Analysis On The Impact Response of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Laminates: An Emphasis On The FEM Simulation

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Sci Eng Compos Mater 2019; 1–11

Jian He, Liang He* and Bin Yang*

Analysis on the impact response of fiber-reinforced

composite laminates: an emphasis on the FEM
simulation high-velocity impact has theoretical and practical signifi-
Received June 30, 2017; accepted June 2, 2018; previously published cance for military preparedness [5]. Composite materials
online August 8, 2018
will inevitably face unexpected collisions during use.
Obvious damage may not be found on the surface under
Abstract: The effects of units, material parameters, and
low-velocity impacts, although the composite laminates
constitutive relationships on the dynamic mechanical
may suffer internal delamination damage. This internal
response of composite laminates subjected to high- and
damage will greatly influence the material’s mechanical
low-velocity impacts were investigated. Additionally, the
properties and lead to the decline of the material bearing
role of impact or shape, including hemispherical, flat,
capacity [6]. Therefore, it is valuable to study the impact
and conical, on the damage area of the adhesive layer and
response of fiber-reinforced composite laminates.
displacement of the center of the laminated plates was
Considerable effort has been made in analyzing the
investigated. The results show that the energy absorption
damage modes and the impact response of composite
of composite laminates increases with impact velocity,
materials. Yang et al. [7] built a 3-D finite element model
and specific energy absorption changes with the density
(FEM) to investigate the high-velocity impact response
of the contact surface, which is affected by ply thickness.
of fiber-metal laminates (FMLs) using ABAQUS/Explicit
Moreover, the target energy absorption decreases with
platform; the results showed that the effect of fiber stack-
increasing layer angle. Under a low-velocity impact, the
ing sequence on the impact performance of FMLs is very
maximum contact force, damage area of the adhesive
limited under critical penetration velocity, and the damage
layer, and displacement of the center of the laminated
pattern depends on the projectile incident angle. In refer-
plate increase as the impact energy increases, thus show-
ence [8], they also verified their mode of interply hybrid
ing that impact energy is not directly related to contact
composites based on woven fabrics and polymerized
duration and energy absorption of composite laminates.
cyclic butylene terephthalate resin subjected to low-veloc-
The results of different geometric shapes show that the
ity impact. Long et al. [9] established a damage analysis
damage area of the adhesive layer and the displacement
process of composite laminates subjected to low-velocity
of the center of the laminated plates are largest for a coni-
impact by building numerical models on a damage model
cal impactor and smallest for a flat impactor.
where cohesive contact method was involved according
Keywords: dynamic response; energy absorption; lami- to the experimental observation. Based on the results
nated composites; numerical simulation. obtained, they presented a prediction process of delami-
nation shape for composite laminates under low-velocity
impact. Zhang et  al. [10] proposed a FEM to investigate
1 Introduction the dynamic mechanical response and damage modes
in cross-ply composite laminates under transverse low-
As a kind of lightweight material, composite materials velocity impact. By adopting Hashin criterion and a
are widely used in bulletproof [1, 2] and aerospace fields gradual degradation scheme, the simulation results agree
[3, 4]. Research on composite materials damage under well with the available experimental data. Using the pro-
posed model, they also investigated the effect of interface
friction on the delamination response of cross-ply com-
*Corresponding authors: Liang He, College of Aerospace and Civil posite laminates under impact. Zhang and Zhang [11]
Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China, built a simplified and efficient FEM with the delamination
e-mail:; and Bin Yang, School of Mechanical
damage adjacent to the mid-thickness plane and the lower
and Power Engineering, East China University of Science and
Technology, Shanghai, China, e-mail:
face taken into consideration to study the impact response
Jian He: College of Aerospace and Civil Engineering, Harbin and corresponding damage mode of composite laminates
Engineering University, Harbin, China subjected to low-velocity impact. The proposed model can
Open Access. © 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston
2      J. He et al.: Impact response of fiber-reinforced composite laminates

deliver acceptable prediction of the critical impact force plate, while delamination damage occurs mainly within
and damage shape and size. In addition, foam-filled sand- the composite sub-layers. In this paper, the CHANG-
wich panels with six types of facesheets were manufac- CHANG failure criterion is selected based on the LS-DYNA.
tured by Yang et al. [12], and the low-velocity impact test
fiber fracture failure ( σ 11 > 0)
and compression after impact test of the prepared panels 
( σ 11 /XT ) + τ = 1
were performed. They found that the stacking sequence of
matrix crack failure ( σ > 0)
fabric clothes has some effects on the impact properties of  22

the hybrid panels. ( σ /Y )2 + τ = 1

 22 T  (1)
The paper is organized as follows: section 1 intro- matrix compression failure ( σ 22 < 0)
duces the research background. In section 2, the dynamic 
 σ 22   Yc   σ 
2 2

response of laminated composites under high-velocity   +   − 1   + τ ≥ 1


 2 S   2 S    Y 
impact is analyzed using the finite element software   C

LS-DYNA, which simulated the laminated plate with a
 τ12  1 + 2 αG12 σ 12
SHELL163 unit without considering the bonding layer, 2

using CHANG-CHANG criterion as the constitutive model. where τ =  S , XT, YT, and YC represent
  3
The effects on the energy absorption of the composite 1 + αG12 S 2

laminates, which were produced by the impact velocity, the longitudinal tensile strength, the transverse tensile
target thickness, and ply angle, were analyzed in detail. strength, and the transverse compression strength,
In section 3, the low-velocity impact dynamic response of respectively. α is a constant determined by experiment,
composite laminates was studied. The laminated board and α = 0 when considering linear elasticity only.
layer was simulated with a SOLID164 unit, and the adhe-
sive layer was simulated with a SOLID ELEMENT No. 19
unit, using CHANG-CHANG criterion as the constitutive 2.2 The finite element model
model. The effects on laminates bonded layer damage
and energy absorption, produced by the bonding layer In the finite element simulation, a 7.62-mm handgun
damage development, sub-layer stress change of different bullet is used, and the bullet head is simplified as a
ply angles, impact energy, and punch shape, were ana- hemisphere. The SOLID164 unit and the MAT_RIGID
lyzed in detail. Section 4 concludes the paper. model are employed. SOLID164 is an eight-node unit
with three degrees of freedom, and the bullet head con-
tains 500 elements. In the process of impact, the bullet

2 D
 ynamic response of composite is regarded as an ideal rigid material without deforma-
tions. The material parameters are shown in Table 1.
laminates under high-velocity The laminated plate size is 60  mm × 60  mm, simu-

impact lated by the specific SHELL163 unit of ANSYS/LS-DYNA.

SHELL163 is a four-node unit with six degrees of freedom.
The model is chosen from the material library, and the
2.1 D
 amage criterion of laminates material parameters are shown in Table 2. Considering
both calculation precision and run time, only one fourth of
Compared with isotropic materials, the failure modes of the complete model is put forward in this paper since the
composite materials under impact loads are much more model is symmetric, and the plate contains 800 elements.
complex because of not only the complexity of composite During the simulation, the processing time varies from
strength itself but also the characteristics of multiphase 0.5 h to 1 h and depends on the incident velocities.
combinations. From a microscopic angle, laminate The target plate is subdivided into the bullet shoot-
damage is mainly divided into three categories. First is ing region, and the remaining region is relatively rougher.
the fiber fracture which is dominated by fiber damage, The grid size in the bullet contact center region is 1 mm,
including fiber breakage and micro buckling. Second
is the matrix cracking, which is dominated by matrix
Table 1: Material parameters of bullet.
damage, including meso-cracks and holes. Third is the
spatial delamination fracture, including the interface Density (g/cm3)  Young modulus (Gpa)  Poisson’s ratio  Mass (g)
debonding and crack propagation. Fiber breakage and
7.85   207  0.3  5.8
matrix cracking occur mainly inside the composite single
J. He et al.: Impact response of fiber-reinforced composite laminates      3

Table 2: Material parameters of composite.

Young modulus (GPa)   Poisson’s ratio   Shear modulus (GPa)   Bulk


23.3   9   9   0.31   0.31   0.39   1.65   3.02   1.65   20.4

Shear strength (GPa) Compressive strength (GPa)   Tensilestrength (GPa)   Density (g/cm3)

0.39   0.39   0.39   0.65   0.65   0.65   1.305   0.13   1.44

and the remainder of the area has a grid size of 2 mm, as The cylindrical bullet diameter is 7.62  mm, with an
shown in Figure 1. aspect ratio of 2. The target size is 20  cm * 90  cm, and
the thickness is 5  mm. In our simulation, the impact
energy is handled by assigning different velocities to
2.3 A
 nalysis of the numerical simulation the impactor. Simulations are performed with the veloc-
results ities of 246.6 m/s, 300.2 m/s, 388.8 m/s, 471.2 m/s, and
551.5 m/s, respectively.
In order to verify the proposed simulation method, The comparison of bullet residual velocity from the
we consider the work of Aymerich et  al. [13]. Accord- numerical simulation and experimental results are listed
ing to the experiments, the laminate is simulated with in Table 3. It can be seen that the user-defined material
the angle ply sequence [0/90/0/90/0/90/0/90/0/90]. numerical results match the experimental results, which

A 7.62 mm B
Layer# Material#
θ 2
0 2
90 2
0 2
90 2
0 2

0 2

90 2
0 2



Center line

Figure 1: Finite element model of the laminated plates under bullet impact. (A) Bullet model, (B) ply situation, (C) global grid, and (D) local grid.
4      J. He et al.: Impact response of fiber-reinforced composite laminates

Table 3: Comparison of bullet residual velocity numerical simulation results and experimental results.

Bullet velocity (m/s)   246.6  300.2  388.8  471.2  551.5

Bullet residual velocity (m/s)   62.6  190.7  302.4  416.9  498.1
Numerical simulation results (m/s)  50.1  178.6  287.3  392.6  475.2

illustrates that the numerical simulation method in this 35

paper is effective.

Kinetic energy loss (J)

2.3.1 A
 nti-ballistic properties of composite materials 25

against different impact velocities


The anti-ballistic performance of composite materials

depends greatly on the velocity effect, which means that
in a certain range of velocity, the energy-absorbing capac-
ity may increase with the velocity of the bullet [14]. In the
simulation, the one-fourth bullet model penetrates the
target at speeds of 200 m/s, 250 m/s, 300 m/s, 350 m/s, 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
400 m/s, and 450m/s, while the other conditions remain Velocity (m/s)
unchanged. Figure 2 shows the kinetic energy variation
Figure 3: Bullet velocity-kinetic energy reduction curve.
curve of the bullet at different initial velocities.
In order to analyze the relationship between bullet
velocity and target plate absorption energy, the relation-
2.3.2 R
 elationship analysis between target plate
ship between bullet velocity and kinetic energy loss is
thickness and energy absorption effect
shown in Figure 3. It can be observed in Figure 3 that in the
velocity ranging from 200 m/s to 450 m/s, kinetic energy
It is generally recognized that the area density of the
loss increases with increasing bullet velocity. This finding
fiber composite laminate is directly related to its energy-
illustrates that target energy absorption will increase as
absorbing capability. The area density is the quality per
the initial velocity increases in a certain range, demon-
unit area in the penetration direction. The area density
strating the energy absorption speed effect mentioned
is related to both the material characteristics and the
target board thickness [15]. Since the laminated compos-
ite material remains constant in this paper, when target
thickness changes, the reduction of kinetic energy under
different plate thicknesses can be obtained, which is
200 m/s 350 m/s approximately equal to the energy absorbed by the target
250 m/s 400 m/s
0.0012 300 m/s 450 m/s
Figure 4 shows the bullet kinetic energy loss curves
Kinetic energy (10 KJ)

for the target thicknesses of 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm,

and 5 mm, respectively. It can be observed that, with all
other conditions kept constant, bullet residual velocity
0.0006 reduces from 293.01  m/s to 180  m/s with the increase
in plate thickness. With the increase in area density,
0.0003 the loss of bullet kinetic energy, which is approximately
equal to the target energy absorption, increases from 12 J
0.0000 to 164.32 J. This response occurs mainly due to the fact
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
that the increased target thickness leads to higher energy
Time (us)
consumption in the penetration process. Relevant lit-
Figure 2: Bullet kinetic energy-time curves with different impact erature indicates that the specific energy absorption is
velocities. an important standard to measure the material energy
J. He et al.: Impact response of fiber-reinforced composite laminates      5

1 mm 4 mm 250
2 mm 5 mm
3 mm
0.0006 200
Kinetic energy (KJ)

SEA (J/g/cm2)



0.0002 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Thickness (cm)
Time (us)
Figure 5: Target plate thickness-specific energy absorption curve.
Figure 4: Bullet kinetic energy reduction-time curves for target
plates with different thicknesses.
absorption ability, which measures the quality of mate- [30]8
0.00062 [45]8
rials’ anti-ballistic properties using the ratio of target
Kinetic energy (J)

0.00060 [60]8
energy absorption to area density [16].
Figure 5 shows the change of specific energy absorp-
tion for the target plate thicknesses ranging from 1  mm
to 5 mm. The specific energy absorption increases as the
target thickness increases. The specific energy absorption
increases sharply when the target is thinner and tends to
flatten when the target is thicker. This can be explained by 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
the fact that the size of the target is close to the bullet size, Time (us)
the energy produced in penetration cannot be ignored,
Figure 6: Bullet kinetic energy-time curves with different layer
and it does not belong in the category of thin plate. angles.

2.3.3 R
 elationship analysis between the ply angle and 16
target plate energy absorption
Kinetic energy loss (J)

For composite materials, different ply directions may lead to

different mechanical properties. In order to investigate how 14
the degree of anisotropy influences the composite energy
absorption, the 3-mm composite plate is subjected to dif- 13
ferent penetration angles under the same speed of 300 m/s.
Figure 6 shows the one-fourth bullet kinetic energy reduc- 12
tion trend under ply angles [0]8, [30]8, [45]8, and [60]8.
At ply angle [0]8, the bullet loses the most kinetic 11
energy, signifying the best anti-ballistic performance. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
On the contrary, at ply angle [60]8, the bullet loses the Plies angle (°)
least kinetic energy. The laminate energy absorption
Figure 7: Ply angle-bullet kinetic energy damage curve.
decreases as the ply angle increases with other condi-
tions unchanged, as shown in Figure 7. This is due to the
fact that the increase in ply angle reduces the strain rate increases, the reflection of the shock wave in the crossing
strengthening effect; thus, the dynamic mechanical pro­ point increases and the decreased impact response area is
perties are deteriorating [17]. In addition, as the ply angle not conducive to the spread of energy, thus reducing the
6      J. He et al.: Impact response of fiber-reinforced composite laminates

anti-ballistic properties of the laminates. To summarize,

the laminate ply angle has substantial influence on the
absorbed energy.
By comparing the damage results under different ply
angles, it can be found that the breakage shape is approxi-
mately an ellipse when ply angle is 0, and the fiber direc-
tion is along the short axis because of the orthotropic
characteristics of the composite materials. It demonstrates
that the mechanical property along the fiber direction is
higher than that along its vertical direction. According to
the damage pattern obtained from the numerical results,
the damage shape of composite laminates changes from
an ellipse to a circle as the ply angle changes. Figure 8: Interface element model.

The selected SOLID ELEMENT 19 unit is based on

3 D
 amage response of composite COHESIVE ZONE theory, mainly considering the inter-
facial force Pi (i = 1, 2, 3) and the displacement relation-
laminates subjected to low-velocity ship between the top and bottom surfaces [Pi = ki (δi) and

impact δi (i = 1, 2, 3)]. The bilinear constitutive model is adopted,

as shown in Figure 9.
In practical applications, re-coupling or the linear
3.1 D
 amage model of composite laminates coupling criteria are used as the basis of judgment for
subjected to low-velocity impact a bonding layer crack, as expressed in Equation (3), in
which the coefficients GiC(i = a, b, and c) represent the
In simulation, LS-DYNA is used to simulate and compute critical energy release rates of three types of cracks.
the impact. CHANG-CHANG failure criterion is selected as
( ) ( ) ( )
2 2 2
the sub-layer failure criterion, and the E material model f g = Ga /GaC + Gb /GbC + Gc /GcC
for the new version of LS-DYAN program is used in this f g = Ga /GaC + Gb /GbC + Gc /GcC

paper, which is extended from the CHANG-CHANG crite-
rion. The formula expression is as follows:

fiber fracture ( σ 11 > 0)

 3.2 N
 umerical simulation of composite
( σ 11 /Xt ) + ( σ 12 /S12 ) = 1
2 2

fiber compression ( σ < 0)

materials subjected to low-velocity
 11
( σ 11 /Xc ) = 1

matrix cracking ( σ 22 > 0)  (2) In Ref. [13], the experiment of composite materials sub-
 jected to low-velocity impact was simulated. The ply
( σ 22 /Yt ) + ( σ 12 /S12 ) = 1
2 2

matrix compression failure ( σ < 0) angle was designated as [0/90/0/90/0/90/0/90/0/90],

 22
and the laminate was hinge-constrained with a size of
 1 ( σ /S )2 + Y σ /(4S 2 ) − σ /Y + ( σ /S )2 = 1
 4 22 12 c 22 12 22 c 12 12 87.5 mm × 65 mm × 2 mm and effective center area with size

A Pi B Pi
A number of experimental studies have illustrated
that the delamination damage in composite laminates
generally arises between the sub-layers that undergo ply
angle changes. To address this concept, a thin layer of
δi δi
interface element layer can be added between the angle-
changed sub-layers in the numerical simulation. Then,
the delamination damage of composite laminates can be
simulated through the interfacial layer damage failure. Figure 9: Bonding layer simplified bilinear model. (A) Shear model.
The interface layer is shown in Figure 8. (B) Normal model.
J. He et al.: Impact response of fiber-reinforced composite laminates      7

Table 4: Material parameters of sub layer with 0 ply angle

Young modulus (GPa) Poisson’s ratio Shear modulus (GPa) Bulk modulus (GPa)


93.7   7.45   7.45   0.26   0.26   0.26   3.97   3.97   3.97   20.4

Shear strength (GPa)   Compressive strength (GPa)  Tensilestrength (GPa)  Density (g/cm3)


0.36   0.36  0.36  0.65  0.65  0.65  1.306  0.13  1.44

of 67.5 mm × 45 mm. The experimental rigid hemispherical

punch has the radius of 0.625 cm and a density of 7.8 g/cm3.
In order to reduce the finite element running time, the
simulation used a one-fourth model of the punch with a
SOLID164 solid element.
A SOLID164 element is also used to simulate lami-
nated sub-layers. Three single plates with 0 ply angle
were modeled as one sub-layer. A six-layer single plate
with a 90 ply angle layer in the middle was modeled
as one sub-layer. A three-layer single plate with a 0 ply
angle was modeled as one sub layer. The material para­
meters to model 0 ply angle layers are shown in Table 4, Figure 10: Geometric modeling diagram.
and they can be multiplied by a stiffness transformation
matrix to obtain parameters to model for the 90 ply angle
layers. 3.3 A
 nalysis of the simulation result
Improved CHANG-CHANG failure criterion is used
as sub-layer damage failure criterion. An interface layer To compare the simulation results with the experimen-
is inserted between the sub-layers with changing ply tal results, the delamination damage chart of the bottom
angles, forming a laminated structure. Furthermore, an layer and the impact contact force time curve are shown
adhesive layer is simulated with specific material unit in Figure 11.
version. Constraints between top and bottom layers are
established to ensure the continuity of the whole model 3.3.1 Damage and extension on bonding layer
movement. The new model is applied to build a bonding
layer model, using the bilinear material model. In order The bonding layer can be damaged easily under low-
to simplify the calculation, it is assumed that the shear velocity impact when the direction of the fiber changes.
stresses in the two directions on the interface are the At the same time, the area and shape of the damage as
same due to the same constitutive model. Moreover, both well as the strain should be approximately the same. It is
the tearing type and the sliding type of cracking mode convenient and clear to observe the process of layered pro-
have the same critical release rate, which can be calcu- duction, extension, and evolution of damage by the post-
lated from Equation (3). The following equation can be processing method in simulation, as shown in Figure 12.

k2 = k3 , GbC = GcC , fg = (Ga /GaC )2 + (Gb /GbC )2 (4)

3.3.2 Plate stress under low-velocity impact

In order to precisely obtain the dynamic response of It can be found that the stress nephogram exhibits a
laminates subjected to low-velocity impact, the meshes of peanut-shaped profile for both conditions (layer angle
the impact region are refined, particularly in the rectangu- 0° or 90°), and the main axis’s direction of the peanut-
lar region of X[0 mm, 15 mm], Y[0 mm,10 mm], as shown shape nephogram is perpendicular to the layer angle
in Figure 10. of the sub-layer. This observation is consistent with the
8      J. He et al.: Impact response of fiber-reinforced composite laminates

the corresponding damages. The results are shown in

Table 5.
As shown in Figure 14, the peak of the impact load
increases as the impact energy increases. Within a certain
range, the increased punch energy caused by the mass
effect affects the contact time between the punch and
laminated plate. Moreover, this finding also shows that
the duration time of the impact does not change after the
energy reaches a certain value.

3.3.4 Effect of impact energy on the damage area and

plate center displacement

As shown in Figures 15 and 16, within a certain range,

when impact energy increases, the damage area of the
adhesive layer and the displacement of the plate center
increase in an approximately linear manner.

Figure 11: The time curve of the impact contact force of the laminate
plate for experiment and simulation. (A) The layered damage for
experiment in Ref. [13]. (B) The damage of adhesive layer for simulation.
3.3.5 E
 ffect of impact energy on energy absorption of
laminated plate

experimental phenomenon. As time elapses, the strain

Compared with high-velocity impact, the energy damage
transfers towards both sides, and the damage increases,
of the punch under low-velocity impact is relatively small,
as shown in Figure 13.
as shown in Figure 17. Besides, the damage energy of
the punch and the energy absorption of the target plate
3.3.3 D
 amage analysis under different impact energies exhibit small changes for different impact energies. The
results show that the initial energy is not the main factor
In this section, five groups of punches with different initial that affects the laminated plate during the low-velocity
energies are set up to impact the laminate to investigate impact.

Figure 12: The damage of the adhesive layer.

J. He et al.: Impact response of fiber-reinforced composite laminates      9

Figure 13: The Von Mises stress at different times.

3.3.6 E
 ffect of punch shapes on the response of the Figure 19 shows the variations of contact force as a
plate under low velocity function of time for different types of impactors. As seen,
the laminated plate impacted by a flat punch is the first
In this paper, three kinds of punches with different shapes to reach the maximum contact force, while the plate
are used to analyze the response of the plate under low- impacted by a conical punch is damaged last. In contrast,
velocity impact, as shown in Figure 18. All of the punches the laminated plate impacted by a flat punch bears the
have the same mass, radius, and initial impact energy. highest maximum contact force, while the conical punch
bears the lowest. Because it takes the longest time to
achieve maximum contact force, it gets the most serious
Table 5: Conditions of calculation.
damage among these three conditions. The following
Impact energy (J)  Punch mass (kg)  Impact velocity (m/s) conclusion can be drawn: Incisive punch causes severe
damage to the plate.
1.983   1.9  1.444
2.191   2.1  1.444
2.4   2.3  1.414
2.7   2.3  1.532
3   2.3  1.615
Delamination area (mm2)

2.4 1.983 (J) 300

2.191 (J)
2.0 2.400 (J)
2.700 (J) 250
1.6 3.000 (J)
Force (KN)


0.4 150

2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2

0 2 4 6 Energy (J)
Time (ms)
Figure 15: The variations of delamination area as a function of
Figure 14: Time curves of contact force under different impact energies. energy.
10      J. He et al.: Impact response of fiber-reinforced composite laminates

2.8 that the more incisive the punch, the more serious the
damage to the laminate plate.

4 Conclusion
Displacement (mm)


In this paper, the dynamic response of composite lami-

1.6 nated plates was studied and simulated under both high-
and low-velocity impacts. Under high-velocity impact,
different types of bullets, acceleration, and energy are
analyzed. The results show that the energy absorption of

2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2
Energy (J)
Figure 16: The curve between the impact energy and damage area 3.0 Flat
of the adhesive layer and displacement at the plate center. Conical

Force (KN) 2.0

3.0 1.983 (J)
2.191 (J) 1.5
2.5 2.400 (J)
2.700 (J) 1.0
Kinetic energy (J)

2.0 3.000 (J)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (ms)

0.5 Figure 19: The time curve on the impact contact force with different
impactor geometric shapes.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (ms)
Table 6: The damaged area of the adhesive layer and the maximum
Figure 17: The variations of punch kinetic energy as a function of time. displacement of the plate center caused by the punch with different
geometric shapes.

3.3.7 E
 ffect of geometric shapes of the punch on adhesive The shape of   The damaged area  The maximum
the punch of the adhesive displacement of the
layer damage and plate center displacement
layer (mm2) plate’s center (mm)

Table 6 shows that the punch geometric shape does not Flat   345  2.2
Hemispherical  351  2.5
significantly affect the adhesive layer damage and the
Conical   362  3.02
plate center displacement. Moreover, the table also shows

Figure 18: The schematic diagram of the impactor geometric shapes (flat, hemispherical, and conical).
J. He et al.: Impact response of fiber-reinforced composite laminates      11

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