 A
2 -600 A bolt-on is standard; other configurations
are optional
2 Separate fault close contacts

3 High-pressure self-cleaning silver contacts

Provisions for dead-ending

(not available for vertical riser model)
Standard arrester bracket; “A” bracket shown, other
designs available

6 Arrester bracket (optional)

4 5 A “swivel” type connection allows placement of the

7 handle on three faces of the pole – “pole hugger”

Single-point lift bracket means easy

8 installation – bracket is installed on tested
balance point of switch
Stiff 3” x 5” galvanized steel base
(fiberglass available)

6 Extended arrester bracket – galvanized steel angles

7 9 or fiberglass angles bolted to dead-
end provisions to allow for mounting of
arresters farther away from base of switch


Details Hookstick-operated gang

The HOG – horizontal

Nom kV Dimensions - inches Switch weight - pounds*

Cat. no.
kV BIL A B C D E F G H I J Porcelain Polymer
973X-H 25 150 10 14.8 36.8 22.8 36 32 54.9 38.6 96 107.5 320 275
973XF-H 25 150 10 14.8 36.8 22.8 36 35 60.8 35 101 111.5 320 275
994X-H 38 200 18 22.8 45 28.5 56 48 81.5 48 132 149.3 485 365
994XF-H 38 200 18 22.8 45 28.5 56 48 80.8 48 134 150.3 460 340

* Weight does not include operating pipe.

The HOG – vertical

Dimensions - inches Switch weight - pounds*

Cat. no. Nom kV kV BIL
A B C D E F G H Porcelain Polymer
973V-H 25 150 10 14.8 35.3 22.8 47.5 41.5 101.5 107.4 335 290
973VF-H 25 150 10 14.8 35.3 22.8 47.5 41.5 102.5 108.4 330 285
994V-H 38 200 18 22.8 41 28.5 48 48 107.5 120.8 470 350
994VF-H 38 200 18 22.8 41 28.5 48 48 109.5 121.8 465 345

* Weight does not include operating pipe.

Details Pipe operated

Pipe operated – horizontal

Nom kV Dimensions - inches Switch weight - pounds*

Cat. no.
kV BIL A B C D E F G H I J K Porcelain Polymer
973X-30 25 150 10 14.8 22.8 22.8 96 54.9 38.6 33 24 32 107.5 270 225
973XF-30 25 150 10 14.8 24.3 22.8 101 57 38.8 33 24 35 111.5 270 225
994X-30 38 200 18 22.8 30.8 28.5 132 74.9 54.6 53 21 48 149.3 450 330
994XF-30 38 200 18 22.8 32 28.5 134 77 51.7 53 21 48 150.3 445 325

* Weight does not include operating pipe.

Pipe operated – vertical (cable riser style)

Nom kV Dimensions - inches Switch weight - pounds*

Cat. no.
kV BIL A B C D E F G H Porcelain Polymer
973V-30 25 150 10 14.8 31.6 22.8 47.5 41.5 96 107.4 285 245
973VF-30 25 150 10 14.8 31.6 22.8 47.5 41.5 98 108.4 280 240
994V-30 38 200 18 22.8 37.3 28.5 48 48 103 120.8 420 300
994VF-30 38 200 18 22.8 37.3 28.5 48 48 105 121.8 415 295

* Weight does not include operating pipe.

Details Hookstick-operated gang

The HOG – symmetrical

Dimensions - inches Switch weight - pounds*
Cat. no. Nom kV kV BIL
A B C D E F G H I Porcelain Polymer
973-H 25 150 10 14.8 36.8 22.8 44.5 32 92.8 96 107.5 335 290
973F-H 25 150 10 14.8 38.4 22.8 44.5 35 92.8 98 108.5 335 290
994-H 38 200 18 22.8 45 28.5 45 48 100.5 103 120.3 470 350
994F-H 38 200 18 22.8 46.1 28.5 45 48 100.5 105 121.3 445 325

* Weight does not include operating pipe.

The HOG – inverted

Dimensions - inches Switch weight - pounds*
Cat. no. Nom kV kV BIL
A B C D E F G H Porcelain Polymer
973U-H 25 150 10 14.8 24.3 22.8 115 35 26 50 330 290
973UF-H 25 150 10 14.8 25.3 22.8 120 35 26 50 335 295
994U-H 38 200 18 22.8 32 28.5 137 48 29 53 500 380
994UF-H 38 200 18 22.8 33 28.5 139 48 29 53 495 375

* Weight does not include operating pipe.

The HOG – phase-over-phase (POP)

Dimensions - inches Switch weight - pounds*
Cat. no. Nom kV kV BIL
A B C D E F G H I J K Porcelain Polymer
973P-H 25 150 10 14.8 29.5 22.8 120 41.5 47.5 18.9 17.1 125.4 36 335 290
973PF-H 25 150 10 14.8 30.7 22.8 105 36 36 18 18 109.3 36 300 255
994P-H 38 200 18 22.8 37.5 28.5 127.1 48 48 36 36 132.4 72 465 345
994PF-H 38 200 18 22.8 38.7 28.5 129 48 48 36 36 133.4 72 440 320

* Weight does not include operating pipe.

Details Pipe operated

Pipe operated – symmetrical

Dimensions - inches Switch weight - pounds*
Cat. no. Nom kV kV BIL
A B C D E F G H I Porcelain Polymer
973-30 25 150 10 14.8 35.5 22.8 44.5 41.5 93.5 96 107.5 285 245
973F-30 25 150 10 14.8 36.5 22.8 44.5 41.5 92.8 98 108.5 280 240
994-30 38 200 18 22.8 43.5 28.5 45 48 100.5 103 120.3 420 300
994F-30 38 200 18 22.8 44.2 28.5 45 48 99.8 105.1 121.3 415 295

* Weight does not include operating pipe.

Pipe operated – inverted

Dimensions - inches Switch weight - pounds*
Cat. no. Nom kV kV BIL
A B C D E F G H Porcelain Polymer
973U-30 25 150 10 14.8 25.3 22.8 118 35 26 50 280 240
973UF-30 25 150 10 14.8 25.3 22.8 120 35 26 50 285 245
994U-30 38 200 18 22.8 33 28.5 132 48 24 53 450 330
994UF-30 38 200 18 22.8 33 28.5 134 48 24 53 445 325

* Weight does not include operating pipe.

Pipe operated – phase-over-phase (POP)

Dimensions - inches Switch weight - pounds*
Cat. no. Nom kV kV BIL
A B C D E F G H I J K Porcelain Polymer
973P-30 25 150 10 14.8 24.5 22.8 101.3 41.5 47.5 18.9 17.1 107.5 36 285 245
973PF-30 25 150 10 14.8 30.7 22.8 85.3 36 36 18 18 91.5 36 280 240
994P-30 38 200 18 22.8 32.5 28.5 103 48 48 36 36 103 72 400 280
994PF-30 38 200 18 22.8 38.7 28.5 109.3 48 48 36 36 121.3 72 390 270
* Weight does not include operating pipe.


1 2 3

The Vector® series is available in pipe-

operated and hookstick-operated
versions. For additional options or
configurations, please contact your
Siemens representative.

1 Horizontal Vector pipe-operated

Inverted Vector hookstick-

operated - The HOG

Symmetrical Vector (pole-top

style) pipe-operated

Phase-over-phase Vector hook-


Vertical Vector (cable riser style)

4 5


Versatility is key when it comes to operating a motorized group-operated

airbreak switch locally or remotely. Combining the field proven reliability of the
manually operated Vector series with engineered controls, the Auto-Pak Vector
(APV) enables applications such as auto-transfer and auto-sectionalizing.
Optional voltage and current sensors can be mounted directly to the switch unit
to provide a cost-effective line monitoring and fault detection solution.

Vector numbering system
Position: 1 2 3 4 5* A B1 C*

Order No.: n n n n n - n n n

1st position Continuous current rating:

9= 900 A continuous current
19= 1,200 A continuous current

2nd position Insulator:

6= 2 1/4” D.B.C. polymer insulators (only available with 25 kV)
7= 2 1/4” D.B.C. porcelain insulators (only available with 25 kV)
8= 3” D.B.C. polymer insulators
9= 3” D.B.C. porcelain insulators (only available with 38 kV)

3rd position Voltage class:

3= 25 kV, 150 kV BIL
4= 38 kV, 200 kV BIL

4th position Mounting style:

Q= Symmetrical pole-top style
X= Horizontal crossarm style
P= Phase-over-phase style
V= Vertical (cable riser style)
U= Underslung (inverted style)

5th position Base style (No letter indicates galvanized steel switch base; proceed to position A*):
F= Fiberglass switch base

Options available after dash

Position A Operating method:
3= 28’ of operating pipe (4@7’)
4= 35’ of operating pipe (5@7’)
5= 49’ of operating pipe (7@7’)
H= Hookstick-operated gang switch (HOG)1

Position B1 Operating shaft insulator:

0= No operating shaft insulator
1= Porcelain operating shaft insulator
5= Polymer operating shaft insulator

Position C Optional accessories (multiple accessories can be selected and should be placed in alphabetical order*):

If arrester is desired, choose one; if not, move to next selection:

A= Lightning arrester mounting bracket (GALV)
A2= Extended lightning arrester mounting bracket (GALV)
A4= Extended lightning arrester mounting bracket (F/G)

Choose as many as desired:

B= Pole band
C= Convertible to motorized
E= Extended base length
F= Fiberglass operating pipe section (not compatible with HOG)
K= Six (6) cable connectors (wire size range #6-397.5 MCM ACSR, #4-500 MCM copper)
L= Three (3) 16” extension links
M= Marine grade
R= Crossarm brace
W= Wildlife design (60+” phase spacing)
Vector configuration examples:
If interrupter is desired, choose one:
N= Non-load break Example A: 9 6 3 Q F - H M
S= Plug-in Saf-T-Gap interrupters – 900 A Example B: 19 9 4 U - 5 1 E L
T= Bolt-on Saf-T-Gap interrupters – 900 A Example C: 9 8 3 X - 4 5 A B

If hookstick operation is selected, position B does not apply; proceed to position C.
Consult factory for custom configurations.

Vector ratings:
• 900/1,200 A continuous current
• 630 A loadbreak
• Momentary
current loadbreak
• 25,000 A three second
• 20,000 A one-time symmetrical
fault close in
• 15,000 A three-time symmetrical
fault close in.
Standard features:
• Silver-to-silver hinge and
jaw contacts
• Dead-end bracket supplied as
standard (not available for vertical
riser model)
•  nclosed balanced bearing
operating mechanism
• Pole-hugger operating shaft for
improved installation appearance
• Four 7’ pipe sections, handle and
locking assembly and necessary
couplings and guides
• Single-point lift bracket
• All components packaged in
one crate
• 630 A bolt-on Saf-T-Gap
interrupters. Plug-in style available
as an option.
• Copper-bronze live parts
• Tinned terminal pads.

3EK4 (APS) surge arrester 3EK8 (APS) surge arrester

Siemens Industry, Inc.
99 Bolton Sullivan Drive
Heber Springs, Arkansas 72543
For more information, including service or parts,
please contact our Customer Support Center.
Phone: 1-800-333-7421
Order No.: E50001-F630-A167-01-76US
Printed in U.S.A.
© 2019 Siemens Industry, Inc.
The technical data presented in this document is based on
an actual case or on as designed parameters, and therefore
should not be relied upon for any specific application and
does not constitute a performance guarantee for any
projects. Actual results are dependent on variable
conditions. Accordingly, Siemens does not make
representations, warranties, or assurances as to the
accuracy, currency or completeness of the content
contained herein. If requested, we will provide specific
technical data or specifications with respect to any
customer‘s particular applications. Our company is
constantly involved in engineering and development. For
that reason, we reserve the right to modify, at any time, the
technology and product specifications contained herein.

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