Diability Tax Claim Form
Diability Tax Claim Form
Diability Tax Claim Form
Protected B
when completed
Disability Tax Credit Certificate
Use this form to apply for the disability tax credit (DTC). Being eligible for this credit may reduce your income tax and open the door to other
programs. For more information, go to www.cra.gc.ca/dtc.
Step 1: Complete only the sections of Part A that apply to you. Remember to sign this form.
Step 2: Ask a medical practitioner to complete and certify Part B.
Step 3: Send us the completed and signed form.
For more information, see the General information on page 6. For definitions, examples of impairments that may qualify for the DTC,
and a self-assessment questionnaire, see Guide RC4064, Disability-Related Information.
The person with the disability is: my spouse/common-law partner my dependant (specify):
Answer the following questions for all of the years that you are claiming the disability amount for the person with the disability.
1. Does the person with the disability live with you? Yes No
Give details about the regular and consistent support you provide for food, shelter or clothing to the person with the disability (if you need
more space, attach a separate sheet of paper). We may ask you to provide receipts or other documents to support your request for
the transfer of the disability amount.
Section 4 – Authorization
As the person with the disability or their legal representative, I authorize the medical practitioner having relevant clinical records to provide
or discuss the information contained in those records or on this certificate with the CRA for the purpose of determining eligibility for the
disability tax credit or other related programs.
T2201 E (15) (Vous pouvez obtenir ce formulaire en français à www.arc.gc.ca/formulaires ou en composant le 1-800-959-7383.)
Clear Data Help
Protected B
Patient's name: when completed
If yes, when did your patient become blind (this is not necessarily the year of the diagnosis, as it is often the Year
case with progressive diseases)?
Right eye Left eye
2. What is your patient's visual acuity after correction?
If yes, when did your patient's restriction in speaking become a marked restriction (this is not necessarily Year
the year of the diagnosis, as it is often the case with progressive diseases)?
If yes, when did your patient's restriction in hearing become a marked restriction (this is not necessarily Year
the year of the diagnosis, as it is often the case with progressive diseases)?
If yes, when did your patient's restriction in walking become a marked restriction (this is not necessarily the year Year
of the diagnosis, as it is often the case with progressive diseases)?
Clear Data Help
Protected B
when completed
Patient's name:
If yes, when did your patient's restriction in eliminating become a marked restriction (this is not necessarily Year
the year of the diagnosis, as it is often the case with progressive diseases)?
If yes, when did your patient's restriction in feeding become a marked restriction (this is not necessarily Year
the year of the diagnosis, as it is often the case with progressive diseases)?
If yes, when did your patient's restriction in dressing become a marked restriction (this is not necessarily Year
the year of the diagnosis, as it is often the case with progressive diseases)?
Clear Data Help
Protected B
when completed
Patient's name:
2. Does your patient need this therapy at least 3 times per week? Yes No
3. Does this therapy take an average of at least 14 hours per week? Yes No
If yes, when did your patient's therapy begin to meet the above criteria (this is not necessarily the year of Year
the diagnosis, as it is often the case with progressive diseases)?
It is mandatory that you describe how the therapy meets the criteria as stated above. If you need more space, attach a separate sheet
of paper.
eliminating (bowel or bladder functions) feeding dressing mental functions necessary for everyday life
You cannot include the time spent on life-sustaining therapy.
2. Do these significant restrictions exist together, all or substantially all of the time (at least 90% of the time)? Yes No
3. Is the cumulative effect of these significant restrictions equivalent to being markedly restricted in one basic
activity of daily living? Yes No
4. When did the cumulative effect described above begin (this is not necessarily the year of the diagnosis, as it is Year
often the case with progressive diseases)?
Clear Data Help
Protected B
Patient's name: when completed
Duration – Mandatory
Has your patient's impairment lasted, or is it expected to last, for a continuous period of at least
12 months? For deceased patients, was the impairment expected to last for a continuous period Yes No
of at least 12 months?
If yes, has the impairment improved, or is it likely to improve, to such an extent that the patient
would no longer be blind, markedly restricted, in need of life-sustaining therapy, or have Unsure Yes No
the equivalent of a marked restriction due to the cumulative effect of significant restrictions?
If yes, enter the year that the improvement occurred or may be expected to occur.
Clear Data Help
Protected B
Patient's name: when completed
Certification – Mandatory
1. For which year(s) have you been the attending medical practitioner for your patient?
2. Do you have medical information on file supporting the restriction(s) for all the year(s) you certified
on this form? Yes No