ANUAL - PCA - Ingles - 3ro BGU
ANUAL - PCA - Ingles - 3ro BGU
ANUAL - PCA - Ingles - 3ro BGU
Weekly hours Number of weeks of Learning Assessment Weeks Total Weeks of class Total of periods
5 Hours work
36 weeks 4 weeks 40 weeks 200 Hours
Objectives of the Area Objectives of the Grade/Course
Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other O.EFL 5.1
countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in
and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly
the secure standpoint of their own national and cultural experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure standpoint
identity. of their own national and cultural identity.
Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a
range of formal and informal social situations with a
limited but effective command of the spoken language (CEFR
B1 level).
Intercultural awareness, tolerance, respect, multiculturalism,
responsibility, solidarity, responsibility, honesty, respect, love,
peace, justice, innovation, etc.
Nº Title of Unit Specific Contents/skills ** Methodological Evaluation*** Weeks
the unit Objectives Orientations duration
(Skills and strategies)
Communication and
1 Let”s You will learn how to EFL 5.1.7 Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.5.3. 6
talk Interpret and Interpret cultural and
movies talk about news. demonstrate knowledge Participating in short language patterns in
of nonverbal and oral role plays using a English, including nonverbal
announce a piece of communication features range of verbal and communication, and apply
news that by applying them in nonverbal communica- them in appropriate
has happened appropriate contexts. tion. contexts.
recently. (Example: use of
stress, intonation, Listening to a dialogue I.EFL.5.3.1.
pace, etc.) and identifying Learners can interpret
share life examples of humor. cultural and language
experiences. EFL 5.1.8 patterns in English, includ-
Discover and employ Demonstrating ing nonverbal communication,
alternative ways of appropriate language and apply them in
saying things in social use during class, group appropriate contexts. (I.3,
and classroom and pair discussions. I.4, S.1, S.2)
interactions. (Example: correct
intonation, natural CE.EFL.5.4.
EFL 5.2.11 pace, using modals to Communicate effectively
Express opinions on show politeness, etc.) using a variety of media and
abstract topics, such formats, including ICT, by
as film and music, and Practicing the use of saying things in alternative
concrete topics, such expressions of ways and applying self-
as personal politeness during correcting and self-
experiences, while collaborative pair and monitoring strategies when
describing one’s small group work. needed.
reactions to them and
others’ opinions. Writing a short I.EFL.5.4.1.
conversation and Learners can communicate
EFL 5.3.3 including an effectively using a variety
Determine the main appropriate idiom. of media and formats,
conclusion in texts including ICT, by saying
which clearly argue a Participating in short things in alternative ways
point of view in order dialogues and role and applying self-correcting
to make informed plays to practice and self-monitoring
decisions about one’s target language. (Exa- strategies when needed.
own opinion and mple: thanking others, (I.1, I.3, J.4)
reaction to the text. apologizing, asking for
help, greeting CE.EFL.5.8.
EFL 5.3.5 authorities, etc.) Interaction – Interpersonal:
Assess, compare and Respond to and build on
evaluate the quality of Practicing the language other people’s ideas in
written texts and vi- needed to deal with a extended conversations on
sual presentations need through a mini familiar social and academic
using different role play. topics by expressing
criteria and ICT tools opinions and feelings and
related to the Paraphrasing an idea clarifying meaning.
organization, subject when a peer asks for
area and purpose of a clarification. I.EFL.5.8.1.
text. (Examples of text Learners can respond to and
types: editorials, Using a definition or build on other people’s
letters to the editor, example to explain a ideas in extended
political speeches, concept or word that conversations on familiar
illustrations, charts, one does not yet have social and academic topics
advertisements, etc.) the exact language for. by expressing opinions and
feelings and clarifying
EFL 5.4.4 Completing group work meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1,
Select and make in a fair and honest J.3, J.4)
effective use of a manner and accepting
range of digital tools the group’s decisions. CE.EFL.5.10.
to write, edit, revise Find specific information
and publish written Oral Communication: and identify the main points
work in a way that (Listening and in simple, straightforward
supports collaboration, texts on subjects of
learning and personal interest or
productivity. (Example: familiar academic topics
image editing, Conducting a role play
while making informed
GoogleDrive, between two students on
decisions about one’s own
infographic makers, a given topic.
reaction to the text.
audio and video (Example: talking about
editing, presentation future plans, finding
I.EFL. 5.10.1.
apps, etc.) common free time
Learners can find specific
activities, playing a
information and identify the
guessing game, etc.)
EFL 5.5.4 main points in simple,
Read aloud with Conducting a class straightforward texts on
confidence, accuracy, survey where learners subjects of personal
fluency and expression ask each other about a interest or familiar
to demonstrate familiar topic and academic topics while making
understanding and to record each other’s informed decisions about
convey an answers. (Example: one’s own reaction to the
interpretation of What’s your favorite text. (I.1, I.2, S.2)
meaning. sport? Do you have a
favorite team? What CE.EFL.5.12.
EFL 5.5.9 sports do you play? Engage with a variety of
Engage in collaborative Have you ever gotten digital and print texts and
activities through a hurt?, etc.) Sharing a resources by evaluating and
variety of student few things about their detecting complexities and
groupings to share, classmates’ answers. discrepancies in the
reflect on, express and (Example: Marco loves information in order to find
interpret opinions and soccer. He’s a the most appropriate sources
evaluations of a range Barcelona fan. He plays to support an idea or
of literary texts. soccer every day in argument.
(Example: small groups, recess, but last week
cooperative learning he sprained his ankle I.EFL.5.12.1.
groups, literature and he can’t play right Learners can engage with a
circles, process now, etc.) variety of digital and print
writing groups, etc.) texts and resources by
Reading evaluating and detecting
complexities and
Reading a short text discrepancies in the
and showing information in order to find
comprehension by the most appropriate sources
completing the to support an idea or
accompanying graphic argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3)
organizer. (Example:
learners read about CE.EFL.5.14.
archeological ruins and Identify, critically
complete a Venn evaluate and recommend a
diagram, etc.) variety of potential
resources and references,
Reading a text on a including digital tools,
familiar content area that support collaboration
subject and answering and productivity, for
information questions. educational and academic
(Example: learners read use.
about foodborne
illnesses and then I.EFL.5.14.1.
write three ways to Learners can identify,
prevent them, etc.) critically evaluate and
recommend a variety of po-
Identifying unreliable tential resources and
resources on the references, including
Internet. digital tools, that support
collaboration and
Using a rubric to productivity, for
evaluate a print or educational and academic
online resource. use. (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)
Brainstorming features
and conventions of a
genre and then reading
Creating literature
circles where learners
have the freedom to say
anything they want
about a text from class
or outside of class.
Participating in
classroom games in
which problem-solving
as a team is important.
2 Professio You will learn how to EFL 5.1.7 Communication and CE.EFL.5.3. 6
ns Interpret and Cultural Awareness Interpret cultural and
speculate about demonstrate knowledge language patterns in
lifestyles in of nonverbal and oral Participating in short English, including nonverbal
the past. communication features role plays using a communication, and apply
by applying them in range of verbal and them in appropriate
express opinion and appropriate contexts. nonverbal communica- contexts.
possibility (Example: use of tion.
about past events. stress, intonation, I.EFL.5.3.1.
pace, etc.) Listening to a dialogue Learners can interpret
and identifying cultural and language
describe people,
EFL 5.1.8 examples of humor. patterns in English, includ-
objects, and Discover and employ ing nonverbal communication,
events. alternative ways of and apply them in
saying things in social appropriate language appropriate contexts. (I.3,
and classroom use during class, group I.4, S.1, S.2)
interactions. and pair discussions.
(Example: correct CE.EFL.5.4.
EFL 5.2.11 intonation, natural Communicate effectively
Express opinions on pace, using modals to using a variety of media and
abstract topics, such show politeness, etc.) formats, including ICT, by
saying things in alternative
as film and music,
Practicing the use of ways and applying self-
and concrete topics, correcting and self-
expressions of
such as personal politeness during monitoring strategies when
experiences, while collaborative pair and needed.
describing one’s small group work.
reactions to them and I.EFL.5.4.1.
others’ opinions. Writing a short Learners can communicate
conversation and effectively using a variety
EFL 5.3.3 including an of media and formats,
Determine the main appropriate idiom.
including ICT, by saying
conclusion in texts things in alternative ways
which clearly argue a Participating in short
dialogues and role and applying self-correcting
point of view in order
to make informed plays to practice and self-monitoring
decisions about one’s target language. (Exa- strategies when needed.
own opinion and mple: thanking others, (I.1, I.3, J.4)
reaction to the text. apologizing, asking for
help, greeting
EFL 5.3.5 authorities, etc.)
Interaction – Interpersonal:
Assess, compare and Respond to and build on
evaluate the quality of Practicing the language
other people’s ideas in
needed to deal with a
written texts and vi- extended conversations on
need through a mini
sual presentations familiar social and academic
role play.
using different topics by expressing
opinions and feelings and
criteria and ICT tools Paraphrasing an idea
clarifying meaning.
related to the when a peer asks for
organization, subject clarification.
area and purpose of a Learners can respond to and
Using a definition or
text. (Examples of text example to explain a build on other people’s
types: editorials, concept or word that ideas in extended
letters to the editor, one does not yet have conversations on familiar
political speeches, the exact language for. social and academic topics
illustrations, charts, by expressing opinions and
advertisements, etc.) Completing group work feelings and clarifying
in a fair and honest
meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1,
manner and accepting
EFL 5.4.4 the group’s decisions. J.3, J.4)
Select and make
effective use of a CE.EFL.5.10.
Oral Communication:
range of digital tools Find specific information
to write, edit, revise (Listening and
and identify the main points
and publish written Speaking)
in simple, straightforward
work in a way that texts on subjects of
supports collaboration, Conducting a role play
learning and between two students on personal interest or
productivity. (Example: a given topic. familiar academic topics
image editing, (Example: talking about while making informed
GoogleDrive, future plans, finding decisions about one’s own
infographic makers, common free time reaction to the text.
audio and video activities, playing a
editing, presentation guessing game, etc.) I.EFL. 5.10.1.
apps, etc.) Learners can find specific
Conducting a class information and identify the
EFL 5.5.4 survey where learners main points in simple,
Read aloud with ask each other about a straightforward texts on
confidence, accuracy, familiar topic and subjects of personal
fluency and expression record each other’s interest or familiar
to demonstrate answers. (Example: academic topics while making
understanding and to What’s your favorite informed decisions about
convey an sport? Do you have a one’s own reaction to the
interpretation of favorite team? What text. (I.1, I.2, S.2)
meaning. sports do you play?
Have you ever gotten CE.EFL.5.12.
EFL 5.5.9 hurt?, etc.) Sharing a Engage with a variety of
Engage in collaborative few things about their digital and print texts and
activities through a classmates’ answers. resources by evaluating and
variety of student (Example: Marco loves detecting complexities and
groupings to share, soccer. He’s a discrepancies in the
reflect on, express and Barcelona fan. He plays information in order to find
interpret opinions and soccer every day in the most appropriate sources
evaluations of a range recess, but last week to support an idea or
of literary texts. he sprained his ankle argument.
(Example: small groups, and he can’t play right
cooperative learning now, etc.) I.EFL.5.12.1.
groups, literature Learners can engage with a
circles, process Reading variety of digital and print
writing groups, etc.) texts and resources by
Reading a short text evaluating and detecting
and showing complexities and
comprehension by
discrepancies in the
completing the
accompanying graphic information in order to find
organizer. (Example: the most appropriate sources
learners read about to support an idea or
archeological ruins and argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3)
complete a Venn
diagram, etc.)
Identify, critically
Reading a text on a
evaluate and recommend a
familiar content area
variety of potential
subject and answering
resources and references,
information questions.
including digital tools,
(Example: learners read
that support collaboration
about foodborne
and productivity, for
illnesses and then
educational and academic
write three ways to
prevent them, etc.)
Identifying unreliable
Learners can identify,
resources on the
critically evaluate and
recommend a variety of po-
tential resources and
Using a rubric to
references, including
evaluate a print or
digital tools, that support
online resource.
collaboration and
productivity, for
Using a rubric to
educational and academic
assess the validity of
use. (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)
a web site, according
to one’s academic needs
Demonstrate and convey
different levels of meaning
in literary texts by
identifying distinguishing
Identifying the best features, interpreting
resources for a writing implicit and explicit
project in pairs. messages and responding in a
variety of ways.
Using a list of
criteria in order to I.EFL.5.17.1.
evaluate a web site. Learners can demonstrate and
convey different levels of
Analyzing three meaning in literary texts by
different types of identifying distinguishing
dictionaries (e.g., features, interpreting
online, English- implicit and explicit
English, English- messages and responding in a
Spanish) and giving variety of ways. (I.3, I.4,
reasons for using each. J.3)
Brainstorming features
and conventions of a
genre and then reading
Creating literature
circles where learners
have the freedom to say
anything they want
about a text from class
or outside of class.
Participating in
classroom games in
which problem-solving
as a team is important.
3 Environme You will learn how to EFL 5.1.7 Communication and CE.EFL.5.3. 6
ntally Interpret and Cultural Awareness Interpret cultural and
friend”s talk about people’s demonstrate knowledge language patterns in
characters of nonverbal and oral Participating in short English, including nonverbal
and personalities. communication features role plays using a communication, and apply
by applying them in range of verbal and them in appropriate
express feelings, appropriate contexts. nonverbal communica- contexts.
attitudes, and (Example: use of tion.
mood. stress, intonation, I.EFL.5.3.1.
pace, etc.) Listening to a dialogue Learners can interpret
and identifying cultural and language
describe events in
EFL 5.1.8 examples of humor. patterns in English, includ-
the life of Discover and employ ing nonverbal communication,
famous people. alternative ways of and apply them in
saying things in social appropriate language appropriate contexts. (I.3,
and classroom use during class, group I.4, S.1, S.2)
interactions. and pair discussions.
(Example: correct CE.EFL.5.4.
EFL 5.2.5 intonation, natural Communicate effectively
Understand the main pace, using modals to using a variety of media and
idea of radio and audio show politeness, etc.) formats, including ICT, by
recordings on subjects saying things in alternative
of personal interest, Practicing the use of ways and applying self-
provided speech is expressions of correcting and self-
clear. politeness during monitoring strategies when
collaborative pair and needed.
EFL 5.3.3 small group work.
Determine the main I.EFL.5.4.1.
conclusion in texts Writing a short Learners can communicate
which clearly argue a conversation and effectively using a variety
point of view in order including an of media and formats,
to make informed appropriate idiom.
including ICT, by saying
decisions about one’s
Participating in short things in alternative ways
own opinion and
reaction to the text. dialogues and role and applying self-correcting
plays to practice and self-monitoring
EFL 5.3.5 target language. (Exa- strategies when needed.
Assess, compare and mple: thanking others, (I.1, I.3, J.4)
evaluate the quality of apologizing, asking for
help, greeting
written texts and vi- CE.EFL.5.5.
authorities, etc.)
sual presentations Listening for Meaning:
using different Identify the main idea in a
Practicing the language
criteria and ICT tools variety of audio recordings
needed to deal with a
(e.g., interviews, radio
related to the need through a mini
ads, news reports, etc.) and
organization, subject role play.
deduce the meanings of
area and purpose of a unfamiliar phrases and words
Paraphrasing an idea
text. (Examples of text in familiar contexts,
when a peer asks for
types: editorials, provided speech is clear and
letters to the editor, visuals help support
political speeches, Using a definition or
illustrations, charts, example to explain a
advertisements, etc.) concept or word that
Learners can identify the
one does not yet have
main idea in a variety of
the exact language for.
EFL 5.4.4 audio recordings (e.g.,
Select and make interviews, radio ads, news
Completing group work
effective use of a reports, etc.) and deduce
range of digital tools in a fair and honest the meanings of unfamiliar
to write, edit, revise manner and accepting phrases and words in
and publish written the group’s decisions. familiar contexts where
work in a way that speech is clear and visuals
supports collaboration, Oral Communication: help support meaning. (I.3,
learning and (Listening and I.4)
productivity. (Example:
image editing, CE.EFL.5.10.
GoogleDrive, Find specific information
infographic makers, Using pictures and and identify the main points
audio and video other visuals to in simple, straightforward
editing, presentation predict the main idea texts on subjects of
apps, etc.) of a short personal interest or
conversation. familiar academic topics
EFL 5.5.4 while making informed
Read aloud with Listening to a short decisions about one’s own
confidence, accuracy, conversation between reaction to the text.
fluency and expression two speakers and
to demonstrate deciding who is spea- I.EFL. 5.10.1.
understanding and to king, where they are Learners can find specific
convey an and how they feel. information and identify the
interpretation of (Example: two siblings, main points in simple,
meaning. at home, talking about straightforward texts on
household chores, etc.) subjects of personal
EFL 5.5.9 interest or familiar
Engage in collaborative Listening for specific academic topics while making
activities through a words in a conversation informed decisions about
variety of student and trying to guess the one’s own reaction to the
groupings to share, meaning from the text. (I.1, I.2, S.2)
reflect on, express and context. (Example:
interpret opinions and understanding that
evaluations of a range That’s too bad is an
Engage with a variety of
of literary texts. expression that means
digital and print texts and
(Example: small groups, I’m sorry, etc.)
resources by evaluating and
cooperative learning detecting complexities and
groups, literature Reading discrepancies in the
circles, process information in order to find
writing groups, etc.) Reading a short text the most appropriate sources
and showing to support an idea or
comprehension by argument.
completing the
accompanying graphic I.EFL.5.12.1.
organizer. (Example: Learners can engage with a
learners read about variety of digital and print
archeological ruins and texts and resources by
complete a Venn
evaluating and detecting
diagram, etc.)
complexities and
Reading a text on a discrepancies in the
familiar content area information in order to find
subject and answering the most appropriate sources
information questions. to support an idea or
(Example: learners read argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3)
about foodborne
illnesses and then
write three ways to CE.EFL.5.14.
prevent them, etc.) Identify, critically
evaluate and recommend a
Identifying unreliable variety of potential
resources on the resources and references,
Internet. including digital tools,
that support collaboration
Using a rubric to and productivity, for
evaluate a print or educational and academic
online resource. use.
Creating literature
circles where learners
have the freedom to say
anything they want
about a text from class
or outside of class.
Participating in
classroom games in
which problem-solving
as a team is important.
4 Imagine You will learn how to EFL 5.1.7 Communication and CE.EFL.5.3. 6
That Interpret and Cultural Awareness Interpret cultural and
talk about changes demonstrate knowledge language patterns in
over time. of nonverbal and oral Participating in short English, including nonverbal
communication features role plays using a communication, and apply
share experiences and by applying them in range of verbal and them in appropriate
accomplishments. appropriate contexts. nonverbal communica- contexts.
(Example: use of tion.
stress, intonation, I.EFL.5.3.1.
discuss traditions. pace, etc.) Listening to a dialogue Learners can interpret
and identifying cultural and language
EFL 5.1.8 examples of humor. patterns in English, includ-
Discover and employ ing nonverbal communication,
alternative ways of Demonstrating and apply them in
saying things in social appropriate language appropriate contexts. (I.3,
and classroom use during class, group I.4, S.1, S.2)
interactions. and pair discussions.
(Example: correct CE.EFL.5.4.
EFL 5.2.2 intonation, natural Communicate effectively
Identify the main idea pace, using modals to using a variety of media and
and some details of show politeness, etc.) formats, including ICT, by
recorded news reports, saying things in alternative
documentaries and Practicing the use of ways and applying self-
interviews reporting on expressions of correcting and self-
seasonal festivities, politeness during monitoring strategies when
environmental issues, collaborative pair and needed.
food and international small group work.
customs, climate, I.EFL.5.4.1.
weather, etc., where Writing a short Learners can communicate
the visuals support the conversation and effectively using a variety
commentary. including an of media and formats,
appropriate idiom.
including ICT, by saying
EFL 5.3.3 things in alternative ways
Determine the main Participating in short
dialogues and role and applying self-correcting
conclusion in texts
which clearly argue a plays to practice and self-monitoring
point of view in order target language. (Exa- strategies when needed.
to make informed mple: thanking others, (I.1, I.3, J.4)
decisions about one’s apologizing, asking for
own opinion and help, greeting
reaction to the text. authorities, etc.)
Listening for Meaning:
Identify the main idea in a
EFL 5.3.5 Practicing the language
variety of audio recordings
Assess, compare and needed to deal with a
(e.g., interviews, radio
evaluate the quality of need through a mini
ads, news reports, etc.) and
written texts and vi- role play.
deduce the meanings of
sual presentations unfamiliar phrases and words
using different Paraphrasing an idea
in familiar contexts,
criteria and ICT tools when a peer asks for
provided speech is clear and
related to the clarification.
visuals help support
organization, subject meaning.
area and purpose of a Using a definition or
text. (Examples of text example to explain a
types: editorials, concept or word that
Learners can identify the
letters to the editor, one does not yet have main idea in a variety of
political speeches, the exact language for. audio recordings (e.g.,
illustrations, charts, interviews, radio ads, news
advertisements, etc.) Completing group work
reports, etc.) and deduce
in a fair and honest
EFL 5.4.1 manner and accepting the meanings of unfamiliar
Critically evaluate the group’s decisions. phrases and words in
information from familiar contexts where
references, including Oral Communication: speech is clear and visuals
those found on the web, (Listening and help support meaning. (I.3,
and recommend print and I.4)
digital sources to
other learners.
Using pictures and CE.EFL.5.10.
other visuals to Find specific information
EFL 5.5.4
predict the main idea and identify the main points
Read aloud with
of a short in simple, straightforward
confidence, accuracy,
conversation. texts on subjects of
fluency and expression
personal interest or
to demonstrate
Listening to a short familiar academic topics
understanding and to
conversation between while making informed
convey an
two speakers and decisions about one’s own
interpretation of
deciding who is spea- reaction to the text.
king, where they are
and how they feel. I.EFL. 5.10.1.
EFL 5.5.9
(Example: two siblings, Learners can find specific
Engage in collaborative
at home, talking about information and identify the
activities through a
household chores, etc.) main points in simple,
variety of student
straightforward texts on
groupings to share,
Listening for specific subjects of personal
reflect on, express and
words in a conversation interest or familiar
interpret opinions and
and trying to guess the academic topics while making
evaluations of a range
meaning from the informed decisions about
of literary texts.
context. (Example: one’s own reaction to the
(Example: small groups,
understanding that text. (I.1, I.2, S.2)
cooperative learning
groups, literature That’s too bad is an
circles, process expression that means CE.EFL.5.12.
writing groups, etc.) I’m sorry, etc.) Engage with a variety of
digital and print texts and
Reading resources by evaluating and
detecting complexities and
Reading a short text discrepancies in the
and showing information in order to find
comprehension by the most appropriate sources
completing the to support an idea or
accompanying graphic argument.
organizer. (Example:
learners read about I.EFL.5.12.1.
archeological ruins and Learners can engage with a
complete a Venn variety of digital and print
diagram, etc.) texts and resources by
evaluating and detecting
Reading a text on a complexities and
familiar content area
discrepancies in the
subject and answering
information questions. information in order to find
(Example: learners read the most appropriate sources
about foodborne to support an idea or
illnesses and then argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3)
write three ways to
prevent them, etc.) CE.EFL.5.14.
Identify, critically
Identifying unreliable evaluate and recommend a
resources on the variety of potential
Internet. resources and references,
including digital tools,
Using a rubric to that support collaboration
evaluate a print or and productivity, for
online resource. educational and academic
Using a rubric to
assess the validity of I.EFL.5.14.1.
a web site, according Learners can identify,
to one’s academic needs critically evaluate and
recommend a variety of po-
Writing tential resources and
references, including
Recommending a web site digital tools, that support
to another learner. collaboration and
productivity, for
Finding a variety of educational and academic
online references to use. (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)
practice a grammar
structure, then recom- CE.EFL.5.17.
mending the best one to Demonstrate and convey
the class. different levels of meaning
in literary texts by
Language through the identifying distinguishing
Arts features, interpreting
implicit and explicit
Reading a class messages and responding in a
dialogue in three variety of ways.
different ways.
(Example: reading it as I.EFL.5.17.1.
if you were angry, then Learners can demonstrate and
as if you were sad, and convey different levels of
then as if you were meaning in literary texts by
extremely bored, etc.) identifying distinguishing
features, interpreting
Appropriately implicit and explicit
exhibiting surprise, messages and responding in a
joy, sadness, etc., in variety of ways. (I.3, I.4,
a conversation. J.3)
5 In the You will learn how to EFL 5.1.7 Communication and CE.EFL.5.3. 6
News Interpret and Cultural Awareness Interpret cultural and
check for demonstrate knowledge language patterns in
information. of nonverbal and oral Participating in short English, including nonverbal
communication features role plays using a communication, and apply
ask for agreement. by applying them in range of verbal and them in appropriate
appropriate contexts. nonverbal communica- contexts.
(Example: use of tion.
report what someone
stress, intonation, I.EFL.5.3.1.
has said. pace, etc.) Listening to a dialogue Learners can interpret
and identifying cultural and language
EFL 5.1.8 examples of humor. patterns in English, includ-
Discover and employ ing nonverbal communication,
alternative ways of Demonstrating and apply them in
saying things in social appropriate language appropriate contexts. (I.3,
and classroom use during class, group I.4, S.1, S.2)
interactions. and pair discussions.
(Example: correct CE.EFL.5.4.
EFL 5.2.13 intonation, natural Communicate effectively
Deal with practical, pace, using modals to using a variety of media and
everyday communication show politeness, etc.) formats, including ICT, by
demands within familiar saying things in alternative
contexts, effectively Practicing the use of ways and applying self-
and without undue expressions of correcting and self-
effort. (Example: politeness during monitoring strategies when
meeting people, collaborative pair and needed.
extending and accepting small group work.
invitations, exchanging I.EFL.5.4.1.
information, giving Writing a short Learners can communicate
reasons, asking and conversation and effectively using a variety
answering questions including an of media and formats,
about routines and appropriate idiom.
including ICT, by saying
preferences, etc.)
Participating in short things in alternative ways
EFL 5.3.3 dialogues and role and applying self-correcting
Determine the main plays to practice and self-monitoring
conclusion in texts target language. (Exa- strategies when needed.
which clearly argue a mple: thanking others, (I.1, I.3, J.4)
point of view in order apologizing, asking for
to make informed help, greeting
decisions about one’s authorities, etc.)
Listening for Information:
own opinion and Deal with practical,
reaction to the text. Practicing the language
everyday communication
needed to deal with a
demands in familiar social
EFL 5.3.5 need through a mini
and academic contexts,
Assess, compare and role play.
including following
evaluate the quality of directions in class
written texts and vi- Paraphrasing an idea
activities and identifying
sual presentations when a peer asks for
main ideas in other
using different clarification.
curricular subjects when
criteria and ICT tools given sufficient support.
related to the Using a definition or
organization, subject example to explain a
area and purpose of a concept or word that
Learners can deal with prac-
text. (Examples of text one does not yet have
tical, everyday
types: editorials, the exact language for.
communication demands in
letters to the editor, familiar social and academic
political speeches, Completing group work
contexts, such as following
illustrations, charts, in a fair and honest
directions in class
advertisements, etc.) manner and accepting
activities and identifying
the group’s decisions.
main ideas in other
EFL 5.4.1 curricular subjects when
Critically evaluate Oral Communication: given sufficient support.
information from (Listening and (I.1, I.3, S.1)
references, including Speaking)
those found on the web, CE.EFL.5.10.
and recommend print and Listening to a set of Find specific information
digital sources to instructions and and identify the main points
other learners. putting them in order. in simple, straightforward
texts on subjects of
EFL 5.5.4 Listening to and personal interest or
Read aloud with following class familiar academic topics
confidence, accuracy, commands. while making informed
fluency and expression decisions about one’s own
to demonstrate Listening to reaction to the text.
understanding and to instructions for a
convey an short project and I.EFL. 5.10.1.
interpretation of carrying them out. Learners can find specific
meaning. (Example: First cut a information and identify the
piece off of a wooden main points in simple,
EFL 5.5.9 pole. Next smooth the straightforward texts on
Engage in collaborative edges. Then draw a subjects of personal
activities through a simple picture on a interest or familiar
variety of student piece of foam. Cut the academic topics while making
groupings to share, picture out of the foam informed decisions about
reflect on, express and and glue it to the one’s own reaction to the
interpret opinions and bottom of the wood. text. (I.1, I.2, S.2)
evaluations of a range Stamp the image, etc.)
of literary texts. CE.EFL.5.12.
(Example: small groups, Reading Engage with a variety of
cooperative learning digital and print texts and
groups, literature resources by evaluating and
circles, process Reading a short text detecting complexities and
writing groups, etc.) and showing discrepancies in the
comprehension by information in order to find
completing the the most appropriate sources
accompanying graphic to support an idea or
organizer. (Example: argument.
learners read about
archeological ruins and I.EFL.5.12.1.
complete a Venn Learners can engage with a
diagram, etc.)
variety of digital and print
texts and resources by
Reading a text on a evaluating and detecting
familiar content area complexities and
subject and answering
discrepancies in the
information questions.
(Example: learners read information in order to find
about foodborne the most appropriate sources
illnesses and then to support an idea or
write three ways to argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3)
prevent them, etc.)
Identifying unreliable Identify, critically
resources on the evaluate and recommend a
Internet. variety of potential
resources and references,
Using a rubric to including digital tools,
evaluate a print or that support collaboration
online resource. and productivity, for
educational and academic
Using a rubric to use.
assess the validity of
a web site, according I.EFL.5.14.1.
to one’s academic needs Learners can identify,
critically evaluate and
Writing recommend a variety of po-
tential resources and
Recommending a web site references, including
to another learner. digital tools, that support
collaboration and
Finding a variety of productivity, for
online references to educational and academic
practice a grammar use. (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)
structure, then recom-
mending the best one to CE.EFL.5.17.
the class. Demonstrate and convey
different levels of meaning
Language through the in literary texts by
Arts identifying distinguishing
features, interpreting
Reading a class implicit and explicit
dialogue in three messages and responding in a
different ways. variety of ways.
(Example: reading it as
if you were angry, then I.EFL.5.17.1.
as if you were sad, and Learners can demonstrate and
then as if you were convey different levels of
extremely bored, etc.) meaning in literary texts by
identifying distinguishing
Appropriately features, interpreting
exhibiting surprise, implicit and explicit
joy, sadness, etc., in messages and responding in a
a conversation. variety of ways. (I.3, I.4,
Brainstorming features
and conventions of a CE.EFL.5.19.
genre and then reading Engage in collaborative
an activities through a variety
of student groupings in
Discussing rules and order to solve problems and
norms for a group reflect on literary texts,
project before the and produce criteria for
project begins. evaluating the effectiveness
(Example: Don’t of the group.
interrupt others, Do
your work on time, I.EFL.5.19.1.
Don’t make negative Learners can engage in
remarks, etc.) collaborative activities
through a variety of student
Creating literature
groupings in order to solve
circles where learners
have the freedom to say problems and reflect on
anything they want literary texts, and produce
about a text from class criteria for evaluating the
or outside of class. effectiveness of the group.
(I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4,
Participating in J.3, J.4)
classroom games in
which problem-solving
as a team is important.
6 Going You will learn how to EFL 5.1.7 Communication and CE.EFL.5.3. 6
Black in Interpret and Cultural Awareness Interpret cultural and
Time talk about what you demonstrate knowledge language patterns in
will of nonverbal and oral Participating in short English, including nonverbal
normally do in real- communication features role plays using a communication, and apply
life by applying them in range of verbal and them in appropriate
situations. appropriate contexts. nonverbal communica- contexts.
(Example: use of tion.
talk about what you stress, intonation, I.EFL.5.3.1.
pace, etc.) Listening to a dialogue Learners can interpret
and identifying cultural and language
generally do in
EFL 5.1.8 examples of humor. patterns in English, includ-
unreal Discover and employ ing nonverbal communication,
situations. alternative ways of and apply them in
saying things in social appropriate language appropriate contexts. (I.3,
express regrets and and classroom use during class, group I.4, S.1, S.2)
wishes. interactions. and pair discussions.
(Example: correct CE.EFL.5.4.
EFL 5.2.13 intonation, natural Communicate effectively
Deal with practical, pace, using modals to using a variety of media and
everyday communication show politeness, etc.) formats, including ICT, by
demands within familiar saying things in alternative
contexts, effectively Practicing the use of ways and applying self-
and without undue expressions of correcting and self-
effort. (Example: politeness during monitoring strategies when
meeting people, collaborative pair and needed.
extending and accepting small group work.
invitations, exchanging I.EFL.5.4.1.
information, giving Writing a short Learners can communicate
reasons, asking and conversation and effectively using a variety
answering questions including an of media and formats,
about routines and appropriate idiom. including ICT, by saying
preferences, etc.)
things in alternative ways
Participating in short
dialogues and role and applying self-correcting
EFL 5.3.3
Determine the main plays to practice and self-monitoring
conclusion in texts target language. (Exa- strategies when needed.
which clearly argue a mple: thanking others, (I.1, I.3, J.4)
point of view in order apologizing, asking for
to make informed help, greeting
decisions about one’s authorities, etc.)
Listening for Information:
own opinion and
Deal with practical,
reaction to the text. Practicing the language
everyday communication
needed to deal with a
demands in familiar social
EFL 5.3.5 need through a mini
and academic contexts,
Assess, compare and role play.
including following
evaluate the quality of directions in class
written texts and vi- Paraphrasing an idea
activities and identifying
when a peer asks for
sual presentations main ideas in other
using different curricular subjects when
criteria and ICT tools given sufficient support.
Using a definition or
related to the example to explain a
organization, subject concept or word that
Learners can deal with prac-
area and purpose of a one does not yet have
the exact language for. tical, everyday
text. (Examples of text communication demands in
types: editorials, familiar social and academic
Completing group work
letters to the editor, in a fair and honest contexts, such as following
political speeches, manner and accepting directions in class
illustrations, charts, the group’s decisions. activities and identifying
advertisements, etc.) main ideas in other
Oral Communication:
curricular subjects when
EFL 5.4.1 (Listening and
given sufficient support.
Critically evaluate Speaking)
(I.1, I.3, S.1)
information from
references, including Listening to a set of
those found on the web, instructions and
Find specific information
and recommend print and putting them in order.
and identify the main points
digital sources to in simple, straightforward
Listening to and
other learners. texts on subjects of
following class
personal interest or
EFL 5.5.4 familiar academic topics
Read aloud with while making informed
Listening to
confidence, accuracy, instructions for a decisions about one’s own
fluency and expression short project and reaction to the text.
to demonstrate carrying them out.
understanding and to (Example: First cut a I.EFL. 5.10.1.
convey an piece off of a wooden Learners can find specific
interpretation of pole. Next smooth the information and identify the
meaning. edges. Then draw a main points in simple,
simple picture on a straightforward texts on
EFL 5.5.9 piece of foam. Cut the subjects of personal
Engage in collaborative picture out of the foam interest or familiar
activities through a and glue it to the academic topics while making
variety of student bottom of the wood. informed decisions about
groupings to share, Stamp the image, etc.) one’s own reaction to the
reflect on, express and text. (I.1, I.2, S.2)
interpret opinions and Reading
evaluations of a range CE.EFL.5.12.
of literary texts. Engage with a variety of
Reading a short text
(Example: small groups, digital and print texts and
and showing
cooperative learning resources by evaluating and
comprehension by
groups, literature detecting complexities and
completing the
circles, process discrepancies in the
accompanying graphic
writing groups, etc.) information in order to find
organizer. (Example:
learners read about the most appropriate sources
archeological ruins and to support an idea or
complete a Venn argument.
diagram, etc.)
Reading a text on a Learners can engage with a
familiar content area variety of digital and print
subject and answering texts and resources by
information questions. evaluating and detecting
(Example: learners read complexities and
about foodborne
discrepancies in the
illnesses and then
write three ways to information in order to find
prevent them, etc.) the most appropriate sources
to support an idea or
Identifying unreliable argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3)
resources on the
Internet. CE.EFL.5.14.
Identify, critically
Using a rubric to evaluate and recommend a
evaluate a print or variety of potential
online resource. resources and references,
including digital tools,
Using a rubric to that support collaboration
assess the validity of and productivity, for
a web site, according educational and academic
to one’s academic needs use.
Writing I.EFL.5.14.1.
Learners can identify,
critically evaluate and
Recommending a web site
recommend a variety of po-
to another learner.
tential resources and
references, including
Finding a variety of
digital tools, that support
online references to
collaboration and
practice a grammar
productivity, for
structure, then recom-
educational and academic
mending the best one to
use. (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)
the class.
Language through the
Demonstrate and convey
different levels of meaning
in literary texts by
Reading a class identifying distinguishing
dialogue in three features, interpreting
different ways. implicit and explicit
(Example: reading it as messages and responding in a
if you were angry, then variety of ways.
as if you were sad, and
then as if you were I.EFL.5.17.1.
extremely bored, etc.) Learners can demonstrate and
convey different levels of
Appropriately meaning in literary texts by
exhibiting surprise, identifying distinguishing
joy, sadness, etc., in features, interpreting
a conversation.
implicit and explicit
Brainstorming features messages and responding in a
and conventions of a variety of ways. (I.3, I.4,
genre and then reading J.3)
Discussing rules and Engage in collaborative
norms for a group activities through a variety
project before the of student groupings in
project begins. order to solve problems and
(Example: Don’t reflect on literary texts,
interrupt others, Do and produce criteria for
your work on time, evaluating the effectiveness
Don’t make negative of the group.
remarks, etc.)
Creating literature Learners can engage in
circles where learners collaborative activities
have the freedom to say through a variety of student
anything they want
groupings in order to solve
about a text from class
or outside of class. problems and reflect on
literary texts, and produce
Participating in criteria for evaluating the
classroom games in effectiveness of the group.
which problem-solving (I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4,
as a team is important. J.3, J.4)