Exploding The Myths About ATP Hygiene Monitoring
Exploding The Myths About ATP Hygiene Monitoring
Exploding The Myths About ATP Hygiene Monitoring
There is little doubt that the application of ATP bioluminescence for hygiene
monitoring applications is widely recognised as an effective test for hygiene and the
verification of cleaning procedures. The broader benefits of this rapid alternative test
include optimised cleaning with cost savings of 25 – 50% on cleaning chemical,
improvements in product quality and shelf life, the provisions of data for real time
trend analysis and evidence of due diligence.
The technology and application has been in use for over 30 years and there are
many publications on the subject (Griffith et al 1997; Dillon & Griffith, 1999; Illsey et
al., 2000).
Senior technical professionals from leading independent organisations around the
world concur that the ATP test is a direct, objective method that detects product
residues on surfaces, and that the test is not intended to be a direct replacement for
the traditional cultural microbiological test. Put simply, ATP hygiene monitoring is a
product residue test, not a bacteria test.
Is there a relationship between the ATP test result and microbial numbers
on food production equipment? Yes but it is a coincidental relationship. The
primary purpose of cleaning is to remove product residue for product contact
surfaces. Effective cleaning simultaneously removes the material capable of
supporting microbial survival and growth, as well as many of microbes themselves.
Accordingly there will be direct relationship between ATP hygiene monitoring and
microbial enumeration as methods. This coincidental relationship cannot be expected
to be 100% because both methods are measuring different analytes and both are
variable biological tests. Some published data shows 80 – 90% agreement whereas
other data shows 67% agreement (see Table 1) due to the presence of product
residues that are not detected by the microbial test.
Accordingly the ideal test to measure cleaning efficiency is a product residue test
that gives rapid results so that corrective action (e.g. re-cleaning) can implemented
immediately in support of GMP and HACCP. This is what the ATP hygiene test
Can the ATP test detect bacteria? Yes, if they are present in large enough
numbers (typically > 10,000 cfu /ml; Stanley, 1989; Kyriakides et al., 1991, 1994)
and there is no ATP from any other sources. Figure 1 that show microbial detection
limits in different detection systems in the absence of ATP from other sources, and
also that there is little practical difference between PMT-based systems and
photodiode-based systemSURE.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Log cfu/m l
What does the RLU mean? The unit of measurement of the ATP test is called a
Relative Light Unit (or RLU). This is not a standardised unit of measurement such as
length (inches or metres) or weight ( kilograms). The RLU value is dependent on the
instrument construction and reagent / swab formulations. Each supplier has its own
luciferase formulations so the RLU output scale will be different for each supplier but
all systems are linear in response to ATP and have similar performances. RLU does
not equate to cfu for the reasons given above.
Care should be taken when comparing the RLU scale from different instruments or
suppliers. For routine industrial applications there is little value in examining
individual RLU values when comparing different ATP systems because of the effects
of sample variation. It is better to compare the overall performance in terms of the
number of pass and fails by both systems at equivalent settings. Table 2 shows
almost 100% agreement on the correct classification of results when two different
systems were compared in routine test applications i.e. number of pass (159/160)
and fails (29/30). Both systems show an equal number of samples (~10%) were
passed by one system and failed by the other system. This is a function sample
variation and is independent of the system used.
Instruments offering large RLU numbers do not necessarily mean that there is a
greater sensitivity. The RLU scale is a function of the instrument design and
construction that can be made to show any number scale which is all “relative”.
One of the key features of any analytical method is the background noise of the
systems because this directly affects the reliability of the measurements at low levels
and hence the limit of detection (or sensitivity) of the test. For ATP bioluminescence
there are several sources of noise which can come from both the instrument
detection system and reagent formulation. SystemSURE Plus is a unique system that
has low background from both its photodiode instrument and reagent formulation.
This combination delivers remarkable performance, and table 3 shows the impact of
high background noise of PMT instruments on the system’s performance i.e. the
larger the background noise and variation from blank samples, then the poorer the
sensitivity of the system.
Systems offering low background give better performance by showing less variation
and more reliable detection at low RLU values which in turn delivers better sensitivity
and reliable early warning from trend analysis.
In summary, the application of ATP bioluminescence for rapid hygiene monitoring
has been established for > 25 years and now makes a well recognised contribution to
food quality and safety systems. These systems deliver a rapid, direct, objective
measurement of cleaning efficiency, hygienic status and risk, primarily by the
measurement of product residues. ATP hygiene monitoring provides cost savings to
the business as well as improvements in product quality. The results from ATP
hygiene monitoring are different to those of microbial enumeration methods and give
additional information that the microbial test cannot provide. ATP tests are not
intended to replace microbial tests and there is coincidental direct correlation
between the results of the two methods. The ATP test is not suitable for the
enumeration of microbes on products contact surfaces because it does not have the
desired sensitivity. ATP detection systems with low background noise deliver the
better performance.
Illsey et al., (2000) Dairy , Food & sanitation, 20, (7), 522 – 526
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